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Pseudomonas putida mt-2, harbouring the TOL plasmid pWW0, was grown in chemostat culture under succinate-, sulphate-, ammonium- or phosphate-limitation at different dilution rates. The fraction of mutant cells lacking the plasmid-encoded enzymes for the degradation of toluene and xylene (TOL- cells), was determined. Genetic analysis revealed that all TOL- cells isolated harboured partially deleted plasmids, lacking the TOL catabolic genes. The growth-rate advantage of the TOL- cells was quantified from the kinetics of their increase as a fraction of the total population. At a dilution rate of 0.1 h-1 no growth-rate advantage of TOL- cells was found when phosphate or ammonium were limiting. Under sulphate-limitation, ingrowth of TOL- cells was evident but did not follow a straightforward pattern. Under succinate-limitation the growth-rate advantage was the highest, particularly at low dilution rates (about 50% at D = 0.05 h-1). In phauxostat culture, at the maximal growth rate, the growth-rate advantage of TOL- cells was less than 1%. The specific activity in TOL+ cells of the plasmid-encoded enzyme catechol 2,3-dioxygenase was relatively high at a low growth rate.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida mt-2(pWWO) exhibited a carbon starvation response in the presence of toluene, a utilizable carbon source. When growth-supporting (4-mg/liter), inhibitory (130-mg/liter), and lethal (267-mg/ liter) levels of toluene were provided as the sole carbon source, P. putida responded by rapidly inhibiting protein synthesis and by producing 26 new proteins, 22 of which overlapped with those induced by carbon starvation. P. putida produced the same proteins when cultures were starved by depleting their carbon source or were downshifted into a carbon-free medium. Carbon supplementation of toluene-exposed cells suppressed the production of the toluene-induced proteins. The level of toluene provided as the sole carbon source influenced the length of time that this response was observed. Following 1.5 to 3 h in a basal salts medium with 4 mg of toluene per liter, protein synthesis increased, the production of the majority of the toluene-induced proteins ceased, and the cells began to grow. In cells provided with 130 mg of toluene per liter, protein synthesis remained inhibited over a 6.5-h experimental period. At this concentration, the production of 15 toluene-induced proteins was prolonged, with nine still detectable in the profiles at 6.5 h. In cells provided with 267 mg of toluene per liter, there was a rapid loss of viability and the toluene-induced proteins were detected prior to death. In cells provided with 4 mg of toluene per liter, the carbon starvation response is transient and likely reflects a period of induction and/or adaptation prior to growth on toluene. At the toluene concentrations which inhibit growth, P. putida exhibits a prolonged starvation response despite the presence of an excess of a utilizable carbon source.  相似文献   

Summary A cleavage map of the TOL plasmid pWWO has been determined for the restriction endonucleases HindIII and XhoI. A number of techniques were employed including (i) digestion of purified cleavage products with a second enzyme; (ii) hybridisation of purified XhoI fragments to Southern blots of HindIII digest products and (iii) analysis of a number of deletion mutants.  相似文献   

Complete sequence of the IncP-9 TOL plasmid pWW0 from Pseudomonas putida   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The TOL plasmid pWW0 (117 kb) is the best studied catabolic plasmid and the archetype of the IncP-9 plasmid incompatibility group from Pseudomonas. It carries the degradative (xyl) genes for toluenes and xylenes within catabolic transposons Tn4651 and Tn4653. Analysis of the complete pWW0 nucleotide sequence revealed 148 putative open reading frames. Of these, 77 showed similarity to published sequences in the available databases predicting functions for: plasmid replication, stable maintenance and transfer; phenotypic determinants; gene regulation and expression; and transposition. All identifiable transposition functions lay within the boundaries of the 70 kb transposon Tn4653, leaving a 46 kb sector containing all the IncP-9 core functions. The replicon and stable inheritance region was very similar to the mini-replicon from IncP-9 antibiotic resistance plasmid pM3, with their Rep proteins forming a novel group of initiation proteins. pWW0 transfer functions exist as two blocks encoding putative DNA processing and mating pair formation genes, with organizational and sequence similarity to IncW plasmids. In addition to the known Tn4651 and IS1246 elements, two additional transposable elements were identified as well as several putative transposition functions, which are probably genetic remnants from previous transposition events. Genes likely to be responsible for known resistance to ultraviolet light and free radicals were identified. Other putative phenotypic functions identified included resistance to mercury and other metal ions, as well as to quaternary ammonium compounds. The complexity and size of pWW0 is largely the result of the mosaic organization of the transposable elements that it carries, rather than the backbone functions of IncP-9 plasmids.  相似文献   

Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase encoded by TOL plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida consists of four identical subunits, each containing one ferrous ion. The enzyme catalyzes ring cleavage of catechol, 3-methylcatechol, and 4-methylcatechol but shows only weak activity toward 4-ethylcatechol. Two mutants of catechol 2,3-dioxygenases (4ECR1 and 4ECR6) able to oxidize 4-ethylcatechol, one mutant (3MCS) which exhibits only weak activity toward 3-methylcatechol but retained the ability to cleave catechol and 4-methylcatechol, and one phenotypic revertant of 3MCS (3MCR) which had regained the ability to oxidize 3-methylcatechol were characterized by determining their Km and partition ratio (the ratio of productive catalysis to suicide catalysis). The amino acid substitutions in the four mutant enzymes were also identified by sequencing their structural genes. Wild-type catechol 2,3-dioxygenase was inactivated during the catalysis of 4-ethylcatechol and thus had a low partition ratio for this substrate, whereas the two mutant enzymes, 4ECR1 and 4ECR6, had higher partition ratios for it. Similarly, mutant enzyme 3MCS had a lower partition ratio for 3-methylcatechol than that of 3MCR. Molecular oxygen was required for the inactivation of the wild-type enzyme by 4-ethylcatechol and of 3MCS by 3-methylcatechol, and the inactivated enzymes could be reactivated by incubation with FeSO4 plus ascorbic acid. The enzyme inactivation is thus most likely mechanism based and occurred principally by oxidation and/or removal of the ferrous ion in the catalytic center. In general, partition ratios for catechols lower than 18,000 did not support bacterial growth. A possible meaning of the critical value of the partition ratio is discussed.  相似文献   

Plasmids in conjunction with other mobile elements such as transposons are major players in the genetic adaptation of bacteria in response to changes in environment. Here we show that a large catabolic TOL plasmid, pWW0, from Pseudomonas putida carries genes (rulAB genes) encoding an error-prone DNA polymerase Pol V homologue which increase the survival of bacteria under conditions of accumulation of DNA damage. A study of population dynamics in stationary phase revealed that the presence of pWW0-derived rulAB genes in the bacterial genome allows the expression of a strong growth advantage in stationary phase (GASP) phenotype of P. putida. When rulAB-carrying cells from an 8-day-old culture were mixed with Pol V-negative cells from a 1-day-old culture, cells derived from the aged culture out-competed cells from the nonaged culture and overtook the whole culture. At the same time, bacteria from an aged culture lacking the rulAB genes were only partially able to out-compete cells from a fresh overnight culture of the parental P. putida strain. Thus, in addition to conferring resistance to DNA damage, the plasmid-encoded Pol V genes significantly increase the evolutionary fitness of bacteria during prolonged nutritional starvation of a P. putida population. The results of our study indicate that RecA is involved in the control of expression of the pWW0-encoded Pol V.  相似文献   

A 3,372-bp insertion sequence, ISPpu12, has been identified on the archetypal toluene-xylene TOL catabolic plasmid pWW0 from Pseudomonas putida mt-2. The insertion sequence element is located on the plasmid between bases 84397 and 87768 in a region which also contains the termini and transposase genes of the catabolic transposons Tn4651 and Tn4653 (A. Greated, L. Lambertson, P. A. Williams, and C. M. Thomas, Environ. Microbiol., in press). ISPpu12 has terminal inverted repeats of 24 bp with three mismatches and contains four open reading frames, a tnpA homologue and three open reading frames (lspA, orf1, and orf2) of undetermined function. After insertion in vitro of a Km(r) cassette into ISPpu12 either in the intergenic region between orf1 and orf2 or directly into the orf1 gene and ligation into a suicide vector, the modified ISPpu12-Km transposes at high frequency, often in multiple copies, into the chromosome of a P. putida recipient. Inactivation of lspA, orf1, and orf2 by introducing a 7-bp deletion into the 5' region of each gene had no major effect upon transposition, but a similar mutation of tnpA completely eliminated transposition. Analysis of the literature and of strains derived from the chlorobenzoate-degrading Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 suggests that the promiscuity of this element has played an important role in the history of plasmid pWW0. Database comparisons and the accompanying paper (A. J. Weightman, A. W. Topping, K. E. Hill, L. L. Lee, K. Sakai, J. H. Slater, and A. W. Thomas, J. Bacteriol. 184:6581-6591, 2002) show that ISPpu12 is a transposable element also found in other bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Toluate 1,2-dioxygenase is the first enzyme of a meta-cleavage pathway for the oxidative catabolism of benzoate and substituted benzoates to Krebs cycle intermediates that is specified by TOL plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida. A collection of derivatives harbouring Tn1000 insertions and defective in toluate dioxygenase have been isolated from pPL392, a pBR322-based hybrid plasmid carrying the TOL plasmid meta-cleavage pathway operon. In parallel, a series of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced mutant plasmids defective in this enzyme activity were isolated from pNM72, a pKT231-based hybrid plasmid carrying the same operon. Pairs of mutant plasmids, consisting of one Tn1000 derivative and one nitrosoguanidine-induced derivative, were used for complementation analysis of toluate dioxygenase in Escherichia coli recA bacteria, in which the formation of 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde from benzoate was examined. Four cistrons for toluate 1,2-dioxygenase were thus identified. DNA fragments containing nitrosoguanidine-induced mutant cistrons plus the other meta-cleavage operon genes were cloned into pOT5, an R388-based vector, and complementation tests between different nitrosoguanidine-induced mutant cistrons were carried out in Pseudomonas putida cells, this time scoring for growth on p-toluate. This analysis also identified four cistrons. Examination of the products of these cistrons, by means of E. coli minicells containing pPL392 or its Tn1000 insertion derivatives, indicated that the first two cistrons of the operon comprise a single gene, xylX, which encodes a 57 kilodalton protein, and that the third cistron, xy/Y, encodes a 20 kilodalton protein.  相似文献   

Hybrid plasmids containing the regulated meta-cleavage pathway operon of TOL plasmid pWWO were mutagenized with transposon Tn1000 or Tn5. The resulting insertion mutant plasmids were examined for their ability to express eight of the catabolic enzymes in Escherichia coli. The physical locations of the insertions in each of 28 Tn1000 and 5 Tn5 derivative plasmids were determined by restriction endonuclease cleavage analysis. This information permitted the construction of a precise physical and genetic map of the meta-cleavage pathway operon. The gene order xylD (toluate dioxygenase), L (dihydroxycyclohexidiene carboxylate dehydrogenase), E (catechol 2,3-dioxygenase), G (hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase), F (hydroxymuconic semialdehyde hydrolase), J (2-oxopent-4-enoate hydratase), I (4-oxalocrotonate decarboxylase), and H (4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase) was established, and gene sizes were estimated. Tn1000 insertions within catabolic genes exerted polar effects on distal structural genes of the operon, but not on an adjacent regulatory gene xylS.  相似文献   

Summary Cleavage sites on the pWWO-8 plasmid were determined for the restriction endonucleases HindIII and XhoI. Terminal labelling using DNA polymerase I was particularly useful both for the characterisation of the smaller cleavage products and for confirmation of the order of fragments in the intact plasmid.  相似文献   

The hybrid pathway for chlorobenzoate metabolism was studied in WR211 and WR216, which were derived from Pseudomonas sp. B13 by acquisition of TOL plasmid pWW0 from Pseudomonas putida mt-2. Chlorobenzoates are utilized readily by these strains when meta cleavage of chlorocatechols is suppressed. When WR211 utilizes 3-chlorobenzoate (3CB), the expression of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O) and the catabolic activities for chloroaromatics via the ortho pathway coexist as a consequence of inactivation of the meta cleavage activity by 3-chlorocatechol. Utilization of 4-chlorobenzoate (4CB) by WR216 presupposes the suppression of C23O by a spontaneous mutation in the structural gene, so that 4-chlorocatechol is not misrouted into the meta pathway. Such C23O- mutants were also selected when WR211 was grown continuously on 3CB. Our data explain why the phenotypic characters 3CB+ and Mtol+ (m-toluate) are compatible, whereas 4CB+ and Mtol+ are incompatible.  相似文献   

WR211 and WR216 are derivatives of halobenzoate-degrading Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 into which the 117-kilobase TOL degradative plasmid pWW0 has been transferred from Pseudomonas putida mt-2. WR211 has lost the ability to grow on the TOL-specific substrate m-xylene but retains the ability to grow on its metabolite, m-toluate. An analysis of the induction of enzymes was consistent with WR211 carrying a nonfunctional regulatory gene, xy1R, WR216 is a spontaneous derivative of WR211 which grows on one of the TOL substrates and yet expresses the nonspecific toluate oxidase, which enables it to grow on the novel substrate 4-chlorobenzoate. In addition to the xy1R lesion inherited from WR211, WR216 appears to carry a mutation in the structural gene for catechol 2,3-oxygenase, xy1E. The plasmids in both strains were analyzed by restriction endonuclease digestion. pWW0-1211 in WR211 has a large deletion (39 kilobases) compared with pWW0 and appears to be identical to a previously described plasmid (pWW0-8) which encodes none of the TOL degradative functions. pWW0-1216 in WR216 has undergone a major structural reorganization relative to its parent, pWW0-1211. This plasmid has a smaller deletion (19 kilobases), which is staggered relative to the deletion in pWW0-1211, and in addition it has two 3-kilobase insertions of unknown origin, one of which appears to cause the xylE mutation.  相似文献   

TOL plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida encodes a set of enzymes responsible for the degradation of toluene. The structural genes for these catobolic enzymes are clustered into two operons—namely, the xylCMAB and xylXYZLTEGFJQKIH operons. We examined the codon usage patterns of these catabolic genes by measuring the codon-usage distances between pairs of these catabolic genes. The codon-usage distance, d, between gene 1 and gene 2 was defined as d = [(p j q j )2]1/2, where p j > and q j are the frequencies of the j-th codon in gene 1 and 2, respectively, j being any one of the 64 possible codons. We found that the genes in the same operon exhibit similar codon-usage patterns while genes in the different operons exhibit different codon bias. This observation suggests that genes in the same operon have coevolved, and that the ancestors of the xylCMAB and xylXYZLTEGFJQKIH operons evolved in different organisms. Correspondence to: S. Harayama  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida mt-2 carries a plasmid (TOL, pWWO) which codes for a single set of enzymes responsible for the catabolism of toluene and m- and p-xylene to central metabolites by way of benzoate and m- and p-toluate, respectively, and subsequently by a meta cleavage pathway. Characterization of strains with mutations in structural genes of this pathway demonstrates that the inducers of the enzymes responsible for further degradation of m-toluate include m-xylene, m-methylbenzyl alcohol, and m-toluate, whereas the inducers of the enzymes responsible for oxidation of m-xylene to m-toluate include m-xylene and m-methylbenzyl alcohol but not m-toluate. A regulatory mutant is described in which m-xylene and m-methylbenzyl alcohol no longer induce any of the pathway enzymes, but m-toluate is still able to induce the enzymes responsible for its own degradation. Among revertants of this mutant are some strains in which all the enzymes are expressed constitutively and are not further induced by m-xylene. A model is proposed for the regulation of the pathway in which the enzymes are in two regulatory blocks, which are under the control of two regulator gene products. The model is essentially the same as proposed earlier for the regulation of the isofunctional pathway on the TOL20 plasmid from P. putida MT20.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus, an autochthonous inhabitant of the estuarine environment, was detected in water and oysters from the Great Bay Estuary System of New Hampshire and Maine. Previously, it had not been detected north of Boston Harbor on the east coast of the United States. V. vulnificus was detected in water and shellfish samples at five out of ten sites, and only in areas that were not open to recreational shellfishing. Although samples were collected from May into December, V. vulnificus was only detected in shellfish in July and August. Water sampling began in August, and V. vulnificus persisted at one site into October.  相似文献   

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