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Thirty-three gal D–D or chloropicrin/acre (371 l/ha) injected during winter into well-drained, sandy soils controlled Longidorus attenuatus, Trichodorus spp. and other migratory root-parasitic nematodes and resulted in greatly increased yields of sugar beet for at least 3 years; 2 years of bare fallow was less effective than soil fumigation. Trichodorus spp. multiplied more on sugar beet than on barley, whereas L. attenuatus multiplied more on barley and clover than on sugar beet.  相似文献   

Longidorus elongatus attacks sugar beet on light sandy soils in the West Midlands. Severely damaged plants may die or recover, producing fanged roots. Up to 335 L. elongatus/200 g of soil were found around attacked seedling plants and were often visible to the unaided eye on the roots of freshly lifted plants. Five experiments were made and regressions computed of yield of beet, total numbers of plants and numbers of normal and fanged beet on L. elongatus numbers. Between 24% and 50% of roots per 100 L. elongatus/ 200 g were killed or became fanged. Corresponding figures for loss of plant were between 7.5% and 33%. Estimated loss of yield varied between 0.8 and 7.3 tons (2.0–18.3 t/ha)/acre/100 L. elongatus/200 g, the former where the potential yield was high and the latter where poor growing conditions hindered recovery. Large numbers of Trichodorus occurred in two trial sites and there is some evidence of competition between the two genera. Significant negative regressions for Trichodorus spp. were obtained in one trial suggesting a loss of 12% total and 17% normal roots per 100 Trichodorus spp./200 g.  相似文献   

Smaller amounts of D–D (6–12 gal/acre) (68–135 1/ha) or ethylene dibromide (9 gal/acre) (100 1/ha) than are customarily used to disinfest field soils killed many root-parasitic nematodes (Trichodorus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus and Longidorus attenuatus) when injected 6–8 in (15–20 cm) deep during early autumn in rows 10 in (25 cm) apart in well-drained sandy soils. They also increased the yield of sugar beet grown in fields infested with Trichodorus or Longidorus attenuatus, without affecting sugar percentage or juice purity of the roots, and in some places increased the yield of barley grown after the beet. D–D was much less effective when injected 8–12 in deep during late autumn or winter. Increasing nitrogen dressings to the seedbed from 1·5 to 3 cwt/acre (188 to 376 kg/ha) increased sugar beet yield in one field, decreased it in another and decreased juice purity in both. In two other experiments extra nitrogen did not affect sugar beet yield. Even smaller amounts of the nematicides ‘placed’ in the rows, before or after sowing sugar beet in them, killed many of the nematodes and also increased sugar yield. Phytotoxic nematicides can be placed in the rows during autumn, winter or spring but placement is simpler during spring, when the treated rows are indicated by the position of the marks of the tractor wheels left when the nematicide was applied. When applied during autumn or winter, the rows need to be indicated by drilling wheat or grass.  相似文献   

Roots of tomato plants with galls caused by larvae of Meloidogyne spp. contained a similar concentration of auxin as uninfected roots, but a larger total amount because the roots of infected plants were heavier. The body contents and saliva or excretions of M. incognita larvae contained too little auxin to account for the increased amounts in infected roots. Roots with galls contained more bound auxin, released by alkaline hydrolysis or incubation after maceration, and more tryptophan and other amino acids, than uninfected roots. The larvae may hydrolyse the plant proteins to yield tryptophan, which may then react with the endogenous phenolic acids to produce auxin.  相似文献   

At a site in eastern Scotland, nine common species of arable weeds were infected with tobacco rattle virus (TRV), and some of these, notably Viola arvensis and Stellaria media, comprised an overwintering reservoir of the virus. TRV was seed-borne both in naturally and in experimentally infected V. arvensis (2–10%), and occasionally in other weed species. In the glasshouse at 20 oC a naturally infective population of vector nematodes (Tricho-dorus spp.) kept in soil free of plants retained its infectivity for 20 wk, although few Trichodorus survived for this period. In the field, the incidence of TRV infection in potato (spraing disease) in plots kept free of weeds for 1–5 years was 3–4 times that in weed-infested plots but Trichodorus numbers did not differ appreciably between the two treatments. Presumably the virus is retained for long periods in its vectors and these feed on potato more frequently when other hosts are not available. Weeds are probably important in the long term as hosts of both TRV and its vectors, but in the short term weed control seems unlikely to prevent potato spraing because of the long persistence of TRV in vector populations. In the field, Trichodorus accumulated near the interface between topsoil and subsoil, and the incidence of spraing was greatest where the topsoil was shallowest. When cucumber seedlings were exposed to virus-carrying Trichodorus, TRV reached a greater concentration in roots at 20 oC than at 24 oC, and the virus was not detected in roots at 29 oC. In a sandy soil, TRV was transmitted only when the water content exceeded 15%, and at least 30 % water was needed for maximum transmission. Annual records of rainfall and spraing disease suggest that spraing is most prevalent when the summer is wettest. TRV is not confined to cultivated land. Stabilized sand dunes supporting a pure stand of Ammophila armaria were colonized by Trichodorus pachyder-mus, but TRV was detected only where the plant community had enlarged to include V. arvensis and other dicotyledons. In such situations, TRV may be introduced in the seed of V. arvensis, and the movement of soil by wind probably contributes to the dispersal of Trichodorus.  相似文献   

Sporamin, a sweet potato tuberous storage protein, is a Kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor. Its capability of conferring insect-resistance on transgenic tobacco and cauliflower has been confirmed. To test its potential as an anti-feedant for the beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schm.), the sporamin gene SpTI-1 was introduced into sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation. Twelve different hairy root clones expressing sporamin were selected for studying nematode development. Of these, 8 hairy root clones were found to show significant efficiency in inhibiting the growth and development of the female nematodes whereas 4 root clones did not show any inhibitory effects even though the SpTI-1 gene was regularly expressed in all of the tested hairy roots as revealed by northern and western analyses. Inhibition of nematode development correlated with trypsin inhibitor activity but not with the amount of sporamin expressed in hairy roots. These data demonstrate that the trypsin inhibitor activity is the critical factor for inhibiting growth and development of cyst nematodes in sugar beet hairy roots expressing the sporamin gene. Hence, the sweet potato sporamin can be used as a new and effective anti-feedant for controlling cyst nematodes offering an alternative strategy for establishing nematode resistance in crops.  相似文献   

The distribution of Xiphinema and Longidorus species in the British Isles and Ireland were mapped by means of a computer programme from 5527 records. Longidorus caespiticola, L. elongatus, L. goodeyi and L. leptocephalus were found to be widespread among a wide range of vegetation types, particularly in grassland and arable crops; L. macrosoma and L. profundorum were recorded frequently in southern and central England, and L. attenuatus in East Anglia; L. vineacola was recorded once only in Eire. Paralongidorus maximus was recorded from two localities in eastern Scotland and one in southern England, on each occasion from intensively cultivated ground. Four species of Xiphinema were recorded but only X. diversicaudatum is widespread although apparently with a northerly limit in central Scotland; X. diversicaudatum was equally prevalent in arable crops, grassland and deciduous woodland; X. coxi and X. vuittenezi were recorded from a few scattered localities in England, and the few records for X. mediterraneum were all from Kent, south east England. All species were found in a wide range of soil types but mostly in light soils with a large sand fraction. Many of the species occurred together in mixed populations; L. caespiticola was most frequently associated with X. diversicaudatum and with L. leptocephalus and L. elongatus. X. diversicaudatum also was commonly found with L. goodeyi. Viruses were transmitted in laboratory bait tests in only eighteen of 325 soil samples containing X. diversicaudatum and four of 265 containing L. elongatus.  相似文献   

Both Trichodorus spp. and Longidorus spp. damage roots of sugar-beet seedlings in sandy soil, causing Docking disorder. Trials in infested fields between 1969 and 1972 tested the effects of fumigation along the rows with different amounts of D-D or Telone applied either two weeks before sowing or immediately before sowing, application of the systemic nematicide aldicarb (Temik) in the furrow with the seed during sowing, and top-dressing with nitrogen. Seedling establishment was often decreased by fumigation immediately before sowing, especially when followed by excessive rainfall, but only rarely by earlier fumigation or by aldicarb; differences in numbers of roots harvested were smaller because hand-singling removed excess seedlings. There was usually little difference between the yield increases given by the most effective treatments, which were aldicarb at 1·12 kg active ingredient/ha and 2·2–6·6 ml D-D or Telone/m of row at either time of application. Nitrogen top-dressing never affected sugar yield significantly. Longidorus spp. and Trichodorus spp. were both controlled well in the fumigated row but much less well at 13 cm, and not at all at 25 cm from the row (i.e. mid-way between two treated rows).  相似文献   

Examination of sugar beet grown in eastern England over the period 1936-43 has shown that up to 5% of factory tarehouse samples contain roots infected with violet root rot. The results of the survey suggest that there are considerable areas where light attacks of the disease occur, as well as fields in which severe attacks develop when susceptible crops are grown. The disease occurred on roots grown in many types of soil but most frequently on those from light alkaline soils. It was found to reduce the sugar content and increase the dirt tare of sugar beet.
The causal fungus, Helicobasidium purpureum, has a wide host range and observations suggest that it persists in the field on weeds, as severe attacks on cultivated crops often occur in weed-infested fields. It also survives as sclerotia, which develop freely on the roots of susceptible crops. While the undisturbed soil conditions of leys and uncultivated land favour increase in infectivity, good cultural practices, trap cropping and application of nitrogenous fertilizers act as a check. These control measures will reduce infectivity even when applied to soil in which consecutive, susceptible crops are grown. Wet soil conditions did not favour the development of infection, and the frequent occurrence of the disease in wet places may be due to such soil conditions favouring survival of sclerotia.
Experiments with compost made from factory waste showed that although the fungus can survive the process, its virulence was so reduced that there is no likelihood that use of such compost would lead to severe violet root rot infection.  相似文献   

Under greenhouse conditions, a pot experiment was conducted to clarify the potential of using some legumes as intercropped plants for reducing the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita infecting sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cv. DS-9004 compared to non-legume plant, garlic and non-intercropped plants. The obtained results revealed that all legumes including chickpea, Egyptian clover, faba bean, fenugreek, lentil and lupin significantly (p ≤ 0.05) reduced nematode criteria on the roots of sugar beet at different degrees. Chickpea and Egyptian clover reduced the number of galls on the roots of sugar beet as the percentage of reductions were 54 and 50%, respectively, followed by lupin and fenugreek, while garlic achieved 72% reduction compared to non-intercropped plants. Lupin reduced the number of egg masses by 59% followed by Egyptian clover and fenugreek (32%), three months after the treatment. On the other hand, six months after the treatment, chickpea reduced the number of galls by 55.7% followed by lupin (53.4%) and Egyptian clover (52.3%) and the percentage of reduction of egg masses behaved the same trend. Also, the treatments improved plant growth criteria of sugar beet, weight of roots (tubers) and the percentage of total soluble solids (TSS).  相似文献   

Ten antibiotic-producing Streptomyces spp. isolated from Moroccan soils were evaluated for their ability to inhibit in vitro Sclerotium rolfsii development. Four isolates having the greatest pathogen inhibitory capabilities were subsequently tested for their ability to inhibit sclerotial germination in sterile soil. This test was carried out by using biomass inoculum, culture filtrate, and spore suspension of the isolates as treatment. Treatment with biomass inoculum and culture filtrate gave the highest inhibition of sclerotia. Biological control tests against Sclerotium rolfsii damping-off of sugar beet seeds showed that the selected Streptomyces isolates reduced significantly the disease severity, the J-2 isolate being the more potent. In addition, treatment with the isolate J-2 resulted in a significant increase (P ≤ 0.05) in seedling development compared to the control. All antagonistic Streptomyces selected here were able to grow in the rhizosphere soil from infected sugar beet culture.  相似文献   

Date palm, Phoenix dactylifera L., is dioecious and can be artificially pollinated by man, and one-third of all the dates of the world are grown in Iraq. In Egypt, there are about 12?million date palm trees grown in 99,867?feddans (fed.?=?4200?m2). Productivity is 1352,954?million?tons with yield 111.7?kg/tree. Plant parasitic nematodes associated with date palm are Criconemoides spp., Helicotylenchus spp., Hemicriconemoides spp., Hemicycliophora spp., Hoplolaimus spp., Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne arenaria, Meloidogyne javanica, Pratylenchus brachyurus, Pratylenchus jordanensis, Pratylenchus coffeae, Pratylenchus neglectus, Pratylenchus thornei, Trichodorus spp., Tylenchorhynchus goffarti, Tylenchorhynchus latus and Xiphinema spp.; Meloidogyne incognita-infected roots of susceptible cultivar favoured giant cell and galls formation. Date palm roots infected with Pratylenchus penetrans showed puncture of epidermal cells and disarrangement of cortical cells with large empty abnormal cavities. As control measures, it is advised to; 1 – plant immune or resistant cultivars against pathogenic nematodes, 2 – use oil cakes or poultry manure as organic amendments and a nematicide, carbofuran.These were tested and found effective in the control of Helicotylenchus multicinctus and P. penetrans, 3 – treat nematode-infested date palm seedlings with hot water at a suitable temperature for a given period before transplanting to open field, 4 – plant nematode -free date palm seedlings, 5 – soil solarisation and tillage before planting, 6 – weed control, 7 – intercrop with nematode-resistant horticultural crops and 8 – induce resistance in susceptible date palm cultivars against root knot nematode.  相似文献   

Oxamyl applied to field soil prevented Longidorus elongatus from acquiring and transmitting tomato black ring virus for at least 6 wk, although numbers of nematodes were not greatly decreased compared with the untreated control. Glasshouse and laboratory tests examined the effects of oxamyl on viruliferous L. elongatus and Xiphinema diversicaudatum. In these tests oxamyl (1.0 ppm) in the soil water largely prevented L. elongatus transmitting virus to bait plants over a period of 1 month. X. diversicaudatum was equally affected by smaller concentrations, 0.1 ppm being sufficient to inhibit virus transmission in one test. Inhibition of virus transmission was associated with a decrease in the number of root tip galls produced by nematode feeding, especially that of X. diversicaudatum. Few nematodes were seriously affected by oxamyl, except at the greatest concentration tested (100 ppm), when numbers of L. elongatus, but not of X. diversicaudatum, were decreased. In vitro-treated viruliferous nematodes protracted their stylets, but their subsequent ability to transmit virus was unimpaired.  相似文献   

The frequency with which the four virus-vector species of longidoroid nematodes occurring in Britain transmitted their associated plant viruses were compared in a series of experiments using a standard procedure. In these tests Xiphinema diversicaudatum proved an effective vector of British isolates of arabis mosaic virus and strawberry latent ringspot virus and Longidorus attenuatus of an isolate of tomato black ring virus from England. In comparison, isolates of raspberry ringspot virus and tomato blackring virus from Scotland and of raspberry ringspot virus from England were transmitted much less readily by their respective vectors, L. elongatus and L. macrosoma. These differences in ability to transmit virus were not related to differences in feeding access on the virus source- or bait-plants, in the extent to which virus was retained within the nematode feeding apparatus or in the frequency with which virus was recovered from Longidorus in concurrent slash tests. Three Scottish isolates of raspberry ringspot and tomato black ring viruses were transmitted equally infrequently by two populations of L. elongatus and the frequency with which virus was transmitted was not greatly increased when the species of source or bait plants was changed.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera) was studied as a potential overwintering host for the sugar-beet yellowing viruses, beet yellows virus (BYV) and beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV), and their principal vector, Myzus persicae. In spring 1982, plants infected with a virus which reacted positively in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with BMYV antibody globulin were found in oilseed-rape crops; none of the plants contained virus which reacted with BYV antibody globulin. This virus was subsequently identified as beet western yellows virus (BWYV). No leaf symptoms could be consistently associated with infection of oilseed rape, but the virus was reliably detected by sampling any leaf on an infected oilseed-rape plant. Some isolates from oilseed rape did infect sugar beet in glasshouse tests, but the proportions of inoculated plants which became infected were low. Apparently there is therefore little danger of much direct transmission of BWYV by M. persicae from oilseed rape to sugar beet in spring. BWYV was introduced to and spread within oilseed-rape crops in autumn by M. persicae, and autumn-sown oilseed rape proved to be a potentially important overwintering host for M. persicae. In a survey of 80 autumn-sown crops of oilseed rape in East Anglia, northern England and Scotland in spring 1983, 78 were shown to be extensively infected with BWYV. Experimental plots of oilseed rape with 100% BWYV-infection yielded approximately 13.4% less oil than plots with 18% virus infection, the result of a decrease in both seed yield and oil content.  相似文献   


Information on the “needle nematode” Longidorus elongatus in New Zealand pastures has hitherto been limited. Monthly sampling of Pukepuke black sand and Manawatu fine sandy loam yielded L. elongatus populations up to 87 500 m?2 (February) and 21 600 m?2 (August). First stage juveniles appeared when soil temperature exceeded 15°C; females dominated populations every month and males were rare. Differences in abundance between soils may reflect the pore space available to these relatively large nematodes. Specimens survived 24 weeks storage at 5 and 15°C. While abundance tended to decline with depth, at 30–40 cm depth in Pukepuke sand, numbers increased, perhaps through the impact of groundwater levels on rooting patterns. In Pukepuke sand, plant species were associated with significantly different populations of L. elongatus, with Trifolium repens and T. subter‐raneum supporting more than Lolium perenne. More L. elongatus were found in grazed pasture with lower plant available P.  相似文献   

Lipids from Bean, Barley and Sugar Beet in Relation to Salt Resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparison was made between the lipid and fatty acid composition of the salt-sensitive bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Saxa), the less salt-sensitive barley (Hordeum vulgaris L. cv. Wisa) and the salt-tolerant sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Kawemono). Sugar beet roots showed a higher content of sterol components and sulfolipid as compared with bean and barley roots. The lipids of sugar beet roots contained more linoleic acid and less linolenic acid than those of bean and barley roots. For barley and sugar beet roots a higher amount of extra-long chain fatty acids was observed than for bean roots. It was concluded that differences in membrane structure are correlated with differences in membrane permeability to sodium and chloride and in salt-resistance of the studied species.  相似文献   

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