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To test the effects of small-scale turbulence on developmentand growth of marine copepods, a series of 10 1 labortory microcosmswere used to follow the development, under turbulent and calmconditions, of a cohort of Acartia grani, a common coastal planktoniccopepod of temperate zones Aside from possible indirect effectsdue to differences in food availability, turbulence significantlyshortened development times and modified growth rates Theseinfluences seem to vary throughout its life history, late naupliiand early copepodites being more affected.  相似文献   

Several experiments have been performed on three congenericspecies of the calanoid copepod Acartia to determine the effectsof small-scale turbulence on metabolic rates. Both inorganicnitrogen and phosphorus excretion rates significantly increased  相似文献   

A new species of Acartia (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Yellow Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new species (Acartia hongi) of Acartia (family Acartiidae)predominating in the Korean coastal waters of the Yellow Seais described. This species closely resembles Acartia bifilosa,from which it can be easily distinguished by the co-occurrenceof the following morphological characters: the absence of rostralfilaments in both genders; the terminal spine on the femalefifth leg toothed only on the inner side; the first exopodalsegment of the male right fifth leg with a long seta; the distalsegment of the male left fifth leg with a rod-like appendage.Its distribution was discussed in comparison with two siblingspecies, Acartia omorii and Acartia hudsonica.  相似文献   

The developmental stages and increase in length of Acartia bifilosa,a dominant planktonic copepod in Kyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea, Korea,were investigated in a laboratory. Adults laid eggs at a rateof 2.5 eggs day–1 female–1 and up to 97% of eggshatched. The eggs were 92 µm in diameter and larger thanthe eggs of other Acartia species. The body segmentation wasrecognizable at the fifth nauplius stage and sex distinctionwas possible at the fourth copepodite stage. Thesix naupliusstages took -7.5 days and the five copepodite stages -8.5 days.Sexually mature males and females appeared at the 16th day,and by the 20th day the adults laid eggs that hatched and grewsuccessfully into the nauplius stages. The detailed morphologicalcharacteristics of each developmental stage are presented anddiscussed in relation to A.dausi.  相似文献   

The New Zealand distributions of three species of Boeckella (Copepoda, Calanoida), B. triarticulata, B. dilatata and B. hamata are mapped. B. triarticulata is primarily a pond dweller but is also found in reservoirs and shallow lakes. B. dilatata is mainly found in the deeper glacial lakes and ponds in the central region of the South Island and B. hamata has a more widespread distribution in lakes and ponds in the South Island and lower half of the North Island. Differences in temperature optima, food requirements and dispersal ability among the three Boeckella species are related to vicariant events to explain their distribution in New Zealand.  相似文献   

1. Using two‐ and three‐dimensional video recordings, we examined the steps involved in predation that lead to the differential vulnerability of three sympatric rotifer sibling species (Brachionus plicatilis, B. ibericus and B. rotundiformis) to a co‐occurring, predatory, calanoid copepod (Arctodiaptomus salinus). 2. Brachionus rotundiformis, the smallest prey tested, was the most vulnerable with the highest encounter rate, probability of attack, capture and ingestion, and the lowest handling time. 3. Comparison of our results with those of a previous study shows that A. salinus is a more efficient predator than a co‐occurring cyclopoid copepod (Diacyclops bicuspidatus odessanus) feeding on these same rotifer species. However, despite its higher capture rates, A. salinus seems to be less selective than D. b. odessanus based on attack distances and prey handling times. 4. The differential vulnerability to both calanoid and cyclopoid copepod predation can help explain the coexistence and seasonal succession of these co‐occurring rotifer species.  相似文献   

Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation poses a threat to most livingorganisms. Aquatic organisms have evolved three basic mechanismsto cope with harmful levels of radiation. Two mechanisms, avoidance(e.g. vertical migration) and photoprotection (e.g. productionof photoprotective compounds that act as filters, antioxidants,etc.), serve to minimize the dose of UV radiation that reachesthe organism's vital structures (DNA, membranes, etc.). Thethird mechanism, repair (e.g. dark repair mechanisms, such asnucleotide excision repair; or photoreactivation mechanisms,such as photoenzymatic repair), serves to repair the damagefollowing UV exposure. Here, we compare the vulnerability toUV-B radiation of three copepod species (Boeckella brevicaudata,Boeckella gibbosa, and Boeckella gracilipes) that occur in lakesthat differ in UV-B penetration and depth. Our aim was to gaininsight into the significance of each of the three mechanismsin different UV-B environments. Results from a 3-day ‘insitu’ incubation in ultra-oligotrophic Lake Toncek showedthat B.gracilipes is highly vulnerable to UV-B and UV-A radiation.In contrast, virtually no mortality was observed in B.gibbosaand B.brevicaudata during the same period. In order to discriminatethe contribution of photoprotection and photoreactivation, thethree species were subsequently exposed in the laboratory toan artificial source of UV-B radiation, both in the presenceand absence of visible radiation (recovery radiation). The photoprotectionpotential (i.e. resistance to UV-B in the absence of recoveryradiation) of B.gracilipes and B.gibbosa was lower than thatof B.brevicaudata. On the other hand, photoreactivation (higherresistance to UV-B in the presence of recovery radiation) wasobserved in B.brevicaudata and B.gibbosa, but not in B.gracilipes.To cope with damaging UV-B levels in nature, B.gracilipes dependsexclusively on the attenuation by the external media (i.e. avoidance).Although B.gibbosa tends to avoid the surface waters of lakes,it also occurs in shallow transparent pools. Most likely itsability to survive in these shallow, high UV environments isdue to its photoreactivation potential. Finally, despite itsoccurrence in highly turbid lakes, B.brevicaudata seems extremelywell suited to cope with UV-B radiation thanks to a combinationof photoreactivation and photoprotection.  相似文献   

Digital images of Acartia discaudata, A. clausi, A. margalefiand A. tonsa were processed to obtain their diffraction pattern.To discriminate between species and sex all diffraction patternswere correlated with a spatial filter, invariant to positionand rotation, for each Acartia male and female. This filterwas made up using a combination of different images of eachspecies and sex. Considering the great similarity between thecopepod species used in this work and between the male and femaleof each species the results obtained are very good. It is concludedthat the method used to discriminate between species of thiscongeneric group can be very useful for the development of anautomated system for the identification of copepods.  相似文献   

Embryonic development times of Boeckella triarticulata, B. dilatata and B. hamata are compared. Two species, B. triarticulata and B. hamata had widely varying embryonic development times. Variable development times often resulted in greater hatching success.  相似文献   

Klein Breteler  W. C. M.  Schogt  N. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):469-479
The pelagic copepod Acartia clausi Giesbrecht was bred 3 times from nauplius stages I and II to maturity at 5, 10, 15 and 20 °C and 4 different rations of autotrophic and heterotrophic food. The rate of development of copepods increased with increasing temperature and food level. At the highest food level the stage duration was almost constant through most stages, but development was not quite isochronal. Particularly at lower food concentrations stage duration became progressively longer with increasing stage of development. The relation between development time and temperature is described by Blehrádek's functions at different food levels. These relations predict a generation time of about 50 days at spring bloom conditions and only slightly less during summer due to food limitation. Comparison with estimates in the field from the literature suggests hat food is often limiting during summer conditions.  相似文献   

Lakkis  Sami 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):481-490
Annual succession and ecological niche formation among six dominant coexisting species of the genus Acartia were studied between 1979 and 1989. The coexisting species: A. discaudata, A. clausi, A. grani, A. italica, A. josephinae and A. latisetosa formed dense populations at different periods in Jounieh harbour (Central Lebanon, eastern Mediterranean). Using numerical data analysis, I defined and measured niche hyperspaces and niche overlaps of these species. Although both spatial and temporal segregation occurred between congeners, the amount of niche overlap was estimated in relation to the availability, use, and abundance of natural resources. The hydrobiological factors prevailing in the port were considered resource states. They include eight parameters: water temperature and salinity, dissolved oxygen, mineral phosphate, nitrate, chlorophyll-a concentration, plankton biomass, and species diversity of the plankton community. Some competition occurred between the co-existing species and an attempt is made to estimate this. As a result of this competition different ecological niches have developed for each species. Niche overlaps, their hyperspaces, and niche breadth between the congeners are estimated and computed using several indices, such as those based on Levin's and Lloyd's formulae. Two groups of Acartia congeners are defined: a group of spring affinity formed by A. clausi, A. discaudata, and A. grani and a second group involving A. italica, A. josephinae and A.-latisetosa, showing a spring-summer tendency. These coexisting species exhibited certain strategies in their opportunistic behaviours, in order to adapt to a highly variable marine environment, such as the one found in Jounieh port.  相似文献   

Development of eggs produced by Acartia bifilosa in summer andautumn was studied in the northern Baltic Sea. Resting eggsof the species have previously been found in sediments, andthe aim of this study was to reveal the type of dormancy inthe eggs. Eggs were incubated at temperatures ranging from 1.5to 18°C. The effect of continuous darkness on hatching wasalso tested. Hatching success in the experiments varied between56 and 97%. Egg development was similar in summer and autumn,indicating that A. bifilosa does not produce diapause eggs inthe area. Furthermore, dormancy was not induced at any of thetemperatures tested, nor by darkness. Results are compared withthose of Castro-Longoria and Williams (Castro-Longoria and Williams,1999b, J. Plankton Res., 21, 65–84) who studied A. bifilosain the English Channel, where both production of diapause eggsand arrest of development in the subitaneous eggs at low temperaturesoccurred. The possible causes of the difference in dormancystrategies in the two areas are discussed.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate species of Dinophysis, in particular D. acuminata and D. acuta, produce lipophilic toxins that pose a threat to human health when concentrated in shellfish and jeopardize shellfish exploitations in western Europe. In northwestern Iberia, D. acuminata has a long growing season, from spring to early autumn, and populations develop as soon as shallow stratification forms when the upwelling season begins. In contrast, D. acuta blooms in late summer, when the depth of the pycnocline is maximal and upwelling pulses are moderate. In situ observations on the hydrodynamic regimes during the two windows of opportunity for Dinophysis species led us to hypothesize that D. acuta should be more sensitive to turbulence than D. acuminata.To test this hypothesis, we studied the response of D. acuminata and D. acuta to three realistic turbulence levels low (LT), ε ≈ 10−6 m2 s-3; medium (MT), ε ≈ 10-5 m2 s-3 and high (HT), ε ≈ 10-4 m2 s-3 generated by Turbogen, a highly reproducible, computer-controlled system. Cells of both species exposed to LT and MT grew at rates similar to the controls. Marked differences were found in the response to HT: D. acuminata grew slowly after an initial lag phase, whereas D. acuta cell numbers declined. Results from this study support the hypothesis that turbulence may play a role in shaping the spatio-temporal distribution of individual species of Dinophysis. We also hypothesize that, in addition to cell disturbance affecting division, sustained high shear generated by microturbulence may cause a decline in Dinophysis numbers due to decreased densities of ciliate prey.  相似文献   

Gyrodinium corsicum is a dinoflagellate responsible for recurrentwater discolourations during winter in Alfacs Bay (Ebre Riverdelta, NW Mediterranean). Since first detected in 1994, episodicmortality of mussels and fish was attributed to this organism,although no direct evidence was obtained. In order to establishthe direct role of the dinoflagellate in the mortality of marinefauna, we have studied the effects of G.corsicum on a potentialpredator, the co-occurring planktonic copepod Acartia grani.Female A.grani were exposed to different concentrations of intactcells, and <5 µm and <0.2 µm filtrates ofthe dinoflagellate. At concentrations of  相似文献   

Acartia margalefi is recorded for the first time in Britishwaters, where it is found to be an important copepod in themesozooplankton community structure of Southampton Water andHorsea Lake. Within the genus Acartia. this species occurs allthrough the annual cycle. Abundance is higher in the upper estuary,where the range of temperature and salinity is relatively widerover the year. It is clear that A.margalefi is an estuarinespecies which can tolerate a significant range of temperature.  相似文献   

C. D. Jamieson 《Hydrobiologia》1986,139(3):277-286
Three species of Boeckella (B. triarticulata, B. dilatata and B. hamata) were reared from hatching to copepodite I (CI) at three naturally fluctuating food levels and three temperatures in a 3 × 3 × 3 factorial design. Development times, lengths and mortality were measured for each species in nine treatments. Temperature had the major effect on development times but food level had the major effect on CI lengths. Mortality varied interspecifically with treatment. The combined effect of temperature and food on development times and lengths was species-specific. There were trade-offs between development time and growth to meet constraints imposed by naupliar metamorphosis. The three species varied in the timing of metamorphosis to CI. B. triarticulata nauplii were age determined, B. dilatata nauplii were size determined and B. hamata nauplii were flexibly age and size determined depending on treatment. Differences in life history parameters and the timing of naupliar metamorphosis are discussed in relation to the distributions of the species in ponds (B. triarticulata), glacial lakes (B. dilatata) and coastal lakes (B. hamata) in the South Island of New Zealand.  相似文献   

Both the Coulter Counter and 14C method were used to measure the grazing (clearance rates) of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa on different concentrations of a Chlamydomonas sp. culture. In most cases, clearance rates measured by the Coulter Counter method were higher than those measured by the 14C method by factors of 2 to 3. We explore several possibilities for the differences obtained between the two methods. We suggest that loss of radioactivity through grazer egestion might be the main reason for the discrepancy between methods. Food concentration did not affect the comparability of both methods' measurements.  相似文献   

The problem associated with the systematics of a freshwater calanoida copepoda, Neodiaptomus bouulifer Kiefer and one of its related forms was described. In order to solve this problem a new species, Neodiaptomus malaindosinessis is created in its place. The geographical distribution of these two calanoid species was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Both genders of Pseudocyclops schminkei n. sp. are described from a pearl fishery aquarium on Zamami Island, Okinawa, Japan; it is the 37th species of the genus. Pseudocyclops schminkei sp. nov. differs from other species of the magnus species group in the shape of the lobes of distal exopodal segment of the male left leg 5, and the morphology of setae on middle and distal exopodal segment of male right swimming leg 2. Aspects of the morphology of P. xiphophorus and P. bilobatus are redescribed, and an unnamed Pseudocyclops sp. from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, IL, is briefly noted. Females of P. schminkei sp. nov., P. xiphophorus and Pseudocyclops sp. could not be separated from each other with the small number of specimens available in this study for the former two species.  相似文献   

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