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The recent sequencing of several eukaryotic genomes has generated considerable interest in the study of gene duplication events. The classical model of duplicate gene evolution is that recurrent mutation ultimately results in one copy becoming a pseudogene, and only rarely will a beneficial new function evolve. Here, we study divergence between coding sequence duplications in Drosophila melanogaster as a function of the linkage relationship between paralogs. The mean K(a)/K(s) between all duplicates in the D. melanogaster genome is 0.2803, indicating that purifying selection is maintaining the structure of duplicate coding sequences. However, the mean K(a)/K(s) between duplicates that are both on the X chromosome is 0.4701, significantly higher than the genome average. Further, the distribution of K(a)/K(s) for these X-linked duplicates is significantly shifted toward higher values when compared with the distributions for paralogs in other linkage relationships. Two models of molecular evolution provide qualitative explanations of these observations-relaxation of selective pressure on the duplicate copies and, more likely, positive selection on recessive adaptations. We also show that there is an excess of X-linked duplicates with low K(s), suggesting a larger proportion of relatively young duplicates on the D. melanogaster X chromosome relative to autosomes.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid-regulated gene expression in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

A gene-trap system is established for Drosophila. Unlike the conventional enhancer-trap system, the gene-trap system allows the recovery only of fly lines whose genes are inactivated by a P-element insertion, i.e., mutants. In the gene-trap system, the reporter gene expression reflects precisely the spatial and temporal expression pattern of the trapped gene. Flies in which gene trap occurred are identified by a two-step screening process using two independent markers, mini-w and Gal4, each indicating the integration of the vector downstream of the promoter of a gene (dual tagging). mini-w has its own promoter but lacks a polyadenylation signal. Therefore, mini-w mRNA is transcribed from its own promoter regardless of the vector integration site in the genome. However, the eyes of flies are not orange or red unless the vector is incorporated into a gene enabling mini-w to be spliced to a downstream exon of the host gene and polyadenylated at the 3' end. The promoter-less Gal4 reporter is expressed as a fusion mRNA only when it is integrated downstream of the promoter of a host gene. The exons of trapped genes can be readily cloned by vectorette RT-PCR, followed by RACE and PCR using cDNA libraries. Thus, the dual-tagging gene-trap system provides a means for (i) efficient mutagenesis, (ii) unequivocal identification of genes responsible for mutant phenotypes, (iii) precise detection of expression patterns of trapped genes, and (iv) rapid cloning of trapped genes.  相似文献   

We have used a cloned chicken collagen cDNA sequence to help identify hypothetic members of the collagen gene family from Drosophila melanogaster. Several experimental evidences have been obtained which indicate that the Drosophila genome contains numerous collagen-like sequences. We have characterized in more detail ten distinct DNA sequences that hybridized strongly to the heterologous collagen probe. By in situ hybridization we have shown that these sequences are dispersed throughout the Drosophila genome. Two of them are shown to originate from the previously described DCg 1 and DCg 2 collagen genes. In other respects, we show that in addition to DCg 1 and DCg 2, at least five putative collagen genes are expressed during the Drosophila lifetime. These genes are unique, and some of them are seen to be transcribed into different size classes of mRNAs. Additionally, the data presented so far demonstrate that the expression of these genes is regulated temporally and/or quantitatively during the Drosophila life cycle.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster gene prickle-spiny-legs (pk) functions in an intercellular feedback loop that is central to the establishment of planar cell polarity in the eye and epidermis of the fly, by modulating Frizzled-Disheveled signalling. Here we identify three mouse prickle-related genes (dyxin, testin and prickle) and describe their expression pattern during murine embryogenesis (E7.5-E15.5). We report that the three genes are expressed in restricted areas of the developing mouse brain: dyxin in the most ventral region of the neural tube and in some localized regions of the ventricular layer of the mesencephalon and rhombencephalon, prickle in the pons region, ventrolateral part of rhombencephalon and motoneurons in the spinal cord, and testin in differentiating neurons of the spinal cord and retina. At the stages analyzed, the main site of expression of testin is the migrating cranial neural crest, while the expression of dyxin is noticeable in myotomal cells and its derivatives, with prickle expression being reciprocally localized to some sclerotomal derivatives, like bone primordia. prickle is also expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge and the most distal mesenchyme of the forming limb buds.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster gene prickle-spiny-legs (pk) functions in an intercellular feedback loop that is central to the establishment of planar cell polarity in the eye and epidermis of the fly, by modulating Frizzled-Disheveled signalling. Here we identify three mouse prickle-related genes (dyxin, testin and prickle) and describe their expression pattern during murine embryogenesis (E7.5-E15.5). We report that the three genes are expressed in restricted areas of the developing mouse brain: dyxin in the most ventral region of the neural tube and in some localized regions of the ventricular layer of the mesencephalon and rhombencephalon, prickle in the pons region, ventrolateral part of rhombencephalon and motoneurons in the spinal cord, and testin in differentiating neurons of the spinal cord and retina. At the stages analyzed, the main site of expression of testin is the migrating cranial neural crest, while the expression of dyxin is noticeable in myotomal cells and its derivatives, with prickle expression being reciprocally localized to some sclerotomal derivatives, like bone primordia. prickle is also expressed in the apical ectodermal ridge and the most distal mesenchyme of the forming limb buds.  相似文献   

Cultured Drosophila Schneider line 2 cells provide a versatile and efficient system for the expression of recombinant gene products that retain authentic properties. An efficient method now exists for the expression of large amounts of recombinant protein from continuous cell lines. In addition, Schneider line 2 cells have proven reliable as a background for in vivo studies of gene regulation and protein function.  相似文献   

Peaks in hsp 26, 28, and 83 RNA levels are correlated with peaks in ecdysteroid titers during mid-embryogenesis, pupariation, and mid-pupation, and with a peak in the level of RNA from the 74EF ecdysone puff at pupariation. Inhibition of the ecdysteroid peak at pupariation by temperature shift of the conditionally ecdysteroid-deficient strain ecd-1 was followed by a disappearance of hsp 26 RNA and a decline in hsp 83 RNA level; subsequent addition of exogeneous 20-OH-ecdysone to the temperature-shifted strain resulted in a severalfold increase in hsp 83 RNA level, and a dramatic increase in that of hsp 26. These results are consistent with the induction of the hsp 83, 28, and 26 genes by ecdysteroid at several developmental stages.  相似文献   

Microarray studies make it possible to obtain gene expression data on a whole-genome scale. Arbeitman et al. present microarray data generated at multiple time points throughout Drosophila melanogaster development, and identify new genes engaged in a broad spectrum of processes, including the patterning of the early embryo and senescence in adults.  相似文献   

Telomeres are generally considered heterochromatic. On the basis of DNA composition, the telomeric region of Drosophila melanogaster contains two distinct subdomains: a subtelomeric region of repetitive DNA, termed TAS, and a terminal array of retrotransposons, which perform the elongation function instead of telomerase. We have identified several P-element insertions into this retrotransposon array and compared expression levels of transgenes with similar integrations into TAS and euchromatic regions. In contrast to insertions in TAS, which are silenced, reporter genes in the terminal HeT-A, TAHRE, or TART retroelements did not exhibit repressed expression in comparison with the same transgene construct in euchromatin. These data, in combination with cytological studies, provide evidence that the subtelomeric TAS region exhibits features resembling heterochromatin, while the terminal retrotransposon array exhibits euchromatic characteristics.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized two related ubiquitin genes from Drosophila melanogaster, polyubiquitin and UB3-D. The polyubiquitin gene contained 18 repeats of the 228-base-pair monomeric ubiquitin-encoding unit arranged in tandem. This gene was localized to a minor heat shock puff site, 63F, and it encoded a constitutively expressed 4.4-kilobase polyubiquitin-encoding mRNA, whose level was induced threefold by heat shock. To investigate the pattern of expression of the polyubiquitin gene in developing animals, a polyubiquitin-lacZ fusion gene was introduced into the Drosophila genome by germ line transformation. The fusion gene was expressed at high levels in a tissue-general manner at all life stages assayed. The ubiquitin-encoding gene, UB3-D, consisted of one ubiquitin-encoding unit directly fused, in frame, to a nonhomologous tail sequence. The amino acid sequence of the tail portion of the protein had 65% positional identity with that of yeast UBI3 protein, including a region that contained a potential nucleic acid-binding motif. The Drosophila UB3-D gene hybridized to a 0.9-kilobase mRNA that was constitutively expressed, and in contrast to the polyubiquitin gene, it was not inducible by heat shock.  相似文献   

Understanding how sets of genes are coordinately regulated in space and time to generate the diversity of cell types that characterise complex metazoans is a major challenge in modern biology. The use of high-throughput approaches, such as large-scale in situ hybridisation and genome-wide expression profiling via DNA microarrays, is beginning to provide insights into the complexities of development. However, in many organisms the collection and annotation of comprehensive in situ localisation data is a difficult and time-consuming task. Here, we present a widely applicable computational approach, integrating developmental time-course microarray data with annotated in situ hybridisation studies, that facilitates the de novo prediction of tissue-specific expression for genes that have no in vivo gene expression localisation data available. Using a classification approach, trained with data from microarray and in situ hybridisation studies of gene expression during Drosophila embryonic development, we made a set of predictions on the tissue-specific expression of Drosophila genes that have not been systematically characterised by in situ hybridisation experiments. The reliability of our predictions is confirmed by literature-derived annotations in FlyBase, by overrepresentation of Gene Ontology biological process annotations, and, in a selected set, by detailed gene-specific studies from the literature. Our novel organism-independent method will be of considerable utility in enriching the annotation of gene function and expression in complex multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

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