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The evolution of genetic systems has been analyzed through the use of modifier gene models, in which a neutral gene is posited to control the transmission of other genes under selection. Analysis of modifier gene models has found the manifestations of an “evolutionary reduction principle”: in a population near equilibrium, a new modifier allele that scales equally all transition probabilities between different genotypes under selection can invade if and only if it reduces the transition probabilities. Analytical results on the reduction principle have always required some set of constraints for tractability: limitations to one or two selected loci, two alleles per locus, specific selection regimes or weak selection, specific genetic processes being modified, extreme or infinitesimal effects of the modifier allele, or tight linkage between modifier and selected loci. Here, I prove the reduction principle in the absence of any of these constraints, confirming a twenty-year-old conjecture. The proof is obtained by a wider application of Karlin’s Theorem 5.2 (Karlin in Evolutionary biology, vol. 14, pp. 61–204, Plenum, New York, 1982) and its extension to ML-matrices, substochastic matrices, and reducible matrices. Dedicated to my doctoral advisor Marc Feldman on his 65th birthday, and to the memory of Marc’s doctoral advisor, Sam Karlin, who each laid the foundations necessary for these results; and to my mother Elizabeth Lee and to the memory of my father Roger Altenberg, who together laid the foundation necessary for me.  相似文献   

In the 1960s Karlin and Bodmer established an active programme in mathematical population genetics with NIH support that, in turn, supported the work of Ewens and Feldman with Karlin. Subsequently Karlin established a similar programme in Israel. The overall contributions of Karlin to population genetics and molecular biology are briefly reviewed from a personal perspective.  相似文献   

Previous research into the neutral theory of biodiversity has focused mainly on equilibrium solutions rather than time-dependent solutions. Understanding the time-dependent solutions is essential for applying neutral theory to ecosystems in which time-dependent processes, such as succession and invasion, are driving the dynamics. Time-dependent solutions also facilitate tests against data that are stronger than those based on static equilibrium patterns. Here I investigate the time-dependent solutions of the classic spatially implicit neutral model, in which a small local community is coupled to a much larger metacommunity through immigration. I present explicit general formulas for the eigenvalues, left eigenvectors and right eigenvectors of the models’s transition matrix. The time-dependent solutions can then be expressed in terms of these eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Some of these results are translated directly from existing results for the classic Moran model of population genetics (the Moran model is equivalent to the spatially implicit neutral model after a reparameterization); others of the results are new. I demonstrate that the asymptotic time-dependent solution corresponding to just these first two eigenvectors can be a good approximation to the full time-dependent solution. I also demonstrate the feasibility of a partial eigendecomposition of the transition matrix, which facilitates direct application of the results to a biologically relevant example in which a newly invading species is initially present in the metacommunity but absent from the local community.  相似文献   

The model used is that of an infinite dioecious population with nonoverlapping discrete generations and random mating. If the fitnesses are constant and heterozygotes are viable, it is proved that the allelic frequencies converge to equilibria as the number of generations tend to infinity. The results complement those of Karlin and Lessard [1] and Selgrade and Ziehe [5] in that hyperbolicity of equilibria is not assumed, use of index theory is avoided and it is determined how the number of equilibria and phase portraits depend on the fitnesses in the most general case. Lessard [2] gives, in the same situation, a condensed proof of convergence of allelic frequencies off the separatrix under the hypothesis that 1 is not an eigenvalue at any equilibrium. Our method of study is elementary.  相似文献   

Modeling vital rates improves estimation of population projection matrices   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Population projection matrices are commonly used by ecologists and managers to analyze the dynamics of stage-structured populations. Building projection matrices from data requires estimating transition rates among stages, a task that often entails estimating many parameters with few data. Consequently, large sampling variability in the estimated transition rates increases the uncertainty in the estimated matrix and quantities derived from it, such as the population multiplication rate and sensitivities of matrix elements. Here, we propose a strategy to avoid overparameterized matrix models. This strategy involves fitting models to the vital rates that determine matrix elements, evaluating both these models and ones that estimate matrix elements individually with model selection via information criteria, and averaging competing models with multimodel averaging. We illustrate this idea with data from a population of Silene acaulis (Caryophyllaceae), and conduct a simulation to investigate the statistical properties of the matrices estimated in this way. The simulation shows that compared with estimating matrix elements individually, building population projection matrices by fitting and averaging models of vital-rate estimates can reduce the statistical error in the population projection matrix and quantities derived from it.  相似文献   

Matrix-based models lie at the core of many applications across the physical, engineering and life sciences. In ecology, matrix models arise naturally via population projection matrices (PPM). The eigendata of PPMs provide detailed quantitative and qualitative information on the dynamic behaviour of model populations, especially their asymptotic rates of growth or decline. A fundamental task in modern ecology is to assess the effect that perturbations to life-cycle transition rates of individuals have on such eigendata. The prevailing assessment tools in ecological applications of PPMs are direct matrix simulations of eigendata and linearised extrapolations to the typically non-linear relationship between perturbation magnitude and the resulting matrix eigenvalues. In recent years, mathematical systems theory has developed an analytical framework, called 'Robustness Analysis and Robust Control', encompassing also algorithms and numerical tools. This framework provides a systematic and precise approach to studying perturbations and uncertainty in systems represented by matrices. Here we lay down the foundations and concepts for a 'robustness' inspired approach to predictive analyses in population ecology. We treat a number of application-specific perturbation problems and show how they can be formulated and analysed using these robustness methodologies.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The general-time-reversible (GTR) model is one of the most popular models of nucleotide substitution because it constitutes a good trade-off between mathematical tractability and biological reality. However, when it is applied for inferring evolutionary distances and/or instantaneous rate matrices, the GTR model seems more prone to inapplicability than more restrictive time-reversible models. Although it has been previously noted that the causes for intractability are caused by the impossibility of computing the logarithm of a matrix characterised by negative eigenvalues, the issue has not been investigated further. RESULTS: Here, we formally characterize the mathematical conditions, and discuss their biological interpretation, which lead to the inapplicability of the GTR model. We investigate the relations between, on one hand, the occurrence of negative eigenvalues and, on the other hand, both sequence length and sequence divergence. We then propose a possible re-formulation of previous procedures in terms of a non-linear optimization problem. We analytically investigate the effect of our approach on the estimated evolutionary distances and transition probability matrix. Finally, we provide an analysis on the goodness of the solution we propose. A numerical example is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper a new learning rule for the coupling weights tuning of Hopfield like chaotic neural networks is developed in such a way that all neurons behave in a synchronous manner, while the desirable structure of the network is preserved during the learning process. The proposed learning rule is based on sufficient synchronization criteria, on the eigenvalues of the weight matrix belonging to the neural network and the idea of Structured Inverse Eigenvalue Problem. Our developed learning rule not only synchronizes all neuron’s outputs with each other in a desirable topology, but also enables us to enhance the synchronizability of the networks by choosing the appropriate set of weight matrix eigenvalues. Specifically, this method is evaluated by performing simulations on the scale-free topology.  相似文献   

The Leslie population projection matrix may be used to project forward in time the age distribution or age-sex distribution of a population. As it is a singular matrix, it does not have an inverse, and so it is not clear that there is a corresponding procedure for backward projection. In terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Leslie matrix, certain generalized inverses are constructed that can sometimes be used advantageously for backward projection.  相似文献   

Between 1967 and 1982, Sam Karlin made fundamental contributions to many areas of deterministic population genetic theory. This remembrance focuses on his work in multi-locus population genetics, primarily on the interaction between genotypic selection and the rate of recombination.  相似文献   

The “spread” of the nonzero eigenvalues of a compartmental matrix is studied by reference to the associated directed graph. It is related to the eigenvalues of the matrices of the individual cycles for certain strongly connected directed graphs. The equilibrium solution to the entire model is also an equilibrium solution to the model consisting of the individual cycles.  相似文献   

When a population spike (pulse-packet) propagates through a feedforward network with random excitatory connections, it either evolves to a sustained stable level of synchronous activity or fades away (Diesmann et al. in Nature 402:529-533 1999; Cateau and Fukai Neur Netw 14:675-685 2001). Here I demonstrate that in the presence of noise, the probability of the survival of the pulse-packet (or, equivalently, the firing rate of output neurons) reflects the intensity of the input. Furthermore, inhibitory coupling between layers can result in quasi- periodic alternation between several levels of firing activity. These results are obtained by analyzing the evolution of pulse-packet activity as a Markov chain. For the Markov chain analysis, the output of the chain is a linear mapping of the input into a lower-dimensional space, and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the transition matrix determine the dynamics of the evolution. Synchronous propagation of firing activity in successive pools of neurons are simulated in networks of integrate-and-fire and compartmental model neurons, and, consistent with the discrete Markov process, the activation of each pool is observed to be predominantly dependent upon the number of cells that fired in the previous pool. Simulation results agree with the numerical solutions of the Markov model. When inhibitory coupling between layers are included in the Markov model, some eigenvalues become complex numbers, implying oscillatory dynamics. The quasiperiodic dynamics is validated with simulation with leaky integrate-and-fire neurons. The networks demonstrate different modes of quasiperiodic activity as the inhibition or excitation parameters of the network are varied.  相似文献   

It has long been conjectured, though without satisfactory proof, that life tables with a long reproductive span are advantageous in an environment where fecundity or immature survival rates fluctuate randomly. In the present analysis we recast the nonlinear Leslie matrix problem as an autoregressive time series model for the birth rate, with random addition and removal of newborn. This transformation renders the model linear with respect to the environmental variation, allowing ready solution for the ultimate population size and for the conditions resulting in stationarity of the population distribution. We show that for life tables where the fecundities of all adult age classes are the same (no restrictions are put on the survivorship schedule, or on the age at first reproduction), and where density dependence operates via total adult density, the realized growth rate is less than the growth rate calculated from the mean Leslie matrix associated with the population's growth history. The degree of the discrepancy increases with the environmental variability, and decreases with iteroparity, thus completing a proof which confirms the correctness of the initial conjecture for a class of biologically reasonable lifetable models.  相似文献   

Diffusion approximations are ascertained from a two-time-scale argument in the case of a group-structured diploid population with scaled viability parameters depending on the individual genotype and the group type at a single multi-allelic locus under recurrent mutation, and applied to the case of random pairwise interactions within groups. The main step consists in proving global and uniform convergence of the distribution of the group types in an infinite population in the absence of selection and mutation, using a coalescent approach. An inclusive fitness formulation with coefficient of relatedness between a focal individual J affecting the reproductive success of an individual I, defined as the expected fraction of genes in I that are identical by descent to one or more genes in J in a neutral infinite population, given that J is allozygous or autozygous, yields the correct selection drift functions. These are analogous to the selection drift functions obtained with pure viability selection in a population with inbreeding. They give the changes of the allele frequencies in an infinite population without mutation that correspond to the replicator equation with fitness matrix expressed as a linear combination of a symmetric matrix for allozygous individuals and a rank-one matrix for autozygous individuals. In the case of no inbreeding, the mean inclusive fitness is a strict Lyapunov function with respect to this deterministic dynamics. Connections are made between dispersal with exact replacement (proportional dispersal), uniform dispersal, and local extinction and recolonization. The timing of dispersal (before or after selection, before or after mating) is shown to have an effect on group competition and the effective population size. In memory of Sam Karlin.  相似文献   

Fitness landscapes are a classical concept for thinking about the relationship between genotype and fitness. However, because the space of genotypes is typically high-dimensional, the structure of fitness landscapes can be difficult to understand and the heuristic approach of thinking about fitness landscapes as low-dimensional, continuous surfaces may be misleading. Here, I present a rigorous method for creating low-dimensional representations of fitness landscapes. The basic idea is to plot the genotypes in a manner that reflects the ease or difficulty of evolving from one genotype to another. Such a layout can be constructed using the eigenvectors of the transition matrix describing the evolution of a population on the fitness landscape when mutation is weak. In addition, the eigendecomposition of this transition matrix provides a new, high-level view of evolution on a fitness landscape. I demonstrate these techniques by visualizing the fitness landscape for selection for the amino acid serine and by visualizing a neutral network derived from the RNA secondary structure genotype-phenotype map.  相似文献   

Hidenori Tachida 《Genetics》1985,111(4):963-974
A method to calculate joint gene frequencies, which are the probabilities that two neutral genes taken at random from a population have certain allelic states, is developed taking into account the effects of the mating system and the mutation scheme. We assume that the mutation rates are constant in the population and that the mating system does not depend on allelic states. Under either--the condition that mutation rates are symmetric or that the mating unit is large and the mutation rate is small--the general formula is represented by two terms, one for the mating system and the other for the mutation scheme. The term for the mating system is expressed using the coancestry coefficient in the infinite allele model, and the term for the mutation scheme is a function of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the mutation matrix. Several examples are presented as applications of the method, including homozygosity in a stepping-stone model with a symmetric mutation scheme.  相似文献   

Two diffusion limits were derived from a discrete Wright-Fisher model of migration, mutation, and selection with an arbitrary degree of dominance. Instantaneous killing of the process due to emigration of a mutant leads to one of two diffusion processes with a killing term. One (weak gene flow) is the boundary case of the other (strong gene flow), which can cover a wide range of gene flow. The diffusion process subject to strong gene flow is similar to that studied by S. Karlin and S. Tavaré (1983, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 43, 31-41). The spectral decomposition of the transition probability density of "private" allele frequencies is presented in the case of strong gene flow. The fate of mutant in a deme is discussed in terms of the probabilities of survival and emigration.  相似文献   

A model for the information transfer from DNA to protein using quantum information and computation techniques is presented. DNA is modeled as the sender and proteins are modeled as the receiver of this information. On the DNA side, a 64-dimensional Hilbert space is used to describe the information stored in DNA triplets (codons). A Hamiltonian matrix is constructed for this space, using the 64 possible codons as base states. The eigenvalues of this matrix are not degenerate. The genetic code is degenerate and proteins comprise only 20 different amino acids. Since information is conserved, the information on the protein side is also described by a 64-dimensional Hilbert space, but the eigenvalues of the corresponding Hamiltonian matrix are degenerate. Each amino acid is described by a Hilbert subspace. This change in Hilbert space structure reflects the nature of the processes involved in information transfer from DNA to protein.  相似文献   

It is known that systems representable by tree graphs have entirely real eigenvalues near a steady state (Hyver, 1973). Here it is shown that the eigenvalues are negative, thus ensuring local stability.The method used in the proof allows some extensions which may be of considerable biological importance in certain cases, for example where linear systems containing circuits are involved, or enzymatic reactions, or autocatalytic reactions.  相似文献   

Covariance matrix estimation is a fundamental statistical task in many applications, but the sample covariance matrix is suboptimal when the sample size is comparable to or less than the number of features. Such high-dimensional settings are common in modern genomics, where covariance matrix estimation is frequently employed as a method for inferring gene networks. To achieve estimation accuracy in these settings, existing methods typically either assume that the population covariance matrix has some particular structure, for example, sparsity, or apply shrinkage to better estimate the population eigenvalues. In this paper, we study a new approach to estimating high-dimensional covariance matrices. We first frame covariance matrix estimation as a compound decision problem. This motivates defining a class of decision rules and using a nonparametric empirical Bayes g-modeling approach to estimate the optimal rule in the class. Simulation results and gene network inference in an RNA-seq experiment in mouse show that our approach is comparable to or can outperform a number of state-of-the-art proposals.  相似文献   

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