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Pigeonpea is a tropical grain-legume, which is highly dehydrationtolerant. The effect of drought stress on the carbohydrate metabolismin mature pigeonpea leaves was investigated by withholding waterfrom plants grown in very large pots (50 kg of soil). The moststriking feature of drought-stressed plants was the pronouncedaccumulation of D-pinitol (1D-3-methyl-chiro-inositol), whichincreased from 14 to 85 mg g–1 dry weight during a 27d stress period. Concomitantly, the levels of starch, sucroseand the pinitol precursors myo-inositol and ononitol all decreasedrapidly to zero or near-zero in response to drought. The levelsof glucose and fructose increased moderately. Drought stressinduced a pronounced increase of the activities of enzymes hydrolysingsoluble starch (amylases) and sucrose (invertase and sucrosesynthase). The two anabolic enzymes sucrose phosphate synthase(sucrose synthetic pathway) and myo-inositol methyl transferase(pinitol synthetic pathway) also showed an increase of activityduring stress. These results indicate that pinitol accumulatedin pigeonpea leaves, because the carbon flux was diverted fromstarch and sucrose into polyols. Key words: Drought, polyols, pinitol, sucrose, starch, pigeonpea  相似文献   

Changes in growth and yield parameters, and 14CO2 and (U-14C)sucrose incorporation into the primary metabolic pool, and essentialoil have been investigated under Mn-deficiency and subsequentrecovery in Mentha piperita, grown in solution culture. UnderMn-deficiency, CO2 exchange rate, total chlorophyll, total assimilatoryarea, plant dry weight, and essential oil yield were significantlyreduced, whereas chlorophyll a/b ratio, leaf area ratio andleaf stem ratio significantly increased. In leaves of Mn-deficientplants, 14CO2 incorporation into the primary metabolic pool(ethanol-soluble and -insoluble) and essential oil were significantlylower, whereas (U-14C) sucrose incorporation into these componentswas significantly higher as compared to the control. Among theprimary metabolites, the label was maximum in sugars, followedby organic acids and amino acids. A higher label in these metaboliteswas, in general, observed in stems of Mn-deficient plants ascompared to the control. Mn-deficient plants supplied with completenutrient medium for 3 weeks exhibited partial recovery in growthand yield parameters, and essential oil biogenesis. Thus, underMn-deficiency and subsequent recovery, the levels of primaryphotosynthetic metabolites and their partitioning between leafand stem significantly influence essential oil biogenesis. Key words: Mentha piperita, Mn-stress, 14CO2 and [U-14C] sucrose incorporation, oil accumulation, primary photosynthetic metabolites  相似文献   

Etiolated seedlings of Phaseolus mungo were fed with 14C-glucoseand the incorporation of 14C into shikimic and quinic acidswas determined. The incorporation of 14C into shikimic acidwas enhanced when non-labeled shikimic, quinic or 5-dehydroquinicacid was not significantly affected by these alicyclic acids.To examine whether the difference in biosynthetic patterns betweenshikimic and quinic acids is common in higher plants, flowersand leaves of several plants were fed with 14C-glucose or 14C-erythroseand the effciencies of these labeled sugars as precursors ofshikimic and quinic acids were compared. In seven of eight plantsamples, erythrose was superior to glucose as the precursorof shikimic acid, while there was no great difference in theefficiency of either sugar as the precursor of quinic acid.The possibility that the biosynthetic mechanism for quinic aciddiffers from that for shikimic acid is discussed. (Received September 12, 1973; )  相似文献   

The fate of 14C-glucose fed through scutella of rice (Oryzasativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) seedling explants was investigatedin relation to ethylene action on sugar translocation to growingcoleoptiles and leaves. In the scutellum, sucrose, UDPglucoseand F6P were rapidly labeled, and sucrose-phosphate synthaseactivity was higher than sucrose synthase activity. Radioactivesucrose soon appeared in both coleoptiles and leaves, and increasedrapidly. Its specific activity in both tissues became almostequal to that in the scutella. The specific activities of 14C-glucosein both coleoptiles and leaves changed almost in parallel tothose of 14C-fructose. These results suggest that sucrose wassynthesized in the scutellum and exported to the coleoptileand leaf, where it was cleaved to glucose and fructose. Ethylene slightly increased the specific activities of 14C-sucrosein all tissues, but markedly increased those of l4C-glucoseand -fructose only in the coleoptile. We assume that the ethyleneenhancement of sucrose transport from scutellum to the coleoptileresults from the activation of sucrose unloading in the growingcoleoptile where imported sucrose is cleaved into glucose andfructose. (Received May 25, 1987; Accepted October 30, 1987)  相似文献   

The apical portions of intact sunflower leaves were infiltratedwith 14C-glucose, 14C-fructose or 3-O-methyl-14C-glucose andthe basal portions were treated with inhibitors. The effects of oligomycin, ouabain and phlorizin on translocationwere studied. Inhibition of translocation from the basal portionof the leaf to the stem was determined by experiments usingoligomycin. In other experiments, each leaf was divided intothree parts. The apical portion was fed with 14C-glucose andthe basal part treated with oligomycin. The effects of oligomycinon the distribution of 14C-glucose, 14C-sucrose, 14C-fructoseand 14C-sugar phosphate along the three parts of the leaf wereinvestigated. Inhibition of sucrose synthesis in the leavestreated with oligomycin was observed. Oligomycin inhibited 14Ctranslocation from the leaf. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,Japan. (Received August 17, 1978; )  相似文献   

To examine the effects of ethylene on sugar transport from endospermsto coleoptiles in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) seedlings,the contents of free sugars in the coleoptiles of explants fedcold glucose and the distributions of 14C-activities after feedingof 14C-glucose to the scutella were determined at various timesafter ethylene application. Changes in sucrose, glucose andfructose in the cold glucose-fed explants exposed to ethylenewere similar to those in the ethylene-treated intact seedlingshaving endosperms. Ethylene enhanced the transport of 14C-labeledmetabolites from the scutella to the coleoptiles. Most of the14C accumulated in the ethylene-treated coleoptiles were presentas neutral substances in the ethanol-soluble fraction. Regardlessof the presence or absence of ethylene, the incorporation of14C into sucrose preceded that into glucose and fructose. Theglucose and fructose moieties of 14C-sucrose in the coleoptileswere almost equally labeled, and the specific activities of14C-sucrose were higher than those of 14C-glucose and 14C-fructose.These results suggested that sucrose synthesized in the scutellawas exported to the coleoptiles, and cleaved there into glucoseand fructose. Ethylene may accelerate the transport of 14C-labeledmetabolites by activating sucrose cleavage in the coleoptiles. (Received July 1, 1985; Accepted September 17, 1985)  相似文献   

Assimilate distribution in leaves of Lolium temulentum was establishedby root absorption of [14C]sucrose and after exposure to 14CO2.Age determined the amount of carbon assimilated, with more labelbeing incorporated during expansion than at maturity. Duringsenescence 14C assimilation was much lower. Ethanol-solubleextracts from various tissues of root-labelled plants containedmost of the radioactivity chiefly in basic and acidic compounds.The neutral fraction was composed predominantly of sucrose. Sucrose was comparably labelled in leaves from plants fed equalamounts of either [14C]sucrose, glucose, or fructose and onlytraces of labelled monosaccharides appeared in extracts. Radioactive sucrose was translocated rapidly from mature leaveswhereas, in the expanding leaf, carbon incorporation was directedtowards growth and the greater proportion of label present atligule formation was in ethanol-insoluble material. Induced senescence, of a mature leaf fed during expansion, produceda rapid loss from the pool of insoluble 14C. This was accompaniedby a reduction in the contents of chlorophyll and soluble proteinand an accumulation of amino acids. The onset of senescencecaused changes in leaf sugar levels which were correlated withincreased rates of respiration.  相似文献   

The effect of the day length on the accumulation and the degradationof the starch in leaf, stem and root tissues of prefloweringsoybean plants was determined by growing plants under a 7 or14 h light regime. As has been reported previously, the rateof starch accumulation by leaves was inversely related to daylength. High sucrose content was associated with a high rateof starch accumulation. Stem tissue showed diurnal fluctuationsin starch content and the rate of accumulation was also inverselyrelated to day length. This starch resulted from photosynthesiswithin the stem itself. A negligible amount of starch was foundin root tissue of both sets of plants. The rate of starch breakdown in leaves of 7 h plants was significantlyless than that in 14 h plants. Nevertheless, leaf starch inshort day length plants was depleted at least 4 h prior to theend of the dark period. In both sets of plants, degradationof stem starch started simultaneously with that in the leavesand continued throughout the dark period, although at a muchlower rate than that of leaves. Thus, stem starch acted as abuffer once leaf starch was depleted, providing carbohydratesto the plant, although in small quantities. To determine if soybean leaves adjust their rate of starch accumulationduring the light period to different dark period temperatures,plants were grown under temperature regimes of 30/20 °Cand 30/30 °C. Plants did not differ in rate of starch accumulationor CO2 exchange rate, but did show large differences in growthcharacteristics. High temperature plants had significantly greaterleaf area and tended to have greater leaf area ratio. Thus,despite similar rates of starch accumulation on a leaf areabasis, high temperature plants accumulated greater amounts ofstarch on a per plant basis. Glycine max(L.)Merr., soybean reserve carbohydrates, remobilization, source-sink realtionships  相似文献   

ALONI  B.; PASHKAR  T.; KARNI  L. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(5):371-377
The effect of heat stress on processes related to carbohydratepartitioning was investigated in young bell pepper (Capsicumannum L. cv. Maor) plants in relation to abscission of theirreproductive organs at different stages of development. None of the reproductive organs abscised after 5 d in a normalday/night temperature regime (25/18°C). With a temperatureregime of 35°C day, 25°C night, abscission occurredin only a small portion of the flower buds and none of the flowersand fruitlets. However, when temperatures in the day and nightwere reversed (25/35°C, day/night) all the buds and someof the flowers abscised during that time period. The young fruitat the first node did not abscise under any temperature regime.The abscission rate of the flower buds was reduced under heatstress if the developing fruit at the first node had been removed. High temperature during either the light or dark periods reducedthe export of [14C]sucrose from the source leaf (fed for 48h with [14C]sucrose). Both heat stress and fruit presence reduced the relative amountof [14C]sucrose which was exported to the flower buds, flowersand roots. Likewise, these treatments reduced the concentrationof reducing sugars in the reproductive organs. Concomitantly,the heat stress and fruit presence on the first node reducedthe activity of soluble acid invertase in the flower buds andthe roots, but not in young leaves. Overall, the results show that heat stress causes alternationin sucrose distribution in the plant, but may also have specificeffects on metabolic activities related to sucrose import andutilization in flower buds and flowers which in turn may enhancetheir abscission. Bell pepper, (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Maor), abscission, acidinvertase, heat stress, reproductive organs, sink leaves. Bell pepper, (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Maor), abscission, acid invertase, heat stress, reproductive organs, sink leaves.  相似文献   

Soybean plants [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. AGS129], two andthree weeks after depodding and defoliation, respectively, wereused to examine the possibility of end-product regulation onthe carbon exchange rate and activities of enzymes involvedin sucrose metabolism in leaves. Removal of one and two lateralleaflets per trifoliate leaf reduced the total leaf area by20% and 47%, respectively. Removal of one pod per node reducedthe total pod number by 23% per plant. Dry weights of roots,stems and petioles decreased with reductions in leaf area. Bycontrast, removal of pods resulted in an increase in these parameters.The carbon exchange rate and transpiration rate of leaves increasedwith defoliation and decreased with depodding. The intercellularconcentration of CO2 in leaves was reduced by defoliation andincreased by depodding. Furthermore, defoliation increased thelevel of leaf chlorophyll in leaves while depodding decreasedit. Removal of pods decreased the activities of sucrose-phosphatesynthase and -amylase but increased that of sucrose synthase.A significant positive correlation was found between the activityof leaf sucrose-phosphate synthase and both the carbon exchangerate and the sucrose content of leaves. Thus, manipulation ofthe sink and source in soybean plants influenced the relationshipbetween sucrose metabolism and the carbon exchange rate in intactleaves. 3Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University, Tsusimanaka Okayama,700 Japan 4Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Honjo-machi, Saga,840 Japan 1Present address: Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University,J1 Raya Indralaya, OK1 30662, Indonesia 2Present address: Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Honjo-machi,Saga, 840 Japan  相似文献   

B.  ALONI; T.  PASHKAR; L.  KARNI 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):371-377
The effect of heat stress on processes related to carbohydratepartitioning was investigated in young bell pepper (Capsicumannum L. cv. Maor) plants in relation to abscission of theirreproductive organs at different stages of development. None of the reproductive organs abscised after 5 d in a normalday/night temperature regime (25/18 °C). With a temperatureregime of 35 °C day, 25 °C night, abscission occurredin only a small portion of the flower buds and none of the flowersand fruitlets. However, when temperatures in the day and nightwere reversed (25/35 °C, day/night) all the buds and someof the flowers abscised during that time period. The young fruitat the first node did not abscise under any temperature regime.The abscission rate of the flower buds was reduced under heatstress if the developing fruit at the first node had been removed. High temperature during either the light or dark periods reducedthe export of [14C]sucrose from the source leaf (fed for 48h with [14C]sucrose). Both heat stress and fruit presence reduced the relative amountof [14C]sucrose which was exported to the flower buds, flowersand roots. Likewise, these treatments reduced the concentrationof reducing sugars in the reproductive organs. Concomitantly,the heat stress and fruit presence on the first node reducedthe activity of soluble acid invertase in the flower buds andthe roots, but not in young leaves. Overall, the results show that heat stress causes alternationin sucrose distribution in the plant, but may also have specificeffects on metabolic activities related to sucrose import andutilization in flower buds and flowers which in turn may enhancetheir abscission. Bell pepper, (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Maor), abscission, acid invertase, heat stress, reproductive organs, sink leaves  相似文献   

14CO2 assimilation was studied with diploid, tetraploid, hexaploidspecies of the genera Triticum and their wild relatives Aegilops.Attached mature leaves of 3–4 weekold plants were allowedto undergo photosynthesis under air at ambient temperature.The pattern of distribution of 14C was notably similar in Triticumand Aegilops species whatever the level of ploidy. Sucrose wasthe sink for photosynthetic carbon. 14C for sucrose synthesis was supplied either through the glycolatepathway by glycolate, the product of the photorespiration orby the Calvin cycle intermediates exported into the cytoplasm.Depending on the species, the glycolate pathway provided 40to 75%of the sucrose 14C. The higher labeling of sucrose was associated with the greaterparticipation of the glycolate pathway in the wild diploid (DD)A. squarrosa and in the cultivated hexaploid (AABBDD) T. aestivum.The results suggest that the expression of the male D genomeis dominant over the female AB genome in T. aestivum. In T. aestivum under ambient conditions lowering (low temperature)or hindering (1% O2 ) photorespiration, sucrose labeling decreased,but serine and glycine labeling was favoured. We propose thatin wheat leaves, the role of photorespiration is to drain artof the carbon exported from the chloroplast as glycolate, towardssucrose synthesis. (Received March 16, 1979; )  相似文献   

Mesophyll cells isolated enzymatically from Vigna angularisleaves were fed 14Cglucose or 14C-erythrose and the time-courseof 14C incorporation into shikimic and quinic acids was examined.When 14C-glucose was fed to the cells, the highest radioactivityin quinic acid was observed after 10 hr of incubation, whilethat in shikimic acid was after 14 hr. In the experiment with14C-erythrose, the radioactivity in shikimic acid rose strikinglyup to the 3rd hour, but 14C in quinic acid increased graduallyduring the incubation. The incorporation of 14C into shikimicacid was enhanced when unlabeled shikimic or quinic acid wassupplied to the cells simultaneously with either 14C-glucoseor 14G-erythrose, whereas that into quinic acid was not significantlyincreased by these alicyclic acids. The difference in incorporationrate of 14C into quinic acid from that into shikimic acid wasmore conspicuous in the isolated mesophyll cells than in theepicotyls of V. angularis seedlings. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860, Japan. (Received September 22, 1978; )  相似文献   

Pinitol, a Compatible Solute in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The irrigation of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. plants with400 mol m–3 NaCl to induce crassulacean acid metabolism(CAM) was accompanied by the accumulation of pinitol. Pinitolconstituted 71% of the soluble carbohydrate fraction and 9.7%dry weight in the CAM form. Pinitol in the C3 form did not exceed5% of the soluble carbohydrate fraction. Pinitol appeared metabolicallyinert: it was not readily degraded during 96 h of darkness inthe CAM form or during CAM deinduction. Preparations of CAMM. crystallinum protoplasts, vacuoles and chloroplasts showedpinitol to be chloroplastic at a concentration of about 230mol m–3 and cytosolic at about 100 mol m–3. No pinitolwas detected in vacuoles. CAM leaf extracts possessed a highermyo-inositol phosphate synthesising capacity than C3 extracts,revealing greater activity in the CAM form of glucose-6-phosphatecycloaldolase, an enzyme in the pathway of pinitol synthesis. Although pinitol accumulation and CAM induction could not beseparated and appeared to be specific responses to water stress,there may not be a causal link between them. Pinitol may functionas a compatible solute in the cytosol and especially the chloroplaststo counteract the presence of high concentrations of Na+ andCl ions in the vacuole. The accumulation of pinitol,though apparently not directly related to CAM may, like CAM,be viewed as an aspect of the adaptation of the plant to a reductionin water availability. Key words: pinitol, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L, CAM, compatible solute  相似文献   

Experiments were performed, using rice, barley and Hydrangealeaves, to examine the re-assimilation of respiratory 14CO2while photosynthesis is going on in an open air flow system. It was found that the leaves which had assimilated 14CO2 beforehandevolved, when kept under photosynthesizing conditions, threeto four tenths (variable according to plant species and externalconditions) of the amount of 14CO2 to be produced in the dark.Such an incomplete re-utilization of 14CO2 was observed alsoin spinach leaf homogenate as well as in the leaves which hadpreviously absorbed 14C-glucose. The 14CO2 output in rice leaves was found to be acceleratedby the light of high intensity. A possibility of light stimulationon the respiration was suggested. (Received October 7, 1961; )  相似文献   

Factors Affecting the Biosynthesis of Abscisic Acid   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Incorporation of labelled mevalonate into abscisic acid (ABA)has been demonstrated in the cotyledons of mature avocado seeds,embryos and endosperms of developing wheat seeds, and avocadostems. The increase in ABA concentration on wilting parallelsthe increased incorporation of [2–14C)mevalonate intoABA in avocado leaves and stems, suggesting that the increasein ABA content occurs by synthesis rather than by release froma stored precursor. Incorporation of [2–14C]mevalonateby avocado mesocarp segments is unaffected by an 18 per centwater loss. The ABA content of roots was hardly affected bya 30 per cent water loss, indicating that the wilt-activatedmechanism is not fully operative in these tissues. Submerged Ceratophyllum plants and submerged parts of Callitricheshoots show a twofold increase in ABA content on wilting whereasthe aerial rosettes of the latter plant show a sixfold increase.This suggests that the occurrence of the wilt-induced mechanismis affected by previous growth conditions as well as by themorphology of the tissue.  相似文献   

Distinct Cellular and Organismic Responses to Salt Stress   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
We have compared metabolic effects of high salinity betweenplants and cell suspension cultures from the facultative halophyteMesembryanthemum crystallinum (common ice plant). This plantshows developmentally-programmed inducibility for a switch fromC3-photosynthesis to CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism). Themetabolic switch is enhanced by environmental factors such asdrought, low temperature, and, most effectively, soil salinity.CAM induction is dependent on organized leaf tissue and cannotbe elicited by salt stress in suspension culture cells. In contrast,the accumulation of proline [Thomas et al. (1992) Plant Physiol.98: 626] is induced by NaCl in cultured cells as well as inplants and must be considered a cellular response to stress.We have extended our observations to include another trait ofsalt- and low-temperature-stress responses in the ice plant,the accumulation of putative osmoprotective sugars and sugaralcohols. In whole plants the cyclic sugar alcohol, pinitol,accumulates to amounts that approach 1 M during stress, whilein suspension cells no increase in sugar alcohols is observed.The distribution of carbon to different sugars is markedly differentbetween cells and plants under stress. Particularly obviousis the distinction between cell types in the different compositionof sugars and polyols, as exemplified by the epidermal bladdercells of ice plants. Ion contents and the content of sugarsand sugar alcohols of bladder cells indicate that Na+, Cl,pinitol and an unknown carbohydrate compound provide osmoticpressure in these cells, while organic anion concentrationsare low. With the ice plant, we conclude that cells in culturemimic only partly the stress response mechanisms of intact plantsand we hypothesize that communication between different tissuesis required to mount a complete environmental stress response. 4 Present address: Department of Botany Oklahoma State University,Stillwater, OK, 74078, U.S.A.  相似文献   

M.7 apple rootstocks were used during the peak period of shootextension for comparisons of dry-matter production per unitleaf area between intact plants and others which had been partiallydefoliated. Dry-matter increment per unit leaf area over a 16-dayinterval was some 70 per cent higher in partially defoliatedplants than in controls. 14CO2 was supplied to designated leaves of comparable age andposition. Sample discs were taken from the ‘fed’leaves at intervals up to 9 days from supplying 14CO2. Translocationrates were estimated by comparison with leaves on a third setof plants whose petioles were steamed to prevent translocationimmediately on removal of the 14CO2 feeding chambers. Translocationrates in partially defoliated plants were enhanced some 30 percent compared with controls. It is suggested that features of the plant outside the studiedleaves may have contributed to the overall efficiency of assimilateproduction and utilization. Malus sylvestris L., apple, dry matter production, leaf efficiency, defoliation, translocation, assimilate distribution, sorbitol, sucrose  相似文献   

Patterns of distribution of 14C were determined in 47-day-oldtomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) 24 h after theapplication of [14C]sucrose to individual source leaves fromleaves 1–10 (leaf 1 being the first leaf produced abovethe cotyledons). The first inflorescence of these plants wasbetween the ‘buds visible’ and the ‘firstanthesis’ stages of development. The predominant sink organs in these plants were the root system,the stem, the developing first inflorescence and the shoot ‘apex’(all tissues above node 10). The contribution made by individualsource leaves to the assimilate reaching these organs dependedupon the vertical position of the leaf on the main-stem axisand upon its position with respect to the phyllotactic arrangementof the leaves about this axis. The root system received assimilateprincipally from leaf 5 and higher leaves, and the stem apexfrom the four lowest leaves. The developing first inflorescencereceived assimilates mainly from leaves in the two orthostichiesadjacent to the radial position of the inflorescence on thevertical axis of the plant; these included leaves which weremajor contributors of 14C to the root system (leaves 6 and 8)and to the shoot apex (leaves 1 and 3). This pattern of distributionof assimilate may explain why root-restriction treatments andremoval of young leaves at the shoot apex can reduce the extentof flower bud abortion in the first inflorescence under conditionsof reduced photoassimilate availability. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, tomato, assimilate distribution, source-sink relationships  相似文献   

Sets of discs were taken from leaves of destarched tobacco plants(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. xanthii) and floated on solutionsof sucrose or glucose in the dark. Abundant starch was formedin the youngest leaves but there was a marked decline with leafage.By contrast, when replicate sets of discs were floated on waterand illuminated, photosynthetic starch formation was similarin the differently aged leaves. Uptake of sugar, measured bydry weight increases and incorporation of [14C]sucrose, wasnot dependent on leaf age. The possibility that physiologicalchanges, relating to ageing and import/export status of theleaf, regulate the metabolism of sugar to starch was examined.Increasing retention of sugar in the minor veins is likely tobe a major factor. Invertase activities were measured and foundto be similar in the differently aged leaves. Respiration ratesdeclined with increasing leaf age. Speculations concerning changesin selective permeability of the chloroplast membrane are alsodiscussed.  相似文献   

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