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The widespread use of the mobile phone has initiated many studies on the possible adverse effects of a high frequency electromagnetic field (EMF), which is used in mobile phones. A low frequency EMF is reported to suppress melatonin synthesis. The aim of this study was to clarify the effects on melatonin synthesis in rats after short term exposure to a 1439 MHz time division multiple access (TDMA) EMF. The average specific absorption ratio (SAR) of the brain was 7.5 W/kg, and the average SARs of the whole body were 1.9 and 2.0 W/kg for male and female rats, respectively. A total of 208 male and female rats were investigated. After acclimatization to a 12 h light-dark (LD) cycle, serum and pineal melatonin levels together with pineal serotonin level under a dark condition (less than 1 lux) were examined by radioimmunoassay. No significant differences in melatonin and serotonin levels were observed between the exposure, sham, and cage control groups. These results suggest that short term exposure to a 1439 MHz TDMA EMF, which is about four times stronger than that emitted by mobile phones, does not alter melatonin and serotonin synthesis in rats. Further investigations on the effects of long term exposure are warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the possible effects of short‐term exposure to a 1439‐MHz electromagnetic field (EMF) employing time division multiple access (TDMA), which is the basis of the Japanese Personal Digital Cellular system, on estrogenic activity in rats. Sixty‐four ovariectomized female Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into four groups: EMF exposure (EM), sham exposure, cage control, and 17 beta‐estradiol injected (E2). The EM group was exposed, for 4 h per day on three consecutive days, to the 1439‐MHz TDMA signal that produced 5.5–6.1 and 0.88–0.99 W/kg average specific absorption rates in the brain and the whole body, respectively. The uterine wet mass and serum estradiol level significantly increased in the E2 group, while there were no differences among the other three groups. Although negative effects of long‐term EMF exposure must be thoroughly investigated before a final conclusion can be reached, our results do not support the assumption that the high frequency EMF used in cellular phones exerts estrogenic activity. Bioelectromagnetics 31:573–575, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Possible effects of 1439 MHz electromagnetic near field (EMF) exposure on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) were investigated using immature (4 weeks old) and young (10 weeks old) rats, equivalent in age to the time when the BBB development is completed and the young adult, respectively. Alteration of BBB related genes, such as those encoding p-glycoprotein, aquaporin-4, and claudin-5, was assessed at the protein and mRNA levels in the brain after local exposure of the head to EMF at 0, 2, and 6 W/kg specific energy absorption rates (SARs) for 90 min/day for 1 or 2 weeks. Although expression of the 3 genes was clearly decreased after administration of 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) as a positive control, when compared with the control values, there were no pathologically relevant differences with the EMF at any exposure levels at either age. Vascular permeability, monitored with reference to transfer of FITC-dextran, FD20, was not affected by EMF exposure. Thus, these findings suggest that local exposure of the head to 1439 MHz EMF exerts no adverse effects on the BBB in immature and young rats.  相似文献   

This study sought to clarify the effects of exposure to electromagnetic waves (EMW) used in cellular phones on learning and memory processes. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for either 1 h daily for 4 days or for 4 weeks to a pulsed 1439 MHz time division multiple access (TDMA) field in a carousel type exposure system. At the brain, average specific absorption rate (SAR) was 7.5 W/kg, and the whole body average SAR was 1.7 W/kg. Other subjects were exposed at the brain average SAR of 25 W/kg and the whole body average SAR of 5.7 W/kg for 45 min daily for 4 days. Learning and memory were evaluated by reversal learning in a food rewarded T-maze, in which rats learned the location of food (right or left) by using environmental cues. The animals exposed to EMW with the brain average SAR of 25 W/kg for 4 days showed statistically significant decreases in the transition in number of correct choices in the reversal task, compared to sham exposed or cage control animals. However, rats exposed to the brain average SAR of 7.5 W/kg for either 4 days or for 4 weeks showed no T-maze performance impairments. Intraperitoneal temperatures, as measured by a fiber optic thermometer, increased in the rats exposed to the brain average SAR of 25 W/kg but remained the same for the brain average SAR of 7.5 W/kg. The SAR of a standard cellular phone is restricted to a maximum of 2 W/kg averaged over 10 g tissue. These results suggest that the exposure to a TDMA field at levels about four times stronger than emitted by cellular phones does not affect the learning and memory processes when there are no thermal effects.  相似文献   

Increasing cell phone use calls for clarification of the consequences of long term exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). We investigated the effects of EMF on the testes of 12-week-old rats as well as possible protective effects of luteolin on testis tissue. Twenty-four Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into four groups: control, EMF, luteolin, and EMF + luteolin. The number of Leydig cells, primary spermatocytes and spermatids were reduced in the EMF group compared to the control group. In the EMF + luteolin group, the number of Leydig cells, primary spermatocytes and spermatids was significantly greater than the EMF group. We found an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the EMF group compared to the control group. In the EMF group, we found decreased wet weight of testes and serum testosterone levels compared to the control group. Decreased SOD enzyme activity, and increased serum testosterone levels and weight of the testes were observed in the EMF + luteolin group compared to the EMF group. EMF also affected sperm morphology. We found that in rat testis repeated exposure to 900 MHz EMF caused changes in testicular tissue and that the antioxidant, luteolin, substantially reduced the deleterious effects of EMF.  相似文献   

In the present study the third generation wireless technology of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) signal was investigated for the induction of genotoxic effects in human leukocytes. Peripheral blood from six healthy donors was used and, for each donor, intermittent exposures (6 min RF on, 2 h RF off) at the frequency of 1950 MHz were conducted at a specific absorption rate of 2.2 W/kg. The exposures were performed in a transverse electro magnetic (TEM) cell hosted in an incubator under strictly controlled conditions of temperature and dosimetry. Following long duration intermittent RF exposures (from 24 to 68 h) in different stages of the cell cycle, micronucleus formation was evaluated by applying the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay, which also provides information on cell division kinetics. Primary DNA damage (strand breaks/alkali labile sites) was also investigated following 24 h of intermittent RF exposures, by applying the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (SCG)/comet assay. Positive controls were included by treating cell cultures with Mitomycin-C and methylmethanesulfonate for micronucleus and comet assays, respectively. The results obtained indicate that intermittent exposures of human lymphocytes in different stages of cell cycle do not induce either an increase in micronucleated cells, or change in cell cycle kinetics; moreover, 24 h intermittent exposures also fail to affect DNA structure of human leukocytes soon after the exposures, likely indicating that repairable DNA damage was not induced.  相似文献   

The pathological effects of exposure to an electromagnetic field (EMF) during childhood and adolescence may be greater than those from exposure during adulthood. We investigated possible pathological changes in the cerebellum of adolescent rats exposed to 900 MHz EMF daily for 25 days. We used three groups of six 21-day-old male rats as follows: unexposed control group (Non-EG), sham-exposed group (Sham-EG) and an EMF-exposed group (EMF-EG). EMF-EG rats were exposed to EMF in an EMF cage for 1 h daily from postnatal days 21 through 46. Sham-EG rats were placed in the EMF cage for 1 h daily, but were not subjected to EMF. No procedures were performed on the Non-EG rats. The cerebellums of all animals were removed on postnatal day 47, sectioned and stained with cresyl violet for histopathological and stereological analyses. We found significantly fewer Purkinje cells in the EMF-EG group than in the Non-EG and Sham-EG groups. Histopathological evaluation revealed alteration of normal Purkinje cell arrangement and pathological changes including intense staining of neuron cytoplasm in the EMF-EG group. We found that exposure to continuous 900 MHz EMF for 1 h/day during adolescence can disrupt cerebellar morphology and reduce the number of Purkinje cells in adolescent rats.  相似文献   

Rats (N = 16) exposed individually in circularly polarized waveguides to 970-MHz electromagnetic radiation (SAR=2.5 mW/g, 22 h daily for 70 consecutive days) had significantly higher serum levels of triglycerides, albumin, and total protein compared with sham-irradiated controls. No difference was observed in the weights, hematologic profile, or in vitro lymphocyte responses to mitogens between these two groups. The higher serum levels of triglycerides in radiofrequency-radiation-exposed rats suggest a non-specific stress reaction.  相似文献   

Long-Evans male adult rats were intermittently exposed for 14 weeks to continuous wave (CW) 2450-MHz microwaves at an average power density of 2.5 mW/cm2. The mean specific absorption rate was 0.70 W/kg (+/- 0.02 SEM). The rats were exposed 7 h/day, 7 days/week in a radiation chamber with a monopole above ground, while housed in Plexiglas cages. Weekly measures of body mass and food intake did not indicate statistically significant effects of microwave irradiation. Assessments of threshold for electric-footshock detection revealed a significant difference between microwave and sham-exposed animals. Assessments of cholinesterase and sulfhydryl groups in blood and 17-ketosteroids in urine did not distinguish the two groups of rats. Behavioral measures made at the end of the 14-week exposure included an open-field test, shuttlebox avoidance performance, and schedule-controlled lever-pressing for food pellets. Statistically significant differences between microwave- and sham-exposed rats were observed for these measures. Examination of adrenal tissue, plasma electrolytes, and organ masses after 14 weeks of exposure revealed no difference between the two groups of rats.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in thymic tissue of male rats exposed to a 900 megahertz (MHz) electromagnetic field (EMF) on postnatal days 22–59. Three groups of six 21-day-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were allocated as: control (CG), sham (SG) and EMF (EMFG) groups. No procedure was performed on the CG rats. SG rats were placed in a Plexiglas cage for 1 h every day between postnatal days 22 and 59 without exposure to EMF. EMFG rats were placed in the same cage for the same periods as the SG rats and were exposed to 900 MHz EMF. Rats were sacrificed on postnatal day 60. Sections of thymus were stained for histological assessment. Oxidant/antioxidant parameters were investigated biochemically. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in EMFG increased compared to the other groups. Extravascular erythrocytes were observed in the medullary/corticomedullary regions in EMFG sections. We found that 900 MHz EMF applied for 1 h/day on postnatal days 22–59 can increase tissue MDA and histopathological changes in male rat thymic tissue.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exposure in utero to a 900 megahertz (MHz) electromagnetic field (EMF) on 60-day-old rat testis and epididymis. Pregnant rats were divided into control (CG; no treatment) and EMF (EMFG) groups. The EMFG was exposed to 900 MHz EMF for 1 h each day during days 13 ? 21 of pregnancy. Newborn rats were either newborn CG (NCG) or newborn EMF groups (NEMFG). On postnatal day 60, a testis and epididymis were removed from each animal. Epididymal semen quality, and lipid and DNA oxidation levels, apoptotic index and histopathological damage to the testis were compared. We found a higher apoptotic index, greater DNA oxidation levels and lower sperm motility and vitality in the NEMFG compared to controls. Immature germ cells in the seminiferous tubule lumen, and altered seminiferous tubule epithelium and seminiferous tubule structure also were observed in hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of NEMFG testis. Nuclear changes that indicated apoptosis were identified in TUNEL stained sections and large numbers of apoptotic cells were observed in most of the seminiferous tubule epithelium in the NEMFG. Sixty-day-old rat testes exposed to 900 MHz EMF exhibited altered sperm quality and biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the impacts of exposure to electromagnetic radiation(EMR) on liver function in rats. Methods: Twenty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into normal group and radiated group. The rats in normal group were not radiated, those in radiated group were exposed to EMR 4 h/d for 18 consecutive days. Rats were sacrificed immediately after the end of the experiment. The serum levels of alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase(AST), and those of malondialdehyde(MDA) and glutathione(GSH) in liver tissue were evaluated by colorimetric method. The liver histopathological changes were observed by hematoxylin and eosin staining and the protein expression of bax and bcl-2 in liver tissue were detected by immunohistochemical method. Terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated nick and labelling(TUNEL) method was used for analysis of apoptosis in liver. Results: Compared with the normal rats, the serum levels of ALT and AST in the radiated group had no obvious changes(P0.05), while the contents of MDA increased(P0.01) and those of GSH decreased(P0.01) in liver tissues. The histopathology examination showed diffuse hepatocyte swelling and vacuolation, small pieces and focal necrosis. The immunohistochemical results displayed that the expression of the bax protein was higher and that of bcl-2 protein was lower in radiated group. The hepatocyte apoptosis rates in radiated group was higher than that in normal group(all P0.01). Conclusion: The exposure to 900 MHz mobile phone 4 h/d for 18 days could induce the liver histological changes, which may be partly due to the apoptosis and oxidative stress induced in liver tissue by electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   

Exposure to electrically charged gas molecules (air ions) has been reported to influence physiological and behavioral functions in animals and humans although there is controversy as to whether these findings are valid. A popular hypothesis concerning the reported effects of air ions is that alterations in serotonin (5HT) metabolism, particularly in the brain, are involved. We measured the concentration and turnover of 5HT in rats exposed to 5.0 X 10(5) ions/cm3 for up to 66 hours. Contrary to previous reports of other investigators, we were unable to demonstrate any effect of exposure to air ions or associated DC electric fields on the concentration or turnover of 5HT in rats under carefully controlled and characterized exposure conditions.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether chronic exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cellular phones increased the incidence of spontaneous tumors in F344 rats. Eighty male and 80 female rats were randomly placed in each of three irradiation groups. The sham group received no irradiation; the Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) group was exposed to 835.62 MHz FDMA RF radiation; and the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) group was exposed to 847.74 MHz CDMA RF radiation. Rats were irradiated 4 h per day, 5 days per week over 2 years. The nominal time-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) in the brain for the irradiated animals was 0.85 +/- 0.34 W/kg (mean +/- SD) per time-averaged watt of antenna power. Antennas were driven with a time-averaged power of 1.50 +/- 0.25 W (range). That is, the nominal time-averaged brain SAR was 1.3 +/- 0.5 W/kg (mean +/- SD). This number was an average from several measurement locations inside the brain, and it takes into account changes in animal weight and head position during irradiation. All major organs were evaluated grossly and histologically. The number of tumors, tumor types and incidence of hyperplasia for each organ were recorded. There were no significant differences among final body weights or survival days for either males or females in any group. No significant differences were found between treated and sham-exposed animals for any tumor in any organ. We conclude that chronic exposure to 835.62 MHz FDMA or 847.74 MHz CDMA RF radiation had no significant effect on the incidence of spontaneous tumors in F344 rats.  相似文献   

The study presented in this article was designed to complete a dosimetry protocol required to establish the RF exposure levels at 100 MHz for measurement of the effect on cognition in human volunteers near the resonant frequency in seated positions. The results are compared with those reported previously using the same experimental procedures, except with the vertically radiating dipole antenna and corner reflector raised by .30 m to the vertical center of the anechoic chamber. The average whole body SAR for the high and low SAR conditions used in the previous study was achieved with a 12% increase in transmitter forward power. However, the incident power density averaged over the body was increased by 42%, from 40 and 80 W/m(2) in the previous study to 57 and 113 W/m(2) in the current study to achieve the same whole body average SAR used in the previous study. The differences in field patterns and field intensities between the previous and current studies were introduced by interactions between the E-field and RF absorbers in the floor and ceiling, which represent resonant structures at 100 MHz.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley rats were irradiated with a continuous- wave (CW) or a pulsed-wave (P) radiofrequency (RF) for 6 h/day, 5 days/week from 2 up to 24 months of age. The RFs emanated from dipole antennas (1 W average output) 2.0 +/- 0.5 cm from the tip of each rat's nose. The RFs had an 860 MHz frequency, and the specific absorption rate was 1.0 W/ kg averaged over the brain. Fifteen groups of 60 rats (900 total) were formed from offspring of females injected i.v. with 0 (groups 1, 2, 9, 10, 13), 2.5 (groups 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14) or 10 mg/kg (groups 3, 4, 15) ethylnitrosourea (ENU) to induce brain tumors. Groups 1, 3, 5 and 7 received the PRF, and groups 9 and 11 the CWRF; groups 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 were sham-irradiated, and groups 13-15 were cage controls. All rats but 2, totaling 898, were necropsied, and major tissues were studied histopathologically. There was no statistically significant evidence that the PRF or CWRF induced neoplasia in any tissues. Additionally, there was no significant evidence of promotion of cranial or spinal nerve or spinal cord tumors. The PRF or CWRF had no statistically significant effect on the number, volume, location, multiplicity, histological type, malignancy or fatality of brain tumors. There was a trend for the group that received a high dose of ENU and was exposed to the PRF to develop fatal brain tumors at a higher rate than its sham group; however, the result was not significant using the log-rank test (P = 0.14, 2-tailed). No statistically significant differences were related to the PRF or CWRF compared to controls in the low- or zero-dose groups regarding tumors of any kind.  相似文献   

The increasing use of mobile phones by children and teenagers has raised concerns about their safety. Addressing such concerns is difficult, because no data are available on possible effects from long-term exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields during the development of the nervous system. Possible morphological and functional changes were evaluated in the central nervous system of young male Wistar rats exposed to 900 MHz mobile phone signal for 2 h/day on 5 days/week. After 5 weeks of exposure at whole-body average specific energy absorption rates of 0.3 or 3.0 W/kg or sham exposure, six rats per group were examined histologically, and the remaining 18 rats per group were subjected to behavioral tests. No degenerative changes, dying neurons, or effects on the leakage of the blood-brain barrier were detected. No group differences were observed in the open-field test, plus maze test or acoustic startle response tests. In the water maze test, however, significantly improved learning (P = 0.012) and memory (P = 0.01) were detected in rats exposed to RF fields. The results do not indicate a serious threat to the developing brain from mobile phone radiation at intensities relevant to human exposure. However, the interesting finding of improved learning and memory warrants further studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of magnetic field via cell phones on some blood parameters and neurons in the brain of rats. Animals have been classified into three groups: control, Magnetic Field (MF), and F2 groups. Throughout this study, cell phones were placed on the wall of the cages. Rats were exposed to the effects of cell phones during prenatal and postnatal periods until they were 80 days old. During the study, the exposure procedure of rats was that the phone was in standby mode for a whole day and in talking mode for 30 min per day. The waves of cell phones caused an increased blood glucose level from 96.52 ± 5.64 mg/dl to 132.14 ± 5.93 mg/dl and an increased serum protein level from 131.14 ± 6.19 mg/dl to 319.29 ± 6.73 mg/dl compared to control. Statistically, significant differences wasn't observed in the blood cholesterol concentration between the groups compared to the control. Weekly weight gain decreased in all groups compared to the control. MF exposure decreased pyramidal neuron numbers 51.15% and increased ischemic neuron numbers 73% at cortex region of brain. In addition, vascular dilatations have increased clearly in group F2.Whereas the procedure of MF did not have any effects on hippocampal pyramidal cell numbers, magnetic fields increased the amount of ischemic neurons three-fold compared to the control. In conclusion, MF affected some biochemical parameters, especially the cortex region of the brain.  相似文献   

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