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V J Chen  F Wold 《Biochemistry》1986,25(4):939-944
Neoglycoproteins in which the oligosaccharide moieties are attached noncovalently to the protein through a high-affinity ligand have been prepared from biotinylated oligosaccharides and avidin or the nonglycosylated microbial analogue streptavidin. One of the asparagine-oligosaccharides purified from Pronase-digested ovalbumin (Man6-GlcNAc2-Asn) was reacted with an excess of the hydroxysuccinimide ester of biotin or, for the purpose of quantitation, [3H]biotin. Derivatives were also prepared with an extension "arm", a 6-aminohexanoyl group, between biotin and asparagine. When the purified biotinyl-Asn-oligosaccharide was added to avidin or streptavidin, a complex was formed containing 3 mol of oligosaccharide/mol of protein. The complexes were stable at neutral pH in the absence of biotin and could be dialyzed for 2 weeks without any significant loss of ligand. In the presence of biotin, or under denaturing conditions, the oligosaccharide derivative was released and could be quantitatively recovered. To assess the influence of the protein matrix on the reactivity of the oligosaccharide units, free biotinyl-Asn-oligosaccharide and the corresponding avidin and streptavidin complexes were exposed to alpha-mannosidase in parallel experiments. The rate of hydrolysis of the free derivative was severalfold faster than that of the two protein complexes, and at the time when about 90% of the free derivative had all five alpha-mannosyl residues removed, the majority of the protein-bound derivatives contained two to four undigested alpha-mannosyl residues and also had a significant amount of undigested starting material. The ease of preparation and the properties of these neoglycoproteins suggest that they should be excellent models for the study of glycoprotein-receptor binding and glycoprotein processing.  相似文献   

Rybak JN  Scheurer SB  Neri D  Elia G 《Proteomics》2004,4(8):2296-2299
The interaction between streptavidin and biotin is one of the most widely used tools in chemistry and biology. However, the release of biotinylated proteins from streptavidin resins remains a major problem, due to the extraordinary stability of this complex. We present a new protocol for the quantitative elution of biotinylated proteins from streptavidin Sepharose, featuring harsh elution conditions and competition with free biotin. The usefulness of the method was demonstrated by the quantitative recovery of biotinylated proteins from organ homogenates, obtained from mice perfused with a reactive ester derivative of biotin.  相似文献   

Streptavidin forms two-dimensional crystals when specifically bound to layers of biotinylated lipids at the air/water interface. The three-dimensional structure of streptavidin determined from the crystals by electron crystallography corresponds well with the structure determined by x-ray crystallography. Comparison of the electron and x-ray crystallographic structures reveals the occurrence of free biotin-binding sites on the surface of the two-dimensional crystals facing the aqueous solution. The free biotin-binding sites could be specifically labeled with biotinylated ferritin. The streptavidin/biotinylated lipid system may provide a general approach for the formation of two-dimensional crystals of biotinylated macromolecules.  相似文献   

A streptavidin/biotin-based immunoaffinity system was optimized to isolate herpesvirus (human cytomegalovirus) immediate early proteins or late glycoproteins from crude infected cell lysates. Biotinylation of the primary antibody by biotin substitution of epsilon amino groups was superior to biotin substitution of sugar residues. Biotinylation of the primary antibody was superior to that of a secondary antibody. A biotin substitution of approximately 8 M biotin/M antibody allowed for maximal recovery of viral antigens. The streptavidin/biotin-based immunoaffinity system can allow for relatively pure preparations of viral antigens that may be used for functional, immunological, or structural studies.  相似文献   

Triton X-100 can be used to clarify vague immunoprecipitin lines from bacterial antigens; however, non-immunological precipitation can lead to mistaken interpretation of immunodiffusion results. If Triton X-100 is added directly to the gel during preparation rather than to the antigen well, this detergent artifact can be eliminated.  相似文献   

The structural study of transient nucleoprotein complexes by electron microscopy is hampered by the coexistence of multiple interaction states leading to an heterogeneous image population. To tackle this problem, we have investigated the controlled immobilization of double stranded DNA molecules and of nucleoprotein complexes onto a support suitable for cryo-electron microscopy observation. The DNA was end-labeled with a biotin moiety in order to decorate, or to be incorporated into, two-dimensional streptavidin crystals formed in contact of a biotinylated lipid layer. The binding specificity and efficiency were examined by radioactively labeled oligonucleotides and by direct visualization of unstained and hydrated nucleic acid molecules in cryo-electron microscopy. By using RNA polymerase we further show that, once immobilized, femtomolar amounts of DNA template are suitable to interact with the enzyme. The image analysis of the RNA polymerase-DNA complexes showed that a three-dimensional model can be retrieved from such samples.  相似文献   

Triton X-100 can be used to clarify vague immunoprecipitin lines from bacterial antigens; however, non-immunological precipitation can lead to mistaken interpretation of immunodiffusion results. If Triton X-100 is added directly to the gel during preparation rather than to the antigen well, this detergent artifact can be eliminated.  相似文献   

Bispyridylmethylamine-tyrosine-acrylamide ligands were prepared from protected tyrosine and dipyridylmethylamine by a twofold Mannich reaction and converted into acryl amides. Their manganese complexes were used as gel additives to increase the specific phosphate affinity in SDS-PAGE protein separations. The modified gel showed a distinct mobility shift of phosphorylated α-casein in comparison to the dephosphorylated protein.  相似文献   

To expand the application of the streptavidin-biotin technology for reversible affinity purification of biotinylated proteins, a novel form of monomeric streptavidin was engineered and produced using Bacillus subtilis as the expression host. By changing as little as two amino acid residues (T90 and D128) to alanine, the resulting mutant streptavidin designated DM3 was produced 100% in the monomeric form as a soluble functional protein via secretion. It remained in the monomeric state in the presence or absence of biotin. Interaction of purified monomeric streptavidin with biotin was studied by surface plasmon resonance-based BIAcore biosensor. Its on-rate is comparable to that of monomeric avidin while its off-rate is seven times lower. The dissociation constant was determined to be 1.3 x 10(-8)M. These properties make it an attractive agent for affinity purification of biotinylated proteins. An affinity matrix with immobilized DM3 mutein was prepared and applied to purify biotinylated cytochrome c from a crude extract. Biotinylated cytochrome c could be purified to homogeneity in one step and was shown to retain full biological activity. Advantages of using DM3 mutein over other traditional methods in the purification of biotinylated proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The precipitation of insoluble salts containing divalent metal ions is inhibited by Gla-containing proteins of various origin. In this paper we demonstrate that: Gla-residues are required for the inhibitory activity; the inhibition is effected by a protein which in vivo is bound to calcified tissue (osteocalcin) as well as by proteins occurring in blood plasma (factor X) and urine (the urinary Gla-protein); The inhibitor concentration required for 50% precipitation-inhibition varied slightly from one salt to the other, but no marked differences were observed between the effects of the various Gla-containing proteins used; Precipitation-inhibition occurred in all phosphates (Be, Ca, Mn and Zn) and in all calcium salts (phosphate, oxalate and carbonate) tested.  相似文献   

Monomeric forms of avidin and streptavidin [(strept)avidin] have many potential applications. However, generation of monomeric (strept)avidin in sufficient quantity is a major limiting factor. We report the successful intracellular production of an improved version of monomeric streptavidin (M4) in a soluble and functional state at a level of approximately 70 mg/L of an Escherichia coli shake flask culture. It could be affinity purified in one step using biotin agarose with 70% recovery. BIAcore biosensor analysis using biotinylated bovine serum albumin confirmed its desirable kinetic properties. Two biotinylated proteins with different degrees of biotinylation (5.5 and 1 biotin per protein) pre-mixed with cellular extracts from Bacillus subtilis were used to examine the use of M4-agarose in affinity purification of protein. Both biotinylated proteins could be purified in high purity with 75-80% recovery. With the mild elution and matrix regeneration conditions, the M4-agarose had been reused four times without any detectable loss of binding capability. The relatively high-level overproduction and easy purification of M4, excellent kinetic properties with biotinylated proteins and mild procedure for protein purification make vital advancements in cost-effective preparation of monomeric streptavidin affinity matrix with desirable properties for purification of biotinylated molecules.  相似文献   

Streptavidin substituted with mannose residues increased by 20-fold the intracellular concentration of a biotinylated dodecakis(alpha-deoxythymidylate) in macrophages by comparison with the uptake of free oligodeoxynucleotide. Streptavidin, the bacterial homologue of the very basic avidin, which does not contain any carbohydrate moieties and is a neutral protein, was substituted with 12 mannose residues in order to be recognized and internalized by mannose-specific lectins on the surface of macrophages. A 3'-biotinylated and 5'-fluoresceinylated dodecakis (alpha-deoxythymidylate) was synthesized and bound onto mannosylated streptavidin. The conjugate was isolated, and by using flow cytometry, it was shown that the uptake of fluoresceinylated oligodeoxynucleotides bound to mannosylated streptavidin by macrophages is 20-fold higher than that of free oligodeoxynucleotides and that the uptake was competively inhibited by mannosylated serum albumin. Glycosylated streptavidin conjugates recognizing specific membrane lectins on different cells provide the possibility to target biotinylated antisense oligodeoxynucleotides and to increase the biological effect of these chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 710 sheep raised in 20 different farms were examined for Brucella ovis antibodies. Thirty samples were positive with complement fixation, 35 samples with precipitation, and 58 samples with both tests. It has been concluded that the gel precipitation technique is adequate for screening but for individual testing both methods should be used simultaneously.  相似文献   

Europium has been used as a label in immunoassays as it can be measured with high sensitivity by means of time-resolved fluorometry. Here we have used streptavidin labeled with europium chelates in the detection of adenovirus type 2 DNA bound to microtiter wells after hybridization with a biotinylated probe. The method gave quantitative results and a sensitivity of about 10 pg of the specific DNA.  相似文献   

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