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Spermiogenesis in Plagioscion squamosissimus occurs in cysts. It involves a gradual differentiation process of spermatids that is characterized mainly by chromatin compaction in the nucleus and formation of the flagellum, resulting in the spermatozoa, the smallest germ cells. At the end of spermiogenesis, the cysts open and release the newly formed spermatozoa into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. The spermatozoa do not have an acrosome and are divided into head, midpiece, and tail or flagellum. The spermatozoa of P. squamosissimus are of perciform type with the flagellum parallel to the nucleus and the centrioles located outside the nuclear notch.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis in Plagioscion squamosissimus occurs in cysts. It involves a gradual differentiation process of spermatids that is characterized mainly by chromatin compaction in the nucleus and formation of the flagellum, resulting in the spermatozoa, the smallest germ cells. At the end of spermiogenesis, the cysts open and release the newly formed spermatozoa into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. The spermatozoa do not have an acrosome and are divided into head, midpiece, and tail or flagellum. The spermatozoa of P. squamosissimus are of perciform type with the flagellum parallel to the nucleus and the centrioles located outside the nuclear notch.  相似文献   

Pseudempleurosoma gibsoni n. sp. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) is described from the oesophagus of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steindachner) from off the coast of Brazil. The type-species of Pseudempleurosoma Yamaguti, 1965, P. carangis Yamaguti, 1965, is redescribed and the diagnosis of the genus is amended. Metadiplectanotrema Gerasev et al. 1987 is considered synonym of Pseudempleurosoma. This genus now contains four species, including P. carangis, P. caranxi Gerasev et al., 1987 n. comb., P. myripristi Gerasev et al., 1987 n. comb. and the one new species.  相似文献   

A new genus of sciaenid fish Caucasisciaena is erected to accommodate the Early Miocene eastern Paratethys species Perca ignota Smirnov, 1936, which, subsequently, was variously attributed to the modern genera, either Larimus or Otolithoides. The materials examined include 32 specimens from four Caucasian and Crimean localities of Sakaraulian age (Lower Burdigalian). The new genus is based on a unique combination of features, including: parasphenoid with a dorsal rounded bony flange; basisphenoid present; premaxilla with short ascending process forming obtuse angle with alveolar process and ascending/alveolar process ratio about 0.17; anterior premaxillary teeth enlarged; posttemporal with few robust spines along its posterior margin; presence of 25 vertebrae; presence of three tiny supraneurals; dorsal fin with 11 spines plus 22–24 soft rays; anal fin with two spines and 7–8 soft rays; second anal-fin spine long and massive; pectoral fin elongate; scales ctenoid on body and cycloid on head (except for one or two rows of ctenoid scales on the cheek). Paleoecological considerations suggest that Caucasisciaena probably was a predatory fish that inhabited the coastal waters of the eastern sector of the Paratethyan basin.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa ultrastructure was studied in five marines (Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Larimus breviceps, Cynoscion striatus, Micropogonias furnieri, Menticirrhus americanus, Umbrina coroides, Stellifer rastrifer), and one freshwater (Plagioscion squamosissimus) species of Sciaenidae and one species of Polynemidae (Polydactylus virginicus). The investigation revealed that, in all species, spermatozoa display a round head, a nucleus containing highly condensed, filamentous chromatin clusters, no acrosome, a short midpiece with a short cytoplasmic channel, and a flagellum showing the classic axoneme structure (9+2) and short irregular lateral fins. In Sciaenidae, the spermatozoa are type II, the flagellar axis is parallel to the nucleus, the lateral nuclear fossa is double arched, the centriolar complex is outside the nuclear fossa, the proximal centriole is anterior and perpendicular to the distal centriole, and no more than ten spherical (marine species) or elongate (freshwater species) mitochondria are observed. Polynemidae spermatozoa are of the intermediate type with the flagellar axis eccentric to the hemi-arc-shaped nucleus, and exhibit no nuclear fossa, the centriolar complex close to the upper nuclear end, the proximal centriole lateral and oblique to the distal centriole, and one large ring-shaped mitocondrion. The data available show that no characteristic is exclusively found in the spermatozoa of members of the Sciaenidae family when compared to other Percoidei with type II spermatozoa. However, three characteristics were exclusively found in Polynemidae: (1) the hemi-arched nucleus; the positioning of the centrioles; and (2) the ring-shaped mitocondrion. The interrelationships between Sciaenidae and Polynemidae as well as between these two families and other Percoidei are herein discussed.  相似文献   

Pseudohaliotrema paralonchuri sp. n., parasitic on the sciaenid fish Paralonchurus peruanus (Steindachner) from the Peruvian central coast, is described, illustrated and compared with related species of the genus. P. paralonchuri differs from other Pseudohaliotrema by the characteristics of the cirrus, accessory piece, anchors and bars. This is the first record of Pseudohaliotrema from the South American Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies were performed on specimens of Atherinella brasiliensis from Laranjeiras Bay (Paraná State, Brazil). All specimens had a diploid number of 48 chromosomes, with a karyotype constituted by 4m+14sm+18st+12a and fundamental number of 84. The C-positive heterochromatin was distributed over the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in the centromeric regions and on short arms of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Most of this heterochromatin was AT-rich, except in the NORs, which were rich in GC, as detected by double staining with chromomycin A3/4'-6-diamin-2-phenylindole. Single NORs were located at terminal positions of a submetacentric pair, as confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization with 18S rDNA probes. Both techniques showed a size heteromorphism between the homologous chromosomes. The 5S rDNA clusters were located in terminal positions on two chromosomal pairs and also displayed a size heteromorphism. Despite the conserved diploid number, the data on the karyotype microstructure help characterize the cytogenetic profile of this group.  相似文献   

The monophyly of Polynemidae was evaluated and its sister relationship with Sciaenidae discussed, based on osteological and myological characters from 24 polynemid species in eight genera, with comparisons with acanthomorph fishes from literature and 86 species in 8 orders and 63 families examined. Polynemidae was inferred as a monophyletic group, strongly supported by 19 synapomorphies, including four unique characters (unnamed bone present on cephalic sensory canal extending from supratemporal, third actinost not supporting pectoral-fin rays, section A1 comprising lateral and medial elements, and division of obliquus inferioris present between lower postcleithrum and rod-like process on coracoid) in percoids. In addition, seven pectoral girdle characters were recognized, with the girdle possessing filament-like sensory rays, an adaptation to benthic life in muddy water. The sister relationship of Polynemidae and Sciaenidae was supported by six synapomorphies, including two rather rare (a single branchiostegal ray suspended by epihyal and posterior portions of pelvic bones on both sides interdigitated) and two unique characters (metapterygoid and quadrate interdigitated medially and anterior extension of the nasal canal).  相似文献   

Sex ratio and size structure constitute basic information in assessing reproductive potential and estimating stock size in fish populations. One hundred fifty-one individuals of Micropogonias furnieri caught by experimental otter trawls, in three zones (inner, central, and outer) of Sepetiba Bay between October 1998 and September 1999 were examined. Males outnumbered females (1.3:1.0) in all zones but no significant differences were detected. Only in the outer zone (5.0:1.0) were male/female rates significantly different according to the chi-square test. No temporal differences were observed in sex ratio. Fish size ranged from 81 to 244 mm total length (TL) with significant differences in 155 to 185 mm TL size classes, where males predominated, and a slightly higher number of females were observed for the smaller size class (TL = 95-150 mm). Size distribution varied according to the zone, with juveniles predominating in the inner and adults in the outer zone. Spatial difference in size structure observed in this study indicates that the inner bay is a rearing ground during the first life-cycle period, and movement toward the sea occurs as fish increase in size.  相似文献   

Fishes from the families Sciaenidae and Sparidae, the former comprising coastal species associated with shallow waters on the continental shelf and the latter composed of typically marine species, are of significant economic value. Karyotypic data are available for about 20% of the total number of species in these groups. In the present study, cytogenetic analyses were carried out in three Sciaenidae species, Menticirrhus americanus, Ophioscion punctatissimus and Pareques acuminatus, as well as in the sparid fish, Archosargus probatocephalus, using conventional staining (Giemsa) and Ag-nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) and C-banding techniques. The diploid values (2n) and number of chromosome arms were equal to 48 in all species analyzed. NORs were located at pericentromeric positions, equivalent to large heterochromatic blocks, in M. americanus (1st pair), O. punctatissimus (10th pair), P. acuminatus (2nd pair), and A. probatocephalus (3rd pair). Heterochromatin was detected at the centromeric position in most chromosome pairs, being more conspicuous among Scianidae members. The remarkable karyotypic conservativeness detected in these species is similar to that observed in other perciform groups previously studied, regarding both the number of acrocentric chromosomes and NOR location. However, unusual events of heterochromatinization seem to have taken place along the karyotypic evolution of members of the family Sciaenidae. For the family Sparidae, distinct cytotypes between samples of Northeast Brazil and those previously analyzed on the southeastern coast were identified, suggesting that putative biogeographic barriers could be present throughout both regions on South Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

In this study the diet of Stellifer rastrifer and S. brasiliensis were analysed in order to assess the role of resource partitioning between these congeneric, sympatric and abundant species along the coasts of Paraná (25 °55′28″S; 48 °33′35″W) and Santa Catarina (26 °25′55″S; 48 °34′46″W), in southern Brazil. The stomach contents of 240 S. rastrifer specimens (52–195 mm total length) and 167 S. brasiliensis (60–182 mm total length) collected by trawl boat in March of 2006, were analysed to assess the influence of sites, day and night periods as well as the size class in their diet composition. Although crustaceans have been the main resources of both species, S. rastrifer consumed pelagic and epibenthic items, whereas S. brasiliensis also used benthic resources. Results of permanova analysis provided significant evidence for food resource partitioning and confirm the role of feeding changes in the function of morphology (species, P = 0.001), behaviour (day and night, P = 0.024), and ontogeny (size classes, P = 0.001), strategies to reduce competition and to maintain the coexistence of these syntopic species.  相似文献   

Paranebris bauchotae, a new genus and species of sciaenid from the Gulf of Panama is described from three specimens (138-212 mm SL). It is distinguished from all other sciaenids by having granulated tooth plates on the jaws and the premaxillary tooth plates that are exposed laterally of the lower jaw when the mouth is closed. The new genus shares the following characters with the New World genus Nebris: a thick fleshy and cartilage gap present between premaxillary bones where the ascending processes form an A-frame arch; gas bladder with a pair of long U-shaped appendages; and a thick, oval-shaped sagitta with deeply grooved caudal section of the sulcus. Paranebris bauchotae is distinct from all Nebris species in having a firmer interorbital skin and scale cover (spongy to the touch in Nebris), a larger eye (6-7 vs. 8-12 times in head length) and large ctenoid scales (vs. small and cycloid in Nebris).  相似文献   

One of the most fragmented habitats in freshwater lakes is the rocky littoral zone, where the already richly structured habitat is frequently interspersed with more pronounced barriers such as sandy bays, river estuaries and deep slopes. Although habitat fragmentation generally constrains the dispersal of specialized rock-dwelling species, patterns of population structure vary in sympatric taxa due to species-specific traits. In the present study, we examine the phylogeographic and population genetic structure of Perissodus microlepis , a presumptively highly mobile scale-eating cichlid fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika with a lake-wide distribution in the rocky littoral zone and no obvious geographical colour variation. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of six populations in the southern end of the lake suggests isolation by distance along rocky shoreline. Across a large muddy bay, a phylogeographic break indicates that environmental barriers restrict gene flow even in this highly mobile species. Restricted dispersal across the bay is not necessarily a consequence of an intrinsic propensity to avoid sand, but may be connected with the association between P. microlepis and other rock-dwelling fish, which the scale-eaters mimic and intermingle in order to be able to approach other fish to rip off scales from their bodies.  相似文献   

Siphonophores are exclusively marine cnidaria and their predatory role in plankton food-webs is well recognised. In this study, we analyse the structure and the spatial extent of siphonophore assemblages in relation to changes in freshwater outflows and food availability in the southern Gulf of Mexico during a high (October) and a low (April) outflow periods. A total of 149 samples were collected using a 505 μm multiple closing net at 1–6 levels (0–100 m) of the water column, depending on the bathymetry. Data on siphonophore species biovolumes (ml 100 m−3) were treated by means of the Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity Index, and two distinctive assemblages were identified: the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer’ assemblages, located over the inner and outer shelves. Temperature, salinity, zooplankton biomass, and siphonophore species were included in a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to identify the factors associated with each assemblage. Geographical distribution of the assemblages practically remained the same during both seasons and its cross-shelf variability was stronger than the vertical one. Seasonally, diversity values were higher in October, when the highest river discharges occur. Spatially, the lowest diversity and mean siphonophore biovolumes values were registered in the ‘inner assemblage’, where the highest and lowest salinity values were recorded. We suggest that even when extreme salinity values (>36.5 or <34) might depress siphonophore populations in the coastal area, enough food availability in the concerned areas might mitigate the negative effect of salinity, since a positive and significant (p < 0.05) relationship was found between siphonophores biovolume and zooplankton biomass. Bassia bassensis, Diphyes dispar and Enneanogum hyalinum, present in both assemblages during both seasons, were able to survive in a wide range of salinity values, following perhaps, their prey. All the 23 species here registered were found in the ‘outer assemblage’; however, Abylopsis eschscholtzi, Chelophyes appendiculata and Diphyes bojani were more associated with the ‘outer’ group according to the PCA results. Enneagonum hyalinum was the only species frequently encountered and abundant in the ‘inner assemblage’ during both seasons and, supporting previous observations, this species might be considered as an indicator of nearshore waters. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Morphological and osteological development of the flathead,Percophis brasiliensis, is described based on specimens collected from southeastern Brazilian waters. Identification of larvae was based on pigment pattern and meristic counts. Distinct melanophores were present on the bottom of the hindbrain, between the bases of the pelvic fins and on the bases of the pectoral fins. Within the family Percophididae onlyPercophis brasiliensis has 57 myomeres, which result in the larvae having an elongated body form. The larval pigment pattern and structure of the caudal complex suggest that the subfamilies Percophinae and Bembropinae are phylogenetically close, while the Hemerocoetinae belong to an advanced group within the family.  相似文献   

Da Silva Cortinhas, M. C., Glienke, C., Prioli, A. J., Noleto, R. B., Matoso, D. A. and Cestari, M. M. 2010. A prime inference on genetic diversity (RAPDs) in the marine fish Atherinella brasiliensis (Teleostei, Atherinopsidae) from Southern Brazil. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 242–248 As a result of the importance of Atherinella brasiliensis in estuarine environments, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to verify the genetic diversity in A. brasiliensis from two different places in Paranaguá Bay (Paraná State) and one from the Conceição Lagoon (Santa Catarina State). Cytogenetic data have shown a high karyotypic diversity in some populations, although in others this peculiarity demonstrates rearrangements such as heterochromatinization. In the present study, a low level of genetic structuring between the samples from Conceição Lagoon compared with the others was observed through principal coordinate analysis (PCO), analysis of molecular variance and Mantel test according to 79 RAPD markers. As this specie does not perform horizontal migration and the individuals of Conceição Lagoon are isolated, three hypotheses are proposed to explain the results: (i) similar environments may show homogeneous populations not depending on the geographical distance, (ii) because vicariant events that formed the bays occurred in a recent period, the fragmentation effects over the structuring of the genetic diversity may still be low and not totally detectable by the RAPD technique and (iii) the isolation time or the number of generations may not be enough to promote a possible differentiation and genetic structuring between the specimens of these three places. The specimens of these places present a low level of differentiation and genetic structuring so we can consider them as a unique homogeneous population.  相似文献   

Systematics of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes (Teleostei: Perciformes)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The relationships among 53 genera of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes were analyzed based on internal and external morphological features. Comparison of the morphological cladistic tree with a previously proposed classification showed 5 of 12 tribes to be nonmonophyletic. Sixteen tribes were recognized, the changes in classification being that Trematocarini was treated as a junior synonym of Bathybatini; 5 new tribes were established for each of the following genera, Benthochromis, Boulengerochromis, Ctenochromis benthicola, Cyphotilapia, and Greenwoodochromis; Ctenochromis horei was transferred from Haplochromini to Tropheini; and Gnathochromis pfefferi was transferred from Limnochromini to Tropheini. The revised classification was supported by previously proposed molecular trees.  相似文献   

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