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To probe the secondary structure of the C-terminus (residues 165-243) of lipid-free human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and its role in protein stability, recombinant wild-type and seven site-specific mutants have been produced in C127 cells, purified, and studied by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. A double substitution (G185P, G186P) increases the protein stability without altering the secondary structure, suggesting that G185 and G186 are located in a loop/disordered region. A triple substitution (L222K, F225K, F229K) leads to a small increase in the alpha-helical content and stability, indicating that L222, F225, and F229 are not involved in stabilizing hydrophobic core contacts. The C-terminal truncation Delta(209-243) does not change the alpha-helical content but reduces the protein stability. Truncation of a larger segment, Delta(185-243), does not affect the secondary structure or stability. In contrast, an intermediate truncation, Delta(198-243), leads to a significant reduction in the alpha-helical content, stability, and unfolding cooperativity. The internal 11-mer deletion Delta(187-197) has no significant effect on the conformation or stability, whereas another internal 11-mer deletion, Delta(165-175), dramatically disrupts and destabilizes the protein conformation, suggesting that the presence of residues 165-175 is crucial for proper apoA-I folding. Overall, the findings suggest the presence of stable helical structure in the C-terminal region 165-243 of lipid-free apoA-I and the involvement of segment 209-243 in stabilizing interactions in the molecule. The effect of the substitution (G185P, G186P) on the exposure of tryptophans located in the N-terminal half suggests an apoA-I tertiary conformation with the C-terminus located close to the N-terminus.  相似文献   

We report the modeling of the interaction of differently self-associated lipid-free apoA-I with cholesterol monomer and tail-to-tail (TT) or face-to-face (FF) cholesterol dimer. Cholesterol dimerization is exploited to reconcile the existing experimental data on cholesterol binding to apoA-I with extremely low critical micelle concentration of cholesterol. Two crystal structures of 1–43 N-truncated apolipoprotein Δ(1-43)A-I tetramer (PDB ID: 1AV1, structure B), 185–243 C-truncated apolipoprotein Δ(185-243)A-I dimer (PDB ID: 3R2P, structure M) were analyzed. Cholesterol monomers bind to multiple binding sites in apoA-I monomer, dimer and tetramer with low, moderate and high energy (?10 to ?28 kJ/mol with Schrödinger package), still insufficient to overcome the thermodynamic restriction by cholesterol micellization (?52.8 kJ/mol). The binding sites partially coincide with the putative cholesterol-binding motifs. However, apoA-I monomer and dimer existing in structure B, that contain nonoverlapping and non-interacting pairs of binding sites with high affinity for TT and FF cholesterol dimers, can bind in common 14 cholesterol molecules that correspond to existing values. ApoA-I monomer and dimer in structure M can bind in common 6 cholesterol molecules. The values of respective total energy of cholesterol binding up to 64.5 and 67.0 kJ/mol for both B and M structures exceed the free energy of cholesterol micellization. We hypothesize that cholesterol dimers may simultaneously interact with extracellular monomer and dimer of lipid-free apoA-I, that accumulate at acid pH in atheroma. The thermodynamically allowed apolipoprotein-cholesterol interaction outside the macrophage may represent a new mechanism of cholesterol transport by apoA-I from atheroma, in addition to ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

In the present study apolipoprotein-mediated free cholesterol (FC) efflux was studied in J774 macrophages having normal cholesterol levels using an experimental design in which efflux occurs in the absence of contributions from cholesteryl ester hydrolysis. The results show that cAMP induces both saturable apolipoprotein (apo) A-I-mediated FC efflux and saturable apo A-I cell-surface binding, suggesting a link between these processes. However, the EC50 for efflux was 5-7-fold lower than the Kd for binding in both control and cAMP-stimulated cells. This dissociation between apo A-I binding and FC efflux was also seen in cells treated for 1 h with probucol which completely blocked FC efflux without affecting apo A-I specific binding. Thus, cAMP-stimulated FC efflux involves probucol-sensitive processes distinct from apo A-I binding to its putative cell surface receptor. FC efflux was also dramatically stimulated in elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages, suggesting that cAMP-regulated apolipoprotein-mediated FC efflux may be important in cholesterol homeostasis in normal macrophages. The presence of a cAMP-inducible cell protein that interacts with lipid-free apo A-I was investigated by chemical cross-linking of 125I-apo A-I with J774 cell surface proteins which revealed a Mr 200 kDa component when the cells were treated with cAMP.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that certain lipid-poor forms of apolipoprotein (apo)A-I may be particularly important in promoting cholesterol release from overburdened cells in the periphery. However, a detailed understanding of the physiological relevance of these species has been hampered by the difficulty in measuring them. As part of a search for a rapid assay for these forms of apoA-I, we have observed that the protease enteropeptidase can specifically cleave human lipid-free apoA-I but not its lipid-bound form. Enteropeptidase cleaved lipid-free apoA-I at a single site at amino acid 188, resulting in an N-terminal fragment of 22 kDa. However, apoA-I was not susceptible to enteropeptidase when present in reconstituted high-density lipoprotein (rHDL) particles as small as 6 nm in diameter or in human HDL(3) particles, even at extremely high enzyme-to-protein ratios and extended reaction times. We capitalized on this observation to develop an assay for the measurement of lipid-poor apoA-I in in vitro systems. Densitometry was used to generate a standard curve from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels to determine the amounts of the N-terminal proteolytic fragment in unknown samples treated with enteropeptidase. This system could accurately quantify apoA-I that had been displaced from rHDL particles and human HDL(3) with purified apoA-II. On the basis of the results, a system of nomenclature is proposed for "lipid-free," "lipid-poor," and "lipid bound" apoA-I.The reported method distinguishes forms of apoA-I by a conformational parameter without previous separation of the species. This simple and inexpensive method will be useful for understanding the characteristics of plasma HDL that are favorable for the dissociation of apoA-I.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of apolipoprotein B (apoB) on cell viability, we used lipid-free apoB as a model for denatured apoB. Lipid-free apoB had cytotoxicity to J774 macrophages, CHO cells and HepG2 cells, whereas apoB bound to low density lipoprotein (LDL) and lipid-free apolipoprotein A-I had no effect on cell viability. Lipid-free apoB induced apoptosis in J774 macrophages assessed by caspase-3 activation and annexin V binding. LDL receptor, heparan sulfate proteoglycans, and class A scavenger receptor were involved in the binding/uptake of lipid-free apoB, but lipid-free apoB binding/uptake by the cells did not correlate with cytotoxicity. Lipid-free apoB disrupted the lipid bilayer of large unilamellar vesicles containing calcein. We evaluated the interaction between apoB and cellular membrane by monitoring the change in intracellular Ca2+ concentration using Fura-2, and found that lipid-free apoB rapidly disrupted the cellular membrane in the absence or presence of the inhibitors for cellular binding/uptake mediated by the receptors. Therefore, it is suggested that lipid-free apoB induces cell death by disturbance of the plasma membrane. In addition to other lipid component in modified LDL, apoB itself has an ability to induce apoptosis and plays a crucial role in the development of atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Structure, evolution, and regulation of chicken apolipoprotein A-I   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A full-length cDNA clone for the precursor form of chicken liver apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) was isolated by antibody screening of a chicken liver cDNA library in the expression vector lambda gt11. The complete nucleotide sequence and predicted amino acid sequence of this clone is presented. The identity of the clone was confirmed by comparison with partial amino acid sequences for chicken apolipoprotein A-I. Chicken preproapolipoprotein A-1 consists of an 18-amino acid prepeptide, a 6-amino acid propeptide, and 240 amino acids of mature protein. The sequence of the protein is homologous to mammalian apoA-I and is highly internally repetitive, consisting largely of 11-amino acid repeats predicted to have an amphipathic alpha-helical structure. The sequence of the propeptide (Arg-Ser-Phe-Trp-Gln-His) differs in two positions from that of mammalian apoA-I. The mRNA for chicken apoA-I is about 1 kilobase in length and is expressed in a variety of tissues including liver, intestine, brain, adrenals, kidneys, heart, and muscle. This quantitative tissue distribution has been determined and is similar to that observed for mammalian apoE and different from that of mammalian apoA-I mRNA. This reinforces the concept that avian apoA-I performs functions analogous to those of mammalian apoE. Moreover, comparisons revealed sequences of chicken apoA-I similar to the region of mammalian apoE responsible for interaction with cellular receptors. Previous studies have demonstrated striking changes in the rates of synthesis of apoA-I in breast muscle during development and in optic nerve after retinal ablation. We now demonstrate that these changes are paralleled by changes in mRNA levels. ApoA-I mRNA levels increase approximately 50-fold in breast muscle between 14 days postconception and hatching and then decrease about 15-fold to adult levels. The levels of apoA-I mRNA increase about 3-fold in optic nerve following retinal ablation. ApoA-I mRNA is also found in the brain in the absence of nerve injury. This may indicate that locally synthesized apoA-I has a routine or housekeeping function in lipid metabolism in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, a 243-residue, 28.1-kDa protein is a major mediator of the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) pathway, a process that may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in humans. In plasma, a small fraction of lipid-free or lipid-poor apoA-I is likely a key player in the first step of RCT. Therefore, a basic understanding of the structural details of lipid-free apoA-I will be useful for elucidating the molecular details of the pathway. To address this issue, we applied the combined approach of cross-linking chemistry and high-resolution mass spectrometry (MS) to obtain distance constraints within the protein structure. The 21 lysine residues within apoA-I were treated with homo bifunctional chemical cross-linkers capable of covalently bridging two lysine residues residing within a defined spacer arm length. After trypsin digestion of the sample, individual peptide masses were identified by MS just after liquid chromatographic separation. With respect to the linear amino acid sequence, we identified 5 short-range and 12 long-range cross-links within the monomeric form of lipid-free apoA-I. Using the cross-linker spacer arm length as a constraint for identified Lys pairs, a molecular model was built for the lipid-free apoA-I monomer based on homology with proteins of similar sequence and known three-dimensional structures. The result is the first detailed model of lipid-free apoA-I. It depicts a helical bundle structure in which the N- and C-termini are in close proximity. Furthermore, our data suggest that the self-association of lipid-free apoA-I occurs via C- and N-termini of the protein based on the locations of six cross-links that are unique to the cross-linked dimeric form of apoA-I.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylyl cyclase (soluble GC) is an enzyme consisting of alpha and beta subunits and catalyzes the conversion of GTP to cGMP. The formation of the heterodimer is essential for the activity of soluble GC. Each subunit of soluble GC has been shown to comprize three functionally different parts: a C-terminal catalytic domain, a central dimerization domain, and an N-terminal regulatory domain. The central dimerization domain of the beta(1) subunit, which contains an N-terminal binding site (NBS) and a C-terminal binding site (CBS), has been postulated to be responsible for the formation of alpha/ beta heterodimer. In this study, we analyzed heterodimerization by the pull-down assay using the affinity between a histidine tag and Ni(2+) Sepharose after co-expression of various N- and C-terminally truncated FLAG-tagged mutants of the alpha(1) subunit and the histidine-tagged wild type of the beta(1) subunit in the vaculovirus/Sf9 system, and demonstrated that the CBS-like sequence of the alpha(1) subunit is critical for the formation of the heterodimer with the beta(1) subunit and the NBS-like sequence of the alpha(1) subunit is essential for the formation of the enzymatically active heterodimer, although this particular sequence was not involved in heterodimerization. The analysis of the secondary structure of the alpha(1) subunit predicted the existence of an amphipathic alpha-helix in residues 431-464. Experiments with site-directed alpha(1) subunit mutant proteins demonstrated that the amphipathicity of the alpha-helix is important for the formation of the heterodimer, and Leu(463) in the alpha-helix region plays a critical role in the formation of a properly arranged active center in the dimer.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of lipid-free apolipoprotein (apo) A-I in the monomeric state comprises two domains: a N-terminal alpha-helix bundle and a less organized C-terminal domain. This study examined how the N- and C-terminal segments of apoA-I (residues 1-43 and 223-243), which contain the most hydrophobic regions in the molecule and are located in opposite structural domains, contribute to the lipid-free conformation and lipid interaction. Measurements of circular dichroism in conjunction with tryptophan and 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid fluorescence data demonstrated that single (L230P) or triple (L230P/L233P/Y236P) proline insertions into the C-terminal alpha helix disrupted the organization of the C-terminal domain without affecting the stability of the N-terminal helix bundle. In contrast, proline insertion into the N terminus (Y18P) disrupted the bundle structure in the N-terminal domain, indicating that the alpha-helical segment in this region is part of the helix bundle. Calorimetric and gel-filtration measurements showed that disruption of the C-terminal alpha helix significantly reduced the enthalpy and free energy of binding of apoA-I to lipids, whereas disruption of the N-terminal alpha helix had only a small effect on lipid binding. Significantly, the presence of the Y18P mutation offset the negative effects of disruption/removal of the C-terminal helical domain on lipid binding, suggesting that the alpha helix around Y18 concealed a potential lipid-binding region in the N-terminal domain, which was exposed by the disruption of the helix-bundle structure. When these results are taken together, they indicate that the alpha-helical segment in the N terminus of apoA-I modulates the lipid-free structure and lipid interaction in concert with the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

As the principal component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), apolipoprotein (apo) A-I plays essential roles in lipid transport and metabolism. Because of its intrinsic conformational plasticity and flexibility, the molecular details of the tertiary structure of lipid-free apoA-I have not been fully elucidated. Previously, we demonstrated that the stability of the N-terminal helix bundle structure is modulated by proline substitution at the most hydrophobic region (residues around Y18) in the N-terminal domain. Here we examine the effect of proline substitution at S55 located in another relatively hydrophobic region compared to most of the helix bundle domain to elucidate the influences on the helix bundle structure and lipid interaction. Fluorescence measurements revealed that the S55P mutation had a modest effect on the stability of the bundle structure, indicating that residues around S55 are not pivotally involved in the helix bundle formation, in contrast to the insertion of proline at position 18. Although truncation of the C-terminal domain (Δ190-243) diminishes the lipid binding of apoA-I molecule, the mutation S55P in addition to the C-terminal truncation (S55P/Δ190-243) restored the lipid binding, suggesting that the S55P mutation causes a partial unfolding of the helix bundle to facilitate lipid binding. Furthermore, additional proline substitution at Y18 (Y18P/S55P/Δ190-243), which leads to a drastic unfolding of the helix bundle structure, yielded a greater lipid binding ability. Thus, proline substitutions in the N-terminal domain of apoA-I that destabilized the helix bundle promoted lipid solubilization. These results suggest that not only the hydrophobic C-terminal helical domain but also the stability of the N-terminal helix bundle in apoA-I are important modulators of the spontaneous solubilization of membrane lipids by apoA-I, a process that leads to the generation of nascent HDL particles.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the major protein component of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and plays a central role in cholesterol metabolism. The lipid-free/lipid-poor form of apoA-I is the preferred substrate for the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1). The interaction of apoA-I with ABCA1 leads to the formation of cholesterol laden high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles, a key step in reverse cholesterol transport and the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. Knowledge of the structure of lipid-free apoA-I is essential to understanding its critical interaction with ABCA1 and the molecular mechanisms underlying HDL biogenesis. We therefore examined the structure of lipid-free apoA-I by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). Through site directed spin label EPR, we mapped the secondary structure of apoA-I and identified sites of spin coupling as residues 26, 44, 64, 167, 217 and 226. We capitalize on the fact that lipid-free apoA-I self-associates in an anti-parallel manner in solution. We employed these sites of spin coupling to define the central plane in the dimeric apoA-I complex. Applying both the constraints of dipolar coupling with the EPR-derived pattern of solvent accessibility, we assembled the secondary structure into a tertiary context, providing a solution structure for lipid-free apoA-I. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in High Density Lipoprotein Formation and Metabolism: A Tribute to John F. Oram (1945-2010).  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and detailed fluorescence studies were used to study the structure and dynamics of recombinant human proapolipoprotein (proapo) A-I in the lipid free state and in reconstituted high-density lipoprotein (rHDL) particles. Five different mutants of proapoA-I, each containing a single tryptophan residue, were produced in bacteria corresponding to each of the naturally occurring Trp residues (position -3 in the pro-segment, 8, 50, 72, and 108) in the N-terminal half of the protein. Structural analyses indicated that the conservative Phe-Trp substitutions did not perturb the conformation of the mutants with respect to the wild-type protein. Steady-state fluorescence studies indicated that all of the Trp residues exist in nonpolar environments that are highly protected from solvent in both the lipid-free and lipid-bound forms. Time-resolved lifetime and anisotropy studies indicated that the shape of the monomeric form of proapoA-I is a prolate ellipsoid with an axial ratio of about 6:1. In addition, the region surrounding Trp 108 appears to be more mobile than the rest of the protein in the lipid-free state. However, in rHDL particles, no significant domain motion was detected for any of the Trp residues. The results presented in this work are consistent with a model for monomeric lipid-free proapoA-I in which the N-terminal half of the molecule is organized into a bundle of helices.  相似文献   

In this study the thermal and denaturant induced unfolding of apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) and the monomer form of apolipoprotein A-I(Milano) (apo A-I(M)) was followed. Dimer apo A-I(M) was reduced with dithiothreitol, which was present in the protein solutions in all experiments. Thermal denaturation is followed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and far-UV and near-UV CD. Both apo A-I and monomer apo A-IM have a broad asymmetric DSC peak that could be deconvoluted into three non two-state transitions, apo A-I being more stable than the monomer apo A-IM. Estimation of melting of tertiary structure by near-UV CD is lower than that for secondary structure determined from far-UV. This together with the non two-state unfolding of the proteins observed with DSC is indicative of unfolding via a molten globular-like state. Apo A-I and monomer apo A-I(M) are equally susceptible to guanidinum chloride, half-unfolded at 1.2 M denaturant. The presence of 0.5 and 1.0 M denaturant, lower and equalize the denaturation temperatures of the proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the major protein component of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and plays a central role in cholesterol metabolism. The lipid-free/lipid-poor form of apoA-I is the preferred substrate for the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1). The interaction of apoA-I with ABCA1 leads to the formation of cholesterol laden high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles, a key step in reverse cholesterol transport and the maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis. Knowledge of the structure of lipid-free apoA-I is essential to understanding its critical interaction with ABCA1 and the molecular mechanisms underlying HDL biogenesis. We therefore examined the structure of lipid-free apoA-I by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR). Through site directed spin label EPR, we mapped the secondary structure of apoA-I and identified sites of spin coupling as residues 26, 44, 64, 167, 217 and 226. We capitalize on the fact that lipid-free apoA-I self-associates in an anti-parallel manner in solution. We employed these sites of spin coupling to define the central plane in the dimeric apoA-I complex. Applying both the constraints of dipolar coupling with the EPR-derived pattern of solvent accessibility, we assembled the secondary structure into a tertiary context, providing a solution structure for lipid-free apoA-I. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in High Density Lipoprotein Formation and Metabolism: A Tribute to John F. Oram (1945-2010).  相似文献   

The protein heterogeneity of fractions isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography on anti-apolipoprotein A-I and anti-apolipoprotein A-II affinity columns was analyzed by high resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The two-dimensional gel electrophoresis profiles of the fractions were analyzed and automatically compared by the computer system MELANIE. Fractions containing apolipoproteins A-I + A-II and only A-I as the major protein components have been isolated from plasma and from high density lipoproteins prepared by ultracentrifugation. Similarities between the profiles of the fractions, as indicated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, suggested that those derived from plasma were equivalent to those from high density lipoproteins (HDL), which are particulate in nature. The established apolipoproteins (A-I, A-II, A-IV, C, D, and E) were visible and enriched in fractions from both plasma and HDL. However, plasma-derived fractions showed a much greater degree of protein heterogeneity due largely to enrichment in bands corresponding to six additional proteins. They were present in trace amounts in fractions isolated from HDL and certain of the proteins were visible in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis profiles of the plasma. These proteins are considered to be specifically associated with the immunoaffinity-isolated particles. They have been characterized in terms of Mr and pI. Computer-assisted measurements of protein spot-staining intensities suggest an asymmetric distribution of the proteins (as well as the established apolipoproteins), with four showing greater prominence in particles containing apolipoprotein A-I but no apolipoprotein A-II.  相似文献   

Val156 of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) was found to be a key amino acid in the structure and function of high density lipoprotein (HDL) (J. Biol. Chem., 275: 26821-26827, 2000). To determine more precisely the functions of the individual amino acids proximal to Val156, serial point mutants of proapoA-I, including V156K, D157K, and A158E, were overexpressed and purified to at least 95% purity. In the lipid-free state, A158E exhibited the most profound self-associative patterns and the least pronounced dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) clearance activities. In the lipid-bound state, A158E formed a larger reconstituted HDL (rHDL) with palmitoyloleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC), approximately 120 A, whereas other mutants and the wild type (WT) formed 97 A of POPC-rHDL. Cross-linking analysis revealed that A158E-rHDL harbored at least four protein molecules in the particle, while other rHDL conformations contained only two protein molecules. All of the POPC-rHDL produced smaller HDL, around 78 A, after 24 h of incubation in the presence of low density lipoprotein at 37 degrees C. V156K and A158E exhibited decreased lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase activation activity in the POPC-rHDL state, showing <2% of WT reactivity (apparent Vmax/Km). A158E also displayed markedly different properties in secondary structure, and its accessibility to proteolytic enzymes is different. These results suggest that the two amino acids in helix 6, Val156 and Ala158, are critical to both the structure and function of rHDL.  相似文献   

Recent models of lipid-free apolipoprotein A-I, including a cross-link/homology model and an X-ray crystal structure have identified two potential functionally relevant “patches” on the protein surface. The first is a hydrophobic surface patch composed of leucine residues 42, 44, 46, and 47 and the second a negatively charged patch composed of glutamic acid residues 179, 191, and 198. To determine if these domains play a functional role, these surface patches were disrupted by site-directed mutagenesis and the bacterially expressed mutants were compared with respect to their ability to bind lipid and stimulate ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux. It was found that neither patch plays a significant functional role in the ability of apoA-I to accept cholesterol in an ABCA1-dependent manner, but that the hydrophobic patch did affect the ability of apoA-I to clear DMPC liposomes. Interestingly, contrary to previous predictions, disruption of the hydrophobic surface patch enhanced the lipid binding ability of apoA-I. The hydrophobic surface patch may be important to the structural stability of lipid-free apoA-I or may be a necessary permissive structural element for lipid binding.  相似文献   

Non-enzymatic glycation of serum apolipoproteins is a main feature of diabetes mellitus under hyperglycemia. Advanced glycation end products are implicated in the development of aging and metabolic syndrome, including premature atherosclerosis in diabetic subjects. ApoA-I is the principal protein constituent of HDL. In this study, glycated human apoA-I (gA-I) by fructation was characterized on functional and structural correlations in lipid-free and lipid-bound states.The gA-I showed more spontaneous multimeric band formation up to pentamer and exhibited slower elution profile with more degraded fragments from fast protein liquid chromatography. The gA-I showed modified secondary structure from fluorescence and circular dichroism analysis. Reconstituted high-density lipoprotein (rHDL) containing the gA-I had less content of phospholipid with a much smaller particle size than those of rHDL-containing nA-I (nA-I-rHDL). The rHDL containing gA-I (gA-I-rHDL) consisted of less molecular number of apoA-I than nA-I-rHDL with decreased α-helical content. Treatment of the gA-I-rHDL induced more atherogenic process in macrophage cell and premature senescence in human dermal fibroblast cell.Conclusively, fructose-mediated apoA-I glycation resulted in severe loss of several beneficial functions of apoA-I and HDL regarding anti-senescence and anti-atherosclerosis activities due to a lack of anti-oxidant activity with increased susceptibility of protein degradation and structural modification.  相似文献   

Bielicki JK  Oda MN 《Biochemistry》2002,41(6):2089-2096
Apolipoprotein A-I(Milano) (apoA-I(Milano)) and apoA-I(Paris) are rare cysteine variants of apoA-I that produce a HDL deficiency in the absence of cardiovascular disease in humans. This paradox provides the basis for the hypothesis that the cysteine variants possess a beneficial activity not associated with wild-type apoA-I (apoA-I(WT)). In this study, a unique antioxidant activity of apoA-I(Milano) and apoA-I(Paris) is described. ApoA-I(Milano) was twice as effective as apoA-I(Paris) in preventing lipoxygenase-mediated oxidation of phospholipids, whereas apoA-I(WT) was poorly active. Antioxidant activity was observed using the monomeric form of the variants and was equally effective before and after initiation of oxidative events. ApoA-I(Milano) protected phospholipid from reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated via xanthine/xanthine oxidase (X/Xo) but failed to inhibit X/Xo-induced reduction of cytochrome c. These results indicate that apoA-I(Milano) was unable to directly quench ROS in the aqueous phase. There were no differences between lipid-free apoA-I(Milano,) apoA-I(Paris), and apoA-I(WT) in mediating the efflux of cholesterol from macrophages, indicating that the cysteine variants interacted normally with the ABCA1 efflux pathway. The results indicate that incorporation of a free thiol within an amphipathic alpha helix of apoA-I confers an antioxidant activity distinct from that of apoA-I(WT). These studies are the first to relate gain of function to rare cysteine mutations in the apoA-I primary sequence.  相似文献   

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