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Interspecific variation of protein amino acids between peanut, horse bean, french bean, lentil, cowpea and chick-pea was undertaken in relation to larval development of C. maculatus. Twenty-one groups of amino acids were identified and quantified. In all seeds, free amino acids exist in low quantities; but they are more numerous than bound amino acids. Essential amino acids for man are sufficient in the six species, except for the sulphur amino acids in all seeds, and for lysine in peanut. Utilization of those pulses, after cooking, in human food complements cereals. Larval development possibilities of C. maculatus upon the used seeds shows up that: (a) with chick-pea and cowpea, the bruchid thrives normally. However, although amino acids are higher in cowpea than in chick-pea, the better performances were observed on the latter; (b) peanut, french bean, horse bean and lentil are unsuitable for larval development of the insect. Although they are rich in amino acids, all larvae die at first in star within these pulses. We conclude that larval development of C. maculatus does not depend only on the amounts of amino acids in the seeds but also on other trophic factors. These could consist of the balance between different nutritive compounds and the presence of allelochemical substances in the tested seeds which bruchid larvae are unable to utilize.  相似文献   

The effect of growth temperature on the evolution of kinetic parameters and yields was determined for Candida lipolytica cultures with ntetradecane as substrate, in a temperature range of 18°C to 30°C, which is below the critical growth temperature in order to work only in the activation zone of these parameters.In such a culture limited by substrate transfer, growth rate depends on biological rates, related to microorganisms characteristics, and diffusional rates, related to mass transfer. The effect of temperature thus depends on the limiting step. The activation energy, calculated from exponential growth rate determinations is .When the activation energy is calculated from the maximal rate of cell production (determined at the growth curve's inflexion point), it's found to be E X=71,200 J/mole in the 18°C–24°C range, and E X=28,000 J/mole in the 24°C–30°C range. The latter one is characteristic of a diffusion-limited process. Above 24°C, growth is controlled by substrate-transfer, as physiological potentialities are preferentially increased with temperature than diffusional ones: 24°C is thus the transition temperature T t from physiological to diffusional limitation.The apparent yield is almost constant, over the 18°C to 30°C temperature range, although maintenance coefficients are very dependent on temperature. The activation energies related to maintenance coefficients for alkane and oxygen respectively are and .The m s/mO 2 ratio is about 3 (g/g), whereas that, for a strict oxidation reaction of n-tetradecane ought to be 3.47 (g/g). A satisfactory correlation, relating maintenance coefficients to the maximal growth rate of yeast, is given.

Liste des symboles A constante de saturation de modèle de croissance(1) - B vitesse spécifique considérée - C substrat carboné ou oxygène (g/l) - E energie d'activation (J/mole) - S m quantité de substrat consommée par maintenance au cours d'une fermentation discontinue (g) - O2 quantité d'oxygène transférée au milieu de culture (g/l) - R rendement global de la fermentation - R rendement global de la fermentation - constante des gaz parfaits (J/mole K) - S concentration en substrat carboné (g/l) - T température de croissance (°K) - X concentration en biomasse (g/l) - Y rendement limite - m coefficient de maintenance (h-1) - t duree de fermentation (h) - tømpérature de croissance (o Celsius) - taux de croissance (h-1) Indices 1 relatif à la température 1. - 2 relatif à la température 2 - c relatif au substrat carboné ou à l'oxygène - f relatif au temps final - i relatif au point d'inflexion - m maximum - mO2 relatif au coefficient de maintenance sur l'oxygène - m s relatif au coefficient de maintenance sur le substrat carboné - o relatif au temps initial - O2 relatif à l'oxygène - s relatif au substrat carboné - t de transition - T relatif à la température de croissance T - U m relatif au taux de croissance maximal - X relatif à la productivité maximale en biomasse  相似文献   

Résumé Des expérimentations ont permis de comparer l'influence de deux conditions de conservation au froid et de leur durée sur la longévité et la fécondité de deux cspèces d'anthocorides,Orius majusculus (Reuter) etOrius laevigatus (Fieber). La survie des adultes est meilleure dans les conditions thermopériodiques 13°C/3°C qu'à la température constante de 9°C. La longévité des femelles après passage au froid est d'autant plus grande que la durée d'exposition a été courte. La fécondité d'O. laevigatus ne subit pas de réduction significative après 50 jours de conservation en thermopériode alors que celle d'O. majusculus est fortement réduite après 20 jours dans les mêmes conditions.
Summary Laboratory studies were done to compare the effect of two cold storage conditions on longevity and fecundity of two anthocorids,Orius majusculus (Reuter) andOrius laevigatus (Fieber). Survival of adults is better at a thermoperiodic condition of 13°C/3°C than at a constant temperature of 9°C. Female longevity decreases as the duration of exposure to cold conditions increases. Fecundity ofO. laevigatus is not significantly reduced after 50 days of exposure to thermoperiodic conditions even though those ofO. majusculus is strongly reduced after 20 days.

In the Oniscoid Armadillidium vulgare, inside the thelygenic line of the Niort population, intersexed females, whatever their sizes, and most of the young neo-females from 5 to 6 mm long (males feminized by a polytropic intracytoplasmic bacteroid kept for 13— 47 days at 35°C, and then replaced at 20°C, are masculinized. The masculinization of their external sexual characters is more or less complete, and the ovary is changed into a functional testicle with one or several utricles, each of them having an androgenic neogland. This masculinization, which restores a phenotype corresponding with the genotype, goes with the disappearance of the typical forms of the bacteroid, such as they are observed in neo-females and the intersexed individuals kept at 20° C.

Yet, this male physiology is only temporary: a female physiology is restored after the animals have been kept at 20° C for 2–4 mth, but the acquired male differentiation is maintained. This implies that special forms of bacteroids continue to exist and that, when the host is again kept at 20° C, they produce the typical feminizing factors.

The absence of masculinization in neo-female adults is not due to the maintenance of the bacteroid, but to the impossibility of inducing the differentiation of an androgenic neo-gland after the 6th molt of the postembryonic development; the cells of the primal androgenic gland—which exist in all females—have then completely disappeared, or have definitively turned into conjunctival cells. Masculinization does not occur either in real young females (genetic females), which proves that temperature is only an indirect cause, and acts by inhibition of the feminization action of the bacteroid.  相似文献   



Urethral injury associated with corpora cavernosa fracture is a relatively uncommon form of urological trauma. Early diagnosis and immediate surgical repair are essential.

Patients and methods

Between January 1990 and December 2004, a total of 4 male patients with urethral injury associated with fracture of the corpora cavernosa were retrospectively studied from a series of 96 cases of penile fracture.


The mean age of the patients was 36.5 years (range: 27–45 years). Urethral bleeding was noted in all patients. Immediate surgical repair via a penile circular subcoronal incision was performed in all cases. Two partial urethral injuries associated with a unilateral corpus cavernosum lesion were identified. In the other cases, total urethral injury was associated with bilateral rupture of the corpora cavernosa. The tunica albuginea defect was closed and the urethral laceration repaired over a urethral catheter. With a mean follow-up of 2.5 years, 2 short urethral strictures were observed and were managed non-operatively with good outcome.


Secondary urethral lesions associated with corpora cavernosa fracture most frequently affect young adults. In North African countries, forced self-manipulation of an erect penis is the most frequent cause, but the associated urethral lesion is usually related to vaginal intercourse. The diagnosis can generally be made on the basis of history and physical examination alone. Blood at the meatus or haematuria or voiding difficulties suggest associated trauma to the urethra [4]. Additional imaging examinations are rarely required. The standard treatment is prompt surgical exploration, evacuation of haematoma, and primary repair of the urethral and corpora cavernosa defects. Late complications after surgical repair are penile curvature and pain during coitus. They are usually attributable to a residual fibrotic area.


Urethral injury associated with corpora cavernosa fracture usually has typical signs. The mechanism of trauma is very suggestive. Early surgical treatment is the only guarantee of a satisfactory functional result.  相似文献   

Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) can be affected by physical artefacts, such as attenuation and Compton scatter, both related to patient's morphological characteristics and his/her position during acquisition. These positional artefacts have been largely studied with classical Anger cameras. Recently, a new generation of heart-dedicated cameras has emerged, using novel cadmium–zinc–telluride (CZT) semi-conductors, with different physical characteristics and geometrical distribution. Our study aimed to investigate, in this new generation camera, the relation between patient's positioning and the occurring of physical artefacts. Plus, we examined whether these artefacts were likely to affect the interpretation made with such images.Material and methodsIn this prospective study, we included 60 patients scheduled in our unit for MPI. All of them underwent both prone and supine acquisitions, after stress test as well as at rest.ResultsAt a global population level, we observed significantly more abnormalities in supine acquisitions in territories mainly vascularized by right coronary artery, and to a lesser extent, by circumflex artery, than observed in prone acquisitions. No scoring difference was observed, regardless of position, in Summed Stress Score, Summed Rest Score or Summed Difference Score. This observation remained the same whether on a global population level, or on a BMI- and perimeter-basis level.ConclusionPosition related physical artefacts, such as attenuation and Compton scattering, are similar to those previously described with Anger cameras. These artefacts do not affect the interpretation of myocardial scans significantly, provided that both images are acquired in the same anatomical position.  相似文献   

Certain types of Paleolithic perforated batons possess the characteristics of a type of composite tool, a spinning device, used to fabricate cords of different diameters. These devices are composed of a rotor (the perforated baton) made of antler and a stator or crank-shaft made of wood, examples of which have not yet been found. The batons’ knoblike projections can be seen as the point of attachment by which horse hair is twisted into strings and then laid up into larger-diameter cordage. These observations and analyses, partly based on the expertise of Texas cowhand B. Brett and partly on H. Glory's writings about the Lascaux rope, indicate other possibilities of cordage production and the use of ropes during the Upper Palaeolithic. Resuming work begun by E. Piette on possible Palaeolithic bridles and halters (“les chevêtres”), a new analysis of engravings and paintings shows the possible use of ropes extended on poles in the manner of lassos, hunting nets with square mesh or vertical strands, and prompts a hypothesis about the possible use of certain parts of these batons as fids. Distinctions between perforation types seen in perforated batons (type A and type B) demonstrate their possible employment as belaying devices. These objects could have used friction to safely and efficiently control ropes used in the hunting of large game animals.  相似文献   

The harmful effect of maternal age on abnormal meiotic behaviour has been clearly established, but little is known about the effect of paternal age on chromosome malsegregations and the results of studies on this question are fairly controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of ageing on testicular histology and aneuploidy rate in testicular post-meiotic cells. A possible age-related risk has been suggested by the increased frequency of medical assisted reproduction techniques for older men. We analysed 36 testicular samples from subjects aged 61–102 years by histology and histomorphometry. We examined testicular cells with fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). We studied six histological sections (20 cross-sectioned tubules) by computer-assisted morphometric analysis (Histolab). The study was based on the following parameters: for seminiferous tubules: surface area, thickness of the basement membrane, nucleus density (Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatozoids); for interstitial tissue: cluster number and surface area occupied by the Leydig cells, nucleus density. We analysed cells by FISH and a set of three probes X, Y and 18 (Abboto). The results were compared to those of a control group of testicular biopsies from 10 subjects (29–40 years) with obstructive azoospermia and normal histology. Results: The histomorphometric study showed various alterations including: thickening of the basement membrane when spermatogenesis was arrested. The number of germinal cells and the number of Sertoli cells decreased with increasing age and Leydig cell hypertrophy was observed with increasing age. Complete spermatogenesis was observed in men up to the age of 95 years old. The most sensitive step was pachytene. Spermatogonia can persist until the age of 98 years. The 36 elderly men were divided into 3 groups: preserved spermatogenesis (17 subjects; group 1), arrested spermatogenesis (4 subjects; group 2) and early disrupted spermatogenesis with only diploid cells or no cells (15 subjects; group 3). For the control group, post-meiotic cells (n=4,882) showed 50.35% X18, 48.55% Y18 and 1.1% of cells with aneuploidy. For elderly subjects with preserved spermatogenesis, post-meiotic cell analysis (n=4,738) showed 50.76% X18, 47.95% Y18 and 1.29% of cells with aneuploidy. Subjects with arrested spermatogenesis presented 47.96% X18, 37.75%Y18 and the aneuploidy rate among spermatids (n=98) was 14.28%. This rate was higher than those observed in controls and in group 1. In conclusion, we observed that spermatogenesis was possible until an advanced age (95 years). There appears to be an increased incidence of post-meiotic aneuploidy in the case of arrested spermatogenesis (14.28 vs 1.10%). The aneuploidy rate in the group of subjects with preserved spermatogenesis was not statistically different from that observed in the control group.  相似文献   

Résumé 58 échantillons de sol sont collectés dans des parcelles cultivées en blé du Centre et de l'Ouest de la France. Ces sols sont répartis en pots, infestés ou non par une souche agressive ou hypoagressive deGaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici et cultivés en blé pendant 3 mois. Les plantes sont alors arrachées pour appréciation du niveau de maladie et mesure du volume de racines développées dans chaque sol. L'analyse en composantes principales réalisée sur ces variables biologiques et les caractéristiques physicochimiques des sols montre que le niveau de la maladie observé est corrélée négativement avec le niveau potassique et la teneur en sable, corrélé positivement avec la teneur en limon. Dans certains sols il a pu être constaté un développement plus important du système racinaire à la suite de l'infestation par l'un ou l'autre des champignons et l'analyse révèle que ce phénomène est en étroite relation avec la teneur en manganèse échangeable.  相似文献   

Several new peracetylated pyrimidine N-1 nucleosides containing one or two β-d-hexopyranosyl residues have been synthesized and their physical characteristics are reported. The conformation of these nucleosides has been investigated by high-resolution 13C-n.m.r. analysis after deblocking. It was possible to distinguish between the syn and anti rotamers of 3-β-d-glucopyranosyluracil, and to establish the favored anti conformation in solution of the nucleoside disaccharide, antibiotic anthelmycin.  相似文献   

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