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To understand the cross-talk and specificity of the early responses of plants to salt and drought, we performed physiological and proteome analyses of Brassica napus seedlings pretreated with 245 mM NaCl or 25% polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000 under identical osmotic pressure (-1.0 MPa). Significant decreases in water content and photosynthetic rate and excessive accumulation of compatible osmolytes and oxidative damage were observed in response to both stresses. Unexpectedly, the drought response was more severe than the salt response. We further identified 45 common differentially expressed proteins (DEPs), 143 salt-specific DEPs and 160 drought-specific DEPs by isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) analysis. The proteome quantitative data were then confirmed by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The differences in the proteomic profiles between drought-treated and salt-treated seedlings exceeded the similarities in the early stress responses. Signal perception and transduction, transport and membrane trafficking, and photosynthesis-related proteins were enriched as part of the molecular cross-talk and specificity mechanism in the early responses to the two abiotic stresses. The Ca2+ signaling, G protein-related signaling, 14-3-3 signaling pathway and phosphorylation cascades were the common signal transduction pathways shared by both salt and drought stress responses; however, the proteins with executive functions varied. These results indicate functional specialization of family proteins in response to different stresses, i.e., CDPK21, TPR, and CTR1 specific to phosphorylation cascades under early salt stress, whereas STN7 and BSL were specific to phosphorylation cascades under early drought stress. Only the calcium-binding EF-hand family protein and ZKT were clearly identified as signaling proteins that acted as cross-talk nodes for salt and drought signaling pathways. Our study provides new clues and insights for developing strategies to improve the tolerance of crops to complex, multiple environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Three general classes of photomorphogenic photoreceptors have been characterized in higher plants: phytochrome, a blue light/ultraviolet (UV)-A photoreceptor(s), and a UV-B sensory system(s). Although a great deal is known about phytochrome and the blue light/UV-A photoreceptor(s), little is known about UV-B detection processes. One reason for this is the lack of readily quantifiable morphogenic responses that are specifically induced by UV-B radiation. We have discovered a response to UV-B, upward curling of Brassica napus L. cotyledons, that may be useful for probing the mechanism of UV-B photoreception. The process was initially observed when B. napus seeds were germinated under visible light plus UV-B radiation, but did not occur under visible light alone or visible light plus UV-A. When 5-d-old seedlings grown in visible light were given relatively short exposures of UV-B (100 min of 5.5 [mu]mol m-2 s-1), the curling response was also observed. Development of curling was separated from the application of this UV-B pulse by a 14-h latent period. Pulses of red light, blue light, farred light, and UV-A (100 min of 5.5 [mu]mol m-2 s-1) did not induce curling, indicating UV-B specificity Additionally, these other spectral regions did not reverse or enhance the UV-B-triggered response. The degree of curling showed a log-linear dependence on UV-B fluence (6-40 mmol m-2) and reciprocity with respect to length of exposure and fluence rate. The data indicate that curling is photomorphogenic in nature and may be triggered by a single photoreceptor species.  相似文献   

Callose is a polysaccharide in the form of β-1,3-glucan with some β-1,6-branches and it exists in the cell walls of a wide variety of higher plants. Callose plays important roles during a variety of processes in plant development and/or in response to multiple biotic and abiotic stresses. It is now generally believed that callose is produced by callose synthases and that it is degraded by β-1,3-glucanases. Despite the importance of callose in plants, we have only recently begun to elucidate the molecular mechanism of its synthesis. Molecular and genetic studies in Arabidopsis have identified a set of genes that are involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of callose. In this mini-review, we highlight recent progress in understanding callose biosynthesis and degradation and discuss the future challenges of unraveling the mechanism(s) by which callose synthase operate.Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, callose, callose synthase, glucan synthase-like, pollen, plasmodesmata, cell plate, stress  相似文献   

Response and Specificity of Antibodies for Candida albicans   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Rabbit antibodies for Candida albicans, reacting in agglutination and fluorescent-antibody reactions, were present in both IgM and IgG protein fractions. The two types of immune globulins were separated from ammonium sulfate-precipitated gamma-globulin either by filtration through a column of Sephadex G-200 or by diethylaminoethyl column chromatography performed by stepwise elution with various concentrations of sodium chloride. In the fluorescent-antibody test, initial separation of the IgG fraction, prior to its conjugation with dye, proved to be essential for the high specificity of this reaction. Investigation of the specificities of the two types of antibodies revealed that the IgG was highly specific, whereas the IgM was not very specific. Each antigen fraction, extracted by various methods, demonstrated its own characteristic antibody response. Only the IgG fraction yielded serotype-specific antibody useful for detection of a serotype of C. albicans in agglutination and fluorescent-antibody tests. The results indicate the importance of IgG for specific serological reactions with the Candida species.  相似文献   

The development of Brassica nigra seedlings over 20 d of growth was disrupted by the fungicide phosphonate (Phi) in a manner inversely correlated with nutritional inorganic phosphate (Pi) levels. The growth of Pi-sufficient (1.25 mM Pi) seedlings was suppressed when 10, but not 5, mM Phi was added to the nutrient medium. In contrast, the fresh weights and root:shoot ratios of Pi-limited (0.15 mM) seedlings were significantly reduced at 1.5 mM Phi, and they progressively declined to about 40% of control values as medium Phi concentration was increased to 10 mM. Intracellular Pi levels generally decreased in Phi-treated seedlings, and Phi accumulated in leaves and roots to levels up to 6- and 16-fold that of Pi in Pi-sufficient and Pi-limited plants, respectively. Extractable activities of the Pi-starvation-inducible enzymes phosphoenolpyruvate phosphatase and inorganic pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase were unaltered in Pi-sufficient seedlings grown on 5 or 10 mM Phi. However, when Pi-limited seedlings were grown on 1.5 to 10 mM Phi (a) the induction of phosphoenolpyruvate phosphatase and inorganic pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase activities by Pi limitation was reduced by 40 to 90%, whereas (b) soluble protein concentrations and the activities of the ATP-dependent phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase were unaffacted. It is concluded that Phi specifically interrupts processes involved in regulation of the Pi-starvation response in B. nigra.  相似文献   

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanism of heavy metal accumulation in Brassica juncea, comparative proteomic approaches were used to analysis protein profiles in leaf tissues of 6-week-old B. juncea after exposure to 100 µM Ni. Proteomic analysis revealed that 61 protein spots showed 1.5-fold change in protein abundance after Ni exposure as compared to that of corresponding spots in control. Out of the 61 differentially expressed protein spots, 37 protein spots were ambiguously identified by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization/time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The majority of these identified proteins were found to be involved in sulphur metabolism, protection against oxidative stress, clearly indicated that heavy metal sequestration and antioxidant system were activated by Ni treatment. The induced expression of photosynthesis and ATP generation-related proteins were also observed in plants exposed to metals, suggesting the tolerance and accumulation is an energy-demanding process. The identification of these proteins in response to Ni can lead a deep understanding of heavy metal accumulation and tolerance in B. juncea.  相似文献   

Summary During the course of a fluorescence microscopic investigation on the extra-ovular micropylar portion of the embryo sacs ofTorenia fournieri Lind. (Scrophulariaceae) a callosic wall was found which surrounded it almost completely until the time of anthesis. In addition, the walls of young synergids and the filiform apparatus also showed callosic fluorescence. Treatments with PAS reaction revealed a PAS-positive substance filling up the locular cavity. Our attempts to induce fluorochromasia by employing fluorescein diacetate failed, indicating the low permeability of the callosic wall around the embryo sac. It is assumed that the callose wall around the embryo sac isolates the latter from the contents of the locular cavity whereas the callose in the synergid walls may represent an intermediate stage in the maturation of these walls; the filiform apparatus is mainly composed of callose.  相似文献   

Stringency in the identification of conspecific call properties is essential among sympatric species to ensure conspecific mating, as the risk of improper recognition and heterospecific mating is high. In this study we investigated the basic signal structure required for intraspecies communication in the Chinese alligator ( Alligator sinensis ), a species that has no relatives living in sympatry, by playback of signals modified in the temporal (truncating original bellows with first 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or last 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 portion) or frequency domain (with low- or high-pass filters at frequencies 100, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz), or by reversal of natural bellows. The playback experiments revealed that relatively large modifications in bellow temporal or frequency structure failed to impair Chinese alligators' bellowing behavior; even reversed bellows effectively evoked a positive response. In general, the first half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies below 500 Hz were critical for behavioral induction, while the last half of the bellow in temporal domain and frequencies above 500 Hz failed to produce a single positive response, implying a potential functional signal redundancy. The observed high tolerance to bellow variations in Chinese alligators may be an evolutionary adaptation to (1) the acoustic constraints of propagation imposed by dense vegetative habitats; or (2) a lack of selection pressure due to the low risk of incorrect conspecific recognition and heterospecific mating.  相似文献   

Strengthening of plant cell walls at the site of fungal entry is one of the earliest plant responses to fungal pathogens. The aim of our study was to characterize the pattern of callose synthase localization and callose deposition in roots of Pinus sylvestris after infection by species of the Heterobasidion annosum s.l. complex with different host specificity: H. annosum s.s., H. parviporum and H. abietinum. To address this, sense‐labelled probes and ribonuclease‐treated samples were used to determine in situ hybridizations of callose synthase by FISH method. Furthermore, determination of callose accumulation within P. sylvestris cells was carried out using aniline blue. The different species of H. annosum s.l. had distinct impacts on the callose synthase staining within plant tissues. Moreover, while inoculation with strains of H. abietinum resulted in callose synthase accumulation at the point of hyphae contact with the host cell, this was not observed with the other species. A significant difference in callose synthesis localization was observed after inoculation with varied species of H. annosum s.l. as a result of the specific interactions with the host.  相似文献   

Callose deposits are present both in degenerating megasporesof the heteropolar tetrad in Oenothera hookeri and in degeneratingembryo sacs of the homopolar developing tetrad in O biennis.They are partially continuous with the cell wall and partiallyenclosed in the degenerating cytoplasm and show electron opaquebands within a less electron opaque material Vesicles calledcallose grains are present in the degenerating cytoplasm ofthe embryo sac in O biennis These show an electron opaque fibnllaror granular core surrounded by a halo of low electron opacity Similarities in fine structure between callose deposits of femalegametophytes which follow the degenerating pathway of development,and callose plugs present in pollen tubes during their growth,are discussed. Oenothera, evening primrose, megagametogenesis, megasporogenesis, callose, ultrastructure  相似文献   

In the Brassicaceae, compatible pollen–pistil interactions result in pollen adhesion to the stigma, while pollen grains from unrelated plant species are largely ignored. There can also be an additional layer of recognition to prevent self-fertilization, the self-incompatibility response, whereby self pollen grains are distinguished from nonself pollen grains and rejected. This pathway is activated in the stigma and involves the ARM repeat–containing 1 (ARC1) protein, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. In a screen for ARC1-interacting proteins, we have identified Brassica napus Exo70A1, a putative component of the exocyst complex that is known to regulate polarized secretion. We show through transgenic studies that loss of Exo70A1 in Brassica and Arabidopsis thaliana stigmas leads to the rejection of compatible pollen at the same stage as the self-incompatibility response. A red fluorescent protein:Exo70A1 fusion rescues this stigmatic defect in Arabidopsis and is found to be mobilized to the plasma membrane concomitant with flowers opening. By contrast, increased expression of Exo70A1 in self-incompatible Brassica partially overcomes the self pollen rejection response. Thus, our data show that the Exo70A1 protein functions at the intersection of two cellular pathways, where it is required in the stigma for the acceptance of compatible pollen in both Brassica and Arabidopsis and is negatively regulated by Brassica self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

The structure of ovule in Gastrodia elata Blume was very simple. Functional megaspore occurred at the chalazal end. Callose was absent at megasporocyte stage. It first appeared at the chalazal wall during the first meiotic prophase and exhibited continuous fluorescence. Soon later callose fluorescence disappeared in some part of the chalazal wall and many noncallosic dark areas took place, subsequently these nonfluorescence areas became larger and the callose fluorescence appeared discontinuous granulose distribution. This fluorescence maintained until the megaspore formed. The callose of micropylar wall appeared later and usually disappeared before megaspore formation. In the cross walls between the functional and the two degenarated megaspore callose fluorescence was very strong, continued and kept for a long time. But the side walls usually lacked callose. Accoding to the morphological character of simple ovule in G. eiata and the localization of acid phosphatase and polysaecharide grains, the transfer of vegetative materials from surrounding tissues into megasporocyte mainly passing through the chalazal end of megasporocyte. Thus a continuous callose wall deposited at the ehalazal end of megasporocyte, and it in reality caused the “isolation” of meiocyte. It was possible that a reduced form of callose disposition existed in parasetic orchids.  相似文献   

Callose in cell walls during megasporogenesis in angiosperms   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
B. Rodkiewicz 《Planta》1970,93(1):39-47
Summary Callose was detected by fluorescence microscopy in megasporogenesis in all investigated species with mono- and bisporic embryo-sac development. Callose occurs first in the meiotic prophase in the chalazal part of the megasporocyte wall and by the first meiotic metaphase the whole cell is enveloped in a callose-containing wall. Later, there is a marked decrease of callose fluorescence, usually at the chalazal end of the megasporocyte. In Oenothera, where the micropylar megaspore is active, decrease of fluorescence takes place at the micropylar pole of the megasporocyte. Callose appears centrifugally in the cell plates forming eventually the walls dividing the megaspores. It disappears from the walls of the megaspores during degeneration and differentiation.  相似文献   

有花植物触敏柱头的闭合行为一直是传粉生态学和进化生物学研究的热点问题之一。植物花的多裂片柱头在传粉者接触后迅速闭合的现象主要存在于玄参目的一些类群中。早在上个世纪初,植物学家就对花的柱头闭合现象进行过初步的研究,认为柱头闭合主要是由于花粉在柱头上萌发时吸收水分导致柱头细胞膨压降低而引起的;并对柱头闭合的适应性提出了一些假说。近年来,许多学者研究证实柱头闭合能促进花粉萌发及花粉管伸长,或减少花粉散出与柱头接受花粉间的相互干扰,提高传粉者访问过程中花粉的散播量,并且柱头的状态会直接影响传粉者的取食行为。到目前为止,对柱头闭合的机制及其避免自交的假说还存在许多争议。关于触敏柱头的闭合行为,尤其是其适应机制及其生态学意义还有待更加系统和深入的研究。本文概述了触敏柱头的研究进展,并对研究中尚存在的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

[beta]-Furfuryl-[beta]-glucoside (FG) has been shown to be a specific endogenous activator of higher plant callose synthase (P. Ohana, D.P. Delmer, G. Volman, J.C. Steffens, D.E. Matthews, M. Benziman [1992] Plant Physiol 98: 708-715). Because glycosides such as FG are usually sequestered in vacuoles, we have proposed that activation of callose synthesis in vivo may involve a change in the compartmentation of FG and Ca2+, resulting in a synergistic activation of callose synthase. The use of suspension-cultured barley (Hordeum bulbosum L.) cells provides evidence that FG is largely sequestered in the vacuole. Furthermore, conditions that lead to induction of callose synthesis in vivo correspondingly lead to elevation of the cytoplasmic concentration of FG. These conditions include the lowering of cytoplasmic pH or elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+. Oligogalacturonide elicitors have also been reported to cause similar changes in cytoplasmic pH and Ca2+ concentration (Y. Mathieu, A. Kurkdjian, H. Xia, J. Guern, A. Koller, M.D. Spiro, M. O'Neill, P. Albersheim, A. Darvill [1991] The Plant Journal 1: 333-343), and such an elicitor also causes an elevation in cytoplasmic FG coupled with stimulation of callose synthesis. These results support the concept that a relative redistribution of FG between cytoplasm and vacuole may be one of the components of the signal transduction pathway for elicitation of callose synthase in vivo.  相似文献   

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