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Denitrification causes important losses of N-fertilizer in rice-fields, where high temperature and high production of organic matter favour denitrification losses. Two techniques have been used to quantify the denitrification losses: the 15N technique, which can be used to quantify the amount finally incorporated, and the acetylyne inhibition technique which is a direct measure of the quantities lost.Both techniques were applied in enclosures (diameter = 44 cm) in the field while moreover bio-assays in 3 l glass beakers were carried out. In all experiments where nitrate was added we found a rapid decrease of nitrate; usually about 30–50% of the nitrate that disappeared was recovered as N2O. As in one experiment, in which we measured the N2O disappearance rate as well, the N2O itself decreased at a rather constant rate of 20% per day, a correction must be made for this N2O decrease in the calculations of the nitrate disappearance rate. Although we have only one series in which the decrease of N2O was measured, the mathematical analysis indicates that as much as 80% of the N-fertilizer is actually lost. This figure is in full agreement with the 15N experiments; if the 15N was applied early only about 7% was recovered in soil and plants, while if it was applied later (after 7 weeks) about 20% was incorporated.Denitrification rate could be fitted on an negative exponential regression line; the rate constant increased during the summer. It is suggested that organic matter caused this increase.During denitrification considerable quantities of nitrite appear, which later on disappear again by processes still unknown; the nature of the available organic matter may be important for this nitrite production.With N-serve we tried to inhibit NH3 oxidation. In this way we tried to prevent the considerable N losses and to demonstrate that the nitrite produced in our experiments was not derived from NH3 oxidation. N-serve, however, had very little influence. It is probably inactivated by absorption onto the sediments.From these results it is suggested that the efficiency of N-application may be considerably increased by using low doses of N-fertilizer, but applied late in the growing season, e.g. 7 weeks after sowing. This favours environmental protection as well.  相似文献   

The organic N-pool in soils provides an important part of the N metabolized by rice. As this pool is, however, very large compared to the yearly uptake, — which may involve a few percent only — direct evidence of its importance is difficult to establish. We tried therefore to distinguish different fractions with supposedly different availability. We did not succeed in developing a satisfactory fractionation scheme, but improved existing fractionation schemes by applying a sequential extraction using an alkaline extraction followed by an acid one; the residue of the latter was still an important portion of the total.These three fractions were measured both in pot cultures and in an experimental field with different N applications schemes, before and after rice growth. The NaOH-extractable fraction nearly always increased during rice growth, except in the last growth period in the rice field. The acid-extractable fraction decreased in all experiments, sometimes a little, sometimes considerably. The residual fraction usually showed a decrease except in the second, dry period in the field, when there was a stark increase. Probably processes occur shifting the ratios between the fractions in a way different from uptake by rice.The NaOH-extractable N showed a small increase when ammonia was used in the pot cultures, but decreased when nitrate was used. Although about 80% of this nitrate is denitrified, rice growth was stimulated by nitrate application, probably because of its oxidative action on organic matter. The same effect was found with H2O2; this compound caused the alkaline and acid extractable fractions to decrease as well. We think that nitrate exerts its favourable role on N uptake for rice growth mainly by its oxidative capacity. Ammonia does the same, after it is — automatically — oxidized to nitrate in the oxygenated water of the rice field.  相似文献   

Golterman  H. L.  Bruijn  P.  Schouffoer  J. G. M.  Dumoulin  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,384(1-3):7-20
The use of urea as N-fertilizer for rice production has been studied for European conditions. In field and pot experiments, urea appeared to be more efficient than ammonia or nitrate. The rice yield could be maintained at maximal local production values by broadcasting 100 kg ha-1 of urea-N instead of using 200–200 kg ha-1 of ammonia or nitrate nitrogen. The best results were obtained by adding the urea about 5–8 weeks after sowing. When this was done, splitting the dose did not increase the efficiency. In laboratory experiments it was shown that urea diffuses and hydrolyses rapidly to ammonia in the anoxic layers of the flooded soils. Because this happens in the anoxic zones, the ammonia cannot be oxidised to nitrate, and is therefore less prone to denitrification, but it is adsorbed onto the soil particles. The upward diffusion of ammonia is slow, rendering it available to the rice roots for a relatively long time. The diminished use of N fertilizer is profitable for the rice farmer and helps to protect the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

Distinct horizontal water column concentration gradients of nutrients and chlorophyll a (Chl a) occur within large, shallow, eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Concentrations are high in the north, where some of the major polluted tributaries enter the lake, and relatively low in the south, where macrophytes generally are abundant. It is not clear, however, whether these water column concentration gradients are similarly reflected in spatial heterogeneity of nutrient concentrations within the bottom sediments. The main objective of this study was therefore to test if horizontal and vertical variations in the phosphorus and nitrogen content in bottom sediments of Lake Taihu are significantly related to (1) horizontal variations in overlying water column nutrient concentrations and (2) other sediment geochemical constituents. We measured the concentration of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in surficial sediments (0–2 cm) and TP, TN and Chl a concentrations in water column samples, collected from 32 sites in 2005. In 2006 sediment, TP, TN, carbon, iron and manganese concentrations were measured vertically at 2 cm intervals, extending to a depth of approximately 20 cm, at an additional eight sites. Linear correlation analysis revealed that surficial sediment TP concentrations across the 32 stations were related significantly, though weakly, to annual mean water column concentrations of TP, TN as well as Chl a. Correlations of surficial sediment TN with water column variables were, however, not significant (P > 0.05). Amongst the geochemical variables tested, the vertical variability of sediment TP concentrations was most strongly related to sediment manganese and carbon concentrations. A multiple stepwise linear regression revealed that the combination of sediment manganese and carbon concentrations explained 91% of the horizontal variability in sediment TP concentrations and 65% of the vertical variability. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Nitrate flux between sediment and water, nitrate concentration profile at the sediment-water interface, and in situ sediment denitrification activity were measured seasonally at the innermost part of Tokyo Bay, Japan. For the determination of sediment nitrate concentration, undisturbed sediment cores were sectioned into 5-mm depth intervals and each segment was stored frozen at -30 degrees C. The nitrate concentration was determined for the supernatants after centrifuging the frozen and thawed sediments. Nitrate in the uppermost sediment showed a remarkable seasonal change, and its seasonal maximum of up to 400 microM was found in October. The directions of the diffusive nitrate fluxes predicted from the interfacial concentration gradients were out of the sediment throughout the year. In contrast, the directions of the total nitrate fluxes measured by the whole-core incubation were into the sediment at all seasons. This contradiction between directions indicates that a large part of the nitrate pool extracted from the frozen surface sediments is not a pore water constituent, and preliminary examinations demonstrated that the nitrate was contained in the intracellular vacuoles of filamentous sulfur bacteria dwelling on or in the surface sediment. Based on the comparison between in situ sediment denitrification activity and total nitrate flux, it is suggested that intracellular nitrate cannot be directly utilized by sediment denitrification, and the probable fate of the intracellular nitrate is hypothesized to be dissimilatory reduction to ammonium. The presence of nitrate-accumulating sulfur bacteria therefore may lower nature's self-purification capacity (denitrification) and exacerbate eutrophication in shallow coastal marine environments.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of water regime on the performance of rice were investigated in a greenhouse experiment and two field experiments. The greenhouse experiment involved four water regimes (continuous flooding, and soil drying for 16 days — begun 2, 5, and 8 weeks after transplanting — followed by reflooding), four soils, and 0 and 100 mg N/kg. Soil drying raised the redox potentials of all soils beyond the aerobic threshold. Averaged for soils and N levels, yields from treatments in which soil drying was begun at 2 and 5 weeks after transplanting were lower than that from the continuously flooded treatment, but the simple effects of soil drying on yield and N uptake depended on the soil and the growth stage of the plant. None of the soil-drying treatments had adverse effects in the soil high in N but soil drying at 2 and 5 weeks after transplanting had adverse effects in the soil low in N. The field experiments tested the effects of three water regimes (continuous flooding, alternate drying and flooding every 2 weeks, and soil drying for 2 weeks at 6 weeks after transplanting following by reflooding), and 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N/ha on a nearly neutral clay soil, during two seasons. None of the soil-drying treatments depressed growth, yield, or N uptake by rice at any level of N in either season. Nitrate was absent after drying, so denitrification was not possible on subsequent flooding. The adverse effects on yield of alternate flooding and drying, attributed to nitrification-denitrification, may be insignificant in wetland fields carrying an actively growing rice crop.  相似文献   

Summary The yield responses to nitrogen uptake are described for water-sown IR8 rice grown in the wet season in northern Australia. Various patterns of nitrogen uptake were achieved by different times and amounts of nitrogen application in the range 0 to 300 kg per ha. Grain yields increased with nitrogen uptake at flowering stage up to approximately 120 kg per ha but decreased when uptake exceeded this level. The grain yield increase was associated mainly with increased panicle production, while grain yield decrease was associated with a reduction in the weight of ripened grain per panicle. Nitrogen concentration in grain over all experiments increased linearly with nitrogen uptake at flowering, but grain yield was reduced when grain nitrogen exceeded approximately 1.5 per cent. High nitrogen uptake at flowering was presumed to lead to depletion of carbohydrate reserves during the critical grain-ripening phase.  相似文献   

Coarse woody debris (CWD) represents a relatively stable habitat in many lakes with forested shorelines providing a living place for a wide range of species. The spatial complexity of CWD is recognized as an important factor promoting the abundance, diversity and productivity of littoral biota, mainly by providing shelters and moderating predator–prey interactions. However, little is as yet known on the response of different species to various levels of CWD complexity and the effects of the spatial arrangement of CWD on the connectivity between littoral populations. It is also unclear how CWD decay, which modifies the surface complexity of wood and the quality of food, affects the diversity of wood-associated species and trophic interactions. Further research is also needed to recognize the contribution of littoral wood to carbon sequestration and nutrient fluxes, considering factors affecting the CWD decay rate, such as wood species and environmental conditions. CWD resources are systematically depleted by shoreline development which leads to disruptions in the functioning of lake ecosystems. Attempts at restoring CWD habitat provided ambiguous effects on littoral species and therefore better understanding of the role of CWD in lake ecosystems is crucial to the development of successful restoration projects and effective management programmes.  相似文献   

Pore water dynamics in the sediment of a shallow and hypertrophic lake   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Seasonal variations in pore water with main stress on pH and phosphate were investigated in the sediment of the shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygaard, Denmark. The purpose was to evaluate factors affecting the internal phosphorus loading. Pore water was obtained by in situ incubation of ceramic cups, sampled anaerobicaly from a fixed position in the sediment. The method is evaluated. During summer, pH and phosphate concentrations increased in the upper 8–10 cm of the sediment. Increased pH was most pronounced in the upper 5 cm, where pH increased to between 9 and 10. This is believed to be caused by the photosynthetically elevated pH in the above lake water. Phosphate concentrations increased with depth, from 0–2 mg P 1–1 in the upper 5 cm to 3–6 mg P 1–1 in 6–10 cm depth. Average phosphate gradient in the upper 6–8 cm was 1.0 mg P 1–1 cm –1 in the summer decreasing to 0.2 mg P 1–1 cm t1 in the autumn/winter. In spite of low redox potential, Fe(II) was not present in the upper 20 cm. The seasonal variation in pore water phosphate is believed mainly to be due to the variations in pore water pH inducing a substitution of phosphate ions with hydroxyl ions on ironhydroxides during summer. A considerable sedimentation of organic bound phosphorus and decomposition in the sediment is also considered important. Phosphorus release from the sediment is facilitated by bio- and gas turbation and by the frequent occurrence of resuspension caused by windaction. Net release rate is highly variable during the season. The summer average is 40 mg P m–2 d–1.  相似文献   

不同水分和氮素处理对寒地水稻生育及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨不同水分和氮素处理对寒地水稻生长发育及产量的影响,以水稻品种空育131、龙粳21为试验材料,于2010—2011年度在黑龙江建三江进行水分、氮素处理大田试验,水分为雨养、间歇灌溉、水层灌溉3个水平,氮素为不施氮、常规施氮(112—135 kg/hm2)、高氮(142—173 kg/hm2)3个水平。结果表明:与水层灌溉相比,雨养水稻生育期缩短1—5 d,生长指标明显降低,产量显著降低,间歇灌溉水稻生育期、生长指标与其相似,产量差异不显著。与常规施氮相比,不施氮生育期缩短2—5 d,高氮条件下延长2—4 d;施氮量增加,生长指标增大,产量显著增加;低氮条件下,水分不足的限制作用明显,高氮能一定程度弥补水分的限制,促进水稻生长。增加施氮量及灌溉水平可以显著地提高有效穗数、每穗粒数。在试验条件下,水氮互作效应不显著。间歇灌溉及高氮管理具有较好的增产效应及资源利用率,研究可为寒地水稻生产进行水氮科学管理、实现高产高效提供理论依据。  相似文献   

水分管理调控水稻氮素利用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水、氮是调控水稻生长发育的两个重要环境因子。通过"以水调氧"增加根际溶氧量(如干湿交替、好氧栽培等)能够提升土壤硝化势和氧化还原电位,刺激土壤氮的矿化作用,使水稻处于NH+4与NO-3混合营养中,并能通过诱导水稻的生理特性及改善根系的吸收功能增强其抗旱性能,提高水稻产量及氮素利用率。光合作用是形成干物质的主要途径,土壤氮水平、氮形态与水稻光合速率紧密相关,提高叶片光合速率将有助于提高水稻的氮素利用率和产量。从稻田水分管理对土壤氮素形态特征、水稻氮吸收利用、光合速率及氮环境效应的影响等方面综述了国内外相关研究进展,并指出进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

Plant age‐ and plant stage‐related changes in the resistance of rice, Oryza sativa, to its most important insect pest in the US, the rice water weevil (Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus), were investigated in a series of field and greenhouse choice and no‐choice studies. Rice plants were susceptible to infestation by rice water weevils over a broad range of plant ontogenetic stages, from at least the early vegetative stage to well into the reproductive stage. There was, however, a clear preference expressed by rice water weevils in both choice and no‐choice experiments for plants in (or nearly in) the tillering stage of development, with pre‐tillering and reproductive stage plants less preferred. The relationship between rice plant age and susceptibility to weevils is thus nonlinear. This study constitutes one of the most thorough studies to date of the relationship in a grass species between plant age and susceptibility to herbivores. The results provide a biological explanation for observed patterns of weevil infestations and a rationale for the cultural practice of delayed flooding.  相似文献   

结实期水分胁迫对不同氮肥水平下水稻产量及其品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
以生产上广泛使用的3个水稻品种为材料,研究了结实期适度水分胁迫对不同氮肥水平下稻米产量及其品质的影响.结果表明,正常施氮水平下,水分胁迫使3个品种籽粒产量降低11.6%~14.7%,虽整精米率有所提高,但垩白度却显著增加(18.7%~33.1%),外观品质变劣;而高氮水平下,水分胁迫处理的产量增加18.8%~22.2%,垩白粒率和垩白度分别降低15.3%~37.2%和13.7%~29.9%,外观品质变优.稻米RVA谱特征值和米饭质地也明显受到结实期土壤水分和施氮水平的影响.正常施氮水平下,水分胁迫处理的最高粘度和崩解值(扬稻6号除外)要低于水层灌溉处理,而其消减值却明显高于水层灌溉处理,水分胁迫使得正常施氮处理的米饭口感较硬,弹性较差,粘性降低,且咀嚼有渣感.而高氮水平下,水分胁迫利于米粉糊化过程中早期粘度的上升,最高粘度增加,崩解值也明显高于水层灌溉,消减值却明显减小,米饭的硬性和凝聚性减小,松弛性和粘附性增大,米饭质地有变优的趋势.  相似文献   

再生稻稻瘿蚊发生动态及对产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
再生稻是利用收割后稻桩上存活的腋芽 (又称潜伏芽、再生芽 ) ,经培育萌发生长成的一季稻。稻桩 (又称母茎 )腋芽再生率及成穗率的高低 ,对再生稻的产量有着极显著正相关 [1 ] 。如果母茎节上腋芽受稻瘿蚊 ( Pachydiplosis oryzae Wood- Mason)为害 ,就明显减少再生芽的成穗率。笔者 1 998- 2 0 0 0年在推广稻瘿蚊综合治理技术 (改制技术 )及发生动态监测中 ,对再生稻稻瘿蚊的发生动态及对产量影响作专题探讨。1 材料与方法在稻瘿蚊综合治理技术推广连片改制示范区 ,设早稻——再生稻改制技术与双季连作水稻栽培的比较试验。早稻——再生…  相似文献   

Soils from avocado (Persea americana Mill.) orchards in Israel (IS) and California (CA), both sites with a Mediterranean climate, were sampled and analyzed for the species and quantities of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (VAMF) spores in them, and for soil physical and chemical characteristics.Numbers of spores were similar in soil from IS and CA but the dominant VAMF species were very different. In IS the most common fungi were Sclerocystis sinuosa and Glomus macrocarpum. In CA, Gl. constrictum was present in every orchard examined and Gl. fasciculatum was nearly as widespread. Acaulospora spp. and other Glomus spp. also were found, including A. elegans which has never before been reported from CA.The differences in VAMF populations and species constituents found on two continents but in areas with similar climates and soil types may be due to host or edaphic factors. Different avocado rootstocks are used in the two countries and lower pH and higher soil fertility levels were present in CA soils.The total VAMF spore populations in each orchard was about 275 per 100 mL soil. The population level was not correlated with any of the soil physical or chemical characteristics examined nor with avocado cultivar or age. In IS no fungus spores were found in three orchards; available P, Ca, Mg and Cu levels were high in these soils.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted under flooded soil conditions using Maahas clay amended with urea and rice straw-sesbania mixtures during the wet and dry seasons. Parallel laboratory incubation tests were done. The objectives were 1) to determine N mineralization patterns and establish the relationship between mineralization parameters and either N availability or grain yield, and 2) to correlate the results of organic N mineralization studies in the laboratory with data from field experiments. The N mineralization patterns of flooded soils in the laboratory followed a logistic function. In laboratory studies, mineralization potential was positively correlated with extractable soil NH4 +-N at the end of the incubation period (cumulative available N). Likewise, mineralization potential calculated from laboratory studies was positively correlated with N uptake and grain yield from field studies. Extractable (NH4 ++NO3 )-N in the field correlated positively with extractable NH4 +-N in the laboratory. The extractable NH4 +-N from laboratory incubations at 14 days after transplanting, panicle initiation, and maturity was also highly and positively correlated with grain yield from field experiments.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion of the possible effects of nitrogen (N) application on methane (CH4) emission from rice fields. However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) methodologies for estimating the national inventory of CH4 emission from paddy rice production do not consider the effects of N addition. To assess the lack of knowledge about N addition effects on inventory estimates, we recently launched a multi-site observation campaign in major rice cultivation regions of China. The observations showed that, across various climate zones, the application of ammonium-based fertilizers at the commonly-adopted levels for fields in China (150 or 250 kg N ha?1) generally inhibited accumulative CH4 emission during rice season (by 28–30% on average) as compared to no N addition. An increase in application from the moderate level of 150 kg N ha?1 to the high rate of 250 kg N ha?1 did not significantly modify CH4 emission. Our results suggest that disregarding the effect of N fertilization by the IPCC methodologies may not significantly bias CH4 inventory estimates of China. In regions with much lower N addition levels, however, disregarding the effect of N fertilization may result in the underestimation of regional CH4 emission, since these emissions were mainly derived from studies in regions with relatively high N addition rates.  相似文献   

Li WJ  Xia YQ  Yang XY  Guo M  Yan XY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2331-2336
在苏南太湖地区开展田间试验,研究了施氮和肥料添加剂对水稻产量、氮素吸收转运及利用的影响.结果表明:施氮对水稻产量、各生育时期植株累积吸氮量、阶段氮累积量和花后氮素转运量具有显著的促进作用(P<0.01),当施氮量高于200 kg·hm-2时,增施氮肥的增产效应不显著(P>0.05);花后氮素转运率和氮肥利用率均随施氮量的增加而降低.施用肥料添加剂可进一步提高水稻产量、累积吸氮量、花后氮素转运量和氮肥利用率,且该效应在高施氮量( ≥200 kg·hm-2)条件下表现更明显.本试验条件下不施用肥料添加剂时,施氮150kg·hm-2可同时获得较高的产量和氮肥利用率.  相似文献   

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