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王幼群  杜中 《植物学通报》1999,16(5):618-620
采用将徒手切片煮沸透明的方法改进了两种观察导管和筛管的方法  相似文献   

介绍一种简单、经济的同工酶染色方法:用熔化的0.4%琼脂糖处理滤纸备用,染色前将滤纸浸于同工酶染色液中,染色时将滤纸盖在聚丙烯酸胺胶上,然后将胶放在有盖塑料盒中保温染色,染色时间要比普通方法略长。染色后将胶和滤纸移入固定液中用镊子除去滤纸.  相似文献   

1取材及处理1.1方法一取芹菜白色的总叶柄,或大白菜、卷心菜叶柄一小段,用刀片徒手纵切成5mm见方的薄片。选取较薄的切片置于30%的盐酸间苯三酚饱和液中,浸泡2h左右(时间长短与组织老嫩有关)。从处理好的材料中选取有红色线条的薄片用于观察。1.2方法...  相似文献   

陈功星 《生物学通报》2007,42(12):45-45
细胞染色是细胞生物学研究和应用中最为常见的一种技术.使细胞的形态和结构更加明显,可以直接观察细胞某些生物学特征的变化。不仅在医学基础研究中像细胞凋亡和肿瘤细胞株的观察方面广泛应用,而且在生物医学教学与临床检验中更是不可缺少的手段,包括基本的细胞形态观察、血液细胞分类、骨髓细胞相、以及脱离细胞等的分析方面,帮助学生提高学习,以及临床医生了解就诊者的身体状况做出正确的诊断。但细胞染色技术尚存在拓展的空间,本文结合细胞制片和细胞染色技术,对生物学基础研究中的贴壁细胞进行处理.方便了贴壁细胞的染色分析,从而丰富了这一传统技术的应用。  相似文献   

一种简便的考马斯亮蓝G250蛋白质染色方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍一种快速、简便、几乎无背景的考马斯亮蓝G250(CBB G250)染色方法.该方法所用试剂仅为稀盐酸和CBB G250, CBB G250的工作浓度为0.0015%,灵敏度达0.02 μg/带, 染色2 h达70%,4 h以上或染色过夜即可充分染色.与以往的考马斯亮蓝染色方法相比,该方法有经济方便、灵敏度高、几乎无背景等优点,便于推广应用.  相似文献   

导管是被子植物运输水分和无机盐的管道,它由一串导管分子以穿孔端壁相互衔接而成。关于它在输水过程中的作用,常用的比较方法是通过离析来测定导管分子的长度和直径,或者是通过三切面来观察某一导管分子与邻近细胞的相互关系。由于上述方法所展示的仅仅是某一局部区域中木质部各种组成分子的平面关系或者是某一组成分子的变化模式,所  相似文献   

用组织离析法观察导管和筛管胡兴在以南瓜茎为材料观察输导组织的导管和筛管的实验中,通常取南瓜茎纵,横切永久装片或取新鲜的南瓜茎作徒手切片制成的临时装片来观察和了解辅导组织的分布和形态结构。但是,经过观察上述制片发现存在两方面不足:一是很难观察到完整的导...  相似文献   

目的比较ABC法和SP法两种免疫组织化学染色方法的染色效果。方法通过免疫组化检测一氧化氮合酶的三个亚型的蛋白i NOS、e NOS和n NOS的表达,观察三种蛋白的染色结果。结果 SP法检测i NOS和e NOS的敏感性要明显强于ABC法;SP法蛋白染色结果明显优于ABC法。结论 SP法检测NOS优于ABC法。  相似文献   

颈静脉和后腔静脉导管安置方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在动物体内不同部位安置颈静脉导管是进行生殖内分泌研究的重要基本方法之。本文介绍了奶山羊颈静和后腔静脉导管的安置和使用方法。导管为长约1米、内径1、5mm、外径2.2mm的硅胶管。导管插入血管的深度约为8-10cm,另一端在皮下潜行约20-25cm后穿出体外,并安装带盖针头。每次采样后在导管内注满稀释为40单/ml的肝素以防止血液凝结在导管内,防止经导管注入气泡或引起感染,一般可维持两以上连续采样。  相似文献   

两种简便又较为准确检测SOD酶活性的方法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
由于SOD的作用底物极不稳定,至今还未建立统一的检测SOD酶活性的方法,该文介绍了两种既简便又较为准确检测样品SOD酶活性的方法,采用这两种方法可较为准确地测定出不同样品的SOD含量及酶活性。  相似文献   

Two very simple procedures give a staining-fixation of the so-called “strands” as well as portions of the sieve plates of sieve tubes of various broad-leaved deciduous trees. One procedure consists of placing hand-made sections (radial or tangential) of inner bark for 5 min in a 0.2% solution of ponceau S in 3% trichloroacetic acid, then soaking 5 min in 5% acetic acid. A second procedure consists of placing sections in 0.001% nigrosin in 2% acetic acid for approximately 15 hr, then washing briefly in distilled water. In the former procedure, strands, sieve plates, and what appears to be plasmalemma, appear reddish or pink, while cell walls do not stain. In the latter, strands and sieve plates appear bluish but phloem cell walls also become bluish, although xylem cell walls usually remain unstained.  相似文献   

Sieve tubes of the phloem in cleared plant parts can be located by means of a staining reaction specific for callose. The plant part is decolourized in 1:3 glacial acetic acid-95% ethanol and cleared in hot 85% lactic acid at 98-100 C. Callose is not dissolved by this treatment and is then stained with 0.01% analine blue in 0.07 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, and observed by fluorescence microscopy. A sieve tube is recognized by the bright yellow fluorescence of the callose on its sieve plates. In most tissues, a natural light yellow fluorescence of the parenchyma cells is evident after the clearing step. This intensifies upon staining with analine blue and tends to make the tissue opaque, but it can be minimized by quick-killing of the tissue before commencing the decolourization. The procedure gives best results when applied to young tissues in which interference from the natural yellow fluorescence of lignified cells such as xylem elements and phloem fibers is minimal. Callose plugs in pollen tubes were also shown in intact, cleared styles.  相似文献   

The Translocation of Sugar in Sieve Tubes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A theory is put forward to account for the translocation ofsugars in terms of electrokinetic forces developed in the cytoplasmof the sieve plates. A major role is suggested for potassiumas responsible both for the movement of solution and for maintainingthe necessary potentials across the sieve plates. The mechanismfor the latter invokes the active uptake of potassium (or someother ion) by the companion cells. It is suggested that in theoverall process of conduction there are features which can bedescribed as involving the elements of inertia and positiveenergy feedback, and that a possible result of these would belongitudinal oscillations in the phloem columns which mightassume importance as the seat of rhythms and as a backgroundfor photoperiodic effects, and which might be adjusted to animposed period by callose constrictions. The mechanism put forward would seem to be physically adequate even for very lengthyphloem columns, and it would seem possible for it to accommodatemost, if not all, of the major experimental facts. It impliesthe active transport of water, as well as of sugars and otherchemical species.  相似文献   

Protein Phosphorylation in the Sieve Tubes of Rice Plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proteins and their phosphorylation were examined in rice phloemsap that had been collected by the insect laser technique. Analysisby SDS-PAGE indicated that rice phloem sap contained over 150proteins. The total protein concentration was 150–200ng µl-1. Analysis of proteins extracted from leaves, rootsand seeds revealed that several major low-molecular-weight proteinswere confined to the rice phloem sap. Maintenance of rice plantsunder stable environmental conditions was associated with aconstant complement of proteins in the phloem sap. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of proteins were detectedin the sieve tubes and occurred in a light dependent mannerwhen [  相似文献   

Gradients of tritiated water, 35S-sulphate and 32P-phosphate, were established in isolated segments of willow stems. Sieve tube exudate was collected as honeydew from the high activity end of the segment. After girdling the stem a few centimetres from the site of sieve tube puncture, the specific activity of 35S and 32P in the honeydew rose, whilst the specific activity of tritium remained constant. These findings indicate that prior to girdling, unlabelled sulphates and phosphates were contributing to the honeydew, whilst there had been no detectable contribution by unlabelled water from the low activity end of the segment. The data support the conclusions drawn from previous experiments by Peel et al. (1969), that water is relatively immobile in sieve tubes of willow when compared to solutes.  相似文献   

Junction complexes of unusual structure form between neighbouringsieve tubes in the secondary phloem of Eucalyptus species. Thick-walledribs support thin-walled ‘sieve areas’. In longitudinalsections the structures have a ‘concertina’- likeappearance. They are relatively large, up to 0.2 mm in length.Electron micrographs confirmed that the structures consistedof thin-walled areas perforated with pores, supported by muchthicker ribs. The structures provide a vast surface area fortransfer of metabolites between sieve tubes compared with thatof lateral wall sieve areas of other plants. Hydrolysis of parenchymacell walls occurs during the development of the junction complexes.The structures are only found when sieve tubes are in closeproximity and it is the redifferentiation and partitioning ofintervening parenchyma cells which result in junction complexformation. A survey for the presence of the structures in thephloem of other genera in the family Myrtaceae was made andthey were found in Tristania and Angophora but were not observedin Acmena and Metrosideros. Eucalyptus, sieve tubes, lateral walls, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Membrane potentials of ?;160 to ?210 mV were recorded with microelectrodes inserted into meta-phloem sieve tubes of intact zucchini plants (Cucurbita pepo L. var. medullosa Alef.). The effects of darkness, white light and colored light on membrane potential were studied. Reference electrodes were in contact with the apoplast via fluid-filled cavities or “drinks”. Electrolyte solutions (100 mM) in the cavities could be quickly replaced by flushing with 100 mM solutions of sucrose, KCl, sorbitol, or EDTA without altering osmolarity. KCl and EDTA caused depolarization of the sieve tube membrane potential, while sucrose caused depolarization or hyperpolarization of the sieve tube membrane potential in mature or growing plant parts respectively. Recovery of the original voltage was recorded when rapid (sucrose) or slow (sorbitol) transients occurred. When two measuring circuits were installed, one in a growing fruit and the other in the petiole of the subtending mature leaf, the alteration of the sieve tube membrane potential at one site was accompanied by an alteration of the potential at the other site after a few seconds. The responses were opposite in the exporting leaf and importing fruit when sucrose was applied. The signal, transmitted via the sieve tubes, reached maximum velocities of 10 cm per second.  相似文献   

MURPHY  R. 《Annals of botany》1986,57(5):667-674
From an analysis of the Brownian motion of particles in sieveelements of Heracleum mantegazzianum and Heracleum sphondylium,Barclay and Johnson have suggested that the in situ viscosityof sieve tube sap is four to six times higher than has previouslybeen assumed. In particular, they obtained a value for the sapviscosity of about 10–2 Pa s, which compares with a valueof 2 x 10–3 Pa s for a 20 per cent (w/v) sucrose solution.The present paper describes a reanalysis of their data. It isargued that Barclay & Johnson underestimated the Brownianmotion of sieve element particles and so overestimated the sapviscosity. An exact correction was not possible, but it is concludedthat the in situ viscosity of Heracleum sieve tube sap mustbe less than 3 x 10–3 Pa s, which corresponds to a sucroseconcentration of less than 29 per cent. Hence it may not beunreasonable to suppose that the viscosity of sieve tube sapis determined primarily by the concentration of sucrose, ashas been assumed in theoretical analyses of the Munch hypothesis.It is also concluded that the sieve tubes studied by Barclayand Johnson were not functional, in the sense that they didnot exhibit an axial bulk flow of sap. Heracleum, sieve tubes, Brownian motion, viscosity, Munch hypothesis  相似文献   

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