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这里每个村寨都是在喀斯特峰丛的包围之中,村寨里的每间房子都有一个小小的窗口,每个窗口内都有一台织布机,每台织布机都传唱着一个织布女的故事。  相似文献   

初到贵州茂兰生物圈保护区,我就被当地保护完好的喀斯特森林和奇特的自然景观所震撼。而大山里那些古旧的寨子,老百姓们真实的生产、生活状态和喜恐哀乐也让我无时无刻不悬系在心.只能用手中的相机定格一个个场面.记录下让我心动的瞬间。  相似文献   

冉景丞 《人与生物圈》2005,(2):F005-F005
“喀斯特”原本是南斯拉夫的一个高地的地名,19世纪末,南斯拉夫学者司威依奇对喀斯特高地独特的地貌进行研究,他借用了“喀斯特”这一词作为石灰岩地区的一系列溶蚀作用过程和产物的名称,从而成为世界通用的名词。在中国,“喀斯特”也被称作“岩溶”。  相似文献   

甘肃省脆弱生态环境与贫困的耦合关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
牛亚琼  王生林 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6431-6439
保持生态环境与经济建设的协调发展是新阶段国家扶贫开发的重要策略之一。以甘肃省为例,运用系统耦合协调度理论,构建双系统发展多指标综合评价体系,对研究区2000—2014年脆弱生态环境与贫困评价得分、两者耦合协调度及时空分异进行测度和分析。结果表明:从时序角度看,甘肃省脆弱生态环境和贫困耦合协调度整体呈上升状态,受政策调整等因素的影响呈现低水平耦合协调、耦合协调度增长、高水平耦合协调生态环境滞后3个不同阶段;从空间分异角度看,甘肃省脆弱生态环境和贫困耦合协调度由东南向西北递增,耦合协调度空间分布不均衡,脆弱生态环境与贫困共生共存,需充分重视和保护贫困地区生态环境。  相似文献   

王献溥   《广西植物》1986,(Z1):141-145
在世界范围内,工业化和城市化的进程异常迅速,这当然是经济发展的标志,但是,能否也注意到自然资源的合理利用和保护以及保持生态环境不遭受破坏呢?这是人们所普遍关心的事。如果持肯定态度的话,那么,自然保护区的建设就是一项非常重要的任务了。所谓自然保护区就是要在世界不同的生物地理省范围内,都应划出一定的区域,尽量保持其自然状态的完整性或让其自然面貌得到应有的恢复,不再遭受各种人为活动的干扰,以便为人类经济和文化生活不同的需要服务。近年来,虽然保护区的建设在日新月异地发展,但是,还有许多地方由于认识上或实际上的困难等原因的影响,对建立自然保护区的重要性,  相似文献   

生态脆弱区贫困与生态环境的博弈分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
祁新华  叶士琳  程煜  林荣平 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6411-6417
生态脆弱区既是生态环境破坏最典型、最强烈的区域,也是贫困问题最集中的区域。然而,实践中试图摆脱"贫困陷阱"的成功案例并不多见。其中一个重要原因是鲜有协同生态保护与扶贫的研究,尤其是忽视了不同利益主体的相互作用过程与机制。从博弈论的视角,探讨生态脆弱区不同利益主体的两组核心博弈,即政府与民众以及政府与企业的博弈。研究发现,扶贫与生态环境保护相互作用过程事实上就是协调不同利益主体的目标与利益的博弈过程,博弈结果一定程度上决定了扶贫的效果以及生态环境保护的效应。研究为深入理解贫困与生态环境相互作用的过程与机制提供一个理论分析框架,并为中国生态脆弱区可持续发展实践提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

在精确AMS14C测年的基础上,对采自重庆中梁山岩溶洼地的剖面样品进行了孢粉分析,并结合详细的历史文献资料,获取了该地区近700年以来的植被变迁与石漠化演化记录。结果显示:(1)1274-1553 cal a AD研究区周围主要分布以松属、柏科/杉科占优势的亚热带常绿针叶林,伴人植物花粉少量出现,人类活动相对较弱。(2)1553-1780 cal a AD,针叶树松属、柏科/杉科花粉含量下降,伴人植物花粉增多,指示研究区人类活动开始加强。(3)1780-1840 cal a AD,松属花粉含量急剧下降,灌木和伴人植物花粉急剧增加,指示该地区人类活动加剧,石漠化现象出现。(4)1840-2000 cal a AD,玉米花粉含量大幅度增加,表明人类活动更加强烈,石漠化现象进一步加剧。近700年来不断增加的人类活动是重庆地区植被退化、石漠化现象严重的重要因素。该研究结果对重庆岩溶地区的全面治理,恢复和重建自然生态环境具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Occurrence and distribution of stony corals (Milleporina and Scleractinia) in the Gulf of Cariaco were investigated quantitatively using skin-diving methods. Unusual temperature conditions due to cold upwelling limit coral growth to a depth of 15 m. A clear vertical zonation of species was observed, with five zones, in order of increasing depth, dominated by Porites porites, Millepora complanata, Siderastrea siderea, Dichocoenia stokesi, and Solenastrea hyades. Twenty-one species of scleractinians and three species of hydrocorals have so far been found in the gulf. Of the total area covered by corals, over 50% is inhabited by Siderastrea siderea, Millepora spp., and Porites porites. A horizontal zonation of the littoral was established based on species composition and density of the coral cover.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Identification of Prunus groups at subspecies or variety level is complicated by the wide range of variation and morphological transitional states. Knowledge of the degree of variability within and between species is a sine qua non for taxonomists. Here, a detailed study of endocarp dimension and shape variation for taxa of Prunus section Prunus is presented. METHODS: The sample size necessary to obtain an estimation of the population mean with a precision of 5 % was determined by iteration. Two cases were considered: (1) the population represents an individual; and (2) the population represents a species. The intra-individual and intraspecific variation of Prunus endocarps was studied by analysing the coefficients of variance for dimension and shape parameters. Morphological variation among taxa was assessed using univariate statistics. The influence of the time of sampling and the level of hydration on endocarp dimensions and shape was examined by means of pairwise t-tests. In total, 14 endocarp characters were examined for five Eurasian plum taxa. KEY RESULTS: All linear measurements and index values showed a low or normal variability on the individual and species level. In contrast, the parameter 'Vertical Asymmetry' had high coefficients of variance for one or more of the taxa studied. Of all dimension and shape parameters studied, only 'Triangle' differed significantly between mature endocarps of P. insititia sampled with a time difference of 1 month. The level of hydration affected endocarp dimensions and shape significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Index values and the parameters 'Perimeter', 'Area', 'Triangle', 'Ellipse', 'Circular' and 'Rectangular', based on sample sizes and coefficients of variance, were found to be most appropriate for further taxonomic analysis. However, use of one, single endocarp parameter is not satisfactory for discrimination between Eurasian plum taxa, mainly because of overlapping ranges. Before analysing dried endocarps, full hydration is recommended, as this restores the original dimensions and shape.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Coral reefs are suffering global declines due to climate change, natural disasters, pollution, and diseases. Coral disease events have increased in frequency and severity in the past...  相似文献   

Desertification and global change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arid and semiarid regions cover one third of the continental areas on Earth. These regions are very sensitive to a variety of physical, chemical and biological degradation processes collectively called desertification. Although interest in desertification has varied widely in time, there is a renewed concern about the evolution of dryland ecosystems because (1) a significant fraction of existing drylands already suffers from miscellaneous degradation processes, (2) increasing populations will inevitably result in further over-utilization of the remaining productive areas, (3) climatic changes expected from the greenhouse warming might result in drier continental interiors, and (4) some of the desertification processes themselves may amplify local or regional climatic changes. This paper reviews some of the many aspects of this issue in the context of the Global Change research program.  相似文献   

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