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The effects of N fertiliser regimes on N leaching and turfgrass quality during the establishment and maintenance of Kikuyu turfgrass (Pennisetum clandestinum (Holst. Ex Chiov)) were evaluated in a 24 month field study. Treatments included two turfgrass ages (established from 20 week or 20 year old turfgrass, the later included a 50 mm ‘mat’ layer), three N application rates (50, 100 or 150 kg N ha?1 yr?1) and three application frequencies (every 4 weeks, 4 applications per year, 2 applications per year); and included turfgrass plots that received no N fertiliser. Nitrogen leaching, measured using soil lysimeters, ranged from 35 to 69 kg N ha?1 by the end of 24 months, and varied with turfgrass age, but not N fertiliser regime. Greatest N losses occurred during turfgrass establishment, with up to 50% of all N leached in the organic form. We recommend measuring both total N and mineral N when assessing N leaching from turfgrass. The quality of the older turfgrass was maintained using less N fertiliser than the younger turfgrass, while increasing N application frequency improved the consistency of turfgrass growth and colour.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of two series of platinum(II) complexes containing the polyfunctional imines R1–CHN–R2 [R1 = phenyl or ferrocenyl unit and R2 = (CH2)n–CH2–NMe2 where n = 1 or 2) (1 and 2) or C6H4-2-SMe (3)] acting as a bidentate (N,N′) (47) or terdentate [C(phenyl or ferrocenyl),N,N′]? (810) or [C(ferrocenyl),N,S]? ligand (11) in front of A549 lung, MDA-MB231 breast and HCT116 colon human adenocarcinoma cell lines is reported. The results reveal that most of the platinum(II) complexes are active against the three assayed lines and compounds 6, 7 and the platinacycles 10 and 11 exhibit a remarkable antiproliferative activity, even greater than cisplatin itself, in the cisplatin resistant HCT116 human cancer cell line. Electrophoretic DNA migration studies showed that most of them modify the DNA tertiary structure in a similar way as the reference cisplatin. Solution studies of a selection of the most relevant complexes have also been performed in order to test: (a) their stability in the aqueous biological medium and/or the formation of biologically active species and (b) their proclivity to react with 9-methylguanine (9-MeG), as a model nucleobase. Computational studies at DFT level have also been performed in order to explain the different solution behaviour of the complexes and their proclivity to react with the nucleobase.  相似文献   

Estuarine ecosystems are easily deteriorated by organic pollution because of its high primary productivity. To identify chemical proxies for the possible sources of autochthonous organic matter [phytoplankton-derived particulate organic material (POM), macroalgae and seagrass], we measured C:N:P and the ratios of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N values) in two estuarine environments, the polyhaline lagoon, Lake Nakaumi, and the oligohaline lagoon, Lake Shinji, in Japan. Due to vigorous photosynthesis, the δ13C of phytoplankton-derived POM in Lake Nakaumi was larger than what would normally be expected from estuarine salinity gradients. Concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus did not affect the δ13C of phytoplankton-derived POM. The δ15N of all plants was uniform and was higher than the δ15N of sediments. The seagrass showed a higher C:N ratio than POM and macroalgae, while the macroalgae showed a higher N:P ratio. Thus, simultaneous evaluation of C:N and N:P ratios would distinguish these three plant groups, and it would be possible to identify the source plants from the elemental ratios of the sediments.  相似文献   

Polyploid species possess more than two sets of chromosomes and may show high gene redundancy, hybrid vigor, and masking of deleterious alleles compared to their parent species. Following this, it is hypothesized that this makes them better at adapting to novel environments than their parent species, possibly due to phenotypic plasticity. The allopolyploid Arabidopsis suecica and its parent species A. arenosa and A. thaliana were chosen as a model system to investigate relationships between phenotypic plasticity, fitness, and genetic variation. Particularly, we test if A. suecica is more plastic, show higher genetic diversity, and/or have higher fitness than its parent species. Wild Norwegian populations of each species were analyzed for phenotypic responses to differences in availability of nutrient, water, and light, while genetic diversity was assessed through analysis of AFLP markers. Arabidopsis arenosa showed a higher level of phenotypic plasticity and higher levels of genetic diversity than the two other species, probably related to its outbreeding reproduction strategy. Furthermore, a general positive relationship between genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity was found. Low genetic diversity was found in the inbreeding A. thaliana. Geographic spacing of populations might explain the clear genetic structure in A. arenosa, while the lack of structure in A. suecica could be due to coherent populations. Fitness measured as allocation of resources to reproduction, pointed toward A. arenosa having lower fitness under poor environmental conditions. Arabidopsis suecica, on the other hand, showed tendencies toward keeping up fitness under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The diet and growth of sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, in an oligotrophic system (Kat River Reservoir, Eastern Cape, South Africa) were compared to those in a eutrophic system (Laing Reservoir, Eastern Cape) to determine if the trophic status of a waterbody had an effect on the growth rate of the species. In order of importance, the diet of catfish in Kat River Reservoir consisted of fish, insects, zooplankton, plant material and other items, while the diet of catfish in Laing Reservoir consisted of fish, plant material, zooplankton, other vertebrates and insects. The diets of catfish in the two reservoirs had a similarity index of 68.1% and there was no significant difference in their nutritional value. Fish prey was the most important dietary component in both reservoirs. Temperature regime and zooplankton and zoobenthos density were similar in both systems. However, fish prey density was significantly higher in the eutrophic Laing Reservoir and catfish grew significantly faster in that system. The slower growth rate in Kat River Reservoir was attributed to the higher energy costs associated with the capture of fish prey, which was less abundant than in Laing Reservoir. Trophic status therefore had an indirect effect on catfish growth by influencing the availability of fish prey.  相似文献   

Chronic atmospheric N deposition has modified relative N availability, altering the biogeochemical cycles of forests and the stoichiometry of nutrients in trees, inducing P limitation, and modifying the N:P ratios of plant biomass. This study examines how the variation in the foliar stoichiometry of Abies pinsapo across an N deposition gradient affects foliar traits and photosynthetic rate. We measured the maximum net assimilation rates (A max) and the foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in A. pinsapo needles of five age classes. The leaf mass per area and photosynthetic N and P use efficiencies (PNUE and PPUE, respectively) were also estimated. The results from the N-saturated stand (Sierra Bermeja, B) differed from the comparable N-limited stands under investigation (Yunquera, Y, and Sierra Real, SR). The trees from Y and SR exhibited a reduction in the N content in older needles, whereas the foliar N concentration at the B site increased with needle age. N and P were positively correlated at Y and SR, but not at B, suggesting that the overload of N in the trees at site B has exceeded the homeostatic regulation capacity of the N-saturated stand in terms of foliar stoichiometry. A max and PNUE were correlated positively with P and negatively with the N/P ratio at the three study sites. The foliar N concentration was positively correlated with A max at Y and SR. However, this relationship was negative for the B site. These findings suggest that the nutritional imbalance caused by increased chronic deposition of N and an insufficient supply of P counteracts the potential increase in net photosynthesis induced by the accumulation of foliar N.  相似文献   

The equilibrium geometries, total energies, and vibrational frequencies of anions X2Y2 (X = C, Si, Ge and Y = N, P, As) are theoretically investigated with density functional theory (DFT) method. Our calculation shows that for C2N2 species, the D 2h isomer is the most stable four-membered structure, and for other species the C 2v isomer in which two X atoms are contrapuntal is the most stable structure at the B3LYP/6-311 +G* level. Wiberg bond index (WBI) and negative nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS) value indicate the existence of delocalization in stable X2Y2 structures. A detailed molecular orbital (MO) analysis further reveals that stable isomers of these species have strongly aromatic character, which strengthens the structural stability and makes them closely connected with the concept of aromaticity.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of [Cr(edda)(acac)] (edda = ethylediamine-N,N′-diacetate; acac = acetylacetonato) has been determined by a single crystal X-ray diffraction study at 150 K. The chromium ion is in a distorted octahedral environment coordinated by two N and two O atoms of chelating edda and two O atoms of acac, resulting in s-cis configuration. The complex crystallizes in the space group P21/c of the monoclinic system in a cell of dimensions a = 10.2588(9), b = 15.801(3), c = 8.7015(11) ?, β =101.201(9)° and Z = 4. The mean Cr-N(edda), Cr-O(edda) and Cr-O(acac) bond distances are 2.0829(14), 1.9678(11) and 1.9477(11) ? while the angles O-Cr-O of edda and O-Cr-O of acac are 171.47(5) and 92.72(5)°, respectively. The crystal structure is stabilized by N–H⋯O hydrogen bonds linking [Cr(edda)(acac)] molecules in distinct linear strands. The visible electronic and IR spectroscopic properties are also discussed. An improved, physically more realistic force field, Vibrationally Optimized Force Field (VOFF), capable of reproducing structural and vibrational properties of [Cr(edda)(acac)] was developed and its transferability demonstrated on selected chromium(III) complexes with similar ligands.  相似文献   

Extensification modify the C and N cycles in grassland ecosystems, but it is not clear whether reduced exploitation increases or decreases soil nitrogen availability, and whether these changes result from a direct effect of the treatment or from an indirect treatment effect through a change in plant species composition. A formerly intensively exploited grassland was submitted to the following treatments: (i) control with one mowing and four grazing periods per year (4G+M), (ii) cessation of mowing (4G), (iii) cessation of mowing and suppression of three grazing periods (1G). During the 13th year of the experiment, the species composition and key indicators of the C and N cycles were measured, using 20 samples per treatment. Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens disappeared in favor of tall caespitose grasses in 4G, and of rhizomatous species in 1G. The species composition and the nitrate concentration of the soil solution suggested an increase in nutrient availability under reduced exploitation, whereas the nitrification and denitrification potentials decreased. More particulate organic matter accumulated in proportion to the below-ground phytomass, whereas the C:N ratio remained constant. Testing treatment effect at similar species composition and plant community effect within the same treatment showed that: (1) the increase in POM residence time was mainly due to the changes in species composition, (2) the decrease in nitrification activity resulted mainly from a direct effect of the treatment, and (3) a compensation between a direct positive and an indirect negative effect of the treatment resulted in no change in extractable N. All results suggested that soil N availability was not decreased, although litter degradability decreased.


Ein Unterlassen der Heuernte und eine Reduktion der Beweidungsintensität ändern die C- und N-Kreisläufe in Grünland-Ökosystemen. Bislang ist unklar, ob eine extensive Nutzung die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit erhöht oder senkt, und ob diese Änderung der Nährstoffverfügbarkeit in direkter Verbindung mit der verringerten Nutzung steht, oder indirekt ein Resultat der sich ändernden botanischen Zusammensetzung ist. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden die botanische Zusammensetzung sowie die C- und N-Kreisläufe im Boden eines naturnahen, ehemals intensiv beweideten Grünlands nach 12 Jahren unterschiedlicher Nutzungsintensitäten – eine Heuernte und vier Beweidungen jährlich (4G+M), viermalige (4G) und einmalige (1G) jährliche Beweidung – verglichen. Pro Weide wurden je 20 Punkte beprobt. Bei verringerter Nutzung waren die Nitrifikation/Denitrifikation geringer als bei intensiver Nutzung. Die botanische Zusammensetzung sowie die Nitrat-Konzentration im Bodenwasser wurden mehr eutroph. So wurden Lolium perenne und Trifolium repens durch horstbildende Grässer (4G) bzw. rhizombildende Arten (1G) abgelöst. Bei extensiver Nutzung war das Verhältnis von organischer Bodenmasse (particle organic matter, POM) zu unterirdischen pflanzlicher Biomasse höher, hatte jedoch keinen Einfluss auf das C/N-Verhältnis. Ein Vergleich von Weiden gleicher botanischer Zusammensetzung (Nutzungs-Effekt) und von Weiden gleicher Nutzung aber unterschiedlicher botanischer Zusetzung (plant-community-Effekt) zeigte: (i) eine Zunahme der POM-Verweildauer in Folge einer veränderten botanischen Zusammensetzung, (ii) eine Abnahme der Nitrifikation in Folge der verringerten Nutzung und (iii) Kompensation der verringerten Nutzung durch eine Änderung der botanischen Zusammensetzung, womit der leicht verfügbare N unverändert blieb. Eine abnehmende Streu-Qualität scheint keinen Einfluss auf das N-Nachlieferungsvermögen zu haben. Eine hohe N-Verfügbarkeit in Verbindung mit geringer Streu Zersetzung scheinen verantwortlich für eine funktionelle Änderung des Ökosystems und seiner Biodiversität.  相似文献   

Herrmann C  Gern L 《Parasitology》2012,139(3):330-337
Ixodes ricinus horizontal movement within a humidity gradient and the influence of infection by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) on tick walking were investigated. Nymphs were placed within an arena containing a humidity gradient ranging from 45 to 95% relative humidity (RH). After 1 h of acclimation at 70% RH ticks were released so that they could either stay, or walk towards either the wet or the dry end. Their position was recorded 2 h post-release. Fat content was quantified and Borrelia infection was detected using real-time PCR and PCR followed by Reverse Line Blotting. Among the 1500 ticks tested, 29·85% were infected. More low-fat nymphs walked inside the arena than high-fat individuals. When nymphs walked, more low-fat ticks walked towards wetter than drier air, whereas more high-fat individuals walked towards drier than wetter air. Among high-fat nymphs, a lower proportion of Borrelia-infected ticks walked inside the arena compared to uninfected individuals, as though spirochetes manipulated their arthropod vector to stay. However, Borrelia infection had no effect on walking direction towards the dry or the wet end. Hence, it appears that I. ricinus nymphs walk horizontally over short distances within a humidity gradient depending on both energy resources and Borrelia infection.  相似文献   

Qu  Wenchuan  Morrison  R. J.  West  R. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):119-127
Rates of inorganic nutrient and oxygen fluxes, and gross community primary productivity were investigated using incubated cores in July, August and September 2001, in a seagrass meadow of Lake Illawarra, a barrier estuary in New South Wales, Australia. The results indicated that rates of gross primary productivity were high, varying from C = 0.62 to 1.89 g m–2 d–1; low P/R ratios of 0.28–0.48 define the system as heterotrophic and indicate that more carbon is respired than is produced. In order to determine the effect of macroalgae on O2 and nutrient fluxes, measurements were also conducted on cores from which the macroalgae had been removed. The results showed that the O2 fluxes during light incubations were significantly lower in the cores without macroalgae (P<0.01), indicating that macroalgae could be a significant contributor to the primary production in the lake. In general, nutrient fluxes showed a typical diurnal variation with an efflux from sediments in the dark and a reduced efflux (or uptake) in the light. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NO2 + NO3 +NH4 +) net fluxes were directed from the sediments towards the water column and dominated by the NH4 + fluxes (>80%). NO2 + NO3 and o-P fluxes were always very low during the sampling period. The increasing tendency of net nutrient effluxes, especially NH4 + from July to September, is consistent with the increase of the water temperature and seagrass biomasses. However, in September, significantly lower light, dark and net NH4 + effluxes were found in the cores with macroalgae (SA-sediments) compared with the cores without macroalgae (S-sediments). These results support the hypothesis that actively-growing dense macroalgal mats (i.e., algal blooms in September) may act as a filter reducing the flux of nutrients to the water column.  相似文献   

The structure of N i -( N '-Sulfodiaminophosphinyl)- l -ornithine (PSOrn) in complex with the enzyme ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTCase) was recently characterised by Langley et al. [D.B. Langley, M.D. Templeton, B.A. Fields, R.E. Mitchell and C.A. Collyer, J. Biol. Chem., 275 (2000) 20012] using X-ray diffraction techniques. In this work, the interaction of PSOrn with the arginine residues of OTCase is modelled using density functional theory, with an emphasis on characterising the mechanism of binding between PSOrn, an inhibitor, and the enzyme. For the purposes of this study, the interaction of PSO, an analogue of PSOrn (obtained by replacing a (CH 2 ) 3 CH( CO 2 m )( NH 3 + ) side chain by methyl) with one and two arginine (Arg) molecules are investigated. The PSO > (Arg) 2 trimer is found to be strongly bound, by ~171 kJ mol m 1 , due to the presence of four hydrogen bonds in addition to a large ionic interaction between a dinegative PSO 2 m and protonated arginines. The computed geometry is consistent with the X-ray structure and the large binding energy is consistent with the observation that PSOrn is a powerful inhibitor. Furthermore, in agreement with the proposals of Langley et al. , the most stable bound form of PSO is found to be an imino type tautomer. The population analyses that were carried out on PSO suggest that PN, PO, SN and SO bonds, as in a range of other systems, are generally either single or semipolar bonds.  相似文献   

Although consequences of limited dietary protein and carbohydrate to performance are well studied for terrestrial insect herbivores, the importance of phosphorus (P) remains poorly understood. We examined the significance of dietary P to performance in fifth-instar nymphs of the grasshopper Melanoplus bivittatus fed artificial diets. Consumption, digestion, developmental rate, and growth in response to different levels of P nested within standard-Protein and carbohydrate diets were determined. Developmental rate was slowest on high-P diets; protein:carbohydrate concentration and P in diets affected frass production and consumption. Approximate digestibility and conversion of digested food were primarily influenced by the protein:carbohydrate quality of the diet but not P. Mass gain was marginally lower in the low-Protein:high carbohydrate diet used in this study. At the individual level, other than small effects to developmental rate at high concentrations for M. bivittatus, dietary P otherwise seems to have little effect on nymphal performance. To the degree that it is important, effects of dietary P depend on the concentrations of protein and carbohydrate in the diet.  相似文献   

Increasing global temperatures have been reported to accelerate soil carbon (C) cycling, but also to promote nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems. However, warming can differentially affect ecosystem C, N and P dynamics, potentially intensifying elemental imbalances between soil resources, plants and soil microorganisms. Here, we investigated the effect of long-term soil warming on microbial resource limitation, based on measurements of microbial growth (18O incorporation into DNA) and respiration after C, N and P amendments. Soil samples were taken from two soil depths (0–10, 10–20 cm) in control and warmed (>14 years warming, +4°C) plots in the Achenkirch soil warming experiment. Soils were amended with combinations of glucose-C, inorganic/organic N and inorganic/organic P in a full factorial design, followed by incubation at their respective mean field temperatures for 24 h. Soil microbes were generally C-limited, exhibiting 1.8-fold to 8.8-fold increases in microbial growth upon C addition. Warming consistently caused soil microorganisms to shift from being predominately C limited to become C-P co-limited. This P limitation possibly was due to increased abiotic P immobilization in warmed soils. Microbes further showed stronger growth stimulation under combined glucose and inorganic nutrient amendments compared to organic nutrient additions. This may be related to a prolonged lag phase in organic N (glucosamine) mineralization and utilization compared to glucose. Soil respiration strongly positively responded to all kinds of glucose-C amendments, while responses of microbial growth were less pronounced in many of these treatments. This highlights that respiration–though easy and cheap to measure—is not a good substitute of growth when assessing microbial element limitation. Overall, we demonstrate a significant shift in microbial element limitation in warmed soils, from C to C-P co-limitation, with strong repercussions on the linkage between soil C, N and P cycles under long-term warming.  相似文献   

We investigated the growth and nutrient uptake of the Lycopersicon esculentum symbiosis mycorrhiza-defective plant mutant rmc, challenged with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungal propagules, in the presence or absence of roots of the commercial wild-type tomato cv. Golden Queen (GQ). Two plants shared the middle (combi) compartment of a horizontal three-compartment split-root pot with one part of their root system; the other part was grown separately in an outer (solo) pot. Combinations of rmc and GQ plants were grown together in soil that was either mycorrhiza-free (-M) or prepared with AM fungal inoculum (+M). Surface colonization of rmc roots was strongly increased in the presence of (+M) GQ roots. AM fungal inoculation increased phosphorus uptake of GQ plants, but decreased growth and P uptake of rmc plants. Growth and P uptake of (+M) GQ plants were reduced when plants were grown in combination with rmc rather than another GQ plant. AM fungi in the (combi) compartment may have preferentially formed hyphae spreading infection rather than functioning in P uptake in (+M) GQ plants grown in combination with rmc. Surface colonization of (+M) rmc roots, in the presence of GQ roots, was probably established at the expense of carbohydrates from associated GQ plants. Possible reasons for a decreased P uptake of rmc plants in response to AM fungal inoculation are proposed.  相似文献   

Betaine (N,N,N-trimethylglycine) is an important food component with established health benefits through its homocysteine-lowering effects, and is used to lower total homocysteine concentration in plasma of patients with homocystinuria. It is well established that hyperhomocysteinemia is an established risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. However, the possible protective effect of betaine on coagulation events in vivo and in vitro has thus far not been studied. Betaine was given to mice at oral doses of either 10 mg/kg (n = 6) or 40 mg/kg (n = 6) for seven consecutive days, and control mice (n = 6) received water only. The thrombotic occlusion time in photochemically induced thrombosis in pial arterioles was significantly delayed in mice pretreated with betaine at doses of 10 mg/kg (P < 0.001) and 40 mg/kg (P < 0.01). Similar effects were observed in pial venules with 10 mg/kg (P < 0.05) and 40 mg/kg (P < 0.05) betaine. In vitro, in whole blood samples collected from untreated mice (n = 3–5), betaine (0.01–1 mg/mL) significantly reversed platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate (5 µM). The number of circulating platelets and plasma concentration of fibrinogen in vivo were not significantly affected by betaine pretreament compared with the control group. Lipid peroxidation (LPO) in mice pretreated with betaine was significantly reduced compared with the control group. Moreover, betaine (0.01–1 mg/mL) caused a dose-dependent and significant prolongation of PT (n = 5) and aPTT (n = 4–6). In conclusion, our data show that betaine protected against coagulation events in vivo and in vitro and decreased LPO in plasma.  相似文献   

Bythinella is a minute dioecious caenogastropod that inhabits springs in central and southern Europe. In the Balkans, previous studies have addressed its morphological and genetic differentiation within Greece and Romania while the Bulgarian species have remained poorly known. The aim of the present paper has been to expand the knowledge on the subject in Bulgaria. Shell morphology and anatomy of the reproductive organs were examined, and a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and the nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS-1) were sequenced from 15 populations. Additional sequences from eight previously studied populations were included in our analyses. Phylogenetic analyses revealed five main mitochondrial DNA clades, which were partly confirmed by analyses of the ITS-1 sequences. The genetic differentiation between the clades was found to be in the range p=2.4-11.8%. Most of the populations belonged to clade I, representing Bythinella hansboetersi, and were distributed in SW Bulgaria. Clades II and III inhabit areas adjacent to clade I and were most closely related with the latter clade. Much more distinct were clade V, found at one locality in NW Bulgaria, and clade IV, found at one locality in SE Bulgaria, close to the sea. Four populations were found in caves, but only one of these represented a distinct clade. Considering the observed pattern of interpopulation differentiation of Bythinella in Bulgaria, we can suppose that isolation between clades I, II and III may have been caused by glaciations during the Pleistocene. The time of isolation between the above three clades and clade IV coincides with the Messinian Salinity Crisis, and the time of isolation between the clade V and the other four most probably reflects the isolation of the Rhodopes from western Balkan Mts by the seawater of the Dacic Basin.  相似文献   

A family of three copper benzenedicarboxylate coordination polymers has been constructed using the conformationally flexible and hydrogen-bonding capable tethering ligand N,N′-bis(3-pyridylmethyl)piperazine (3-bpmp). These three coordination polymers have been characterized via single crystal X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and elemental and thermogravimetric analysis. {[Cu(ph)(Hph)(H3-bpmp)(H2O)] · 3H2O} (1, ph = phthalate) manifests a 1-D chain motif held into a pseudo 3-D supramolecular structure through hydrogen bonding. While both {[Cu(ip)(3-bpmp)(H2O)] · 2H2O} (2, ip = isophthalate) and [Cu(tp)(3-bpmp)] (3, tp = terephthalate) exhibit 2-D (4,4) rhomboid grid-like layers, they possess different layer stacking patterns and supramolecular interactions due to coordination geometry variances.  相似文献   

Within the frame of World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for the control of soil transmitted helminth (STH) infections, a baseline survey has been conducted in Queimadas Indian schoolchildren (group A) as compared with urban schoolchildren (group B), both located in Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil, with the aim of orientating investigations. In an opportunistic study, the possible relationship between STH infection and nutritional status has been investigated. A total of 236 schoolchildren aged 5-15 years were enrolled, 100 in group A and 136 in group B. Prevalence of STH infections and heavy intensity infections were significantly higher in the group A (P < .001). A statistical significant correlation between stunting (Z-score < -2) and intensity of STH infections was noted. These results strongly suggested that mass treatment would be indicated in the indigenous community, possibly leading to improved nutritional status.  相似文献   

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