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Greenhouse experiments were conducted to assess the effects of soil salinity on emergence, growth, water status, proline content and mineral accumulation of seedlings of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. NaCl was added to the soil and salinity was maintained at 0.2, 2.5, 5.1, 7.7, 10.3, 12.6, 15.4, 17.9, 20.5, 23.0, 25.6 and 28.2 psu. A negative relationship between seedling emergence and salt concentration was obtained. Nevertheless, this mangrove is highly salt tolerant during germination. Growth of seedlings was significantly promoted by low salinity and optimum growth was obtained at 15.4 psu. Higher salinities inhibited plant growth. Growth and dry matter accumulation in tissues followed the same optimum curve. Water potential of tissues became significantly more negative with increasing salinity, and proline content significantly increased. Moreover, water potential and proline content of tissues displayed an S-curve with the inflection point below ∼10 psu. The concentration of Na in tissues increased significantly, whereas K, Ca, Mg, N and P content decreased.  相似文献   

Methanolic extracts of six Saudi plants were screened for their in vitro antiviral activity using influenza virus A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) and MDCK cells in an MTT assay. The results indicated that the extracts of Adeniumobesum and Tephorosianubica possessed antiviral activity (99.3 and 93.3% inhibition at the concentration of 10 μg/ml, respectively). Based on these results A. obesum was selected for further study by applying bioactivity-guided fractionation to isolate its antiviral principle. The antiviral principle was isolated from the chloroform fraction through solvent fractionation, combined open liquid chromatography and HPLC. The isolated active compound A was identified as oleandrigenin-β-d-glucosyl (1 → 4)-β-d-digitalose, on the basis of its spectral analysis (MS, 1D and 2D NMR). The isolated glycoside showed reduction of virus titre by 69.3% inhibition at concentration of 1 μg/ml (IC50 = 0.86 μg/ml).  相似文献   

菅属(Themeda Forssk.)是禾本科高粱族(Poaceae:Andropogoneae)中佛焰苞物种的代表类群之一,在高粱族占据关键的系统演化位置,具有高度的形态和生态多样性。通过野外调查和查阅标本及文献,菅属约有27种植物,旧世界均有分布,新世界3种隶属于菅组。中国有13种,分布在西南至华南各省(区),云南干热河谷地区有10种。研究表明中国云南及印度北部是菅属的分布中心和多样性中心,中国云南及印度北部是否为菅属的起源地尚需确证。  相似文献   

Annual production and biomass data were collected in three seagrass communities of Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Aschers. from Papua New Guinea. Leaf growth rates, determined by the marking technique, resulted in a growth rate of 8.3 mm day?1 for the youngest leaves. Production of above-ground plant parts was assessed by the plastochrone interval. The annual mean values were 9.3, 10.0 and 9.9 days for Sites 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Annual mean total above-ground production amounted to 2.1 mg ADW shoot?1 day?1 at Site 1, and 5.5 and 4.5 mg ADW shoot?1 day?1 for Sites 2 and 3, respectively; 73–89% of the total net production was contributed by the leaves. Rhizome production was correlated to the plastochrone interval of the leaves. Annual mean biomass of leaves amounted to 16–27% of the total biomass. The mean biomass of the other plant parts remained constant during the year. The annual mean turnover time of the different plant parts (above- and below-ground) varied considerably between the sites.  相似文献   

Khalil G. M., Hoogstraal H. and Oliver J. H. Jr. 1980. Biological evaluation of the systematic validity of the African Argas (Persicargas) arboreus and the Asian-Australian A.(P.)robertsi (Ixodoidea: Argasidae). International journal for Parasitology10: 253–259. The closely related A. (P.)arboreus (Ethiopian Faunal Region) and A. (P.) robertsi (Oriental and Australian Faunal Regions) interbreed readily and produce partially fertile progeny. Intrahybrid crosses are much less productive than P1 homogamic crosses. Results of backcrosses indicate that the progeny of the robertsi ♂ × arboreus ♀ cross are less fertile than the progeny of the reciprocal cross. The fertility of F1 hybrid progeny is lower than that of the P1 pure species as expressed in lower female fecundity, egg hatch, and/or viability of immature stages. These 2 species probably originated from a common ancestor and geographic isolation caused genetic incompatibility.  相似文献   

Lacunae occur in the leaves, petioles, rhizomes and roots of Halophila ovalis (R. Br) Hook f. While continuous within organs, they are interrupted between organs by diaphragms one cell thick. These diaphragms are perforated by interstitial pores (0.5–1.0 μm). The diaphragms provide a physical barrier to flooding, but allow gas continuity to be maintained within the lacunar system.  相似文献   

Data on zooplankton in the eastern Bering Sea are presented. Samples were collected and processed by the planktonologists of the Pacific Fisheries Research Center (TINRO Center) aboard American vessels in the summer and fall from 2003 through 2011. Based on the analysis of the averaged values of bottom temperature, surface temperature, ice cover index, and also on maps of temperature distribution on the surface and near the bottom, the years 2003–2006 are referred to as “warm” and 2007–2011 as “cold.” A comparison of these two periods showed that with the advent of the “cold” period, the overall stock of zooplankton in the eastern part of the sea grew, particularly in the shelf zone, where it increased more than three times exclusively at the expense of the large fraction. Chaetognaths and copepods constituted the major proportion of this increase; stocks of euphausiids, mysids, hyperiids, and pteropods also grew, while a loss was observed in decapods (larval crabs and shrimps) and coelenterates. In the southern part of the shelf zone, a vast area with a higher biomass of the large fraction occurred, which was mainly due to copepods and chaetognaths. At the same time, areas with denser concentrations were formed by euphausiids and amphipods. The horizontal distribution of small and medium-sized zooplankton almost did not change; meanwhile, the main species of the small fraction, viz., Pseudocalanus newmani and Oithona similis, exchanged their significance and the neritic species Centropages abdominalis, Eurytemora herdmani, and Acartia longiremis, as well as cladocerans and meroplankton (larval Cirripedia, Bivalvia, and Polychaeta) almost completely vanished from the plankton by 2011. In most of cases, the mean biomass of the profiling species of the large fraction (Calanus marshallae, Neocalanus flemingeri, N. cristatus, Eucalanus bungii, Thysanoessa raschii, Themisto libellula, Limacina helicina, and Sagitta elegans) grew during the cold period. In the large fraction, S. elegans constituted half of the biomass (52% in the warm period and 49% in the cold one); the following two species were the copepods E. bungii and C. marshallae (both amounted to 26% and 39%, respectively), while Th. raschii, which is usually predominant among euphausiids, was only the last in the top five species. According to the example of the eastern areas of the sea, it becomes evident that the hyperiid Themisto libellula is brought into the studied area with cold waters from the north and disappears when their inflow stops. This species responds later to cooling and earlier to warming as compared to other species or groups. It appears that the end of the “cold” period can be expected in 2012.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to estimate the effects of salinity variation on the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and its attached epiphytes. Leaf growth and survival of this plant were tested in several short-term (15 days) mesocosms experiments under controlled conditions between February 2001 and November 2001. Plants collected from shallow meadows at Alicante (SE Spain), with an ambient salinity of 36.8-38.0 psu, were placed in tanks of 300 L with an additional overhead light and exposed to different salinity treatments (ranging from 25 to 57 psu) during 15 days. To estimate the mortality and growth recuperation, in some experiments shoots were returned to control salinity (38 psu). Leaf growth was measured in the laboratory where epiphytic fauna and flora were removed from leaves, with a razor blade, to determine their biomass.P. oceanica was negatively influenced by increased salinity. Shoots showed a significant decrease in growth and survival, whereas epiphyte biomass did not show a clear response because of their high variability. Maximum leaf growth occurred between 25 and 39 psu. In addition, plants suffered considerable mortality at salinities above 42 psu and below 29 psu, with 100% mortality at 50 psu. In salinities between 39 and 46 psu, surviving plants were able to regain their original growth rate when returned to normal seawater salinity (38 psu). These results suggest that P. oceanica is one of the most sensitive seagrasses to salinity increments it is more tolerant to salinity reductions (25.0-36.4 psu), perhaps due to the terrestrial origin of seagrasses.  相似文献   

The level of auxin-like compounds extracted from the seaweed Chondrus crispus L. (Lyn.) is reported. Their presence before and after alkaline hydrolysis is studied to confirm that the bound auxin-like substances are present in algae in greater concentration than the free form.  相似文献   

Maximum nitrate reductase (NR) activity was measured in two intertidal morphotypes of Zostera noltii (Hornem.) in Ria Formosa tidal lagoon, southern Portugal. The two morphotypes develop in the upper and lower limits of the intertidal meadows. The NR activity was measured using an in vivo method, without cell disruption. NR activity was 30-40 fold higher in leaves than in roots, which indicates that nitrate reduction is essentially made through the aerial part of the plant. The effects of assay temperature (5 °C steps, from 5 to 45 °C), pH (7, 8 and 9) and elevation (upper and lower intertidal) on leaf NR activity were tested in a factorial design (n=5). Both elevation and assay temperature had a significant effect on NR activity, but not pH. NR activity was always higher in the upper intertidal plants, at all temperatures. Activity peaks for upper and lower plants were, respectively, 6.12 μmol NO2 g−1 DW 0.5 h−1 at 25 °C, and 3.30 μmol NO2 g−1 DW 0.5h−1 at 35 °C. Further investigation on environmental factors concerning the intertidal environment must be developed, as they are probably responsible for the significant differences found between the values of NR activity in the upper and lower morphotype.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial cytochrome b (397 bp) and 16S rDNA (516 bp) sequences analysis was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among some Eastern Atlantic Epinephelinae species. Six species of Epinephelus (E. aeneus, E. caninus, E. costae, E. haifensis, E. marginatus and E. tauvina) and two species of Mycteroperca (M. rubra and M. fusca) were analysed. Neighbour-joining and maximum-parsimony analysis support the paraphyletic grouping of the Epinephelus and Mycteroperca analysed. The maximum pairwise nucleotide divergence value in cyt b among all taxa was 0.196 between E. aeneus and E. marginatus and the minimum value was 0.006 between E. costae and M. rubra. Meanwhile, in 16S sequence analysis, the maximum value is 0.093 between E. aeneus and E. tauvina and the minimum value is 0.011 between E. marginatus and M. rubra. Molecular clock estimates for the species suggest a divergence time of 20-24 mya, which coincides with the Miocene period. A molecular analysis was also conducted, using other Epinephelinae sequences from GenBank in order to improve our understanding of the phyletic status of the Epinephelus and Mycteroperca species analysed.  相似文献   

Orientated growth is described in colonies of Membranipora membranacea (L.) growing on the large brown seaweed Saccorhiza polyschides (Lightf.) Batt. On average, 60% of the growth of the colonies was directed proximally along the long axis of the plant, irrespective of the region of the plant on which the colonies were growing or their proximity to its primary meristem. These results seem to rule out the possibility that orientated growth in Membranipora is a response to an age dependent polarity in the host plant, since the tissue ages in opposite directions in the lamina and stipe yet the growth of Membranipora is orientated in the same direction on both. The possibility that directional growth in this species may be a rheopositive response is discussed.  相似文献   

Neutral density screens were used to reduce the level of irradiance available to an intertidal population of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog in Western Port, Victoria, Australia. When irradiance was reduced to 9 and 2% of control (ambient) levels, death of all leaf clusters of H. tasmanica resulted within 2 to 10 months. Reduction of irradiance to 35 and 25% of control levels resulted in a 25–50% decrease in leaf cluster density for the duration of the experiment (14 months). As irradiance level decreased leaf length increased (leaf length at 9% irradiance was twice leaf length in control areas) while leaf growth rate and leaf width remained the same. It is suggested that leaf growth rate per leaf cluster remains the same under reduced irradiance because of decreased likelihood of self-shading by surviving leaf clusters and increased surface area per leaf cluster. Density decreased more rapidly during summer than during winter at reduced light levels. This response may be due to an increase in the plant's light compensation point because of increased respiration at summer temperatures. Information on the lower limits of vertical distribution H. tasmanica in Western Port and Port Phillip Bay, Victoria together with the experimental irradiance reduction data suggests that H. tasmanica requires a minimum of ≈ 5% of surface irradiance for survival.  相似文献   

The content of extractable polyphenols in the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and Fucus vesiculosus (L.) was measured at ≈28-day intervals for one year. Colorimetric methods based on the Folin-Denis, Brentamine, and vanillin-H2SO4 reactions were used to estimate relative contents of polyphenols, and these values were converted to absolute contents using the gravimetric method introduced earlier. Relatively little error was introduced by variations in the qualitative composition of the extracted polyphloroglucinols.There appeared to be a significant temporal correlation between polyphenol content and the reproductive state of the algae. The content of polyphenols in A. nodosum was at a minimum (≈9–10% of dry matter) during the period of maximum fruit body shedding (late May), and reached a maximum (≈12–14% of dry matter) during the ‘winter season’. In F. vesiculosus, the minimum (≈8–10% of dry matter) was one to two months later, just before the period of maximum fertility, and thereafter rose to a maximum (≈11–13% of dry matter) during the period of sterility. These results furthermore suggest that the bulk of the polyphenols are not readily accessible as reserve components, and indicate that modifications may be needed in the ‘chemical defense’ and ‘waste product’ hypotheses concerning the significance of brown algal polyphenols.  相似文献   

The results of 15 years of monitoring of Posidonia oceanica in the “Cinque Terre” Marine Protected Area (NW Mediterranean) are presented. Seasonal data on meadow characteristics (cover and shoot density), plant phenology (leaf number, leaf length and width, leaf brown portion, undamaged leaves), lepidochronology, leaf epiphyte cover and herbivore pressure collected from three stations at 5, 10 and 17 m depth were compared. Time-series analyses showed both medium-term (5 < years) and long-term cycles (from 5 to more than 20 years). The comparison of annual cycles with sea surface temperatures (SST) and rainfall showed correlations that differed in relation to depth and, in the case of epiphytes, with each side (internal and external) of the leaf blade. Meadow parameters (visual cover, shoot percent cover) and plant parameters (leaf number, number of undamaged leaves, number of scales shoot−1) showed a positive trend in accordance with the rise of air and sea surface temperature recorded over these last decades. Shoot density and leaf width showed exceptions. Leaf length, leaf brown portion length and the number of undamaged leaves shoot−1 showed positive or negative long-term trends, whose variability could not be related to climate data alone. The two major groups of epiphytes (encrusting algae and the bryozoan Electra posidoniae) showed negative trends. Grazing variability could be explained only partially by climate parameters. Epiphyte cover was found to be related to the NAO index.In conclusion, data showed that the effects of the climate change in terms of both sea surface temperature rising and rainfall decreasing may affect the growth cycles of P. oceanica on two levels: on a decadal level, with positive or negative trends in meadow and plant characteristics and in epiphyte cover; on yearly and seasonal levels, influencing endogenous plant growth rhythms, as in the case of leaf production cycle.  相似文献   

Soda lignin, dioxane lignin and milled lignin were isolated from Alfa grass (Stipatenacissima L.). The physico-chemical characterization of three different lignins: one industrial lignin precipitated from soda spent liquor and two lignin preparations isolated under laboratory conditions from Alfa grass (also know as Esparto grass) was performed. The structures of lignins were studied by three non-destructive (FT-IR, solid state 13C NMR and UV/visible spectroscopy) and two destructive (nitrobenzene oxidation and thermogravimetric analysis) methods. Elemental analysis and the methoxyl content determination were performed in order to determine the C9 formulae for the studied lignins. The total antioxidant capacity of the studied lignins has been determined and compared to commercial antioxidants commonly used in thermoplastic industry.  相似文献   

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