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Several studies have shown that immunization with DNA, which encodes the idiotypic determinants of a B cell lymphoma, generates tumor-specific immunity. Although induction of antiidiotypic Abs has correlated with tumor protection, the effector mechanisms that contribute to tumor protection have not been clearly identified. This study evaluated the tumor protective effects of humoral and cellular immune mechanisms recruited by idiotype-directed DNA vaccines in the 38C13 murine B cell lymphoma model. Antiidiotypic Abs induced by DNA vaccination supported in vitro complement-mediated cytotoxicity of tumor cells, and simultaneous transfer of tumor cells and hyperimmune sera protected naive animals against tumor growth. However, in vitro stimulation of immune splenocytes with tumor cells failed to induce idiotype-specific cytotoxicity, and following vaccination, depletion of CD4 or CD8 T cell subsets did not compromise protection. Furthermore, protection of naive recipients against tumor challenge could not be demonstrated either by a Winn assay approach or by adoptive transfer of spleen and lymph node cells. Thus, in this experimental model, current evidence suggests that the tumor-protective effects of DNA vaccination can be largely attributed to idiotype-specific humoral immunity.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to study if a gender-dependent differential induction of tumor cell apoptosis is responsible for the manifestation of gender dimorphism observed in the growth of a transplantable murine T cell lymphoma, designated as Dalton’s lymphoma (DL). Tumor cell samples obtained from male tumor-bearing mice showed a higher number of cells with apoptotic morphology compared to that observed in female tumor-bearing mice. In this report we demonstrate that male hormone androgen and female hormone estrogen can differentially modulate tumor cell proliferation and apoptosis through alteration in the expression pattern of cell death regulating genes: p53 and CAD. DL cells were shown to express mRNA for androgen and estrogen receptors. Further these gonadal hormones also induced tumor cells to produce tumor growth regulating proteins: VEGF, TGF-β, IL-2, IL-2R, SOCS, Hsp-70 and IFN-γ which in turn either through autocrine action on tumor cells or via TAM-derived NO were observed to regulate tumor cell apoptosis leading to gender dimorphism of tumor growth. This study also discusses the possible mechanism involved. The study has clinical significance as these results will helps in understanding the mechanism of gender dimorphism with respect to the progression of T-cells tumors.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma is a pleiotropic lymphokine that influences the isotypes of immunoglobulin secreted by B cells. IFN-gamma inhibits the secretion of IgG3, IgG2b, IgG1, and IgE, and enhances the secretion of IgG2a. We have examined the mechanism of IFN-gamma-mediated enhancement of IgG2a secretion in sorted populations of B cells and find that IFN-gamma reproducibly stimulates a twofold increase in the precursor frequency of IgG2a-secreting cells in the sIgG2a+ population. Additionally, we find that IFN-gamma does not induce an increase in the clone size of IgG2a-secreting cells. IFN-gamma stimulates a twofold increase in the precursor frequency of IgG2a-secreting cells from sIgG- and unsorted B cells which can be attributed to an increase in IgG2a secretion from IgG2a-committed cells in these populations. Hence, under the culture conditions utilized in these studies. IFN-gamma enhances IgG2a secretion from IgG2a-committed cells and does not induce a class switch.  相似文献   

The thymic lymphoma NS8, obtained by infection of murine antigen-primed lymphocytes with the Radiation Leukemia Virus (RadLV) exhibits a cytotoxic function specific for the sarcoma target T2. We have immunized LOU rats with cells from this cytotoxic T lymphoma and fused their splenocytes with cells from the LOU rat myeloma IR983F to obtain hybridomas. Monoclonal antibodies produced by the 1G hybridoma recognize structures on the surface of NS8 cells. Moreover they are able to inhibit the expression of the specific cytotoxicity mediated by NS8 cells. In contrast, the cytolytic activity of a MLC is not affected by these monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

TCR Id protein conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) (TCR Id:KLH) and injected with a chemical adjuvant (QS-21) induces a protective, Id-specific immune response against the murine T cell lymphoma, C6VL. However, Id-based immunotherapy of C6VL has not demonstrated therapeutic efficacy in tumor-bearing mice. We report here that C6VL lysate-pulsed dendritic cells (C6VL-DC) vaccines display enhanced efficacy in both the prevention and the therapy of T cell lymphoma compared with TCR Id:KLH with QS-21 vaccines. C6VL-DC vaccines stimulated potent tumor-specific immunity that protected mice against lethal challenge with C6VL and significantly enhanced the survival of tumor-bearing mice. Tumor-specific proliferation and secretion of IFN-gamma indicative of a Th1-type immune response were observed upon ex vivo stimulation of vaccine-primed lymph node cells. Adoptive transfer of immune T cell-enriched lymphocytes was sufficient to protect naive recipients from lethal tumor challenge. Furthermore, CD8(+) T cells were absolutely required for tumor protection. Although C6VL-DC and control vaccines stimulated low levels of tumor-specific Ab production in mice, Ab levels did not correlate with the protective ability of the vaccine. Thus, tumor cell lysate-pulsed DC vaccines appear to be an effective approach to generate potent T cell-mediated immune responses against T cell malignancies without requiring identification of tumor-specific Ags or patient-specific Id protein expression.  相似文献   

The distinct strand topology of TCR V alpha domains results in a flatter surface in the region encompassing the c" strand than the corresponding region in Ig V domains. In the current study a possible role for this region in T cell activation has been investigated by inserting a potential glycosylation site at V alpha residue 82. This residue is in proximity to the c" strand and distal to the putative interaction site for cognate peptide:MHC ligand. An additional N-linked carbohydrate at this position would create a protrusion on the V alpha domain surface, and this may interfere with TCR aggregation and/or recruitment of signaling molecules. The modified TCR has been expressed in transfected T cells, and the phenotype following stimulation has been compared with that of cells expressing the wild-type TCR. The mutation has significant effects on activation-induced cell death and TCR internalization, but, unexpectedly, does not affect IL-2 secretion. Furthermore, analyses with tetrameric, peptide:MHC class II complexes suggest that the mutation decreases the ability of the TCR to aggregate into a configuration compatible with avid binding by these multivalent ligands.  相似文献   

Treatment of a murine B cell lymphoma with monoclonal antibodies and IL 2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A transplantable murine B cell lymphoma was used to study combination therapy with anti-idiotype antibody and interleukin 2 (IL 2). Class-switched IgG2a and IgG2b antibodies were compared. A marked additive and sometimes synergistic effect was seen when IL 2 was combined with either IgG2a or IgG2b anti-idiotype antibodies. A synergistic effect was also seen when similar experiments were performed in nude mice. In vitro antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) assays showed that IL 2 enhanced antibody-mediated lysis by peritoneal cells exposed to IL 2 in vitro in a dose-related manner. Peritoneal cells harvested from mice treated in vivo with IL 2 contained an increased number of T cells and asialo GM+ natural killer cells, and also mediated enhanced ADCC. Depletion of natural killer cells with anti-asialo GM and complement resulted in a marked decrease in the antibody-dependent cytotoxicity mediated by these peritoneal cells. The mechanism of synergy between monoclonal antibody and IL 2 may be due to the direct or indirect activation of natural killer cells mediating ADCC.  相似文献   

Some murine monoclonal T lymphoma cells express a surface component that reacts with chicken antisera produced against the Fab fragment of normal mouse IgG. In the present study, we use a solid phase immunoadsorbent consisting of affinity-purified chicken anti-Fab coupled to Sepharose to isolate a product produced by the in vitro T cell line, WEHI-7.1. The affinity-purified T cell surface molecule (IgT) migrated on SDS-PAGE as a single band of approximately 65,000 daltons. The object of these studies was to produce xenoantisera against the purified T cell product cross-reactive with Ig determinants and to characterize the antisera. Rabbits immunized with this purified molecule produced antibodies that reacted with Fab fragments of polyclonal mouse IgG and with the myeloma proteins MOPC-104E and MOPC-41, as detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This binding was eliminated by adsorption of the antisera with normal polyclonal IgG; however, adsorption with fetuin did not significantly affect the reactivity of the antisera. Radioimmune precipitation assays revealed that the rabbit anti-IgT bound to normal murine spleen and thymus cells; this reactivity was abrogated by adsorption with insolubilized polyclonal IgG. Competition radioimmunoassays demonstrated that detergent extracts of the thymus and the spleen contained material that inhibited the precipitation of MOPC-41; nonlymphoid cells lacked such material. The rabbit anti-IgT serum blocked the binding of antigen by normal T cells; adsorption of the antiserum with polyclonal IgG-Sepharose abrogated this blocking capacity. A solid phase immunoadsorbent prepared from the IgG fraction of the rabbit anti-IgT isolated a single component from formic acid-solubilized mouse thymus. This molecule had an approximate mass of 65,000 to 70,000 daltons. The anti-IgT serum isolated surface IgM and IgD from lactoperoxidase-catalyzed radioiodinated B cells. The anti-IgT serum detected IgM and IgG in mouse serum with the use of immunoelectrophoresis. The anti-IgT immunoadsorbent isolated several components from normal mouse serum, that, when analyzed by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions, revealed bands corresponding to mu-, gamma-, and light chains as well as components that migrated between mu- and gamma-chains, and another component with an approximate mass of 45,000 daltons. Our results with antibodies to a purified T cell product indicate that a surface component of normal T cells and certain monoclonal T cell tumor lines is serologically related to the Fab fragment of serum Ig and is implicated in the binding of antigen.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells that are activated by a MHC class II/peptide encounter can induce maturation of APCs and promote cytotoxic CD8+ T cell responses. Unfortunately, the number of well-defined tumor-specific CD4+ T cell epitopes that can be exploited for adoptive immunotherapy is limited. To determine whether Th cell responses can be generated by redirecting CD4+ T cells to MHC class I ligands, we have introduced MHC class I-restricted TCRs into postthymic murine CD4+ T cells and examined CD4+ T cell activation and helper function in vitro and in vivo. These experiments indicate that Ag-specific CD4+ T cell help can be induced by the engagement of MHC class I-restricted TCRs in peripheral CD4+ T cells but that it is highly dependent on the coreceptor function of the CD8beta-chain. The ability to generate Th cell immunity by infusion of MHC class I-restricted Th cells may prove useful for the induction of tumor-specific T cell immunity in cases where MHC class II-associated epitopes are lacking.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of morbitity and mortality worldwide. Capsule-specific IgG1 and IgG2 Abs are induced upon vaccination with polysaccharide-based vaccines that mediate host protection. We compared the protective capacity of human recombinant serogroup 6-specific IgG1 and IgG2 Abs in mice deficient for either leukocyte FcR or complement factors. Human IgG1 was found to interact with mouse leukocyte FcR in vitro, whereas human IgG2 did not. Both subclasses induced complement activation, resulting in C3c deposition on pneumococcal surfaces. Passive immunization of C57BL/6 mice with either subclass before intranasal challenge with serotype 6A induced similar degrees of protection. FcgammaRI- and III-deficient mice, as well as the combined FcgammaRI, II, and III knockout mice, were protected by passive immunization, indicating FcR not to be essential for protection. C1q or C2/factor B knockout mice, however, were not protected by passive immunization. Passively immunized C2/factor B(-/-) mice displayed higher bacteremic load than C1q(-/-) mice, supporting an important protective role of the alternative complement pathway. Spleens from wild-type and C1q(-/-) mice showed hyperemia and thrombotic vessel occlusion, as a result of septicemic shock. Notably, thrombus formation was absent in spleens of C2/factor B(-/-) mice, suggesting that the alternative complement pathway contributes to shock-induced intravascular coagulation. These studies demonstrate complement to play a central role in Ab-mediated protection against pneumococcal infection in vivo, as well as in bacteremia-associated thrombotic complications.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies stimulate the production of human anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibodies (AMIA) when administered to patients. This limits their long-term usefulness as therapeutic and diagnostic agents. We report the use of three maneuvers to suppress AMIA against T cell-specific monoclonal antibodies in cynomolgus monkeys. Twelve monkeys received daily i.v. infusions of 1 mg each of anti-Leu-2a, -3a, and -5 on days 1 through 10. One group (control) received no suppressive regimen. The second group received cyclosporine, 12.5 mg/kg daily on days -7 to +14. The third group (PI) were passively immunized with 0.4 ml of hyperimmune monkey AMIA serum on days -7, -1, 2, 4, 6, and 8. The fourth group (TLI) received 1700 rad fractionated total lymphoid irradiation ending on day -1. The animals treated with TLI were markedly delayed in the onset of AMIA, which was suppressed to less than 1% of the control group. The AMIA specific for the constant region of animals receiving PI was also suppressed to one-third of control. The majority of the AMIA in all the animals was anti-idiotypic and wholly anti-idiotypic in the TLI animals.  相似文献   

Therapeutic vaccination against cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) requires the characterization of cancer cell-specific CTL epitopes. Despite reported evidence for tumor-reactive cytotoxicity in CTCL patients, the nature of the recognized determinants remains elusive. The clonotypic TCR of CTCL cells is a promising candidate tumor-specific Ag. In this study, we report that the clonotypic and framework regions of the TCRs expressed in the malignant T cell clones of six CTCL patients contain multiple peptides with anchor residues fitting the patients' MHC class I molecules. We demonstrate that TCR peptide-specific T cells from the blood of healthy donors and patients can be induced to become cytotoxic effectors after repeated stimulation with 6 of 11 selected peptides with experimentally proven affinity for HLA-A*0201. Importantly, 4 of these 6 CTL lines reproducibly recognize and lyse autologous primary CTCL cells in MHC class I/CD8-dependent fashion. These tumoricidal CTL lines are directed against epitopes from V, hypervariable, and C regions of TCRalpha. We therefore conclude that recombined as well as V framework regions of the tumor cell TCRs contain predictable epitopes for CTL-mediated attack of CTCL cells. Our data further suggest that such peptides represent valuable tools for future anti-CTCL vaccination approaches.  相似文献   

High titre plasmas gained from blood donors are the initial material used for producing human immunoglobulin containing cytomegalovirus antibodies (CMV-HIG). For this purpose the sera gained from 467 permanent donors at the District Institute for Blood and Transfusion Service in Berlin were investigated on their CMV antibody content of IgG class by means of an indirect immunofluorescence test (IFT). The infection rate of blood donors amounted to 62% (291/467). CMV-IgG titre greater than or equal to 1:40 was determined in 88 sera (18.8%) and greater than or equal to 1:160 in 14 sera (3%). Two CMV-HIG laboratory samples (charges 3113 and 3117) were produced from these plasmas. Particularly immunoglobulin fraction of charge 3117 (No. 3117 N II) revealed excellent antibody titres (IFT 1:640 [CMV-IgG] or 1:40 [CMV-IgM] respectively, neutralisation test 1:32). Checks made with the donors' CMV-IgG titres after repeated application of plasmapheresis resulted in maximal titres changes of two dilution stages in a period of 15 months. Thus, in producing CMV-HIG a sure, tested pool of donors can be resorted to.  相似文献   

A role for TCR affinity in regulating naive T cell homeostasis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Homeostatic signals that control the overall size and composition of the naive T cell pool have recently been identified to arise from contact with self-MHC/peptide ligands and a cytokine, IL-7. IL-7 presumably serves as a survival factor to keep a finite number of naive cells alive by preventing the onset of apoptosis, but how TCR signaling from contact with self-MHC/peptide ligands regulates homeostasis is unknown. To address this issue, murine polyclonal and TCR-transgenic CD8+ cells expressing TCR with different affinities for self-MHC/peptide ligands, as depicted by the CD5 expression level, were analyzed for their ability to respond to and compete for homeostatic factors under normal and lymphopenic conditions. The results suggest that the strength of the TCR affinity determines the relative "fitness" of naive T cells to compete for factors that support cell survival and homeostatic proliferation.  相似文献   

From a population of wild type S49 cells, a clone, DTB6, was isolated in a single step from selective medium containing thymidine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP that exhibited a 60% deficiency in AMP deaminase (AMP-D) activity. The AMP-D deficiency conferred to the DTB6 cells a striking susceptibility to killing by low concentrations of either adenine or adenosine, the latter in the presence of an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase activity. This growth supersensitivity of DTB6 cells toward adenine could be ameliorated by the addition of hypoxanthine to the culture medium. Immunoprecipitation of AMP-D from wild type and mutant cells revealed that the DTB6 cell line contained markedly diminished amounts of the AMP-D isozyme which reacts with antisera to the predominant isoform expressed in adult kidney. The quantities of the AMP-D isozyme immunoprecipitated by antisera raised to the predominant isoform prepared from adult heart were equivalent in the two cell lines. Although Northern blot analyses revealed no alterations in mRNA sizes or levels encoded by either of the AMP-D genes, Southern blots of genomic DNA hybridized to a cDNA specific for the ampd2 gene revealed the presence of a new BamHI restriction fragment in the DNA of DTB6 cells. These data suggested that a point mutation has occurred in the ampd2 gene of DTB6 cells which encodes the AMP-D isozyme recognized by the kidney antisera. The DTB6 cells also possessed a virtual complete deficiency in thymidine kinase activity. The two enzyme deficiencies were distinguishable. The ability to isolate single step mutants with two seemingly independent biochemical abnormalities raises the speculation that there may be some link between cellular functions responsible for purine nucleotide and thymidine metabolism.  相似文献   

There has been a recent interest in using IL-15 to enhance antitumor activity in several models because of its ability to stimulate CD8+ T cell expansion, inhibit apoptosis and promote memory T cell survival and maintenance. Previously, we reported that C6VL tumor lysate-pulsed dendritic cell vaccines significantly enhanced the survival of tumor-bearing mice by stimulating a potent tumor-specific CD8+ T cell response. In this study, we determined whether IL-15 used as immunologic adjuvant would augment vaccine-primed CD8+ T cell immunity against C6VL and further improve the survival of tumor-bearing mice. We report that IL-15 given after C6VL lysate-pulsed dendritic cell vaccines stimulated local and systemic expansion of NK, NKT and CD8+ CD44hi T cells. IL-15 did not, however, augment innate or cellular responses against the tumor. T cells from mice infused with IL-15 following vaccination did not secrete increased levels of tumor-specific TNF-α or IFN-γ or have enhanced C6VL-specific CTL activity compared to T cells from recipients of the vaccine alone. Lastly, IL-15 did not enhance the survival of tumor-bearing vaccinated mice. Thus, while activated- and memory-phenotype CD8+ T cells were dramatically expanded by IL-15 infusion, vaccine-primed CD8+ T cell specific for C6VL were not significantly expanded. This is the first account of using IL-15 as an adjuvant in a therapeutic model of active immunotherapy where there was not a preexisting pool of tumor-specific CD8+ T cells. Our results contrast the recent studies where IL-15 was successfully used to augment tumor-reactivity of adoptively transferred transgenic CD8+ T cells. This suggests that the adjuvant potential of IL-15 may be greatest in settings where it can augment the number and activity of preexisting tumor-specific CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Syngeneic T cells injected into athymic nu/nu mice cause a preferential enhancement in the amount of IgG2a anti-TNP Ab produced by these mice to TNP-Ficoll. This enhancement appears to be caused by T cell effects on the IgG switching pathway. Through the use of F1----parent chimeras, the helper T cells were shown to affect TNP-Ficoll-responsive B cells in an H-2-unrestricted manner. The ability of T cells to mediate this IgG2a enhancement did not appear to be unique to any particular murine genetic background, because it was observed with T cells and nu/nu mice of C57BL/10, BALB/c, CBA/Ca, and B10.D2 strains. Priming of T cell donors with Ficoll or TNP-Ficoll did not increase the ability of splenic T cells, on a per cell basis, to enhance the IgG2a Ab response to TNP-Ficoll. The T cell population responsible for modulating the isotypic response was found to be sensitive to C-mediated cytotoxicity with both anti-Lyt-2 and anti-Lyt-1 hybridoma Ab. Although T cells from both the thymus and the spleen expressed enhancing activity, splenic T cells were more effective, on a per cell basis, than were thymocytes. The observations suggest that T cells that appear to enhance the switch to IgG2a in TNP-Ficoll-responsive B cells are not effectively primed by the antigen and interact with TNP-Ficoll-activated B cells through an H-2-unrestricted mechanism.  相似文献   

Nocardia brasiliensis is a facultative intracellular microorganism that produces a human chronic infection known as actinomycetoma. Human and mouse anti- N. brasiliensis antibody response identify P24, P26 and P61 immunodominant antigens. In this work, we generated immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to immunodominant P61 antigen. The monoclonal IgM (NbM1) and IgG2a (NbG1) antibodies were assessed for their in vitro bactericidal activity, in vivo protective effect and ability to block catalase activity. These mAbs specifically recognized P61, but they did not inhibit its enzyme activity. The in vitro bactericidal effect of NbG1 was higher than the killing ability of the IgM mAb. In vivo experiments with a murine model of experimental infection with N. brasiliensis injected into rear footpads was used to test the effect of NbM1 and NbG1. The negative untreated group developed a chronic actinomycetoma within 4 weeks. IgM mAbs conferred protection to BALB/c mice infected with N. brasiliensis . IgG mAb lacked this protective effect. IgM mAb showed a dose–response correlation between antibody concentration and lesion size. These results demonstrate that humoral immune response mediated by antigen-specific IgM antibody protects against an intracellular bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Cryoprecipitating IgG3 autoantibodies have been shown to play a significant role in the development of murine lupus-like autoimmune syndrome. However, the structural basis of IgG3 cryoprecipitation still remains to be defined. In view of the implication of positively charged amino acid residues present in variable regions in IgG3 cryoglobulin activity, we explored the role of terminal sialic acids in oligosaccharide side chains for the cryogenic activity of IgG3 mAb. Comparative oligosaccharide structural analysis of different cryogenic and non-cryogenic IgG3 mAb showed an inverse correlation between the extent of sialylation and cryogenic activity. The inhibitory role of sialylation was further confirmed by the demonstration of enrichment of less and more sialylated IgG3 in cryoprecipitated and noncryoprecipitated fractions, respectively, separated from four different cryogenic IgG3 mAb. Significantly, the sialic acid contents of the latter fraction became comparable to those of non-cryogenic IgG3 mAb. Finally, we observed that highly sialylated non-cryogenic IgG3 mAb was more potent in the inhibition of cryoprecipitation of cryogenic IgG3 mAb. Our results thus suggest that the content of negatively charged sialic acids in oligosaccharide side chains is one of the critical factors to determine IgG3 cryoglobulin activity, along with amino acid sequences of the IgG3 variable regions.  相似文献   

The polyclonal nature of T cells expanding in an ongoing immune response results in a range of disparate affinities and activation potential. Recently developed human class II tetramers provide a means to analyze this diversity by direct characterization of the trimolecular TCR-peptide-MHC interaction in live cells. Two HSV-2 VP16(369-379)-specific, DQA1*0102/DQB1*0602 (DQ0602)-restricted T cell clones were compared by means of T cell proliferation assay and HLA-DQ0602 tetramer staining. These two clones were obtained from the same subject, but show different TCR gene usage. Clone 48 was 10-fold more sensitive to VP16(369-379) peptide stimulation than clone 5 as assayed by proliferation assays, correlating with differences in MHC tetramer binding. Clone 48 gave positive staining with the DQ0602/VP16(369-379) tetramer at either 23 or 37 degrees C. Weak staining was also observed at 4 degrees C. Clone 5 showed weaker staining compared with clone 48 at 37 degrees C, and no staining was observed at 23 degrees C or on ice. Receptor internalization was not required for positive staining. Competitive binding indicates that the cell surface TCR of clone 48 has higher affinity for the DQ0602/VP16(369-379) complex than clone 5. The higher binding affinity of clone 48 for the peptide-MHC complex also correlates with a slower dissociation rate compared with clone 5.  相似文献   

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