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洛南盆地的大型石刀   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以大型石片为毛坯加工而成的修背石刀是非洲大陆旧石器时代早期阿舍利石器工业中较为常见的器物之一,在中国旧石器时代早期遗址中未见报道。1995年春夏之交至2004年2月,在位于陕西省秦岭山地东部的洛南盆地南洛河上游干流及其支流两侧阶地共发现旷野类型旧石器地点268处,获得各类石制品13 581件,从中甄别出大型石刀24件,本文对这类器物的涵义进行了界定,探讨了其加工制作的方式,比较了大型石刀与薄刃斧以及重型刮削器之间的异同,并以此为基础对洛南盆地19处旷野类型旧石器地点中所发现的大型石刀进行了系统研究。  相似文献   

New material is described ofAktaucyon brachifacialis n. gen., n. sp. (Amphicyonidae, Daphoeninae),Phoberocyon (Cinctocyon n. subgen.)akhmetievi n. sp. (Ursidae, Hemicyoninae), and Mustelidae indet. from the lower Miocene deposits of the middle Member of the Chul’adyr Formation in the Aktau Mountains, Ili Basin, SE Kazakhstan. Daphoenine remnants are reported from Asia for the first time. They are assigned to the new tribe Aktaucyonini, which are middle to large-sized amphicyonids with a shortened facial region; a reduced P/1; enlarged upper canines; an enlarged P4/ with a welldeveloped protocone, paracone and parastyle blade; enlarged M1/ and M2/, which have conical protocones, symmetrical talons, and reduced hypoconules; and an M2/ that is transversely widened with a greatly reduced metacone. The phoberocyonine described here is the first reported from Kazakhstan and for the whole western part of Central Asia. The composition of the carnivore fauna resembles that from Shanwang, eastern China (MN 4–5).  相似文献   

猪毛菜属(Salsola)是新疆干旱区分布最为丰富的被子植物属之一,是盐碱和荒漠区的先锋种和建群种,对西北干旱区植被恢复与建设具有巨大生态价值。基于新疆自然分布的33种猪毛菜属物种共741个分布数据,整合利用点格局法和物种分布模型法构建了物种丰富度(SR)、加权特有性指数(WE)和校正加权特有性指数(CWE)的分布格局。选取环境能量、水分可获得性、气候季节性、生境异质性、土壤条件和历史气候变化共6类19种生态因子,利用地理加权回归模型(GWR)探究了环境异质性对猪毛菜属物种丰富度的影响。结果显示:(1)基于现实点位模型和物种分布模型构建的物种丰富度具有一致性,均呈北高南低、西高东低的破碎化分布趋势,但物种分布模型的结果在空间上比点格局法更连续,物种丰富度的高值区主要分布于准噶尔盆地南缘、准噶尔西部山地、天山西端和天山南脉南缘;(2)加权特有性指数和校正加权特有性指数的分布格局与物种丰富度分布格局具有一定差异,其最大值集中分布于准噶尔盆地南缘、伊犁河谷和塔里木盆地西南缘;(3)GWR模型结果表明,海拔变幅、土壤酸碱度和最干月降水量是制约新疆分布的猪毛菜属丰富度和特有性分布的最重要因素。  相似文献   

To illustrate phylogeography of red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations of Xinjiang, we determined their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences, and then investigated geographic variations and phylogenetic relationships between Xinjiang populations and other populations from Asia, Europe, and North America. The C. elaphus mtDNA control region shared different copy numbers of tandem repeats of 38 to 43-bp motifs which clearly distinguished the Western lineage from the Eastern lineage of this species in Eurasia. The western lineage comprised the Tarim populations from southern Xinjiang and the European populations, all of which had four copies of the motifs. By contrast, the Eastern lineage consisted of populations from northern Xinjiang (Tianshan and Altai Mountains), other Asian areas (Alashan, Gansu, Tibet, Mongolia, and northeastern China), and North America, all of which shared six copies of the motifs. MtDNA phylogenetic trees showed that there are two major clusters of haplotypes which referred to the Western and Eastern lineages, and that subgroupings of haplotypes in each cluster were congruent with their geographic distributions. The present study revealed that a boundary separating the Western lineage from the Eastern lineage occurs between Tarim Basin and Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. Meanwhile, North American populations were genetically closer to those of northern Xinjiang, northeastern China, and Mongolia, supporting that C. elaphus immigrated from northeastern Eurasia to North America through the glacier-induced land-bridge (Beringia) which had formed between the two continents after Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域相对资源承载力   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
基于改进的相对资源承载力模型,计算2000-2011年塔里木河流域的相对资源人口承载力和相对资源经济承载力,并探讨塔河流域42个县市相对资源承载力的演变规律及空间差异。研究表明:(1)改进的相对资源承载力模型具有一定的研究价值,对于拓宽相对资源承载力评价模型的应用具有实践意义。(2)以新疆为参照区,塔河流域2000-2011年处于人口严重超载、经济非常富余或富余阶段。(3)与全疆相比,土地资源是塔河流域的相对优势资源,水资源是制约塔河流域人口、经济发展的相对劣势资源。(4)以塔河流域为参照区,流域内42个县市的相对资源人口承载力和相对资源经济承载力的空间差异显著。(4)依据相对资源人口、经济承载力的超载、富余状态将塔河流域42县市归为A、B、C、D 4种资源承载力匹配区,并总结其时序演变特点和发展策略。  相似文献   

Numerous Bronze Age cemeteries in the oases surrounding the T?klamakan Desert of the Tarim Basin in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, western China, have yielded both mummified and skeletal human remains. A dearth of local antecedents, coupled with woolen textiles and the apparent Western physical appearance of the population, raised questions as to where these people came from. Two hypotheses have been offered by archaeologists to account for the origins of Bronze Age populations of the Tarim Basin. These are the "steppe hypothesis" and the "Bactrian oasis hypothesis." Eight craniometric variables from 25 Aeneolithic and Bronze Age samples, comprising 1,353 adults from the Tarim Basin, the Russo-Kazakh steppe, southern China, Central Asia, Iran, and the Indus Valley, are compared to test which, if either, of these hypotheses are supported by the pattern of phenetic affinities possessed by Bronze Age inhabitants of the Tarim Basin. Craniometric differences between samples are compared with Mahalanobis generalized distance (d2), and patterns of phenetic affinity are assessed with two types of cluster analysis (the weighted pair average linkage method and the neighbor-joining method), multidimensional scaling, and principal coordinates analysis. Results obtained by this analysis provide little support for either the steppe hypothesis or the Bactrian oasis hypothesis. Rather, the pattern of phenetic affinities manifested by Bronze Age inhabitants of the Tarim Basin suggests the presence of a population of unknown origin within the Tarim Basin during the early Bronze Age. After 1200 B.C., this population experienced significant gene flow from highland populations of the Pamirs and Ferghana Valley. These highland populations may include those who later became known as the Saka and who may have served as "middlemen" facilitating contacts between East (Tarim Basin, China) and West (Bactria, Uzbekistan) along what later became known as the Great Silk Road.  相似文献   

新疆表土中云杉花粉与植被的关系   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
阎顺  孔昭宸  杨振京  张芸  倪健 《生态学报》2004,24(9):2017-2023
通过对新疆天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山、塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地不同植被带中所取的 131个表土样中云杉花粉含量进行百分比统计分析 ,从而确定了影响表土中云杉花粉含量的主要因素是距云杉林地距离、海拔高度、气流和水流等。进而指出在荒漠、荒漠草原表土中云杉花粉含量稳定在 5 %以下 ;林带内表土中云杉花粉含量稳定在 30 %以上 ;在森林线以上的亚高山、高山草甸、高山垫状植被以及高山流石滩植被中表土中云杉花粉含量主要受气流的影响 ,而平原河谷林和平原低地草甸表土中的云杉含量则受水流的制约。  相似文献   

黄薇  夏霖  冯祚建  杨奇森 《兽类学报》2007,27(4):325-337
通过整理文献资料,依据Wilson 和Reeder (2005)兽类分类系统,共收集到新疆兽类138 种,分别隶属8目22 科。根据兽类在各个特定分布区的分布特点,采用Ward 的方法对各特定分布区进行聚类,依据特定分布区的相似性聚类结果,并结合自然地理条件,对新疆兽类动物地理分布格局进行了探讨,并将全疆兽类动物地理区划划分到第Ⅲ级。结果表明,物种丰富度与分布区的环境异质性密切相关,同时,区域环境一致性较高的地区,其兽类区系成份相似度亦较高,聚类结果的一致性较强;新疆兽类的分布受地形因素的影响较显著,天山和塔克拉玛干沙漠等明显的地理界限对兽类的交流、扩散起到明显的阻隔作用。  相似文献   

近17年新疆干旱时空分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静  张运  汪明秀  王芳  汤志  何好 《生态学报》2020,40(3):1077-1088
新疆是我国西北区重要的粮食和商品棉生产基地,受地理环境的影响,干旱频发,给社会经济及农业生产造成了巨大的损失。基于MODIS遥感数据和气象数据,估算温度植被干旱指数(Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index, TVDI),分析新疆2000—2016年干旱的年际、年内时空变化特征及其与气象因子的关系,结果表明:1)TVDI可以有效地描述新疆的干旱状况,适用于对该地区进行干旱监测;2)2000—2016年间新疆TVDI空间分布具有较强的地域分异性,呈现为天山山脉以北及昆仑山脉地区较湿润,塔里木盆地地区较干旱,新疆TVDI多年均值为0.751,整体上处于中旱状态。年内TVDI季节空间分布差异显著,不同季节的干旱程度大小为:夏季春季秋季冬季;3)新疆各地州TVDI年内月变化整体上呈现为先增加后降低的趋势,最小值在1月(0.267),最大值在6月(0.930),在14个地州中,伊犁哈萨克、阿勒泰和博尔塔拉多年间基本处于无旱状态;4)17年间不同土地利用类型干旱程度表现为林地草地建筑用地耕地,干旱类型转移的主要特点为无旱类型转入和轻旱类型、中旱类型、重旱类型、特旱类型转出;5)新疆干旱动态变化与地形、气温、降雨量以及太阳辐射等因子密切相关,其中非气象因子影响所占比例最大,降雨量与气温综合影响占面积较小,气象因子中降雨量影响所占面积较大,因此,在气象因子中新疆干旱主要受降雨的影响。  相似文献   

陈春波  李刚勇  彭建 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1537-1552
在新疆开展长时间序列的草地监测,分析草地生长的时空变化特征,有利于草地环境压力分析和草地生态健康预测。以NOAA-AVHRR NDVI为数据源,采用最大值合成、一元回归分析与相关性分析,分别在年际尺度和多个空间尺度(全疆、南北疆与各地区及其11种草地类型)上探讨了1981—2018年新疆草地归一化植被指数(NDVI)时空特征及其对气温、降水的响应。结果表明:(1)1981—2018年,新疆草地NDVI多年均值0.326,变化范围0.259—0.386,具有轻微年际波动特征;(2)北疆、南疆草地NDVI均表现为轻微增加趋势;全疆占草地总面积41%的区域NDVI呈显著增加趋势,9%为显著减少区域,北疆草地NDVI显著增加的面积是南疆的1.7倍;(3)由于垂直地带性及区域差异,新疆草地NDVI由山区向盆地的荒漠降低;北疆草地NDVI是南疆1.4倍,总体上北疆各地区草地NDVI高于南疆各地区;(4)草地类型植被NDVI对降水的显著响应高于气温,其中温性荒漠类、温性荒漠草原类与温性草原类草地NDVI对降水变化的响应明显高于其余草地类型,降水对草地NDVI的影响更为显著,表明降水引起的地表水分变化...  相似文献   

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