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Examination of blood groups, plasma proteins and red cell enzyme types (23 loci), in a sample of 145 Bhils, a tribal group of Madhya Pradesh, Central India, demonstrates their genetic uniqueness. They differ in a number of systems from the nearby nontribal groups both of Hindus and Muslims. The results suggest that the Bhil frequencies include vestiges of the ancestral genepool of a more widespread aboriginal population whose influence is detectable in the gene frequencies of some other populations in India.  相似文献   

A Late Cretaceous fossil flora composed of five fossil seed genera and two charophyte genera was discovered and reported here from the siltstone and green marl band of the Lameta Formation at the Chui Hill section and the Chhota Simla Hill section in the Jabalpur area. On the basis of comparative studies, including thin-section and XRD analysis, the palaeoenvironment is deduced to be arid to semi-arid fluvial-lacustrine. The recovered flora suggests Laurasian palaeobiogeographic affinity and shows the dispersal route from Europe to India via Africa.  相似文献   

It is of interest to compare the hematological profile (using Complete blood count) of COVID patients admitted in ICU, private ward, and isolation ward with varying severity. This data will help predict the severity of infection at peripheries and rural areas.  Detailed history and CBC was performed for all the cases. Different ratios and indexes such as systemic inflammatory index (SII), Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were assessed. A total of 862 cases with a mean age of 49.9 ±17.4 years were enrolled. Hemoglobin level, lymphocyte (count per liter and percentage) were significantly lower in patients admitted in ICU as compared to patients admitted in the isolation ward and private ward (p <0.05). However, TLC, neutrophils, platelet count were higher in patients admitted to ICU (p <0.05). The Various ratios such as SII, NLR, and PLR showed significantly higher value in cases admitted in ICU (p <0.05). The TLC, neutrophil count, neutrophil percentage, SII, NLR, and PLR were significant predictors of severe disease (admission in ICU) with high diagnostic accuracy. We show that complete blood count method is a simple, readily available, rapid, and inexpensive tool that can be utilized for diagnosis and can predicting the severity of COVID 19 where RTPCR or trained staff is not available. Thus, NLR (%), SII, PLR, and TLC can predict severe illness with high accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the distribution of 3 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (D1S80, APOB, and YNZ22) in 5 populations of Central India. Using the polymerase chain reaction technique, 3 caste (Brahmin, Khatri, and Dhimer) and 2 tribal (Gond and Baiga) populations were studied for the 3 loci. The allelic variations observed in the caste populations are compatible with those of many Caucasian populations, but the caste populations showed significant overall and interpopulation variability within the region. D1S80 allele *24 varied from 32% (Dhimers) to 42% (Brahmins). Allele *18 was not observed in Baiga tribal populations, but in caste populations it varied from 11% (Dhimers) to 24% (Brahmins). Both tribal populations showed higher frequencies of allele *31 (17%-18%). For APOB, caste populations again showed bimodal distribution of alleles *35 and *37, but in tribal populations higher allele numbers (*47, *49) were also frequent. For YNZ22, extensive variation was observed for all populations studied. Allele *4 was the most common in caste populations, while alleles *2, *7, and *10 were prominent in tribal populations. The level of gene differentiation is not very high for the 3 systems studied in the 5 populations. Overall, allele frequency distribution, heterozygosity, and genetic diversity analysis show that the genetic diversity observed is socially and geographically structured.  相似文献   



A prospective study on severe and complicated malaria was undertaken in the tribal dominated area of Bastar division, Chhattisgarh (CG), Central India, with an objective to understand the clinical epidemiology of complicated malaria in patients attending at a referral hospital.


Blood smears, collected from the general medicine and pediatric wards of a government tertiary health care facility located in Jagdalpur, CG, were microscopically examined for malaria parasite from July 2010 to December 2013. The Plasmodium falciparum positive malaria cases who met enrollment criteria and provided written informed consent were enrolled under different malaria categories following WHO guidelines. PCR was performed to reconfirm the presence of P.falciparum mono infection among enrolled cases. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was done to identify different risk factors using STATA 11.0.


A total of 40,924 cases were screened for malaria. The prevalence of malaria and P.falciparum associated complicated malaria (severe and cerebral both) in the hospital was 6% and 0.81%, respectively. P.falciparum malaria prevalence, severity and associated mortality in this region peaked at the age of>4–5 years and declined with increasing age. P.falciparum malaria was significantly more prevalent in children than adults (P<0.00001). Among adults, males had significantly more P.falciparum malaria than females (P<0.00001). Case fatality rate due to cerebral malaria and severe malaria was, respectively, 32% and 9% among PCR confirmed mono P.falciparum cases. Coma was the only independent predictor of mortality in multivariate regression analysis. Mortality was significantly associated with multi-organ complication score (P = 0.0003).


This study has revealed that the pattern of morbidity and mortality in this part of India is very different from earlier reported studies from India. We find that the peak morbidity and mortality in younger children regardless of seasonality. This suggests that this age group needs special care for control and clinical management.  相似文献   



Helminth infection is common in malaria endemic areas, and an interaction between the two would be of considerable public health importance. Animal models suggest that helminth infections may increase susceptibility to malaria, but epidemiological data has been limited and contradictory.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a vaccine trial, we studied 387 one- to six-year-old children for the effect of helminth infections on febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria episodes. Gastrointestinal helminth infection and eosinophilia were prevalent (25% and 50% respectively), but did not influence susceptibility to malaria. Hazard ratios were 1 for gastrointestinal helminth infection (95% CI 0.6–1.6) and 0.85 and 0.85 for mild and marked eosinophilia, respectively (95% CI 0.56–1.76 and 0.69–1.96). Incident rate ratios for multiple episodes were 0.83 for gastro-intestinal helminth infection (95% CI 0.5–1.33) and 0.86 and 0.98 for mild and marked eosinophilia (95% CI 0.5–1.4 and 0.6–1.5).


There was no evidence that infection with gastrointestinal helminths or urinary schistosomiasis increased susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum malaria in this study. Larger studies including populations with a greater prevalence of helminth infection should be undertaken.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Isolates (UCH-23 and OM) and cloned strains of Plasmodium falciparum (Clones W-2 and D-6) were maintained in continuous culture for 28 to 150 days using culture media supplemented with 10% (v/v) heat inactivated semi-immune human plasma. Microscopic appearance and growth rates (R) of the parasites in media supplemented with semi-immune human plasma [R = 1.13 (W-2), 0.92 (D-6), 0.75 (OM) and 0.84 (UCH-23)] were comparable to those of parallel cultures maintained in media supplemented with 10% (v/v) heat inactivated non-immune human plasma [R = 1.42 (W-2), 0.83 (D-6), 0.66 (OM) and 0.89 (UCH-23)]. In addition, IC50 for chloroquine and mefloquine against the two cloned strains of P. falciparum maintained in culture media supplemented with either non-immune human plasma or semi-immune human plasma were identical. Although growth rates of new isolates (UCH-23 and OM) fluctuated over time, they stabilized between the 12th and 19th day of adaptation to culture. This fluctuation in growth rates of the new isolates underscores the influence of population dynamics during adaptation of P. falciparum to continuous culture. Sixty-eight percent of the primary isolates (170 of 250) obtained from patients in Ibadan were successfully adapted and maintained in continuous culture using semi-immune human plasma. The results of these studies indicate that semi-immune human plasma is a suitable supplement for continuous cultivation and drug susceptibility testing of P. falciparum. This finding will have practical implications in malaria endemic areas where difficulties in obtaining non-immune human plasma or serum limits establishment of continuous culture of P. falciparum and its application in studies on malaria.  相似文献   

The authors examine fertility and mortality differentials and their impact on health care and natural selection potentials among tribal populations in rural India. Data are from the Bastar District and concern 366 mothers who have completed their reproductive life span.  相似文献   

The mechanism of chloroquine (CQ) resistance in Plasmodium falciparum is not clearly understood. However, CQ resistance has been shown to be associated with point mutations in Pfcrt and Pfmdr1. These genes encode for digestive vacuole transmembrane proteins Pfcrt and Pgh1, respectively. The present study was carried out to analyze the association of Pfcrt-K76T and Pfmdr1-N86Y mutations with CQ resistance in Northeast Indian P. falciparum isolates. 115 P. falciparum isolates were subjected to in vitro CQ sensitivity testing and PCR-RFLP analysis for the Pfmdr1-N86Y and Pfcrt-K76T mutations. 100 isolates of P. falciparum were found to be resistant to CQ by the in vitro susceptibility test (geometric mean EC50 2.21 µM/L blood) while 15 were found to be CQ sensitive (geometric mean EC50 0.32 µM/L blood). All the CQ resistant isolates showed the presence of Pfmdr1 and Pfcrt mutations. CQ sensitive isolates were negative for these mutations. Strong linkage disequilibrium was observed between the alleles at these two loci (Pfmdr1-N86Y and Pfcrt-K76T). The results indicate that Pfmdr1-N86Y and Pfcrt-K76T mutations can be used as molecular markers to identify CQ resistance in P. falciparum. The result necessitates the evaluation of CQ in vivo therapeutic efficacy in endemic areas for more effective malaria control strategies.  相似文献   



In 2009 the state government of Madhya Pradesh, India launched an emergency obstetric transportation service, Janani Express Yojana (JEY), to support the cash transfer program that promotes institutional delivery. JEY, a large scale public private partnership, lowers geographical access barriers to facility based care. The state contracts and pays private agencies to provide emergency transportation at no cost to the user. The objective was to study (a) the utilization of JEY among women delivering in health facilities, (b) factors associated with usage, (c) the timeliness of the service.


A cross sectional facility based study was conducted in facilities that carried out > ten deliveries a month. Researchers who spent five days in each facility administered a questionnaire to all women who gave birth there to elicit socio-demographic characteristics and transport related details.


35% of women utilised JEY to reach a facility, however utilization varied between study districts. Uptake was highest among women from rural areas (44%), scheduled tribes (55%), and poorly educated women (40%). Living in rural areas and belonging to scheduled tribes were significant predictors for JEY usage. Almost 1/3 of JEY users (n = 104) experienced a transport related delay.


The JEY service model complements the cash transfer program by providing transport to a facility to give birth. A study of the distribution of utilization in population subgroups suggests the intervention was successful in reaching the most vulnerable population, promoting equity in access. While 1/3 of women utilized the service and it saved them money; 30% experienced significant transport related delays in reaching a facility, which is comparable to women using public transportation. Further research is needed to understand why utilization is low, to explore if there is a need for service expansion at the community level and to improve the overall time efficiency of JEY.  相似文献   

[目的]斯氏按蚊Anopheles stephensi是亚洲东南部城市人体疟疾的主要媒介,印度12%的疟疾病例由其引起.本实验研究了印度中部Madhya Pradesh地区东北部的疟疾强化控制(EMCP)区和非强化控制(非EMCP)区斯氏按蚊的基因流.在EMCP区,由于采用了各种疟疾防控措施因而疟疾病例首先降低,但是很快回升,说明总的疟疾风险维持稳定.[方法]应用7个微卫星位点,对印度中部Madhya Pradesh地区东北部的4个EMCP区和非EMCP区采集的斯氏按蚊进行基因分型,以分析各种群参数.[结果]发现各标记在所有种群中表现出高度的多态性.在两区间未发现很大的遗传多样性.观察到EMCP区的东部种群(FST=0.0485,RST =0.1112)比非EMCP区的北部种群(FST=0.020,RST =0.0145)具有较高的遗传分化,在EMCP区和非EMCP区之间观察到较高的基因流(12.90,6.16,5.06和2.38).RST的灵敏度高于FST,说明分化可能是由于突变而非遗传漂变引起的.[结论]本研究表明,在EMCP区和非EMCP区内以及EMCP区和非EMCP区之间存在很高的基因流.基因流水平高以及抗虫性的发展似乎是EMCP区和非EMCP区疟疾病例发生增加的重要原因.  相似文献   

The Western Ghats of India harbors a rich diversity of amphibians with more than 77% species endemic to this region. At least 42% of the endemic species are threatened due to several anthropogenic stressors. However, information on amphibian diseases and their impacts on amphibian populations in this region are scarce. We report the occurrence of Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis (Bd), an epidermal aquatic fungal pathogen that causes chytridiomycosis in amphibians, from the Western Ghats. In the current study we detected the occurrence of a native Asian Bd strain from three endemic and threatened species of anurans, Bombay Night Frog Nyctibatrachus humayuni, Leith''s Leaping Frog Indirana leithii and Bombay Bubble Nest Frog Raorchestes bombayensis, for the first time from the northern Western Ghats of India based on diagnostic nested PCR, quantitative PCR, DNA sequencing and histopathology. While, the Bd infected I. leithii and R. bombayensis did not show any external symptoms, N. humayuni showed lesions on the skin, browning of skin and sloughing. Sequencing of Bd 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and the ITS1 and ITS2 regions, revealed that the current Bd strain is related to a haplotype endemic to Asia. Our findings confirm the presence of Bd in northern Western Ghats and the affected amphibians may or may not show detectable clinical symptoms. We suggest that the significance of diseases as potential threat to amphibian populations of the Western Ghats needs to be highlighted from the conservation point of view.  相似文献   


An assemblage of microfossils consisting of non-marine ostracods (Cypridopsis, Gomphocythere, Zonocypris, Eucypris, and Frambocythere), charophyte gyrogonites (Platychara), molluscs (Viviparus, Valvata, and Lymnaea), and fish remains (mainly Phareodus), is here reported from a new intertrappean locality near the town of Manawar, District Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, Central India. The biotic component recovered suggests a Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) age for the intertrappean deposit near Manawar. Paleoenvironmentally, the overall biotic assemblage recovered indicates the presence of a freshwater palustrine/lacustrine depositional system connected to a low energy stream/river. Paleobiogeographically, the known high diversity of ostracod genera, especially Eucypris, Cypridopsis, and Gomphocythere, hints at endemism within the Indian Subcontinent during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian). However, the cosmopolitan distribution of the charophyte genus Platychara in the K-Pg interval across the globe (Africa, Europe, and America) and its absence in the Upper Cretaceous of China and Mongolia is quite intriguing.  相似文献   

The phenotype and allele frequency distribution of group specific component (GC), transferrin (TF), alpha-1-antitrypsin (PI) and apolipoprotein E (APOE) was determined by isoelectric focusing of plasma samples from three subpopulations (Bison Horn Maria of the Kuakonda and Tokapal Block, and Abuj Maria of the Abujmar Hills of the Orchha block) of the Maria Gond tribe of Madhya Pradesh, India. A considerable level of allele frequency variation was observed in these subpopulations, which highlighted social and geographical isolation among them. The average heterozygosity for these IEF subtype systems was high (29-39%) and the gene diversity among these subpopulation groups was of low to moderate range (1.4%). The overall analysis showed that these polymorphisms are useful anthropological markers for micro-evolutionary and genetic structure studies.  相似文献   

Zygomycosis encompasses infections due to two distinct orders of fungi, Mucorales and Entomophthorales. With rare exception, Entomophthorales are restricted to tropical areas. By contrast, mucorales are ubiquitous opportunistic fungi, which play a crucial part in the natural decay process. In human pathology, they may be opportunistic agents and be responsible for rare infection called (Mucormycosis) zygomycosis. We report two cases of zygomycosis from Madhya Pradesh, Central India, one caused by Rhizopus oryzae in a diabetic patient and another caused by Rhizopus microsporus in an apparently healthy patient. The cases were diagnosed by direct microscopy, histopathological examination and culture. Both the patients were successfully treated with liposomal amphotericin B. Rhizopus microsporus is, for the first time reported from Madhya Pradesh, India, causing rhino-maxillary orbital zygomycosis.  相似文献   

Nine anthroposcopic traits, namely palmar and plantar digital formulae, hand-clasping, armfolding, handedness, tongue rolling and folding, ear lobe attachment and legfolding have been studied in the three tribal populations--Murias, Bisonhorn Marias and Halbas--from the Bastar District in Madhya Pradesh (Central India). An attempt has been made to compare the results of the present study with other population groups of Central India.  相似文献   

BackgroundInformation on costs associated with malaria in pregnancy (MiP) in low transmission areas where Plasmodium vivax predominates is so far missing. This study estimates health system and patient costs of MiP in the Brazilian Amazon.ConclusionDespite being an area of low risk malaria transmission, MiP is responsible for a significant economic burden in Manaus. Especially when multiple infections are considered, costs associated with P. vivax are higher than costs associated with P. falciparum. The information generated may help health policy decisions for the current control and future elimination of malaria in the area.  相似文献   

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