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Transgenic (UCP1-TG) mice with ectopic expression of UCP1 in skeletal muscle (SM) show a phenotype of increased energy expenditure, improved glucose tolerance and increase substrate metabolism in SM. To investigate the potential role of skeletal muscle AMPKα2 activation in the metabolic phenotype of UCP1-TG mice we generated double transgenic (DTG) mice, by crossing of UCP1-TG mice with DN-AMPKα2 mice overexpressing a dominant negative α2 subunit of AMPK in SM which resulted in an impaired AMPKα2 activity by 90±9% in SM of DTG mice. Biometric analysis of young male mice showed decreased body weight, lean and fat mass for both UCP1-TG and DTG compared to WT and DN-AMPKα2 mice. Energy intake and weight-specific total energy expenditure were increased, both in UCP1-TG and DTG mice. Moreover, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and fatty acid oxidation were not altered in DTG compared to UCP1-TG. Also uncoupling induced induction and secretion of fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) from SM was preserved in DTG mice. However, voluntary physical cage activity as well as ad libitum running wheel access during night uncovered a severe activity intolerance of DTG mice. Histological analysis showed a progressive degenerative morphology in SM of DTG mice which was not observed in SM of UCP1-TG mice. Moreover, ATP-depletion related cellular stress response via heat shock protein 70 was highly induced, whereas capillarization regulator VEGF was suppressed in DTG muscle. In addition, AMPKα2-mediated induction of mitophagy regulator ULK1 was suppressed in DTG mice, as well as mitochondrial respiratory capacity and content. In conclusion, we demonstrate that AMPKα2 is dispensable for SM mitochondrial uncoupling induced metabolic effects on whole body energy balance, glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. But strikingly, activation of AMPKα2 seems crucial for maintaining SM function, integrity and the ability to compensate chronic metabolic stress induced by SM mitochondrial uncoupling.  相似文献   



AMPK is a promising pharmacological target in relation to metabolic disorders partly due to its non-insulin dependent glucose uptake promoting role in skeletal muscle. Of the 2 catalytic α-AMPK isoforms, α2 AMPK is clearly required for stimulation of glucose transport into muscle by certain stimuli. In contrast, no clear function has yet been determined for α1 AMPK in skeletal muscle, possibly due to α-AMPK isoform signaling redundancy. By applying low-intensity twitch-contraction and H2O2 stimulation to activate α1 AMPK, but not α2 AMPK, in wildtype and α-AMPK transgenic mouse muscles, this study aimed to define conditions where α1 AMPK is required to increase muscle glucose uptake.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Following stimulation with H2O2 (3 mM, 20 min) or twitch-contraction (0.1 ms pulse, 2 Hz, 2 min), signaling and 2-deoxyglucose uptake were measured in incubated soleus muscles from wildtype and muscle-specific kinase-dead AMPK (KD), α1 AMPK knockout or α2 AMPK knockout mice. H2O2 increased the activity of both α1 and α2 AMPK in addition to Akt phosphorylation, and H2O2-stimulated glucose uptake was not reduced in any of the AMPK transgenic mouse models compared with wild type. In contrast, twitch-contraction increased the activity of α1 AMPK, but not α2 AMPK activity nor Akt or AS160 phosphorylation. Glucose uptake was markedly lower in α1 AMPK knockout and KD AMPK muscles, but not in α2 AMPK knockout muscles, following twitch stimulation.


These results provide strong genetic evidence that α1 AMPK, but not α2 AMPK, Akt or AS160, is necessary for regulation of twitch-contraction stimulated glucose uptake. To our knowledge, this is the first report to show a major and essential role of α1 AMPK in regulating a physiological endpoint in skeletal muscle. In contrast, AMPK is not essential for H2O2-stimulated muscle glucose uptake, as proposed by recent studies.  相似文献   

α-Actinin-4 (ACTN4), a key regulator of the actin cytoskeleton, is up-regulated in melanoma, though its role in melanoma remains speculative. We have discovered that in WM1158, a highly aggressive melanoma cell line, down-regulation of ACTN4 by shRNA induces a collagen I-dependent amoeboidal-to-mesenchymal transition. Re-expression of low levels of WT ACTN4 but not similar expression levels of ACTN1 successfully restores the amoeboidal morphology and limits collagen I gel compaction. A truncated ACTN4 mutant 1–890, which lacks the C-terminal tail, fails to rescue the amoeboidal morphology and to compact collagen I gel. Interestingly, in three-dimensional collagen I gels, ACTN4 KD cells are more polarized compared with cells in which scrambled shRNA is expressed. Surprisingly, ACTN4 KD cells migrate faster than the ones expressing the scrambled shRNA on a collagen I gel (two-dimensional) although these two cell lines migrate similarly on tissue culture. Most importantly, down-regulation of ACTN4 significantly reduced invasion of WM1158 cells into the three-dimensional collagen I gel, a representative of the dermis. Taken together, these findings suggest that ACTN4 plays an important role in maintaining the amoeboidal morphology of invasive melanoma and thus promoting dissemination through collagen-rich matrices.  相似文献   

Sirt2, a member of the NAD+-dependent protein deacetylase family, is increasingly recognized as a critical regulator of the cell cycle, cellular necrosis and cytoskeleton organization. However, its role in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that Sirt2 is up-regulated during RA (retinoic acid)-induced and embryoid body (EB) differentiation of mouse ESCs. Using lentivirus-mediated shRNA methods, we found that knockdown of Sirt2 compromises the differentiation of mouse ESCs into ectoderm while promoting mesoderm and endoderm differentiation. Knockdown of Sirt2 expression also leads to the activation of GSK3β through decreased phosphorylation of the serine at position 9 (Ser9) but not tyrosine at position 216 (Tyr216). Moreover, the constitutive activation of GSK3β during EB differentiation mimics the effect of Sirt2 knockdown, while down-regulation of GSK3β rescues the effect of Sirt2 knockdown on differentiation. In contrast to the effect on lineage differentiation, Sirt2 knockdown and GSK3β up-regulation do not change the self-renewal state of mouse ESCs. Overall, our report reveals a new function for Sirt2 in regulating the proper lineage commitment of mouse ESCs.  相似文献   

T cell development is a highly dynamic process that is driven by interactions between developing thymocytes and the thymic microenvironment. Upon entering the thymus, the earliest thymic progenitors, called CD4CD8 ‘double negative’ (DN) thymocytes, pass through a checkpoint termed “β-selection” before maturing into CD4+CD8+ ‘double positive’ (DP) thymocytes. β-selection is an important developmental checkpoint during thymopoiesis where developing DN thymocytes that successfully express the pre-T cell receptor (TCR) undergo extensive proliferation and differentiation towards the DP stage. Signals transduced through the pre-TCR, chemokine receptor CXCR4 and Notch are thought to drive β-selection. Additionally, it has long been known that ERK is activated during β-selection; however the pathways regulating ERK activation remain unknown. Here, we performed a detailed analysis of the β-selection events in mice lacking RasGRP1, RasGRP3 and RasGRP1 and 3. We report that RasGRP1 KO and RasGRP1/3 DKO deficient thymi show a partial developmental block at the early DN3 stage of development. Furthermore, DN3 thymocytes from RasGRP1 and RasGRP1/3 double knock-out thymi show significantly reduced proliferation, despite expression of the TCRβ chain. As a result of impaired β-selection, the pool of TCRβ+ DN4 is significantly diminished, resulting in inefficient DN to DP development. Also, we report that RasGRP1 is required for ERK activation downstream of CXCR4 signaling, which we hypothesize represents a potential mechanism of RasGRP1 regulation of β-selection. Our results demonstrate that RasGRP1 is an important regulator of proliferation and differentiation at the β-selection checkpoint and functions downstream of CXCR4 to activate the Ras/MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

The λ S gene encodes a holin, S105, and an antiholin, S107, which differs by its Met-Lys N-terminal extension. The model for the lysis-defective character of S107 stipulates that the additional N-terminal basic residue keeps S107 from assuming the topology of S105, which is N-out, C-in, with three transmembrane domains (TMDs). Here we show that the N terminus of S105 retains its fMet residue but that the N terminus of S107 is fully deformylated. This supports the model that in S105, TMD1 inserts into the membrane very rapidly but that in S107, it is retained in the cytoplasm. Further, it reveals that, compared to S105, S107 has two extra positively charged moieties, Lys2 and the free N-terminal amino group, to hinder its penetration into an energized membrane. Moreover, an allele, S105ΔTMD1, with TMD1 deleted, was found to be defective in lysis, insensitive to membrane depolarization, and dominant to the wild-type allele, indicating that the lysis-defective, antiholin character of S107 is due to the absence of TMD1 from the bilayer rather than to its ectopic localization at the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane. Finally, the antiholin function of the deletion protein was compromised by the substitution of early-lysis missense mutations in either the deletion protein or parental S105 but restored when both S105ΔTMD1 and holin carried the substitution.In general, holins control the length of the infection cycle of double-stranded DNA phages (37). During late gene expression, the holin protein accumulates harmlessly in the bilayer until suddenly and spontaneously triggering the formation of holes in the membrane at an allele-specific time (13, 15). Holin genes are extremely diverse, but most can be grouped into two main classes based on the number of predicted transmembrane domains (TMDs): class I, with three TMDs and a predicted N-out, C-in topology, and class II, with two TMDs and a predicted N-in, C-in topology (38). Holin genes and function are subject to several levels of regulation, among which a particularly striking feature is the common occurrence of two potential translational starts, or dual-start motifs (5, 37), separated by only a few codons. Dual-start motifs are found in many holins of both of the two major classes; in nearly every case, the two starts are separated by at least one basic residue. The first dual-start motif to be characterized was that of λ S, the prototype class I holin gene (Fig. 1A and B). Translation initiation events occur at codons 1 and 3, giving rise to two products, S107 and S105, each named because of the length of its amino acid sequence; in the wild-type (wt) allele, two RNA structures define the ratio of initiations at the two start codons, resulting in an S105/S107 ratio of ∼2:1.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Gene, topology, and sequence of λ S. (A, top) The λ lysis cassette, including genes S, R, Rz, and Rz1, is shown, along with its promoter pR′, and Q, encoding the late gene activator. The 5′ end of the class I holin gene S has two start codons, Met1, the start for S107, and Met3, the start for S105, and two RNA structures that regulate initiations at these codons. The S105 and S107 alleles have Leu (CUG) codons in place of the Met3 and Met1 codons, respectively. (B) Primary structure of S proteins. Missense changes relevant to the text are shown. Starts for S107 and S105 are indicated by asterisks. The three TMDs are boxed (13), and the extent of the ΔTMD1 deletion is indicated. (C) Model for the membrane topology of S105, S107, and S105ΔTMD1. Topology and boundary residues for TMD1, -2, and -3 are based on Graschopf and Blasi (11) and Gründling et al. (13), respectively.Although they differ only by the Met-Lys N-terminal extension of S107, the two proteins have opposing functions; S105 is the holin and S107 the antiholin. The antiholin function is reflected by four principal features: first, when the Met3 start is inactivated, the mutant allele, designated S107 (Fig. (Fig.1A),1A), is lysis defective (26); second, the S107 protein binds and inhibits S105 specifically (3, 16); third, when S107 is produced in stoichiometric excess over S105, lysis is blocked for several times the length of the normal infection cycle (3, 4, 7, 16); and fourth, S107 antiholin function, i.e., inhibition of S105 hole formation, can be instantly subverted by collapsing the proton motive force, most easily done by addition of energy poisons to the medium (3). The predicted N-out, C-in topology and the requirement for the energized membrane led to a model in which S107 is initially inserted in the membrane with only two TMDs, with TMD1 being blocked from insertion by the presence of the positively charged residue, Lys2, whereas S105 has three TMDs (Fig. (Fig.1C)1C) (39). From this perspective, S105-S107 complexes, which are approximately twice as numerous as the S105 homodimers, are defective in triggering hole formation. An appealing feature of this model is that when an S105-mediated hole formation event does occur in a cell, the resultant collapse of the membrane potential allows insertion of TMD1 of S107 into the membrane, instantly tripling the amount of active holin by making the previously inactive pool of S105-S107 complexes functional (38).Some genetic and physiological evidence for the topology of the λ S proteins has been obtained using gene fusions. First, a fusion of the S gene at codon 105 with lacZ generates a functional, membrane-inserted β-galactosidase chimera, indicating, as expected, the cytoplasmic disposition of the highly charged C terminus of the S protein (40). Second, Graschopf and Bläsi (12) demonstrated that S-mediated hole formation could be obtained with constructs where a secretory signal sequence was fused to the N termini of both S105 and S107. Lysis required the cleavage of the signal sequence by leader peptidase, and export of the signal-S107 form was slower than for the signal-S105 form. However, evidence for the topology of native forms of S has not been available. Moreover, no basis for the inhibitory character of S107 has been established. In the simplest view, the antiholin function could be due to the absence of TMD1 from the bilayer or the ectopic localization of TMD1 in the cytoplasm, or both. Here, we report studies directed at dissecting the precise role of topology in S107 function and correlating antiholin activity with its ability to heterodimerize with S105. The results are discussed in terms of a general model for the formation of the holin lesion and the role of dynamic membrane topology in its temporal regulation.  相似文献   

Phospholipase Cγ2 (PLCγ2)-deficient mice exhibit misconnections of blood and lymphatic vessels, and male infertility. However, the cell type responsible for vascular partitioning and the mechanism for male infertility remain unknown. Accordingly, we generated a mouse line that conditionally expresses endogenous Plcg2 in a Cre/loxP recombination-dependent manner, and found that Tie2-Cre- or Pf4-Cre-driven reactivation of Plcg2 rescues PLCγ2-deficient mice from the vascular phenotype. By contrast, male mice rescued from the vascular phenotype exhibited epididymal sperm granulomas. As judged from immunostaining, PLCγ2 was expressed in clear cells in the epididymis. PLCγ2 deficiency did not compromise differentiation of epididymal epithelial cells, including clear cells, and tube formation at postnatal week 2. However, luminal expansion of the epididymal duct was impaired during the prepubertal period, regardless of epithelial cell polarity and tube architecture. These results suggest that PLCγ2-deficient clear cells cause impaired luminal expansion, stenosis of the epididymal duct, attenuation of luminal flow, and subsequent sperm granulomas. Clear cell-mediated luminal expansion is also supported by the observation that PLCγ2-deficient males were rescued from infertility by epididymal epithelium-specific reactivation of Plcg2, although the edematous and hemorrhagic phenotype associated with PLCγ2 deficiency also caused spontaneous epididymal sperm granulomas in aging males. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that PLCγ2 in clear cells plays an essential role in luminal expansion of the epididymis during the prepubertal period in mice, and reveal an unexpected link between PLCγ2, clear cells, and epididymal development.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-activated K+ channel KCa3.1 is required for Ca2+ influx and the subsequent activation of T-cells. We previously showed that nucleoside diphosphate kinase beta (NDPK-B), a mammalian histidine kinase, directly phosphorylates and activates KCa3.1 and is required for the activation of human CD4 T lymphocytes. We now show that the class II phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase C2β (PI3K-C2β) is activated by the T-cell receptor (TCR) and functions upstream of NDPK-B to activate KCa3.1 channel activity. Decreased expression of PI3K-C2β by siRNA in human CD4 T-cells resulted in inhibition of KCa3.1 channel activity. The inhibition was due to decreased phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PI(3)P] because dialyzing PI3K-C2β siRNA-treated T-cells with PI(3)P rescued KCa3.1 channel activity. Moreover, overexpression of PI3K-C2β in KCa3.1-transfected Jurkat T-cells led to increased TCR-stimulated activation of KCa3.1 and Ca2+ influx, whereas silencing of PI3K-C2β inhibited both responses. Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and planar lipid bilayers, we found that PI3K-C2β colocalized with Zap70 and the TCR in peripheral microclusters in the immunological synapse. This is the first demonstration that a class II PI3K plays a critical role in T-cell activation.  相似文献   

Thymic development of αβ T lymphocytes into invariant natural killer (NK) T cells depends on their selection via agonistic lipid antigen presented by CD1d. If successful, newly selected NKT cells gain effector functions already in the thymus. Some γδ T cell subsets also acquire effector functions in the thymus. However, it is not clear whether agonistic TCR stimulation is involved in thymic γδ T cell selection and development. Here we combine two genetic models to address this question. MiR-181a/b-1–/–mice, which show impaired agonistic T cell selection of invariant αβ NKT cells, were crossed to Tcrd-H2BeGFP reporter mice to monitor selection, intra-thymic expansion and differentiation of γδ T cells. We found that miR-181a/b-1-deficiency had no effect on numbers of thymic γδ T cell or on their differentiation towards an IL-17- or IFN-γ-producing effector phenotype. Also, the composition of peripheral lymph node γδ T cells was not affected by miR-181a/b-1-deficiency. Dendritic epidermal γδ T cells were normally present in knock-out animals. However, we observed elevated frequencies and numbers of γδ NKT cells in the liver, possibly because γδ NKT cells can expand and replace missing αβ NKT cells in peripheral niches. In summary, we investigated the role of miR-181a/b-1 for selection, intrathymic development and homeostasis of γδ T cells. We conclude that miR-181a/b-1-dependent modulation of T cell selection is not critically required for innate development of γδ NKT cells or of any other γδ T cell subtypes.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of the orphan nuclear Estrogen receptor-related receptor gamma (ERRγ) deficiency on skeletal development and bone turnover, we utilized an ERRγ global knockout mouse line. While we observed no gross morphological anomalies or difference in skeletal length in newborn mice, by 8 weeks of age ERRγ +/− males but not females exhibited increased trabecular bone, which was further increased by 14 weeks. The increase in trabecular bone was due to an increase in active osteoblasts on the bone surface, without detectable alterations in osteoclast number or activity. Consistent with the histomorphometric results, we observed an increase in gene expression of the bone formation markers alkaline phosphatase (Alp) and bone sialoprotein (Bsp) in bone and increase in serum ALP, but no change in the osteoclast regulators receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) or the resorption marker carboxy-terminal collagen crosslinks (CTX). More colony forming units-alkaline phosphatase and -osteoblast (CFU-ALP, CFU-O respectively) but not CFU-fibroblast (CFU-F) formed in ERRγ +/− versus ERRγ +/+ stromal cell cultures, suggesting that ERRγ negatively regulates osteoblast differentiation and matrix mineralization but not mesenchymal precursor number. By co-immunoprecipitation experiments, we found that ERRγ and RUNX2 interact in an ERRγ DNA binding domain (DBD)-dependent manner. Treatment of post-confluent differentiating bone marrow stromal cell cultures with Runx2 antisense oligonucleotides resulted in a reduction of CFU-ALP/CFU-O in ERRγ +/− but not ERRγ +/+ mice compared to their corresponding sense controls. Our data indicate that ERRγ is not required for skeletal development but is a sex-dependent negative regulator of postnatal bone formation, acting in a RUNX2- and apparently differentiation stage-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The actin binding protein α-actinin is a major component of focal adhesions found in vertebrate cells and of focal-adhesion-like structures found in the body wall muscle of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. To study its in vivo function in this genetic model system, we isolated a strain carrying a deletion of the single C. elegans α-actinin gene. We assessed the cytological organization of other C. elegans focal adhesion proteins and the ultrastructure of the mutant. The mutant does not have normal dense bodies, as observed by electron microscopy; however, these dense-body-like structures still contain the focal adhesion proteins integrin, talin, and vinculin, as observed by immunofluorescence microscopy. Actin is found in normal-appearing I-bands, but with abnormal accumulations near muscle cell membranes. Although swimming in water appeared grossly normal, use of automated methods for tracking the locomotion of individual worms revealed a defect in bending. We propose that the reduced motility of α-actinin null is due to abnormal dense bodies that are less able to transmit the forces generated by actin/myosin interactions.  相似文献   

Enhanced contractile activity increases cardiac long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake via translocation of CD36 to the sarcolemma, similarly to increase in glucose uptake via GLUT4 translocation. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is assumed to mediate contraction-induced LCFA utilization. However, which catalytic isoform (AMPKα1 versus AMPKα2) is involved, is unknown. Furthermore, no studies have been performed on the role of LKB1, a kinase with AMPKK activity, on the regulation of cardiac LCFA utilization. Using different mouse models (AMPKα2-kinase-dead, AMPKα2-knockout and LKB1-knockout mice), we tested whether LKB1 and/or AMPK are required for stimulation of LCFA and glucose utilization upon treatment of cardiomyocytes with compounds (oligomycin/AICAR/dipyridamole) which induce CD36 translocation similar to that seen upon contraction. In AMPKα2- kinase-dead cardiomyocytes, the stimulating effects of oligomycin and AICAR on palmitate and deoxyglucose uptake and palmitate oxidation were almost completely lost. Moreover, in AMPKα2- and LKB1-knockout cardiomyocytes, oligomycin-induced LCFA and deoxyglucose uptake were completely abolished. However, the stimulatory effect of dipyridamole on palmitate uptake and oxidation was preserved in AMPKα2-kinase-dead cardiomyocytes. In conclusion, in the heart there is a signaling axis consisting of LKB1 and AMPKα2 which activation results in enhanced LCFA utilization, similarly to enhanced glucose uptake. In addition, an unknown dipyridamole-activated pathway can stimulate cardiac LCFA utilization by activating signaling components downstream of AMPK.  相似文献   

Exercise training increases insulin sensitivity. Over the past decades, considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular basis for this important effect of physical exercise. However, the underlying mechanism is still not fully described. Recent studies have revealed that the stress responsive protein family Sestrins (SESNs) may play an important role in improving insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle under exercise training. In this study, we aim to better understand the relationship between SESNs and AMPK in response to exercise training and the possible mechanism by which SESNs mediate glucose metabolism. We used wild type, AMPKα2+/? and AMPKα2?/? C57BL/6 mice to reveal the pathway by which 6?weeks of exercise training induced SESNs. We explored the mechanism through which SESNs regulated glucose metabolism in vitro by overexpressing or inhibiting SESNs, and inhibiting AMPK or autophagy in myotubes. We found that a 6-week exercise training regime improved oxidative metabolism, activated the insulin signaling pathway and increased the level of SESN2 and SESN3 in an AMPKα2-dependent manner. Overexpression of SESN3 or SESN2 and SESN3 together increased glucose uptake, activated the insulin signaling pathway, and promoted GLUT4 translocation in myotubes. Although inhibition of SESNs had no effect on glucose uptake, SESNs could reverse reduced glucose uptake following autophagy inhibition, and may be downstream effectors of AMPK responses in myotubes. Taken together our data show that SESNs are induced by AMPKα2 after exercise training, and SESNs, specifically SESN3, play a key role in exercise training-mediated glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Classical activation of macrophages (caMph or M1) is crucial for host protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. Evidence suggests that IL-4/IL-13 alternatively activated macrophages (aaMph or M2) are exploited by Mtb to divert microbicidal functions of caMph. To define the functions of M2 macrophages during tuberculosis (TB), we infected mice deficient for IL-4 receptor α on macrophages (LysMcreIL-4Rα-/lox) with Mtb. We show that absence of IL-4Rα on macrophages does not play a major role during infection with Mtb H37Rv, or the clinical Beijing strain HN878. This was demonstrated by similar mortality, bacterial burden, histopathology and T cell proliferation between infected wild-type (WT) and LysMcreIL-4Rα-/lox mice. Interestingly, we observed no differences in the lung expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and Arginase 1 (Arg1), well-established markers for M1/M2 macrophages among the Mtb-infected groups. Kinetic expression studies of IL-4/IL-13 activated bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) infected with HN878, followed by gene set enrichment analysis, revealed that the MyD88 and IL-6, IL-10, G-CSF pathways are significantly enriched, but not the IL-4Rα driven pathway. Together, these results suggest that IL-4Rα-macrophages do not play a central role in TB disease progression.  相似文献   

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