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The initiation of metamorphosis in marine invertebrates is strongly linked to the environment. Planktonic larvae typically are induced to settle and metamorphose by external cues such as coralline algae (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta). Although coralline algae are globally abundant, invertebrate larvae of many taxa settle in response to a very limited suite of species. This specificity impacts population structure, as only locations with the appropriate coralline species can attract new recruits. Abalone (Gastropoda, Haliotidae) are among those taxa in which closely related species are known to respond to different coralline algae. Here we identify highly inductive natural cues of the tropical abalone Haliotis asinina. In contrast to reports for other abalone, the greatest proportion of H. asinina larvae are induced to settle and metamorphose (92.8% to 100% metamorphosis by 48 h postinduction) by articulated corallines of the genus Amphiroa. Comparison with field distribution data for different corallines suggests larvae are likely to be settling on the seaward side of the reef crest. We then compare the response of six different H. asinina larval families to five different coralline species to demonstrate that induction by the best inductive cue (Amphiroa spp.) effectively extinguishes substantial intraspecific variation in the timing of settlement.  相似文献   

Larvae of the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae were used to study whether a natural dissolved settlement cue (from their prey, Porites compressa, an abundant coral on Hawaiian reefs) induces behavioral responses that can affect larval transport to suitable settlement sites. As cue and larvae are mixed in the turbulent flow over a reef, cue is distributed in fine-scale filaments that the larva experiences as rapid (seconds) on/off encounters. To examine larval responses in this setting, individual larvae were tethered in a small flume with flow simulating water velocity relative to a freely swimming larva, and their responses to realistic temporal patterns of cue encounter were videotaped. Competent larvae quickly ceased swimming in cue filaments and resumed swimming after exiting filaments. The threshold cue concentration eliciting a response was 3%-17% of concentrations within heads of P. compressa in nature. When moving freely in filtered seawater, competent larvae swam along straight paths in all directions at approximately 0.2 cm s(-1), whereas in water conditioned by P. compressa, most ceased swimming and sank at approximately 0.1 cm s(-1). The ability of larvae to rapidly respond (by sinking) to brief encounters with dissolved settlement cues can enhance their rapid transport to the substratum, even in wave-driven turbulent flow.  相似文献   

In the marine environment, aggregated distribution in the genus Crepidula is a very common phenomenon. Works from Pechenik's group suggested that this is the result of gregarious settlement of larvae in response to cues associated with conspecific adults. In this study, we investigated the existence of larval metamorphic cues associated with adults of C. onyx, a slipper limpet introduced to Hong Kong from the U.S. in the 1970s, through a series of laboratory bioassays. The results showed that derived cues in adult C. onyx were waterborne and the waterborne cues were not derived from bacteria associated with the shell and soft body of the adult Crepidula. The natural biofilm also induced the larval metamorphosis of C. onyx. The cues from the biofilm were associated with the surface of the biofilm and were not waterborne. The aggregated distribution in nature of adult C. onyx may result from a selective larval settlement process. On a small scale in the water column near the conspecific adults, larvae of C. onyx initially detect the waterborne conspecific cues, which then lead to positive downward swimming or passive sinking. This activity increases the chances for larvae to make contact with the biofilm and to be exposed into the higher concentration of waterborne conspecific cues. This may eventually lead to the enhanced larval settlement pattern on or near the conspecific adults.  相似文献   

The shipworm Teredo navalis L. is a xylophagous bivalve mollusc (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) with a long record of being very destructive to wooden ships and harbour buildings. It has been reported from numerous sites at the coasts of both the North and Baltic Seas since the eighteenth century. Here, we document for the first time the occurrence of live adult T. navalis in the harbours of Bremerhaven (Weser estuary, northern Germany). From August to December 1998, various wooden structures (fir floating fenders and pier posts, oak piles) from seven stations in different docks of two harbours (überseehafen, Fischereihafen) were investigated for the presence and density of live specimens and burrows of T. navalis. The settlement of larval shipworms was studied by exposing experimental fir panels 0.06 m2 in size at 20 stations at water depths between 1 and 2 m for periods of 4 months between July and November. In addition, hydrographic profiles (0–8 m water depth) were obtained at 17 stations in five docks once every month from August to December. Live adult shipworms were found in both fir floating fenders and oak piles at four stations. The largest specimen found was 250 mm long. Shipworm burrows were detected at five stations in almost every wooden structure investigated but their abundances differed significantly: Maximum values were >10,000 m–2 in fir floating fenders, 4,600 m–2 in oak piles and 200 m–2 in fir pier posts. Actual shipworm infestation was detected at three of 16 stations in the exposed fir panels (1–3 burrow holes per panel). Water temperatures and salinities varied considerably during the 4-month investigation period. Temperatures decreased from 19.9°C in August to 0.7°C in December. Salinities ranged from 17.6 in August to 1.1 in November, but only at two lock stations during November and December did value drop below 5, which is regarded as the lethal limit for the larvae of this euryhaline teredinid species. We conclude that T. navalis encounters favourable conditions for growth and reproduction in the harbours of Bremerhaven, at least during summer and autumn, and is a common element of the harbour ecosystem. Therefore, a persistent infestation of all wooden structures after a relatively short period of time seems to be highly probable. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

For sessile marine invertebrates with complex life cycles, habitat choice is directed by the larval phase. Defining which habitat-linked cues are implicated in sessile invertebrate larval settlement has largely concentrated on chemical cues which are thought to signal optimal habitat. There has been less effort establishing physical settlement cues, including the role of surface microtopography. This laboratory based study tested whether surface microtopography alone (without chemical cues) plays an important contributing role in the settlement of larvae of coral reef sessile invertebrates. We measured settlement to tiles, engineered with surface microtopography (holes) that closely matched the sizes (width) of larvae of a range of corals and sponges, in addition to surfaces with holes that were markedly larger than larvae. Larvae from two species of scleractinian corals (Acropora millepora and Ctenactis crassa) and three species of coral reef sponges (Luffariella variabilis, Carteriospongia foliascens and Ircinia sp.,) were used in experiments. L. variabilis, A. millepora and C. crassa showed markedly higher settlement to surface microtopography that closely matched their larval width. C. foliascens and Ircinia sp., showed no specificity to surface microtopography, settling just as often to microtopography as to flat surfaces. The findings of this study question the sole reliance on chemical based larval settlement cues, previously established for some coral and sponge species, and demonstrate that specific physical cues (surface complexity) can also play an important role in larval settlement of coral reef sessile invertebrates.  相似文献   

The larval pre-competency period and competency window are important in delimiting the potential dispersal distance for pelagic larvae of sessile marine fauna. Here, we provide evidence for morphological changes in the late planulae of Lophelia pertusa that have implications for their dispersal potential. Three weeks after spawning, the planulae gain functional cnidocysts, indicating that they are competent to settle at this time. Cnidae have been shown to be used for primary anchoring during settling, and before this time point, the larvae most probably do not have the ability to attach to a substrate in high flow conditions. The appearance of functional cnidae coincides with larvae gaining a flexible mouth that can be opened to the full width of the larva. The larval isorhizas differ the most from the adult polyps isorhizas, while the p- and b-mastigophores bear more resemblance to the adult homologues of similar size. The external and internal morphology of late planulae is further described with demonstration of long apical cilia and its effect on swimming agility, morphological changes of the ciliated cells in the larval mouth region and an internal nerve plexus. This study also indicates that L. pertusa planulae seek out cryptic spaces for settling.  相似文献   

Waterborne chemical cues are an important source of information for many aquatic organisms, in particular when assessing the current risk of predation. The ability to use chemical cues to detect and respond to potential predators before an actual encounter can improve prey chances of survival. We investigated predator recognition and the impact of chemical cues on predator avoidance in the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus. This isopod has recently colonised a novel habitat and diverged into two distinct ecotypes, which encounter different predator communities. Using laboratory-based choice experiments, we have quantified behavioural responses to chemical cues from predators typical of the two predator communities (larval dragonflies in the ancestral habitat, perch in the newly colonised habitat) in wild-caught and lab-reared Asellus of the two ecotypes. Individuals with prior experience of predators showed strong predator avoidance to cues from both predator types. Both ecotypes showed similar antipredator responses, but sexes differed in terms of threat-sensitive responses with males avoiding areas containing predator cues to a larger extent than females. Overall, chemical cues from fish elicited stronger predator avoidance than cues from larval dragonflies. Our results indicate that in these isopods, prior exposure to predators is needed to develop antipredator behaviour based on waterborne cues. Furthermore, the results emphasise the need to analyse predator avoidance in relation to waterborne cues in a sex-specific context, because of potential differences between males and females in terms of vulnerability and life history strategies.  相似文献   

Many benthic marine invertebrate animals release larvae that are dispersed by ocean currents. These larvae swim and can respond to environmental factors such as chemical cues. However, larvae are so small (generally 0.01-1 mm) that they are often assumed to be passive particles whose trajectories are determined by the motion of the water in which they are riding. Therefore, marine larvae are useful model organisms to study the more general question of how the locomotion of very small animals in complex, variable natural habitats is affected by the motion of the fluid (water or air) around them. Studying larval locomotion under conditions of water flow encountered in nature is challenging because measuring the behavior of an individual microscopic organism requires high magnification imaging that is difficult to do in the field. The purpose of this article is to synthesize in one place the various approaches that we have been using to address the technical challenges of studying the locomotion of microscopic larvae in realistic ambient flow. The steps in our process include: (1) measuring water flow in the field; (2) mimicking realistic water movement in laboratory flumes to measure larval scale fluctuations in velocity of flow and concentration of chemical cues; (3) mimicking fine scale temporal patterns of larval encounters with a dissolved chemical cue to record larval responses; (4) using individual-based models to put larvae back into the larger scale environmental flow to determine trajectories; and (5) mimicking fine scale spatial and temporal patterns of larval encounters with water velocities and shear to determine the instantaneous forces on larvae. We illustrate these techniques using examples from our ongoing research on the settlement of larvae onto fouling communities and from our published work on settlement of larvae onto coral reefs. These examples show that water velocities and concentrations of chemical cues encountered by microscopic organisms can fluctuate in fractions of a second and vary over scales of less than a millimeter.  相似文献   

The effect of season on "biofilming";, as a cue for the settlement of marine invertebrate larvae, was investigated in a long-term field study during the years 1992-1994. The series of settlement experiments was conducted in a tidal rapid on the west coast of Scotland, and involved manipulations of artificial panels. Biofilming of substrata, whilst excluding larval settlement, was achieved by the enclosure of panels within tight-fitting (but removable) mesh screens so that the number of settlers on filmed and unfilmed substrata were counted in the initial absence of other incumbent post-larvae. Depending on larval species, the effects of biofilming were found to be either facilitatory or inhibitory. Significant within- and between-species seasonal differences in the settlement responses were detected, and a reversal of the effect of biofilming on larval settlement response, from inhibitory to facilitatory and vice versa, was noted with season in the case of some taxonomic groups and species (e.g. Tubulipora sp., Plagioecia sp., Electra pilosa (L.)). The present study emphasizes the need for extended field studies of larval responses to environmental cues, when the focus of interest is in drawing general inferences about naturally occurring behavioural patterns at settlement.  相似文献   

Reef fish larvae actively select preferred benthic habitat, relying on olfactory, visual and acoustic cues to discriminate between microhabitats at settlement. Recent studies show exposure to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) impairs olfactory cue recognition in larval reef fishes. However, whether this alters the behaviour of settling fish or disrupts habitat selection is unknown. Here, the effect of elevated CO2 on larval behaviour and habitat selection at settlement was tested in three species of damselfishes (family Pomacentridae) that differ in their pattern of habitat use: Pomacentrus amboinensis (a habitat generalist), Pomacentrus chrysurus (a rubble specialist) and Pomacentrus moluccensis (a live coral specialist). Settlement-stage larvae were exposed to current-day CO2 levels or CO2 concentrations that could occur by 2100 (700 and 850 ppm) based on IPCC emission scenarios. First, pair-wise choice tests were performed using a two-channel flume chamber to test olfactory discrimination between hard coral, soft coral and coral rubble habitats. The habitat selected by settling fish was then compared among treatments using a multi-choice settlement experiment conducted overnight. Finally, settlement timing between treatments was compared across two lunar cycles for one of the species, P. chrysurus. Exposure to elevated CO2 disrupted the ability of larvae to discriminate between habitat odours in olfactory trials. However, this had no effect on the habitats selected at settlement when all sensory cues were available. The timing of settlement was dramatically altered by CO2 exposure, with control fish exhibiting peak settlement around the new moon, whereas fish exposed to 850 ppm CO2 displaying highest settlement rates around the full moon. These results suggest larvae can rely on other sensory information, such as visual cues, to compensate for impaired olfactory ability when selecting settlement habitat at small spatial scales. However, rising CO2 could cause larvae to settle at unfavourable times, with potential consequences for larval survival and population replenishment.  相似文献   

Teredinids, commonly referred to as shipworms, are wood-boring bivalves estimated to cause over one billion dollars’ worth of damage to submerged wooden structures per annum. This paper reports the detection and establishment of the Caribbean shipworm Teredothyra dominicensis (Bivalvia, Teredinidae) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Identification was confirmed using an integrative taxonomical approach combining morphology, morphometry and molecular markers (COI-5P and 18S), thus improving both the taxonomic resolution and tractability of this invasive species. Sequence comparisons between indigenous Caribbean and Mediterranean specimens were at least 99 % identical. Wooden panels placed at the site of discovery were infested exclusively by T. dominicensis with specimens of varying size and age, indicating multiple settlement events and the presence of breeding populations in the region. Anatomical and behavioural observations confirm the species as a broadcast spawner with larvae undergoing planktotrophic development, thus distribution range is potentially extensive. Of the possible introduction vectors, transport via ballast water is proposed as the most likely. The establishment of breeding populations of a tropical teredinid in the Mediterranean is of considerable concern as tropical species are particularly destructive and degrade wood more rapidly than the species currently found in the region. This threat is likely to increase in severity due to global warming, as increases in temperature and salinity may lead to an increase in the distribution range, development rate and boring activity of teredinids.  相似文献   

Adult California newts, Taricha torosa (Caudata: Salamandridae), prey on both conspecific egg masses and larvae. We used both laboratory and field experiments to determine if newt larvae use conspecific chemical cues to avoid adult intraspecific predators. Larvae showed significant hiding responses when exposed to adult cues in both the field and the laboratory. Larvae did not exhibit significant hiding responses to chemical cues from invertebrate predators.  相似文献   

As larvae of marine invertebrates age, their response to settlement cues can change. This change can have significant consequences to both the ecology of these organisms, and to their response to antifouling coatings. This study examines how larval age affects the settlement response of larvae to two naturally derived settlement inhibitors, non-polar extracts from the algae Delisea pulchra and Dilophus marginatus, the former of which contains compounds that are in commercial development as antifoulants. Two species of marine invertebrates with non-feeding larvae were investigated: the bryozoans Watersipora subtorquata and Bugula neritina. Larval age strongly affected larval settlement, with older larvae settling at much higher rates than younger larvae. Despite having strong, inhibitory effects on young larvae, the non-polar extracts did not inhibit the settlement of older larvae to the same degree for both species studied. The results show that the effects of ecologically realistic settlement inhibitors are highly dependent on larval age. Given that the age of settling larvae is likely to be variable in the field, such age specific variation in settlement response of larvae may have important consequences for host-epibiont interactions in natural communities.  相似文献   

Most models on settlement of open marine invertebrate populations are based on space-limitation. These models, however, do not recognise that free space may not drive the demography of populations when larval numbers are small or when larval supply varies along a gradient in the habitat. They also do not incorporate the effects of larval choice when settling. It has been hypothesised that, in gregarious barnacles, the effects of adult conspecifics, rather than available free space, may play a primary role in settlement. That is, cues from adults along perimeters of patches, rather than space available, may enhance colonisation. This study therefore aimed to distinguish between these separate influences on populations of Chamaesipho tasmanica, a gregarious barnacle characterised by relatively few larvae arriving to settle each year. Patches of 6, 3 and 1.5 cm diameter were cleared within aggregations of barnacles at three heights (Low, Mid, Upper) of Chamaesipho's distribution at two sites and during 2 years of settlement. Total numbers of settlers in each year were manipulated to determine the separate influences on settlement due to availability of substratum or the effects of conspecific adults. To test for the effects of available free space, numbers of settlers per unit area were analysed. To test for gregarious effects due to the presence of adults, numbers of settlers per unit perimeter were analysed. While available substratum was found not to affect settlement of this barnacle, gregarious settlement in response to adults at perimeters of patches was thought to be confounded by differential larval supply and differential conspecific cues among heights on the shore. Results from this study therefore have important implications for survival of gregarious populations following disturbances, especially in species where larval supply is poor.  相似文献   

The mussel Mytilus edulis settlement and distribution was studied on plastic panels with manipulated flow regime (faired, bluff, split and angled) with or without water soluble metabolites of the green alga Cladophora rupestris. The panels were exposed vertically on a device (hydrovane) that ensures their constant orientation in the current during the peak of larval settlement at 1 m depth. In order to investigate larval distribution on the panels, half of them were coated with a silicone vacuum grease that prevents larvae from de-attachment. This grease was not toxic and did not attract or repel larvae. Low densities of larvae on the un-greased plates compared to the greased ones suggested that some of larvae left the substratum. The blue mussel larvae initially settled in regions of reduced shear velocity and then redistribute to the regions of high shear velocity. The presence of the alga increased the density of blue mussel larvae and changed their distribution on the panels. Overall, our results demonstrated that larval recruitment of M. edulis is an active process affected both by boundary-layer hydrodynamics and algal waterborne compounds.  相似文献   

The Teredinidae (shipworms) are a morphologically diverse group of marine wood-boring bivalves that are responsible each year for millions of dollars of damage to wooden structures in estuarine and marine habitats worldwide. They exist in a symbiosis with cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria that provide the host with the necessary enzymes for survival on a diet of wood cellulose. These symbiotic bacteria reside in distinct structures lining the interlamellar junctions of the gill. This study investigated the mode by which these nutritionally essential bacterial symbionts are acquired in the teredinid Bankia setacea. Through 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing, the symbiont residing within the B. setacea gill was phylogenetically characterized and shown to be distinct from previously described shipworm symbionts. In situ hybridization using symbiont-specific 16S rRNA-directed probes bound to bacterial ribosome targets located within the host gill coincident with the known location of the gill symbionts. These specific probes were then used as primers in a PCR-based assay which consistently detected bacterial rDNA in host gill (symbiont containing), gonad tissue, and recently spawned eggs, demonstrating the presence of symbiont cells in host ovary and offspring. These results suggest that B. setacea ensures successful inoculation of offspring through a vertical mode of symbiont transmission and thereby enables a broad distribution of larval settlement.  相似文献   

The settling rates of the larvae of the blackfly Simulium damnosum Theobald, were monitored at a Simulium breeding site on the Bandama River in the Ivory Coast. Significantly greater numbers of larvae were found to settle during the night than during the day, and there was a significant increase in the settling rate immediately following the onset of darkness.The drifting larval population contained significantly greater numbers of smaller larvae than the general population.  相似文献   

Coral planulae are induced to settle and metamorphose by contact with either crustose coralline algae or marine bacterial biofilms. Larvae of two coral species, Pocillopora damicornis and Montipora capitata, which respond to different metamorphic cues, were utilized to investigate the sensory mechanisms used to detect metamorphic cues. Because the aboral pole of the coral planula is the point of attachment to the substratum, we predicted that it is also the point of detection for cues. To determine where sensory cells for cues are localized along the body, individual larvae were transversely cut into oral and aboral portions at various levels along the oral–aboral axis, and exposed to settlement‐inducing substrata. Aboral ends of M. capitata metamorphosed, while oral ends continued to swim. However, in larvae of P. damicornis, ¾ oral ends (i.e., lacking the aboral pole) were also able to metamorphose, indicating that the cells that detect cues may be distributed along the sides of the body. These cells do not correspond to FMRFamide‐immunoreactive cells that are present throughout the body. Cesium ions induced both aboral and oral ends of larvae of both species to settle, suggesting that oral ends have not lost their capacity to metamorphose, despite lacking sensory cells to detect natural cues. To determine whether sensory cells in larvae of P. damicornis are restricted to one side of the body, swimming behavior over substrata was observed in larvae labeled with diI, a red fluorescent lipophilic membrane stain. The larvae were found to rotate around the oral–aboral axis, with their surface against the substratum, not favoring a particular side for detecting cues. While clarifying the regions of the larval body important for settlement and metamorphosis in coral planulae, we conclude that significant differences between coral species may be due to differences in the distribution of sensory structures in relation to different planular sizes.  相似文献   

The Teredinidae (shipworms) are a morphologically diverse group of marine wood-boring bivalves that are responsible each year for millions of dollars of damage to wooden structures in estuarine and marine habitats worldwide. They exist in a symbiosis with cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria that provide the host with the necessary enzymes for survival on a diet of wood cellulose. These symbiotic bacteria reside in distinct structures lining the interlamellar junctions of the gill. This study investigated the mode by which these nutritionally essential bacterial symbionts are acquired in the teredinid Bankia setacea. Through 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequencing, the symbiont residing within the B. setacea gill was phylogenetically characterized and shown to be distinct from previously described shipworm symbionts. In situ hybridization using symbiont-specific 16S rRNA-directed probes bound to bacterial ribosome targets located within the host gill coincident with the known location of the gill symbionts. These specific probes were then used as primers in a PCR-based assay which consistently detected bacterial rDNA in host gill (symbiont containing), gonad tissue, and recently spawned eggs, demonstrating the presence of symbiont cells in host ovary and offspring. These results suggest that B. setacea ensures successful inoculation of offspring through a vertical mode of symbiont transmission and thereby enables a broad distribution of larval settlement.  相似文献   

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