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In an outbreak of respiratory syncytial (R.S.) virus infection in a maternity hospital the respiratory illness was of a mild nature and the virus was not found in infants without respiratory symptoms. This confirms the suggestion that R.S. virus can infect infants at a very early age. Rapid diagnosis was achieved by applying the direct fluorescent antibody technique to cells in nasal secretions. This proved to be more sensitive than culture techniques where there was delay between the onset of respiratory symptoms and submission of specimens to the laboratory.  相似文献   

人呼吸道合胞病毒活疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人呼吸道合胞病毒是引起婴幼儿支气管炎和肺炎的主要原因,也可导致免疫缺陷病人及老年人群显著发病和死亡.人呼吸道合胞病毒疫苗已被世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)列为全球最优先发展的疫苗之一.经过50多年的研究,尤其是随着重组技术和反向遗传学的出现,对RSV疫苗的研究取得了重要进展,...  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes acute exacerbations in COPD and asthma. RSV infects bronchial epithelial cells (HBE) that trigger RSV associated lung pathology. This study explores whether the phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitor Roflumilast N-oxide (RNO), alters RSV infection of well-differentiated HBE (WD-HBE) in vitro. WD-HBE were RSV infected in the presence or absence of RNO (0.1-100 nM). Viral infection (staining of F and G proteins, nucleoprotein RNA level), mRNA of ICAM-1, ciliated cell markers (digital high speed videomicroscopy, β-tubulin immunofluorescence, Foxj1 and Dnai2 mRNA), Goblet cells (PAS), mRNA of MUC5AC and CLCA1, mRNA and protein level of IL-13, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα, formation of H2O2 and the anti-oxidative armamentarium (mRNA of Nrf2, HO-1, GPx; total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were measured at day 10 or 15 post infection. RNO inhibited RSV infection of WD-HBE, prevented the loss of ciliated cells and markers, reduced the increase of MUC5AC and CLCA1 and inhibited the increase of IL-13, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα and ICAM-1. Additionally RNO reversed the reduction of Nrf2, HO-1 and GPx mRNA levels and consequently restored the TAC and reduced the H2O2 formation. RNO inhibits RSV infection of WD-HBE cultures and mitigates the cytopathological changes associated to this virus.  相似文献   

Addition of heparin to the virus culture inhibited syncytial plaque formation due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Moreover, pretreatment of the virus with heparinase or an inhibitor of heparin, protamine, greatly reduced virus infectivity. Two anti-heparan sulfate antibodies stained RSV-infected cells, but not noninfected cells, by immunofluorescence. One of the antibodies was capable of neutralizing RSV infection in vitro. These results prove that heparin-like structures identified on RSV play a major role in early stages of infection. The RSV G protein is the attachment protein. Both anti-heparan sulfate antibodies specifically bound to this protein. Enzymatic digestion of polysaccharides in the G protein reduced the binding, which indicates that heparin-like structures are on the G protein. Such oligosaccharides may therefore participate in the attachment of the virus.  相似文献   




The risk of bacteremia is considered low in children with acute bronchiolitis. However the rate of occult bacteremia in infants with RSV infection is not well established. The aim was to determine the actual rate and predictive factors of bacteremia in children admitted to hospital due to confirmed RSV acute respiratory illness (ARI), using both conventional culture and molecular techniques.


A prospective multicenter study (GENDRES-network) was conducted between 2011–2013 in children under the age of two admitted to hospital because of an ARI. Among those RSV-positive, bacterial presence in blood was assessed using PCR for Meningococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus, in addition to conventional cultures.


66 children with positive RSV respiratory illness were included. In 10.6% patients, bacterial presence was detected: H. influenzae (n = 4) and S. pneumoniae (n = 2). In those patients with bacteremia, there was a previous suspicion of bacterial superinfection and had received empirical antibiotic treatment 6 out of 7 (85.7%) patients. There were significant differences in terms of severity between children with positive bacterial PCR and those with negative results: PICU admission (100% vs. 50%, P-value = 0.015); respiratory support necessity (100% vs. 18.6%, P-value < 0.001); Wood-Downes score (mean = 8.7 vs. 4.8 points, P-value < 0.001); GENVIP scale (mean = 17 vs. 10.1, P-value < 0.001); and length of hospitalization (mean = 12.1 vs. 7.5 days, P-value = 0.007).


Bacteremia is not frequent in infants hospitalized with RSV respiratory infection, however, it should be considered in the most severe cases.  相似文献   

The attenuated pseudorabies virus (PRV) strain Bartha contains several characterized mutations that affect its virulence and ability to spread through neural circuits. This strain contains a small genomic deletion that abrogates anterograde spread and is widely used as a retrograde-restricted neural circuit tracer. Previous studies showed that the retrograde-directed spread of PRV Bartha is slower than that of wild-type PRV. We used compartmented neuronal cultures to characterize the retrograde defect and identify the genetic basis of the phenotype. PRV Bartha is not impaired in retrograde axonal transport, but transneuronal spread among neurons is diminished. Repair of the UL21 locus with wild-type sequence restored efficient transneuronal spread both in vitro and in vivo. It is likely that mutations in the Bartha UL21 gene confer defects that affect infectious particle production, causing a delay in spread to presynaptic neurons and amplification of infection. These events manifest as slower kinetics of retrograde viral spread in a neural circuit.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus infection of placenta may be harmful in pregnancy leading to disorders in fetal growth, premature delivery, miscarriage, or major congenital abnormalities. Although a correlation between human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection and abortion or low birth weight in children has been suggested, and rare cases of in utero or perinatal HHV-8 transmission have been documented, no direct evidence of HHV-8 infection of placenta has yet been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo susceptibility of placental cells to HHV-8 infection. Short-term infection assays were performed on placental chorionic villi isolated from term placentae. Qualitative and quantitative HHV-8 detection were performed by PCR and real-time PCR, and HHV-8 proteins were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Term placenta samples from HHV-8-seropositive women were analyzed for the presence of HHV-8 DNA and antigens. In vitro infected histocultures showed increasing amounts of HHV-8 DNA in tissues and supernatants; cyto- and syncitiotrophoblasts, as well as endothelial cells, expressed latent and lytic viral antigens. Increased apoptotic phenomena were visualized by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine nick end-labeling method in infected histocultures. Ex vivo, HHV-8 DNA and a latent viral antigen were detected in placenta samples from HHV-8-seropositive women. These findings demonstrate that HHV-8, like other human herpesviruses, may infect placental cells in vitro and in vivo, thus providing evidence that this phenomenon might influence vertical transmission and pregnancy outcome in HHV-8-infected women.  相似文献   

New series of escape mutants of human respiratory syncytial virus were prepared with monoclonal antibodies specific for the fusion (F) protein. Sequence changes selected in the escape mutants identified two new antigenic sites (V and VI) recognized by neutralizing antibodies and a group-specific site (I) in the F1 chain of the F molecule. The new epitopes, and previously identified antigenic sites, were incorporated into a refined prediction of secondary-structure motifs to generate a detailed antigenic map of the F glycoprotein.  相似文献   

A large epizootic of an acute respiratory disease of cattle occurred in Japan during the months from October 1968 to May 1969. A virus was recovered in primary cultures of calf kidney and testicle cells from nasal swabs of affected cattle. Neutralization tests revealed the virus to be closely related to the Long strain of human respiratory syncytial virus. The virus induced cytopathic changes including the formation of syncytia and acidophilic-cytoplasmic inclusions in calf kidney and testicle cell cultures. A calf inoculated with the virus by the respiratory route developed an illness resembling the natural disease. Most cattle clinically diagnosed as having the disease showed significant rises of neutralizing antibody titer for the isolated virus, whereas none or only small fractions of those animals showed serological evidence for recent infection with bovine ephemeral fever virus, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus, Ibaraki virus, bovine diarrhea virus, bovine adenovirus Type 7 and parainfluenza virus Type 3. Neutralization tests on paired sera revealed a wide dissemination of the isolated virus among cattle in many areas of the country during the epizootic. All these findings leave no doubt that the epizootic was caused by bovine respiratory syncytial virus. This is the first study that ever shows the presence of infection of cattle with this virus in Japan.  相似文献   

The lungs of three infants, two with bronchiolitis and one with pneumonia, were examined by fluorescent antibody techniques for the distribution of respiratory syncytial (R.S.) virus, and also for the presence of human globulin. In bronchiolitis the lungs contained little virus, whereas in pneumonia virus was abundant and widespread; and, paradoxically, while in bronchiolitis human globulin had the same scanty distribution as virus it was absent in pneumonia. It is suggested that the essential process in bronchiolitis is a widespread type 1 allergic reaction dependent on a second encounter with R.S. virus antigen, whereas in R.S. virus pneumonia the mucosal necrosis and alveolar and interstitial inflammation are the result of direct virus damage to the lungs. The alternative explanation put forward is that the process may be a type 3 allergic reaction.  相似文献   

裸鼠呼吸道合胞病毒感染的动物模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是全世界婴幼儿下呼吸道感染的首位病毒病原体,免疫缺陷个体容易发生严重感染,目前尚无理想RSV感染动物模型用于研究.我们用细胞免疫缺陷裸鼠感染RSV,旨在建立理想的动物模型,为RSV感染的防治研究奠定基础.裸鼠滴鼻感染RSV后肺组织分离到病毒,直接免疫荧光检测到支气管肺泡灌洗液RSV抗原阳性,空斑形成实验检测肺组织病毒滴度在感染后第3天达高峰,并持续到第9天仍能检测到病毒.免疫组化检测RSV抗原主要分布在细支气管、毛细支气管和肺泡上皮细胞胞浆内.肺组织病理学显示RSV感染导致裸鼠淋巴细胞浸润为主的肺间质性炎症,电镜分析超微结构可见到细胞内病毒颗粒和气血屏障的破坏.支气管肺泡灌洗液白细胞计数显示裸鼠RSV感染炎症高峰在感染后第9天.裸鼠RSV感染的病毒复制和病理改变特点与人相似,病毒持续高水平复制,是客观而实用的评价抗RSV制剂效果的小鼠模型.  相似文献   

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是全世界婴幼儿下呼吸道感染的首位病毒病原体,免疫缺陷个体容易发生严重感染,目前尚无理想RSV感染动物模型用于研究。我们用细胞免疫缺陷裸鼠感染RSV,旨在建立理想的动物模型,为RSV感染的防治研究奠定基础。裸鼠滴鼻感染RSV后肺组织分离到病毒,直接免疫荧光检测到支气管肺泡灌洗液RSV抗原阳性,空斑形成实验检测肺组织病毒滴度在感染后第3天达高峰,并持续到第9天仍能检测到病毒。免疫组化检测RSV抗原主要分布在细支气管、毛细支气管和肺泡上皮细胞胞浆内。肺组织病理学显示RSV感染导致裸鼠淋巴细胞浸润为主的肺间质性炎症,电镜分析超微结构可见到细胞内病毒颗粒和气血屏障的破坏。支气管肺泡灌洗液白细胞计数显示裸鼠RSV感染炎症高峰在感染后第9天。裸鼠RSV感染的病毒复制和病理改变特点与人相似,病毒持续高水平复制,是客观而实用的评价抗RSV制剂效果的小鼠模型。  相似文献   

刘崇海  杨锡强  李瑗 《病毒学报》2006,22(5):345-349
探讨用灵长类动物树鼠句建立呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染动物模型的可行性。28只树鼠句随机分为7组,每组4只,鼻内滴入106PFU RSV,感染后每24h检测1组。另取7只树鼠句鼻内滴入100μl Hep-2细胞培养液,滴鼻后每24h检测1只作对照。无菌取树鼠句肺组织进行病毒分离、空斑形成实验检测病毒滴度、病理检查和RT-PCR检测肺组织内RSV mRNA表达。结果显示:树鼠句感染RSV后,无明显呼吸道感染症状;树鼠句肺组织匀浆接种于Hep-2细胞上,第3、4、5实验组出现细胞病变效应(CPE);树鼠句感染RSV后肺部病理改变在3~7d较为明显,主要为间质改变;在106PFU感染浓度下树鼠句肺组织内RSV处于低水平复制,复制的高峰期在3~5d,峰值在第4d。提示:树鼠句可以用来建立RSV感染的动物模型。  相似文献   

人呼吸道合胞病毒(Human respiratory syncytial virus,HRSV)是导致儿童急性呼吸道感染的最重要的呼吸道病毒之一。根据对单克隆抗体的反应,HRSV分为A、B两个亚型。为探讨严重急性呼吸道感染(Severe acute respi-ratory infection,SARI)病例中HRSV全基因组基因特征,本研究对2017年河南省漯河市住院SARI病例中检测到的1株HRSV A亚型病毒通过Sanger测序方法对其全基因组序列进行了测定和分析。通过Sequencher 5.4.5、MEGA 5.05、BioEdit 7.0.5等生物信息学软件进行序列拼接和比对,进行了基因亲缘性关系分析、氨基酸变异和糖基化位点分析。基于HRSV全基因组序列和11个单个蛋白基因序列构建的亲缘性关系分析结果提示本研究中检测到的这株HRSVA病毒(RSVAs/Luohe.Henan/CHN/42.17)属于ON1基因型,该型是我国近年流行的优势基因型。该病毒全基因组序列与35条全球代表株的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为92.69%~99.82%和93.63%~99.67%;G蛋白编码区氨基酸变异最高,而F蛋白相对保守。糖基化位点分析发现,该病毒的F蛋白有6个N-糖基化位点,未发现O-糖基化位点,此结果与原型株long株相同;G蛋白N-糖基化位点有6个,O-糖基化位点为82个,而原型株long株有11个N-糖基化位点,15个O-糖基化位点。本研究对2017年河南省漯河市SARI病例中一株HRSVA病毒全基因组序列进行了测定,与世界其他地区报道的HRSVA亚型病毒全基因组序列进行了对比分析,揭示了SARI病例中我国HRSV优势流行ON1基因型病毒全基因组的核苷酸和氨基酸变异特征,以及G蛋白和F蛋白编码区糖基化情况,丰富了我国HRSV基因数据库,也为HRSV的核酸检测方法的建立、疫苗研发和预防性单克隆抗体的评价提供了核苷酸和氨基酸的基础数据。  相似文献   

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