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Catherine E. Lovelock 《Ecosystems》2008,11(2):342-354
Mangrove forests cover large areas of tropical and subtropical coastlines. They provide a wide range of ecosystem services
that includes carbon storage in above- and below ground biomass and in soils. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soil, or soil respiration is important in the global carbon budget and is sensitive to increasing global
temperature. To understand the magnitude of mangrove soil respiration and the influence of forest structure and temperature
on the variation in mangrove soil respiration I assessed soil respiration at eleven mangrove sites, ranging from latitude
27°N to 37°S. Mangrove soil respiration was similar to those observed for terrestrial forest soils. Soil respiration was correlated
with leaf area index (LAI) and aboveground net primary production (litterfall), which should aid scaling up to regional and
global estimates of soil respiration. Using a carbon balance model, total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA) per unit litterfall
was similar in tall mangrove forests as observed in terrestrial forests, but in scrub mangrove forests TBCA per unit litter
fall was greater than in terrestrial forests, suggesting mangroves allocate a large proportion of their fixed carbon below
ground under unfavorable environmental conditions. The response of soil respiration to soil temperature was not a linear function
of temperature. At temperatures below 26°C Q10 of mangrove soil respiration was 2.6, similar to that reported for terrestrial
forest soils. However in scrub forests soil respiration declined with increasing soil temperature, largely because of reduced
canopy cover and enhanced activity of photosynthetic benthic microbial communities. 相似文献
Liming Lai Jianjian Wang Yuan Tian Xuechun Zhao Lianhe Jiang Xi Chen Yong Gao Shaoming Wang Yuanrun Zheng 《PloS one》2013,8(10)
Climate change is generally predicted to increase net primary production, which could lead to additional C input to soil. In arid central Asia, precipitation has increased and is predicted to increase further. To assess the combined effects of these changes on soil CO2 efflux in arid land, a two factorial manipulation experiment in the shrubland of an arid region in northwest China was conducted. The experiment used a nested design with fresh organic matter and water as the two controlled parameters. It was found that both fresh organic matter and water enhanced soil respiration, and there was a synergistic effect of these two treatments on soil respiration increase. Water addition not only enhanced soil C emission, but also regulated soil C sequestration by fresh organic matter addition. The results indicated that the soil CO2 flux of the shrubland is likely to increase with climate change, and precipitation played a dominant role in regulating soil C balance in the shrubland of an arid region. 相似文献
Santini Nadia S. Lovelock Catherine E. Hua Quan Zawadzki Atun Mazumder Debashish Mercer Tim R. Muñoz-Rojas Miriam Hardwick Simon A. Madala Bindu Swapna Cornwell William Thomas Torsten Marzinelli Ezequiel M. Adam Paul Paul Swapan Vergés Adriana 《Ecosystems》2019,22(8):1803-1822
Ecosystems - Saltmarshes provide many valuable ecosystem services including storage of a large amount of ‘blue carbon’ within their soils. To date, up to 50% of the world’s... 相似文献
Hicks Lettice C. Yuan Mingyue Brangar Albert Rousk Kathrin Rousk Johannes 《Ecosystems》2022,25(1):105-121
Ecosystems - Low nitrogen (N) availability in the Arctic and Subarctic constrains plant productivity, resulting in low litter inputs to soil. Increased N availability and litter inputs as a result... 相似文献
Xin Jia Tianshan Zha Bin Wu Yuqing Zhang Wenjing Chen Xiaoping Wang Haiqun Yu Guimei He 《PloS one》2013,8(2)
Although the temperature response of soil respiration (Rs) has been studied extensively, several issues remain unresolved, including hysteresis in the Rs–temperature relationship and differences in the long- vs. short-term Rs sensitivity to temperature. Progress on these issues will contribute to reduced uncertainties in carbon cycle modeling. We monitored soil CO2 efflux with an automated chamber system in a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation near Beijing throughout 2011. Soil temperature at 10-cm depth (Ts) exerted a strong control over Rs, with the annual temperature sensitivity (Q
10) and basal rate at 10°C (Rs
10) being 2.76 and 1.40 µmol m−2 s−1, respectively. Both Rs and short-term (i.e., daily) estimates of Rs
10 showed pronounced seasonal hysteresis with respect to Ts, with the efflux in the second half of the year being larger than that early in the season for a given temperature. The hysteresis may be associated with the confounding effects of microbial population dynamics and/or litter input. As a result, all of the applied regression models failed to yield unbiased estimates of Rs over the entire annual cycle. Lags between Rs and Ts were observed at the diel scale in the early and late growing season, but not in summer. The seasonality in these lags may be due to the use of a single Ts measurement depth, which failed to represent seasonal changes in the depth of CO2 production. Daily estimates of Q
10 averaged 2.04, smaller than the value obtained from the seasonal relationship. In addition, daily Q
10 decreased with increasing Ts, which may contribute feedback to the climate system under global warming scenarios. The use of a fixed, universal Q
10 is considered adequate when modeling annual carbon budgets across large spatial extents. In contrast, a seasonally-varying, environmentally-controlled Q
10 should be used when short-term accuracy is required. 相似文献
Mycorrhizal Hyphal Turnover as a Dominant Process for Carbon Input into Soil Organic Matter 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Douglas L. Godbold Marcel R. Hoosbeek Martin Lukac M. Francesca Cotrufo Ivan A. Janssens Reinhart Ceulemans Andrea Polle Eef J. Velthorst Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza Paolo De Angelis Franco Miglietta Alessandro Peressotti 《Plant and Soil》2006,281(1-2):15-24
The atmospheric concentration of CO2 is predicted to reach double current levels by 2075. Detritus from aboveground and belowground plant parts constitutes the
primary source of C for soil organic matter (SOM), and accumulation of SOM in forests may provide a significant mechanism
to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In a poplar (three species) plantation exposed to ambient (380 ppm) and elevated (580 ppm) atmospheric CO2 concentrations using a Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) system, the relative importance of leaf litter decomposition,
fine root and fungal turnover for C incorporation into SOM was investigated. A technique using cores of soil in which a C4 crop has been grown (δ13C −18.1‰) inserted into the plantation and detritus from C3 trees (δ13C −27 to −30‰) was used to distinguish between old (native soil) and new (tree derived) soil C. In-growth cores using a fine
mesh (39 μm) to prevent in-growth of roots, but allow in-growth of fungal hyphae were used to assess contribution of fine
roots and the mycorrhizal external mycelium to soil C during a period of three growing seasons (1999–2001). Across all species
and treatments, the mycorrhizal external mycelium was the dominant pathway (62%) through which carbon entered the SOM pool,
exceeding the input via leaf litter and fine root turnover. The input via the mycorrhizal external mycelium was not influenced
by elevated CO2, but elevated atmospheric CO2 enhanced soil C inputs via fine root turnover. The turnover of the mycorrhizal external mycelium may be a fundamental mechanism
for the transfer of root-derived C to SOM. 相似文献
Our current ability to detect and predict changes in forest ecosystem productivity is constrained by several limitations.
These include a poor understanding of belowground productivity, the short duration of most analyses, and a need for greater
examination of species- or community-specific variability in productivity studies. We quantified aboveground net primary productivity
(ANPP) over 3 years (1999–2001), and both belowground NPP (BNPP) and total NPP over 2 years (2000–2001) in both mesic and
xeric site community types of the mixed mesophytic forest of southeastern Kentucky to examine landscape variability in productivity
and its relation with soil resource [water and nitrogen (N)] availability. Across sites, ANPP was significantly correlated
with N availability (R2 = 0.58, P = 0.028) while BNPP was best predicted by soil moisture content (R2 = 0.72, P = 0.008). Because of these offsetting patterns, total NPP was unrelated to either soil resource. Interannual variability
in growing season precipitation during the study resulted in a 50% decline in mesic site litter production, possibly due to
a lag effect following a moderate drought year in 1999. As a result, ANPP in mesic sites declined 27% in 2000 compared to
1999, while xeric sites had no aboveground production differences related to precipitation variability. If global climate
change produces more frequent occurrences of drought, then the response of mesic sites to prolonged moisture deficiency and
the consequences of shifting carbon (C) allocation on C storage will become important questions. 相似文献
Mayuko Jomura Yuhei Akashi Hiromu Itoh Risa Yuki Yoshimi Sakai Yutaka Maruyama 《PloS one》2015,10(12)
As a large, long-term pool and source of carbon and nutrients, woody litter is an important component of forest ecosystems. The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of the factors that regulate the rate of decomposition of coarse and fine woody debris (CFWD) of dominant tree species in a cool-temperate forest in Japan. Respiration rates of dead stems, branches, and coarse and fine roots of Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula felled 4 years prior obtained in situ ranged from 20.9 to 500.1 mg CO2 [kg dry wood]–1 h–1 in a one-time measurement in summer. Respiration rate had a significant negative relationship with diameter; in particular, that of a sample of Q. crispula with a diameter of >15 cm and substantial heartwood was low. It also had a significant positive relationship with moisture content. The explanatory variables diameter, [N], wood density, and moisture content were interrelated. The most parsimonious path model showed 14 significant correlations among 8 factors and respiration. Diameter and [C] had large negative direct effects on CFWD respiration rate, and moisture content and species had medium positive direct effects. [N] and temperature did not have direct or indirect effects, and position and wood density had indirect effects. The model revealed some interrelationships between controlling factors. We discussed the influence of the direct effects of explanatory variables and the influence especially of species and position. We speculate that the small R2 value of the most parsimonious model was probably due to the omission of microbial biomass and activity. These direct and indirect effects and interrelationships between explanatory variables could be used to develop a process-based CFWD decomposition model. 相似文献
Catherine E. Stewart Jason C. Neff Kathryn L. Amatangelo Peter M. Vitousek 《Ecosystems》2011,14(3):382-397
We examined chemical changes from leaf tissue to soil organic matter (SOM) to determine the persistence of plant chemistry into soil aggregate fractions. We characterized a slow (Dicranopteris linearis) and fast-decomposing species (Cheirodendron trigynum) and surface (O), and subsurface (A-horizon) SOM beneath each species using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (py-GC/MS), with and without derivatization. The live tissues of Dicranopteris had greater lignin content whereas Cheirodendron had a greater lipid, N-bearing, and polysaccharide component. Despite this difference in leaf chemistry, SOM chemistry was similar between soil aggregate fractions, but different between horizons. The O-horizon contained primarily lignin and polysaccharide biomarkers whereas the A-horizon contained polysaccharide, aromatic, and N-derived compounds, indicating considerable microbial processing of plant litter. The soils beneath Cheirodendron inherited a greater lipid signal composed of cutin and suberin biomarkers whereas the soils beneath Dicranopteris contained greater aromatic biomarker content, possibly derived from plant lignins. The soils beneath both species were more similar to root polysaccharides, lipids, and lignins than aboveground tissue. This study indicates that although plant-derived OM is processed vigorously, species-specific biomarkers and compound class differences persist into these soils and that differences in plant chemical properties may influence soil development even after considerable reworking of plant litter by microorganisms. 相似文献
Development and change in forest communities are strongly influenced by plant-soil interactions. The primary objective of this paper was to identify how forest soil characteristics vary along gradients of forest community composition in aspen-conifer forests to better understand the relationship between forest vegetation characteristics and soil processes. The study was conducted on the Fishlake National Forest, Utah, USA. Soil measurements were collected in adjacent forest stands that were characterized as aspen dominated, mixed, conifer dominated or open meadow, which includes the range of vegetation conditions that exist in seral aspen forests. Soil chemistry, moisture content, respiration, and temperature were measured. There was a consistent trend in which aspen stands demonstrated higher mean soil nutrient concentrations than mixed and conifer dominated stands and meadows. Specifically, total N, NO3 and NH4 were nearly two-fold higher in soil underneath aspen dominated stands. Soil moisture was significantly higher in aspen stands and meadows in early summer but converged to similar levels as those found in mixed and conifer dominated stands in late summer. Soil respiration was significantly higher in aspen stands than conifer stands or meadows throughout the summer. These results suggest that changes in disturbance regimes or climate scenarios that favor conifer expansion or loss of aspen will decrease soil resource availability, which is likely to have important feedbacks on plant community development. 相似文献
土壤有机质和外源有机物对甲烷产生的影响 总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25
对土壤有机质含量及组分、外源有机物和根系分泌对甲烷产生的影响作了综述。土壤产甲烷量和甲烷排放量随有机质含量增加而提高,与土壤中易矿化有机碳或沸水浸提有机碳含量呈显著相关。外源有机碳加入促进了土壤排放甲,刺激效果与外源有机碳的用量和组成有关。还原力强的有机物如纤维素和半纤维素较还原力弱的有机物如类脂和多糖能够产生更多的甲烷。甲醇、甲基化氨基酸等无其它微生物竞争利用的有机物能被产甲烷菌更多地转化成甲烷。植物根系分泌物也促进甲烷的产生,促进作用大小与植物种类及分泌物的数量和质量有关。外源有机物通过3种方式促进土壤甲烷产生;提高土壤的甲烷底物供应量,降低土壤氧化还原电位,刺激土壤原有有机碳的转化。 相似文献
Shuaifeng Li Jianrong Su Wande Liu Xuedong Lang Xiaobo Huang Chengxinzhuo Jia Zhijun Zhang Qing Tong 《PloS one》2015,10(9)
The objectives of this study were to estimate changes of tree carbon (C) and soil organic carbon (SOC) stock following a conversion in land use, an issue that has been only insufficiently addressed. For this study, we examined a chronosequence of 2 to 54-year-old Pinus kesiya var. langbianensis plantations that replaced the original secondary coniferous forest (SCF) in Southwest China due to clearing. C stocks considered here consisted of tree, understory, litter, and SOC (0–1 m). The results showed that tree C stocks ranged from 0.02±0.001 Mg C ha-1 to 141.43±5.29 Mg C ha-1, and increased gradually with the stand age. Accumulation of tree C stocks occurred in 20 years after reforestaion and C stock level recoverd to SCF. The maximum of understory C stock was found in a 5-year-old stand (6.74±0.7 Mg C ha-1) with 5.8 times that of SCF, thereafter, understory C stock decreased with the growth of plantation. Litter C stock had no difference excluding effects of prescribed burning. Tree C stock exhibited a significant decline in the 2, 5-year-old stand following the conversion to plantation, but later, increased until a steady state-level in the 20, 26-year-old stand. The SOC stocks ranged from 81.08±10.13 Mg C ha-1 to 160.38±17.96 Mg C ha-1. Reforestation significantly decreased SOC stocks of plantation in the 2-year-old stand which lost 42.29 Mg C ha-1 in the 1 m soil depth compared with SCF by reason of soil disturbance from sites preparation, but then subsequently recovered to SCF level. SOC stocks of SCF had no significant difference with other plantation. The surface profile (0–0.1 m) contained s higher SOC stocks than deeper soil depth. C stock associated with tree biomass represented a higher proportion than SOC stocks as stand development proceeded. 相似文献
Tree Species Effects on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: The Role of Soil Cation Composition 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sarah E. Hobbie Megan Ogdahl Jon Chorover Oliver A. Chadwick Jacek Oleksyn Roma Zytkowiak Peter B. Reich 《Ecosystems》2007,10(6):999-1018
Abstract We studied the influence of tree species on soil carbon and nitrogen (N) dynamics in a common garden of replicated monocultures of fourteen angiosperm and gymnosperm, broadleaf and needleleaf species in southwestern Poland. We hypothesized that species would influence soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition primarily via effects on biogeochemical recalcitrance, with species having tissues with high lignin concentrations retarding rates of decomposition in the O and A horizons. Additionally, because prior work demonstrated substantial divergence in foliar and soil base cation concentrations and soil pH among species, we hypothesized that species would influence chemical stabilization of SOM via cation bridging to mineral surfaces in the A-horizon. Our hypotheses were only partially supported: SOM decomposition and microbial biomass were unrelated to plant tissue lignin concentrations, but in the mineral horizon, were significantly negatively related to the percentage of the cation exchange complex (CEC) occupied by polyvalent acidic (hydrolyzing) cations (Al and Fe), likely because these cations stabilize SOM via cation bridging and flocculation and/or because of inhibitory effects of Al or low pH on decomposers. Percent CEC occupied by exchangeable Al and Fe was in turn related to both soil clay content (a parent material characteristic) and root Ca concentrations (a species characteristic). In contrast, species influenced soil N dynamics largely via variation in tissue N concentration. In both laboratory and in situ assays, species having high-N roots exhibited faster rates of net N mineralization and nitrification. Nitrification:mineralization ratios were greater, though, under species with high exchangeable soil Ca2+. Our results indicate that tree species contribute to variation in SOM dynamics, even in the mineral soil horizons. To our knowledge the influence of tree species on SOM decomposition via cation biogeochemistry has not been demonstrated previously, but could be important in other poorly buffered systems dominated by tree species that differ in cation nutrition or that are influenced by acidic deposition. 相似文献
Liming Lai Yufei Li Yuan Tian Lianhe Jiang Xuechun Zhao Linhai Zhu Xi Chen Yong Gao Shaoming Wang Yuanrun Zheng Glyn M. Rimmington 《PloS one》2013,8(7)
It is generally predicted that global warming will stimulate primary production and lead to more carbon (C) inputs to soil. However, many studies have found that soil C does not necessarily increase with increased plant litter input. Precipitation has increased in arid central Asia, and is predicted to increase more, so we tested the effects of adding fresh organic matter (FOM) and water on soil C sequestration in an arid region in northwest China. The results suggested that added FOM quickly decomposed and had minor effects on the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to a depth of 30 cm. Both FOM and water addition had significant effects on the soil microbial biomass. The soil microbial biomass increased with added FOM, reached a maximum, and then declined as the FOM decomposed. The FOM had a more significant stimulating effect on microbial biomass with water addition. Under the soil moisture ranges used in this experiment (21.0%–29.7%), FOM input was more important than water addition in the soil C mineralization process. We concluded that short-term FOM input into the belowground soil and water addition do not affect the SOC pool in shrubland in an arid region. 相似文献
L. Di Palma P. Ferrantelli C. Merli E. Petrucci I. Pitzolu 《Soil & Sediment Contamination》2007,16(3):323-335
Column experiments of copper extraction from four contaminated soils characterized by a content of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) ranging from 1% to 25% are presented and discussed. The extraction was performed by flushing the soil with an aqueous solution of a sodium salt of ethylene diamminotetraacetic acid (EDTA). Preliminary tests were performed on a soil containing 25% of organic matter, to investigate the influence of pH, concentration and volumes of EDTA on its chelant action and on the dissolution of SOM. Having selected the optimal conditions for the extraction process, a further series of tests was conducted on the four soils to evaluate the influence of organic content on copper extraction yields. EDTA solutions at 0.01 M, 0.05 M, 0.1 and 0.2 M were injected at 0.33 ml/s; copper and organic matter extraction yield were determined. At a pH of 5, 15 pore volume (PV) of a solution containing 0.05M EDTA, extracted about 99% of copper contained by the soil with the higher organic matter content. Under the same conditions, and for soil with > 6% SOM, extraction yields over 80% were achieved, while at lower organic content, copper extraction was dramatically reduced. This was attributed to the formation of highly stable copper-humate complexes and to their increasingly dissolution that occurred in the soils with higher organic matter level.
Experimental tests performed at different contamination levels (1200 mg/kg, 2400 mg/kg) showed that EDTA extraction effectiveness also depended upon initial soil Cu concentration. 相似文献
Effects of Soil Texture on Belowground Carbon and Nutrient Storage in a Lowland Amazonian Forest Ecosystem 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Whendee L. Silver Jason Neff Megan McGroddy Ed Veldkamp Michael Keller Raimundo Cosme 《Ecosystems》2000,3(2):193-209
Soil texture plays a key role in belowground C storage in forest ecosystems and strongly influences nutrient availability
and retention, particularly in highly weathered soils. We used field data and the Century ecosystem model to explore the role
of soil texture in belowground C storage, nutrient pool sizes, and N fluxes in highly weathered soils in an Amazonian forest
ecosystem. Our field results showed that sandy soils stored approximately 113 Mg C ha-1 to a 1-m depth versus 101 Mg C ha-1 in clay soils. Coarse root C represented a large and significant ecosystem C pool, amounting to 62% and 48% of the surface
soil C pool on sands and clays, respectively, and 34% and 22% of the soil C pool on sands and clays to 1-m depth. The quantity
of labile soil P, the soil C:N ratio, and live and dead fine root biomass in the 0–10-cm soil depth decreased along a gradient
from sands to clays, whereas the opposite trend was observed for total P, mineral N, potential N mineralization, and denitrification
enzyme activity. The Century model was able to predict the observed trends in surface soil C and N in loams and sands but
underestimated C and N pools in the sands by approximately 45%. The model predicted that total belowground C (0–20 cm depth)
in sands would be approximately half that of the clays, in contrast to the 89% we measured. This discrepancy is likely to
be due to an underestimation of the role of belowground C allocation with low litter quality in sands, as well as an overestimation
of the role of physical C protection by clays in this ecosystem. Changes in P and water availability had little effect on
model outputs, whereas adding N greatly increased soil organic matter pools and productivity, illustrating the need for further
integration of model structure and tropical forest biogeochemical cycling.
Received 3 March 1999; accepted 27 August 1999. 相似文献
Effects of Historical and Likely Future Scenarios of Land Use on Above- and Belowground Vegetation Carbon Stocks of an Alpine Valley 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Ulrike Tappeiner Erich Tasser Georg Leitinger Alexander Cernusca Gottfried Tappeiner 《Ecosystems》2008,11(8):1383-1400
Long-term trends including depopulation and shifts in agricultural policies and management have led to large-scale land-use
changes throughout the European Alps which are likely to affect the size of carbon (C) stocks of the respective land-use types.
This article analyzes landscape-scale changes of C-stocks present in the vegetation in relation to historical land use (1865),
current land use (2003), and three contrasting scenarios of future land use (2020) in the Stubai Valley, Austria. Results
show that more than 47% of the total valley area and more than 90% of the usable agricultural area have undergone a change
in land use during the last approximately 140 years. Changes of land use were seen to peak between 1954 and 1973 and slow
down there after. Phytomass and C-stocks in 1865 amounted to 63.1 Mg ha−1 and 30.8 Mg C ha−1, and increased until 2003 to 75.8 Mg ha−1 and 37.2 Mg C ha−1, respectively. Evaluations along an altitudinal gradient indicate the highest C gain to be in the sub-Alpine belt (more than
doubling of the C-stock) due to the abandonment of pastures and hay meadows. All future scenarios project only a minor increase
in phytomass (0.3–2.8 Mg ha−1) and C-stocks (0.2–1.4 Mg C ha−1) because major elements of the landscape (forests, rocks, screes) will be either largely unaffected or are unimportant in
their spatial extent (built environment).
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
J?rg Schnecker Birgit Wild Florian Hofhansl Ricardo J. Eloy Alves Ji?í Bárta Petr ?apek Lucia Fuchslueger Norman Gentsch Antje Gittel Georg Guggenberger Angelika Hofer Sandra Kienzl Anna Knoltsch Nikolay Lashchinskiy Robert Mikutta Hana ?antr??ková Olga Shibistova Mounir Takriti Tim Urich Georg Weltin Andreas Richter 《PloS one》2014,9(4)
Enzyme-mediated decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is controlled, amongst other factors, by organic matter properties and by the microbial decomposer community present. Since microbial community composition and SOM properties are often interrelated and both change with soil depth, the drivers of enzymatic decomposition are hard to dissect. We investigated soils from three regions in the Siberian Arctic, where carbon rich topsoil material has been incorporated into the subsoil (cryoturbation). We took advantage of this subduction to test if SOM properties shape microbial community composition, and to identify controls of both on enzyme activities. We found that microbial community composition (estimated by phospholipid fatty acid analysis), was similar in cryoturbated material and in surrounding subsoil, although carbon and nitrogen contents were similar in cryoturbated material and topsoils. This suggests that the microbial community in cryoturbated material was not well adapted to SOM properties. We also measured three potential enzyme activities (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-amino-peptidase and phenoloxidase) and used structural equation models (SEMs) to identify direct and indirect drivers of the three enzyme activities. The models included microbial community composition, carbon and nitrogen contents, clay content, water content, and pH. Models for regular horizons, excluding cryoturbated material, showed that all enzyme activities were mainly controlled by carbon or nitrogen. Microbial community composition had no effect. In contrast, models for cryoturbated material showed that enzyme activities were also related to microbial community composition. The additional control of microbial community composition could have restrained enzyme activities and furthermore decomposition in general. The functional decoupling of SOM properties and microbial community composition might thus be one of the reasons for low decomposition rates and the persistence of 400 Gt carbon stored in cryoturbated material. 相似文献
Napthalene- and decane-contaminated soils were treated with Triton X-100 (a nonionic surfactant) to characterize the soil-water partitioning behavior of the surfactant in soils with different organic content. Soil samples with different organic content were prepared by mixing sand-mulch mixtures at different proportions. The experimental results indicated that the amount of surfactant sorbed onto soil increased with increasing soil organic content and increasing surfactant concentration. The effective critical micelle concentration (CMC) also increased with increasing organic content in soil. The CMC of Triton X-100 in aqueous systems without soil was about 0.3 mM and the effective CMC values measured for soil-water-surfactant systems (approximately 1:19 soil/water ratio) with 25%, 50%, and 75% mulch content were 0.9, 1.0, and 1.7 mM, respectively. Sub-CMC surfactant sorption was modeled accurately with both the Freundlich and the linear isotherm. The maximum surfactant sorption onto soil varied from 66% to 82% of added surfactant in the absence of contaminant. The effective CMC values for Triton X-100 increased to some extent in the presence of contaminants, as did the maximum surfactant sorption. The maximum surfactant sorbed onto the soil with 75% mulch content increased from 82% for clean soils, to 95% and 96% for soils samples contaminated with naphthalene and decane, respectively. 相似文献