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Burmese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) are one of a limited number of wild animal species to use stone tools, with their tool use focused on pounding shelled marine invertebrates foraged from intertidal habitats. These monkeys exhibit two main styles of tool use: axe hammering of oysters, and pound hammering of unattached encased foods. In this study, we examined macroscopic use-wear patterns on a sample of 60 wild macaque stone tools from Piak Nam Yai Island, Thailand, that had been collected following behavioural observation, in order to (i) quantify the wear patterns in terms of the types and distribution of use-damage on the stones, and (ii) develop a Use-Action Index (UAI) to differentiate axe hammers from pound hammers by wear patterns alone. We used the intensity of crushing damage on differing surface zones of the stones, as well as stone weight, to produce a UAI that had 92% concordance when compared to how the stones had been used by macaques, as observed independently prior to collection. Our study is the first to demonstrate that quantitative archaeological use-wear techniques can accurately reconstruct the behavioural histories of non-human primate stone tools.  相似文献   

We investigated sex differences in how Burmese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) used stone tools to open shelled food items along the shores of two islands in Laemson National Park, Thailand. Over a 2-week period in December 2009, we collected scan and focal samples on macaques when they were visible along the shores and mangroves. We found females used stones more often while feeding and used smaller tools than males. Females also processed sessile oysters more than males, whereas males processed unattached foods more than females. It was unclear which sex was overall more proficient at stone tool use, but males did perform significantly better at opening unattached food items with large pounding stones. Females also struck food items more times during tool-use bouts and at a faster rate, but no significant difference was found in average tool-use bout duration. Males processed foods slightly faster within a tool-use bout, but we were unable to detect a significant difference in the rate of food processing while foraging with tools. In summary females chipped open sessile oysters with an axing technique more than males, while males used larger stones to pound open unattached shelled food more often than females. Despite using pounding more than females, males also regularly utilized the axing technique on sessile oysters. Our results are the first assessment of sex differences in macaque stone tool use, providing a basis for comparison with tool use in other primates, and to nonfunctional forms of stone use in other macaques.  相似文献   

Stone hammering in natural conditions has been extensively investigated in chimpanzees and bearded capuchins. In contrast, knowledge of stone tool use in wild Old World monkeys has been limited to anecdotal reports, despite having known for over 120 years that Macaca fascicularis aurea use stone tools to process shelled foods from intertidal zones on islands in the Andaman Sea. Our report is the first scientific investigation to look at the stone tools used by these macaques. We observed they were skilled tool users and used stone tools daily. They selected tools with differing qualities for differing food items, and appeared to use at least two types of stone tools. Pounding hammers were used to crush shellfish and nuts on anvils and axe hammers were used to pick or chip at oysters attached to boulders or trees. We found significant physical differences between these two tools. Tools at oyster beds were smaller and exhibited scarring patterns focused more often on the points, whereas tools found at anvils were larger and showed more scarring on the broader surfaces. We also observed grip differences between the two tool types. Lastly, macaques struck targets with axe hammers more rapidly and over a wider range of motion than with pounding hammers. Both our behavioral and lithic data support that axe hammers might be used with greater control and precision than pounding hammers. Hand‐sized axe hammers were used for controlled chipping to crack attached oysters, and larger pounding hammers were used to crush nuts and unattached shellfish on anvils. In addition to stones, they also used hand‐sized auger shells (Turritella attenuata) as picks to axe attached oysters. Pound hammering appears similar to the stone tools used by chimpanzees and capuchins, but axe hammering has not yet been documented in other nonhuman primates in natural conditions. Am. J. Primatol. 71:594–608, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tool selection can affect the success of a tool-based feeding task, and thus tool-using animals should select appropriate tools when processing foods. We performed a field experiment on Piak Nam Yai Island in Laem Son National Park, Thailand, to test whether Burmese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis aurea) selected stone tools according to food type. We baited the island''s shores with stone sets (‘tool tests’) in an effort to attract macaques to use stones presented in a quasi-experimental design. Tool tests were placed at 344 locations for 126 days over a 2 year period, with each set containing four stones of different mass (categories: X, 40–60 g; S, 90–100 g; M, 150–200 g; and L, 400–1000 g). Tool tests were checked when we could access them. The number of times each tool test was checked varied (1–32), for a total of 1950 checks. We also studied 375 non-experimental stone tools that were found at naturally occurring tool-use sites. Our data were not collected by direct observation, but by inspecting stones after use. We found an association between stone mass and food type. In the tool tests, we found S-stones were chosen most often for attached oysters, and L-stones were chosen most often for unattached foods. L-stones were almost always chosen for larger unattached foods (greater than 3 cm length), while for smaller unattached foods (less than or equal to 3 cm length) selection was less skewed to L-stones and more evenly distributed between the M- and L-stone categories. In the non-experimental study, we found that mass varied significantly across five food categories (range: 16–5166 g). We reveal more detail on macaque stone tool mass than previous studies, showing that macaques select differing stone masses across a variety of tool-processed foods. Our study is the first step in investigating the behavioural and cognitive mechanisms that macaques are using during tool selection.  相似文献   

Recent advances in niche theory have stressed the importance of understanding dietary generalism at multiple levels, including the range of habitat and foods exploited by a species, foods exploited within populations, and patterns of nutrient intake. Here we apply this framework to examine the dietary strategy of the Macaca mulatta, a primate species that is second only to humans in their breadth of geographical distribution, and occupy diverse ecological habitats from cold temperate to tropical latitudes. A recent study showed that the Taihangshan subspecies ( M. mulatta tcheliensis) in China, which is found at the northern latitudinal limit of the species range, respond to ecologically constrained interannual variation in the macronutrient ratios of the spring diet in a way that theory predicts should be associated with ecological generalism. Here we further extend this study, examining the relationships between seasonal variation in food availability and the patterns of food selection across a full year. We found that, despite the ecological and macronutritional generalism of the species, Taihangshan macaques subsist on a relatively small range of foods (57 different foods, spread across 8 categories comprising seeds, fruits, buds, flowers, leaves, herbs, young bark, and twigs), but face considerable seasonal variation in the combinations available. In spring and summer, when seeds were scarce, leaves accounted for 60.3 ± 13.8% of their diet (dry matter [DM] %), and herbs contributed 31.7 ± 22.2%. However, in autumn and winter, when seeds were abundant, they contributed 68.5 ± 22.7% of the diet while herbs accounted for 18.9 ± 12.9% on a DM. Although young bark and twigs were available in all seasons, the macaques only fed on them in winter. We present comparative data from the literature on the diets of M. mulatta and other Macaca species, to interpret this pattern of resource use within the framework of multilevel niche theory.  相似文献   

Hand preferences were investigated during one unimanual action (food-reaching) and one bimanual action (mount-reaching) in a semi-free-ranging group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Qinling Mountains of China. Nine of 14 individuals tested on the unimanual food-reaching action and all six individuals tested on the bimanual mount-reaching action exhibited a manual preference. Both significant right- and left-handed preferences were observed in the two actions. Sex did not affect either direction or strength of hand preference in the unimanual action. Hand preference for the bimanual action was stable over time, and the strength of hand preference was significantly stronger in the bimanual action than in the unimanual action.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of sympatric species are essential in understanding those species’ behavioral and ecological adaptations as well as the mechanisms that can reduce resource competition enough to allow coexistence. We collected data on diet, activity budget and habitat use from two sympatric macaque species, the Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis) and the rhesus macaque (M. mulatta), in a limestone seasonal rainforest of Nonggang Nature Reserve, southwestern Guangxi, China. Our results show that the two sympatric macaques differ in diet, activity budget, and habitat use: (1) out of the 131 plant species that were used by both macaque species as food over the year, only 15 plant species (11 %) were shared. Rhesus macaques used more plant species as major foods, and had higher dietary diversity and evenness indexes than Assamese macaques. (2) Assamese macaques fed predominantly on leaves, whereas rhesus macaques fed more selectively on fruits. The rhesus macaques’ diet varied according to season, and was significantly correlated to season fluctuation in fruit availability. (3) Assamese macaques devoted more time to resting, and less time to feeding than rhesus macaques (4) Assamese macaques were present mostly on the cliff, and tended to stay on the ground, whereas rhesus macaques were present mostly on the hillside, and showed preference to lower and middle canopy. The observed differences in diet and habitat use between the two macaque species represent behavioral patterns enabling their coexistence.  相似文献   

We studied long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) populations in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, focusing on the effect of human provisioning on their demography and dietary composition. We conducted a field survey at three sites in the city: Gunung Meru, Gunung Padang, and Gunung Panggilun. Mean troop size (range 28–68) and infant ratio (range 0.38–1.00) were greater in Gunung Meru, where the macaques have been highly provisioned, than at the other two study sites (troop size 10–15; infant ratio 0.00–0.33). The macaques at all sites consumed both natural and human foods, but dependence on the latter differed among sites: three-quarters of the diet of macaques in Gunung Meru consisted of human foods, while human foods comprised less than 5% of the macaque diet at the other sites. The ability of macaques to modify the proportion of human food is a behavioral flexibility that facilitates the survival of the long-tailed macaque in urban habitats. Without restrictions on provisioning, the degree of dependence of macaques on human foods and population size could increase, especially in Gunung Meru, and human–macaque conflict could escalate. In order to create an effective management policy for urbanized monkeys, long-term quantitative data on macaque behavior and monitoring of population parameters are required.  相似文献   

The preferential use of one hand over the other is considered the primary behavioral expression of structural and functional asymmetry in cerebral structures, which is a decisive factor in human evolution. We present the first analysis of manual laterality in a form of object play—stone handling (SH) behavior—in a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques. Defined as a stone-directed manipulative activity, and comprised of multiple one-handed SH patterns (e.g., grabbing a stone in one hand and cradling it against its chest), as well as coordinated two-handed SH patterns with manual role differentiation (e.g., holding a stone with one hand and rubbing it with the other), SH behavior is a good candidate for the study of hand lateralization. We systematically followed the methodological framework developed by McGrew and Marchant (1997) to measure and analyze the presence, strength, and direction of manual preference in the performance of SH behavior and in various SH patterns, both at the individual and group level. Some individuals showed a significant manual lateral bias on a single SH pattern (hand preference), whereas others showed consistency in laterality across all or most of the SH patterns they performed (hand specialization). At the group level, we found that, although their collective distribution of left versus right remained random, most subjects were either significantly but incompletely lateralized, or completely lateralized within particular SH patterns (pattern specialization), but not across all SH patterns (no handedness for SH behavior as a whole). As predicted by the task-complexity model, hand specialization and handedness were stronger in the coordinated bimanual SH patterns than in the unimanual patterns. We discuss the implications of our findings for the evolution of manual preferences in noninstrumental object manipulation versus stone tool use in nonhuman primates and hominins.  相似文献   

While observational learning and social communication of feeding behavior have been demonstrated several times for edible foods, to date there has been no experimental evidence for learning to avoid distasteful or inedible foods by social cues in primates. A series of experiments on captive pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) and free-ranging spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) was performed to determine if members of these two species would avoid a food item that was rejected by a conspecific. The results indicated that, while individuals were capable of learning to avoid a distasteful food after personal experience, social cues were not sufficient to prevent other individuals from tasting the rejected foods or for discriminating between neutral and distasteful items. The results are discussed in terms of spacing patterns and visual access in the natural foraging situation.  相似文献   

An outbreak of the western tussock moth ( Orgyia vetusta) with a sharp spatial boundary has been hypothesized to be the result of an interaction with mobile parasitoids. We report here a striking correspondence between the qualitative prediction of a general model for a mobile predator and a sessile prey and initial observations of the outbreak of western tussock moth. The model makes the counterintuitive prediction that the prey species will have its highest population density at the edge of an outbreak, which corresponds to observations made of the western tussock moth. This is a striking pattern which should be looked for in other population systems.  相似文献   

Various real-time applications such as Human–Computer Interactions, Psychometric analysis, etc. use facial expressions as one of the important parameters. The researchers have used Action Units (AU) of the face as feature points and its deformation is compared with the reference points on the face to estimate the facial expressions. Among many parts of the face, features from the mouth contribute largely to all the well-known emotions. In this paper, the parabola theory is used to identify and mark various points on the lips. These points are considered as feature points to construct feature vectors. The Latus Rectum, Focal Point, Directrix, Vertex, etc. are also considered to identify the feature points of the lower lips and upper lips. The proposed approach is evaluated on benchmark datasets such as JAFFEE and Cohn–Kanade dataset and it is found that the performance is encouraging in understanding the facial expressions. The results are compared with contemporary methods and found that the proposed approach has given good classification accuracy in recognizing facial expressions.  相似文献   

Feeding-related agonism among wild female Taiwanese macaques was investigated in two study groups at ecologically diverse sites (Fu-shan and Ken-ting) to determine whether contest-feeding competition was present in these groups. Females that contest for food within a primate group are hypothesized to form dominance hierarchies and tend to be philopatric. In this study we tested 1) whether Taiwanese macaque females show higher agonism in a feeding context, 2) whether they exhibit stronger agonism over higher-quality foods, and 3) whether higher agonism rates occur in smaller food patches. Female Taiwanese macaques at both study sites showed similar agonism rates in a feeding context (0.30 events/hr). They exhibited higher agonism rates inside food patches than outside food patches in the spring. Higher agonism rates occurred during seasons of higher fruit availability, and a lower agonism rate occurred in winter when the macaques switched to feeding on fallback foods. Females in the Fu-shan group exhibited higher proportions of aggressive interactions over higher-quality foods, such as animal matter and the reproductive parts of plants. In the Ken-ting group, 95.8% of feeding-related agonistic interactions among females occurred over fruits. Agonistic interactions that occurred in small food patches tended to result in the agonism recipient leaving the food patch. We conclude that female Taiwanese macaques show contest feeding competition in certain contexts. The patterns we observed have also been documented in other primate species in which females are philopatric and form linear dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

This study examined hand preference in white-faced capuchins on a unimanual task and on a coordinated bimanual task. For the unimanual task, handedness was assessed by observing simple reaching for small grains. For the bimanual task, tubes lined with chocolate paste inside were presented to the capuchins. The hand and the finger(s) used to remove chocolate paste were recorded. Seven individuals out of eight in the reaching task and 12 out of 13 in the tube task exhibited a hand preference. Moreover, test-retest correlations showed stability in hand use across time for the coordinated bimanual task. We found no significant differences in strength of hand preference between sexes. Finally, as noted in other primate species, the capuchins were more lateralized in the bimanual task compared to the unimanual task.  相似文献   

Eye colour in Japanese macaques shows apparent differences between individuals, continuously ranging from orange (bright), through shades of yellow and hazel-blue to dark blue (dark). We arbitrarily classified them into either 'yellow' eyes or 'blue' eyes based on the yellow area occupying in the iris' peripupillary ring. Most Japanese macaques have yellow eyes after infant phase, whilst 19, 17, 12, and 15% of monkeys (>6 months, sexes combined) have blue-eye in studied two groups of Shodoshima and two groups of Takasakiyama, respectively. Frequency of eye colour did not differ between males and females, but significantly differed in each age class. Blue eyes significantly more frequently occurred in newborns, infants and aged monkeys than in juveniles and prime adults. Data from mother-infant pairs indicated eye colour could be inherited from their parents. A case of asymmetric eye colour in Japanese macaques was found from a sample of 1962 individuals. Eye colour variation of Japanese macaques was discussed in relation to those of humans and rhesus macaques. A possible evolutionary model of eye colour in Japanese macaques was discussed.  相似文献   

Marine benthic communities face multiple anthropogenic pressures that compromise the future of some of the most biodiverse and functionally important ecosystems in the world. Yet one of the pressures these ecosystems face, night-time lighting, remains unstudied. Light is an important cue in guiding the settlement of invertebrate larvae, and altering natural regimes of nocturnal illumination could modify patterns of recruitment among sessile epifauna. We present the first evidence of night-time lighting changing the composition of temperate epifaunal marine invertebrate communities. Illuminating settlement surfaces with white light-emitting diode lighting at night, to levels experienced by these communities locally, both inhibited and encouraged the colonization of 39% of the taxa analysed, including three sessile and two mobile species. Our results indicate that ecological light pollution from coastal development, shipping and offshore infrastructure could be changing the composition of marine epifaunal communities.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of macaques and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of humans result in variable but generally fatal disease outcomes. Most SIV-infected macaques progress to AIDS over a period of 1 to 3 years, in the face of robust SIV-specific immune responses (conventional progressors [CP]). A small number of SIV-inoculated macaques mount transient immune responses and progress rapidly to AIDS (rapid progressors [RP]). We speculated that the underlying pathogenic mechanisms may differ between RP and CP macaques. We compared the pathological lesions, virus loads, and distribution of virus and target cells in SIVsmE660- or SIVsmE543-infected RP and CP rhesus macaques at terminal disease. RP macaques developed a wasting syndrome characterized by severe SIV enteropathy in the absence of opportunistic infections. In contrast, opportunistic infections were commonly observed in CP macaques. RP and CP macaques showed distinct patterns of CD4(+) T-cell depletion, with a selective loss of memory cells in RP macaques and a generalized (naive and memory) CD4 depletion in CP macaques. In situ hybridization demonstrated higher levels of virus expression in lymphoid tissues (P < 0.001) of RP macaques and a broader distribution to include many nonlymphoid tissues. Finally, SIV was preferentially expressed in macrophages in RP macaques whereas the primary target cells in CP macaques were T lymphocytes at end stage disease. These data suggest distinct pathogenic mechanisms leading to the deaths of these two groups of animals, with CP macaques being more representative of HIV-induced AIDS in humans.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses based on noninvasively collected samples have become an important tool for evolutionary biology and conservation. Crested macaques (Macaca nigra), endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia, are important for our understanding of primate evolution as Sulawesi macaques represent an exceptional example of primate adaptive radiation. Crested macaques are also Critically Endangered. However, to date we know very little about their genetics. The aim of our study was to find and validate microsatellite markers useful for evolutionary, conservation, and other genetic studies on wild crested macaques. Using fecal samples of 176 wild macaques living in the Tangkoko Reserve, Sulawesi, we identified 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci through cross-species polymerase chain reaction amplification with later modification of some of these primers. We tested their suitability by investigating and exploring patterns of paternity, observed heterozygosity, and evidence for inbreeding. We assigned paternity to 63 of 65 infants with high confidence. Among cases with solved paternity, we found no evidence of extragroup paternity and natal breeding. We found a relatively steep male reproductive skew B index of 0.330 ± 0.267; mean ± SD) and mean alpha paternity of 65% per year with large variation across groups and years (29–100%). Finally, we detected an excess in observed heterozygosity and no evidence of inbreeding across our three study groups, with an observed heterozygosity of 0.766 ± 0.059 and expected heterozygosity of 0.708 ± 0.059, and an inbreeding coefficient of ?0.082 ± 0.035. Our results indicate that the selected markers are useful for genetic studies on wild crested macaques, and possibly also on other Sulawesi and closely related macaques. They further suggest that the Tangkoko population of crested macaques is still genetically variable despite its small size, isolation, and the species’ reproductive patterns. This gives us hope that other endangered primate species living in small, isolated populations may also retain a healthy gene pool, at least in the short term.  相似文献   

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