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An Electron Microscope Study of the Rat Ovum   总被引:30,自引:25,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
This paper reports on the fine structure of rat oocytes at stages before ovulation, during maturation, fertilization, and early cleavage. The study includes parallel observations on light and electron microscope preparations with attempted correlations. The follicular cells of the ovarian egg are described as sending long processes through the zona pellucida to the egg surface where they mingle with thin projections from the egg itself. No open communication between follicle cell cytoplasm and egg cytoplasm was observed. During maturation and fertilization both types of processes are withdrawn from the zona. The germinal vesicle and later the pronuclei of the fertilized egg are characterized by numerous large nucleoli. These have the form of thick walled vesicles with diameters as great as 8 to 10 µ. The wall is dense in the EM image and appears to consist in part of small granules. The cytoplasm shows several inclusions including mitochondria of usual form and a Golgi component which has the typical fine structure and the distribution described by earlier light studies. Small dense particles, presumably RNP particles, are distributed throughout the cytoplasmic matrix and show no preference for membranes. The endoplasmic reticulum of the oocyte is represented by a scattering only of vesicles, but begins a more extensive and elaborate development with the onset of segmentation. One inclusion of the ooplasm, similar in size to mitochondria, receives special attention. It is a vesicular structure, containing a large number of small vesicles (10 to 50 mµ in diameter) and frequently a central density or nucleoid. They are referred to as multivesicular bodies. Such bodies are found in small number in the ovarian egg, but increase greatly in number during maturation and fertilization. It appears from the micrographs of eggs in these latter stages that these vesicular bodies break down and liberate their content of small vesicles to the surrounding ooplasm. Comments are provided on the apparent significance of the various observations.  相似文献   

Electron Microscope Study of the Lathyritic Rat Aorta   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Six weanling rats were fed a diet containing 0.4 per cent BAPN fumarate and sacrificed after 5 to 33 days on the diet. The ascending aortae were fixed with OsO4, embedded in methacrylate and araldite, sectioned, stained with lead hydroxide, and examined with the electron microscope. The descending thoracic aortae were examined by light microscopy. Compared with pair-fed controls, the experimentals showed definite changes which became more marked as the disease progressed. The wall became thicker with wider interlaminar spaces, radial orientation of the smooth muscle cells, progressive loss of desmosomes, and progressive increase in a dense, finely stippled material that coated the edges of the elastic laminae and extended outwards between the muscle cells and separated the ends of these cells from the laminae. This stippled material occurred at the same sites as the increase in PAS-positive and azan-positive material seen with the light microscope. There was an increase in subendothelial and interlaminar collagen, and electron microscopy clearly showed that the cells were smooth muscle and not fibroblasts. The possible bearing of the morphological changes on the formation of aortic aneurysms is discussed.  相似文献   

Electron Microscope Study of the Normal Rat Aorta   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The fine structure of the normal rat aorta is described. The presence of a sub-endothelial layer, the oblique orientation of the smooth muscle cells with respect to the aortic axis, and the occurrence of desmosomes between these cells and adjacent elastic laminae, are emphasized. Lead-stained collagen presented a characteristic signet-ring appearance on cross-section. The rats examined were the pair-fed controls for the lathyritic series described in a separate communication.  相似文献   

An electron microscope study of intranuclear inclusions which occur in giant cells in a transplantable mouse hepatoma and in enlarged liver cells in mice fed a diet containing bentonite demonstrates that these inclusions are formed by invaginations of the nuclear envelope, and corroborates a previous histochemical study which revealed that the contents of the inclusions are of cytoplasmic origin. In the hepatoma cells the intranuclear inclusions are abundant, small, and situated close to the border of the nucleus, and there are wide openings from the cytoplasm into the invaginations whose contents include lipid droplets, ergastoplasm, and structurally normal mitochondria. In the enlarged liver cells the inclusions are fewer in number, generally much larger than those in the hepatoma, hence they extend deeper into the nucleus, and the interior is continuous with the cytoplasm through only a small opening. Some normal ergastoplasm is present within the inclusions but all other constituents are abnormal. Both normal and degenerating mitochondria occur in the cytoplasm but only degenerating ones are found within the inclusions. Both types of inclusions arise in greatly enlarged cells in which an attempt is made to maintain the normal nuclear surface/nuclear volume ratio by the development of the invaginations of the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

An Electron Microscope Study of Myelin Figures   总被引:20,自引:15,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
In the electron microscope, thin sections of OsO4-fixed myelin figures from the phospholipide fraction of human brain show a pattern of parallel dark lines with a repeating period of about 40 A. It is shown that the dark lines probably represent the reaction product of OsO4 with double bonds in the fatty acid chains, thereby marking the central portion of one bimolecular lamella. The addition of globin results in dense lines 25 to 50 A wide that cover the surface of the myelin figures. When such a figure consists of only two bimolecular leaflets of lipide covered with globin, the structure shows striking similarity to the image of cell membranes in fixed tissue sections. A hypothetical schema is given of the molecular structure of the figure, and the distribution of OsO4 in it.  相似文献   

The micro-anatomy of the cilia of Sphagnum has been elucidatedin greater detail than in the ciliary types previously investigated.The facts are summarized in a diagrammatic reconstruction.  相似文献   

The structure of the zoospore cysts of various members of theSaprolegniaceae has been studied by electron microscopy. InSaprolegnia ferax, S. dioica, in Isoachlya eccentrica and I.unispora the primary cysts were smooth, whilst the secondarycysts bore stalked double-headed hooks. In S. parasitica thesecondary cysts bore tufts of longer hooks. In Protoachlya,Achlya, and Brevilegnia neither type of cyst bore hooks. InDictyuchus sterile the secondary cysts bore large spiny projections.The primary cysts in many species bore tufts of radiating hairs,and it is suggested that these are the remains of ciliated flagella.  相似文献   

Small pieces of the sperm sacs of Lumbricus herculeus were fixed for 4 hours in chrome-osmium, embedded in methacrylate, sectioned with a Porter-Blum microtome, and studied with a R.C.A. EMU-2C electron microscope. Each spermatid of a group developing synchronously is attached by a cytoplasmic strand to a common nutrient protoplasmic mass. This mass contains mitochondria and yolk bodies but is anucleate. The proximal centriole, that is, the centriole nearer the nucleus, is at first associated with a small peg which becomes firmly attached to the nuclear membrane. Later these two bodies become separated during the development of the middle-piece which is differentiated in the usual manner from a nebenkern formed by the fusion of 6 or 7 mitochondria. The acrosome develops in relation to the dictyosome (Golgi body), itself composed of 8 or more individual flattened sacs and situated in the cytoplasm opposite the point of attachment of the spermatid to the nutrient mass. Soon after its formation, the acrosome becomes incorporated into a cytoplasmic appendage or acrosome carrier. The carrier moves from its original position, along the lateral border of the elongating nucleus, to the distal margin of the nucleus where the acrosome is deposited. No evidence was found of a centriole located at the point of junction between nucleus and acrosome as suggested by earlier workers.  相似文献   

An Electron Microscope Study of the Spermatozoid of Fucus serratus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MANTON  I.; CLARKE  B. 《Annals of botany》1951,15(4):461-472

An Electron Microscope Study of Polyoma Virus in Hamster Kidney   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Electron microscope studies were made of hamster kidneys taken at daily intervals after injection of a variant of polyoma virus into newborn animals. Particular attention was paid to the period 5 to 6 days after injection at which time the necrotizing response was at its peak and virus particles were seen in greatest numbers. The most numerous particles were about 28 mµ in diameter. They were observed mainly within nuclei of stromal cells and are similar to the particles seen in large numbers in polyoma-infected mouse cells growing in vitro. They were not observed in cells of fully developed tumors. Filamentous or tubular structures closely associated with the 28 mµ particles and probably concerned in their formation are described. Considerable quantities of viral material were contained within cytoplasmic inclusions. In some of the inclusions larger particles of diameter 60 mµ were observed. The origin of these particles and their relation to the 28 mµ particles is discussed.  相似文献   

The foed vacuoles of Paramecium aurelia , when examined in the electron microscope, are seen to be surrounded by small secondary vacuoles 0.05 - 0.2 μ. in diameter. Similar small vacuoles also surround the deepest part of the buccal cavity. Young focd vacuoles, i.e. those containing well preserved bacteria, are encircled by a smooth. vacuolar membrane. In older food vacuoles the vacuolar membrane in a transverse section often appears more wavy with small gulfs and protuberances. It is suggested that the small surrounding vacuoles are formed by the vacuolar membrane of older vacuoles by means of a process similar to pinocytosis. There is no evidence, however, that formation of small surrounding vacuoles takes place by pinocytosis in young food vacuoles. Examination of the cytoplasmic membrane of the deepest parts of the buccal cavity shows a similar prccess of vacuole formation by pinocytosis.  相似文献   

MATURATION OF RAT MAST CELLS : An Electron Microscope Study   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Electron microscope study of rat mast cell maturation corroborates certain interpretations of features of mast cell differentiation based on light microscope studies. In addition, the ultrastructural variation observed in the granules of differentiating mast cells suggests that granule formation begins with the elaboration of dense granules about 70 mµ in diameter inside Golgi vacuoles. These progranules appear to aggregate inside a membrane and fuse to form dense cords 70 to 100 mµ in diameter. These dense cords are embedded in a finely granular material possibly added to the developing granule by direct continuity between perigranular membranes and cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The dense cords and finely granular material then appear to be replaced by a mass of strands about 30 mµ in diameter, thought to be a reorganization product of the two formerly separate components. A process interpreted as compaction of the strands completes the formation of the dense, homogeneous granules observed in mature rat mast cells. The similarity between mast cell granule formation and the elaboration of other granules is considered, with special reference to rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocyte azurophil granules. The relationships between the ultrastructural, histochemical, and radioautographic characteristics of mast cell granule formation are considered, and the significance of the perigranular membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytological changes in thyroid glands following administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), were studied in adult salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum, Triturus torosus, and Triturus viridescens by electron and light microscopy. Thyroids from untreated salamanders contained large follicles, faintly basophilic colloid, low follicle cells with flattened nuclei, and scant, slightly basophilic cytoplasm. After TSH administration the cell height and nuclear volume increased. Cytoplasmic basophilia was markedly increased and follicle lumina were reduced. In electron micrographs, stacks of ergastoplasmic lamellae appeared near the nucleus occasionally in contact with the nuclear membrane. In more advanced stages of stimulation, lamellar arrays were largely replaced by small disoriented vesicles and larger vacuoles containing colloid-like material. Sections of obliquely oriented ergastoplasmic membranes contained rows of extremely fine particles. Microvilli increased in size and number and Golgi structures became more extensive. Homogeneous osmiophilic droplets increased in size and abundance. Some of the smaller droplets were seen associated with the Golgi zone. Droplets similar in size and density frequently contained closely packed, whorled lamellae. Mitochondria showed no structural changes but occurred in aggregates interposed between the nucleus and highly folded portions of the basal cell membrane.  相似文献   

Electron Microscope Study of Lens Fibers   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Comparative electron microscope investigations on sections of the lens cortex of the normal, mature rat, rabbit, monkey, and the normal calf reveal similar patterns of intracellular organization. The superficial lens fiber contains a nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, dense granules, Golgi complex, and a quantity of small structures of low opacity which appear as filamentous and spherical configurations. Variations in number, distribution, and spatial arrangement of cytoplasmic elements in lens fibers are described. These changes in the pattern of cytoplasmic organization are concomitant with development of fibers and their displacement towards the center of the lens. Structural details of the various zones of the lens epithelium and the lens fibers are compared.  相似文献   

Contractile vacuoles are organelles that collect fluid from the cytoplasm and expel it to the outside. After each discharge (systole), they appear again and expand (diastole). They are widely distributed among Protozoa, and have been found also in some fresh water algae, sponges, and recently in some blood cells of the frog, guinea pig, and man. In spite of the extensive work on the contractile vacuole, very little is known concerning its mode of operation. An electron microscope study of a suctorian Tokophrya infusionum provided an opportunity to study thin sections of contractile vacuoles, and in these some structures were found which could be part of a mechanism for the systolic and diastolic motions the organelle displays. In Tokophrya, as in Suctoria and Ciliata in general, the contractile vacuole has a permanent canal connecting it with the outside. The canal appears to have a very elaborate structure and is composed of three parts: (1) a pore; (2) a channel; and (3) a narrow tubule located in a papilla protruding into the cavity of the contractile vacuole. Whereas the pore and channel have fixed dimensions and are permanently widely open, the tubule has a changeable diameter. At diastole it is so narrow (about 25 to 30 mµ in diameter) that it could be regarded as closed, while at systole it is widely open. It is assumed that the change in diameter is due to the contraction of numerous fine fibrils (about 180 A thick) which are radially disposed around the canal in form of a truncated cone, with its tip at the channel, and its base at the vacuolar membrane. It seems most probable that the broadening of the tubule results in discharge of the content of the contractile vacuole. In the vicinity of the very thin limiting vacuolar membrane, small vesicles and canaliculi of the endoplasmic reticulum, very small dense particles, and mitochondria may be found. In addition, rows of closely packed vesicles are present in this region, and in other parts of the cytoplasm. It is suggested that they might represent dictyosome-like bodies, responsible for withdrawing fluids from the cytoplasm and then conveying them to the contractile vacuole, contributing to its expansion at diastole.  相似文献   

Differentiating white adipose tissue from presumptive and developing fat pads of newborn and young rats was fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide, embedded in Vestopal W, and examined in an electron microscope. Pre-adipose cells were found to be fibroblasts characterized by their spindle shape, long tenuous cytoplasmic extensions, and profuse endoplasmic reticulum. The developmental stages traced from fibroblast to mature adipose cell show a gradual change in cell shape, an accumulation of cytoplasm and non-membrane-bounded lipid, a decrease in the endoplasmic reticulum, and a change in shape of mitochondria. Transitory glycogen appears at mid-differentiation. Numerous smooth-membraned vesicles occur in the cytoplasm throughout differentiation. Pinocytosis is constantly evident. Cells of the multilocular stage are shown to differ from brown fat cells, particularly with respect to cytoplasmic membrane systems and mitochondria. No transport of particulate lipid from the lumen of the capillary to, or within, the adipose cell was detected, nor could any cell organelle be demonstrated to be visibly related to lipid synthesis and/or deposition.  相似文献   


The alterations caused by GFV in the leaves and roots of Vitis vinifera, and in the leaves of Nicotiana clevelandii and Chenopodium amaranticolor were studied in the electron microscope. In Nicotiana and Vitis, the main alterations were found in the chloroplasts, while in Chenopodium they were found in the cytoplasm. In all cases, the tonoplast appeared more electron opaque than normal and showed irregular densities over its surface. The presence of virus-like particles was demonstrated only in two cases.  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Neisseria gonorrhoeae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Morphological studies utilizing various microscopy techniques have aided in our understanding of the gonococcus and gonorrhea. In this study scanning electron microscopy was used to study differences in virulent (colony types 1 and 2) and avirulent (colony types 3 and 4) gonococci relative to colony appearance, patterns of growth in liquid media, and surface features of individual cocci. Colony types of virulent gonococci are smaller in diameter but have a higher evaluation than those of avirulent mutants. Colony type 2 has a convex undersurface that is associated with surface pitting of solid media. When the colonies are grown in liquid media, various degrees of autoagglutination are observed; this is most pronounced with type 2 and least evident with type 4. Although pili may be involved in this phenomena, other mechanisms must be employed, since type 3 gonococci that lack pili autoagglutinate. Pili are seen on types 1 and 2 and are absent from types 3 and 4. They appear as individual threads radiating from the bacteria or as bundles of pili attaching adjacent cocci. Another extracellular structure consists of small spherical bodies that can coat the bacteria surface, attach to pili, or exist free from other bacterial components. These spheres are least evident with type 4. The gonococcal surface is pebbly with multiple sulci.  相似文献   

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