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“设计研究”为设计学科建立了理论基础,其分支“通过设计之研究”(Research through Design,简称RtD)更是为“设计研究”范式奠定了认识论基础。对风景园林设计领域而言,RtD在该领域的拓展与深化从本质上有助于风景园林学术研究体系的发展。介绍以Creswell的知识观框架(后实证主义、建构主义、变革主义、实用主义)对风景园林RtD进行分类的方法,并引用此框架爬梳了近5年间(2014—2018年)发表于《中国园林》和《风景园林》2本刊物的设计研究成果,从研究问题、研究过程、研究结果3方面对中国RtD进展进行了总结,并对当前设计研究发展的现状与趋势进行了分析和展望,以期为未来该领域研究提供方向。  相似文献   

董楠楠  吴静  石鸿  任震 《生物信息学》2019,26(7):107-112
当前国际前沿的屋顶绿化研究表明,屋顶绿化的城市能源和城市生态环境等环境综合效能越来越受重视。结合屋顶绿化全生命周期分析,提出基于环境效能的“预研究、深化设计、效能评估”的屋顶绿化研究性设计,并将此设计方法应用于实际案例Joy Garden屋顶花园中,对其进行风环境和日照模拟,初步设计出3种方案,从安全性、环境效益和全生命周期的角度评价并确定最佳方案,在此基础上进行基于环境效能的深化设计项目建成后的效能评估结果表明,案例屋顶花园在建筑节能、雨洪管理、改善城市热环境、增加城市生物多样性等提高环境效能方面均起到一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

当代景观设计中价值取向的转变,包括设计行为从创造画面转向塑造场所,从创造新事物转向重现场地本质与原貌。依据景观设计中的空间特征和规划设计应用价值,将文本视角下的当代景观空间特征“复写”(palimpsest)定义为场地中各历史层次与当代层次的结合与共同显现。复写空间利用场地的潜力,实现了景观意义的传达,具有二元性、互文性及透明性的特点。复写既可以作为分析工具,也可以作为设计手段,其核心价值在于:多层空间结构得以平等呈现;历史信息积累而显现场地特质;设计创造诱发新的发展空间与场地产生关联。结合案例论述,研究与复写相关的分析方法与设计路径:呈现自治或在场地介入过程中建立互设关系,相关设计思想可回溯到埃森曼“人工开挖”(artificial excavation)的设计理念,以及文化景观及遗产保护中的“踪迹”(trace)概念。以场地空间特征出发,选择合适的设计方法,进而提出复写空间的多层建构是设计过程的关键部分。  相似文献   

刘通  黎展荣 《生物信息学》2018,25(6):130-134
随着无人机技术在风景园林规划设计中发挥越来越重要的作用,将无人机技术引入风景园林设计和教学已经成为可能。本文通过阐述无人机三维重建技术的概念、技术流程和技术优势、该技术在风景园林设计中的应用以及该技术与风景园林设计教学的结合方式,展示了以无人机三维重建现状模型为结合点,风景园林设计、教学与前沿科学技术的融合。  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(2):43-52
旨在促进应用“文化景观”概念作为分析和开发阿根廷地域项目的工具。第1部分,力图总结有关文化景观的概念,术语名词的起源、传播以及其所暗含的可能性和矛盾性。第2部分,讨论这个概念成为项目工具的方式。第3部分中,强调了绘图在分析和项目中的核心作用。第4部分,以2个案例研究表明在前3个部分中阐述的问题。结论提出了这种开展项目的方式的潜能、挑战和矛盾。而只有针对地域特性的详细研究才能使找到一种回馈当地发展的管理方式成为可能。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲(简称“珠三角”)城市普遍受到气候变化和城市扩张的干扰,广州琶洲中东区作为珠三角的微观城市组团,是珠三角韧性演进表达的载体,以其为例探索整合城市与生态环境的韧性设计机制。首先辨析了城市韧性的分析方法、策略及评价体系,对珠三角的脆弱性进行背景研究;然后通过对琶洲中东区的脆弱性分析和灾害模拟,提出3 个层次的韧性整合策略,包括连接现有破碎的蓝绿系统的结构性策略,构建基于公共交通为导向(TODs)、垂直水岸的步行可达空间的连接方式以及分散式雨水存储系统与多用堤岸模式的节点处理;最后利用GIS、Fragstats 和Depthmap 等软件平台和数据分析手段,对韧性策略和设计方案进行评估并给予反馈,从而构建起微观城市组团层面全过程的“分析—策略—方案—反馈”的韧性城设计框架。结果表明:运用基于“策略—反馈”机制的方案设计有助于提升景观连接度、空间集成度,有效适应洪涝干扰,更好地落实城市韧性。  相似文献   

风景园林信息模型(LIM)需要面向设计实践的体系化应用研究。在此背景下探索硬件、软件、网络、人员相结合的LIM技术应用体系构建方法,以形成有效地应用于设计实践的企业LIM平台。研究采取基于项目的设计研究方法,历经理论研究阶段、系统规划阶段、分步实施阶段,构建了以LIM工作流为核心的风景园林信息模型技术应用体系原型。该体系的构建方法包括开发Autodesk Civil 3D和Revit等关键软件的企业模板,部署基于雾计算的LIM协同设计平台,编制LIM平台使用管理手册等。12项实践项目的验证结果表明:LIM平台是具有实践意义的行业信息化发展技术路径。  相似文献   

在河流生态修复的研究中,理论与实践之间存在着落差,风景园林学正是整合不同学科理论并最终转化为实践的最佳途径。本研究的核心工作是将河流生态修复中的理论转化为风景园林设计语言,即生态设计手法,主要采用 T-P-C(Theory-Pattern-Case)法。首先对河流空间要素进行分析,再依据相关自然科学技术原理,转译出一组设计法则,最后结合河流生态问题,提炼出“改造边滩蜿蜒度”“生态河床”“生态筑坝”等 15 种河段尺度的生态设计手法,为设计师提供一套生态性、空间性、归纳性、尺度性和类型性的设计工具。  相似文献   

基于5E教学模式,即引入(engage)、探究(explore)、解释(explain)、拓展(elaborate)和评价(evaluate)的“表观遗传”一节,通过创设情境引出探究问题,分析科学研究资料并构建“表观遗传”概念,借助物理模型解释表观遗传的分子机制,针对社会性议题展开讨论,以及构建表观遗传概念模型等5个课堂环节进行教学设计和实践,引导学生在真实情境中发现、探究、解决问题,培养生物学学科核心素养。  相似文献   

“拟自然”水景设计从解读自然水景生成规律出发,充分结合地形条件,通过计算机技术辅助模拟自然形态与生态过程,生成拟自然的水景观系统。本文运用Grasshopper软件,紧扣水景构成关键要素,构建“形态—坝高—水量”动态关联,并根据参数化设计逻辑进行算法编写,建立参数化设计模型,实现水量、水体形态、工程量的多要素统筹设计与动态调控,优化设计方案。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to design a digital game design-based STEM activity for fifth-grade students learning about endangered organisms and significance of biodiversity for living. This activity was carried out with twenty students in a public school in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey during academic year of 2018–2019 spring term. This study planned as eight-lesson time (8?×?40?minutes) and completed at this lesson time. The students were given the digital game design challenge in real-life problem context that has been created based on design-based science learning and for which they shall use their knowledge and skills in each of the STEM disciplines. During this design challenge, students worked like a scientist and an engineer. They carried out scientific research and inquiry process in the science discipline, understood the engineering design process in the engineering discipline, established mathematical relations in the mathematics discipline, learned how to make coding in the technology discipline, and used this knowledge and skills thus acquired in their suggested solutions for the design challenge. They designed a digital game by coding and presented science knowledge and skills that acquired from inquiry process.  相似文献   

Acquisition of scientific reasoning is one of the big challenges in education. A popular educational strategy advocated for acquiring deep knowledge is inquiry-based learning, which is driven by emerging ‘good questions’. This study will address the question: ‘Which design features allow learners to refine questions while preserving student ownership of the inquiry process?’ This design-based research has been conducted over several years with advanced high-school biology classes. The results confirm the central role of question elaboration as an interactive process that leads from vague to complex and adequate. To make this happen, the inquiry process must extend over a long time, learners and teachers should share a knowledge improvement goal, and text produced by students should be structured by question–answer pairs addressing a single concept using authentic resources. Further features are discussion with peers, teacher feedback with respect to answer elaboration and conceptual differentiation, and finally, teacher guidance that should fade out in successive inquiry cycles to ensure student responsibility.  相似文献   

Yang YP  Zhou ZX  Cai SP  Gao K  Jia R 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1849-1856
近自然园林是一种可持续发展的园林建设理念,市民在多大程度上了解和接受近自然园林理念是决定其能否成功应用于实践的关键.通过半结构访谈式调查,研究了武汉市洪山区市民对园林近自然设计和管理的态度,并探讨受访者社会经济特征及其对近自然园林态度的影响.结果表明:研究区赞同园林近自然设计和管理各项措施的人数比例偏低,支持率分别为10.3%~46.9%和7.4%~34.9%;市民对园林近自然设计的态度主要受受访者年龄的影响,受访者对近自然管理的态度与年龄、受教育程度和所从事职业呈显著的相关性.市民重视绿地视觉效果,欣赏干净、整洁的绿地环境是导致他们对近自然园林支持率偏低的直接原因,是否具备相关生态学知识和较强的环境保护意识是影响市民对近自然园林态度的根本原因.通过建立近自然园林示范基地和加强近自然园林理念及相关生态学知识的宣传等措施可促使大部分市民接受并支持近自然园林建设.  相似文献   

Direct, two-dimensional counting or measuring of cells as they appear in histological sections is subject to a number of artifacts that can lead to erroneous conclusions about changes in cellular populations. Numerous correction procedures devised to compensate for these artifacts are collectively termed model-based stereology due to their reliance on a model of cell geometry for correction formulas. These corrections are valid only to the degree that the geometric model reflects cellular morphology. In addition, there are requirements for population homogeneity that are often not met in biological material. The development of design-based stereology provides a way to directly count or measure cells in three dimensions, avoiding errors (biases) and the need for assumptions regarding cell size, shape, and orientation to be validated. On this basis, these procedures are described as unbiased stereology. The recent commercial availability of semiautomated stereology systems has substantially reduced the effort and experimenter error (bias) associated with the use of design-based stereology. The optical resolution of confocal microscopy and the ability to collect registered series of focal planes is ideally suited for the three-dimensional sampling of design-based stereology. Unfortunately, stereological procedures are not available in any confocal microscope software and it is up to the user to implement these procedures. Strategies and illustrations of approaches to implementing stereological procedures on a confocal microscope are presented. Where possible, particular design issues are discussed and solutions suggested. With user requests, future generations of confocal software may integrate collection of confocal images with the implementation of design-based stereology.  相似文献   

Prolyl endopeptidase (PEP, EC is a proline-specific endopeptidase with a serine-type mechanism, which digests small peptide-like hormones, neuroactive peptides, and various cellular factors. PEP has been involved in neurodegenerative disorders, therefore, the discovery of PEP inhibitors can revert memory loss caused by amnesic compounds. In this study, we prepared hetero-chitooligosaccharides (COSs) with different molecular sizes using ultrafiltration (UF) membrane reactor system from hetero-chitosan with different degrees of deacetylation (DD; 90%, 75% and 50% deacetylation), and synthesized sulfated COSs (SCOSs). PEP inhibitory activities of SCOSs were evaluated and the results showed that 50% deacetylated SCOSs (50-SCOSs) exhibited higher inhibitory activities than those of 90% and 75% deacetylated SCOSs (90-SCOSs and 75-SCOSs). Among the 50-SCOSs (50-SCOS I, 5000–10,000 Da; 50-SCOS II, 1000–5000 Da; 50-SCOS III, below 1000 Da), 50-SCOS II possessed the highest inhibitory activity and IC50 value was 0.38 mg/ml. Kinetics studies with 50-SCOS II indicated a competitive enzyme inhibition with a Ki value of 0.78 mg/ml. It was concluded that the 50-SCOS II may be useful for PEP inhibitor and for developing a new type PEP inhibitor from carbohydrate based materials.  相似文献   

目前生物药物正处在高速发展阶段,但生物大分子的一些固有特性限制了其成药性,使得很多具有良好治疗潜能的生物大分子 最终不能开发成药物,因而严重制约了生物药物的发展。生物药物开发的瓶颈已从“新分子的产生”转向“如何获得具有优良生理特性 和预期治疗效果的有效药物”。近年来,通过合理设计改造生物大分子高级结构以优化其成药性的研究获得了快速发展。综述基于设计 的生物大分子成药性优化策略研究进展。  相似文献   

According to the traditional IT system to integrated the parts and brings much repetition and high cost is insufficient,service oriented architecture is put forward solutions.Further introduces the service oriented architecture theory knowledge,transverse relative to the traditional development advantages,fully demonstrates the main trend of the service oriented architecture that drive.Discusses in detail the service oriented architecture(SOA),the core concept and design principles,and security measures to IBM led the company put forward using the service oriented architecture modeling,and to service the abstract concept to carry on the analysis.The core of service oriented is the component architecture and service data object,combining components and data on the part of the object oriented service principle.And Web services and SOA are compared to further understanding the connotation of SOA,and can support is given based on SOA application system of the specific technology,finally,the paper discusses the SOA further research direction.  相似文献   

Methods for improving microbial strains for metabolite production remain the subject of constant research. Traditionally, metabolic tuning has been mostly limited to knockouts or overexpression of pathway genes and regulators. In this paper, we establish a new method to control metabolism by inducing optimally tuned time-oscillations in the levels of selected clusters of enzymes, as an alternative strategy to increase the production of a desired metabolite. Using an established kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism of Escherichia coli, we formulate this concept as a dynamic optimization problem over an extended, but finite time horizon. Total production of a metabolite of interest (in this case, phosphoenolpyruvate, PEP) is established as the objective function and time-varying concentrations of the cellular enzymes are used as decision variables. We observe that by varying, in an optimal fashion, levels of key enzymes in time, PEP production increases significantly compared to the unoptimized system. We demonstrate that oscillations can improve metabolic output in experimentally feasible synthetic circuits.  相似文献   

Beaumont  Jean-Francois 《Biometrika》2008,95(3):539-553
The validity of design-based inference is not dependent on anymodel assumption. However, it is well known that estimatorsderived through design-based theory may be inefficient for theestimation of population totals when the design weights areweakly related to the variables of interest and have widelydispersed values. We propose estimators that have the potentialto improve the efficiency of any estimator derived under thedesign-based theory. Our main focus is limited to the improvementof the Horvitz–Thompson estimator, but we also discussthe extension to calibration estimators. The new estimatorsare obtained by smoothing design or calibration weights usingan appropriate model. Our approach to inference requires themodelling of only one variable, the weight, and it leads toa single set of smoothed weights in multipurpose surveys. Thisis to be contrasted with other model-based approaches, suchas the prediction approach, in which it is necessary to postulateand validate a model for each variable of interest leading potentiallyto variable-specific sets of weights. Our proposed approachis first justified theoretically and then evaluated througha simulation study.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Phosphonate compounds are important secondary metabolites in nature and, when linked to macromolecules in eukaryotes, they might play a role in cell signaling. The first obligatory step in the biosynthesis of phosphonates is the formation of a carbon-phosphorus bond by converting phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to phosphonopyruvate (P-pyr), a reaction that is catalyzed by PEP mutase. The PEP mutase functions as a tetramer and requires magnesium ions (Mg2+). RESULTS: The crystal structure of PEP mutase from the mollusk Mytilus edulis, bound to the inhibitor Mg(2+)-oxalate, has been determined using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction, exploiting the selenium absorption edge of a selenomethionine-containing protein. The structure has been refined at 1.8 A resolution. PEP mutase adopts a modified alpha/beta barrel fold, in which the eighth alpha helix projects away from the alpha/beta barrel instead of packing against the beta sheet. A tightly associated dimer is formed, such that the two eighth helices are swapped, each packing against the beta sheet of the neighboring molecule. A dimer of dimers further associates into a tetramer. Mg(2+)-oxalate is buried close to the center of the barrel, at the C-terminal ends of the beta strands. CONCLUSIONS: The tetramer observed in the crystal is likely to be physiologically relevant. Because the Mg(2+)-oxalate is inaccessible to solvent, substrate binding and dissociation might be accompanied by conformational changes. A mechanism involving a phosphoenzyme intermediate is proposed, with Asp58 acting as the nucleophilic entity that accepts and delivers the phosphoryl group. The active-site architecture and the chemistry performed by PEP mutase are different from other alpha/beta-barrel proteins that bind pyruvate or PEP, thus the enzyme might represent a new family of alpha/beta-barrel proteins.  相似文献   

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