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Three activated cellular raf genes have been detected by transfection of NIH 3T3 cells with human tumor DNAs. Blot hybridization analysis indicated that all three transforming raf genes had recombined with non-raf sequences in the vicinity of raf exon 7-intron 7, resulting in the deletion of about 40% of the normal coding sequence from the raf amino terminus. By cloning sequences upstream of the truncated raf loci we have shown that the rearrangements involve the fusion of three different 5' non-raf human sequences to the human raf gene. No rearrangements could be detected in the raf loci of the three original human tumor DNAs, suggesting that the raf genes were activated by DNA rearrangements occurring during transfection. Significant overexpression of raf mRNA was not evident in two of the three transformant lines, indicating that raf overexpression is not necessary and 5' truncation alone may be sufficient to activate the transforming potential of cellular raf genes.  相似文献   

Interleukin-11 (IL-11) belongs to the interleukin-6 (IL-6)-type subfamily of long-chain helical cytokines including IL-6, ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin-1, which all share the glycoprotein gp130 as a signal transducing receptor component. IL-11 acts on cells expressing gp130 and the IL-11 receptor (IL-11R) alpha-subunit (IL-11Ralpha). The structural epitopes of IL-11 required for the recruitment of the individual receptor subunits have not yet been defined. Based on the structure of CNTF, a three-dimensional model of human IL-11 was built. Using this model, 10 surface exposed amino acid residues of IL-11 were selected for mutagenesis using analogies to the well-characterized receptor recruitment sites of IL-6, CNTF, and LIF. The respective mutants of human IL-11 were expressed as soluble fusion proteins in bacteria. Their biological activities were determined on HepG2 and Ba/F3-130-11alpha cells. Several mutants with substantially decreased bioactivity and one hyperagonistic mutant were identified and further analyzed with regard to recruitment of IL-11Ralpha and gp130. The low-activity mutant I171D still binds IL-11Ralpha but fails to recruit gp130, whereas the hyperagonistic variant R135E more efficiently engages the IL-11R subunits. The low-activity mutants R190E and L194D failed to bind to IL-11Ralpha. These findings reveal a common mechanism of receptor recruitment in the family of IL-6-type cytokines and offer considerable perspectives for the rational design of IL-11 antagonists and hyperagonists.  相似文献   

Restrictocin, produced by the fungus Aspergillus restrictus, is a highly specific ribonucleolytic toxin which cleaves a single phosphodiester bond between G4325 and A4326 in the 28S rRNA. It is a nonglycosylated, single-chain, basic protein of 149 amino acids. The putative catalytic site of restrictocin includes Tyr47, His49, Glu95, Arg120 and His136. To map the catalytic activity in the restrictocin molecule, and to study the role of N- and C-terminus in its activity, we have systematically deleted amino-acid residues from both the termini. Three N-terminal deletions removing 8, 15 and 30 amino acids, and three C-terminal deletions lacking 4, 6, and 11 amino acids were constructed. The deletion mutants were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity and functionally characterized. Removal of eight N-terminal or four C-terminal amino acids rendered restrictocin partially inactive, whereas any further deletions from either end resulted in the complete inactivation of the toxin. The study demonstrates that intact N- and C-termini are required for the optimum functional activity of restrictocin.  相似文献   

We describe a novel procedure for the construction of deletion mutants. Existing exonuclease-based protocols are efficient at producing randomly positioned deletions over large regions of DNA, but are of limited use in targetted mutagenesis due to their inherent sequence-specificity. We have taken advantage of the Exonuclease III-resistant nature of alpha-thio-dNTPs, incorporated into the target DNA template by a primer extension reaction, to generate base-specific alpha-thio-dNTP terminated products. Following removal of the 5' overhanging strands, the products can be cloned to generate a nested set of deletions with single base-pair increments. We demonstrate the utility of this technique by isolating multiple deletions over a 40bp region of the human beta-interferon promoter.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease A contains two exposed loop regions, around Ala20 and Asn34. Only the loop around Ala20 is sufficiently flexible even under native conditions to allow cleavage by nonspecific proteases. In contrast, the loop around Asn34 (together with the adjacent beta-sheet around Thr45) is the first region of the ribonuclease A molecule that becomes susceptible to thermolysin and trypsin under unfolding conditions. This second region therefore has been suggested to be involved in early steps of unfolding and was designated as the unfolding region of the ribonuclease A molecule. Consequently, modifications in this region should have a great impact on the unfolding and, thus, on the thermodynamic stability. Also, if the Ala20 loop contributes to the stability of the ribonuclease A molecule, rigidification of this flexible region should stabilize the entire protein molecule. We substituted several residues in both regions without any dramatic effects on the native conformation and catalytic activity. As a result of their remarkably differing stability, the variants fell into two groups carrying the mutations: (a) A20P, S21P, A20P/S21P, S21L, or N34D; (b) L35S, L35A, F46Y, K31A/R33S, L35S/F46Y, L35A/F46Y, or K31A/R33S/F46Y. The first group showed a thermodynamic and kinetic stability similar to wild-type ribonuclease A, whereas both stabilities of the variants in the second group were greatly decreased, suggesting that the decrease in DeltaG can be mainly attributed to an increased unfolding rate. Although rigidification of the Ala20 loop by introduction of proline did not result in stabilization, disturbance of the network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions that interlock the proposed unfolding region dramatically destabilized the ribonuclease A molecule.  相似文献   

The sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) is a member of the ATP-binding cassette family that is associated with Kir 6.x to form ATP-sensitive potassium channels. SUR is involved in nucleotide regulation of the channel and is the site of pharmacological interaction with sulfonylurea drugs and potassium channel openers. SUR contains three hydrophobic domains, TM(0), TM(1), and TM(2), with nucleotide binding folds following TM(1) and TM(2). Two topological models of SUR have been proposed containing either 13 transmembrane segments (in a 4+5+4 arrangement) or 17 transmembrane segments (in a 5+6+6 arrangement) (Aguilar-Bryan, L., Nichols, C. G., Wechsler, S. W., Clement, J. P. t., Boyd, A. E., III, González, G., Herrera-Sosa, H., Nguy, K., Bryan, J., and Nelson, D. A. (1995) Science 268, 423-426; Tusnády, G. E., Bakos, E., Váradi, A., and Sarkadi, B. (1997) FEBS Lett. 402, 1-3; Aguilar-Bryan, L., Clement, J. P., IV, González, G., Kunjilwar, K., Babenko, A., and Bryan, J. (1998) Physiol. Rev. 78, 227-245). We analyzed the topology of the amino-terminal TM(0) region of SUR1 using glycosylation and protease protection studies. Deglycosylation using peptide-N-glycosidase F and site-directed mutagenesis established that Asn(10), near the amino terminus, and Asn(1050) are the only sites of N-linked glycosylation, thus placing these sites on the extracellular side of the membrane. To study in detail the topology of SUR1, we constructed and expressed in vitro fusion proteins containing 1-5 hydrophobic segments of the TM(0) region fused to the reporter prolactin. The fusion proteins were subjected to a protease protection assay that reported the accessibility of the prolactin epitope. Our results indicate that the TM(0) region is comprised of 5 transmembrane segments. These data support the 5+6+6 model of SUR1 topology.  相似文献   

Small deletions were introduced into DNA plasmids bearing cDNA copies of Mahoney type 1 poliovirus RNA. The procedure used was similar to that of P. Hearing and T. Shenk (J. Mol. Biol. 167:809-822, 1983), with modifications designed to introduce only one lesion randomly into each DNA molecule. Methods to map small deletions in either large DNA or RNA molecules were employed. Two poliovirus mutants, VP1-101 and VP1-102, were selected from mutagenized populations on the basis of their host range phenotype, showing a large reduction in the relative numbers of plaques on CV1 and HeLa cells compared with wild-type virus. The deletions borne by the mutant genomes were mapped to the region encoding the amino terminus of VP1. That these lesions were responsible for the mutant phenotypes was substantiated by reintroduction of the sequenced lesions into a wild-type poliovirus cDNA by deoxyoligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. The deletion of nucleotides encoding amino acids 8 and 9 of VP1 was responsible for the VP1-101 phenotype; the VP1-102 defect was caused by the deletion of the sequences encoding the first four amino acids of VP1. The peptide sequence at the VP1-VP3 proteolytic cleavage site was altered from glutamine-glycine to glutamine-methionine in VP1-102; this apparently did not alter the proteolytic cleavage pattern. The biochemical defects resulting from these mutations are discussed in the accompanying report.  相似文献   

The effector binding site of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase, composed of the triphosphate and ribose-base subsites, is located on the regulatory (r) chains of the enzyme. In order to probe the function of amino acid side chains at this nucleotide triphosphate site, site-specific mutagenesis was used to create three mutant versions of the enzyme. On the basis of the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme with CTP bound, three residues were selected. Specifically, Arg-96r was replaced with Gln, and His-20r and Tyr-89r were both replaced with Ala. Analyses of these mutant enzymes indicate that none of these substitutions significantly alter the catalytic properties of the enzyme. However, the mutations at His-20r and Tyr-89r produced altered response to the regulatory nucleotides. For the His-20r----Ala enzyme, the affinities of the enzyme for ATP and CTP are reduced 40-fold and 10-fold, respectively, when compared with the wild-type enzyme. Furthermore, CTP is able to inhibit the His-20r----Ala enzyme 40% more than the wild-type enzyme. In the case of the Tyr-89r----Ala enzyme. ATP can increase the mutant enzyme's activity 181% compared to 157% for the wild-type enzyme, while simultaneously the affinity of this enzyme for ATP decreases about 70%. These results suggest that Tyr-89r does have an indirect role in the discrimination between ATP and CTP. The His-20r----Ala enzyme shows no UTP synergistic inhibition in the presence of CTP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of residues 1–51 of human prothrombin fragment 1 has been determined. This 51 residue peptide is 1 residue shorter than the comparable bovine region and 8 of the amino acid residues are different. The positions of 10 glutamic acid residues are identical to the γ-carboxylated ones in the bovine species. From this homology and additional evidence, these residues in human prothrombin are considered to be γ-carboxylated. The sequence was completed by automated Edman degradation of the reduced, alkylated fragment and its subfragmentation with trypsin, thermolysin and acid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Substrate and inhibitor binding to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) primarily involves residues in the amino-terminal half of the enzyme; however, antibody binding studies performed in this laboratory suggested that the loop region located in the carboxyl terminus of human DHFR (hDHFR; residues 140-186) is involved in conformational changes that occur upon ligand binding and affect enzyme function (Ratnam, M., Tan, X., Prendergast, N.J., Smith, P.L. & Freisheim, J.H. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 4800-4804). To investigate this observation further, site-directed mutagenesis was used to construct deletion mutants of hDHFR missing 1 (del-1), 2 (del-2), 4 (del-4), and 6 (del-6) residues from loops in the carboxyl terminus of the enzyme. The del-1 mutant enzyme has a two-amino acid substitution in addition to the one-amino acid deletion. Deletion of only one amino acid resulted in a 35% decrease in the specific activity of the enzyme. The del-6 mutant enzyme was inactive. Surprisingly, the del-4 mutant enzyme retained a specific activity almost 33% that of the wild type. The specific activity of the del-2 mutant enzyme was slightly higher (38% wild-type activity) than that of the del-4 mutant. All three active deletion mutants were much less stable than the wild-type enzyme, and all three showed at least a 10-fold increase in Km values for both substrates. The del-1 and del-2 mutants exhibited a similar increase in KD values for both substrate and cofactor. The three active deletion mutants lost activity at concentrations of activating agents such as KCl, urea, and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate that continued to stimulate the wild-type enzyme. Antibody binding studies revealed conformational differences between the wild-type and mutant enzymes both in the absence and presence of bound folate. Thus, although the loops near the carboxyl terminus are far removed from the active site, small deletions of this region significantly affect DHFR function, indicating that the loop structure in mammalian DHFR plays an important functional role in its conformation and catalysis.  相似文献   

The ompF gene codes for a major outer membrane protein whose expression is positively regulated by the ompR and envZ genes. Two sets of promoter deletions, upstream deletions and downstream deletions, were generated in vitro, and the promoter function was studied by connecting them with the tet genes. One of the hybrid genes thus constructed had a functioning ompF-tet hybrid promoter. The 107 base-pair fragment was found to be functioning as the ompF promoter, 90 nucleotides upstream and 17 nucleotides downstream of the mRNA start site that was also determined in this study. The start site was preceded by a convenient Pribnow box. Although the sequence at the -35 region had a low degree of homology to the consensus sequence, analyses of the hybrid promoter suggested that this region is involved in the promoter function in relation to the Pribnow box. They also indicated that the domain responsible for regulation by the ompR gene is located within the -35 region and its upstream region.  相似文献   

Several deletion variants of E. coli 5S RNA have been constructed and produced either in vivo or in vitro using T7 RNA Polymerase. Their structures and ribosomal protein L18 binding properties have been examined. All of them are similar to wild-type 5S RNA in their helix II-III regions, where L18 binds [Huber, P.W. and Wool, I.G. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 81, 322-326; Douthwaite, S., Christensen, A., and Garrett, R.A. (1982) Biochemistry 21, 2313-2320.], by NMR criteria. However, none of the molecules examined that lack the helix IV-helix V stem bind L18 efficiently, even though that portion of 5S RNA is outside the L18 footprint. The L18 binding site is clearly more than a simple hairpin loop.  相似文献   

The mitogen response of p70/p85 S6 kinase (S6K) parallels that of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). However, S6K lies on a discrete signaling pathway from MAPK, since the immunosuppressant drug rapamycin inactivates S6K without affecting the MAPK cascade. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase operates upstream of S6K, but the intermediate effectors in this signaling pathway are unknown. We have identified an autoinhibitory domain in S6K that overrides the requirement of the amino terminus for the activation of S6K. The region between codons 58 and 77 is highly inhibitory, and its deletion results in constitutive kinase activation. Additionally, deletion of the first 77 codons confers mitogen independence and insensitivity to rapamycin. Rat1 cells expressing delta N77 S6K exhibit a distinctly abnormal morphology. This constitutively active mutant will provide a useful means of studying the effects of expressing unregulated S6K in cells. Subdeletion analysis of the amino terminus has defined two discrete domains in the N terminus of S6K--a domain between codons 1 and 58 is essential for the mitogen activation of S6K and confers rapamycin sensitivity; a second domain between codons 58 and 77 confers autoinhibition. We propose a model for the activation of S6 kinase in which mitogen-stimulated cellular factors interact with the amino terminus to negate the effects of the autoinhibitory domain.  相似文献   

Three chymotryptic fragments accounting for almost the entire amino acid sequence of gizzard calponin (Takahashi, K., and Nadal-Ginard, B. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 13284-13288) were isolated and characterized. They encompass the segments of residues 7-144 (NH2-terminal 13-kDa peptide), 7-182 (NH2-terminal 22-kDa peptide), and 183-292 (COOH-terminal 13-kDa peptide). They arise from the sequential hydrolysis of the peptide bonds at Tyr182-Gly183 and Tyr144-Ala145 which were protected by the binding of F-actin to calponin. Only the NH2-terminal 13- and 22-kDa fragments were retained by immobilized Ca(2+)-calmodulin, but only the larger 22 kDa entity cosedimented with F-actin and inhibited, in the absence of Ca(2+)-calmodulin, the skeletal actomyosin subfragment-1 ATPase activity as the intact calponin. Since the latter peptide differs from the NH2-terminal 13-kDa fragment by a COOH-terminal 38-residue extension, this difference segment appears to contain the actin-binding domain of calponin. Zero-length cross-linked complexes of F-actin and either calponin or its 22-kDa peptide were produced. The total CNBr digest of the F-actin-calponin conjugate was fractionated over immobilized calmodulin. The EGTA-eluted pair of cross-linked actin-calponin peptides was composed of the COOH-terminal actin segment of residues 326-355 joined to the NH2-terminal calponin region of residues 52-168 which seems to contain the major determinants for F-actin and Ca(2+)-calmodulin binding.  相似文献   

The piebald deletion complex is a set of overlapping chromosomal deficiencies on distal mouse chromosome 14. We surveyed the functional genetic content of the piebald deletion region in an essential gene mutagenesis screen of 952 genomes to recover seven lethal mutants. The ENU‐induced mutations were mapped to define genetic intervals using the piebald deletion panel. Lethal mutations included loci required for establishment of the left‐right embryonic axis and a loss‐of‐function allele of Phr1 resulting in respiratory distress at birth. A functional map of the piebald region integrates experimental genetic data from the deletion panel, mutagenesis screen, and the targeted disruption of specific genes. A comparison of several genomic intervals targeted in regional mutagenesis screens suggests that the piebald region is characterized by a low gene density and high essential gene density with a distinct genomic content and organization that supports complex regulatory interactions and promotes evolutionary stability. genesis 47:392–403, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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