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A simple and efficient strategy for Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) recombineering based on co-selection is described. We show that it is possible to efficiently modify two positions of a BAC simultaneously by co-transformation of a single-stranded DNA oligo and a double-stranded selection cassette. The use of co-selection BAC recombineering reduces the DNA manipulation needed to make a conditional knockout gene targeting vector to only two steps: a single round of BAC modification followed by a retrieval step.  相似文献   

Smads家族是最新发现的TGF-β信号转导途径中一个重要的新基因家族,SMAD2属于受体激活的SMADs。Smad2在某些肿瘤中发生突变,是一种可能的肿瘤抑制基因。Smad2基因完全剔除小鼠在胚胎期E6.5天死亡,为了研究Smad2在成体各组织器官及肿瘤发生中的可能作用,构建了Smad2条件基因剔除载体,将LoxP置于Smad2基因组序列C末端功能域两侧,并在组成型表达Cre重组酶的大肠杆菌中检测了LoxP位点的功能,该载体的构建为进行Smad2组织特异性基因剔除研究了奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The majority of gene-targeting experiments in mice are performed in 129Sv-derived embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, which are generally considered to be more reliable at colonizing the germ line than ES cells derived from other strains. Gene targeting is reliant on homologous recombination of a targeting vector with the host ES cell genome. The efficiency of recombination is affected by many factors, including the isogenicity (H. te Riele et al., 1992, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 5128-5132) and the length of homologous sequence of the targeting vector and the location of the target locus. Here we describe the double-end sequencing and mapping of 84,507 bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) generated from AB2.2 ES cell DNA (129S7/SvEvBrd-Hprtb-m2). We have aligned these BACs against the mouse genome and displayed them on the Ensembl genome browser, DAS: 129S7/AB2.2. This library has an average insert size of 110.68 kb and average depth of genome coverage of 3.63- and 1.24-fold across the autosomes and sex chromosomes, respectively. Over 97% of the mouse genome and 99.1% of Ensembl genes are covered by clones from this library. This publicly available BAC resource can be used for the rapid construction of targeting vectors via recombineering. Furthermore, we show that targeting vectors containing DNA recombineered from this BAC library can be used to target genes efficiently in several 129-derived ES cell lines.  相似文献   

PDGF-C is a newly identified member of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family, which is involved in multiple cellular functions by signaling through PDGF receptor (PDGFR)-alphaalpha and alphabeta dimers. PDGF-C deficiency is perinatal lethal due to the formation of cleft palate. To further characterize the cellular function of PDGF-C during both embryonic and postnatal development, we have generated two conditional alleles of the Pdgf-c gene in which two loxP sites flank exon 5. Global Cre-mediated excision of the floxed exon 5 in these alleles resulted in a complete loss of PDGF-C expression and caused embryonic defects identical to those previously described for the PDGF-C null embryos. These conditional alleles will therefore be the important genetic tools for dissecting the spatial and temporal roles of PDGF-C during development and in adult tissues. Furthermore, from this work, we have also described a simple approach for creating mouse conditional alleles in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) plays a crucial role in many cellular processes. As the rate-limiting enzyme of the predominant NAD biosynthesis pathway in mammals, nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt) regulates the cellular NAD level. Tumor cells are more sensitive to the NAD levels, making them more susceptible to Nampt inhibition than their nontumorigenic counterparts. Experimental evidence has indicated that Nampt might have proangiogenic activity and supports the growth of some tumors, so Nampt inhibitors may be promising as antitumor agents. However, only four Nampt inhibitors have been reported, and no high-throughput screening (HTS) strategy for Nampt has been proposed to date, largely limiting the drug discovery targeting Nampt. Therefore, the development of a robust HTS strategy for Nampt is both imperative and significant. Here we developed a fluorometric method for a Nampt activity assay by measuring the fluorescence of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) derivative resulting from the enzymatic product NMN through simple chemical reactions. Then we set up an HTS system after thorough optimizations of this method and validated that it is feasible and effective through a pilot screening on a small library. This HTS system should expedite the discovery of Nampt inhibitors as antitumor drug candidates.  相似文献   

Recombinant adenoviruses containing a double-stranded DNA genome of 26–45 kb were broadly explored in basic virology, for vaccination purposes, for treatment of tumors based on oncolytic virotherapy, or simply as a tool for efficient gene transfer. However, the majority of recombinant adenoviral vectors (AdVs) is based on a small fraction of adenovirus types and their genetic modification. Recombineering techniques provide powerful tools for arbitrary engineering of recombinant DNA. Here, we adopted a seamless recombineering technology for high-throughput and arbitrary genetic engineering of recombinant adenoviral DNA molecules. Our cloning platform which also includes a novel recombination pipeline is based on bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs). It enables generation of novel recombinant adenoviruses from different sources and switching between commonly used early generation AdVs and the last generation high-capacity AdVs lacking all viral coding sequences making them attractive candidates for clinical use. In combination with a novel recombination pipeline allowing cloning of AdVs containing large and complex transgenes and the possibility to generate arbitrary chimeric capsid-modified adenoviruses, these techniques allow generation of tailored AdVs with distinct features. Our technologies will pave the way toward broader applications of AdVs in molecular medicine including gene therapy and vaccination studies.  相似文献   

Heat-inducible autolytic vector for high-throughput screening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xu L  Li S  Ren C  Cai Z  Lin Z 《BioTechniques》2006,41(3):319-323
In directed evolution, a high-throughput screening system is often a prerequisite for sampling the enzyme variants. When the target enzyme is expressed intracellularly, for example when Escherichia coli is used as the host, chemical or enzymatic disruption of cell membrane is often required in many cases, which can be tedious, time-consuming, and costly. In this study, a set of heat-inducible autolytic vectors were constructed to solve this problem, in which the SRRz lysis gene cassette from bacteriophage lambda was placed downstream of heat-inducible promoters, lambda cI857/pR promoter and its mutant, c1857/pR(M). The artificial autolytic units were inserted into the backbone of pUC18 (away from the multiple cloning sites). For the wild promoter; cI857/pR, the SRRz lysis cassette was expressed by temperature up-shift from 28 degrees to 38 degrees C, and the lysis efficiency of transformed bacterial cells was found to be consistent and could reach 96.3% as measured by the reporter beta3-galactosidase assay. In order to obtain a higher cell growth rate, the mutant promoter cI857/pR(M) was utilized to allow bacteria growth at 35 degrees C and lysis at 42 degrees C. However; this heat-inducible system showed significant inconsistency in terms of lysis efficiency. Bacillus subtilis 168 lipase A gene was further inserted into the multiple cloning sites of the autolytic vector containing cI857/pR, and 93.7% of the expressed lipase activity was found in the culture medium upon heat induction, demonstrating the utility of the vector for expression and rapid extracellular assay of heterologous enzymes.  相似文献   

Studying genetic variations in the human genome is important for understanding phenotypes and complex traits, including rare personal variations and their associations with disease. The interpretation of polymorphisms requires reliable methods to isolate natural genetic variations, including combinations of variations, in a format suitable for downstream analysis. Here, we describe a strategy for targeted isolation of large regions (~35?kb) from human genomes that is also applicable to any genome of interest. The method relies on recombineering to fish out target fosmid clones from pools and thereby circumvents the laborious need to plate and screen thousands of individual clones. To optimize the method, a new highly recombineering-efficient bacterial host, including inducible TrfA for fosmid copy number amplification, was developed. Various regions were isolated from human embryonic stem cell lines and a personal genome, including highly repetitive and duplicated ones. The maternal and paternal alleles at the MECP2/IRAK 1 loci were distinguished based on identification of novel allele-specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms in regulatory regions. Additionally, we applied further recombineering to construct isogenic targeting vectors for patient-specific applications. These methods will facilitate work to understand the linkage between personal variations and disease propensity, as well as possibilities for personal genome surgery.  相似文献   

Proteomics has rapidly become an important tool for life science research, allowing the integrated analysis of global protein expression from a single experiment. To accommodate the complexity and dynamic nature of any proteome, researchers must use a combination of disparate protein biochemistry techniques, often a highly involved and time-consuming process. Whilst highly sophisticated, individual technologies for each step in studying a proteome are available, true high-throughput proteomics that provides a high degree of reproducibility and sensitivity has been difficult to achieve. The development of high-throughput proteomic platforms, encompassing all aspects of proteome analysis and integrated with genomics and bioinformatics technology, therefore represents a crucial step for the advancement of proteomics research. ProteomIQ? (Proteome Systems) is the first fully integrated, start-to-finish proteomics platform to enter the market. Sample preparation and tracking, centralized data acquisition and instrument control, and direct interfacing with genomics and bioinformatics databases are combined into a single suite of integrated hardware and software tools, facilitating high reproducibility and rapid turnaround times. This review will highlight some features of ProteomIQ, with particular emphasis on the analysis of proteins separated by 2D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Proteomics has rapidly become an important tool for life science research, allowing the integrated analysis of global protein expression from a single experiment. To accommodate the complexity and dynamic nature of any proteome, researchers must use a combination of disparate protein biochemistry techniques, often a highly involved and time-consuming process. Whilst highly sophisticated, individual technologies for each step in studying a proteome are available, true high-throughput proteomics that provides a high degree of reproducibility and sensitivity has been difficult to achieve. The development of high-throughput proteomic platforms, encompassing all aspects of proteome analysis and integrated with genomics and bioinformatics technology, therefore represents a crucial step for the advancement of proteomics research. ProteomIQ (Proteome Systems) is the first fully integrated, start-to-finish proteomics platform to enter the market. Sample preparation and tracking, centralized data acquisition and instrument control, and direct interfacing with genomics and bioinformatics databases are combined into a single suite of integrated hardware and software tools, facilitating high reproducibility and rapid turnaround times. This review will highlight some features of ProteomIQ, with particular emphasis on the analysis of proteins separated by 2D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

We established a large-scale, high-throughput protocol to construct Arabidopsis thaliana suspension-cultured cell lines, each of which carries a single transgene, using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. We took advantage of RIKEN Arabidopsis full-length (RAFL) cDNA clones and the Gateway cloning system for high-throughput preparation of binary vectors carrying individual full-length cDNA sequences. Throughout all cloning steps, multiple-well plates were used to treat 96 samples simultaneously in a high-throughput manner. The optimal conditions for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of 96 independent binary vector constructs were established to obtain transgenic cell lines efficiently. We evaluated the protocol by generating transgenic Arabidopsis T87 cell lines carrying individual 96 metabolism-related RAFL cDNA fragments, and showed that the protocol was useful for high-throughput and large-scale production of gain-of-function lines for functional genomics.  相似文献   

Non-CpG methylation occurring in the context of CNG sequences is found in plants at a large number of genomic loci. However, there is still little information available about non-CpG methylation in mammals. Efficient methods that would allow detection of scarcely localized methylated sites in small quantities of DNA are required to elucidate the biological role of non-CpG methylation in both plants and animals. In this study, we tested a new whole genome approach to identify sites of CCWGG methylation (W is A or T), a particular case of CNG methylation, in genomic DNA. This technique is based on digestion of DNAs with methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases EcoRII-C and AjnI. Short DNAs flanking methylated CCWGG sites (tags) are selectively purified and assembled in tandem arrays of up to nine tags. This allows high-throughput sequencing of tags, identification of flanking regions, and their exact positions in the genome. In this study, we tested specificity and efficiency of the approach.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances made in molecular biology and in vitro culture of human and other mammalian cells have led to broad medical and scientific acceptance of the feasibility of gene therapy for genetic diseases. Cancer might practically be one of the attractive targets for such therapy. For the treatment of cancer, it is important to manipulate the gene of interest such that it is expressed solely in cancer cells. We have developed a tissue-specific gene expression system, based on a tissue-specific promoter on a retroviral vector. A murine ecotropic retroviral vector was constructed in which the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene served as a reporter; it was expressed under control of the albumin enhancer element and promoter. The tissue specificity of this vector was first assessed in vitro, and beta-galactosidase activity was detected exclusively in hepatoma cell lines. This recombinant retrovirus was injected directly into a subcutaneous tumor composed of transplantable murine MH-134 hepatoma cells, and expression of the gene was observed in vivo. Then this recombinant retrovirus was injected via the spleen or directly into the liver, resulting in the gene expression in dividing hepatocytes in partially hepatectomized mice, but not in nondividing hepatocytes in normal mice. Gene transfer specific to dividing hepatocytes and expression by means of retroviral vectors should possess high potential for selective elimination of hepatoma cells surrounded by nondividing normal hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Hu S  Li Y  Liu G  Song Q  Wang L  Han Y  Zhang Y  Song Y  Yao X  Tao Y  Zeng H  Yang H  Wang J  Zhu H  Chen ZN  Wu L 《Proteomics》2007,7(13):2151-2161
Proteomics research in humans and other eukaryotes demands a large number of high-quality mAbs. Here, we report a new approach to produce high-quality mAbs against human liver proteins using a combined force of high-throughput mAb production and protein microarrays. After immunizing mice with live cells from human livers, we isolated 54 hybridomas with binding activities to human cells and identified the corresponding antigens for five mAbs via screening on a protein microarray of 1058 unique human liver proteins. Finally, we demonstrated that using the five mAbs we could characterize the expression profiles of their corresponding antigens by using tissue microarrays. Among them, we discovered that eIF1A expressed only in normal liver tissues, not in hepatocellular carcinoma in humans.  相似文献   

Interactomes are often measured using affinity purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) or yeast two-hybrid approaches, but these methods do not provide stoichiometric or temporal information. We combine quantitative proteomics and size-exclusion chromatography to map 291 coeluting complexes. This method allows mapping of an interactome to the same depth and accuracy as AP-MS with less work and without overexpression or tagging. The use of triplex labeling enables monitoring of interactome rearrangements.  相似文献   

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