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Previous studies have shown that the added resistance of a mini-Wright peak expiratory flow (PEF) meter reduced PEF by approximately 8% in normal subjects because of gas compression reducing thoracic gas volume at PEF and thus driving elastic recoil pressure. We undertook a body plethysmographic study in 15 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), age 65.9 +/- 6.3 yr (mean +/- SD, range 53-75 yr), to examine whether their recorded PEF was also limited by the added resistance of a PEF meter. The PEF meter increased alveolar pressure at PEF (Ppeak) from 3.7 +/- 1.4 to 4.7 +/- 1.5 kPa (P = 0.01), and PEF was reduced from 3.6 +/- 1.3 l/s to 3.2 +/- 0.9 l/s (P = 0.01). The influence of flow limitation on PEF and Ppeak was evaluated by a simple four-parameter model based on the wave-speed concept. We conclude that added external resistance in patients with COPD reduced PEF by the same mechanisms as in healthy subjects. Furthermore, the much lower Ppeak in COPD patients is a consequence of more severe flow limitation than in healthy subjects and not of deficient muscle strength.  相似文献   

An earlier study of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in normal adults contained too few men aged over 55 and women aged over 65 for the regression equations to be used for prediction in older people. A subsequent study was therefore carried out on an additional 23 men and 29 women aged 55 or over who were lifelong non-smokers and satisfied the same strict criteria of normality that had been used in the original study. The data from both studies were combined and a new model used to calculate equations for the regression of PEF on age and height in the two sexes. With this model predicted values could be derived for men and women aged between 15 and 85. These new equations gave predicted values in men and women aged less than 55 and 65, respectively, which were almost identical with those reported previously. The new regression equations for PEF enable values to be predicted for people aged 15-85 and so enhance the accuracy of testing in the elderly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare measurements of the peak expiratory flow rate taken by the mini Wright peak flow meter and the turbine spirometer. DESIGN--Pragmatic study with randomised order of use of recording instruments. Phase 1 compared a peak expiratory flow type expiration recorded by the mini Wright peak flow meter with an expiration to forced vital capacity recorded by the turbine spirometer. Phase 2 compared peak expiratory flow type expirations recorded by both meters. Reproducibility was assessed separately. SETTING--Routine surgeries at Aldermoor Health Centre, Southampton. SUBJECTS--212 Patients aged 4 to 78 presenting with asthma or obstructive airways disease. Each patient contributed only once to each phase (105 in phase 1, 107 in phase 2), but some entered both phases on separate occasions. Reproducibility was tested on a further 31 patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--95% Limits of agreement between measurements on the two meters. RESULTS--208 (98%) Of the readings taken by the mini Wright meter were higher than the corresponding readings taken by the turbine spirometer, but the 95% limits of agreement (mean difference (2 SD] were wide (1 to 173 l/min). Differences due to errors in reproducibility were not sufficient to predict this level of disagreement. Analysis by age, sex, order of use, and the type of expiration did not detect any significant differences. CONCLUSIONS--The two methods of measuring peak expiratory flow rate were not comparable. The mini Wright meter is likely to remain the preferred instrument in general practice.  相似文献   

Earlier work on the respiratory health of members of the Medical Research Council''s national survey of health and development (1946 birth cohort) was extended to age 36. At that age measures of peak expiratory flow rate and respiratory symptoms, elicited by the MRC chronic bronchitis questionnaire, were made in 3261 cohort members. In both men and women lower peak expiratory flow and higher respiratory morbidity were independently associated not only with current indices of poor social circumstances and cigarette smoking but also with poor home environment at age 2 years and lower respiratory tract illness before age 10. The findings provide additional evidence for a causal relation between childhood respiratory experience and adult respiratory disease.  相似文献   

Pedersen, O. F., T. F. Pedersen, and M. R. Miller. Gascompression in lungs decreases peak expiratory flow depending onresistance of peak flowmeter. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(5): 1517-1521, 1997.It has recentlybeen shown (O. F. Pedersen T. R. Rasmussen, Ø. Omland, T. Sigsgaard, P. H. Quanjer, and M. R. Miller. Eur. Respir. J. 9: 828-833, 1996) that the addedresistance of a mini-Wright peak flowmeter decreases peak expiratoryflow (PEF) by ~8% compared with PEF measured by a pneumotachograph.To explore the reason for this, 10 healthy men (mean age 43 yr, range33-58 yr) were examined in a body plethysmograph with facilitiesto measure mouth flow vs. expired volume as well as the change inthoracic gas volume (Vb) and alveolar pressure(PA). The subjects performed forced vital capacity maneuvers through orifices of different sizes andalso a mini-Wright peak flowmeter. PEF with the meter and other addedresistances were achieved when flow reached the perimeter of theflow-Vb curves. The mini-Wright PEF meter decreased PEF from 11.4 ± 1.5 to 10.3 ± 1.4 (SD) l/s(P < 0.001),PA increased from 6.7 ± 1.9 to 9.3 ± 2.7 kPa (P < 0.001), anincrease equal to the pressure drop across the meter, and caused Vb atPEF to decrease by 0.24 ± 0.09 liter(P < 0.001). We conclude that PEF obtained with an added resistance like a mini-Wright PEF meter is awave-speed-determined maximal flow, but the added resistance causes gascompression because of increasedPA at PEF. Therefore, Vb at PEFand, accordingly, PEF decrease.


Expiratory flow-volume curves with periodic interruption of flow showed flow transients exceeding maximal flow (Vmax) measured on the maximum expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curve in a mechanical lung model and in five tracheotomized, vagotomized, open-chest, anesthetized dogs. Direct measurement of flow from the collapsing model airway showed that the volume of the flow transients in excess of the MEFV envelope was greater than that from the collapsing airway. Determination of wave-speed flows from local airway transmural pressure-area curves (J. Appl. Physiol. 52: 357-369, 1982) and photography of the airway led to the following conclusions. Flow transients exceeding Vmax are wave-speed flows determined by an initial and unstable configuration of the flow-limiting segment (FLS) with maximum compression in the midportion. The drop in flow from the peak to the following plateau is due to development of a more stable airway configuration with maximum compression at the mouthward end with a smaller area and a smaller maximal flow. When FLS jumps to a more peripheral position, the more distal airways may pass through similar configurational changes that are responsible for the sudden decrease of flow (the "knee") seen on most MEFV curves from dogs.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the circadian rhythm of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in seven persons with nocturnal asthma for a 24h span when (1) they were symptom free and their disease was stable, (2) their asthma deteriorated and nocturnal symptoms were frequent, and (3) they were treated with theophylline chronotherapy. Subjects recorded their PEF every 4h between 07:00 and 23:00 one day each period. Circadian rhythms in PEF were assessed using the group-mean cosinor method. The circadian rhythm in PEF varied according to asthma severity. Significant circadian rhythms in PEF were detected during the period when asthma was stable and when it was unstable and nocturnal symptoms were frequent. When nocturnal symptoms were present, the bathyphase (trough time) of the PEF rhythm narrowed to around 04:00; during this time of unstable asthma, the amplitude of the PEF pattern increased 3.9-fold compared to the symptom-free period. No significant group circadian rhythm was detected during theophylline chronotherapy. Evening theophylline chronotherapy proved to be prophylactic for persons whose symptoms before treatment had occurred between midnight and early morning. Changes in the characteristics of the circadian rhythm of PEF, particularly amplitude and time of bathyphase, proved useful in determining when to institute theophylline chronotherapy to avert nocturnal asthma symptoms. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 513-519, 2000)  相似文献   

Single-breath oxygen (SBO2) tests at expiratory flow rates of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.01/s were performed by 10 normal subjects in a body plethysmograph. Closing capacity (CC)--the absolute lung volume at which phase IV began--increased significantly with increases in flow. Five subjects were restudied with a 200-ml bolus of 100% N2 inspired from residual volume after N2 washout by breathing 100% O2 and similar results were obtained. An additional five subjects performed SBO2 tests in the standing, supine, and prone positions; closing volume (CV)--the lung volume above residual volume at which phase IV began--also increased with increases of expiratory flow. The observed increase in CC with increasing flow did not appear to result from dependent lung regions reaching some critical "closing volume" at a higher overall lung volume. In normal subjects, the phase IV increase in NI concentration may be caused by the asynchronous onset of flow limitation occurring initially in dependent regions.  相似文献   

To investigate the determinants of maximal expiratory flow (MEF) with aging, 17 younger (7 men and 10 women, 39 +/- 4 yr, mean +/- SD) and 19 older (11 men and 8 women, 69 +/- 3 yr) subjects with normal pulmonary function were studied. For further comparison, we also studied 10 middle-aged men with normal lung function (54 +/- 6 yr) and 15 middle-aged men (54 +/- 7 yr) with mild chronic airflow limitation (CAL; i.e., forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity = 63 +/- 8%). MEF, static lung elastic recoil pressure (Pst), and the minimal pressure for maximal flow (Pcrit) were determined in a pressure-compensated, volume-displacement body plethysmograph. Values were compared at 60, 70, and 80% of total lung capacity. In the older subjects, decreases in MEF (P < 0.01) and Pcrit (P < 0.05), compared with the younger subjects, were explained mainly by loss of Pst (P < 0.05). In the CAL subjects, MEF and Pcrit were lower (P < 0.05) than in the older subjects, but Pst was similar. Thus decreases in MEF and Pcrit were greater than could be explained by the loss of Pst and appeared to be related to increased upstream resistance. These data indicate that the loss of lung recoil explains the decrease in MEF with aging subjects, but not in the mild CAL patients that we studied.  相似文献   

The site of greatest airway deformation in dog lungs was located during maximum expiratory flow by use of tantalum bronchography, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, and airway pressure measurements. A series of area vs. transmural pressure curves for each of these segments of the airway was produced after stepwise changes in transmural pressure. Measurements of area were made using cinephotography to elucidate the effect of time on airway compliance. The maximum flow rate was calculated using the t = 0.1 s compliance curve of the airway. An equation was derived so that maximum flow (V) could be calculated from the area (A) and transmural pressure (Ptm) of the flow-limiting segment. This equation, V = K-A square root of Ptm, implied that if V were constant then A must vary as Ptm-1/2. It was demonstrated that the area-transmural pressure curve of the flow-limiting segment showed this relationship between A and Ptm and that the flow calculated from this equation and the data from the A-Ptm curve gave flows identical to those measured during maximum expiration. The phenomena of effort-independent flow and negative effort dependence are also explained in terms of the area-transmural pressure curve of the flow-limiting segment.  相似文献   

Regional expiratory flow limitation studied with Technegas in asthma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional expiratory flow limitation (EFL) may occur during tidal breathing without being detected by measurements of flow at the mouth. We tested this hypothesis by using Technegas to reveal sites of EFL. A first study (study 1) was undertaken to determine whether deposition of Technegas during tidal breathing reveals the occurrence of regional EFL in induced bronchoconstriction. Time-activity curves of Technegas inhaled during 12 tidal breaths were measured in four asthmatic subjects at control conditions and after exposure to inhaled methacholine at a dose sufficient to abolish expiratory flow reserve near functional residual capacity. A second study (study 2) was conducted in seven asthmatic subjects at control and after three increasing doses of methacholine to compare the pattern of Technegas deposition in the lung with the occurrence of EFL. The latter was assessed at the mouth by comparing tidal with forced expiratory flow or with the flow generated on application of a negative pressure. Study 1 documented enhanced and spotty deposition of Technegas in the central lung regions with increasing radioactivity during tidal expiration. This is consistent with increased impaction of Technegas on the airway wall downstream from the flow-limiting segment. Study 2 showed that both methods based on analysis of flow at the mouth failed to detect EFL at the time spotty deposition of Technegas occurred. We conclude that regional EFL occurs asynchronously across the lung and that methods based on mouth flow measurements are insensitive to it.  相似文献   

Peak expiratory flow (PEF) has been measured with Vitalograph (in liters per minute) in 2,512 school-children aged between 7 and 15 years in Upper Silesian Industrial Region. Five hundred eighty one children from Zarki near Czestochowa served as a control group. The results have been analysed statistically. Determined PEF values for children from the Upper Silesian Industrial Region are considered as a biological reference values for assessment of PEF in both health and disease. PEF values calculated for children from Zarki were higher than those in the examined group, except the value for a 14-year old children.  相似文献   

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