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Over the past two decades there has been increasing interest in the development of an objective, or formalized “medical logic”, and many authors have employed classical symbolic logic as a part of their approach. On the other hand, it has become clear that certain patterns of reasoning which are commonplace in evaluating patients clinicopathologically are awkward to handle in classical symbolic logic. The present paper proposes an extension of classical symbolic logic which addresses three problems in medical reasoning: (i) the problem of provisional diagnosis, (ii) the problem of inaccessible data, and (iii) the problem of the adequate discharge summary. It is proved mathematically that with a suitably constructed logic, the system “complains” until all questions involving threats to the patient's health are either answered or shown to be unanswerable because of inaccessibility of data. To illustrate this method, the cause of death was studied in 108 patients who had been autopsied at The Johns Hopkins Hospital after coronary artery bypass surgery. The analysis disclosed that 46% of patients suffered a fatal complication which could be attributed to events in the perioperative period; in 15% of patients the cause of death was unexplained by the analysis. Computerized symbolic logic analysis is a useful supplement to intuitive reasoning in assigning cause of death to patients with complex medical histories.  相似文献   

The preparation and molecular and crystal structure of the complex [(ethylenediamine)bis(7,9,-dimethylhypoxanthine)platinum(II)] hexafluorophosphate, [Pt(C2H8N2)(C7H8N4O)2] (PF6)2, are reported. The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with a = 12.334(2)Å, b = 10.256(2)Å, c = 22.339(3)Å, β = 101.31(1)°, V = 2771.0Å3, Z = 4, Dmeasd = 2.087(3) g cm?3, Dcalc = 2.094 g cm?3. Intensities for 3992 symmetry-averaged reflections were collected in the θ-2o scan mode on an automated diffractometer employing graphite-monochromatized MoKα radiation. The structure was solved by standard heavy-atom Patterson and Fourier methods. Full matrix least-squares refinement led to a final R value of 0.051. Both the ethylenediamine chelate and the PF6? anion are disordered. The primary coordination sphere about the Pt(II) center is approximately square planar with the bidentate ethylenediamine ligand and the N(1) atoms [Pt(II) ? N(1) = 2.020(5)Å] of two 7,9-dimethylhypoxanthine bases (related by a crystallographic twofold axis of symmetry) occupying the four coordination sites. The exocyclic O(6) carbonyl oxygen atoms of the two 7,9-dimethylhypoxanthine ligands participate in intracomplex hydrogen bonding with the amino groups of the ethylenediamine chelate [N(ethylenediamine) ? O(6) = 2.89( )Å]. The observed Pt ? O(6) intramolecular distances of 3.074(6)Å are similar to those found in other Pt(II) N(1)-bound 6-oxopurine complexes and in several Pt(II) N(3)-bound cytosine systems.  相似文献   

Under the action of supplemental calcium, H6 mouse embryonal carcinoma cell aggregates undergo compaction, a morphological phenomenon similar to mouse embryonic compaction. Formation of various types of cell junctions, especially gap junctions, is associated with compaction of the embryo and we sought to analyze the pattern of junction formation during aggregation and compaction of H6 cells. At 24 hr of aggregation, gap junctions were abundant in both uncompacted and compacted aggregates but quantitative analysis of freeze fracture replicas of these junctions showed a 20-fold increase in the size of the largest gap junctions in compacted aggregates. Such a difference in size could even be detected at 12 hr of aggregation. Tight junctions were not normally formed in 12 hr aggregates but initial stages of tight junction formation could be noticed in 12 hr compacted aggregates. More definitive tight junctions and desmosomes were evident only after 48 hr of aggregation. Thus we have observed that both uncompacted and compacted aggregates can form gap junctions at similar frequencies, suggesting that cell flattening, which contributes to the compacted morphology, is not a requisite for gap junctions. Likewise, generation of the compacted morphology seems to be independent of gap junction formation. This supports the idea that compaction in embryonal carcinoma cells results from calcium-induced cell flattening, probably through the mobilization of cytoskeletal elements. Calcium-dependent features of H6 cell aggregation and compaction enables the independent analysis of separate steps in compaction.  相似文献   

Recently developed differential staining techniques based on the incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) into DNA permits the unequivocal identification of metaphase cells which have replicated once, twice, and three or more times. This technique has the potential of being utilized in the examination of kinetics of dividing cell populations. This potential is examined in a phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte system. Determinations of the effect of increasing concentrations of BUdR on the distribution of metaphase cells between different generation cycles reveals no inhibition of cellular kinetics below 35 μM. The ability to distinguish third generation metaphase cells from subsequent generations is examined through the determination of “labelled” centromeric regions. The applicability of this system to current cellular kinetics is discussed.  相似文献   

Parallel measurements of Ca2+ uptake, oxygen consumption, endogenous Mg2+ efflux, and swelling in rotenone-poisoned rat liver and rat heart mitochondria showed that heart mitochondria is much more resistant to uncoupling by Ca2+ in the presence of phosphate than rat liver mitochondria. The extent of Mg2+ efflux and swelling induced by Ca2+ accumulation are much less pronounced in heart mitochondria. Uncoupling and swelling in liver mitochondria seem to result from the loss of membrane-bound Mg2+ as a consequence of Ca2+ recycling across the membrane as induced by phosphate. Exogenous Mg2+ protects liver mitochondria against the deleterious effects of Ca2+ by inhibiting a ruthenium red-insensitive Ca2+ efflux induced by phosphate. Phosphate does not induce recycling of Ca2+ in heart mitochondria. On the other hand, heart mitochondria respiring on NAD-linked substrates or with succinate in the absence of rotenone behave like liver mitochondria with respect to the alterations caused by Ca2+ recycling. In heart mitochondria the recycling of Ca2+ is related to the redox state of pyridine nucleotides, which suggests that the ruthenium red-insensitive efflux of Ca2+ is subject to metabolic control. In addition it has been observed that Sr2+does not undergo cyclic movements across the membrane. The data indicate that the efflux pathway is more specific for Ca2+ than the ruthenium red-sensitive influx transporter.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor, a 6,400-dalton polypeptide from the mouse submaxillary gland, binds specifically to cells and membranes derived from a variety of human, rat, mouse, and bovine tissues. Liver, placenta, skin, cornea, and cultured chondrocytes, Hela cells, and Chang liver cells bind large amounts of epidermal growth factor, whereas fat cells, resting and lectin-stimulated human peripheral lymphocytes, mouse thymocytes, cultured rat hepatoma cells, and mammary cells from virgin and pregnant mice bind little or no epidermal growth factor. The binding site for epidermal growth factor is distinct from receptors for other anabolic peptides such as insulin, nerve growth factor, and growth hormone. The binding of epidermal growth factor is rapid and reversible. The rate constant of association is approximately 106 mole?1 sec?1, the rate constant of dissociation is about 6 × 10?4 sec?1, and the apparent equilibrium dissociation constant is about 10?9m. Trypsin at low concentrations (50–200 μg/ml) destroys the receptor site for epidermal growth factor. The binding of epidermal growth factor by membranes is not accompanied by appreciable degradation of the peptide present in the medium or of that bound to the membranes. Use can be made of the high affinity and specificity of membranes for epidermal growth factor to measure by a competitive binding assay as little as 200 pg of EGF per ml (3 × 10?11m).  相似文献   

When rat liver nuclei are isolated in the presence of the irreversible sulfhydryl-blocking reagent iodoacetamide, digested with DNase I and RNase A, and extracted with 1.6 M NaCl, nuclear envelope (NE) spheres depleted of intranuclear material, as analysed by thin-section electron microscopy, are obtained. Two-dimensional isoelectric focusing (IEF)/SDS-PAGE and non-equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis (NEPHGE)/SDS-PAGE reveal that the predominant polypeptides are lamins A, B and C. Nuclei isolated in the absence of sulfhydryl blocking reagents yield salt- and nuclease-resistant structures which contain sparse but demonstrable intranuclear material. A number of non-histone polypeptides are seen in addition to the lamins. Nuclei treated with the sulfhydryl cross-linking reagent sodium tetrathionate (NaTT) yield, after exposure to nucleases and 1.6 M NaCl, nuclear matrix-like structures containing an extensive intranuclear network and components of the nucleolus in addition to the NE. Increased amounts of the non-lamin, non-histone polypeptides are recovered with these structures. Subsequent treatment of these NaTT-cross-linked structures with reducing agents in 1.0 M NaCl selectively solubilizes the intranuclear components but leaves the nuclear envelope apparently intact. The lamins remain sedimentable and are virtually absent from the soluble (intranuclear) material. Instead, the major solubilized polypeptides are (a) 68 and 63 kD polypeptides which migrate in the vicinity of lamins B and C, respectively, but are distinguishable from the lamins by immunoblotting and by uni-dimensional peptide mapping; (b) a series of basic 60-70 kD polypeptides (pI greater than 8.0) which are not recognized by anti-lamin antisera; (c) an acidic (pI 5.3) 38 kD polypeptide; and (d) a number of high molecular mass (greater than 100 kD) polypeptides. These observations not only suggest a convenient method for fractionating matrix structures from rat liver nuclei into biochemically and morphologically discrete components, but also identify a subset of major non-lamin, non-histone nuclear polypeptides (comprising approx. 20% of the total nuclear protein) whose intermolecular interactions can be reversibly stabilized apparently by intermolecular disulfide bond formation by NaTT.  相似文献   

We examined spleen cells from newborn to 1-month-old rabbits for easily detectable surface immunoglobulin, complement receptors, and for in vitro proliferative responsiveness to anti-immunoglobulin antisera and several mitogens. From birth through the first month of life about 15% of the cells from rabbit spleens had easily detectable surface immunoglobulin while about 45% had C3 receptors. In adults as many as 77% of the spleen cells had easily detectable surface Ig but the proportion with C3 receptors remained about 45%. The proliferative response to anti-allotype antisera was present at birth, and was at adult levels by 1 month of age. The proliferative response to pokeweed mitogen was low when cells were obtained during the first week of life but was comparable in magnitude to the response of adult cells by 2 weeks of age. In vitro responsiveness to concanavalin A was present at low levels at birth and increased sharply during the first week. We did not observe significant stimulation of spleen cells from neonatal to 4-week-old rabbits by lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella typhosa. Our data suggest that lymphocyte surface markers and functional responses appear asynchronously in spleen cells of developing rabbits.  相似文献   

Bradykinin, a potent inflammatory mediator, induces an increment in intracellular cyclic AMP concentrations of human synovial fibroblasts and evokes the synthesis and release of 3H-arachidonic acid and 3H-E prostaglandins from these cells pre-labeled in their phospholipids. Fetal calf serum in the media also stimulates the synthesis and release of these labeled lipids from pre-labeled human synovial fibroblasts and potentiates the bradykinin-induced cyclic AMP response. The PGE1 analogue, 7-oxa-13 prostynoic acid, completely abrogates both the bradkinin-induced cyclic AMP response and the bradykinin- and fetal calf serum-evoked release of labeled E-prostaglandins from pre-labeled cells. In serum-free media, the prostaglandin antagonist stimulated the release of 3H-arachidonic acid from pre-labeled human synovial fibroblasts and did not inhibit the bradykinin-induced release of this lipid.  相似文献   

DDX3 is an RNA helicase with oncogenic properties. The small molecule inhibitor RK-33 is designed to fit into the ATP binding cleft of DDX3 and hereby block its activity. RK-33 has shown potent activity in preclinical cancer models. However, the mechanism behind the antineoplastic activity of RK-33 remains largely unknown. In this study we used a dual phosphoproteomic and single cell tracking approach to evaluate the effect of RK-33 on cancer cells. MDA-MB-435 cells were treated for 24?hours with RK-33 or vehicle control. Changes in phosphopeptide abundance were analyzed with quantitative mass spectrometry using isobaric mass tags (Tandem Mass Tags). At the proteome level we mainly observed changes in mitochondrial translation, cell division pathways and proteins related to cell cycle progression. Analysis of the phosphoproteome indicated decreased CDK1 activity after RK-33 treatment. To further evaluate the effect of DDX3 inhibition on cell cycle progression over time, we performed timelapse microscopy of Fluorescent Ubiquitin Cell Cycle Indicators labeled cells after RK-33 or siDDX3 exposure. Single cell tracking indicated that DDX3 inhibition resulted in a global delay in cell cycle progression in interphase and mitosis. In addition, we observed an increase in endoreduplication. Overall, we conclude that DDX3 inhibition affects cells in all phases and causes a global cell cycle progression delay.  相似文献   

A selected set of 14 V(V) complexes was tested for toxicity and antitumor activity against L1210 murine leukemia, to examine the biological properties of peroxoheteroligand vanadates(V) of the formula (NH4)4[O(VO(O2)2)2], M3I[VO(O2)2C2O4], and MI[VO(O2)L], L = malate, citrate, iminodiacetate, nitrilotriacetate, and EDTA. The x-ray structure is known for five of these compounds. A relationship has been found between the chemical composition and the biological activity (antitumor activity-toxicity) of these complexes. Activity in the L1210 system is defined as greater than or equal to 25% increase in life span, and this was seen with (NH4)4[O(VO(O2)2)2]; M3[VO(O2)2(C2O4)]2H2O, M = K, NH4; and NH4[VO(O2)Malato]H2O. These observations are important for the biochemistry of vanadium. The special nature of electron transfer within the V(V)-peroxo moiety is proposed to be responsible for this phenomenon. Peroxo heteroligand vanadates(V) therefore represent a model system for studying some biochemical interactions of vanadium in living matter.  相似文献   

Exposure of human α-1-proteinase inhibitor to 75 ppm nitrogen dioxide and 1 mM hydrogen peroxide results in a 65% loss in the anti-elastase activity of the protein after one hour. Exposure to either nitrogen dioxide or hydrogen peroxide alone has no effect. The inhibition is partially prevented when mannitol or superoxide dismutase is included during the exposure, implying that superoxide and the hydroxyl radical are formed in reactions between nitrogen dioxide and hydrogen peroxide and play a role in the inhibitory process.  相似文献   

The major glycoprotein g2 was purified from three strains of Rous sarcoma virus, representing subgroups A, B, and C. Carbohydrate analysis showed that glucosamine, mannose, galactose, fucose and sialic acid constitute 40% of the weight of the subgroup A glycoprotein and 15% of the subgroup B and C glycoproteins. The molar ratios of sugars were very similar and amino acid compositions were similar but not identical for the three glycoproteins. Glycosidase digestions of subgroup A and C glycoproteins suggested the presence of two types of oligosaccharide chains, the complex serum type, with terminal sequences sialic acidα-Galβ-GlcNAcβ- and the high mannose type with terminal α-linked mannosyl residues. After removal of 70% of the carbohydrate by glycosidases, subgroup A glycoprotein contained only glucosamine and mannose, in the molar ratio 2.0:1.3. The sequence of sugar release was consistent with oligosaccharide structures such as those which have been described for other glycoproteins. The plant lectins concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin were shown to interact strongly with the g2 glycoprotein from viruses of all three subgroups.  相似文献   

A complete kinetic analysis of the forward mitochondrial creatine kinase reaction was conducted to define the mechanism for its rate enhancement when coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. Two experimental systems were employed. In the first, ATP was produced by oxidative phosphorylation. In the second, heart mitochondria were pretreated with rotenone and oligomycin, and ATP was regenerated by a phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate kinase system. Product inhibition studies showed that oxidative phosphorylation did not effect the binding of creatine phosphate to the enzyme. Creatine phosphate interacted competitively with both ATP and creatine, and the E · MgATP · CrP dead-end complex was not readily detected. In a similar manner, the dissociation constants for creatine were not influenced by the source of ATP: Kib = 29 mm; Kb = 5.3 mM, and the maximum velocity of the reaction was unchanged: V1 = 1 μmol/ min/mg. Slight differences were noted for the dissociation constant (Kia) of MgATP from the binary enzyme complex, E · MgATP. The values were 0.75 and 0.29 mm in the absence and presence of respiration. However, a 10-fold decrease in the steady-state dissociation constant (Ka) of MgATP from the ternary complex, E · MgATP · creatine, was documented: 0.15 mm with exogenous ATP and 0.014 mm with oxidative phosphorylation. Since Kia × Kb does not equal Ka × Kib under respiring conditions, the enzyme appears to be altered from its normal rapid-equilibrium random binding kinetics to some other mechanism by its coupling to oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The polymerization of microtubule protein from beef brain is inefficient under the same conditions which are optimal for the assembly of microtubules isolated from hog brain (0.1 m piperazine-N,N′-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid) buffer at pH 6.94). In examining the conditions required for microtubule polymerization in both beef brain extract and purified microtuble protein, it was determined that the pH optimum was pH 6.62 or 0.3 pH unit lower than the reported optimum for hog. Other assembly requirements (ionic strength, Mg2+ and nucleotide concentration, temperature) remained essentially the same as for hog. By separating and recombining fractions of tubulin and nontubulin components prepared from beef and hog microtubule protein, the requirement for the reduction in pH was found to be due to the tubulin and not to the microtubule-associated proteins. It was also determined that the efficiency of beef tubulin assembly, as measured by the yield of microtubule polymer, decreased rapidly after slaughter with a half-time of 19 min. Furthermore, when the overall efficiency of polymerization was reduced, the extent of assembly at each cycle of purification by disassembly and assembly was also observed to be depressed. The variations in the requirements for neuronal tubulin assembly in two closely related mammals suggest that the conditions required for assembly of microtubule protein in other tissues and cell types may also be different.  相似文献   

13C nmr studies of gold thioglucose, AuSTg, and solutions containing added β-1-D-thioglucose, TgSH, have been conducted at PD 7.4 and interpreted in terms of complexation and ligand exchange reactions that are consistent with the known preference of gold(I) for linear two-coordinate structures. The upper limit of the half-life for ligand exchange between 0.25 M Au(STg)2? and TgSH at pD 7.4 is 2.2 msec. The 13C nmr spectra of various thioglucose derivatives have been assigned. A novel oxidation reduction reaction was discovered that leads to the formation of metallic gold and a product tentatively identified as the sulfinic acid derivative of thioglucose. The presence of sulfinic acid in AuSTg was indicated by the infrared absorption at 1050 cm?1. The same product was formed by slow hydrolysis of thioglucose disulfide. A mechanism for the formation of the sulfinic acid derivative from AuSTg is proposed.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight zinc binding compound from human milk has been purified by ultrafiltration, gel filtration, and ion-exchange chromatography. Evidence is provided that this compound is citrate. A higher amount of citrate-bound zinc was found in human milk than in cow's milk. It is suggested that the therapeutic value of human milk for patients with the genetic disorder of zinc metabolism acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE) derives from a greater content of bioavailable zinc citrate in human than in cow's milk.  相似文献   

An abnormality in copper metabolism during both the prenatal and postnatal (preweaning) periods was found to be associated with the autosomal recessive gene ”crinkled“ (cr) in mice. Liver copper concentration was significantly lower in crinkled mice (cr/cr) than in littermate controls (+/?) from 18 days of gestation to 20 days after birth. Crinkled mice older than 20 days of age had liver copper concentrations similar to those of littermate controls. Liver zinc and brain copper and zinc were similar in crinkled and noncrinkled mice at all times tested. In both crinkled and noncrinkled mice, brain copper concentration increased during the suckling period, and liver copper concentration decreased.  相似文献   

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