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mouse-Musashi-1 (m-Msi-1) is an RNA-binding protein, abundantly expressed in the developing mammalian central nervous system (CNS). m-Msi-1 contains two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs). In this study, we found that the N-terminal RRM of m-Msi-1 (MMA) binds strongly to poly(G) and weakly to poly(U) in a way similar to that of the full-length m-Msi-1 protein characterized previously. The C-terminal RRM of m-Msi-1 (MMB), however, does not bind to RNA. In addition, the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the two RRMs showed that the α-helical content of MMA is significantly higher than that of MMB, indicating that some differences in the secondary structure may be responsible for the distinct RNA binding properties of MMA and MMB.  相似文献   

The half-life of c- myc mRNA is regulated when cells change their growth rates or differentiate. Two regions within c- myc mRNA determine its short half-life. One is in the 3'-untranslated region, the other is in the coding region. A cytoplasmic protein, the coding region determinant-binding protein (CRD-BP), binds in vitro to the c- myc coding region instability determinant. We have proposed that the CRD-BP, when bound to the mRNA, shields the mRNA from endonucleolytic attack and thereby prolongs the mRNA half-life. Here we report the cloning and further characterization of the mouse CRD-BP, a 577 amino acid protein containing four hnRNP K-homology domains, two RNP domains, an RGG RNA-binding domain and nuclear import and export signals. The CRD-BP is closely related to the chicken beta-actin zipcode-binding protein and is similar to three other proteins, one of which is overexpressed in some human cancers. Recombinant mouse CRD-BP binds specifically to c- myc CRD RNA in vitro and reacts with antibody against human CRD-BP. Most of the CRD-BP in the cell is cytoplasmic and co-sediments with ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

Two RNases, Dicer and Argonaute, are at the heart of the RNA interference (RNAi) molecular machinery responsible for gene silencing. Both RNases contain multiple domains, most of which have been characterized or have functions that can be predicted based on sequence comparisons. However, Dicers of higher eukaryotes contain the domain known as DUF283 which at present has no assigned role. Using sensitive profile-profile comparisons, we detected a divergent double-stranded RNA-binding domain coinciding with the DUF283 of Dicer. This finding has potential implications regarding the mechanistic role of Dicer in RNAi.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring proteins in cellular networks often share peptide motifs. These motifs have been known to play a pivotal role in protein interactions among the components of a network. However, it remains unknown how these motifs have contributed to the evolution of the protein network. Here we addressed this issue by a synthetic biology approach. Through the motif programming method, we have constructed an artificial protein library by mixing four peptide motifs shared among the Bcl-2 family proteins that positively or negatively regulate the apoptosis networks. We found one strong pro-apoptotic protein, d29, and two proteins having moderate, but unambiguous anti-apoptotic functions, a10 and d16, from the 28 tested clones. Thus both the pro- and anti-apoptotic modulators were present in the library, demonstrating that functional proteins with opposing effects can emerge from a single pool prepared from common motifs. Motif programming studies have exhibited that the annotated function of the motifs were significantly influenced by the context that the motifs embedded. The results further revealed that reshuffling of a set of motifs realized the promiscuous state of protein, from which disparate functions could emerge. Our finding suggests that motifs contributed to the plastic evolvability of the protein network.  相似文献   

P element somatic inhibitor (PSI) is a 97-kDa RNA-binding protein with four KH motifs that is involved in the inhibition of splicing of the Drosophila P element third intron (IVS3) in somatic cells. PSI interacts with a negative regulatory element in the IVS3 5' exon. This element contains two pseudo-5' splice sites, termed F1 and F2. To identify high affinity binding sites for the PSI protein, in vitro selection (SELEX) was performed using a random RNA oligonucleotide pool. Alignment of high affinity PSI-binding RNAs revealed a degenerate consensus sequence consisting of a short core motif of CUU flanked by alternative purines and pyrimidines. Interestingly, this sequence resembles the F2 pseudo-5' splice site in the P element negative regulatory element. Additionally, a negative in vitro selection of PCR-mutagenized P element 5' exon regulatory element RNAs identified two U residues in the F1 and F2 pseudo-5' splice sites as important nucleotides for PSI binding and the U residue in the F2 region is a nearly invariant nucleotide in the consensus SELEX motif. The high affinity PSI SELEX sequence acted as a splicing inhibitor when placed in the context of a P element splicing pre-mRNA in vitro. Data from in vitro splicing assays, UV crosslinking and RNA-binding competition experiments indicates a strong correlation between the binding affinities of PSI for the SELEX sequences and their ability to modulate splicing of P element IVS3 in vitro.  相似文献   

The 970 loop (helix 31) of Escherichia coli 16S ribosomal RNA contains two modified nucleotides, m2G966 and m5C967. Positions A964, A969, and C970 are conserved among the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. The nucleotides present at positions 965, 966, 967, 968, and 971, however, are only conserved and unique within each domain. All organisms contain a modified nucleoside at position 966, but the type of the modification is domain specific. Biochemical and structure studies have placed this loop near the P site and have shown it to be involved in the decoding process and in binding the antibiotic tetracycline. To identify the functional components of this ribosomal RNA hairpin, the eight nucleotides of the 970 loop of helix 31 were subjected to saturation mutagenesis and 107 unique functional mutants were isolated and analyzed. Nonrandom nucleotide distributions were observed at each mutated position among the functional isolates. Nucleotide identity at positions 966 and 969 significantly affects ribosome function. Ribosomes with single mutations of m2G966 or m5C967 produce more protein in vivo than do wild-type ribosomes. Overexpression of initiation factor 3 specifically restored wild-type levels of protein synthesis to the 966 and 967 mutants, suggesting that modification of these residues is important for initiation factor 3 binding and for the proper initiation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The AU-rich element (ARE) RNA-binding protein KSRP (K-homology splicing regulator protein) contains four KH domains and promotes the degradation of specific mRNAs that encode proteins with functions in cellular proliferation and inflammatory response. The fourth KH domain (KH4) is essential for mRNA recognition and decay but requires the third KH domain (KH3) for its function. We show that KH3 and KH4 behave as independent binding modules and can interact with different regions of the AU-rich RNA targets of KSRP. This provides KSRP with the structural flexibility needed to recognize a set of different targets in the context of their 3'UTR structural settings. Surprisingly, we find that KH4 binds to its target AREs with lower affinity than KH3 and that KSRP's mRNA binding, and mRNA degradation activities are closely associated with a conserved structural element of KH4.  相似文献   

The interferon-inducible double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase PKR is regulated by dsRNAs that interact with the two dsRNA-binding motifs (dsRBMs) in its N terminus. The dsRBM is a conserved protein motif found in many proteins from most organisms. In this study, we investigated the biochemical functions and cytological activities of the two PKR dsRBMs (dsRBM1 and dsRBM2) and the cooperation between them. We found that dsRBM1 has a higher affinity for binding to dsRNA than dsRBM2. In addition, dsRBM1 has RNA-annealing activity that is not displayed by dsRBM2. Both dsRBMs have an intrinsic ability to dimerize (dsRBM2) or multimerize (dsRBM1). Binding to dsRNA inhibits oligomerization of dsRBM1 but not dsRBM2 and strongly inhibits the dimerization of the intact PKR N terminus (p20) containing both dsRBMs. dsRBM1, like p20, activates reporter gene expression in transfection assays, and it plays a determinative role in localizing PKR to the nucleolus and cytoplasm of the cell. Thus, dsRBM2 has weak or no activity in dsRNA binding, stimulation of gene expression, and PKR localization, but it strongly enhances these functions of dsRBM1 when contained in p20. However, dsRBM2 does not enhance the annealing activity of dsRBM1. This study shows that the dsRBMs of PKR possess distinct properties and that some, but not all, of the functions of the enzyme depend on cooperation between the two motifs.  相似文献   

Secretins form large oligomeric assemblies in the membrane that control both macromolecular secretion and uptake. Several Pasteurellaceae are naturally competent for transformation, but the mechanism for DNA assimilation is largely unknown. In Haemophilus influenzae, the secretin ComE has been demonstrated to be essential for DNA uptake. In closely related Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, an opportunistic pathogen in periodontitis, the ComE homolog HofQ is believed to be the outer membrane DNA translocase. Here, we report the structure of the extra-membranous domains of HofQ at 2.3 Å resolution by X-ray crystallography. We also show that the extra-membranous domains of HofQ are capable of DNA binding. The structure reveals two secretin-like folds, the first of which is formed by means of a domain swap. The second domain displays extensive structural similarity to K homology (KH) domains, including the presence of a GxxG motif, which is essential for the nucleotide-binding function of KH domains, suggesting a possible mechanism for DNA binding by HofQ. The data indicate a direct involvement in DNA acquisition and provide insight into the molecular basis for natural competence.  相似文献   

The RNA-binding domain of the protein kinase DAI, the double-stranded RNA inhibitor of translation, contains two repeats of a motif that is also found in a number of other RNA-binding proteins. This motif consists of 67 amino acid residues and is predicted to contain a positively charged alpha helix at its C terminus. We have analyzed the effects of equivalent single amino acid changes in three conserved residues distributed over each copy of the motif. Mutants in the C-terminal portion of either repeat were severely defective, indicating that both copies of the motif are essential for RNA binding. Changes in the N-terminal and central parts of the motif were more debilitating if they were made in the first motif than in the second, suggesting that the first motif is the more important for RNA binding and that the second motif is structurally more flexible. When the second motif was replaced by a duplicate of the first motif, the ectopic copy retained its greater sensitivity to mutation, implying that the two motifs have distinct functions with respect to the process of RNA binding. Furthermore, the mutations have the same effect on the binding of double-stranded RNA and VA RNA, consistent with the existence of a single RNA-binding domain for both activating and inhibitory RNAs.  相似文献   

The translation initiation factor eIF1A is necessary for directing the 43S preinitiation complex from the 5' end of the mRNA to the initiation codon in a process termed scanning. We have determined the solution structure of human eIF1A, which reveals an oligonucleotide-binding (OB) fold and an additional domain. NMR titration experiments showed that eIF1A binds single-stranded RNA oligonucleotides in a site-specific, but non-sequence-specific manner, hinting at an mRNA interaction rather than specific rRNA or tRNA binding. The RNA binding surface extends over a large area covering the canonical OB fold binding site as well as a groove leading to the second domain. Site-directed mutations at multiple positions along the RNA-binding surface were defective in the ability to properly assemble preinitiation complexes at the AUG codon in vitro.  相似文献   

Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43) is a causative agent of the common cold. The nucleocapsid (N) protein, which is a major structural protein of CoVs, binds to the viral RNA genome to form the virion core and results in the formation of the ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. We have solved the crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of HCoV-OC43 N protein (N-NTD) (residues 58 to 195) to a resolution of 2.0 Å. The HCoV-OC43 N-NTD is a single domain protein composed of a five-stranded β-sheet core and a long extended loop, similar to that observed in the structures of N-NTDs from other coronaviruses. The positively charged loop of the HCoV-OC43 N-NTD contains a structurally well-conserved positively charged residue, R106. To assess the role of R106 in RNA binding, we undertook a series of site-directed mutagenesis experiments and docking simulations to characterize the interaction between R106 and RNA. The results show that R106 plays an important role in the interaction between the N protein and RNA. In addition, we showed that, in cells transfected with plasmids that encoded the mutant (R106A) N protein and infected with virus, the level of the matrix protein gene was decreased by 7-fold compared to cells that were transfected with the wild-type N protein. This finding suggests that R106, by enhancing binding of the N protein to viral RNA plays a critical role in the viral replication. The results also indicate that the strength of N protein/RNA interactions is critical for HCoV-OC43 replication.  相似文献   

It is well known that some protein folds (superfolds) occur very frequently. We show that compared to other folds, most superfold structures have a higher proportion of their alpha-helical or beta-strand residues in one of three basic units of supersecondary structure (alpha-hairpin, beta-hairpin or betaalphabeta-unit). Furthermore, by taking into consideration two more complex motifs, the four-stranded Greek-key (beta4) and the betaalpha-Greek key (betaalphabetabeta), we demonstrate that the remaining superfold structures contain many of these higher order units of three-dimensional packing. The implications of these results for folding are discussed.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that metabolic enzymes may act as multifunctional proteins performing diverse roles in cellular metabolism. Among these functions are the RNA-binding activities of NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenases. Previously, we have characterized the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as an RNA-binding protein with preference to adenine-uracil-rich sequences. In this study, we used GST-GAPDH fusion proteins generated by deletion mutagenesis to search for the RNA binding domain. We established that the N-terminal 43 amino acid residues of GAPDH, which correspond to the first mononucleotide-binding domain of the NAD(+)-binding fold is sufficient to confer RNA-binding. We also provide evidence that this single domain, although it retains most of the RNA-binding activity, loses sequence specificity. Our results suggest a molecular basis for RNA-recognition by NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenases and (di)nucleotide-binding metabolic enzymes that had been reported to have RNA-binding activity with different specificity. To support this prediction we also identified other members of the family of NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenases with no previous history of nucleic acid binding as RNA binding proteins in vitro. Based on our findings we propose the addition of the NAD(+)-binding domain to the list of RNA binding domains/motifs.  相似文献   

Ghosh JG  Shenoy AK  Clark JI 《Biochemistry》2006,45(46):13847-13854
The functions of the interactive sequences in human alphaB crystallin that are involved in chaperone activity and complex assembly of small heat shock proteins need to be characterized to understand the mechanisms of action on unfolding and misfolding proteins. Protein pin arrays identified the hydrophobic N-terminal sequence (41STSLSPFYLRPPSFLRAP58) and the polar C-terminal sequence (155PERTIPITREE165) as interactive domains in human alphaB crystallin, which were then deleted to evaluate their importance in complex assembly and chaperone activity. Size exclusion chromatography determined that the complexes formed by the deletion mutants, Delta41-58 and Delta155-165, were larger and more polydisperse than the wild-type (wt) alphaB crystallin complex. In chaperone assays, the Delta41-58 mutant was as effective as wt alphaB crystallin in protecting partially unfolded betaL crystallin and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and significantly less effective than wt alphaB crystallin in protecting unfolded citrate synthase (CS) from aggregation. Chaperone activity did not correlate with complex size but corresponded with the amount of substrate protein unfolding. The results confirmed the importance of N-terminal residues 41-58 in selective interactions with completely unfolded substrates. Poor solubility and limited or no chaperone activity for the three substrates characterized the Delta155-165 deletion mutant, which demonstrated the importance of C-terminal residues 155-165 in maintaining the solubility of unfolded substrates in a manner independent of the amount of substrate protein unfolding. The results presented in this report established that interactive domains in the N- and C-termini of human alphaB crystallin are important for the recognition, selection, and solubility of unfolding substrate proteins.  相似文献   

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