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The BrdU-Giemsa method which facilitates an unequivocal identification of metaphases at different cycles has been utilized to investigate the fate of X-ray-induced chromosome aberrations in the blood lymphocyte culture system of the Indian muntjac which has the lowest diploid number (2n = 6 female/7 male) and easily distinguishable large-sized chromosomes. The results demonstrate that about 50% of dicentrics and only 12% of rings were transmitted from the first cycle to the second. There were as high as 73% abnormal cells in the second cycle as against 94% in the first cycle following 4.0 Gy. However, the frequencies of dicentrics, rings and of abnormal cells were greatly reduced in the third+ cycles. The frequencies of acentric fragments per post-irradiated first, second and third+ division cell were 2.21, 0.64 and 0.24, respectively. In sharp contrast to all earlier reports, about 75% of them were retained as a single acentric fragment in the second cycle. Analysis of fragment segregation during anaphase separation supports this finding. The survival probability of dicentrics and rings was found to be more than 60% in the second and only 18% in the third+ cycle.  相似文献   

The increased frequency of numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations in spontaneously leukaemic AKR mice, compared with the values of healthy control CBA/H-T6T6 mice, induced by X-irradiation, migh be connected with the predisposition to malignant growth, probably indirectly helping the virus activation, or acting together with the immune deficiency, by creating a weaker system that is more sensitive to carcinogenic agents.  相似文献   

Summary Among 209 patients with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, 69 women with structural aberrations of X chromosome were detected: 46,X, i(Xq)-11; 45,X/46,X,i(Xq)-24; 45,X/46,X,r(X)-14; 45,X/46,X,f(X or Y)-10; 45,X/46,X,del(Xq)-4; 45,X/46,X,del(Xp)-2; 45,X/46,X,idic(X)-2; 46,X,idic(X)-1; and 46,X,t(X,2)-1. All the patients with structural abnormalities of X chromosome were short in stature, but in no group was it as low on the average as in 45,X cases. Somatic signs were noticed in all structural changes of X, but they were less frequent and less pronounced. In some patients with r(X) and i(Xq), spontaneous menstrual bleeding and breast development was found.The structurally abnormal X chromosome appears to be functionally inactive, the phenotype of patients with structural rearrangements being close to the phenotype of patients with X monosomy. At the same time, the abnormal X might have certain effects in early embryogenesis which mitigated the further development of the Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome.  相似文献   

The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is known to be one of the most radioresistant animals. We have examined the X-ray sensitivity of normal diploid fibroblasts from Mongolian gerbil embryos compared with those of cultured embryo cells obtained from various laboratory animals and a normal human. There was a wide difference in X-ray sensitivity for cell killing among different mammalian species. The D0 values for Mongolian gerbil cells ranged from 2.08 to 2.28 Gy, values which are twice as high as those for human cells. The mean D0 value for human cells was 1.06 Gy. Mouse, rat, Chinese hamster, and Syrian/golden hamster cells showed similar D0 values ranging from 1.30 to 1.56 Gy. When cells were irradiated with X rays, ten times more chromosome aberrations were detected in human cells than in Mongolian gerbil cells. The frequencies of chromosome aberrations in other rodent cells were between the values for cells from humans and those from gerbils. These data indicate that the Mongolian gerbil cells are resistant to X-ray-induced cell killing and chromosome aberrations, and that the radiation sensitivity of mammalian cells in primary culture may be reflected by their radioresistance in vivo.  相似文献   

Structural chromosome aberrations were analyzed in superovulated metaphase-I oocytes of the mouse, Mus musculus, at various times after a single acute dose of 200 R of X-rays. The aberrations seen were of the chromatid type, i.e., chromatid interchanges, isochromatid deletions and chromatid deletions. The aberration frequency was low during the interval 24 h to 5 days between irradiation and ovulation; peak frequency was reached when irradiation was given 14 days prior to ovulation. A dose-response study was made 14 days prior to ovulation at doses of 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 R. A curve of these data indicated that a significant two-track component was present for both interchanges and deletions. Centromere staining revealed that symmetrical and asymmetrical interchanges occurred at approximately equal frequency and also that the asymmetrical equivalent of crossing-over was induced at a measurable frequency.  相似文献   

The study of the dose dependence of the incidence of chromosome aberrations in a human lymphocyte culture exposed at the G0 stage to pulsed neutrons of 0.7 MeV revealed no significant distinctions in the cytogenetic effect at the pulse frequency of 1 and 5 Hz, but at 100 Hz it was somewhat increased. As to the biological effectiveness, pulsed neutrons of 0.7 MeV occupied an intermediate position between 0.35 and 0.85 MeV static neutrons.  相似文献   

The Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis) has a karyotype of 2n = 6 in the female and 2n = 7 in the male. The karyotypic evolution of Indian muntjac via extensive tandem fusions and several centric fusions are well documented by molecular cytogenetic studies mainly utilizing chromosome paints. To achieve higher resolution mapping, a set of 42 different genomic clones coding for 37 genes and the nucleolar organizer region were used to examine homologies between the cattle (2n = 60), human (2n = 46), Indian muntjac (2n = 6/7) and Chinese muntjac (2n = 46) karyotypes. These genomic clones were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Localization of genes on all three pairs of M. m. vaginalis chromosomes and on the acrocentric chromosomes of M. reevesi allowed not only the analysis of the evolution of syntenic regions within the muntjac genus but also allowed a broader comparison of synteny with more distantly related species, such as cattle and human, to shed more light onto the evolving genome organization. For convenience and to avoid confusion we added for each species a three letter abbreviation prior to the chromosomal band location discussed in this paper: BTA, Cattle chromosome; HSA, Human chromosome; MMV, M. m. vaginalis chromosome; MRE, M. reevesi chromosome.  相似文献   

Using 1-β- -arabinofuranosylcytosine (AraC) which is an inhibitor of DNA-repair resynthesis, previous studies have shown that the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations is influenced by the rate of repair of araC-inhibitable DNA damage. The experiments described here are a further test of this hypothesis and also an attempt to determine if the different sensitivities of lymphocytes of different species to X-ray-induced aberrations are related to the rate of endonucleolytic incision during repair of DNA damage. Unstimulated lymphocytes from 4 species were exposed to an X-ray dose of 200 rad, and then incubated with araC for 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 h. The aberration frequencies increased in all species up to 3–4 h. It was also clear that the rate of increase was different between species and was approximately proportional to the ratios of X-ray-induced aberrations observed in the absence of araC. For example, human lymphocytes are approximately twice as sensitive as rabbit lymphocytes to the induction of aberrations by X-rays and the rate of increase of aberrations in the presence of araC was about twice as great in human as rabbit lymphocytes. In addition, using 50, 100, 200 or 300 rad of X-rays and treating human lymphocytes for 0, 1, 2 or 3 h in araC post-irradiation, we have shown that the rate of increase in aberrations is proportional to the amount of araC-inhibitable DNA damage; with a limiting dose at about 50 rad. These results appear to provide a basis for interpreting differences in sensitivities to aberration induction among mammalian species.  相似文献   

Summary A significant increase in the incidence of structural chromosome anomalies has been observed in the sperm of patients treated with radio and/or chemotherapy for different types of cancer when analyzed by the interspecific fertilization of hamster eggs. The analysis of these aberrations shows that while in controls only 9.4% of structural abnormalities are of the stable type, in treated patients this figure increases to 39.3%, thus indicating that the anomalies have not been produced during the fertilization of the hamster egg. However, it is possible that part, or even most, of the breaks appear as a result of a reduced repair capacity of sperm chromosomes in the cytoplasm of the hamster egg.  相似文献   

A study was made of the yield of chromosome aberrations in a human lymphocyte culture at the G0 stage after 60Co-gamma-irradiation with doses of 5-12 Gy. It was shown that a linear-quadratic dependence of the aberration frequency observed with median doses became purely linear at high doses.  相似文献   

In vitro cultures of peripheral blood lymphocytes from human and muntjac (barking deer) females who were at an advanced stage of pregnancy (32-37 weeks pregnant women and 20-24 weeks pregnant muntjacs) showed an enhanced frequency of SCEs and X-ray-induced chromosome aberrations when compared with those of nonpregnant females. Lymphocyte cultures of nonpregnant females to which sex hormones progesterone, oestrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) were added together exogenously also showed higher frequency of SCEs. The plausible reason(s) for such high incidence of SCEs during pregnancy is discussed.  相似文献   

A quantitative computer model was applied to simulate the three-dimensional (3D) spatial organization of chromatin in human cell nuclei under defined conditions of virtual irradiation to explore the implications of spatial organization on chromosome aberrations. To calibrate the virtual irradiation algorithm, a dose-dependent spectrum of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations such as dicentrics, translocations and centric rings was calculated for low-LET radiation doses ranging from 0.5 to 5 Gy. This was compared with the results from experimental studies. While the dose-response curves calculated from model simulations agree well with experimental dose-response curves for dicentrics and translocations, centric rings are significantly more frequent in the model simulation than in experiments despite taking into account exclusive arm territories in the applied Spherical 1 Mbp Chromatin Domain (SCD) computer model explicitly. Taking into account the non-random positioning of chromosome territories observed in lymphocyte cell nuclei (a so-called gene density-correlated arrangement of chromosome territories), aberration frequencies were calculated with the calibrated irradiation algorithm to investigate the impact of chromosome territory neighborhood effects (proximity effects). The absolute frequencies of pairwise exchanges agree well with those found in an experimental study. In conclusion, the results obtained using the computer model approach presented here based on only a few adjustable parameters correlated well with those of experimental studies of chromosome aberration frequencies. Thus the model may be a useful tool in radiation-induced cancer risk estimates in combination with epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Aberrations in lymphocytes of cattle blood exposed to gamma-radiation and combined radiation were found. It was shown that seven days after the exposure to doses from 64.5 to 103.3 mC/kg a number of aberration varied in the range from 16.1 to 37.7 per 100 cells, whereas a frequency of aberrated cells was from 13.5 to 29.8. After the exposure to 77.3 mC/h and the following inclusion of fused radioactive particles into the fodder (48.1-762.2 Mbq/kg of the live weight), the number of aberrations increased from 25.5 up to 55.0 per 100 cells and the number of aberrated cells increased from 21 up to 43%.  相似文献   

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