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The nodule water potential (nod) of subterranean clover (Trifoliumsubterraneum L.) cv. Seaton Park incubated in a flow-throughgas-exchange system was induced to decline independently ofleaf water potential (1) by passing a continuous dry airstreamover the nodulated roots of intact well-watered plants. Reducedtranspiration by plants whose nodules had become dehydratedwas hypothesized to be related to the decline in nitrogen fixation.Whole-plant and nodule soluble carbohydrates increased as noddeclined. Throughout an 8 d period of continual nodule dehydration,the gaseous diffusion resistance of nodules increased and theoptimum pO2 for nitrogenase activity declined from 52 to 28kPa. Following rehydration of the nodulated roots between days4 and 5 and between days 7 and 8, nodulated root respirationincreased to or above pre-stress levels whereas nitrogenaseactivity did not recover. Re-establishment of initial ratesof nodulated root respiration was due to the stimulation ofgrowth and maintenance respiration, not to the respiration coupledto nitrogenase activity. Although no recovery of nitrogenaseactivity occurred, the elapsed time from the introduction ofacetylene into the gas stream flowing past the nodules untilmeasurement of the acetylene-induced decline in nitrogenaseactivity, decreased substantially. This was characteristic ofan increase in the permeability of the nodules to gaseous diffusionupon rehydration. However, calculated values of nodule diffusionresistance after the 24 h periods of rehydration did not indicateany recovery of gaseous diffusion resistance based on measurementsof the respiration coupled to nitrogenase activity. Hence, useof a diffusion analogue (i.e. Fick's Law) in conjunction withnodule respiratory CO2 efflux was unable to predict changesin permeability of the variable barrier of legume nodules followingnodule dehydration and recovery. Key words: Subterranean clover, gaseous diffusion, respiration, carbohydrates, drought  相似文献   

Seventy-five per cent of the N2-fixing activity (measured asthe reduction of C2H2 to C2H4) and 50 per cent of the respiratoryactivity of detached soybean root nodules was lost when thewater potential () of the nodules was lowered from approximately–1 ? 105 Pa (turgid nodules) to –9 ? 105 Pa (moderatelystressed nodules). Severely stressed nodules ( = –1.8? 106 Pa) showed almost total loss of N2-fixing activity andup to 80 per cent loss of respiratory activity. Increasing theoxygen partial pressure (PO2) from 104 to 105 Pa completelyrestored both N2-fixation and respiration in moderately stressednodules, but only partial recovery was possible in severelystressed nodules. The activity of the stressed nodules was verylow at low PO2 (5 ? 103 and 104 Pa). The C2H2-reducing activityof nodule slices, nodule breis, and bacteroids from turgid andmoderately stressed nodules was almost identical but some activitywas lost in the breis and bacteroids from severely stressednodules. Calculations showed that at low PO2 (104 and 2 ? 104Pa), the rate of O2 diffusion into severely stressed noduleswas ten times lower than that for turgid nodules, but only fourtimes lower at a higher PO2 (4 ? 104 Pa). Carbon monoxide inhibitionof C2H2 reduction was slower in stressed nodules than in turgidnodules. The results are discussed in view of the possible developmentof a physical barrier to gaseous diffusion and/or the possiblealtered affinity of the nodule leghaemoglobin for O2 in thewater-stressed nodules.  相似文献   

Ryle, G. J. A., Powell, C. E. and Gordon, A. J. 1988. Responsesof N2 fixation-linked respiration to host-plant energy statusin white clover acclimated to a controlled environment.—J.exp. Bot. 39: 879–887. Single plants of white clover, acclimated to a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on N2 fixation in their root nodules,were darkened, defoliated or exposed to enhanced CO2 levelsto establish the quantitative relationships between the photosynthesisof the host plant and the N2 fixation metabolism of root nodules. The nodule respiration associated with N2 fixation (FLR) declinedrapidly to 10–15% of its normal rate following plant darkeningearly in the photoperiod. Darkening at progressively later intervalsduring the photoperiod demonstrated a positive, apparently linearrelationship between duration of illumination and total FLRduring the photoperiod and the following night period. Completeor partial defoliation reduced FLR according to the leaf arearemoved: again, there was a strong positive correlation betweencurrent rate of photosynthesis, whether of defoliated or undefoliatedplants and the FLR of root nodules. Doubling the current rateof photosynthesis, by enhancing CO2 levels around the shoots,promoted FLR within 1–2 h when plants were stressed bylack of light. However, enhanced CO2 levels increased FLR onlyslowly over a period of several hours in plants entrained tothe normal growing conditions. It is concluded that, in these plants acclimated to a uniformand favourable controlled environment, the supply and utilizationof photosynthetic assimilate in N2 fixation was finely balancedand quantitatively linked during a single diurnal period andthat nodule functioning was not depressed by lack of energysubstrate. Key words: White clover, N2 fixation, photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Established, nodulated white clover plants were transferredto eight tanks of a flowing culture apparatus with solutiontemperatures of 5, 11, 17, and 25 ?C (two tanks per temperature).Shoot temperature and light environment were common to all plants.After 7 d, (10 mmol m–3) was continuouslysupplied to one tank at each temperature while in the remainingfour tanks (one at each temperature) the plants were completelydependent on nodule N2-fixation. Plants were randomly selected at intervals during the following14 d period in order to measure root and nodule respirationand acetylene reduction activity (ARA) in a flow-through systemset at the adapted root temperature. Additional plants wereassayed for in vitro nitrate reductase activity in leaves, roots,and nodules. Apparent nitrogenase activity (ARA) and respiration associatedwith it were each markedly affected by temperature in two ways;(1) Activity per unit weight of nodule was reduced at lowertemperatures; (2) Development of the plant, and thus also nodulemass, was restricted at lower temperatures which, in turn, restrictedtotal nodule activity per plant. The presence of nitrate significantly reduced ARA of nodules,particularly at higher temperatures. However, significant discrepancieswere found when N2-fixation rates, estimated from the acetylenereduction assay, were compared with N2-fixation rates calculatedfrom curves fitted to N accumulation data (minus the rate of uptake in the case of nitrate-treated plants). Carbon use efficiency (CO2 respired per C2H4 produced) was notsignificantly affected by temperature or the presence of nitrate. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) developed in all plant partsat the three highest temperatures, but not at 5 ?C. We calculatethat leaf NRA may account for 82, 75, and 68% of total nitratereduction at 11, 17, and 25 ?C respectively. Key words: Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, root temperature, acetylene reduction assay, nitrate, nitrate reductase  相似文献   

This study analyses the effects of salt on the effective symbiosisof faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. minor cv. Alborea) and salt-tolerantRhizobium leguminosarum biovar. viciae strain GRA19 grown withtwo KNO3 levels (2 and 8 mM). The addition of 8 mM KNO3 to thegrowth medium increases plant tolerance to salinity even witha concentration of 100 mM NaCl. This KNO3 level in control plantsreduced the N2 fixation. For 2 and 8 mM KNO3 the plants treatedwith NaCl reduced N2 fixation to identical values. The activityof the enzymes mediating ammonium assimilation in nodules (GS,NADH-GOGAT and NADH-GDH) was decreased by high KNO3 levels.The results show that NADH-GOGAT activity was more markedlyinhibited than was GS activity by salinity, therefore NADH-GOGATlimits the ammonium assimilation by nodules in V. faba undersalt stress. The total proline content in the nodule was notrelated to salt tolerance and thus does not serve as a salttoleranceindex for V. faba. Key words: Glutamate synthase, glutamine synthetase, N2 fixation, nitrate, salinity  相似文献   

Hansen, A. P., Pate, J. S. and Atkins, C. A. 1987. Relationshipsbetween acetylene reduction activity, hydrogen evolution andnitrogen fixation in nodules of Acacia spp.: Experimental backgroundto assaying fixation by acetylene reduction under field conditions.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1–12 Glasshouse grown, symbiotically-dependent seedlings of Acaciaalata R.Br., .A. extensa Lindl., and A. pulchella R.Br. wereexamined for acetylene reduction in closed assay systems usingundisturbed potted plants, excavated whole plants, nodulatedroots or detached nodules. Nitrogenase activity declined sharplyover the first hour after exposure of detached nodules to acetylene(10% v/v in air), less steeply or not at all over a 3 h periodin assays involving attached nodules. Using detached nodules,rates of acetylene reduction, nitrogen (15N2) fixation, andhydrogen evolution in air (15N2) and acetylene-containing atmosphereswere measured in comparable 30 min assays. Total electron flowthrough nitrogenase in air was determined from rates of nitrogen(15N2) fixation ( ? 3) plus hydrogen evolution, that in thepresence of acetylene from rates of acetylene reduction andhydrogen evolution in air: acetylene. Values for the ratio ofelectron flow in air: acetylene to that in air ranged from 0?43to 0?83 in A. pulcheila, from 0?44 to 0?66 in A. alala and from0?37 to 0?70 in A. extensa, indicating substantial inhibitionof electron flow through nitrogenase of detached nodules byacetylene. Relative efficiencies of nitrogenase functioningbased on hydrogen evolution and acetylene reduction were from0?15 to 0?79, those based on nitrogen (15N2) fixation and hydrogenevolution from 0?53 to 0?87. Molar ratios of acetylene reducedto nitrogen (15N2) fixed were 2?82 ? 0?24, 201 ? 0?15, and 1?91? 0?11 (?s.e.; n = 7) for A. pulcheila,A. extensa and A. alata respectively A standard 5–10 min acetylene reduction assay, conductedon freshly detached unwashed nodules in daytime (12.00–14.00h), was calibrated for field use by comparing total N accumulationof seedlings with estimated cumulative acetylene reduction overa 7-week period of glasshouse culture. Molar ratios for acetylenereduced: nitrogen fixed using this arbitrary method were 3?58for A. alata, 4?82 for A. extensa and 1?60 for A. pulchella.The significance of the data is discussed. Key words: Acacia spp, nitrogenase functioning  相似文献   

Nodulated soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Clarke)were supplied with 10 mol m-3 nitrate at the vegetative stage.This treatment caused a rapid decline in nitrogen fixation (acetylenereduction) activity and a consequent decline in ureides in thexylem sap. However, there was virtually no effect on the nitrogenasecomplex, according to Western blots against components 1 and2. The effect on nitrogen fixation was matched by a decreasein nitrogenase-linked respiration and increases in nodule oxygendiffusion resistance and the carbon cost of nitrogen fixation.The addition of nitrate had little effect on protein contentfrom either nodule plant or bacteroid fractions. Activitiesof nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) from eitherthe plant fraction or the bacteroids were affected in differentways during 8 d of supply. Nodule plant NR and bacteroid NiR were not affected. However,nodule plant NiR increased 5-fold within 2 d of supplying Bacteroid NR only increased after6 d. These results could be interpreted in terms of a restrictednitrate access into the infected region of nodules. However,denitrification was detected within 2 d of nitrate supply insoybean nodules. The results are discussed in relation to possiblecauses of the nitrate-induced decline in nitrogenase activity. Key words: Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen fixation, nodules  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover, grown in a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on fixation in their root nodules,were defoliated once by removing approximately half their shoottissue. Their regrowth was compared with the growth of comparableundefoliated plants. Two similar experiments were carried out:in the first, plants were defoliated at 2.5 g, and in the secondat 1.2 g total plant d. wt. Defoliation reduced rate of N2 fixation by > 70 per cent,rate of photosynthesis by 83–96 per cent, and rate ofplant respiration by 30–40 per cent. Nodule weights initiallydeclined following defoliation as a result of loss of carbohydratesand other unidentified components. No immediate shedding ofnodules was observed but nodules on the most severely defoliatedplants exhibited accelerated senescence. The original rates of N2 fixation were re-attained after 5–6or 9 d regrowth, with increase in plant size at defoliation.In general, the rate of recovery of N2 fixation was relatedto the re-establishment and increase of the plant's photosyntheticcapacity. Throughout the growth of both defoliated and undefoliatedplants nodule respiration (metabolism) accounted for at least23 ± 2 per cent of gross photosynthesis. The unit ‘cost’of fixing N2 in root nodules, in terms of photosynthate, appearedto be unaffected by defoliation, except perhaps for plants veryrecently defoliated. Similarly, the percentage nitrogen contentsof shoot, root and nodules of defoliated plants became adaptedwithin a few days to those characteristic of undefoliated plants. Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, defoliation, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

Changes in nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction and H2 production),nodulated root respiration and the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning were measured in response to progressive dehydrationof nodules on intact well-watered plants of subterranean clover(Trifolium subterraneum L.) cv. Seaton Park. The nodulated rootsof vegetative plants grown to the 14-leaf stage were incubatedin a gas exchange system through which a continuous dry airstreamwas passed over an 8 d period. The root tips were immersed inan N-free nutrient solution during this time so that water andion uptake was unimpeded. The decline in nodulated root respirationresulting from nodule drying was associated with a continualreduction in respiration coupled to nitrogenase activity. Asnodule water potential (nod) decreased, the proportion of totalnodulated root respiration which was nitrogenase-linked declinedfrom 50% (day 1) to 33% (day 8). This was accompanied by a 79%reduction in specific nitrogenase activity (from 3.79 to 0.81umol C2H4 g–1 nodule dry weight min–1). Nodule dehydrationalso induced a decline in hydrogen (H2) production in air. Therelative decline in hydrogen production exceeded that of acetylenereduction activity and this resulted in an increase in the relativeefficiency of nitrogenase functioning. However, the carbon costof nitrogenase activity progressively increased above 2.0 molCO2 respired per mol C2H4 reduced as rood decreased below –0.4to –0.5 MPa. Consecutive measurements of the rates ofhydrogen evolution, 15N2 fixation and acetylene reduction activityon intact unstressed plants resulted in a C2H4/N2 conversionfactor of 4.08 and an electron balance of 1.08. These resultsindicated that the pre-decline rate of acetylene reduction activitymeasured in a flow-through system provided a valid measure ofthe total electron flux through nitrogenase. Key words: Subterranean clover, dehydration, efficiency, nitrogenase activity  相似文献   

NICHOLS  D. J. D. 《Annals of botany》1957,21(4):587-598
In recent years trace metals have been found to be associatedwith flavo-proteins, a number of which are key enzymes in thenitrogen metabolism of plants. Thus Mo is a constituent of nitratereductase which mediates the reduction of nitrate to nitritein some bacteria, fungi, and higher plants. During the enzymicreduction of nitrate a one-electron change is involved, Mo6+Mo5+.Nitrite and hyponitrite reductases both require Fe and Cu andflavin for maximum activity and are inhibited by uncouplingreagents so that a phosphorylation takes place at these tworeductive steps. Hydroxylamine reductase, a flavoprotein thatis Mn-dependent, but, as with nitrate reductase, is unaffectedby uncoupling reagents. An aromatic route may also exist inplants for the reduction of organo-nitro compounds, but it ismore likely that the aliphatic route is the primary reductivepadiway. Mo, V, W, and Fe may all be involved in the process of N2 fixationin free living micro-organisms and in the root nodule bacteria.The suggestion that the enzyme hydrogenase is coupled to N2fixation is not borne out by the results of valency experimentswith Mo and V which show that an active hydrogenase does notnecessarily result in a vigorous fixation process. Although Mo has been shown to be a constituent of hydrogenasefrom Clostridium pasteurianum, experiments in this laboratoryshow that a deficiency of iron only reduced the enzyme in thisorganism and in Azotobacter. Both Mo and Fe, however, are essentialfor N2 fixation. In some strains of Azotobacter, V or W canpartially replace Mo for N2 fixation.  相似文献   

A growth-chamber study was carried out to determine whetherthe response of apparent nitrogenase activity (C2 H2 reduction)to complete defoliation is influenced by the availability ofcarbohydrate reserves Reserve carbohydrate (TNC) concentrationsof 6-week-old white clover (Trifoliun repens L) plants weremodified by CO2 pretreatments There was no difference in theresponse of apparent nitrogenase activity to defoliation betweenplants with different TNC concentrations C2H2 reduction activitydeclined sharply after defoliation and then recovered similarlyin both high- and low-TNC plants Further experiments were conductedto explain the lack of response of apparent nitrogenase activityto TNC levels Bacteroid degradation was ruled out because invitro nitrogenase activity of crude nodule extracts was stillintact 24 h after defoliation Sufficient carbohydrates appearedto be available to the nodules of defoliated plants becauseadding [14C]glucose to the nutrient solution did not preventthe decline in apparent nitrogenase activity These conclusionswere supported by the finding that an increase in pO2 aroundthe nodules of defoliated plants completely restored their C2H2reduction activity The comparison of the effects of defoliationand darkness suggested that the decrease in apparent nitrogenaseactivity was not related directly to the interruption of photosynthesisIt appears that lack of photosynthates is not the immediatecause of the decline of nitrogen-fixing activity after defoliation White clover, Trifolium repens L, defoliation, nitrogen fixation, regrowth, reserves, carbohydrates, acetylene reduction, nodule extract  相似文献   

The respiratory effluxes of nodules and of roots of FiskebyV soyabean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), grown in a controlled environment,were measured at intervals in air and 3% O2 from shortly afterthe onset of N2 fixation until plant senescence. The respiratoryburdens linked with nitrogenase plus ammonia metabolism, andnodule growth and maintenance, were calculated from gas exchangedata and related to the concurrent rates of N2 fixation. The specific respiration rates of nodules increased to a maximumof 21 mg CO2 g–1 h–1 at the time pods began development:the equivalent maximum for roots was c. 4.5 mg CO2 g–1h–1. Maximum nodule and root respiration rates per plantwere attained about 25 d later at the time N2 fixation peakedat 15 mg N d–1 plant–1. The relationship between nodule respiration and N2 fixationindicated an average respiratory cost of 13.2 mg CO2 mg–1N until the last few days of plant development Separation ofnodule respiration into the two components: nitrogenase (+ NH3metabolism) respiration and nodule growth and maintenance respiration,indicated that the latter efflux accounted for c. 20% of nodulerespiration while N2 fixation was increasing and new noduletissue was being formed. When nodule growth ceased and N2 fixationdeclined, this component of respiration also declined. The respiratorycost of nitrogenase activity plus the associated metabolismof NH3 varied between 11 mg CO2 mg–1 N during vegetativeand early reproductive growth, to 12.5 mg CO2 mg–1 N duringthe later stages of pod development. Key words: N2 fixation, Respiration, Nodules, Nitrogenase  相似文献   

In two experiments, the functioning and metabolism of nodulesof white clover, following a defoliation which removed abouthalf the shoot tissue, were compared with those of undefoliatedplants. In one experiment, the specific respiration rates of nodulesfrom undefoliated plants varied between 1160 and 1830 µmolCO2 g–1h–1, of which nodule ‘growth and maintenance’accounted for 22 ± 2 per cent, or 27 ± 3.6 percent, according to method of calculation. Defoliation reducedspecific nodule respiration and nodule ‘growth and maintenance’respiration by 60–70 per cent, and rate of N2 fixationby a similar proportion. The original rate of nodule metabolismwas re-established after about 5 d of regrowth; during regrowthnodule respiration was quantitatively related to rate of N2,fixation: 9.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1N2. With the possible exception of nodules examined 24 h after defoliation,the efficiency of energy utilization in nitrogenase functioningin both experiments was the same in defoliated and undefoliatedplants: 2.0±0.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1 C2H4;similarly, there was no change in the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning as rate of N2 fixation increased with plant growthfrom 1 to 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. Exposure of nodulated white clover root systems to a 10 percent acetylene gas mixture resulted in a sharp peak in rateof ethylene production after 1.5–2.5 min; subsequently,rate of ethylene production declined rapidly before stabilisingafter 0.5–1 h at a rate about 50 per cent of that initiallyobserved. Regression of ‘peak’ rate of ethyleneproduction on rate of N2 fixation indicated a value of 2.9 µmolC2H4 µmol–1 N2, for rates of N2 fixation between1 and 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. The relationshipsbetween nitrogenase respiration, acetylene reduction rates andN2 fixation rates are discussed. Trifolium repens, white clover, defoliation, nodule respiration, N2, fixation, nitrogenase  相似文献   

Faba bean (Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord) plants were raised in agrowth room for 5 weeks and then transplanted to a hydroponicsystem. After 48 h for acclimation, nine plants were removed(day 0) for the measurement of nitrogenase activity by acetylenereduction (AR), for determination of nodule number and noduleweight, volume of the active N2 fixing region (VAR), and volumeof the senescent N2, fixing region (VSR). Half the nodule populationon a further 18 plants was excised, and nine of these plantswere assayed for AR. The nine plants from which the noduleshad been removed (treated plants) and nine control plants witha full complement of nodules, were left to grow for 5 d, afterwhich they were all harvested and assayed. The average weight of nodules and VAR remained constant in thecontrol plants between day 0 and day 5, whereas the nodulesleft on the treated plants increased in weight by 1.2 timesand VAR by 2.2 times. By day 5, VAR per plant was the same inthe control plants as in the treated, whereas VSR of controland treated plants increased by 4.6 and 2.2 times, respectively.Removal of half of the nodules at day 0 halved the AR activityper plant, but specific activity remained the same. After 5d, however, the nodules of the treated plants showed the sametotal activity as those of the control. Thus the specific activityof the nodules left on the treated plants doubled after 5 din response to excision. The indeterminate nodule of faba bean appears to be able toincrease its specific activity substantially in response toincrease in the demand for fixed N. N2 fixation per nodule wasresponsive to substrate supply, in that halving the number ofnodules on a plant induced the remaining nodules to increaseactivity, presumably because they could use the assimilate previouslydistributed over a larger number of nodules. Victa faba, faba bean, nodule number, nodule activity, acetylene reduction, volumes of active and senescent N2 fixing regions of nodules, hydroponic system  相似文献   

Nodul{macron}ted alfalfa plants were grown hydroponically. Inorder to quantify N2 fixation and remobilization of N reservesduring regrowth the plants were pulse-chase-labelled with 15N.Starch and ethanol-soluble sugar contents were analysed to examinechanges associated with those of N compounds. Shoot removalcaused a severe decline in N2 fixation and starch reserves within6 d after cutting. The tap root was the major storage site formetabolizable carbohydrate compounds used for regrowth; initiallyits starch content decreased and after 14 d started to recoverreaching 50% of the initial value on day 24. Recovery of N2fixation followed the same pattern as shoot regrowth. Afteran initial decline during the first 10 d following shoot removal,the N2 fixation, leaf area and shoot dry weight increased sorapidly that their levels on day 24 exceeded initial values.Distribution of 15N within the plant clearly showed that a significantamount of endogenous nitrogen in the roots was used by regrowingshoots. The greatest use of N reserves (about 80% of N incrementin the regrowing shoot) occurred during the first 10 d and thencompensated for the low N2 fixation. The distribution of N derivedeither from fixation or from reserves of source organs (taproots and lateral roots) clearly showed that shoots are thestronger sink for nitrogen during regrowth. In non-defoliatedplants, the tap roots and stems were weak sinks for N from reserves.By contrast, relative distribution within the plant of N assimilatedin nodules was unaffected by defoliation treatment. Key words: Medicago sativa L., N2 fixation, N remobilization, N2 partitioning, regrowth  相似文献   

Enzymes of sucrose breakdown in soybean nodules: alkaline invertase   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Morell M  Copeland L 《Plant physiology》1984,74(4):1030-1034
The specific activities of acid and alkaline invertases (β-d-fructofuranoside fructohydrolase, EC, sucrose synthase (UDPglucose: d-fructose 2-α-d-glucosyltransferase, EC, hexokinase (ATP: d-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC, and fructokinase (ATP: d-fructose 6-phosphotransferase, EC were determined in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr cv Williams) nodules at different stages of development and, for comparison, in roots of nonnodulated soybeans. Alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase were both involved in sucrose metabolism in the nodules, but there was only a small amount of acid invertase present. The nodules contained more phosphorylating activity with fructose than glucose. Essentially all of the alkaline invertase, sucrose synthase, and fructokinase were in the soluble fraction of nodule extracts whereas hexokinase was in the bacteroid, plant particulate, and soluble fractions.  相似文献   

The Carbon Balance of a Legume and the Functional Economy of its Root Nodules   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
Budgets for carbon and nitrogen in shoot, root, and nodulesof garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) are drawn up for a 9-d intervalin the life cycle, from data on nitrogen fixation, carbon accumulationin dry matter, respiratory output of plant organs, and organicsolute exchange between shoot and nodulated root. Of the carbon gained photosynthetically by the shoot from theatmosphere 26 per cent is incorporated directly into its drymatter, 32 per cent translocated to the nodules, and 42 percent to the supporting root. Of the nodules’ share, 5per cent is consumed in growth, 12 per cent in respiration,and 15 per cent returned to the shoot via the xylem, as aminocompounds generated in nitrogen fixation. Growth and respirationof the root utilize, respectively, 7 and 35 per cent. The respiratory efficiency of a nodulated root in terms of nitrogenfixation (5.9mg C per mg N2-N fixed) is found to be very similarto that of an uninoculated root assimilating nitrate (6.2 mgC per mg NO3-N reduced). The nodules require in growth, respiration,and export 4.1 mg C ( 10.3 mg carbohydrate) for each mg N whichthey fix. The nodules consume 3 ml O2 for every 1 ml N2 utilized in fixation. In exporting a milligram of fixed nitrogen the nodules requireat least 0.35 ml of water. Almost half of this requirement mightbe met by mass flow into the nodules via the phloem.  相似文献   

Oxygen at pressures of 2 and 3 atmospheres caused an initialincrease in CO2 output of strawberry leaves followed by a decrease.In oxygen at 2 atmospheres, but not in oxygen at 3 atmospheres,the increase in CO2 output could be attributed to an increasein glucose-6-phosphate and in fructose diphosphate; in oxygenat 3 atmospheres the increase may be due to an increased accessibilityof substrates and enzymes or to other causes. The decline inCO2 output in oxygen at both 2 and 3 atmospheres was associatedwith large decreases in glucose-6-phosphate and 3-phosphoglycerate,probably due to a large decrease in adenosine triphosphate relatedto a ‘block’ of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

Murata  Takao 《Plant & cell physiology》1976,17(6):1099-1109
Phosphomannomutase [Glazer et al.: Biochim. Biophys. Acta 33:522–625 (1959)] was purified 1700-fold in a 39% yieldfrom cell-free extract of konjak (Amorphophallus konjac C. Koch)corms. The molecular weight of the enzyme as determined by gelfiltration was about 62,000. The enzyme required both Mg2+ and-D-glucose-l,6-bisphosphate for activity, although Mg2+ waspartially replaceable by either Co2+ or Ni2+. An apparent equilibriumconstant, Keq=(mannose-6-phosphate) (mannose-1-phosphate), wasdetermined to be 8.5. Activity was maximal at pH 6.5 to 7.0.Activation energy was 11.1 kcal/mole. The enzyme was the moststable at pH 7.5. The addition of substrate or cofactor markedlyincreased enzyme stability toward heat denaturation. The enzymewas more labile to heat than phosphoglucomutase from konjakcorms. Treatment with various metal ions in Tris buffer inhibited theenzyme. Cu2+ and Zn2+ were the most potent inhibitors amongthe metal ions tested, while Co2+ and Ni2+ were weak. When theenzyme was treated with metal ions in the presence of histidinebuffer, Cu2+ and Zn2+ showed no inhibitory effect on the enzyme,whereas Be2+ inhibited it to an extent similar to that in Trisbuffer. Plots of 1/v versus l/(mannose-l-phosphate) at different fixedconcentrations of glucose-1,6-bisphosphate and 1/v versus 1/(glucose-1,6-bisphosphate)at different fixed concentrations of mannose-1-phosphate wereseries of converging lines. Mannose-1-phosphate at high concentrationswas found to inhibit the enzyme competitively with respect toglucose-l,6-bisphosphate. Apparent Km and K1 values for mannose-1-phosphatewere calculated to be 0.2 mM and 1.2 mM, respectively. The Kmvalue for glucose-1,6-bisphosphate was 1.8 µM. 1This paper constitutes part 5 of a series of studies on konjakmannan biosynthesis. (Received May 24, 1976; )  相似文献   

The role of sucrose synthase in the response of soybean nodules to drought   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
Experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of droughtstress on enzymatic activities related to carbon and nitrogenmetabolism in soybean nodules. Gradual drought stress, imposedby withholding water nutrients, resulted in declines in thewater potential of leaves and nodules consistent with a significantdecline in N2 fixation. However, the amounts of nitrogenasecomponents 1 and 2 were virtually unaffected by drought stress.Similarly, no significant changes could be detected in aspartateaminotransferase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, glutaminesynthetase or alkaline invertase activities throughout the experiment.In contrast, sucrose synthase (SS), one of the enzymes involvedin sucrose metabolism in legume nodules, declined dramaticallyin activity and in content within a few days of withholdingwater. Coincident with this decline in SS activity were significantincreases in the nodule contents of sucrose, total free aminoacids and ureides. The amounts of proline, however, did notincrease until some days later. It is suggested that SS mayplay a key role in the regulation of nodule carbon metabolismand, therefore, of nitrogen fixation under drought stress conditions. Key words: Glycine max, soybean, nodule metabolism, drought stress, sucrose synthase  相似文献   

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