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During studies on helminth parasites of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) from the river Tirino (L'Aquila - Italy), the intermediate hosts of Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781) and Dentitruncus truttae Sinzar, 1955 have been searched for. A total of 15,444 amphipoda belonging to the following 3 species: Echinogammarus roco Karman, 1973, Echinogammarus tibaldii Pinkster and Stock, 1970, and Gammarus italicus Goedmakers and Pinkster, 1977, have been dissected. E. roco, E. tibaldii and G. italicus were found infected with procercoid of Cyathocephalus truncatus (new hosts record and first procercoid record in Italy). E. roco, E. tibaldii and G. italicus were found infected with acanthella and cystacanth of Dentitruncus truttae (first record of intermediate hosts). Accordingly the ecology of the cestod C. truncatus and of the acanthocephalan D. truttae in their intermediate hosts has been studied considering principally the incidence and the seasonal occurence of the parasites.  相似文献   

The hundred and sixteen brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) which were examined for helminth parasites were captured in the River Tirino, (L'Acquila - Italy). Six parasite species (Phyllodistomum simile, Crowcrocaecum testiobliquum, Crepidostomum metoecus, Cyathocephalus truncatus, Truttaedacnitis truttae and Dentitruncus truttae) were recovered. Ecological studies on each helminth species recovered have been carried out analysing the following aspects; the preference of each parasite species for certain microhabitats in the host; the incidence and intensity of each parasitic infection according to sex, age and season.  相似文献   

Ovarian development was impaired in three adult Salmo salar L. × S. trutta L. hybrids identified among adult salmonids in Scottish fisheries. Species-specific variation at enzyme loci indicated that the fish were F1 hybrids and mitochondrial DNA analysis showed them to be the progeny of S. salar females.  相似文献   

During the periods 1956–1963 and 1967–1970 traps were operated to catch upstream- and downstream-migrating sea trout, Salmo trutta L. A total of 15 788 sea trout were tagged, using Carlin tags. The number of recaptures made in the traps was 4481, of which 1796 were recaptured more than once.
The distribution of the 2122 recaptures in the sea provides a picture of the sea-migration pattern. Of the sea recaptures, 52.8% were reported as within a distance of 3 km from the river mouth, compared to 0.7% more than 80 km away. All the different size-groups of sea trout were represented among both the long-distance and the short-distance migrants. The results of this study of sea trout migrations are discussed in relation to the published results for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and sea charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the same river.
The four highest values recorded for mean distance of daily travel away from the river were 20, 8, 8 and 6km day−1 by smolts and 6, 6, 5 and 5km day−1 by larger-sized sea trout.
Recaptures of tagged sea trout in rivers other than the Vardnes totalled 506, of which 306 had been tagged as smolts. The calculated minimum percentage of stray is 15.5%. The proportion of sea trout from the Vardnes river that actually spawn in other rivers is not known. No significant difference in length distribution was found between the sea trout caught in the Vardnes river and those caught in other rivers. An hypothesis concerning the selective advantages of straying by anadromous salmonids living in small rivers is discussed.  相似文献   

The 26 specimens of the landlocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. from Namsen river and its tributary Melingselva river (central Norway) were studied by the method of complete parasitological examination in the period of 1997-1998. The 15 parasite species have been recovered. Ration of parasite with a direct and complex cycle is approximately equal, 6 and 9 respectively. Larval stages of parasites predominate among the parasites with a complex cycle. The parasite fauna fond in the landlocked Atlantic salmon is most similar to that in youngsters of the lake salmon (Salmo salar morpha sebago Girard) and the migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).  相似文献   

Sets of scales with the relevant information were collected by the Irish Specimen Fish Committee from large or specimen brown trout taken by angling from Loughs Mask, and Corrib. The relationship between lengths and age were determined for those fish for which the necessary information was available. It was concluded that those fish destined to become specimens (10 lb or over in weight) had adopted a fish-eating habit to enable them to maintain a high rate of growth.  相似文献   

Otoliths of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are more slender than the otoliths of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Discriminant analysis on otolith measurements of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout from four river systems revealed a discriminant function which distinguished more than 94% of the cases. This function was tested by using data from a fifth river with cohabiting Atlantic salmon and brown trout: all Atlantic salmon and 91 % of the brown trout were correctly classified.  相似文献   

Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Brown trout of similar length and weight were fed a standard meal which contained a known number of food organisms of the same size-group and taxon (seven taxa were used). The weight of digestible organic matter in a trout stomach decreased exponentially with time. i.e. at a constant relative rate. At a particular water temperature, the food organisms were either evacuated from the stomach at similar rates (Group 1: Gammarus pulex, Baetis rhodani, Chironomidae, Oligochaetes) or at progressively slower rates (Group 2: Protonemura meyeri, Hydropsyche spp., Tenebrio molitor). Rates of gastric evacuation were not significantly different for food organisms of different size groups of the same taxon, or for different sized meals, or for different sizes of trout (range 20–30 cm), or for mixed and multiple meals (three meals over 16 h). Times are given for the gastric evacuation of 50%, 75%, 90% and 99% of the digestible organic matter in a meal. Starvation periods of 1, 2, 3,4 and 5 days prior to feeding did not affect evacuation rates. The rates were slightly, but not significantly, slower for starvation periods of 6 and 7 days, and were often significantly slower for starvation periods of 10, 15 and 20 days. Evacuation rates increased exponentially with increasing water temperature. It was possible to estimate both the rate and time for the gastric evacuation of different meals at water temperatures between 3–8°C and 19·1°C.  相似文献   

Growth, density and production of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout were studied in three different sections of the Kvassheimsåna River in south-western Norway from 1979 to 1983. Section 1. in the upper part of the river, is located above a waterfall impassable for migratory salmonids and is surrounded by grazing land. Sections 2 and 3, in the middle and lower parts of the river, are influenced by agricultural activity. Total nitrogen concentration varied between 250 and 1000 μg l ?1 in section 1 and 1500 and 2500 μg l?1 in sections 2 and 3. Total phosphorus (Tot-P) concentrations also increased with decreasing altitude: 19–46 μg l?1 in section I and 31–101 μg l ?1 in sections 2 and 3. The number of 0 + salmon in sections 2 and 3 varied between 30.1 and 167.8 specimens 100 m ?2, with means 90.2 and 95.2 specimens 100 m ?2:, respectively; the density of 1 + salmon, with mean values of 16.3 and 51.0 specimens 100m?2 was significantly correlated with the original fry density. The growth rate of 0+ salmon was not inversely related to cohort density, but was significantly so for 1 + salmon. Mean annual salmon production in section 2 was 1595 g 100 m?2 year 1, and in section 3 was 841 g 100m?2 year 1. A logarithmic function gave the best curve fit between salmon production and mean annual biomass. Thus, production levelled off for the highest values recorded in section 2, and perhaps approached the carrying capacity of the stream. A multiple regression analysis showed that yearly variation in 1 + salmon density was the single factor accounting for most of the total variability in production (60%). Variation in water temperature and nutrient content were not significantly related to variation in fish production. Densities of brown trout were low in all sections (<20 specimens 100m ?2). Fry density was highest in section 3 and parr density in section 1. All age groups of sympatric brown trout grew significantly faster in sections 2 and 3 compared with allopatric brown trout in section 1.  相似文献   

Seasonal microhabitat selection by sympatric young Atlantic salmon and brown trout was studied by diving. Both species, especially Atlantic salmon, showed seasonal variation with respect to surface and mean water velocities and depth. This variation is partly attributed to varying water flows and water temperatures. In winter the fish sought shelter in the substratum. A spatial variation in habitat use along the river due to different habitat availabilities was observed. Both species occupied habitats within the ranges of the microhabitat variables, rather than selecting narrow optima. It is hypothesized that the genetic basis allows a certain range to the behavioural response. Microhabitat segregation between the two species was pronounced, with brown trout inhabiting the more slow-flowing and partly more shallow stream areas. Atlantic salmon tolerated a wider range of water velocities and depths. Habitat suitability curves were produced from both species. It is suggested that habitat suitability curves that are based on observations of fish occupancy of habitat at median or base flow may not be suitable in habitat simulation models, where available habitat is projected at substantially greater water flows.  相似文献   

The River Fiddich, a tributary of the R. Spey in north-east Scotland, is a spawning river for both Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Warm cooling water effluent is discharged from several distilleries at different points in the lower reaches and raises the temperature of the river 1–3°C above ambient for most of the year. Salmon and trout grow more rapidly in this region than further upstream, and juvenile salmon generally migrate a year earlier, as 2 + smolts. Available data were too few to determine whether there was a similar difference for trout. Similar studies on the R. Dullan, a tributary of the Fiddich, and on the Cromdale Burn in the same area, confirmed that the growth rate of fish is faster downstream from distillery discharge points. It is suggested that increased invertebrate production may influence the growth rate.  相似文献   

The occurrence of eggs in the drift samples was not related to fluctuations in flow rates, but was probably related to the presence of eggs in the gravel. Both the number ( Y eggs 3h−1) and density ( Y eggs 100−1 m−3) of eggs in the drift samples increased with increasing water velocity ( V m sec−1), and the relationship between the two variables was well described by the regression equation Y=a Vb where a and b are constants. Comparisons were made between two streams and different, years.  相似文献   

亚东鲑的年龄与生长的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道了亚东鲑在青藏高原河流中的生长特点。对1999—2002年间在亚东河共采集的462尾亚东鲑(体长范围为93—364mm)进行了年龄与生长的研究。通过鳞片对其中302尾进行年龄鉴定并建立Von Bertalanffy生长方程:雌性(♀)Lt=709.44[1-e-0.1656(t-0.0845)](R2=0.9993,n=132)和Wt=6017.46[1-e-0.1656(t-0.0845)]2.9724(R2=0.9845,n=132);雄性(♂)Lt=797.82[1-e-0.1428(t-0.0058)](R2=0.9994,n=170)和Wt=8566.72[1-e-0.1428(t-0.0058)]2.9822(R2=0.9724,n=170)。亚东河中的亚东鲑群体由1—4龄组成,种群年龄趋于低龄化,雌雄性比为1∶1.29,生长指标为9.05—14.23(♀)和10.76—19.22(♂),雌雄鱼的平均标准体长分别为(192.60±69.92)mm和188.91±53.18mm。根据Von Bertalanffy方程的估算表明雌雄两性在体长、体重生长上有显著的差异;雄鱼比雌鱼有更大的渐近体长和渐近体重,两性个体均远未达到最大体长和体重;雄鱼比雌鱼生长更快,寿命更长。  相似文献   

A detailed comparative study of the diets of natural brown trout and stocked Atlantic salmon in Llyn Dwythwch, North Wales, was carried out over a period of 13 months. The annual and seasonal composition of both diets was calculated by number, volume and occurrence methods. Food in relation to fish size was compared by Spearman rank correlation. Interspecific competition was only significant during the summer months when food was abundant. The bottom fauna was classified according to accessibility, and utilization of the fauna and electivity is discussed for each species. The similarity of diet between the salmon stocked into Llyn Dwythwch and those in Welsh rivers implies that the former is the result of inheritance rather than from interactive segregation with the lake trout.  相似文献   

Summary Acidophilic cells occur in the epidermis of several species of salmonid fish, although their abundance fluctuates considerably between individuals within the same population and at different times during the life cycle. The histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of an acidophilic, granular celltype in the epidermis of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., is described. At the light microscope level this cell type is easily distinguished from the large, mucus-secreting, epidermal goblet cells by its acidophilic, proteinaceous secretion. At the ultrastructural level this secretion consists of membrane-bound granules formed by the very active Golgi region. It is argued that the acidophilic, granular cell is not a transformed blood cell but constitutes a normal epidermal component of the brown trout. Possible roles of this cell in the function(s) of the epidermis are discussed.  相似文献   

Among 332 parr from the Swedish River Grönån examined by electrophoresis, 44 (13%) were hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout. The hybrid frequencies in three sections of Grönån were significantly different (23. 8 and 2%). All hybrids are evidently of natural origin. and possible factors promoting hybridization are irregular overlapping spawning times. lack of separate spawning grounds, and involvement of sneakers.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, SOD, EC; catalase, CAT, EC; glutathione peroxidase, GPx, EC; glutathione reductase, GR, EC; glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, G6PD, EC and glutathione S -transferase, GST, EC and lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels of livers and gills of female Caspian trout Salmo trutta caspius , Black Sea trout Salmo trutta labrax and mountain trout Salmo trutta macrostigma were investigated. SOD, CAT, GPx, G6PD and GST activities were higher in liver compared to gills of all sub-species; concomitantly, the GR activity was also higher in the livers of S. t. caspius and S. t. labrax , but the reverse was seen in S. t. macrostigma . LPO levels were higher in the gills compared to the liver of all sub-species. There was no general trend in the seasonal changes in the gill antioxidant enzyme (AE) activities or LPO levels. Higher AE activities, however, were found in the liver of each sub-species during autumn, and this coincided with an increase in the gonado-somatic index.  相似文献   

For five years hatchery reared salmon and sea trout which had spent their entire lives in hatchery tanks were stripped each Autumn to investigate the survival of the resulting offspring.  相似文献   

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