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Subject-specific musculoskeletal models require accurate values of muscle moment arms. The aim of this study was to compare moment arms of wrist tendons obtained from non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to those obtained from an in vitro experimental approach. MRI was performed on ten upper limb cadaveric specimens to obtain the centrelines for the flexor carpi radialis (FCR), flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB), extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), and abductor pollicis longus (APL) tendons. From these, the anatomical moment arms about each of the flexion-extension (FE) and radioulnar deviation (RUD) axes of the wrist were calculated. Specimens were mounted on a physiologic wrist simulator to obtain functional measurements of the moment arms using the tendon excursion method. No differences were observed between anatomical and functional values of the FE and RUD moment arms of FCR, ECRL and ECRB, and the RUD moment arm of ECU (p > .075). Scaling the anatomical moment arms relative to ECRB in FE and ECU in RUD reduced differences in the FE moment arm of FCU and the RUD moment arm of APL to less than 15% (p > .139). However, differences persisted in moment arms of FCU in RUD, and ECU and APL in FE (p < .008). This study shows that while measurements of moment arms of wrist tendons using imaging do not always conform to values obtained using in vitro experimental approaches, a stricter protocol could result in the acquisition of subject-specific moment arms to personalise musculoskeletal models.  相似文献   

A biomechanical model of a thumb would be useful for exploring the mechanical loadings in the musculoskeletal system, which cannot be measured in vivo. The purpose of the current study is to develop a practical kinematic thumb model using the commercial software Anybody (Anybody Technology, Aalborg, Denmark), which includes real CT-scans of the bony sections and realistic tendon/muscle attachments on the bones. The thumb model consists of a trapezium, a metacarpal bone, a proximal and a distal phalanx. These four bony sections are linked via three joints, i.e., IP (interphalangeal), MP (metacarpophalangeal) and CMC (carpometacarpal) joints. Nine muscles were included in the proposed model. The theoretically calculated moment arms of the tendons are compared with the corresponding experimental data by Smutz et al. [1998. Mechanical advantage of the thumb muscles. J. Biomech. 31(6), 565–570]. The predicted muscle moment arms of the majority of the muscle/tendon units agree well with the experimental data in the entire range of motion. Close to the end of the motion range, the predicted moment arms of several muscles (i.e., ADPt and ADPo (transverse and oblique heads of the adductor pollicis, respectively) muscles for CMC abduction/adduction and ADPt and FPB (flexor pollicis brevis) muscle for MP extension/flexion) deviate from the experimental data. The predicted moment potentials for all muscles are consistent with the experimental data. The findings thus suggest that, in a biomechanical model of the thumb, the mechanical functions of muscle–tendon units with small physiological cross-sectional areas (PCSAs) can be well represented using single strings, while those with large PCSAs (flat-wide attachments, e.g., ADPt and ADPo) can be represented by the averaged excursions of two strings. Our results show that the tendons with large PCSAs can be well represented biomechanically using the proposed approach in the major range of motion.  相似文献   

High-resolution MRI scans, in conjunction with CAD software, were used to determine the three-dimensional moment arms and force vector direction cosines for 11 structures passing the interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the index finger. The results are presented for five different angles of joint flexion for a single subject. The moment arm data obtained differ from previous studies, where results have been derived from tendon excursion techniques or geometrical models. These dissimilarities have been accounted for by the differences in experimental techniques.  相似文献   

Geometric and tendon excursion methods have both been used extensively for estimating plantarflexor muscle moment arm in vivo. Geometric measures often utilize magnetic resonance imaging, which can be costly and impractical for many investigations. Estimating moment arm from tendon excursion measured with ultrasonography may provide a cost-effective alternative to geometric measures of moment arm, but how well such measures represent geometry-based moment arms remains in question. The purpose of this study was to determine whether moment arms from tendon excursion can serve as a surrogate for moment arms measured geometrically. Magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging were performed on 19 young male subjects to quantify plantarflexor moment arm based on geometric and tendon excursion paradigms, respectively. These measurements were weakly correlated that approached statistical significance (R2 = 0.21, p = 0.052), and moment arm from tendon excursion under-approximated geometric moment arm by nearly 40% (p < 0.001). This weak correlation between methods is at odds with a prior report (N = 9) of a strong correlation (R2 = 0.94) in a similar study. Therefore, we performed 92,378 regression analyses (19 choose 9) to determine if such a strong correlation existed in our study population. We found that certain sub-populations of the current study generated similarly strong coefficients of determination (R2 = 0.92), but 84% of all analyses revealed no correlation (p > 0.05). Our results suggest that the moment arms from musculoskeletal geometry cannot be otherwise obtained by simply scaling moment arms estimated from tendon excursion.  相似文献   

A detailed musculoskeletal model of the human hand is needed to investigate the pathomechanics of tendon disorders and carpal tunnel syndrome. The purpose of this study was to develop a biomechanical model with realistic flexor tendon excursions and moment arms. An existing upper extremity model served as a starting point, which included programmed movement of the index finger. Movement capabilities were added for the other fingers. Metacarpophalangeal articulations were modelled as universal joints to simulate flexion/extension and abduction/adduction while interphalangeal articulations used hinges to represent flexion. Flexor tendon paths were modelled using two approaches. The first method constrained tendons with control points, representing annular pulleys. The second technique used wrap objects at the joints as tendon constraints. Both control point and joint wrap models were iteratively adjusted to coincide with tendon excursions and moment arms from a anthropometric regression model using inputs for a 50th percentile male. Tendon excursions from the joint wrap method best matched the regression model even though anatomic features of the tendon paths were not preserved (absolute differences: mean<0.33 mm, peak<0.74 mm). The joint wrap model also produced similar moment arms to the regression (absolute differences: mean<0.63 mm, peak<1.58 mm). When a scaling algorithm was used to test anthropometrics, the scaled joint wrap models better matched the regression than the scaled control point models. Detailed patient-specific anatomical data will improve model outcomes for clinical use; however, population studies may benefit from simplified geometry, especially with anthropometric scaling.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the plantarflexor muscle group to generate desired plantarflexion moments is modulated by the geometry of the Achilles tendon moment arm (ATMA). Children with cerebral palsy (CP) frequently have reduced plantarflexion function, which is commonly attributed to impaired muscle structure and function, however little attention has been paid to the potential contribution of ATMA geometry. The use of musculoskeletal modelling for the simulation of gait and understanding of gait mechanics, rely on accuracy of ATMA estimates. This study aimed to compare 3D in-vivo estimates of ATMA of adults, children with CP and typically developing (TD) children, as well as compare 3D in-vivo estimates to linearly scaled musculoskeletal model estimates. MRI scans for eight children with CP, 11 TD children and nine healthy adults were used to estimate in-vivo 3D ATMA using a validated method. A lower limb musculoskeletal model was linearly scaled to individual tibia length to provide a scaled ATMA estimate. Normalised in-vivo 3D ATMA for children with CP was 17.2% ± 2.0 tibia length, which was significantly larger than for TD children (15.2% ± 1.2, p = 0.013) and adults (12.5% ± 0.8, p < 0.001). Scaled ATMA estimates from musculoskeletal models significantly underestimated in-vivo estimates for all groups, by up to 34.7%. The results of this study show children with CP have larger normalised 3D ATMA compared to their TD counterparts, which may have implications in understanding reduced plantarflexor function and the efficacy of surgical interventions whose aim is to modify the musculoskeletal geometry of this muscle group.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the effects of wrapping surfaces on muscle paths and moment arms of the neck muscle, semispinalis capitis. Sensitivities to wrapping surface size and the kinematic linkage to vertebral segments were evaluated. Kinematic linkage, but not radius, significantly affected the accuracy of model muscle paths compared to centroid paths from images. Both radius and linkage affected the moment arm significantly. Wrapping surfaces that provided the best match to centroid paths over a range of postures had consistent moment arms. For some wrapping surfaces with poor matches to the centroid path, a kinematic method (tendon excursion) predicted flexion moment arms in certain postures, whereas geometric method (distance to instant centre) predicted extension. This occurred because the muscle lengthened as it wrapped around the surface. This study highlights the sensitivity of moment arms to wrapping surface parameters and the importance of including multiple postures when evaluating muscle paths and moment arm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the effects of wrapping surfaces on muscle paths and moment arms of the neck muscle, semispinalis capitis. Sensitivities to wrapping surface size and the kinematic linkage to vertebral segments were evaluated. Kinematic linkage, but not radius, significantly affected the accuracy of model muscle paths compared to centroid paths from images. Both radius and linkage affected the moment arm significantly. Wrapping surfaces that provided the best match to centroid paths over a range of postures had consistent moment arms. For some wrapping surfaces with poor matches to the centroid path, a kinematic method (tendon excursion) predicted flexion moment arms in certain postures, whereas geometric method (distance to instant centre) predicted extension. This occurred because the muscle lengthened as it wrapped around the surface. This study highlights the sensitivity of moment arms to wrapping surface parameters and the importance of including multiple postures when evaluating muscle paths and moment arm.  相似文献   

Moment arms are important for understanding muscular behavior and for calculating internal muscle forces in musculoskeletal simulations. Biarticular muscles cross two joints and have moment arms that depend on the angle of both joints the muscles cross. The tendon excursion method was used to measure the joint angle-dependence of hamstring (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) moment arm magnitudes of the feline hindlimb at the knee and hip joints. Knee angle influenced hamstring moment arm magnitudes at the hip joint; compared to a flexed knee joint, the moment arm for semimembranosus posterior at the hip was at most 7.4 mm (25%) larger when the knee was extended. On average, hamstring moment arms at the hip increased by 4.9 mm when the knee was more extended. In contrast, moment arm magnitudes at the knee varied by less than 2.8 mm (mean=1.6 mm) for all hamstring muscles at the two hip joint angles tested. Thus, hamstring moment arms at the hip were dependent on knee position, while hamstring moment arms at the knee were not as strongly associated with relative hip position. Additionally, the feline hamstring muscle group had a larger mechanical advantage at the hip than at the knee joint.  相似文献   

This study investigates the morphological basis of differences between humans and chimpanzees in the kinematical and dynamical parameters of the musculature of the thumb. It is partly intended to test an hypothesis that human thumb muscles can exert significantly greater torques, due to larger muscle cross-sectional areas or to longer tendon moment arms or to both. We focus on the estimation of the potentials of thumb muscles to exert torques about joint axes in a sample of eight chimpanzee cadaver hands. The potential torque of a muscle is estimated by taking the product of a muscle's physiological cross-sectional area (an estimator of force) with its dynamical moment arm (derived from the slope of tendon excursion versus joint angular displacement, obtained during passive movements of cadaver thumb joints). Comparison of our results with similar data obtained for humans at the same Mayo Clinic laboratory shows significant differences between humans and chimpanzees in potential torque of most thumb muscles, those of humans generally exhibiting larger values. The primary reason for the larger torques in humans is that their average moment arms are significantly longer, permitting greater torque for a given muscle size. An additional finding is that chimpanzees and humans differ in the direction of secondary thumb metacarpal movements elicited by contraction of some muscles, as shown by differences in moment arm signs for a given movement in the same muscle. The differences appear to be related to differences in the musculo-skeletal structures of the trapeziometacarpal joint.  相似文献   

As a first step towards developing a dynamic model of the rat hindlimb, we measured muscle attachment and joint center coordinates relative to bony landmarks using stereophotogrammetry. Using these measurements, we analyzed muscle moment arms as functions of joint angle for most hindlimb muscles, and tested the hypothesis that postural change alone is sufficient to alter the function of selected muscles of the leg. We described muscle attachment sites as second-order curves. The length of the fit parabola and residual errors in the orthogonal directions give an estimate of muscle attachment sizes, which are consistent with observations made during dissection. We modeled each joint as a moving point dependent on joint angle; relative endpoint errors less than 7% indicate this method as accurate. Most muscles have moment arms with a large range across the physiological domain of joint angles, but their moment arms peak and vary little within the locomotion domain. The small variation in moment arms during locomotion potentially simplifies the neural control requirements during this phase. The moment arms of a number of muscles cross zero as angle varies within the quadrupedal locomotion domain, indicating they are intrinsically stabilizing. However, in the bipedal locomotion domain, the moment arms of these muscles do not cross zero and thus are no longer intrinsically stabilizing. We found that muscle function is largely determined by the change in moment arm with joint angle, particularly the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal posture, which may alter an intrinsically stabilizing arrangement or change the control burden.  相似文献   

Rotator cuff tears cause morphologic changes to cuff tendons and muscles, which can alter muscle architecture and moment arm. The effects of these alterations on shoulder mechanical performance in terms of muscle force and joint strength are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to develop a three-dimensional explicit finite element model for investigating morphological changes to rotator cuff tendons following cuff tear. The subsequent objectives were to validate the model by comparing model-predicted moment arms to empirical data, and to use the model to investigate the hypothesis that rotator cuff muscle moment arms are reduced when tendons are divided along the force-bearing direction of the tendon. The model was constructed by extracting tendon, cartilage, and bone geometry from the male Visible Human data set. Infraspinatus and teres minor muscle and tendon paths were identified relative to the humerus and scapula. Kinetic and kinematic boundary conditions in the model replicated experimental protocols, which rotated the humerus from 45 degrees internal to 45 degrees external rotation with constant loads on the tendons. External rotation moment arms were calculated for two conditions of the cuff tendons: intact normal and divided tendon. Predicted moment arms were within the 1-99% confidence intervals of experimental data for nearly all joint angles and tendon sub-regions. In agreement with the experimental findings, when compared to the intact condition, predicted moment arms were reduced for the divided tendon condition. The results of this study provide evidence that one potential mechanism for the reduction in strength observed with cuff tear is reduction of muscle moment arms. The model provides a platform for future studies addressing mechanisms responsible for reduced muscle force and joint strength including changes to muscle length-tension operating range due to altered muscle and tendon excursions, and the effects of cuff tear size and location on moment arms and muscle forces.  相似文献   

Excessive flexion and internal rotation of the hip is a common gait abnormality among individuals with cerebral palsy. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of hip flexion on the rotational moment arms of the hip muscles. We hypothesized that flexion of the hip would increase internal rotation moment arms and decrease external rotation moment arms of the primary hip rotators. To test this hypothesis we measured rotational moment arms of the gluteus maximus (six compartments), gluteus medius (four compartments), gluteus minimus (three compartments) iliopsoas, piriformis, quadratus femoris, obturator internus, and obturator externus. Moment arms were measured at hip flexion angles of 0, 20, 45, 60, and 90 degrees in four cadavers. A three-dimensional computer model of the hip muscles was developed and compared to the experimental measurements. The experimental results and the computer model showed that the internal rotation moment arms of some muscles increase with flexion; the external rotation moment arms of other muscles decrease, and some muscles switch from external rotation to internal rotation as the hip is flexed. This trend toward internal rotation with hip flexion was apparent in 15 of the 18 muscle compartments we examined, suggesting that excessive hip flexion may exacerbate internal rotation of the hip. The gluteus maximus was found to have a large capacity for external rotation. Enhancing the activation of the gluteus maximus, a muscle that is frequently underactive in persons with cerebral palsy, may help correct excessive flexion and internal rotation of the hip.  相似文献   


Biomechanical investigations examining shoulder function commonly observe a high degree of inter-individual variability in muscle activity and kinematic patterns during static and dynamic upper extremity exertions. Substantial differences in musculoskeletal geometry between individuals can alter muscle moment arms and lines of action that, theoretically, alter muscle activity and shoulder kinematics. The purposes of this research were to: (i) quantify model-predicted functional roles (moment arms, lines of action) of the scapulohumeral muscles, (ii) compare model predictions to experimental data in the literature, and (iii) evaluate sensitivity of muscle functional roles due to changes in muscle attachment locations using probabilistic modeling. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to iteratively adjust muscle attachment locations at the clavicle, scapula, and humerus of the Delft Shoulder and Elbow Model in OpenSim. Muscle moment arms and lines of action were quantified throughout arm elevation in the scapular plane. In general, model-predicted moment arms agreed well with the reviewed literature; however, notable inconsistencies were observed when comparing lines of action. Variability in moment arms and lines of action were muscle-specific, with 2 standard deviations in moment arm and line of actions as high as 25.8?mm and 18.8° for some muscles, respectively. Moment arms were particularly sensitive to changes in attachment site closest to the joint centre. Variations in muscle functional roles due to differences in musculoskeletal geometry are expected to require different muscle activity and movement patterns for upper extremity exertions.  相似文献   

A major problem of fossil hominid analysis is a lack of complete specimens. Many individual specimens have been damaged by the effects of diagenesis and excavation. Significant advances in the field of three dimensional image processing (3D) have enabled the creation of accurately scaled reconstructions of individual fossil bones using mirrored parts of the same fossil bone or human/fossil hominid equivalents. This study presents, for the first time, a method to reconstruct a 3D virtual model of the lower limb of the Neandertal using different bones from different fossil remains (Spy II, Neandertal 1 and Kebara 2) and integrating them into a single model of the Neandertal lower limb. A biomechanical analysis of the model was performed, including computer graphics visualization of the results, motion displacement graphs and muscle moment arms. The overall method has been implemented into an open-source customized software (lhpFusionBox) developed for the biomechanical study of the musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Generating muscle-driven forward dynamics simulations of human movement using detailed musculoskeletal models can be computationally expensive. This is due in part to the time required to calculate musculotendon geometry (e.g., musculotendon lengths and moment arms), which is necessary to determine and apply individual musculotendon forces during the simulation. Modeling upper-extremity musculotendon geometry can be especially challenging due to the large number of multi-articular muscles and complex muscle paths. To accurately represent this geometry, wrapping surface algorithms and/or other computationally expensive techniques (e.g., phantom segments) are used. This paper provides a set of computationally efficient polynomial regression equations that estimate musculotendon length and moment arms for thirty-two (32) upper-extremity musculotendon actuators representing the major muscles crossing the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Equations were developed using a least squares fitting technique based on geometry values obtained from a validated public-domain upper-extremity musculoskeletal model that used wrapping surface elements (Holzbaur et al., 2005). In general, the regression equations fit well the original model values, with an average root mean square difference for all musculotendon actuators over the represented joint space of 0.39 mm (1.1% of peak value). In addition, the equations reduced the computational time required to simulate a representative upper-extremity movement (i.e., wheelchair propulsion) by more than two orders of magnitude (315 versus 2.3 s). Thus, these equations can assist in generating computationally efficient forward dynamics simulations of a wide range of upper-extremity movements.  相似文献   

Hill-type muscle models are commonly used in musculoskeletal models to estimate muscle forces during human movement. However, the sensitivity of model predictions of muscle function to changes in muscle moment arms and muscle-tendon properties is not well understood. In the present study, a three-dimensional muscle-actuated model of the body was used to evaluate the sensitivity of the function of the major lower limb muscles in accelerating the whole-body center of mass during gait. Monte-Carlo analyses were used to quantify the effects of entire distributions of perturbations in the moment arms and architectural properties of muscles. In most cases, varying the moment arm and architectural properties of a muscle affected the torque generated by that muscle about the joint(s) it spanned as well as the torques generated by adjacent muscles. Muscle function was most sensitive to changes in tendon slack length and least sensitive to changes in muscle moment arm. However, the sensitivity of muscle function to changes in moment arms and architectural properties was highly muscle-specific; muscle function was most sensitive in the cases of gastrocnemius and rectus femoris and insensitive in the cases of hamstrings and the medial sub-region of gluteus maximus. The sensitivity of a muscle's function was influenced by the magnitude of the muscle's force as well as the operating region of the muscle on its force-length curve. These findings have implications for the development of subject-specific models of the human musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Space travel directly induces skeletal muscle atrophy.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Space travel causes rapid and pronounced skeletal muscle wasting in humans that reduces their long-term flight capabilities. To develop effective countermeasures, the basis of this atrophy needs to be better understood. Space travel may cause muscle atrophy indirectly by altering circulating levels of factors such as growth hormone, glucocorticoids, and anabolic steroids and/or by a direct effect on the muscle fibers themselves. To determine whether skeletal muscle cells are directly affected by space travel, tissue-cultured avian skeletal muscle cells were tissue engineered into bioartificial muscles and flown in perfusion bioreactors for 9 to 10 days aboard the Space Transportation System (STS, i.e., Space Shuttle). Significant muscle fiber atrophy occurred due to a decrease in protein synthesis rates without alterations in protein degradation. Return of the muscle cells to Earth stimulated protein synthesis rates of both muscle-specific and extracellular matrix proteins relative to ground controls. These results show for the first time that skeletal muscle fibers are directly responsive to space travel and should be a target for countermeasure development.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that moment arms scale with size and can be normalized by body segment lengths or limb circumferences. However, quantitative scaling relationships between moment arms and anthropometric dimensions are generally not available. We hypothesized that peak moment arms of the elbow flexor and extensor muscles scale with the shorter distance (D(s)) between the elbow flexion axis and a muscle's origin and insertion. To test this hypothesis, we estimated moment arms of six muscles that cross the elbow, digitized muscle attachment sites and bone surface geometry, and estimated the location of the elbow flexion axis in 10 upper extremity cadaveric specimens which ranged in size from a 5'0" female to a 6'4" male. D(s) accurately reflected the differences in peak moment arms across different muscles, explaining 93-99% of the variation in peaks between muscles in the same specimen. D(s) also explained between 55% and 88% of the interspecimen variation in peak moment arms for brachioradialis, biceps, and ECRL. Triceps peak moment arm was significantly correlated to the anterior-posterior dimension of the ulna measured at the olecranon (r(2)=0.61, p=0.008). Radius length provides a good measure of the interspecimen variation in peaks for brachioradialis, biceps, and ECRL. However, bone lengths were not significantly correlated to triceps moment arm or anterior-posterior bone dimensions. This work advances our understanding of the variability and scaling dimensions for elbow muscle moment arms across subjects of different sizes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of different muscle contraction modes and intensities on patellar tendon moment arm length (d(PT)). Five men performed isokinetic concentric, eccentric and passive knee extensions at an angular velocity of 60 deg/s and six men performed gradually increasing to maximum effort isometric muscle contractions at 90( composite function) and 20( composite function) of knee flexion. During the tests, lateral X-ray fluoroscopy imaging was used to scan the knee joint. The d(PT) differences between the passive state and the isokinetic concentric and extension were quantified at 15( composite function) intervals of knee joint flexion angle. Furthermore, the changes of the d(PT) as a function of the isometric muscle contraction intensities were determined during the isometric knee extension at 90( composite function) and 20( composite function) of knee joint flexion. Muscle contraction-induced changes in knee joint flexion angle during the isometric muscle contraction were also taken into account for the d(PT) measurements. During the two isometric knee extensions, d(PT) increased from rest to maximum voluntary muscle contraction (MVC) by 14-15%. However, when changes in knee joint flexion angle induced by the muscle contraction were taken into account, d(PT) during MVC increased by 6-26% compared with rest. Moreover, d(PT) increased during concentric and eccentric knee extension by 3-15%, depending on knee flexion angle, compared with passive knee extension. These findings have important implications for estimating musculoskeletal loads using modelling under static and dynamic conditions.  相似文献   

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