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在植物转基因植株产生过程中,对转化细胞进行抗性筛选是通用程序,转化细胞的抗性一般是抗生素抗性或除草剂抗性,将赋予转化细胞抗性的选择标记基因删除是提高转基因植物生物安全性的重要措施。来自于啤酒酵母的FLP/frt位点特异性重组系统可有效删除同向定点重组位点frt之间的基因。通过多步骤重组,建立了可在植物中广泛应用的FLP/frt位点特异性重组系统。该系统包括含有frt位点的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300-betA-frt-als-frt和含有由热诱导启动子hsp启动的FLP重组酶基因的植物表达载体pCAMBIA1300-hsp-FLP-hpt。利用二次转化的方式将二者先后转入烟草植株,热激处理后,热诱导型启动子hsp调控的重组酶FLP基因的表达催化位于选择标记基因als两侧同向frt位点间的重组反应,有效地删除了选择标记基因als。41%的经热激处理的二次转化植株发生了选择标记基因的删除,表明该系统在获得无选择标记基因的转基因植株中有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

将置于两个同向lox位点之间的Bar基因表达盒与大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂SKTI基因表达盒融合后获得相应植物表达载体,转化烟草Wisconsin 38后获得对棉铃虫具有明显抗性的SKTI转基因植株。SKTI转基因植株通过叶盘二次转化法导入Cre基因,对再生植株叶盘进行Basta的抗性检测,检测Bar基因的删除情况。结果表明:绝大多数再生植株对应叶盘在含8 mg/L PPT的筛选培养基上无法再生,Bar基因被删除的效率在38%~100%之间。对Bar基因删除区域进行PCR及克隆测序后发现Bar基因表达盒被精确删除。对Bar基因删除植株开花自交获得的分离后代进行NPTⅡ抗性检测,5株NPTⅡ敏感植株分子检测显示均只含有SKTI基因而无Cre基因存在,为无选择标记基因的SKTI转基因植株。  相似文献   

目前,几乎所有的植物遗传转化都要通过使用选择标记基因,如抗生素或除草剂抗性基因等来筛选转化子,虽然没有研究结果表明选择标记基因影响人类健康或环境安全,但近年来也引发了人们对转基因产品安全性的担心。为了消除公众对转基因食品的安全性顾虑,无选择标记的转基因植物应运而生。本文综述了共转化系统、位点特异性重组系统(包括FLP/FRT、Cre/lox、R/RS及Gin/gix系统)和转座子系统(Ac/Ds转座子系统)在培育无选择标记转基因植物中的应用。  相似文献   

无选择标记转基因植物的培育   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
植物转基因研究中通常都要使用选择标记基因来筛选转化细胞并获得转基因植株。但是当转基因植株育成后,选择标记基因就失去了存在的意义。为了消除由选择标记基因引起的安全性隐患,人们发展了一些培育无选择标记转基因植物的策略。这些策略主要包括共转化、位点特异性重组和转座子转座等。去除选择标记基因将促进公众对转基因作物的接受。评述了无选择标记转基因植物的研究进展。  相似文献   

自上世纪80年代转基因植物诞生以来,世界各国专家在转基因作物对健康和环境的影响问题上就一直争论不休,并严重地影响了转基因作物的商业化。解决的方法就是在转基因植株筛选后将选择标记和其它一些辅助序列剔除。综述了近年来国内外在植物无选择标记转基因技术方面的发展和研究成果,详细地论述了这些转化系统的基本原理和操作方法,并进一步比较了它们彼此间的优缺点,结合实际预测了该技术在生物技术和商品化农业上的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

目前,大部分植物遗传转化都要使用选择标记基因,诸如抗生素、除草剂等来筛选转化子,由此而引起的转基因生物安全性问题受到了人们的关注。为了消除转基因作物中的筛选标记,一种全新的策略即无选择标记的转基因技术迅速发展起来。该技术既能够减轻大众对转基因植物中含有选择标记基因而引起的恐惧,又能将多个基因逐个整合到同一作物以实现基因聚合。因此这种新策略有着巨大的应用价值。对获得无筛选标记转基因作物的一些方法及其最新研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

随着植物转基因研究的不断深入,对基因重组系统提出了新的要求。位点特异性重组系统具有高效、精确等的优点,在植物基因工程领域的应用越来越广泛。对常用的三类位点特异性重组系统的作用机制、优缺点及其应用进展进行了全面的综述,期望为植物转基因研究提供技术参考。对于目前研究较为热点的基因编辑技术CRISPR-Cas系统作了简要概述。  相似文献   

去除选择标记基因的Cre/lox重组系统在植物中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获得无选择标记基因的转基因植物越来越受到研究者的重视。目前,应用得较广泛的去除选择标记基因的方法有共转化法和位点特异性重组法,其中位点特异性重组系统中Cre/lox重组系统研究最多。以下介绍了Cre/lox位点特异性重组系统的原理、特点及其近几年在植物中的应用,针对本实验室在这一领域的研究情况,重点阐述了Cre/lox系统的应用前景。随着植物反应器研究领域的不断壮大,去除筛选标记基因是植物反应器研究的必然趋势。  相似文献   

获得无选择标记转基因植株是进行重复转基因及消除转基因植株中标记基因潜在危害性的关键。实验采用了Ac/Ds转座子系统在水稻(Oryza sativa L.)中进行无hpt选择标记的转基因。将含有目的基因bar的Ds元件和hpt标记基因置于同一个T-DNA中,通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens) EHA105介导将Ac-T-DNA及Ds-T-DNA分别转入到不同的水稻植株,再将单拷贝的Ac-T-DNA植株与单拷贝的Ds-T-DNA植株杂交得到同时含有AcDs元件的F1植株,F1自交产生F2后代,F2植株中转座后的Ds元件与T-DNA独立分离,在总共100株F2水稻植株中筛选得到2株只含有Ds元件插入而无hpt标记基因的转基因水稻植株。结果表明,利用Ac/Ds转座子系统在水稻中获得无选择标记的转基因植株是可行的。  相似文献   

建立了一种利用双T-DNA载体培育无选择标记转基因植物的方法。通过体外重组构建了双T-DNA双元载体pDLBRBbarm。载体中,选择标记nptⅡ基因和另一代表外源基因的bar基因分别位于2个独立的T-DNA。利用农杆菌介导转化烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.),在获得的转化植株中,同时整合有nptⅡ基因和bar基因的频率为59.2%。对4个同时整合有nptⅡ和bar基因植株自交获得的T1代株系进行检测分析,发现在3个T1代株系2个T-DNA可以发生分离,其中约19.5%的转基因T1代植株中只存在bar基因而不带选择标记nptⅡ。这一结果说明双T-DNA载体系统能有效地用于培育无选择标记的转基因植物。研究还利用位于2个不同载体上的nptⅡ基因与bar基因通过农杆菌介导共转化烟草,获得共转化植株的频率为20.0%~47.4%,低于使用双T-DNA转化的共转化频率。  相似文献   

Selectable marker genes that usually encode antibiotic or herbicide resistances are widely used for the selection of transgenic plants, but they become unnecessary and undesirable after transformation selection. An important strategy to improve the transgenic plants' biosafety is to eliminate the marker genes after successful selection. In the FLP/frt site-specific system of 2-μm plasmid from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the FLP enzyme efficiently catalyzes recombination between two directly repeated FLP recombination target (frt) sites, eliminating the sequence between them. By controlled expression of the FLP recombinase and specific allocation of the frt sites within transgenic constructs, the system can be applied to eliminate the marker genes after selection. Through a series of procedures, the plant FLP/frt site-specific recombination system was constructed, which included the frt-containing vector pCAMBIA1300-betA-frt-als-frt and the FLP expression vector pCAMBIA1300-hsp-FLP-hpt. The FLP recombinase gene was introduced into transgenic (betA-frt-als-frt) tobacco plants by re-transformation. In re-transgenic plants, after heat-shock treatment, the marker gene als flanked by two identical orientation frt sites could be excised by the inducible expression of FLP recombinase under the control of hsp promoter. Excision of the als gene was found in 41 % re-transgenic tobacco plants, which indicated that this system could make a great contribution obtaining the marker-free transgenic plants.  相似文献   

位点特异重组系统由重组酶和相应的重组酶识别位点组成,通过两者间的相互作用,实现外源基因精确整合与切除等一系列遗传操作.主要可分为Cre/lox系统、FLP/frt系统、R/RS系统和Gin/gix系统.目前,研究最充分应用最广泛的位点特异重组系统为Cre/lox系统.此系统为位点特异重组系统家族中的一员,由38.5kDCre重组酶和34bplox位点组成,最早被应用于动物转基因研究,包括基因敲除、基因激活、基因易位等.近年来,随着研究的深入,Cre/lox系统被逐步应用到植物研究中,并在诸多领域取得重大进展.本文总结归纳了Cre/lox系统在定点整合、定点切除以及叶绿体转化等方面的最新研究成果,旨在为利用Cre/lox系统构建环境安全和高效表达的植物遗传转化体系提供参考.  相似文献   

FLP recombinase-mediated site-specific recombination in rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The feasibility of using the FLP/ FRT site-specific recombination system in rice for genome engineering was evaluated. Transgenic rice plants expressing the FLP recombinase were crossed with plants harbouring the kanamycin resistance gene ( neomycin phosphotransferase II , nptII ) flanked by FRT sites, which also served to separate the corn ubiquitin promoter from a promoterless gusA . Hybrid progeny were tested for excision of the nptII gene and the positioning of the ubiquitin promoter proximal to gusA . While the hybrid progeny from various crosses exhibited β-glucuronidase (GUS) expression, the progeny of selfed parental rice plants did not show detectable GUS activity. Despite the variable GUS expression and incomplete recombination displayed in hybrids from some crosses, uniform GUS staining and complete recombination were observed in hybrids from other crosses. The recombined locus was shown to be stably inherited by the progeny. These data demonstrate the operation of FLP recombinase in catalysing excisional DNA recombination in rice, and confirm that the FLP/ FRT recombination system functions effectively in the cereal crop rice. Transgenic rice lines expressing active FLP recombinase generated in this study provide foundational stock material, thus facilitating the future application and development of the FLP/ FRT system in rice genetic improvement.  相似文献   

Trapping of Mammalian Promoters by Cre-lox Site-Specific Recombination   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
One of the challenges in human genome research is to identifythe promoter sequences which play a key role in the regulationof gene expression. We report here a new promoter trapping systemfor use with mammalian cells comprised of the following threesteps: 1) Cloning of DNA fragments into a promoter-trappingvector, 2) integration of the trapping vector into a designatedtarget in the mammalian genome using the Cre site-specific recombinase,and 3) screening of integrants for trapped promoter sequencesby activation of the luciferase gene. To assess the efficiencyof this system, lox trapping vectors containing sense tk promoter,antisense tk promoter, or a non-promoter sequence of the neogene were employed. The resulting levels of luciferase activityof the site-specific integrants were measured directly. Luciferaseactivity of the integrants can be assayed under conventionalculture conditions by simply replacing the culture medium withpotassium phosphate buffer containing luciferin. Only thoseG418r colonies carrying the tk promoter in the normal orientationexhibited a 21- to 35-fold increase in luciferase activity overthat of the other integrants. These results indicate that thissystem is an effective means of trapping promoter sequencesfrom random mammalian genomic DNA fragments.  相似文献   

The FLP recombinase derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediates precise site‐specific recombination between a pair of FLP recognition targets (FRTs). Like the Cre/loxP system derived from bacteriophage P1, the FLP/FRT system has recently been applied to gene regulation systems using an FLP‐expressing recombinant adenovirus (rAd) (Nakano et al, Nucleic Acids Res. 29: e40, 2001). In an attempt to improve the FLP/FRT system by altering its DNA substrates, we compared the recombination efficiency among different substrates by a quantitative in vitro assay using FLP expressed in mammalian cells. Unexpectedly, we found that one linearized DNA substrate showed 4‐ to > 20‐fold lower recombination efficiency than other substrates, which phenomenon has not been observed in the Cre/loxP system. The quantitative in vitro assay using truncated DNA substrates suggested that the recombination efficiency seemed to be influenced not only by the linearized position of the substrate, but also by the length between a pair of FRTs. Such substrate preference of FLP expressed in mammalian cells should probably be noted when designing versatile applications of the FLP/FRT system as a gene regulation system in mammalian systems. Fortunately, however, we demonstrated that no substrate preference was observed when using a particular substrate (pCAFNF5) and the preference was reduced when using a certain pair of mutant FRTs (f72), which will also be a promising tool for simultaneous gene regulation in combination with wild‐type FRT.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance marker genes are powerful selection tools for use in plant transformation processes. However, once transformation is accomplished, the presence of these resistance genes is no longer necessary and can even be undesirable. We herein describe the successful excision of antibiotic resistance genes from transgenic plants via the use of an oxidative stress-inducible FLP gene. FLP encodes a recombinase that can eliminate FLP and hpt selection genes flanked by two FRT sites. During a transformation procedure in tobacco, transformants were obtained by selection on hygromycin media. Regenerants of the initial transformants were screened for selective marker excision in hydrogen peroxide supplemented media and both the FLP and hpt genes were found to have been eliminated. About 13–41% of regenerated shoots on hydrogen peroxide media were marker-free. This auto-excision system, mediated by the oxidative stress-inducible FLP/FRT system to eliminate a selectable marker gene can be very readily adopted and used to efficiently generate marker-free transgenic plants.  相似文献   

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