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Parasites play an important role in the evolution of host traits via natural selection, coevolution and sexually selected ornaments used in mate choice. These evolutionary scenarios assume fitness costs for hosts. To test this assumption, we conducted an ectoparasite removal experiment in free-living Columbian ground squirrels (Urocittelus columbianus) in four populations over three years. Adult females were randomly chosen to be either experimentally treated with anti-parasite treatments (spot-on solution and flea powder, N = 61) or a sham treatment (control, N = 44). We expected that experimental females would show better body condition, increased reproductive success and enhanced survival. Contrary to our expectations, body mass was not significantly different between treatments at mating, birth of litter or weaning of young. Further, neither number nor size of young at weaning differed significantly between the two treatments. Survival to the next spring for adult females and juveniles was not significantly different between experimental and control treatments. Finally, annual fitness was not affected by the treatments. We concluded that females and their offspring were able compensate for the presence of ectoparasites, suggesting little or no fitness costs of parasites for females in the different colonies and during the years of our experiments.  相似文献   

Double infections of related or unrelated viruses frequently occur in single plants, the viral agents being inoculated into the host plant simultaneously (co‐infection) or sequentially (super‐infection). Plants attacked by viruses activate sophisticated defence pathways which operate at different levels, often at significant fitness costs, resulting in yield reduction in crop plants. The occurrence and severity of the negative effects depend on the type of within‐host interaction between the infecting viruses. Unrelated viruses generally interact with each other in a synergistic manner, whereas interactions between related viruses are mostly antagonistic. These can incur substantial fitness costs to one or both of the competitors. A relatively well‐known antagonistic interaction is cross‐protection, also referred to as super‐infection exclusion. This type of interaction occurs when a previous infection with one virus prevents or interferes with subsequent infection by a homologous second virus. The current knowledge on why and how one virus variant excludes or restricts another is scant. Super‐infection exclusion between viruses has predominantly been attributed to the induction of RNA silencing, which is a major antiviral defence mechanism in plants. There are, however, presumptions that various mechanisms are involved in this phenomenon. This review outlines the current state of knowledge concerning the molecular mechanisms behind antagonistic interactions between plant viruses. Harmful or beneficial effects of these interactions on viral and host plant fitness are also characterized. Moreover, the review briefly outlines the past and present attempts to utilize antagonistic interactions among viruses to protect crop plants against destructive diseases.  相似文献   

We measured the energy cost of ectoparasitism in an experimental study of the house martin bug Oeciacus hirundinis and its main host, nestlings of the house martin Delichon urbica. Nests were randomly assigned to inoculation with 0 (control) 10, or 100 bugs during egg laying, and this resulted in statistically significant differences in parasite loads following fledging of nestlings. Parasite loads negatively affected house martin nestlings as estimated from their body mass at age 16 days and from mass loss estimated over 1 day late in the nestling period. Daily energy expenditure (KJ/d), average daily metabolic rate (ml CO2/g h), and mass independent daily energy expenditure (kJ/mass0.67d) did not differ significantly between experimental treatments. However, average daily metabolic rate increased with increasing intensities of ectoparasitism. Mass independent daily energy expenditure also increased with higher levels of parasite infestation. These results demonstrate that the bug imposes an energy cost on its host by elevating the level of metabolism.  相似文献   

Many malaria vector mosquitoes in Africa have an extreme preference for feeding on humans. This specialization allows them to sustain much higher levels of transmission than elsewhere, but there is little understanding of the evolutionary forces that drive this behaviour. In Tanzania, we used a semi-field system to test whether the well-documented preferences of the vectors, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) for cattle and humans, respectively, are predicted by the fitness they obtain from host-seeking on these species relative to other available hosts. Mosquito fitness was contrasted, when humans were fully exposed and when they were protected by a typical bednet. The fitness of both vectors varied between host species. The predicted relationship between host preference and fitness was confirmed in An. arabiensis, but not in An. gambiae s.s., whose fitness was similar on humans and other mammals. Use of typical, imperfect bednets generated only minor reductions in An. gambiae s.s. feeding success and fitness on humans, but was predicted to generate a significant reduction in the lifetime reproductive success of An. arabiensis on humans relative to cows. This supports the hypothesis that such human-protective measures could additionally benefit malaria control by increasing selection for zoophily in vectors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Biocontrol Peptide BP100 is a synthetic and strongly cationic a-helical undecapeptide with high, specific antibacterial activity against economically important plant-pathogenic bacteria, and very low toxicity. It was selected from a library of synthetic peptides, along with other peptides with activities against relevant bacterial and fungal species. Expression of the BP100 series of peptides in plants is of major interest to establish disease-resistant plants and facilitate molecular farming. Specific challenges were the small length, peptide degradation by plant proteases and toxicity to the host plant. Here we approached the expression of the BP100 peptide series in plants using BP100 as a proof-of-concept. RESULTS: Our design considered up to three tandemly arranged BP100 units and peptide accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), analyzing five BP100 derivatives. The ER retention sequence did not reduce the antimicrobial activity of chemically synthesized BP100 derivatives, making this strategy possible. Transformation with sequences encoding BP100 derivatives (bp100der) was over ten-fold less efficient than that of the hygromycin phosphotransferase (hptII) transgene. The BP100 direct tandems did not show higher antimicrobial activity than BP100, and genetically modified (GM) plants constitutively expressing them were not viable. In contrast, inverted repeats of BP100, whether or not elongated with a portion of a natural antimicrobial peptide (AMP), had higher antimicrobial activity, and fertile GM rice lines constitutively expressing bp100der were produced. These GM lines had increased resistance to the pathogens Dickeya chrysanthemi and Fusarium verticillioides, and tolerance to oxidative stress, with agronomic performance comparable to untransformed lines. CONCLUSIONS: Constitutive expression of transgenes encoding short cationic a-helical synthetic peptides can have a strong negative impact on rice fitness. However, GM plants expressing, for example, BP100 based on inverted repeats, have adequate agronomic performance and resistant phenotypes as a result of a complex equilibrium between bp100der toxicity to plant cells, antimicrobial activity and transgene-derived plant stress response. It is likely that these results can be extended to other peptides with similar characteristics.  相似文献   

Studies of the evolution of helping have traditionally used the explanatory frameworks of reciprocity and altruism towards relatives, but recently there has been an increasing interest in other kinds of explanations. We review the success or otherwise of work investigating alternative processes and mechanisms, most of which fall under the heading of cooperation for direct benefits. We evaluate to what extent concepts such as by-product benefits, pseudo-reciprocity, sanctions and partner choice, markets and the build-up of cross-species spatial trait correlations have contributed to the study of the evolution of cooperation. We conclude that these alternative ideas are successful and show potential to further increase our understanding of cooperation. We also bring up the origin and role of common interest in the evolution of cooperation, including the appearance of organisms. We note that there are still unresolved questions about the main processes contributing to the evolution of common interest. Commenting on the broader significance of the recent developments, we argue that they represent a justified balancing of the importance given to different major hypotheses for the evolution of cooperation. This balancing is beneficial because it widens considerably the range of phenomena addressed and, crucially, encourages empirical testing of important theoretical alternatives.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi have been shown to increase tolerance of hosts to biotic and abiotic stresses and in some cases alter growth and development of plants. In this article we evaluate some effects that clavicipitaceous endophytes have on development and physiology of plant tissues. We postulate that oxidative stress protection is the fundamental underlying benefit conferred by many endophytes, accounting for frequently observed enhanced disease resistance, drought tolerance, heavy metal tolerance and tolerance to numerous additional oxidative stresses. We hypothesize that endophyte-mediated oxidative stress protection of the host is the result of at least two processes, including: (1) secretion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from endophytic mycelia into plant cells; and (2) secretion of auxin from endophytic mycelia into plant cells. Both processes result in an increase in ROS in plant tissues; and stimulate plant tissues to increase activities of antioxidant systems. Auxin is suggested to function in suppression of plant cell death and may be important in maintaining the endophyte–plant symbiosis.  相似文献   

The International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) committee has been an interested observer of community interests in all matters related to MSC identity, mechanism of action, potency assessment and etymology, and it has regularly contributed to this conversation through a series of MSC pre-conferences and committee publications dealing with these matters. Arising from these reflections, the authors propose that an overlooked and potentially disruptive perspective is the impact of in vivo persistence on potency that is not predicted by surrogate cellular potency assays performed in vitro and how this translates to in vivo outcomes. Systemic delivery or extravascular implantation at sites removed from the affected organ system seems to be adequate in affecting clinical outcomes in many pre-clinical murine models of acute tissue injury and inflammatory pathology, including the recent European Medicines Agency-approved use of MSCs in Crohn-related fistular disease. The authors further propose that MSC viability and metabolic fitness likely dominate as a potency quality attribute, especially in recipients poised for salutary benefits as defined by emerging predictive biomarkers of response.  相似文献   

【背景】对寄生蜂与寄主之间关系的研究是寄生蜂有效利用的基础。寄生蜂雌蜂通常选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主进行产卵。【方法】在室内26℃条件下,研究了橘小实蝇蛹体型大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂产卵和生长发育的影响。采用饥饿方法处理3龄橘小实蝇幼虫以获得体型大小(用体质量表示)差异较大的寄主蛹,供寄生蜂选择寄生。【结果】蝇蛹俑小蜂显著偏好寄生体型中等的寄主蛹,然而,随着寄主体型的增大,后代雌性比率增大,且寄主蛹个体大小与后代雌蜂体型大小存在显著的正相关;橘小实蝇蛹个体大小对蝇蛹俑小蜂后代发育历期和寿命无显著影响。【结论与意义】蝇蛹俑小蜂雌蜂能够根据寄主蛹质量来调整后代数量和性比,以使后代适应度最大化。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对B型烟粉虱发育适合度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明寄主植物对B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)种群发育适合度的影响,采用室内实验比较了B型烟粉虱在番茄、棉花、菜豆和辣椒上的生存曲线、发育进度和成虫性比等生物学指标。结果表明,B型烟粉虱种群在不同寄主植物上的生存曲线差异显著,由卵发育至成虫的存活率由高到低依次为:番茄=棉花>菜豆>辣椒。B型烟粉虱在辣椒、棉花、菜豆和番茄上50%成虫羽化期依次为25.5、23.0、22.8和22.5d,在辣椒上的发育进度显著慢于其他植物。在不同寄主植物上B型烟粉虱的雌成虫比例差异显著,由高到低依次为:辣椒(63.0%)>棉花(58.3%)>菜豆(52.0%)>番茄(49.7%)。在番茄上B型烟粉虱第二代的生存率显著高于第一代,发育速率较第一代加快,雌成虫比例(63.3%)也显著高于第一代(49.7%)。在棉花上,第一代和第二代间的生存曲线、发育进度和雌成虫比例则差异不显著。可见,不同寄主植物对B型烟粉虱的发育适合度不同,在番茄上的发育适合度则以第二代较第一代显著提高。此外,B型烟粉虱在不适寄主植物辣椒上的存活率较低,但后代雌成虫比例增加,推测B型烟粉虱可通过调整后代性比增加其在不适寄主植物上的种群。  相似文献   

Changes in host diversity and community structure have been linked to disease, but the mechanisms underlying such relationships and their applicability to non-vector-borne disease systems remain conjectural. Here we experimentally investigated how changes in host community structure affected the transmission and pathology of the multi-host parasite Ribeiroia ondatrae, which is a widespread cause of amphibian limb deformities. We exposed larval amphibians to parasites in monospecific or heterospecific communities, and varied host number to differentiate between density- and diversity-mediated effects on transmission. In monospecific communities, exposure to Ribeiroia significantly increased mortality (15%), malformations (40%) and time-to-metamorphosis in toads. However, the presence of tree frogs significantly reduced infection in toads, leading to fewer malformations and higher survival than observed in monospecific communities, providing evidence of parasite-mediated facilitation. Our results suggest that interspecific variation in parasite resistance can inhibit parasite transmission in multi-species communities, reducing infection and pathology in sensitive hosts.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of group size on the direct reproductive success of subordinate helpers in eusocial animals where only a single, dominant individual reproduces at one time. Helpers can reproduce directly if they inherit dominance, but when dominance is age based, an individual born into a larger group has a longer wait to inherit. We show that this disincentive to help can potentially be offset by increased productivity, increased life span, and insurance-based benefits for helpers if they survive to inherit dominance in larger groups. We analyze a field experiment in which group size was manipulated in the hover wasp Liostenogaster flavolineata. Productivity increased linearly with group size, larger groups were less likely to fail, and dominants in larger groups may have lived longer. Combined with the probability of inheriting dominance, these effects led overall to a negative correlation between group size and expected direct fitness, mainly because group size decreased during our study period, so that helpers could not expect to inherit as large a group as they started queuing in. Our analysis suggests that the relationship between group size and productivity plays a central role in determining the fitness consequences of helping.  相似文献   

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The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda is one of the principal pests of apiculture in the Pampas region of Argentina. As adults they prey on honey bees and other insects, while as larvae they are solitary ectoparasitoids of third instar scarab beetle larvae. Females of M. ruficauda lay eggs away from the host in tall grasses. After being dispersed by the wind, larvae drop to the ground, where they dig in search of their hosts. It is known that second instar larvae of M. ruficauda exhibit active host searching behaviour towards its preferred host, third instar larva of Cyclocephala signaticollis. Although the means by which host location occurs has been studied and since superparasitism is a frequent scenario in the field, no information about host discrimination and host acceptance is available. We carried out studies in the field and behavioural experiments in the laboratory to determine if M. ruficauda is capable of quality host discrimination. We also studied if this parasitoid is capable of conspecific detection in order to avoid superparasitism. Finally, we analyzed the conditions under which superparasitism occurs in the field. We report here that the second instar larva of M. ruficauda is able to discriminate the parasitism status of the host by means of chemical cues, but is not capable of detecting conspecifics prior to attacking a host. We also found that the host cannot detect the presence of the parasitoid by means of chemical cues, so that no counter-defense against parasitism occurs. Furthermore, we determined that superparasitism occurs on the heavier hosts, i.e. those with more abundant resources which could harbor several parasitoid individuals. Finally, we discuss the possible implications of larval host location and host discrimination decisions on the fitness of this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Most humans carry mites in the hair follicles of their skin for their entire lives. Follicular mites are the only metazoans that continuously live on humans. We propose that Demodex folliculorum (Acari) represents a transitional stage from a host-injuring obligate parasite to an obligate symbiont. Here, we describe the profound impact of this transition on the genome and physiology of the mite. Genome sequencing revealed that the permanent host association of D. folliculorum led to an extensive genome reduction through relaxed selection and genetic drift, resulting in the smallest number of protein-coding genes yet identified among panarthropods. Confocal microscopy revealed that this gene loss coincided with an extreme reduction in the number of cells. Single uninucleate muscle cells are sufficient to operate each of the three segments that form each walking leg. While it has been assumed that the reduction of the cell number in parasites starts early in development, we identified a greater total number of cells in the last developmental stage (nymph) than in the terminal adult stage, suggesting that reduction starts at the adult or ultimate stage of development. This is the first evolutionary step in an arthropod species adopting a reductive, parasitic, or endosymbiotic lifestyle. Somatic nuclei show under-replication at the diploid stage. Novel eye structures or photoreceptors as well as a unique human host melatonin-guided day/night rhythm are proposed for the first time. The loss of DNA repair genes coupled with extreme endogamy might have set this mite species on an evolutionary dead-end trajectory.  相似文献   

Parasites with exclusive vertical transmission from host parent to offspring are an evolutionary puzzle. With parasite fitness entirely linked to host reproduction, any fitness cost for infected hosts risks their selective elimination. Environmental conditions likely influence parasite impact and thereby the success of purely vertical transmission strategies. We tested for temperature‐dependent virulence of Caedibacter taeniospiralis, a vertically transmitted bacterial symbiont of the protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia. We compared growth of infected and cured host populations at five temperatures (16–32 °C). Infection reduced host density at all temperatures, with a peak of ?30% at 28 °C. These patterns were largely consistent across five infected Paramecium strains. Similar to Wolbachia symbionts, C. taeniospiralis may compensate fitness costs by conferring to the host a ‘killer trait’, targeting uninfected competitors. Considerable loss of infection at 32 °C suggests that killer efficacy is not universal and that limited heat tolerance restricts the conditions for persistence of C. taeniospiralis.  相似文献   

Organisms can either evade winter's unfavourable conditions by migrating or diapausing, or endure them and maintain their activities. When it comes to foraging during winter, a period of scarce resources, there is strong selective pressure on resource exploitation strategy. Generalist parasitoids are particularly affected by this environmental constraint, as their fitness is deeply linked to the profitability of the available hosts. In this study, we considered a cereal aphid–parasitoid system and investigated (1) the host–parasitoid community structure, host availability, and parasitism rate in winter, (2) the influence of host quality in terms of species and instars on the fitness of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani‐Perez (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae), and (3) whether there is a detectable impact of host fidelity on parasitism success of this parasitoid species. Host density was low during winter and the aphid community consisted of the species Rhopalosiphum padi L. and Sitobion avenae Fabricius (both Hemiptera: Aphididae), both parasitized by A. rhopalosiphi at non‐negligible rates. Aphidius rhopalosiphi produced more offspring when parasitizing R. padi compared with S. avenae, whereas bigger offspring were produced when parasitizing S. avenae. Although aphid adults and old larvae were significantly larger hosts than young larvae, the latter resulted in higher emergence rates and larger parasitoids. No impact of host fidelity on emergence rates or offspring size was detected. This study provides some evidence that winter A. rhopalosiphi populations are able to take advantage of an array of host types that vary in profitability, indicating that host selectivity may drop under winter's unfavourable conditions.  相似文献   

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