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The high rate of sequence divergence in nuclear ribosomal RNA (rRNA) expansion segments offers a unique opportunity to study the importance of natural selection in their evolution. To this end, we polymerase chain reaction amplified and cloned a 589-nt fragment of the 18S rRNA gene containing expansion segments 43/e1 and 43/e4 from six individual Daphnia obtusa from four populations. We screened 2,588 clones using single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis and identified 103 unique haplotype sequences. We detected two pairs of indel sites in segment 43/e4 that complement each other when the secondary structure of the linear sequence is formed. Seven of the 12 observed combinations of length variants at these four sites (haplotypes) are shared between individuals from different populations, which may suggest that some of the length variation was present in their common ancestor. Haplotypes with uncompensated indels were only observed at low frequencies, while compensated indel haplotypes were found at a wide range of frequencies, supporting the hypothesis that the energetic stability of expansion segments is a trait under natural selection. In addition, there was strong linkage disequilibrium between the four complementary indel sites, particularly those that pair with one another in the secondary structure. Despite selection against unpaired bulges at these four indel sites, some nucleotides that form unpaired bulges are highly conserved in segment 43/e4, indicating that they are under a different selective constraint, possibly due to their role in higher level structural interactions.  相似文献   

We analyze the secondary structure of two expansion segments (D2, D3) of the 28S ribosomal (rRNA)-encoding gene region from 527 chalcidoid wasp taxa (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) representing 18 of the 19 extant families. The sequences are compared in a multiple sequence alignment, with secondary structure inferred primarily from the evidence of compensatory base changes in conserved helices of the rRNA molecules. This covariation analysis yielded 36 helices that are composed of base pairs exhibiting positional covariation. Several additional regions are also involved in hydrogen bonding, and they form highly variable base-pairing patterns across the alignment. These are identified as regions of expansion and contraction or regions of slipped-strand compensation. Additionally, 31 single-stranded locales are characterized as regions of ambiguous alignment based on the difficulty in assigning positional homology in the presence of multiple adjacent indels. Based on comparative analysis of these sequences, the largest genetic study on any hymenopteran group to date, we report an annotated secondary structural model for the D2, D3 expansion segments that will prove useful in assigning positional nucleotide homology for phylogeny reconstruction in these and closely related apocritan taxa.  相似文献   

Song XM  Forsgren A  Janson H 《Gene》1999,230(2):287-293
The fragmentation of 23S rRNA of 22 Haemophilus influenzae strains and eight strains belonging to other Haemophilus species was investigated. Instead of intact molecules, the 23S rRNA molecules were found to be cleaved into two to five smaller conserved fragments in most strains examined, especially in H. influenzae type b (5/6) and nontypeable strains (5/5). One or two conserved potential cleavage sites were identified by PCR analysis of the strains showing a fragmented 23S rRNA pattern. The relevant nucleotide sequences were determined and compared to H. influenzae Rd, which contains intact 23S rRNA molecules. An identical 112 bp long intervening sequence (IVS) at position 542 and a conserved 121–123 bp IVS sequence at position 1171 were found in two H. influenzae type b strains and one nontypeable strain. Among the strains with fragmented 23S rRNA, nearly half showed a heterogeneous cleavage pattern due to the dispersion of IVSs among different 23S rRNA operons. The localization of the conserved H. influenzae IVSs coincided well with the extensively studied IVSs among other bacteria, but differed in nucleotide sequence from any other reported IVSs. Therefore, the IVSs of Haemophilus 23S rRNA may originate from a common source that is independent of other bacteria.  相似文献   

The root lesion nematodes of the genus Pratylenchus Filipjev, 1936 are migratory endoparasites of plant roots, considered among the most widespread and important nematode parasites in a variety of crops. We obtained gene sequences from the D2 and D3 expansion segments of 28S rRNA partial and 18S rRNA from 31 populations belonging to 11 valid and two unidentified species of root lesion nematodes and five outgroup taxa. These datasets were analyzed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. The alignments were generated using the secondary structure models for these molecules and analyzed with Bayesian inference under the standard models and the complex model, considering helices under the doublet model and loops and bulges under the general time reversible model. The phylogenetic informativeness of morphological characters is tested by reconstruction of their histories on rRNA based trees using parallel parsimony and Bayesian approaches. Phylogenetic and sequence analyses of the 28S D2–D3 dataset with 145 accessions for 28 species and 18S dataset with 68 accessions for 15 species confirmed among large numbers of geographical diverse isolates that most classical morphospecies are monophyletic. Phylogenetic analyses revealed at least six distinct major clades of examined Pratylenchus species and these clades are generally congruent with those defined by characters derived from lip patterns, numbers of lip annules, and spermatheca shape. Morphological results suggest the need for sophisticated character discovery and analysis for morphology based phylogenetics in nematodes.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of 23S rRNA of 22 Haemophilus influenzae strains and eight strains belonging to other Haemophilus species was investigated. Instead of intact molecules, the 23S rRNA molecules were found to be cleaved into two to five smaller conserved fragments in most strains examined, especially in H. influenzae type b (5/6) and nontypeable strains (5/5). One or two conserved potential cleavage sites were identified by PCR analysis of the strains showing a fragmented 23S rRNA pattern. The relevant nucleotide sequences were determined and compared to H. influenzae Rd, which contains intact 23S rRNA molecules. An identical 112 bp long intervening sequence (IVS) at position 542 and a conserved 121–123 bp IVS sequence at position 1171 were found in two H. influenzae type b strains and one nontypeable strain. Among the strains with fragmented 23S rRNA, nearly half showed a heterogeneous cleavage pattern due to the dispersion of IVSs among different 23S rRNA operons. The localization of the conserved H. influenzae IVSs coincided well with the extensively studied IVSs among other bacteria, but differed in nucleotide sequence from any other reported IVSs. Therefore, the IVSs of Haemophilus 23S rRNA may originate from a common source that is independent of other bacteria.  相似文献   

The primary structures of the 23S ribosomal RNA genes of Bacillus anthracis and an emetic strain of Bacillus cereus were determined by direct sequencing of enzymatically amplified chromosomal DNA. The 23S rRNA gene sequences of B. anthracis and B. cereus were found to be almost identical and showed only two differences (a single nucleotide change, and a single base insertion in B. cereus). The feasibility of using PCR-direct sequencing for the rapid sequence determination of large-subunit rRNA genes is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Alkemar G  Nygård O 《Biochemistry》2006,45(26):8067-8078
Expansion segment ES6 in 18S ribosomal RNA is, unlike many other expansion segments, present in all eukaryotes. The available data suggest that ES6 is located on the surface of the small ribosomal subunit. Here we have analyzed the secondary structure of the complete ES6 sequence in intact ribosomes from three eukaryotes, wheat, yeast, and mouse, representing different eukaryotic kingdoms. The availability of the ES6 sequence for modification and cleavage by structure sensitive chemicals and enzymatic reagents was analyzed by primer extension and gel electrophoresis on an ABI 377 automated DNA sequencer. The experimental results were used to restrict the number of possible secondary structure models of ES6 generated by the folding software MFOLD. The modification data obtained from the three experimental organisms were very similar despite the sequence variation. Consequently, similar secondary structure models were obtained for the ES6 sequence in wheat, yeast, and mouse ribosomes. A comparison of sequence data from more than 6000 eukaryotes showed that similar structural elements could also be formed in other organisms. The comparative analysis also showed that the extent of compensatory base changes in the suggested helices was low. The in situ structure analysis was complemented by a secondary structure analysis of wheat ES6 transcribed and folded in vitro. The obtained modification data indicate that the secondary structure of the in vitro transcribed sequence differs from that observed in the intact ribosome. These results suggest that chaperones, ribosomal proteins, and/or tertiary rRNA interactions could be involved in the in vivo folding of ES6.  相似文献   

The analysis of atomic-resolution RNA three-dimensional (3D) structures reveals that many internal and hairpin loops are modular, recurrent, and structured by conserved non-Watson–Crick base pairs. Structurally similar loops define RNA 3D motifs that are conserved in homologous RNA molecules, but can also occur at nonhomologous sites in diverse RNAs, and which often vary in sequence. To further our understanding of RNA motif structure and sequence variability and to provide a useful resource for structure modeling and prediction, we present a new method for automated classification of internal and hairpin loop RNA 3D motifs and a new online database called the RNA 3D Motif Atlas. To classify the motif instances, a representative set of internal and hairpin loops is automatically extracted from a nonredundant list of RNA-containing PDB files. Their structures are compared geometrically, all-against-all, using the FR3D program suite. The loops are clustered into motif groups, taking into account geometric similarity and structural annotations and making allowance for a variable number of bulged bases. The automated procedure that we have implemented identifies all hairpin and internal loop motifs previously described in the literature. All motif instances and motif groups are assigned unique and stable identifiers and are made available in the RNA 3D Motif Atlas (http://rna.bgsu.edu/motifs), which is automatically updated every four weeks. The RNA 3D Motif Atlas provides an interactive user interface for exploring motif diversity and tools for programmatic data access.  相似文献   

The D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) were sequenced and compared to predict secondary structures for Hoplolaiminae species based on free energy minimization and comparative sequence analysis. The free energy based prediction method provides putative stem regions within primary structure and these base pairings in stems were confirmed manually by compensatory base changes among closely and distantly related species. Sequence differences ranged from identical between Hoplolaimus columbus and H. seinhorsti to 20.8% between Scutellonema brachyurum and H. concaudajuvencus. The comparative sequence analysis and energy minimization method yielded 9 stems in the D2 and 6 stems in the D3 which showed complete or partial compensatory base changes. At least 75% of nucleotides in the D2 and 68% of nucleotides in the D3 were related with formation of base pairings to maintain secondary structure. GC contents in stems ranged from 61 to 73% for the D2 and from 64 to 71% for the D3 region. These ranges are higher than G-C contents in loops which ranged from 37 to 48% in the D2 and 33-45% in the D3. In stems, G-C/C-G base pairings were the most common in the D2 and the D3 and also non-canonical base pairs including A•A and U•U, C•U/U•C, and G•A/A•G occurred in stems. The predicted secondary model and new sequence alignment based on predicted secondary structures for the D2 and D3 expansion segments provide useful information to assign positional nucleotide homology and reconstruction of more reliable phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

基于28S rRNA D2序列的内茧蜂亚科的分子系统发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次利用同源28S rRNA D2基因序列对内茧蜂亚科Rogadinae (昆虫纲Insecta:膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)进行了分子系统学研究。本研究从95%~100%乙醇浸渍保存的标本中提取基因组DNA并扩增了10种内群种类和5种外群种类的28S rDNA D2片段并测序(GenBank序列号AY167645-AY167659),利用BLAST搜索相关的同源序列, 采用了GenBank中13个种类的28S rRNA D2同源序列,然后据此进行分子分析。利用3个外群(共8个种类)和3种建树方法 (距离邻近法distance based neighbor joining, NJ; 最大俭约法maximum parsimony, MP; 和最大似然法maximum likelihood, ML)分析了内茧蜂亚科内的分子系统发育关系。结果表明,由分子数据产生的不同的分子系统树均显示内茧蜂亚科是一个单系群。内茧蜂亚科内依据形态和生物学特征的分群(族和亚族)及其系统发育关系得到部分支持。NJ、MP和ML分析结果均表明内茧蜂族Rogadini不是一个单系,而是一个并系,其余3族则得到不同程度的支持。内茧蜂族可分成2个分支:“脊茧蜂属Aleiodes+弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes”和“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”,二者不是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes和弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes始终是姐妹群。脊茧蜂属Aleiodes是一个单系,并可分成2个姐妹分支,这与依据形态和生物学特征的亚属分群相一致。弓脉茧蜂属Arcaleiodes Chen et He,1991是一个独立的属。分支“沟内茧蜂属Canalirogas+锥齿茧蜂属Conspinaria+刺茧蜂属Spinaria+内茧蜂属Rogas”的单系性仅得到部分分子数据的支持;因形态特异(腹部成甲壳状)而列为亚族级的刺茧蜂属Spinaria,分子分析没有证实这一点。横纹茧蜂族Clinocentrini是个单系,并在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育中处于基部(原始)的位置。我们研究结果还表明,阔跗茧蜂属Yelicones和潜蛾茧蜂属Stiropius相对应的阔跗茧蜂族Yeliconini和潜蛾茧蜂族Stiropiini为2个独立的分支, 与形态和生物学的结果一致,但它们在内茧蜂亚科的系统发育的位置不明,有待今后进一步研究。  相似文献   

We describe the IGS-ETS, 18S and 28S ribosomal gene sequences of Simulium sanctipauli Vajime & Dunbar, a member of the S. damnosum Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae) complex of blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae). These regions, together with the ITS-1, ITS-2 and 5.8S rDNA presented elsewhere (accession number U36206), constitute the composite sequence of the entire rDNA unit, making S. sanctipauli the second dipteran species of medical importance for which the entire rDNA has been sequenced. Despite the lack of sequence identity, the IGS of S. sanctipauli showed some structural similarities to other Diptera, i.e. the mosquito Aedes albopictus Skuse (Culicidae), the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Drosophilidae) and the tsetse Glossina (Glossinidae). Two blocks of tandemly repeated subunits were present in the IGS of S. sanctipauli and, unlike other species of Diptera, they contained no duplications of promoter-like sequences. However, two promoter-like sequences were identified in the unique DNA stretches of the IGS by their sequence similarity to the promoter of Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae). The observed sequence variation can be explained, as in the case of Drosophila spp., by the occurrence of slippage-like and point mutation processes, with unequal crossing-over homogenizing (to a certain extent) the region throughout the gene family and blackfly population. The 18S and 28S rDNA genes show more intraspecific variability within the expansion segments than in the core regions. This is also the case in the interspecific comparison of these genes from S. sanctipauli with those of Simulium vittatum, Ae. albopictus and D. melanogaster. This pattern is typical of many eukaryotes and likely to be the result of a more relaxed functional selection in the expansion segments than on the core regions. The A + T content of the S. sanctipauli genes is high and similar to those of other Diptera. This could be the result of a change in the mutation pressure towards AT in the Diptera lineage.  相似文献   

The International Society of Biomechanics detailed the recommendations for 3D kinematics of intervertebral movements (Wu, et al. 2002. J Biomech. 35:543–548), but does not specify how to adapt this proposal to describe the kinematics of the cervical spine, between the head and the thorax. The analysis of the literature shows that no consensus exists at the present time on this subject. The objective of our study was to identify the reference points that formed the most rigid triplet allowing building an optimal thorax segment coordinate system (SCS). We thus measured the variations of distances between markers placed on various anatomical landmarks, and then the deformations of the combinations of three markers on different cervical movements of a sample of 10 asymptomatic subjects. The results show that the triplet formed by the sternum and both acromions undergoes less deformation on the flexion–extension movement. For all the other movements (lateral bending, axial rotation and complex movements), the triplet formed by sternum, T3 and TH (positioned on the thoracic spinal column, in a horizontal plane containing the sternal marker), undergoes less deformation. As a conclusion, the optimal triplet to define the thorax SCS for 3D kinematical analysis of the cervical spine is that formed by the markers: sternum, T3 and TH. This triplet makes it possible to define an orthonormal SCS, the axes of which coincide with anatomical directions, i.e. with the functional axes of the movement.  相似文献   

M F Guérin  D Hayes 《Biochimie》1983,65(6):345-354
Total RNA prepared from E. coli by several extraction procedures behaves as a mixture of covalently continuous heat stable 23S, 16S and 4-5S components. 16S rRNA remains heat stable after isolation from such preparations, whereas isolated 23S rRNA is heat labile but becomes heat stable after EDTA treatment. This and other evidence leads to the conclusion that heat lability of purified 23S rRNA is due, not to nuclease contamination of the type observed in earlier studies of the stability of this RNA, but to polyvalent cation catalyzed temperature-dependent scission of phosphodiester bonds. Heat stability of 23S rRNA in total RNA is due to the presence in these preparations of a contaminant which appears to act as a chelator of polyvalent cations. This material is similar or identical to the pyrogenic E. coli lipopolysaccharide described by Westphal and coll.  相似文献   

Atlantic (Pecten maximus) and Mediterranean (Pecten jacobaeus) scallops have been traditionally considered as distinct species, but recent genetic studies have shown that they are races or subspecies separated by the Almeria-Oran oceanographic front in SE Spain. We have scored the nucleotide polymorphism of a 511 base pairs long fragment of the mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA gene in 85 individuals from 4 populations of P. maximus and 3 of P. jacobaeus. The populations were characterized by sharing the 2 most common haplotypes. We found no significant differences in haplotype frequencies among populations or species. However, slight, significant differentiation between taxa appeared when haplotypes were pooled in two groups according to their phylogenetic relationships and after analysis of molecular variance, in agreement with previous allozyme studies. Levels of within-population nucleotide diversity were similar in all populations except in P. jacobaeus from the northern Adriatic Sea, suggesting a smaller effective population size in that area which could be due to variable recruitment. Finally, populations showed an excess of rare haplotypes. The mismatch distribution and several population genetic statistics indicate that the excess of rare variants is due to a population expansion which occurred in the second half of the Pleistocene period, less than 0.9 my before present, and probably well after the origin of the two scallop races.  相似文献   

Malygin AA  Karpova GG 《FEBS letters》2010,584(21):4396-4400
After resolving the crystal structure of the prokaryotic ribosome, mapping the proteins in the eukaryotic ribosome is a challenging task. We applied RNase H digestion to split the human 40S ribosomal subunit into head and body parts. Mass spectrometry of the proteins in the 40S subunit head revealed the presence of eukaryote-specific ribosomal protein S28e. Recombinant S28e was capable of specific binding to the 3′ major domain of the 18S rRNA (Ka = 8.0 ± 0.5 × 109 M−1). We conclude that S28e has a binding site on the 18S rRNA within the 40S subunit head.

Structured summary

MINT-8044084: S8 (uniprotkb:P62241) and S19 (uniprotkb:P39019) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation through density gradient (MI:0029)MINT-8044095: S8 (uniprotkb:P62241), S19 (uniprotkb:P39019) and S13 (uniprotkb:P62277) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation through density gradient (MI:0029)MINT-8044024: S29 (uniprotkb:P62273), S28 (uniprotkb:P62857), S21 (uniprotkb:P63220), S20 (uniprotkb:P60866), S26 (uniprotkb:P62854), S25 (uniprotkb:P62851), S12 (uniprotkb:P25398), S17 (uniprotkb:P08708), S19 (uniprotkb:P39019), S14 (uniprotkb:P62263), S16 (uniprotkb:P62249) and S11 (uniprotkb:P62280) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation through density gradient (MI:0029)MINT-8044065: S29 (uniprotkb:P62273), S28 (uniprotkb:P62857), S19 (uniprotkb:P39019), S14 (uniprotkb:P62263) and S16 (uniprotkb:P62249) colocalize (MI:0403) by cosedimentation through density gradient (MI:0029)  相似文献   

Summary The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 and 2, the 5.8S rRNA gene, and adjacent 18S rRNA and 25S rRNA coding regions of two Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbita pepo, zucchini, ITS 1: 187 bp, and ITS 2: 252 bp in length, andCucumis sativus, cucumber, ITS 1: 229 bp, and ITS 2: 245 bp in length) have been sequenced. The evolutionary pattern shown by the ITSs of these plants is different from that found in vertebrates. Deletions, insertions, and base substitutions have occurred in both spacers; however, it is obvious that some selection pressure is responsible for the preservation of stem-loop structures. The dissimilarity of the 5 region of ITS 2 found in higher plants has consequences for proposed models on U3 snRNA-ITS 2 interaction in higher eukaryotes.The two investigated Cucurbitaceae species show a G+C content of ITS 1 that nearly equals that of ITS 2. An analysis of the ITS sequences reveals that in 19 out of 20 organisms published, the G+C content of ITS 1 nearly equals that of ITS 2, although it ranges from 20% to 90% in different organisms (GC balance). Moreover, the balanced G+C content of the ITSs in a given species seems to be similar to that of so-called expansion segments (ESs) in the 25/28S rRNA coding region. Thus, ITSs show a phenomenon called molecular coevolution with respect to each other and to the ESs. In the ITSs of Cucurbitaceae the balanced G+C composition is at least partly achieved by C to T transitions, via deamination of 5-methylcytosine. Other mutational events must be taken into account. The appearance of this phenomenon is discussed in terms of functional constraints linked to the structures of these spacers.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence at the 3'-end of 16Sr-RNA (nucleotides 1305-1508) was determined, by the primer extension method, for Mycobacterium smegmatis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium vaccae, in addition to Mycobacterium leprae. No differences in nucleotide sequence were detected, indicating that this region of 16SrRNA is highly conserved among mycobacteria. The nucleotide sequence common to the four above-mentioned mycobacteria differs from that reported for species of other genera. For example, for helix 39 (nucleotides 1408-1491) the mycobacterial sequence has 58% similarity with the Escherichia coli sequence, 74% similarity with the Bacillus subtilis sequence and 93% similarity with the Streptomyces sequence. The observations support the assignment of M. leprae to the genus Mycobacterium.  相似文献   

A Barta  E Kuechler 《FEBS letters》1983,163(2):319-323
Upon irradiation, 3-[4-benzoylphenyl]propionyl-PhetRNA bound to the P-site of poly(U)-primed ribosomes is exclusively cross-linked to 23S RNA. It is shown that the photoreaction only occurs with pyrimidine nucleotides. The site of the cross-link is located within an 11S RNA fragment, which comprises the 1100 nucleotides at the 3'-end of 23S RNA. The cross-linked Phe tRNA derivative is still functionally active in peptide bond formation. The site labelled on the 11S fragment is therefore an integral part of the peptidyltransferase centre.  相似文献   

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