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Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin Ip (STp) is synthesized as the 72-amino-acid residue precursor consisting of three regions: pre region (amino acid residues 1 to 19), pro region (amino acid residues 20 to 54), and mature ST (mST) region (amino acid residues 55 to 72). We examined the role of the pro sequence of STp in enterotoxigenicity of a strain by deleting the gene fragment encoding amino acids 22 to 57. This deletion caused a remarkable reduction of its enterotoxic activity of culture supernatant. In order to analyze the sequence responsible for the function of the pro region, two additional deletion mutants were made. The deletion of the sequence covering amino acids 29 to 38, which is conserved in all sequences of ST reported, brought about a significant reduction of enterotoxic activity but the deletion of the non-conserved sequence (amino acids 40 to 53) did not. This result shows that conserved sequence is mainly responsible for the function. Subsequently, to examine the mechanism of action of the pro region, plasmids carrying DNA sequences of hybrid proteins consisting of pre-pro-nuclease, pre-mST-nuclease, pre-pro-mST-nuclease and pre-pro-nuclease-mST were constructed. Amino acid sequence determination and SDS-polyacrylamide gel analysis revealed that these fusion proteins were cleaved between pre sequence and pro sequence during secretion and the cleaved fusion proteins were accumulated in periplasmic space. But the amount of hybrid protein accumulated in the periplasmic space varied among the strains. That is, the amount of the pre-pro-nuclease gene product that accumulated in the periplasmic space was the highest of all fusion gene products. These results indicate that the existence of the mST region strongly interferes with the translocation of the gene product into the periplasmic space and that the pro region functions to guide the mST region into the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

Twenty-three strains of Yersinia enterocolitica were isolated from children with gastrointestinal illness and examined for the production of enterotoxins by using both suckling mouse and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell assay systems. Six strains were found to be enterotoxigenic in the suckling mouse assay, but all strains were negative in the CHO cell assay. Enterotoxin was detected in the culture supernatant when organisms were grown at 25 C but not at 37 C. Enterotoxin in a 15-fold concentrated culture supernatant was precipitated by adding absolute ethanol to a concentration of 90%. However, after being dialyzed against distilled water in Spectra/por 6 membrane tubing, it was soluble in 80% acetone. One unit dose of partially purified enterotoxin was 5.0 μg of protein/mouse in the suckling mouse assay. The molecular weight of enterotoxin was between 10,000 and 50,000 daltons as determined by ultrafiltration. It was stable to heat (121 C × 20 min or 100 C × 60 min). These observations indicate that Y. enterocolitica isolated in Japan also produce an enterotoxin similar to the heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli. However its physicochemical properties seem to be different from those of E. coli.  相似文献   

Stock strains of Eschericia coli isolated from patients with traveller's diarrhea were examined for production of heat-stable enterotoxin II (STII). Of 400 strains examined, 3 were found to produce STII. The nucleotide sequence of the STII gene of these human strains was shown to be identical to that of porcine strains. Cultured cells of these strains induced fluid accumulation in ligated mouse intestinal loops and the activity was neutralized by anti-STII antiserum. These results suggest that STII-produciing enterotoxigenic E. coli can cause human diarrhea.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin was coupled to bovine serum albumin by a carbodiimide reagent. Antibody to the conjugate was produced by immunization of rabbits. Data from radioimmunoassay and infant mouse tests indicate the presence of antibody to the enterotoxin. The antisera can be used in a radioimmunoassay to measure enterotoxin in various fluids.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin type I (LT-I)-binding galactoproteins, which were not recognized by cholera toxin, were detected in intestinal epithelial cells of BALB/c mouse by Western blotting. Inhibitory studies using lectins and modifications of sugar chain suggest that LT-I recognizes certain mucin-type sugar chains containing the terminal Galβ1-3GalNAc sugar sequence in the galactoproteins. The terminal sugar sequence is identical to that of GM1 ganglioside, the well-documented functional receptor for LT-I.  相似文献   

To study the adaptation of an intestinal bacterium to its natural environment, germfree mice were associated with commensal Escherichia coli MG1655. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to identify proteins differentially expressed in E. coli MG1655 collected from either cecal contents or anaerobic in vitro cultures. Fourteen differentially expressed proteins (>3-fold; P < 0.05) were identified, nine of which were upregulated in cecal versus in vitro-grown E. coli. Four of these proteins were investigated further for their role in gut colonization. After deletion of the corresponding genes, the resulting E. coli mutants were tested for their ability to colonize the intestines of gnotobiotic mice in competition with the wild-type strain. A mutant devoid of ydjG, which encodes a putative NADH-dependent methylglyoxal reductase, reached a 1.2-log-lower cecal concentration than the wild type. Deletion of the nanA gene encoding N-acetylneuraminate lyase affected the colonization and persistence of E. coli in the intestines of the gnotobiotic mice only slightly. A mutant devoid of 5′-phosphoribosyl 4-(N-succinocarboxamide)-5-aminoimidazole synthase, a key enzyme of purine synthesis, displayed intestinal cell counts >4 logs lower than those of the wild type. Deletion of the gene encoding aspartate carbamoyltransferase, a key enzyme of pyrimidine synthesis, even resulted in the washout of the corresponding mutant from the mouse intestinal tract. These findings indicate that E. coli needs to synthesize purines and pyrimidines to successfully colonize the mouse intestine.The human gastrointestinal tract harbors a complex community of approximately 1014 microorganisms (11). Whereas the impact of intestinal bacteria on the host has been studied in detail, knowledge about the impact of host factors on gut microorganisms is still limited. Only a few proteomic studies have investigated the response of bacteria to the intestinal environment. The application of proteome analysis to the infant fecal ecosystem was hampered by the complexity of the microbial community: only 1 of 11 determined peptide sequences could be linked to an enzyme, the bifidobacterial transaldolase (8). In contrast, several metabolic pathways involved in carbon assimilation were demonstrated to be upregulated in Lactococcus lactis when investigated with mice monoassociated with this organism. YwcC, a phosphogluconolactonase probably involved in the pentose phosphate pathway, was found to be essential for the organism''s ability to colonize the mouse intestinal tract (15). Bifidobacterium longum was reported to express, after brief exposure to the gastrointestinal environment, several sets of proteins, including adhesion factors and metabolic genes (18). Comparative proteome analysis of Escherichia coli grown in vitro on LB or in the intestines of monoassociated mice indicated that E. coli utilizes a wider range of substrates in the mouse intestine than under in vitro conditions and is exposed to various forms of stress, including starvation (2).The present study was aimed at the identification of proteins essential for the colonization and persistence of E. coli in the gastrointestinal environment. The well-characterized nonpathogenic E. coli strain MG1655 was grown in vitro and its proteome compared with that of the same strain isolated from the ceca of monoassociated mice. To reduce the differences in nutrient availability between the in vivo and the in vitro situation, the in vitro cultures were grown anaerobically on a broth prepared from the mouse chow. Selected bacterial proteins undergoing the most prominent upregulation in the mouse cecum were identified and tested for their possible role in colonization. For that purpose, targeted deletion mutants were tested in competition with the wild-type (WT) strain with respect to their ability to successfully colonize the germfree mouse intestine. The results suggest that E. coli needs to synthesize purines and pyrimidines to colonize and persist in the mouse intestine.  相似文献   

Treating the mouse intestine with the calmodulin antagonist W-7 and KN-93, an inhibitor of Ca2+ -calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK II), reduced the sensitivity of the host to the action of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin II (STII). CaMK II activity in mouse intestinal cells increased after exposure to STII. These results indicate that CaMK II is involved in the mechanism of action of STII.  相似文献   

The biology of Escherichia coli in its primary niche, the animal intestinal tract, is remarkably unexplored. Studies with the streptomycin-treated mouse model have produced important insights into the metabolic requirements for Escherichia coli to colonize mice. However, we still know relatively little about the physiology of this bacterium growing in the complex environment of an intestine that is permissive for the growth of competing flora. We have developed a system for studying colonization using an E. coli strain, MP1, isolated from a mouse. MP1 is genetically tractable and does not require continuous antibiotic treatment for stable colonization. As an application of this system, we separately knocked out each two-component system response regulator in MP1 and performed competitions against the wild-type strain. We found that only three response regulators, ArcA, CpxR, and RcsB, produce strong colonization defects, suggesting that in addition to anaerobiosis, adaptation to cell envelope stress is a critical requirement for E. coli colonization of the mouse intestine. We also show that the response regulator OmpR, which had previously been hypothesized to be important for adaptation between in vivo and ex vivo environments, is not required for MP1 colonization due to the presence of a third major porin.  相似文献   

The molecular properties of enterotoxin (Ent) plasmids from 12 Escherichia coli strains of human origin were examined. Ten strains belonged to the O78 serogroup, and the remainder were of serogroup O7 or O159. Eleven plasmids coded for heat-labile enterotoxin (LT), and one coded for heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) and LT. The results of restriction enzyme digests and deoxyribonucleic acid reassociation experiments showed that all of the Ent plasmids were related, and supported the subdivision of the LT plasmids into three groups based on their genetic properties (M. M. McConnell et al., J. Bacteriol. 143: 158–167, 1980). Within group 1, two plasmids from South African strains were indistinguishable but differed in EcoRI and HindIII digests from the LT plasmid that originated from an Ethiopian strain. The three plasmids had >70% homology. The two non-autotransferring group 2 plasmids identified in O78.H11 strains from Bangladesh were indistinguishable. The group 3 plasmids were from strains belonging to serogroups O7 and O78 isolated in Bangladesh, India, and Thailand. They shared >95% homology but showed slight differences in fragment patterns when treated with EcoRI and HindIII. There was 60 to 70% homology between the plasmids of groups 1 and 3, and the group 2 plasmid had 40 to 50% homology with members of these two groups. The autotransferring Ent plasmids had up to 40% homology with R factors of incompatibility groups FI, FII, and FIV.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC) are related strains capable of inducing severe gastrointestinal disease. For optimal infection, these pathogens actively modulate cellular functions through the deployment of effector proteins in a type three secretion system (T3SS)-dependent manner. In response to enteric pathogen invasion, the Nod-like receptor pyrin domain containing (NLRP) inflammasome has been increasingly recognized as an important cytoplasmic sensor against microbial infection by activating caspase-1 and releasing IL-1β. EPEC and EHEC are known to elicit inflammasome activation in macrophages and epithelial cells; however, whether the pathogens actively counteract such innate immune responses is unknown. Using a series of compound effector-gene deletion strains of EPEC, we screened and identified NleA, which could subdue host IL-1β secretion. It was found that the reduction is not because of blocked NF-κB activity; instead, the reduction results from inhibited caspase-1 activation by NleA. Immunostaining of human macrophage-like cells following infection revealed limited formation of inflammasome foci with constituents of total caspase-1, ASC and NLRP3 in the presence of NleA. Pulldown of PMA-induced differentiated THP-1 lysate with purified MBP-NleA reveals that NLRP3 is a target of NleA. The interaction was verified by an immunoprecipitation assay and direct interaction assay in which purified MBP-NleA and GST-NLRP3 were used. We further showed that the effector interacts with regions of NLRP3 containing the PYD and LRR domains. Additionally, NleA was found to associate with non-ubiquitinated and ubiquitinated NLRP3 and to interrupt de-ubiquitination of NLRP3, which is a required process for inflammasome activation. Cumulatively, our findings provide the first example of EPEC-mediated suppression of inflammasome activity in which NieA plays a novel role in controlling the host immune response through targeting of NLRP3.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) are deadly contaminants in water and food and induce protrusion of actin-rich membrane pedestals beneath themselves upon attachment to intestinal epithelia. EPEC then causes intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, and, among children, death. Here, we show that EPEC uses multiple tyrosine kinases for formation of pedestals, each of which is sufficient but not necessary. In particular, we show that Abl and Arg, members of the Abl family of tyrosine kinases, localize and are activated in pedestals. We also show that pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine (PD) compounds, which inhibit Abl, Arg, and related kinases, block pedestal formation. Finally, we show that Abl and Arg are sufficient for pedestal formation in the absence of other tyrosine kinase activity, but they are not necessary. Our results suggest that additional kinases that are sensitive to inhibition by PD also can suffice. Together, these results suggest that EPEC has evolved a mechanism to use any of several functionally redundant tyrosine kinases during pathogenesis, perhaps facilitating its capacity to infect different cell types. Moreover, PD compounds are being developed to treat cancers caused by dysregulated Abl. Our results raise the possibility that PD may be useful in treating EPEC infections, and because PD affects host and not bacterium, selecting resistant strains may be far less likely than with conventional antibiotics.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the ability of detoxified Shiga toxin (Stx)-converting bacteriophages Φ3538 (Δstx2::cat) (H. Schmidt et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:3855-3861, 1999) and H-19B::Tn10d-bla (D. W. Acheson et al., Infect. Immun. 66:4496-4498, 1998) to lysogenize enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains in vivo. We were able to transduce the porcine EPEC strain 1390 (O45) with Φ3538 (Δstx2::cat) in porcine ligated ileal loops but not the human EPEC prototype strain E2348/69 (O127). Neither strain 1390 nor strain E2348/69 was lysogenized under these in vivo conditions when E. coli K-12 containing H-19B::Tn10d-bla was used as the stx1 phage donor. The repeated success in the in vivo transduction of an Stx2-encoding phage to a porcine EPEC strain in pig loops was in contrast to failures in the in vitro trials with these and other EPEC strains. These results indicate that in vivo conditions are more effective for transduction of Stx2-encoding phages than in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

The binding of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) type I to glycosylated proteins with lactose (Galβ1-4Glc) by amino carbonyl reaction was studied by the Western blot assay and by the microtiter well binding assay. LT bound to a lactose-α-lactalbumin amino carbonyl product (Lac-LA), whereas cholera toxin did not. The binding ability of Lac-LA was abolished by β-galactosidase treatment, indicating that the terminal galactose is essential for the binding of LT. The binding of LT to Lac-LA was inhibited by galactose and lactose, and most effectively inhibited by lactulose (Galβ1-4Fru), which is a structural analog of the Amadori rearrangement product of the amino carbonyl reaction between lactose and an ε-amino group of a lysine residue (lactuloselysine). The results suggest that LT recognizes the portion of lactuloselysine in Lac-LA. LT also bound to a melibiose (Galα1-6Glc)-α-lactalbumin amino carbonyl product (Mel-LA), but the binding ability of Mel-LA was weaker than that of Lac-LA, suggesting that the β1-4 linked terminal galactose is dispensable but preferable for the binding. Furthermore, LT bound to the amino carbonyl products of lactose with β-lactoglobulin, caseins, bovine serum albumin, and ovalbumin. These results indicate that LT binds to the amino carbonyl products between proteins and sugars containing the terminal galactose, such as lactose.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a bacterial pathogen that infects the epithelial lining of the small intestine and causes diarrhea. Upon attachment to the intestinal epithelium, EPEC uses a Type III Secretion System to inject its own high affinity receptor Translocated intimin receptor (Tir) into the host cell. Tir facilitates tight adhesion and recruitment of actin-regulating proteins leading to formation of an actin pedestal beneath the infecting bacterium. The pedestal has several similarities with podosomes, which are basolateral actin-rich extensions found in some migrating animal cells. Formation of podosomes is dependent upon the early podosome-specific scavenger protein Tks5, which is involved in actin recruitment. Although Tks5 is expressed in epithelial cells, and podosomes and EPEC pedestals share many components in their structure and mechanism of formation, the potential role of Tks5 in EPEC infections has not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine the subcellular localization of Tks5 in epithelial cells and to investigate if Tks5 is recruited to the EPEC pedestal. In an epithelial MDCK cell line stably expressing Tks5-EGFP, Tks5 localized to actin bundles. Upon infection, EPEC recruited Tks5-EGFP. Tir, but not Tir phosphorylation was essential for the recruitment. Time-lapse microscopy revealed that Tks5-EGFP was recruited instantly upon EPEC attachment to host cells, simultaneously with actin and N-WASp. EPEC infection of cells expressing a ΔPX-Tks5 deletion version of Tks5 showed that EPEC was able to both infect and form pedestals when the PX domain was deleted from Tks5. Future investigations will clarify the role of Tks5 in EPEC infection and pedestal formation.  相似文献   

Intestinal microbiota controls multiple aspects of body homeostasis. The microbiota composition changes easily in response to internal or external factors, which may result in dysbiosis and associated inflammatory reactions. Thus, maintaining the microbiota composition by the host immune system is crucial, and one of the main mechanisms for microbiota control is production of immunoglobulin A (IgA) at mucosal surfaces. The molecular mechanisms regulating the interactions between the immune system and microbiota remain obscure. A panel of hybridoma cell lines was constructed to produce monoclonal IgA antibodies specific to various commensal bacteria present in intestinal microbiota. The panel can be used to further understand the mechanisms whereby the adaptive immune system controls the microbiota composition.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a leading cause of infantile diarrhea in developing countries. EPEC strain E2348/69 is used worldwide as a prototype to study EPEC genetics and disease. However, isolates of E2348/69 differ phenotypically, reflecting a history of in vitro selection. To identify the genomic and phenotypic changes in the prototype strain, we sequenced the genome of the nalidixic acid-resistant (Nalr) E2348/69 clone. We also sequenced a recent nleF mutant derived by one-step PCR mutagenesis from the Nalr strain. The sequencing results revealed no unintended changes between the mutant and the parent strain. However, loss of the pE2348-2 plasmid and 3 nonsynonymous mutations were found in comparison to the published streptomycin-resistant (Strr) E2348/69 reference genome. One mutation is a conservative amino acid substitution in ftsK. Another, in gyrA, is a mutation known to result in resistance to nalidixic acid. The third mutation converts a stop codon to a tryptophan, predicted to result in the fusion of hflD, the lysogenization regulator, to purB. The purB gene encodes an adenylosuccinate lyase involved in purine biosynthesis. The Nalr clone has a lower growth rate than the Strr isolate when cultured in minimal media, a difference which is corrected upon addition of adenine or by genetic complementation with purB. Addition of adenine or genetic complementation also restored the invasion efficiency of the Nalr clone. This report reconciles longstanding inconsistencies in phenotypic properties of an archetypal strain and provides both reassurance and cautions regarding intentional and unintentional evolution in vitro.  相似文献   

The enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains lead to diarrhoea in humans due to heat-labile and heat-stable (STa) enterotoxins. STa increases Cl-release in intestinal cells, including the human colonic carcinoma T84 cell line, involving increased cGMP and membrane alkalization due to reduced Na+/H+ exchangers (NHEs) activity. Since NHEs modulate intracellular pH (pHi), and NHE1, NHE2, and NHE4 are expressed in T84 cells, we characterized the STa role as modulator of these exchangers. pHi was assayed by the NH4Cl pulse technique and measured by fluorescence microscopy in BCECF–preloaded cells. pHi recovery rate (dpHi/dt) was determined in the absence or presence of 0.25 μmol/L STa (30 minutes), 25 μmol/L HOE-694 (concentration inhibiting NHE1 and NHE2), 500 μmol/L sodium nitroprusside (SNP, spontaneous nitric oxide donor), 100 μmol/L dibutyryl cyclic GMP (db-cGMP), 100 nmol/L H89 (protein kinase A inhibitor), or 10 μmol/L forskolin (adenylyl cyclase activator). cGMP and cAMP were measured in cell extracts by radioimmunoassay, and buffering capacity (ßi) and H+ efflux (J H +) was determined. NHE4 protein abundance was determined by western blotting. STa and HOE-694 caused comparable reduction in dpHi/dt and J H + (~63%), without altering basal pHi (range 7.144–7.172). STa did not alter ßi value in a range of 1.6 pHi units. The dpHi/dt and J H + was almost abolished (~94% inhibition) by STa + HOE-694. STa effect was unaltered by db-cGMP or SNP. However, STa and forskolin increased cAMP level. STa–decreased dpHi/dt and J H + was mimicked by forskolin, and STa + HOE-694 effect was abolished by H89. Thus, incubation of T84 cells with STa results in reduced NHE4 activity leading to a lower capacity of pHi recovery requiring cAMP, but not cGMP. STa effect results in a causal phenomenon (STa/increased cAMP/increased PKA activity/reduced NHE4 activity) ending with intracellular acidification that could have consequences in the gastrointestinal cells function promoting human diarrhoea.  相似文献   

Production of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin was investigated with one porcine and one human strain in three different media under different cultivation conditions. Cultivation in aerated fermenters at pH 7·0 yielded 10–20 times more enterotoxin/ml of culture fluid than cultivation in shake flasks. A trypton-yeast extract medium was optimal in fermenter cultures. Comparatively good yields of enterotoxin in fermenters were also obtained in a glucose-salts medium. Continuous feeding of glucose and salts during fermenter cultivation resulted in a lower production of enterotoxin/mg of bacterial cells. Since this decrease in specific yield could be reversed by using dialysis culture, it was concluded that inhibition of toxin formation was due to the accumulation of extracellular low molecular weight metabolites. The highest yield of enterotoxin in dialysis culture was 80 ED50 ml−1 (rabbit jejunal loop test) which is at least eight times more toxin than in ordinary fermenter culture and 80 times more toxin than in shake flask cultures.  相似文献   

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