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High-throughput screening of a small-molecule compound library resulted in the identification of a series of arylsulfonylpiperazines that are potent and selective inhibitors of human 11beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (11beta-HSD1). Optimization of the initial lead resulted in the discovery of compound (R)-45 (11beta-HSD1 IC(50)=3nM).  相似文献   

Estrogens play a crucial role in multiple functions of the brain and the proper balance of inactive estrone and active estradiol-17beta might be very important for their cerebral effects. The interconversion of estrone and estradiol-17beta in target tissues is known to be catalysed by a number of human 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD) isoforms. The present study shows that enzyme catalysed interconversion of estrone and estradiol-17beta occurs in the human temporal lobe. The oxidative cerebral pathway preferred estradiol-17beta to Delta(5)-androstenediol and testosterone, whereas the reductive pathway preferred dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to Delta(4)-androstenedione and estrone. An allosteric Hill kinetic for NAD-dependent oxidation of estradiol-17beta was observed, whereas a typical Michaelis-Menten kinetic was shown for NADPH-dependent reduction of estrone. Investigations of the interconversion of estrogens in cerebral neocortex (CX) and subcortical white matter (SC) preparations of brain tissue from 12 women and 10 men revealed no sex-differences, but provide striking evidence for the presence of at least one oxidative membrane-associated 17beta-HSD and one cytosolic enzyme that catalyses both the reductive and the oxidative pathway. Membrane-associated oxidation of estradiol-17beta was shown to be significantly higher in CX than in SC (P<0.05), whereas the cytosolic enzyme activities were significantly higher in SC than in CX (P<0.0005). Finally, real-time RT-PCR analyses revealed that besides 17beta-HSD types 4 and 5 also the isozymes type 7, 8, 10 and 11 show substantial expression in the human temporal lobe. The characteristics of the isozymes lead us to the conclusion that cytosolic 17beta-HSD type 5 is the best candidate for the observed cytosolic enzyme activities, whereas the data gave no clear answer to the question, which enzyme is responsible for the membrane-associated oxidation of estradiol-17beta. In conclusion, the study strongly suggests that different cell types and different isozymes are involved in the cerebral interconversion of estrogens, which might play a pivotal role in maintaining the functions of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11 beta-HSD1) catalyzes the interconversion of biologically inactive 11 keto derivatives (cortisone, 11-dehydrocorticosterone) to active glucocorticoids (cortisol, corticosterone) in fat, liver, and other tissues. It is located in the intraluminal compartment of the endoplasmic reticulum. Inasmuch as an oxo-reductase requires NADPH, we reasoned that 11 beta-HSD1 would be metabolically interconnected with the cytosolic pentose pathway because this pathway is the primary producer of reduced cellular pyridine nucleotides. To test this theory, 11 beta-HSD1 activity and pentose pathway were simultaneously measured in isolated intact rodent adipocytes. Established inhibitors of NAPDH production via the pentose pathway (dehydroandrostenedione or norepinephrine) inhibited 11 beta-HSD1 oxo-reductase while decreasing cellular NADPH content. Conversely these compounds slightly augmented the reverse, or dehydrogenase, reaction of 11 beta-HSD1. Importantly, using isolated intact microsomes, the inhibitors did not directly alter the tandem microsomal 11 beta-HSD1 and hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme unit. Metabolites of 11 beta-HSD1 (corticosterone or 11-dehydrocorticosterone) inhibited or increased pentose flux, respectively, demonstrating metabolic interconnectivity. Using isolated intact liver or fat microsomes, glucose-6 phosphate stimulated 11 beta-HSD1 oxo-reductase, and this effect was blocked by selective inhibitors of glucose-6-phosphate transport. In summary, we have demonstrated a metabolic interconnection between pentose pathway and 11 beta-HSD1 oxo-reductase activities that is dependent on cytosolic NADPH production. These observations link cytosolic carbohydrate flux with paracrine glucocorticoid formation. The clinical relevance of these findings may be germane to the regulation of paracrine glucocorticoid formation in disturbed nutritional states such as obesity.  相似文献   

Macrophage infiltration in obese adipose tissue provokes local inflammation and insulin resistance. Evidence has accumulated that activation of 11beta-HSD1 in adipocytes is critically involved in dysfunction of adipose tissue. However, the potential role of 11beta-HSD1 in macrophages still remains unclear. We here demonstrate that a murine macrophage cell line, J774.1 cells expressed 11beta-HSD1 mRNA and reductase activity, both of which were augmented by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cell activation. Three kinds of pharmacological inhibition of 11beta-HSD1 in LPS-treated macrophages significantly suppressed the expression and secretion of interleukin 1beta, tumor necrosis factor alpha or monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, thereby highlighting a novel role of 11beta-HSD1 in pro-inflammatory properties of activated macrophages.  相似文献   

The kidney isozyme of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11-HSD2) protects the mineralocorticoid receptor from spurious activation by glucocorticoids. To explore structure-function relationships, human 11-HSD2 cDNA was subcloned into the bacterial expression vector, pET25b. E. coli transformed with wild-type cDNA produced active enzyme that retained biochemical characteristics of the native protein. The addition of 6 histidine residues to the C-terminus of the wild-type enzyme (11-HSD2/His) increased activity 2-fold. Whereas wild-type activity was almost completely sedimented following 100,000g centrifugation, 10-30% of total activity of 11-HSD2/His remained in the supernatant. The 11-HSD2 isozyme normally contains three N-terminal hydrophobic domains. Mutant 11-HSD2/His possessing a single hydrophobic domain retained partial activity, but elimination of all domains inactivated the enzyme. Thus, the N-terminal hydrophobic domains are essential for complete activity of 11-HSD2 but association with an intact cell membrane is not.  相似文献   

The human enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD) catalyzes the reversible oxidoreduction of 11beta-OH/11-oxo groups of glucocorticoid hormones. Besides this important endocrinological property, the type 1 isozyme (11beta-HSD1) mediates reductive phase I reactions of several carbonyl group bearing xenobiotics, including drugs, insecticides and carcinogens. The aim of this study was to explore novel substrate specificities of human 11beta-HSD1, using heterologously expressed protein in the yeast system Pichia pastoris. In addition to established phase I xenobiotic substrates, it is now demonstrated that transformed yeast strains catalyze the reduction of ketoprofen to its hydroxy metabolite, and the oxidation of the prodrug DFU-lactol to the pharmacologically active lactone compound. Purified recombinant 11beta-HSD1 mediated oxidative reactions, however, the labile reductive activity component could not be maintained. In conclusion, evidence is provided that human 11beta-HSD1 in vitro is involved in phase I reactions of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs like ketoprofen and DFU-lactol.  相似文献   

11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) regulates glucocorticoid action at the pre-receptor stage by converting cortisone to cortisol. 11β-HSD1 is selectively expressed in many tissues including the liver and adipose tissue where metabolic events are important. Metabolic syndrome relates to a number of metabolic abnormalities and currently has a prevalence of >20% in adult Americans. 11β-HSD1 inhibitors are being investigated by many major pharmaceutical companies for type 2 diabetes and other abnormalities associated with metabolic syndrome. In this area of intense interest a number of structural types of 11β-HSD1 inhibitor have been identified. It is important to have an array of structural types as the physicochemical properties of the compounds will determine tissue distribution, HPA effects, and ultimately clinical utility. Here we report the discovery and synthesis of three structurally different series of novel 11β-HSD1 inhibitors that inhibit human 11β-HSD1 in the low micromolar range. Docking studies with 1–3 into the crystal structure of human 11β-HSD1 reveal how the molecules may interact with the enzyme and cofactor and give further scope for structure based drug design in the optimisation of these series.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously detected a single base substitution of G by A at the Arg codon CGC in exon 4 of the mutant lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) gene, an unstable LDH-B variant (case 1). Here, we use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify genomic DNA of two cases (the original case 1 and a new patient, case 2). We were able to confirm that case 1 is homozygous for the mutation, causing a replacement of the conserved Arg by His at residue 173. The resulting LDH-B variant subunit is unstable in vivo. Whereas the mutation in exon 4 was not observed in case 2, a different single base substitution of A by C was detected at the Ser codon AGT in exon 3. This mutation causes a replacement of the conserved Ser by Arg at residue 131. Genomic analysis of the family of case 2 by mismatched PCR showed that the missense mutation was consistent with their biochemical phenotypes. The replacement results in a conformational change of the residues near the Ser, probably because the side chain of Arg is much more bulky than that of Ser. The change may affect the arrangement of the cofactor binding site and result in the loss of enzyme activity. The experimental observations are consistent with computer graphics analyses.  相似文献   

In a screening programme for inhibitors of human testis 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD type 3), as potential agents for the treatment of hormone-dependent prostatic cancer, we have used crude human testis microsomal 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase as a convenient source of the enzyme. Crude human enzyme was shown to have a similar substrate profile to recombinant Type 3 17beta-HSD from the same source as determined by the low Km/Vmax ratio for the reduction of androstenedione compared to the oxidation of testosterone, and a low level of activity in reduction of oestrone. Screening of a wide range of compounds of different structural types as potential inhibitors of the microsomal enzyme in the reduction step revealed that certain p-benzoquinones and flavones/isoflavones were potent inhibitors of the enzyme, diphenyl-p-benzoquinone (2.7 microM), phenyl-p-benzoquinone (5.7 microM), 7-hydroxyflavone (9.0 microM), baicalein (9.3 microM) and biochanin A (10.8 microM). Some structure-activity relationships within the flavone/isoflavone series are discussed. Studies with rat testis microsomal 17beta-HSD showed that it differed from the human enzyme mainly in its greater ability to accept oestrone as substrate and the pH-optimum for oxidation of testosterone. It was found to be much less sensitive to inhibition by the compounds studied so negating it use as a more readily available tissue for the screening of potential inhibitors.  相似文献   

The human type 1 (placenta, breast tumors, and prostate tumors) and type 2 (adrenals and gonads) isoforms of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3beta-HSD1 and 3beta-HSD2) are encoded by two distinct genes that are expressed in a tissue-specific pattern. Our recent studies have shown that His156 contributes to the 14-fold higher affinity that 3beta-HSD1 exhibits for substrate and inhibitor steroids compared with human 3beta-HSD2 containing Tyr156 in the otherwise identical catalytic domain. Our structural model of human 3beta-HSD localizes His156 or Tyr156 in the subunit interface of the enzyme homodimer. The model predicts that Gln105 on one enzyme subunit has a higher probability of interacting with His156 on the other subunit in 3beta-HSD1 than with Tyr156 in 3beta-HSD2. The Q105M mutant of 3beta-HSD1 (Q105M1) shifts the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for 3beta-HSD substrate and inhibition constants (Ki) for epostane and trilostane to the much lower affinity profiles measured for wild-type 3beta-HSD2 and H156Y1. However, the Q105M2 mutant retains substrate and inhibitor kinetic profiles similar to those of 3beta-HSD2. Our model also predicts that Gln240 in 3beta-HSD1 and Arg240 in 3beta-HSD2 may be responsible for the 3-fold higher affinity of the type 1 isomerase activity for substrate steroid and cofactors. The Q240R1 mutation increases the isomerase substrate Km by 2.2-fold to a value similar to that of 3beta-HSD2 isomerase and abolishes the allosteric activation of isomerase by NADH. The R240Q2 mutation converts the isomerase substrate, cofactor, and inhibitor kinetic profiles to the 4-14-fold higher affinity profiles of 3beta-HSD1. Thus, key structural reasons for the substantially higher affinities of 3beta-HSD1 for substrates, coenzymes, and inhibitors have been identified. These structure and function relationships can be used in future docking studies to design better inhibitors of the 3beta-HSD1 that may be useful in the treatment of hormone-sensitive cancers and preterm labor.  相似文献   

11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 regulates the tissue availability of cortisol by interconverting cortisone and cortisol. It is capable of functioning as both a reductase and a dehydrogenase depending upon the surrounding milieu. In this work, we have studied the reaction mechanism of a soluble form of human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 and its mode of inhibition by potent and selective inhibitors belonging to three different structural classes. We found that catalysis follows an ordered addition with NADP(H) binding preceding the binding of the steroid. While all three inhibitors tested bound to the steroid binding pocket, they differed in their interactions with the cofactor NADP(H). Compound A, a pyridyl amide bound more efficiently to the NADPH-bound form of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1. Compound B, an adamantyl triazole, was unaffected by NADP(H) binding and the sulfonamide, Compound C, showed preferential binding to the NADP+ -bound form of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1. These differences were found to augment significant selectivity towards inhibition of the reductase reaction versus the dehydrogenase reaction. This selectivity may translate to differences in the in vivo effects of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 7alpha-hydroxylation in humans takes place in the liver, skin, and brain. These organs are targets for the glucocorticoid hormones where 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) activates cortisone through its reduction into cortisol. The putative interference of 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA with the 11beta-HSD1-catalyzed reduction of cortisone into cortisol has been confirmed in preliminary works with human liver tissue preparations of the enzyme demonstrating the transformation of 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA into 7-oxo-DHEA and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA. However, the large production of 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA could not be explained satisfactorily. Therefore our objective was to study the role in the metabolism of oxygenated DHEA by recombinant human 11beta-HSD1 expressed in yeast. The 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA were each oxidized into 7-oxo-DHEA with quite dissimilar K(M) (70 and 9.5 microM, respectively) but at equivalent V(max). In contrast, the 11beta-HSD1-mediated reduction of 7-oxo-DHEA led to the production of both 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA with equivalent K(M) (1.1 microM) but with a 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA production characterized by a significantly greater V(max). The 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA produced by the cytochrome CYP7B1 in tissues may exert anti-glucocorticoid effects through interference with the 11beta-HSD1-mediated cortisone reduction.  相似文献   

A series of piperidine amide inhibitors of human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) were identified via modifications of the HTS hit compound 1. The synthesis, in vitro biological evaluation, and structure-activity relationship of these compounds are presented.  相似文献   

11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) catalyzes the NADPH dependent interconversion of inactive cortisone to active cortisol. Excess 11beta-HSD1 or cortisol leads to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome in animal models and in humans. Inhibiting 11beta-HSD1 activity signifies a promising therapeutic strategy in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes and related diseases. Herein, we report two highly potent and selective small molecule inhibitors of human 11beta-HSD1. While compound 1, a sulfonamide, functions as a simple substrate competitive inhibitor, compound 2, a triazole, shows the kinetic profile of a mixed inhibitor. Co-crystal structures reveal that both compounds occupy the 11beta-HSD1 catalytic site, but present distinct molecular interactions with the protein. Strikingly, compound 2 interacts much closer to the cofactor NADP+ and likely modifies its binding. Together, the structural and kinetic analyses demonstrate two distinctive molecular inhibition mechanisms, providing valuable information for future inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Temkin S  Nacharaju VL  Hellman M  Lee YC  Abulafia O 《Steroids》2006,71(11-12):1019-1023
In the ovary cortisol-cortisone inter-conversion is catalyzed by the enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD). Its role in carcinomas of human ovary is unknown. The majority of ovarian cancers are derived from ovarian surface epithelium and the inflammation caused by successive ovulation seems to a play a role in the development of cancer. Cortisol is known to act as anti-inflammatory agent and its metabolism by type 1 and type 11beta-HSD may control the inflammatory action by cortisol in ovary. We undertook this study to investigate type 2 11beta-HSD activity which functions exclusively oxidative direction, in normal ovarian tissue compared to ovarian epithelial cancer. Ovarian tissue was obtained from patients undergoing hysterectomy for both benign and malignant disease. Tissue was placed immediately on dry ice and subsequently transferred to a freezer where they were maintained at -70 degrees C. NAD dependent 11beta-HSD activity was then determined in this tissue. T-test was performed to determine statistical significance. Mean type 2 enzyme activity was 0.87 +/- 1.65 pmol/min g tissue in normal ovarian tissue versus a mean enzyme activity of 2.96 +/- 1.37 pmol/mim g tissue in from cancer specimens. This difference was statistically significant with a p-value of 0.03. Type 2 1beta-HSD activity in ovarian cancer specimens was significantly higher than enzyme activity measured in normal post-menopausal ovarian tissue. Decreased cortisol levels due type 2 1beta-HSD activity may play a role neoplastic transformation as well as tumor proliferation in ovarian cancer by eliminating anti-inflammatory action of cortisol.  相似文献   

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