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Abstract. Silver ions effectively inhibited both the initiation and the continuation of tomato ( Lyeopersicon esculentum Mill) ripening. Studies of protein synthesis in vivo showed that application of 2 mol m−3 silver thiosulphate to mature green fruit prevented the appearance of several novel proteins associated with ripening, including the softening enzyme polygalacturonase. However, total protein synthesis, as judged by the incorporation of [35S] methionine into proteins, continued unabated after silver treatment. Ripening was also arrested when silver was supplied after ripening had begun. The accumulation of several ripening-related mRNAs, including that for polygalacturonase, was studied by translation in vitro and using cDNA clones as hybridization probes. Silver was shown to prevent the appearance of polygalaturonase mRNA when supplied to mature green fruit and to cause a rapid reduction in the concentration of mRNA for polygalacturonase and other ripening-related proteins when supplied after ripening had begun. It is proposed that silver exerts its effects due to interaction with the ethylene perception mechanism. The results suggest that perception of ethylene is vital not only for the initiation of ripening but also for the continued expression of genes required for ripening.  相似文献   

Inhibition of expression of tomato-ripening genes at high temperature   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Abstract. Ripening tomato fruits incubated at 35°C fail to achieve normal pigmentation, soften little and show a marked decline in ethylene evolution. Labelling studies in vivo indicate that protein synthesis continues throughout incubation at 35°C although the spectrum of labelled proteins is different to that observed at 25°C. Translation of mRNAs in vitro shows traces of several 'heat-shock' mRNAs at 35°C and the loss of several others normally found in fruit ripened at 25°C. Using ripening-related cDNA clones as hybridization probes the expression of 12 ripening-related genes was followed during incubation at 25°C and 35°C. In general, there was a marked decline in the amounts of these mRNAs following incubation of ripening fruit at 35°C. In particular, mRNA homologous to pTOM 6, a cDNA clone coding for polygalacturonase, a major cell wall degrading enzyme, showed a rapid decline following incubation at 35°C and after 72-h at elevated temperature was undetectable. There was no recovery of expression during 120 h at 35°C and the application of exogenous ethylene did not overcome the inhibition of ripening or lead to the renewed accumulation of polygalacturonase mRNA. It is proposed that the failure to soften normally at elevated temperature is due, in part, to the suppression of polygalacturonase mRNA and that the inhibition of other facets of ripening at 35°C is due to the inhibition or reduced expression of other, as yet unidentified, ripening-related genes.  相似文献   

The effect of low concentrations of O2 (1%) with or without the application of exogenous ethylene (10 l/l) on the production of endogenous ethylene, the activity of polygalacturonase (PG), and the ripening of tomato fruits during storage for three weeks at 20°C and four weeks at 10°C, followed by one week under ambient conditions (25°C) was studied. The internal ethylene concentration in the fruits stored under low O2 at 10 or 20°C was low during storage and increased only when fruits were transferred to ambient conditions. The application of exogenous ethylene to fruits stored under low O2 at 10 or 20°C did not induce autocatalytic ethylene synthesis. By contrast, the internal ethylene concentration of fruits stored in air was high at 20°C and somewhat lower at 10°C. Under low O2 conditions, PG activity was low and the fruits remained firm and green throughout storage, whereas, during storage in the air, PG activity increased and the fruits softened and developed their characteristic red color.  相似文献   

Ethylene and polyamine metabolism, both sharing a common precursor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), were investigated during detached tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. nothovar F1 Lorena) fruit ripening. Putrescine (PUT) was found to be the major polyamine in the fruits, always over 100 nmols/g FW, while spermidine (SPD) was between 7% and 3% of the level of PUT. Spermine (SPM) was not detected at any stage of ripening. The level of PUT and SPD, did not change significantly during ripening in spite of the almost continuous synthesis of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), the ethylene precursor, and only at the last stage of ripening was a drastic decrease in SPD content observed. The results obtained show that the onset of ACC synthesis and its accumulation within the tissue is not a consequence of a decrease in SPD synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract Six genotypes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) that differ in their salt-tolerance, were exposed to 200 mol m?3 NaCl for 4 weeks. Seedlings exhibited a marked decline in shoot dry weight accumulation and increased petiolar epinasty after exposure to salinity stress. Ranking accessions on the basis of their relative growth reduction in response to salinity, provided good agreement with the level of epinasty promoted during the salinity treatment. In the absence of salt-stress, leaf epinasty promoted by exogenous ethylene treatment was found to be a positive indicator of the genotypes incipient salt-sensitivity. Endogenous ethylene levels in untreated plants were negatively correlated with ethephon-induced epinasty. Genotypes with normally high endogenous C2H4 levels were less responsive to ethephon treatment and also exhibited greater salt-tolerance than genotypes with low endogenous C2H4 levels. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that a main feature of adaptation in the genotypes examined may involve modulation of their cellular sensitivity to C2H4. The results indicate that leaf epinasty, whether salt- or ethylene-induced, is a sensitive indicator of salt-sensitivity. Ethylene-induced epinasty may, therefore, provide a simple basis upon which to identify and select salt-tolerant plants.  相似文献   

Summary The alc mutation affects the ripening and storability of tomato fruit. The alteration of fruit color in alc lines is due to a reduction in total pigment and a reduction in lycopene relative to total carotinoids. Polygalacturonase (PG) activity is reduced to less than 5% of normal, and the isozymes PG2a and PG2b are absent in alc fruit. The level of anti-PG precipitable proteins is also reduced to less than 5% of normal. Total polyA + mRNA is not significantly reduced in ripening alc fruit, but hybridization of polyA + mRNA to different ripening-related cDNA clones showed that specific mRNAs are present at reduced levels in the mutant. Specific mRNA levels were reduced to 10%–80% of normal levels, depending on the cDNA clone used as the probe. PG mRNA was present at 5%–10% of the normal level.All effects of alc on fruit ripening are relived in the line Alcobaca-red, which arose spontaneously from the original alc line, Alcobaca. The Alcobaca-red trait segregates as a single dominant trait at or very near the alc locus, and it is probably the result of a reverse mutation at the alc locus.The chromosomal locations of regions homologous to 5 ripening-related cDNA probes were determined. Regions homologous to 4 of these probes map to chromosomes other than chromosome 10, indicating that the effects of alc are transactive. A cDNA clone for PG was homologous to only one chromosomal region. This region is located on chromosome 10, which is also the chromosome on which alc and nor are located.  相似文献   

Depolarization of tomato leaf cells by oligogalacturonide elicitors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The electrical potential difference (Em) across the plasma membrane of tomato leaf mesophyll cells consists of a cyanide-sensitive component, presumably produced by an H+-ATPase, and a cyanide-insensitive component. Variation of Em between different batches of tissue is mainly caused by variation in the cyanide-sensitive component. Oligogalacturonide elicitors that induce the synthesis of proteinase inhibitors in tomato seedlings depolarize the Em of tomato leaf mesophyll cells. This depolarization closely resembles that caused by cyanide: they are of similar magnitude and vary in a similar manner with variation in the initial Em of different batches of tissue. Treatments with cyanide and with the elicitors have similar effects on the small depolarization caused by KCl at 10 mol m?3. The results suggest that the elicitors depolarize Em by inhibiting the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, but that the detailed mechanism of inhibition by the elicitors is different from that caused by cyanide.  相似文献   

Pectic (carbonate-soluble, covalently-bound pectin, CBP) material stimulated increased ethylene production when vacuum-infiltrated into whole, mature green tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Rutgers) fruit. Activity was greatest if CBP was extracted from mature green tomatoes with jellied locules. CBP extracted from mature green tomatoes with immature seeds had no elicitor activity, while CBP from turning or red ripe tomatoes was only moderately active. Infiltration of CBP from normal mature green fruit into ripening inhibitor ( rin ) mutant tomato fruit stimulated ethylene production and attenuated red pigmentation in these fruits. Partial purification of the active material was accomplished using DEAE-Sephadex and BioGel P-100 chromatography. The most highly purified fraction is comprised of neutral carbohydrate (95%) with a relatively low content of amino acids (1%) and a uronic acid content of less than 5%. This material may be an endogenous trigger of ethylene production and ripening.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide and ethylene concentrations in tomato fruit ( Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castelmart) and their stage of ripeness (characteristic external color changes) were periodically measured in fruit attached to and detached from the plant. An external collection apparatus was attached to the surface of individual tomato fruit to permit non-destructive sampling of internal gases. The concentration of carbon dioxide and ethylene in the collection apparatus reached 95% of the concentration in the fruit after 8 h. Gas samples were collected every 24 h. A characteristic climacteric surge in carbon dioxide (2-fold) and ethylene (10-fold) concentration occurred coincident with ripening of detached tomato fruit. Fruit attached to the plant exhibited a climacteric rise in ethylene (20-fold) concentration during ripening, but only a linear increase in carbon dioxide concentration. The carbon dioxide concentration increases in attached fruit during ripening, but the increase is a continuation of the linear increase seen in both attached and detached fruit before ripening and does not exhibit the characteristic pattern normally associated with ripening climacteric fruit. In tomato fruit, it appears that a respiratory climacteric per se, which has been considered intrinsic to the ripening of certain fruit, may not be necessary for the ripening of "climacteric" fruit at all, but instead may be an artifact of using harvested fruit.  相似文献   

The extreme dwarf d x tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) mutant has very short internodes which were found to contain shorter and fewer epidermal cells. The leaves are highly abnormal. The mutant showed a substantial stem growth response to GA3, without approaching normal stature or morphology. The active gibberellin GA1 and its precursors GA19 and GA20 were identified by coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in d x shoots. Quantitative GC/MS revealed that GA20 accumulated to far higher levels than normal in stems and leaves of the mutant.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two size ranges of oligosaccharide elicitors of pectic origin have been investigated for their effects on tomato plants. Both size ranges, with degrees of polymerization of 1–7 and 10–20 respectively, induced the accumulation of proteinase inhibitor (PI) activity in excised plants, and also induced changes in membrane potential of leaf mesophyll cells. The depolarizations were substantial, rapid, and reversible on removal of the elicitors. The effects are discussed in the context of early events in the signal transduction pathway linking oligosaccharides to changes in PI gene expression.  相似文献   

Abstract. Deuterium-labelled ABA-aldehyde was fed to various tomato genotypes. Normal and notabilis mutant plants incorporated substantial amounts of the label into ABA. In contrast, two ABA-deficient mutants, flacca and sitiens , reduced ABA-aldehyde to a mixture of cis- and trans -ABA alcohol rather than oxidizing it to ABA. It was concluded that ABA-aldehyde is the immediate precursor of ABA in higher plants. It appears that the flacca and sitiens lesions both act to block the last step of the ABA biosynthetic pathway. The mutant gene loci are likely to be involved in coding for different sub-units of the same dehydrogenase enzyme.  相似文献   

An analysis of the accumulation of water and dry matter in tomato fruit   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18  
Abstract Previously published data from tomato plants grown in nutrient solutions having one of three electrical conductivities (2, 12 and 17 mS cm?1) were analysed. The rate of water import into the fruit, and the proportion of this conducted by the xylem stream were calculated from the daily rates of transpiration and the net accumulation of water and calcium. The rate of water import decreased as the conductivity of the nutrient solution rose, the maximum daily import rates in the third week after pollination being 3.2, 3.0 and 1.8 g fruit?1 d?1 for fruit grown at 2, 12 and 17 mS cm?1, respectively. During fruit development, the proportion of water imported via the xylem fell from 8–15% to 1–2% at maturity. The principal source of water for tomato fruit growth was phloem sap. Based on the daily rates of net dry matter accumulation, respiration and phloem water import, the calculated dry matter concentration of the phloem sap declined from 7 to 3%, or from 12.5 to 7.8% during fruit development in low or high salinity, respectively. The similar dry matter accumulation of fruit grown at different salinities was due to changes in both volume and concentration of phloem sap. Potassium salts in tomato fruit were calculated lo have contributed –0.29, –0.48 and –0.58 MPa to total fruit osmotic potential in the 2, 12 and 17 mS cm?1 treatments, respectively, which accounted for 38% or 49% of the measured total osmotic potential of the 2 mS cm?1 or 17 mS cm?1 treatments. The contribution of hexoses to total fruit osmotic potential in the young fruit was from about –0.1 to –0.2 MPa at all salinities. The osmotic potential of tomato fruit is regulated more by potassium salts than by hexoses.  相似文献   

Summary Gene expression during the ripening of tomato fruit was investigated by cDNA cloning and hybrid-select translation. A cDNA library was prepared from poly(A)-containing mRNA from ripe tomato fruit and sreened by differential hybridization. 146 ripening-related cDNA clones were found. Eleven groups and eight unique clones have been identified so far. The sizes of the cloned cDNA inserts were determined and type-members for seven groups were used in hybrid selection experiments. Six of the seven clones encode translation products corresponding to six ripening related polypeptides detected previously by in vitro translation of total cytoplasmic RNA (14). One cDNA group codes for a Mr 48 000 protein that was identified as polygalacturonase on the basis of immunoprecipitation with specific antiserum raised against tomato polygalacturonase. re]19840918 rv]19850613 ac]19850618  相似文献   

This work investigated how calcium regulates the ethylene biosynthesis in the fruits of wild-type tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and their ethylene receptor never-ripe (Nr) mutants. In Nr tomato, the ethylene perception was blocked. When both materials were treated with calcium, the content of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)/malonyl-ACC and the activity of ACC oxidase (ACO) in tomato fruit discs increased, whereas the production of ethylene, content of malondialdehyde, and membrane permeability decreased. Calcium treatment did not affect the activity of ACC synthase, which is the first committed step in the ethylene biosynthesis pathway. The expression of LeACO1 in mature green fruit was inhibited significantly by calcium treatment in wild-type and Nr tomatoes, but the expression of LeACS2, the key ACC synthase gene in ethylene synthesis during tomato fruit maturing, was not affected. These results revealed that the effect of calcium on ethylene biosynthesis in tomato mature green fruit was independent of ethylene perception. The results also revealed that the targeting step of calcium preventing ethylene production was located at the ACC conversion to ethylene, by means of inhibiting ACC availability for ACO through enhancing cell membrane integrity and by means of preventing LeACO1 gene expression. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2006, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 60–67. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

I considered the possibility that changes in fruit photosynthesis obscure the occurrence of the climacteric rise in respiration in tomato fruits attached to the plant. Internal CO2 and ethylene concentrations in tomatoes ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. OH 7814) were analyzed after direct sampling through polyethylene tubes implanted in the external pericarp. Fruits which were shaded with aluminium foil contained up to 60 ml 1−1 CO2, until the internal ethylene concentration exceeded 1 μl l−1, when CO2 concentration declined to below 40 ml l−1; the CO2 concentration in fruits exposed to light only occasionally exceeded 40 ml 1−1. The internal CO2 concentration of detached fruits first declined and then increased along with ethylene concentration, as expected for the climacteric. Detached green fruits under continuous low photosynthetic photon flux density (100 μmol m−2 s−1) contained almost no internal CO2 and produced no CO2. Changes in photosynthesis and an associated CO2-generating system in green fruits are thought to obscure the climacteric rise in tomato fruits developing on the plant.  相似文献   

Abstract Etiolated hypocotyls from normal tomato plants show a negative gravitropic response within 20 min of stimulation. In contrast, etiolated hypocotyls from the gravitropic mutant Lazy-l do not reorientate after gravistimulation. Etiolated hypocotyls from both types of plant are positively phototropic, however, Lazy-l seedlings achieve a greater final angle of bending following phototropic stimulation compared to normal plants. Anatomical studies reveal that etiolated hypocotyls from normal plants contain sedimenting amyloplasts located within the endodermal cells. Such sedimenting amyloplasts are absent in Lazy-l tissue. It is hypothesized that the hypocotyl of Lazy-l is agravitropic since it is unable to perceive a gravistimulus.  相似文献   

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