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The circadian rhythm of CO2 assimilation in detached leaves of Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi at 15° C in normal air and continuous illumination is inhibited both by exposure to darkness, and to an atmosphere enriched with 5% CO2. During such exposures substantial fixation of CO2 takes place, and the malate concentration in the cell sap increases from about 20 mM to a constant value of 40–50 mM after 16 h. On transferring the darkened leaves to light, and those exposed to 5% CO2 to normal air, a circadian rhythm of CO2 assimilation begins again. The phase of this rhythm is determined by the time the transfer is made since the first peak occurs about 24 h afterwards. This finding indicates that the circadian oscillator is driven to, and held at, an identical, fixed phase point in its cycle after 16 h exposure to darkness or to 5% CO2, and it is from this phase point that oscillation begins after the inhibiting condition is removed. This fixed phase point is characterised by the leaves having acquired a high malate content. The rhythm therefore begins with a period of malate decarboxylation which lasts for about 8 h, during which time the malate content of the leaf cells must be reduced to a value that allows phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase to become active. Inhibition of the rhythm in darkness, and on exposure to 5% CO2 in continuous illumination, appears to be due to the presence of a high concentration of CO2 within the leaf inhibiting malic enzyme which leads to the accumulation of high concentrations of malate in the leaf cells. The malate then allosterically inhibits phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase upon which the rhythm depends. The results give support to the view that malate synthesis and breakdown form an integral part of the circadian oscillator in this tissue.Abbreviations B. Bryophyllum - PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 相似文献
Summary Germination of microsclerotia ofMacrophomina phaseolina was observed at O2 concentrations of 16% or higher in autoclaved soil. Germination was delayed but otherwise unaffected as O2 decreased from 21 to 16% and was in all cases complete in 32 hours. Laboratory-produced microsclerotia consistently germinated more rapidly and seemed more independent of O2 concentrations within the range that permitted germination than naturallyproduced microsclerotia.Population changes in soil as measured by microsclerotial counts were inversely correlated with depth of interment and reduced O2 concentration. Our inability to detect significantly growth responses ofM. phaseolina in non autoclaved soil was apparently related to limited O2 although other possibilities are discussed.Contribution of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Scientific Journal Series No. 9124. 相似文献
The external respiration parameters were studied in healthy workers of a chemical enterprise (246) and cadets of a police academy (82) for the normal state of the system of external respiration and under the conditions of an increased air content of the respiratory regions of the lungs. It was established that, in healthy subjects, an increased air content is a manifestation of the compensatory reaction of the external respiration system to long-term or regular hypoergosis. The reaction is aimed at increasing gas exchange in the lungs in cases where, for some reason, the oxygen demand of the body is not met completely. 相似文献
N A Zakharenko 《Ukrainski? biokhimicheski? zhurnal》1980,52(2):196-199
An increase in the HSO3- concentration and in the carbon dioxide level is accompanied by an increase in the glutaminase, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activities in the liver and kidneys tissues as well as in the blood serum. The in vitro experiments show that an increased level of CO2 in the incubation medium intensifies the incorporation of 14C from I-14C lysine into proteins of the fish liver. 相似文献
Soil carbon dioxide and methane fluxes as affected by tillage and N fertilization in dryland conditions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Daniel Plaza-Bonilla Carlos Cantero-Martínez Javier Bareche José Luis Arrúe Jorge Álvaro-Fuentes 《Plant and Soil》2014,381(1-2):111-130
Background and aims
The effects of tillage and N fertilization on CO2 and CH4 emissions are a cause for concern worldwide. This paper quantifies these effects in a Mediterranean dryland area.Methods
CO2 and CH4 fluxes were measured in two field experiments. A long-term experiment compared two types of tillage (NT, no-tillage, and CT, conventional intensive tillage) and three N fertilization rates (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha?1). A short-term experiment compared NT and CT, three N fertilization doses (0, 75 and 150 kg N ha?1) and two types of fertilizer (mineral N and organic N with pig slurry). Aboveground and root biomass C inputs, soil organic carbon stocks and grain yield were also quantified.Results
The NT treatment showed a greater mean CO2 flux than the CT treatment in both experiments. In the long-term experiment CH4 oxidation was greater under NT, whereas in the short-term experiment it was greater under CT. The fertilization treatments also affected CO2 emissions in the short-term experiment, with the greatest fluxes when 75 and 150 kg organic N ha?1 was applied. Overall, the amount of CO2 emitted ranged between 0.47 and 6.0 kg CO2?equivalent kg grain?1. NT lowered yield-scaled emissions in both experiments, but these treatment effects were largely driven by an increase in grain yield.Conclusions
In dryland Mediterranean agroecosystems the combination of NT and medium rates of either mineral or organic N fertilization can be an appropriate strategy for optimizing CO2 and CH4 emissions and grain yield. 相似文献8.
As reported previously, atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at an ambient level increased plant size and the contents of cell constituents. We investigated this effect of atmospheric NO2 on decontamination of cadmium (Cd) by kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus). Seventeen-day-old seedlings of kenaf were grown in air either with NO2 or without NO2. (Plants were exposed to 100 +/- 50 ppb NO2 for 10 d under irrigation of 0.1% Hyponex supplemented with 20 microM CdCl2.) Plants were then harvested and the biomass of stems, leaves, and roots, as well as the content of Cd in the organs, was determined. The stem and root biomass per plant were 1.25-1.27-fold greater in +NO2 plants than in -NO2 plants. The Cd content per stem was more than 30% greater in +NO2 plants than in -NO2 plants. 相似文献
Stimulation of border cell production in response to increased carbon dioxide levels 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Field soil atmospheres have higher CO(2) and lower O(2) concentrations compared with ambient atmosphere, but little is known about the impact of such conditions on root exudation patterns. We used altered levels of CO(2) and O(2) relative to ambient conditions to examine the influence of the atmosphere on the production of root border cells by pea (Pisum sativum) root tips. During germination, atmospheres with high CO(2) and low O(2) inhibited root development and border cell separation in pea seedlings. Later in development, the same atmospheric composition stimulated border cell separation without significantly influencing root growth. Increased CO(2), not low O(2), was responsible for the observed stimulation of border cell number. High CO(2) apparently can override endogenous signals that regulate the number of border cells released from pea roots into the rhizosphere. The same conditions that stimulated border cell production in pea had no such effect in alfalfa (Medicago sativa). 相似文献
This review presents the experimental evidence that has been published in recent years both against and in support of the occurrence of negative blood-gas CO2 partial pressure differences (delta PCO2) in lungs in rebreathing equilibrium and during steady-state gas exchange in hypercapnia. Although some sources of potential experimental error can be pointed out, the reasons for the remarkably pronounced disagreement between the experimental data of the different studies cannot be definitely identified. Since a consistent and reproducible occurrence of negative blood-gas delta PCO2 in lungs in gas-blood equilibrium is not convincingly proved, it appears to be justified to continue accepting the validity of the conventional concept of equal PCO2 in blood and gas in equilibrium. Because the issue is of considerable importance in the analysis and understanding of alveolar gas exchange, pertinent evidence is expected from future work. 相似文献
Bunce JA 《Photosynthesis research》2000,64(1):89-94
The relative stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide in C3 species normally increases strongly with increasing temperature. This results from the kinetic characteristics of Rubisco,
and has potentially important implications for responses of vegetation to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is often
assumed that because Rubisco characteristics are conservative, all C3 species have the same temperature dependence of the response of photosynthesis to elevated carbon dioxide. However, in this
field study of Taraxacum officinale, there were no significant differences in the relative stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide among days
with temperatures ranging from 15 to 34 °C. Nevertheless, short-term measurements indicated a strong temperature dependence
of the stimulation. This suggested that acclimation to temperature caused the lack of variation in the seasonal data. Experiments
in controlled environments indicated that complete acclimation of the relative stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon
dioxide occurred for growth temperatures of 10 – 25 °C. The apparent specificity of Rubisco for carbon dioxide relative to
oxygen at 15 °C, as assayed in vivo by measurements of the carbon dioxide concentration at which carboxylation equalled oxygenation, also varied with growth
temperature. Changes in the apparent specificity of Rubisco accounted for the acclimation of the temperature dependence of
the relative stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide. It is premature to conclude that low temperatures will
necessarily reduce the relative stimulation of photosynthesis caused by rising atmospheric carbon dioxide.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Development in wheat as affected by timing and length of exposure to long photoperiod 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Seeds of a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Condor)were vernalized and then grown at 19C in two naturallylitenvironments, one with a moderate (12 h) and the other withlong (18 h) photoperiod. Treatments consisted of transfers ofplants from the moderate to the long photoperiod chamber ondifferent occasions, or for periods of different durations.The main objectives were to determine whether wheat developmentresponds to current and previous photoperiodic environmentsand whether there is a juvenile phase when the plants are insensitiveto photoperiod. Plants under constant 18 h photoperiod had fewerleaves which appeared faster than those under constant 12 hphotoperiod (i.e. phyllochron was increased from 4.4 to 5.1d leaf1). Plants transferred from 12 h to 18 h photoperiodat terminal spikelet appearance (TSA) reached anthesis 4 d earlierthan plants retained at 12 h, while plants under continuouslong photoperiod (18 h) completed this phase most rapidly. Thus,there was some evidence for a historic effect of photoperiodon development. Exposure to long photoperiod during the first 5 d after plantemergence accelerated the rate of development towards anthesis,suggesting that there was no juvenile period of photoperiodicinsensitivity. There were, however, changes during ontogenyin the degree of sensitivity to long photoperiod, increasingfrom seedling emergence to a maximum c. 15 d later, and thendecreasing again. Although all treatments were imposed beforeTSA, the response was not limited to the pre-TSA phase, suggestingthat well before the terminal spikelet appeared, the plant wasalready committed to the initiation of this spikelet. Spikeletnumber decreased with delayed transfer to long photoperiod witha minimum for plants transferred to long days from 16-20 d afterseedling emergence. Additionally, there was a trend for an increasein the rate of leaf appearance (decrease in phyllochron) whenthe plants were exposed to long days between 10 and 35 d afterseedling emergence. Although the differences were small, whenconsidered in conjunction with the effects on final leaf numberthey become important in explaining differences in time to anthesis. Key words: Development, flowering, leaf number, photoperiod, phyllochron, Triticum aestivum 相似文献
Implications of increased carbon dioxide levels for carbon input and turnover in soils 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The complexity of the plant-soil system in its interaction with the changing climate is discussed. It is shown that processes at the level of organic matter inputs into the soil and the fluxes and pools involved in the global cycle are not known in sufficient detail to allow an estimation of the future quantitative shifts. Even the direction in which the level of stored carbon in the soil organic matter pool will develop is not clear. The importance of the nitrogen cycle, which is intimately coupled to the carbon cycle through the turnover of soil organic matter is underlined. In its turn, the mineralisation of soil organic matter takes place at a rate which is highly dependent on the nature of inputs and the availability of mineral nutrients.Aspects of shifts in temperature, changes in cultivation practices (reduced tillage) and unintended spreading of inputs in chemical N-fertilizers are of great importance at a regional and global scale.The complexity of the interactions in the process of mineralisation do require further studies to clarify the point whether a substantial and durable additional storage of carbon in soil organic matter is likely, or that shifts in temperature will cause an overriding acceleration of the mineralisation, and trigger a corresponding net release of carbon. 相似文献
It is important to understand the effects of environmental conditions during plant growth on longevity and temperature response of pollen. Objectives of this study were to determine the influence of growth temperature and/or carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration on pollen longevity and temperature response of peanut and grain sorghum pollen. Plants were grown at daytime maximum/nighttime minimum temperatures of 32/22, 36/26, 40/30 and 44/34 °C at ambient (350 μmol mol−1) and at elevated (700 μmol mol−1) CO2 from emergence to maturity. At flowering, pollen longevity was estimated by measuring in vitro pollen germination at different time intervals after anther dehiscence. Temperature response of pollen was measured by germinating pollen on artificial growth medium at temperatures ranging from 12 to 48 °C in incubators at 4 °C intervals. Elevated growth temperature decreased pollen germination percentage in both crop species. Sorghum pollen had shorter longevity than peanut pollen. There was no influence of CO2 on pollen longevity. Pollen longevity of sorghum at 36/26 °C was about 2 h shorter than at 32/22 °C. There was no effect of growth temperature or CO2 on cardinal temperatures (Tmin, Topt, and Tmax) of pollen in both crop species. The Tmin, Topt, and Tmax identified at different growth temperatures and CO2 levels were similar at 14.9, 30.1, and 45.6 °C, respectively for peanut pollen. The corresponding values for sorghum pollen were 17.2, 29.4, and 41.7 °C. In conclusion, pollen longevity and pollen germination percentage was decreased by growth at elevated temperature, and pollen developed at elevated temperature and/or elevated CO2 did not have greater temperature tolerance. 相似文献