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Imaginary Play was studied in a group of five signing chimpanzees and it was found that chimpanzees engage in imaginary play similar to that found in human children. Fifteen hours of remote videotapes were analyzed for instances of imaginary play. Behaviors were defined as imaginary play by meeting a predetermined criteria which allowed them to be classified into one of six different categories of imaginary play. Six instances of imaginary play were found and these were classified into the two categories of Animation and Substitution. Observations of imaginary play in other research with chimpanzees were discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the development of cooperation in a captive group of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), we designed an apparatus which required the simultaneous traction by two animals to get a reward. Two chimpanzees, an adult male and an infant female in a group of six, produced most of the successful responses (pulling on two handles simultaneously). Visual behavior was used to try to determine what chimpanzees learned about the cooperative task. Propositions were made to investigate what kind of learning could be attributed to chimpanzees and were confronted with results. Both subjects learned the link between the presence of fruits on the apparatus and the possibility of getting a fruit. They also learned the importance of the partner at the apparatus to make a successful response. Only the adult male learned to take into account the behavior of the partner at the apparatus before pulling a handle. From a methodological point of view, the glances made by the animals can constitute a useful behavioral indicator of what the subjects learned in a given social situation.  相似文献   

The dichotomy between the two Pan species, the bonobo (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) has been strongly emphasized until very recently. Given that most studies were primarily based on adult individuals, we shifted the “continuity versus discontinuity” discussion to the infant and juvenile stage. Our aim was to test quantitatively, some conflicting statements made in literature considering species differences between immature bonobos and chimpanzees. On one hand it is suggested that infant bonobos show retardation in motor and social development when compared with chimpanzees. Additionally it is expected that the weaning process is more traumatic to chimpanzee than bonobo infants. But on the other hand the development of behaviors is expected to be very similar in both species. We observed eight mother–infant pairs of each species in several European zoos. Our preliminary research partially confirms that immature chimpanzees seem spatially more independent, spending more time at a larger distance from their mother than immature bonobos. However, the other data do not seem to support the hypothesis that bonobo infants show retardation of motor or social development. The development of solitary play, environmental exploration, social play, non-copulatory mounts and aggressive interactions do not differ between the species. Bonobo infants in general even groom other group members more than chimpanzee infants. We also found that older bonobo infants have more nipple contact than same aged chimpanzees and that the weaning process seems to end later for bonobos than for immature chimpanzee. Additionally, although immature bonobos show in general more signs of distress, our data suggest that the weaning period itself is more traumatic for chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Four chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) monitored the movement of hidden items in arrays of opaque cups. A chocolate candy was hidden in an array of four cups and temporarily presented paper markers indicated the location of the candy (which otherwise was not visible). These markers were either non-symbolic or symbolic (lexigram) stimuli that in other contexts acted as a label for the hidden candy, and the array was either rotated 180° after the marker was removed or the array remained in the same location. For three of four chimpanzees, performance was better than chance in all conditions and there was no effect of the type of marker. These experiments indicate that chimpanzees can track the movement of a hidden item in an array of identical cups even when they never see the item itself, but only see a temporarily presented marker for the location of that item. However, there was no benefit to the use of symbolic as opposed to non-symbolic stimuli in this performance.  相似文献   

I report spontaneous spatial object grouping in five chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)ranging from 1 to 4 years of age. I recorded subjects' spontaneous interactions with groups of objects, noting the spatial relations in the groupings and the constructive processes that the subjects adopted. Though one subject developed vertical stacks, none of them realized horizontal alignments or spatial correspondences between groups. All subjects showed consistent trends in their constructive processes toward manipulating objects in relation to the body: they increasingly manipulated objects globally, that is to say, they moved or held objects together with the same part of the body. They also increasingly placed objects on the body or in correspondence to their symmetrical body parts. The increasing importance assigned by chimpanzees to body- object relations over object- object relations contrasts with human developmental trends in the domain of manipulative space.  相似文献   

This study examines factors affecting chimpanzees' preying on termites, especially their choice of prey species. Regular surveys of a large sample of termite-mounds in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania, confirmed that chimpanzees of B Group obtainedMacrotermes, which were relatively uncommon, by the use of fishing-tools, but ignored the much more abundantOdontotermes. This preference appeared to reflectMacrotermes' more extended swarming period, greater accessibility, larger size, and less noxious taste than the soldiers ofOdontotermes. Similar factors probably underly the chimpanzees' choice ofMacrotermes at Gombe, butPseudacanthotermes spiniger are also common there, and their absence from the diet is less easily explained. In contrast, the chimpanzees of K Group at Mahale prey mainly onP. spiniger;Macrotermes are apparently absent, andP. spiniger appear to be more abundant, accessible, and palatable than the alternativeOdontotermes.  相似文献   

Seven chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were trained to present their ears so that a tympanic nembrane thermometer could be inserted. Temperatures were collected from both ears of each subject every 3 hours for 72 consecutive hours. The presence of a body temperature rhythm, well documented in other mammals, was established. Each ear demonstrated its own rhythm, but the rhythms in both ears generally mirrored each other. Similarities in the temperature rhythms of cagemates were found. These data are the first evidence of a body temperature rhythm in chimpanzees, and they represent a non-invasive method of measuring the 24-hr rhythms in both human and non-human primates.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to monitor the social development of infant and juvenile common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) through their play behaviour at Taronga Zoo in Sydney in order to examine the possible effects of captivity (such as limited opportunities to play) on social development. Play behaviour was observed by focal animal sampling to determine individual differences, and their relationship to age, sex, and relatedness of the subjects. Analysis revealed marked individual variations in social, solitary, and object play behaviours indicative of a relatively well-balanced social and physical environment. Subjects showed a marked preference for play-partners of a different age compared to their own, and initiated interactions with similar frequency with members of both sexes. Many social-play dyads consisted of related individuals, and familiarity with prospective play-mates was the most decisive factor in social interactions.  相似文献   

Predatory behavior ofPan t. troglodytes in the Ndoki Forest was confirmed by both direct observation and fecal evidence. Eight out of 214 fecal samples (3.7%), collected during 16 months, contained vertebrate tissue. The prey species were a terrestrial bird, two monkey species including crowned guenon, a squirrel, and probably a pangolin. This rate suggested that predation in the Ndoki population can occur as frequently as in other populations. Chimpanzees were also directly observed to eat an infant crowned guenon, a hornbill, and a duiker. An adult female used a branch apparently in an attempt to drive out a hornbill from its nest hole, though no bird was observed to come out. Chimpanzees were attracted to meat, and were observed begging and sharing over the meat. Predatory behavior is common toPan andHomo, but not toGorilla, implying that the common ancestor of the former two genera acquired this behavior after separating from gorillas.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to see if behavioral lateralization in hand use benefits a lateralized organism in nature. We recorded wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Gombe, Tanzania, fishing for termites (Macrotermes spp.), an extractive foraging task using elementary technology. We compared individual apes who were completely lateralized, using only one hand or the other for the task, versus those who were incompletely lateralized, using either hand. Exclusively lateralized individuals were more efficient, that is, gathered more prey per unit effort, but were no different in success or error rate from incompletely lateralized apes. This is the first demonstration of a payoff to laterality of behavioral function in primates in conditions of ecological validity.  相似文献   

We investigated the level of cognitive development of two chimpanzee infants, both tested at 14 and 19 months of age, within the Piagetian framework of cognitive development. We administered tasks related to the understanding of object-concept—visible displacement tasks-and the operation of physical causality—the support problem-and observed responses similar to those of human infants. Both subjects reached stage 5 object-concept when they were 19 months of age: only at this time, in fact, were chimpanzees able to find the object wherever it was hidden. Stage 4 errors still characterized infants' performance when they were 14 months old. However, only one of the 19-month-old subjects was able to solve the support problem: she ignored the support when the goal object did not rest on it, showing that the understood the necessity of spatial contact between the target and the intermediary object. On the contrary, the other subject was not proficient in such a task because he drew the support even when the reward was placed beside it. At 19 months of age its level of causality still remained characteristic of the fourth stage.  相似文献   

Studies investigating relationships between social parameters (such as dominance rank, rates of aggressive and sexual behaviors) and androgen (particularly, testosterone) levels in male primates have yielded inconsistent results. In the present study, we address the relationship between androgens, male dominance rank and rank-associated behaviors in two groups of captive chimpanzees, a species characterized by a pronounced dominance hierarchy between adult males. By combining behavioral observations with urinary testosterone (T) measurements, we found that the differences in T concentrations between males were small and not obviously related to their dominance rank. T levels were not related to the rates of initiated aggression and copulatory behavior, but a significant negative relationship between male T level and the rates of strong aggression received was apparent. Our findings, combined with those of others, suggest that any relationship between dominance rank and T depends upon the extent to which individual rank-associated behaviors (e.g. aggressive/sexual) are themselves related to T.  相似文献   

1967至1997的30年间,生活在非洲热带地区自然栖息地的野生黑猩猩数量由60万降至不足20万,至今这个数字仍在减少,因此引起了全球的关注并急需要开展迁地保护。笼养黑猩猩与野外种群一样营群居生活,为了有效进行野生黑猩猩的迁地保护,将野外捕获的野生黑猩猩个体成功引入已在动物园的黑猩猩群体中十分必要。2004年10月至2005年3月,乌干达野生动物研究中心首先开展了这一实验。同时为更好地了解外来黑猩猩融入笼养群体的过程,2006年9月至2007年1月间收集其活动数据。选取5只黑猩猩个体并记录它们的食性、行为、体重变化及身体健康状况。除直接观察和记录外,与兽医和研究中心管理人员进行合作,以获取较多笼养个体的信息。我们发现,野生个体比笼养个体多病,因此影响了它们的取食、社会行为及活动水平。尽管笼养黑猩猩有人照料,但仍具备野生个体的行为,所以,理解外来黑猩猩融入笼养群体的过程对于黑猩猩的迁地保护和就地保护是非常重要的。  相似文献   

With respect to prey selectivity and predation frequency, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) show local differences as well as diachronic variability within the same population. When data on predation from three long-term studies at Mahale, Gombe, and Tai are compared, some differences and similarities emerge; Mahale is more like Gombe than Tai in regard of prey selection but features of hunting at Tai with respect to predation frequency are not conspicuous. The most responsible factor for diversity in prey selectivity is a distinct “prey image” maintained by chimpanzees of different populations, although it is necessary to clarify in future studies why and how such tradition develops. Relative body size of chimpanzees to prey species and/or the degree of cooperation among members of a hunting party may explain the variability in prey size selected at each site, the latter influencing the frequency of successful hunts at the same time. Although various degrees of habituation and different sampling methods including artificial feeding might have obscured the real differences, recent data from the three populations do not seem to be biased greatly by such factors. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to make strict comparisons due to the lack of sufficient standardized data across the three populations on the frequency of hunting and predation. It is suggested that the size or demographic trend of a chimpanzee unit-group, especially the number of adult males included, necessarily influences its hunting frequency as well as its prey profile. It is also suggested that factors which bring these males together into a party (e.g. fruit abundance, swollen females, conflict between unit-groups etc.) strongly affect theactual hunting and kill rates. Other possible factors responsible for the local differences are forest structure (e.g. tree height), skilful “hero” chimpanzees, and competition with sympatric carnivorous animals. A total of at least 32 species have been recorded as prey mammals of chimpanzees from 12 study sites and the most common prey mammals are primates (18 species), of which 13 species are forest monkeys. Forest monkeys, colobine species in particular, are often the most common victims of the predation by chimpanzees at each site. We may point out a tendency toward selective hunting for the forest monkeys in terms of the selectivity of prey fauna among all three subspecies of chimpanzees, including populations living in drier environment. The mode of chimpanzee hunting seems to correspond to the highest available biomass of gregarious, arboreal monkeys in the forest, colobine species in particular. In contrast, bonobos (P. paniscus) are less carnivorous than chimpanzees, only rarely preying on a few species of small mammals. The sharp contrast of the two allied species in their predatory tendencies appears to have something to do with the differences in the structure of primary production between their habitats.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the inversion effect in face perception by a chimpanzee (Pantroglodytes) under the matching-to-sample paradigm. The first two experiments addressed the inversion effect in the perception of human faces. In Experiment 1, the subject received identity matching using 104 photographs of faces and houses presented in four different orientations. The chimpanzee showed better accuracy when the faces were presented upright than when they were inverted. The inversion effect was not found for photographs of houses. In Experiment 2, the subject received rotational matching in which the sample and comparisons differed in orientation. The subject showed a clear inversion effect for faces but not for houses. Experiment 3 explored the hemispheric specialization of the face inversion effect with chimeric (artificially composed) faces. The subject showed no visual-field preference when the chimeric faces were presented as samples under nonreinforced probe testing, while the inversion effect was evident when the discrimination was based on the left part of the chimeric sample. The results suggested that the face-inversion was specific to the left visual field (i.e. right hemispheric processing). In general, these results were consistent with those found in humans in similar testing situations.  相似文献   

We describe the occurrence of sexual competition, expressed as harassment of sexual interactions in a captive group of bonobos. We monitored all aggressive and pestering interventions during sexual interactions of three captive adult females, one adolescent, and three adult males. The study period covered two complete menstrual cycles for each female, with continuous daily observations. There was relatively little overt sexual competition by the males, in analogy with other studies. Most male interventions occurred towards interactions with the alfa female. The alfa female performed the most intense and the highest number of interventions towards the sexual interactions of the other females. The data provide evidence for female intra-sexual competition in this female dominant species.  相似文献   

DNA “fingerprinting” using polymorphic (CA)-repeat microsatellite markers was used to quantify the level of genetic variation present in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Australasian region. These markers were also used to determine the paternity of chimpanzees born at Taronga Zoo over a 20-year period. The results suggested that the dominant male in the colony was responsible for siring most, but not all, of the offspring. Where the dominant male was excluded from paternity, the sire was identifiable if all candidate males were available for typing. This enabled us to prove the captive origin of offspring born in the colony during this period. Thus, microsatellite analysis was a useful tool for assignment of familial relationships and improving genetic management of breeding colonies.  相似文献   

The influence of social factors, including social relationship, kinship, estrous cycle stage and hierarchical rank, on choice of a food source was studied in a group of 16 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) maintained in a large, outdoor compound. The subjects chose among three feeding stations that were spatially separated and located along the periphery of the compound. One feeding station was associated with a preferred food (orange), and two stations contained a less-preferred food (commercial chow or biscuit). A significant positive correlation was found between (a) the frequency with which one animal groomed another and the frequency with which they chose the same station during a given trial and (b) the percent of time that subjects were in close proximity and the frequency with which they chose the same station during a given trial, and this result was mediated by kinship. There was a significant difference in same-station choice by the adult male and by a maximally tumescent female compared to the choice when that female was detumescent. Finally, there was no significant correlation between social rank and the percent of trials during which the station associated with the more highly preferred food type was chosen. This study provided quantitative data supporting postulations that factors such as social relationship, kinship, and estrous cycle stage affect the composition of groupings of chimpanzees at feeding stations, and the results are consistent with field observations.  相似文献   

Morphological cerebral asymmetries in chimpanzee brains, similar to those found in humans, in whom they are associated with speech and handedness, suggest the possibility of functional lateralization in the chimpanzee. This possibility was investigated by examining hand preferences in an island group of five chimpanzees on a series of unimanual and bimanual tasks that are diagnostic of human hand and cerebral dominance. Each subject was tested in a double compartment cage on three unimanual nonsequential, three unimanual sequential, and three bimanual coordination tasks. One of the three unimanual sequential tasks was a bar-press task that is analogous to the commonly used human finger-tapping task. For the unimanual tasks, exclusive of the bar-press, the chimpanzees showed a highly individualistic pattern of hand preference that did not change as a function of task complexity. On the bar-press task, four of five subjects produced higher rates with one hand compared to the other; however, relative hand performance on this task was unrelated to hand preference on the other unimanual tasks. For the group of subjects, performance rates did not differ between the left and right hands; however, a practice effect was observed for the right hand in all subjects. The bimanual tasks also revealed a complex pattern of individual handedness, with no trends apparent for the group as a whole. Consistent with previous findings, the results from these tests on this group of five chimpanzees suggest that cerebral morphological asymmetries in the chimpanzee are not associated with motor dominance as reflected in handedness.  相似文献   

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