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Nine original nitinol self-smoothing-out stents and 3 Gianturco stents were implanted to treat benign strictures of biliary ducts and biliodigestive anastomosis after ineffective repeated attempts to make balloon dilatation. There were no complications associated with the implantation procedure. The follow-up of patients varied from 3 to 26 months. After 4 months, reobturation was revealed at the site of repair in one case, which required implantation of an additional stent coated with polytetrafluoroethylene. The patency of the biliary tract was preserved in the remaining patients in the above period.  相似文献   

In recent years a new method of treatment of thyroid disorders, percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI), has been successfully used as an alternative to surgery for the management of benign nodules. In this study 103 females and 5 males (34.4 +/- 11.3 yrs) with nonfunctional cystic (23) or solid (38) nodules, and also 47 with hyperfunctional solid nodules, were treated with single or repeated ethanol injections. In all patients, the cytological studies, ultrasound evaluation and the levels of free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), and thyrotropin or thyroids-stimulating hormone (TSH) before and after ethanol administration, were determined. The patients were followed up for 12-36 months. The size of the benign nonfunctional nodules was totally reduced in 49.9% of cases with solid and in 60.9% of patients with cystic nodules. Hyperthyroidism was cured in 91.5% of patients. The PEI procedure was connected with a few significant complications only, in relation to the localization of nodules. It was cheap, possible on an outpatient basis, easy to perform and acceptable to patients. Since the cost of thyroidectomy is high and the complication rate significant, PEI is a suitable substitute treatment especially for some patients with small toxic benign nodules of the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

Traditional methods for obtaining oesophageal access in experimental animals are unsuitable for prolonged (24 h) oesophageal pH evaluation, a procedure that is commonly employed in the assessment of human patients suspected of having gastroesophageal reflux disease. In the present study, we describe a six-year experience with a technique of percutaneous oesophagostomy for the performance of serial 24 h oesophageal pH and manometric studies involving 62 dogs and a total of 208 oesophageal cannula placement procedures. The results indicate a considerable improvement over previously described techniques with respect to simplicity of surgical technique, associated morbidity, oesophagostomy management, animal conditioning, and avoidance of chemical and excessive physical restraints in animals undergoing oesophageal pH and manometric evaluation.  相似文献   



Late relapses of testicular germ cell tumor are uncommon. We report a case of cervical mature teratoma appeared 17 years after treatment of testicular teratocarcinoma.

Case presentation

A 20- year- old patient underwent left sided orchiectomy followed by systemic therapy and retroperitoneal residual mass resection in 1989. He remained in complete remission for 200 months. In 2005 a huge left supraclavicular neck mass with extension to anterior mediastinum appeared. Radical surgical resection of the mass was performed and pathologic examination revealed mature teratoma.


This is one of the longest long-term reported intervals of a mature teratoma after treatment of a testicular nonseminoma germ cell tumor. This case emphasizes the necessity for follow up of testicular cancer throughout the patient's life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present a method of increasing the cell yield from brush samples of the biliary tree for measurement of DNA content by flow cytometry (FCM). STUDY DESIGN: One hundred eight cell specimens from 86 patients were studied by FCM for DNA ploidy and cell cycle composition. All specimens were cytologically classified into benign, suspicious for malignancy and malignant. Two methods for preparation of the cell material were compared. RESULTS: Enzymatic treatment of formalin-fixed brushes for release of cell nuclei was superior to mechanical removal of the cells. The fraction of samples not possible to assess was reduced from 27% to 4%, and good quality histograms increased from 21% to 62%. Aneuploidy was detected in 7% of benign and 57% of suspicious malignant samples. Using DNA analysis in addition to cytology as a diagnostic marker for cancer, the sensitivity increased from 12% to 31%. CONCLUSION: FCM of cells from biliary strictures can be used routinely as an adjunct to cytology for DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Medical therapy for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) became an accepted standard of care in the 1990s following the reports of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies showing that finasteride, a 5-α reductase inhibitor, and terazosin, an α-blocker, significantly improved lower urinary tract symptoms and increased peak urinary flow rates in men with BPH. This article reviews novel approaches to the pharmacological treatment of BPH.  相似文献   

1. The uptake, metabolism and biliary excretion of the cysteinyl leukotrienes LTC4, LTD4 and LTE4, were studied in a non-recirculating rat liver perfusion system at constant flow in both antegrade (from the portal to the caval vein) and retrograde (from the caval to the portal vein) perfusion directions. During a 5-min infusion of [3H]LTC4, [3H]LTD4 and [3H]LTE4 (10 nmol/l each) in antegrade perfusions single-pass extractions of radioactivity from the perfusate were 66%, 81% and 83%, respectively. Corresponding values for LTC4 and LTD4 in retrograde perfusions were 83% and 93%, respectively, indicating a more efficient uptake of cysteinyl leukotrienes in retrograde than in antegrade perfusions. The concentrations of unmetabolized leukotrienes in the effluent perfusate were 8-12% in antegrade and 2-4% in retrograde perfusions. [14C]Taurocholate extraction from the perfusate was inhibited by LTC4 by only 3%, suggesting that an opening of portal-venous/hepatic-venous shunts does not explain the effects of perfusion direction on hepatic LTC4 uptake. 2. Following infusion of [3H]LTC4 and [3H]LTD4, in the antegrade perfusion direction, about 80% and 87%, respectively, of the radiolabel taken up by the liver was excreted into bile. In retrograde perfusions, however, only 40% and 57%, respectively, was excreted into bile and the remainder was slowly redistributed into the perfusate, indicating that leukotrienes were taken up into a hepatic compartment with less effective biliary elimination or converted to metabolites escaping biliary excretion. The metabolite pattern found in bile was not affected by the direction of perfusion. Biliary products of LTC4 were polar metabolites (31-38%), LTD4 (27-30%), LTE4 (about 1%) and N-acetyl-LTE4 (3-4%) in addition to unmodified LTC4 (17-18%). 3. LTC4 was identified as a major metabolite of [3H]LTD4 in bile, amounting to about 20% of the total radioactivity excreted into bile. This is probably due to a gamma-glutamyltransferase-catalyzed glutamyl transfer from glutathione in the biliary compartment, as demonstrated in in vitro experiments. The presence of sinusoidal gamma-glutamyltransferase activity in perfused rat liver was shown in experiments on the hydrolysis of infused gamma-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide. 90% inhibition of this enzyme activity by AT-125 did not affect the metabolism of LTC4. 4. When [3H]LTE4 was infused in the antegrade perfusion direction, biliary metabolites comprised N-acetyl-LTE4 (24%) and polar components (60%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The biological effects of bile acids depend largely upon their molecular structure. When bile acid uptake exceeds the maximal biliary secretory rate (SRm) cholestasis occurs. In order to characterize the influence of bile acid structure on its cholestatic potency we systematically studied SRm, maximal bile flow, maximal and cumulative phospholipid and cholesterol secretion with different taurine-conjugated tri-, di- and keto bile acids (Table I) in the isolated perfused rat liver. Bile acids with a high critical micellar concentration (CMC) promoted the greatest bile flow; a positive non-linear correlation between CMC and maximal bile flow was found. 3 alpha-Hydroxylated bile acids with a hydroxyl group in 6 alpha and/or 7 beta position and lacking a 12 alpha hydroxy group had a high SRm. SRm was not related to CMC or maximal bile flow, respectively. Phospholipids and cholesterol were secreted in a nearly fixed ratio of 12:1; a strong linear relationship could be observed. Cumulative phospholipid secretion over 48 min was significantly lower for non and poor micelle forming bile acids (TDHC and TUC) than for those with comparatively low CMC values (TUDC, TC, THC, THDC, TCDC) (70-140 vs. 210-450 nmol/g liver). At SRm all bile acids with good micelle forming properties showed a similar cumulative biliary lipid output. However, when biliary lipid output was related to 1 mumol bile acid secreted bile acids with a low SRm induced the highest lipid secretion (TCDC, TC). These data (1) demonstrate that a 6 alpha and/or a 7 beta hydroxy group on the steroid nucleus reduce cholestatic potency if the 12 alpha hydroxy group is absent, (2) suggest that in the case of micelle forming bile acids the total amount of phospholipids secreted in bile (depletion of cellular phospholipids) is associated with the occurrence of cholestasis whereby bile acids with a low SRm deplete the cellular phospholipid content at much lower bile acid concentrations than those with a higher SRm and (3) imply that bile acids with non and poor micelle forming properties (TDHC, TUC) presumably do not cause cholestasis (solely) by depletion of cellular phospholipids.  相似文献   

Aortic coarctation is a common congenital cardiac defect, which can be diagnosed over a wide range of ages and with varying degrees of severity. We present two cases of patients diagnosed with aortic coarctation in adulthood. Both patients were treated by an endovascular approach. These cases demonstrate the variety of indications in which percutaneous treatment is an excellent alternative for surgical treatment in adult native coarctation patients.  相似文献   

A manometric sensor previously developed to measure urea was modified to measure glucose and lactose through enzymatic oxidation. Change in pressure in an enclosed cavity was correlated to the depletion of oxygen resulting from the enzymatic oxidation of glucose or lactose. The response of the sensor was linear and could be made adjustable over a large range by adjusting the amount of sample loaded into the fixed volume reactor. Because of the slow mutarotation of glucose, the oxidation of glucose was not allowed to proceed to completion. Therefore, the precision of the sensor (approximately 0.2 mM in a range from 0 to 5 mM) was limited by variations in the oxidation rate of glucose by glucose oxidase. Because the assay for lactose measured glucose subsequent to the hydrolysis of lactose by beta-galactosidase, the same degree of precision was observed in lactose. Milk lactose, typically at concentrations of about 150 mM, was estimated using the lactose assay after first diluting the samples. For many fluids such as milk, the use of manometric sensors for oxidizable substrates may be preferable to optical and electrochemical methods because they are robust and suffer a low degree of optical and chemical interferences. Glucose and lactose are representative of many important oxidizable substrates, which may be determined in this manner, many of which do not suffer from limitations caused by mutarotation. In theory, detection limits less than 1 microM may be achieved using these methods.  相似文献   

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