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We used the method of particle bombardment (ballistic transfection) to introduce β-galactosidase and human dystrophin genes into mouse embryos and skeletal muscles of adult mice. We examined the mechanisms of DNA transfer into skeletal muscle cells, the biological processes accompanying and following this transfer, the susceptibility of various types of muscle cells to transfection, and the duration of expression of and conditions affecting the introduced genes. We have also developed an effective, convenient, and practical methods of skeletal muscle transfection.  相似文献   

介绍了磁性纳米颗粒介导基因转染的最新研究进展,面临的主要问题以及将来的发展方向。  相似文献   

Clinical development of gene therapy is hampered by the lack of an efficient and safe method for in vivo gene transfer. New methodologies for plasmid transfer are being developed. Recently, significant expression of a reporter gene was achieved in liver cells by coupling intravenous injection and stimulation of the tissue with electric pulses. This combination of hydrodynamics-based transfection and electrotransfer could provide the basis for many promising clinical applications.  相似文献   

A wide variety of mammalian cell types is used in gene transfection studies. Establishing transfection methods that enable highly efficient DNA uptake has become increasingly important. PC12 is an established rat pheochromocytoma cell line, which responds to exposure to NGF with cessation of growth, expression of cytoplasmic processes, and differentiation into cells resembling sympathetic neurons. Although PC12 cells represent an important model system to study a variety of neuronal functions, they proved relatively difficult to transfect. We have compared the efficiency of three different chemical transfection reagents (Lipofectamine 2000, Lipofectamine LTX and TransIT-LT1) and of two electroporation systems (Neon and Gene Pulser Xcell) in transiently transfecting undifferentiated PC12 cells. By comparing efficiencies from replicate experiments we proved electroporation (in particular Neon) to be the method of choice. By optimizing different parameters (voltage, pulse width and number of pulses) we reached high efficiency of transfection (90 %) and viability (99 %). We also demonstrated that, upon electroporation, cells are not altered by the transfection and maintain their ability to differentiate.  相似文献   

A non-viral gene therapy vector, pcDNA3-EPO, was constructed by subcloning erythropoietin (EPO) cDNA into plasmid pcDNA3. After liposome-mediated transfection of the NIH 3T3 cells in vitro, EPO expression in the culture medium was detected by ELISA and amounted to 1.25 ± 0.3 IU ml–1. The biological activity of this EPO in the medium was detected after intramuscular injection of BALB/c mice. PCR of genomic DNA and RT-PCR of total RNA also confirmed that the plasmid pcDNA3-EPO had been transfected into the cells. A pool of pcDNA3-EPO transfectants, which stably expressed EPO, was obtained by G418 selection. When pcDNA3-EPO was combined into liposomes and intramuscularly injected into BALB/c mice, the reticulocyte ratio in the positive mice was three times higher than that in the control mice. In vivo expression was maintained in mice for at least one month.  相似文献   

This is the first report of transient transfection of suspended cells with purified plasmid DNA in bioreactors or spinner flasks. DNA/calcium phosphate complexes were pumped or injected directly into stirred cultures of the immortalized human embryo kidney cell line 293 (HEK-293) which had been adapted to growth in suspension. We identified culture conditions suitable for this approach and modified the protocol for the generation of precipitate complexes, based on our earlier work. In order to stabilize the DNA-vehicle-complex in the culture medium, we identified pH ranges and ion-concentrations which prevent dissolution or aggregation of the precipitate particles. Such conditions maintained suspended fine particles in spinners or bioreactors for up to 6 hr. During that period, cells and precipitate complexes interacted sufficiently to allow DNA transfer and subsequent expression of recombinant protein. In a simple 5 day batch process, with a starting density of 0.3 × 106 cells mL-1, about 0.5 mg L-1 of a recombinant tissue plasminogen activator variant was observed.  相似文献   

Cardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated cells that to date have been characterized as poor targets for nonviral gene transfer. This study was therefore designed to determine the optimal nonviral gene transfer parameters in cell cultures of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and to compare them with the efficiency of gene transfer using adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV). Transfection efficiency was measured by quantitative chloramphenicol acetyltransferase type I (CAT)-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and β-galactosidase staining, based on overexpression of reporter genes (CAT and LacZ). The efficiency of CAT/LacZ overexpression was assessed using the following techniques: (1) liposomal reagents, such as: FuGENE 6, LipofectAMINE 2000, LipofectAMINE PLUS, GenePORTER, Metafectene, and LipoGen; (2) electroporation and nucleofector techniques; and (3) an AAV2 vector harboring a lacZ reporter gene. Toxicity was monitored by total protein measurement and by analyzing cell metabolism. On average, Lipofectamine 2000 was the most effective nonviral method examined yielding consistently high transfection rates (8.1% β-galactosidase-positive cells) combined with low toxicity. Electroporation also resulted in high transfection values (7.5%); however, cellular toxicity was higher than that of Lipofectamine 2000. Finally, transduction with AAV2 vectors provided the highest levels of transduction (88.1%) with no cellular toxicity. We conclude that although transduction with AAV is more efficient (88.1%), transfections with nonviral techniques, when optimized, may provide a useful alternative for overexpression of therapeutic genes in neonatal cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

徐海明  蒋稼欢 《生物工程学报》2011,27(10):1417-1427
微流控技术是在微米级、纳米级结构中操控纳升至皮升体积流体的技术与科学,具有液体流动可控、消耗试样和试剂极少等优点。近年来,细胞转染技术有逐渐向微型化技术途径发展的趋势,这也给了研究者从微尺度角度审视细胞转染技术过程的新机会。以下介绍了基于微流控技术的细胞转染方法,包括微阵列方式的转染技术、缩微流动空间中的转染、微流控液滴技术应用于细胞转染、微流控注射技术以及微流控电穿孔技术,并阐述了影响转染效率的因素或改善途径。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene carriers based on lipids or polymers-rather than on engineered viruses-constitute the latest technique for delivering genes into cells for gene therapy. Cationic liposome-DNA (CL-DNA) complexes have emerged as leading nonviral vectors in worldwide gene therapy clinical trials. To arrive at therapeutic dosages, however, their efficiency requires substantial further improvement. METHODS: Newly synthesized multivalent lipids (MVLs) enable control of headgroup charge and size. Complexes comprised of MVLs and DNA have been characterized by X-ray diffraction and ethidium bromide displacement assays. Their transfection efficiency (TE) in L-cells was measured with a luciferase assay. RESULTS: Plots of TE versus the membrane charge density (sigmaM, average charge/unit area of membrane) for the MVLs and monovalent 2,3-dioleyloxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (DOTAP) merge onto a universal, bell-shaped curve. This bell curve leads to the identification of three distinct regimes, related to interactions between complexes and cells: at low sigmaM, TE increases with increasing sigmaM; at intermediate sigmaM, TE exhibits saturated behavior; and unexpectedly, at high sigmaM, TE decreases with increasing sigmaM. CONCLUSIONS: Complexes with low sigmaM remain trapped in the endosome. In the high sigmaM regime, accessible for the first time with the new MVLs, complexes escape by overcoming a kinetic barrier to fusion with the endosomal membrane (activated fusion), yet they exhibit a reduced level of efficiency, presumably due to the inability of the DNA to dissociate from the highly charged membranes in the cytosol. The intermediate, optimal regime reflects a compromise between the opposing demands on sigmaM for endosomal escape and dissociation in the cytosol.  相似文献   

pIRES2-EGFP was employed and a non-target shRNA expressing plasmid was constructed to simulate overexpression and RNAi (RNA interference) experiments. Transfection of pIRES2-EGFP into HEK293A cells by cationic lipids VigoFect demonstrated that transfection efficiency increased in a dose-dependent manner with amount of DNA plasmid used, and optimal transfection time and cell density should be identified to reach a compromise of higher transfection efficiency and lower toxicity. Co-transfection experiments indicated that the two co-transfected plasmids were equivalently delivered into the same cells, and the co-transfection efficiency was rarely affected by cell density and proportion of the two plasmids. However, plasmid-receipted cells seemed indisposed to accept plasmid again during the second transfection, and very low co-transfection efficiency was observed in tandem transfection.  相似文献   

Large scale, transient gene expression (TGE) is highly dependent of the physiological status of a cell line. Therefore, intracellular nucleotide pools and ratios were used for identifying and monitoring the optimal status of a suspension cell line used for TGE. The transfection efficiency upon polyethyleneimine (PEI)-mediated transient gene delivery into HEK-293 cells cultured in suspension was investigated to understand the effect of different culture and transfection conditions as well as the significance of the culture age and the quality of the cell line used. Based on two different bicistronic model plasmids expressing the human erythropoietin gene (rHuEPO) in the first position and green fluorescent protein as reporter gene in the second position and vice versa, a completely serum-free transient transfection process was established. The process makes use of a 1:1 mixture of a special calcium-free DMEM and the FreeStyle™ 293 Expression Medium. Maximum transfectability was achieved by adjusting the ratio for complex formation to one mass part of DNA and three parts of PEI corresponding to an N/P (nitrogen residues/DNA phosphates) ratio of 23 representing a minimum amount of DNA for the polycation-mediated gene delivery. Applying this method, maximum transfectabilities between 70 and 96 % and a rHuEPO concentration of 1.6 μg mL−1 72 h post transfection were reached, when rHuEPO gene was expressed from the first position of the bicistronic mRNA. This corresponded to 10 % of the total protein concentration in the cell-free supernatant of the cultures in protein-free medium. Up to 30 % higher transfectabilities were found for cells of early passages compared to those from late passages under protein-free culture conditions. In contrast, when the same cells were propagated in serum-containing medium, higher transfectabilities were found for late-passage cells, while up to 40 % lower transfectabilities were observed for early-passage cells. Nucleotide pools were measured during all cell cultivations and the nucleoside triphosphate/uridine ratios were calculated. These ‘nucleotide ratios’ changed in an age-dependent manner and could be used to distinguish early- from late-passage cells. The observed effects were also dependent on the presence of serum in the culture. Nucleotide ratios were shown being applied to investigate the optimal passage number of cultured cell lines for achieving a maximum productivity in cultures used for transient gene expression. Furthermore, these nucleotide ratios proved to be different for transfected and untransfected cells, providing a high potential tool to monitor the status of transfection under various culture conditions.  相似文献   

We describe the use of direct injection of circular plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo electroporation (EP) for efficient gene delivery to the ovarian cells, including follicular cells and oocytes of mice. When Trypan blue (TB) was injected into the central portion of an ovary by a glass micropipette, rapid dispersion of TB to each preantral and antral follicle was observed. Injections of lacZ-expressing plasmid DNA and subsequent in vivo EP resulted in transfection of follicles with efficiencies ranging from 8-60%, together with cells in the thecal portion of the ovary. Of the lacZ-positive follicles, some oocytes were also positive for lacZ activity. These findings suggest that a solution introduced inside the ovary is rapidly dispersed to each follicle. With this technique, we expect great progress in genetic engineering in murine ovary.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to identify mammalian cell lines which could be efficiently transiently-transfected and scaled-up for protein production. The transfection efficiencies of eight cell lines (NSO, NSO-TAg, CV-1, COS-7, CHO, CHO-TAg, HEK 293, and 293-EBNA) were measured using electroporation for DNA delivery and green fluorescent protein (Evans, 1996) as the reporter gene. In addition, we have evaluated the effects of stable expression of viral proteins, cell cycle manipulation, and butyrate post-treatment in small scale experiments. The cell lines varied widely in their GFP transfection efficiencies. Stable expression of simian virus 40 large T-antigen or Epstein Barr nuclear antigen failed to significantly increase transfection efficiency above that seen in the parental lines. Aphidicolin (a DNA polymerase inhibitor), which blocked cells from S or G2/M, brought about an increase in transfection efficiency in two cell lines. The primary effect of butyrate (a histone deacetylase inhibitor) post-treatment was an increased intensity of the fluorescent signal of green fluorescent protein, as measured by flow cytometry (1.0 to 4.2-fold, depending on the cell line). The combined use of aphidicolin pretreatment followed by butyrate treatment post- electroporation yielded increases in fluorescence intensities ranging from 0.9 to 6.8-fold. Based on their high transfection efficiencies in small scale experiments, rapid growth, and ability to grow in suspension culture, CHO, CHO-TAg, and 293-EBNA were selected to assess the feasibility of using flow electroporation for large-scale transfections. Using secreted placental alkaline phosphatase as a reporter, 293-EBNA cells produced the highest protein levels in both the presence and absence of butyrate. These data indicate that flow electroporation provides an efficient method of DNA delivery into large numbers of cells for mammalian protein production. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based vectors belong to the most promising gene transfer vectors in clinical studies. To provide vector for late-stage clinical trials as well as for a potential commercial phase, a scalable, cGMP-compliant process is required. Nearly all vector production protocols currently approved in Phase I clinical trials rely on AAV production in adherent HEK 293 cells in the presence of serum. In this study, we present a helper- and serum-free production method of AAV vectors in suspension-adapted HEK 293 cells. The method is based on plasmid transfection with 25 kDa linear polyethyleneimine. Compared to existing methods, our system is highly scalable as cells grow in suspension, does not require animal-derived products or the use of an exogenous virus (adenovirus or baculovirus) and yields genomic titers equal to those obtained in adherent HEK 293 cells in the presence of serum. Most importantly, work load and cost could be dramatically reduced in comparison to earlier methods, when comparing the production of equivalent volumes of cell culture media. Thus, our protocol should appeal to both basic research laboratories and cGMP manufacturing units.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells capable of differentiating into a wide range of cell types and provide a potential to transfer therapeutic protein in vivo, making them valuable candidates for gene therapy and cell therapy. However, using MSCs in in vivo is limited due to the low rate of transfection and transduction efficacy. Therefore, developing methods to efficiently transfer genes into MSCs would provide a number of opportunities for using them in the clinic. Here, we introduce a simple and robust method for efficient transduction of human adipose-derived MSCs by modification under the culture condition of human embryonic kidney cells 293 (HEK293T) and MSCs. Moreover, as a transduction enhancer, polybrene was replaced with Lipofectamine, a cationic lipid. Therefore, we showed that transduction of primary cells can be increased efficiently by modifying the culture condition.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the molecular and cellular interactions that underpin efficient internalization and utilization of polyethylenimine (PEI):DNA complexes (polyplexes) by Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. Cell surface polyplex binding and internalization was a biphasic process, consisting of an initial rapid Phase (I), lasting approximately 15 min, followed by a slower second Phase (II), saturating at approximately 240 min post transfection. The second Phase accounted for the majority (60–70%) of polyplex internalization. While cell surface heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) were rapidly cointernalized with polyplexes during Phase I, cell surface polyplex binding was not dependent on HSPGs. However, Phase II polyplex internalization and HSPG regeneration onto the surface of trypsinized cells occurred at similar rates, suggesting that the rate of recycling of HSPG‐containing membrane to the plasma membrane limits Phase II internalization rate. Under optimal transfection conditions, polyplexes had a near neutral surface charge (zeta potential) and cell surface binding was dependent on hydrophobic interactions, being significantly inhibited by both chemical sequestration of cholesterol from the plasma membrane and addition of nonionic surfactant. Induced alterations in polyplex zeta potential, using ferric (III) citrate to decrease surface charge and varying PEI:DNA ratio to increase surface charge, served to inhibit polyplex binding or reduce secreted alkaline phosphatase reporter expression and cell viability, respectively. To increase polyplex hydrophobicity and internalization an alkylated derivative of PEI, propyl‐PEI, was chemically synthesized. Using Design of Experiments–Response Surface Modeling to optimize the transfection process, the function of propyl‐PEI was compared to that of unmodified PEI in both parental CHO‐S cells and a subclone (Clone 4), which exhibited superior transgene expression via an increased resistance to polyplex cytotoxicity. The combination of propyl‐PEI and Clone 4 doubled the efficiency of recombinant DNA utilization and reporter protein production. These data show that for maximal efficacy, strategies to increase polyplex internalization into cells must be used in concert with strategies to offset the inherent cytotoxicity of this process. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:1161–1170, 2014  相似文献   

Cell transfection using femtosecond lasers is gaining importance for its proven ability to achieve selective transfection in a sterile and relatively non‐invasive manner. However, the net efficiency of this technique is limited due to a number of factors that ultimately makes it difficult to be used as a viable and widely used technique. We report here a method to achieve significant enhancement in the efficiency of femtosecond optical transfection. The transfection procedure is modified by incorporating a suitable synthetic peptide containing nuclear localization and DNA binding sequences, assisting DNA import into the nucleus. We achieved a 3‐fold enhancement in the transfection efficiency for adherent Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO‐K1) cells with this modified protocol. Further, in the presence of this biochemical reagent, we were able to reduce the required plasmid concentration by ~70% without compromising the transfection efficiency. Also, we report for the first time the successful photo‐transfection of recently trypsinised cells with significantly high transfection efficiency when transfected with modified plasmid. This paves the way for the development of high throughput microfluidic optical transfection devices. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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