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The plant metabolite salvinorin A potently and selectively agonizes the human kappa-opioid receptor, an emerging target for next-generation analgesics. Here we review analogs of the salvinorin chemotype and their effects on selectivity, affinity and potency. Extensive peripheral modifications using isolated salvinorin A have delivered a trove of SAR information. More deep-seated changes are now possible by advances in chemical synthesis.  相似文献   

Salvinorin A, the active component of the hallucinogenic sage Salvia divinorum, is an apparently selective and highly potent kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) agonist. Salvinorin A is unique among ligands for peptidergic G protein-coupled receptors in being nonnitrogenous and lipid-like in character. To examine the molecular basis for the subtype-selective binding of salvinorin A, we utilized an integrated approach using chimeric opioid receptors, site-directed mutagenesis, the substituted cysteine accessibility method, and molecular modeling and dynamics studies. We discovered that helix 2 is required for salvinorin A binding to KOR and that two residues (Val-108(2.53) and Val-118(2.63)) confer subtype selectivity. Intriguingly, molecular modeling studies predicted that these loci exhibit an indirect effect on salvinorin A binding, presumably through rotation of helix 2. Significantly, and in agreement with our in silico predictions, substituted cysteine accessibility method analysis of helix 2 comparing KOR and the delta-opioid receptor, which has negligible affinity for salvinorin A, revealed that residues known to be important for salvinorin A binding exhibit a differential pattern of water accessibility. These findings imply that differences in the helical orientation of helix 2 are critical for the selectivity of salvinorin A binding to KOR and provide a structurally novel basis for ligand selectivity.  相似文献   

The synthesis and characterization of a novel opioid receptor photoaffinity probe [3H]naltrexyl urea phenylazido derivative ([3H]NUPA) is described. In the absence of light, [3H]NUPA binds with high affinity in a reversible and saturable manner to rat brain and guinea pig cerebellum membranes. Dissociation constants and binding capacities (Scatchard plots) are 0.11 nM and 250 fmol/mg of protein for rat brain and 0.24 nM and 135 fmol/mg of protein for guinea pig cerebellum. Competition experiments indicate that this ligand interacts with high affinity at both mu- and kappa-opioid binding sites while exhibiting low affinity at delta sites (Ki = 21 nM). On irradiation, [3H]NUPA incorporates irreversibly into rat brain and guinea pig cerebellum membranes. SDS gel electrophoresis of rat brain membranes reveals specific photolabeling of a 67-kDa molecular mass band. Conversely, a major component of 58 kDa and a minor component of 36 kDa are obtained from [3H]NUPA-labeled guinea pig cerebellum membranes. Different photolabeling patterns are obtained in rat brain (mu/delta/kappa, 4/5/1) and guinea pig cerebellum (mu+delta/kappa, 1,5/8,5) membranes in the presence of selective opioid ligands indicating labeling of mu and kappa sites, respectively. Thus, [3H]NUPA behaves as an efficient photoaffinity probe of mu- and kappa-opioid receptors, which are probably represented by distinct glycoproteins of 67 and 58 kDa, respectively.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to the study of hormones and cognition have been primarily observational or correlational in nature. Because this work does not permit causal relationships to be identified, very little is known about the specific molecules and cellular events through which hormones affect cognitive function. In this review, we propose a new approach to study hormones and memory, where the systematic blocking of cellular events can reveal which such events are necessary for hormones to influence memory consolidation. The discussion will focus on the modulation of the hippocampus and hippocampal memory by estrogens, given the extensive literature on this subject, and will illustrate how the application of this approach is beginning to reveal important new information about the molecular mechanisms through which estrogens modulate memory consolidation. The clinical relevance of this work will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Gelsolin is a Ca2+- and polyphosphoinositide-modulated actin-binding protein which severs actin filaments, nucleates actin assembly, and caps the "barbed" end of actin filaments. Proteolytic cleavage analysis of human plasma gelsolin has shown that the NH2-terminal half of the molecule severs actin filaments almost as effectively as native gelsolin in a Ca2+-insensitive but polyphosphoinositide-inhibited manner. Further proteolysis of the NH2-terminal half generates two unique fragments (CT14N and CT28N), which have minimal severing activity. Under physiological salt conditions, CT14N binds monomeric actin coupled to Sepharose but CT28N does not. In this paper, we show that CT28N binds stoichiometrically and with high affinity to actin subunits in filaments, suggesting that it preferentially recognizes the conformation of polymerized actin. Analysis of the binding data shows that actin filaments have one class of CT28N binding sites with Kd = 2.0 X 10(-7) M, which saturates at a CT28N/actin subunit ratio of 0.8. Binding of CT28N to actin filaments is inhibited by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate micelles. In contrast, neither CT14N nor another actin-binding domain located in the COOH-terminal half of gelsolin form stable stoichiometric complexes with actin along the filaments, and their binding to actin monomers is not inhibited by PIP2. Based on these observations, we propose that CT28N is the polyphosphoinositide-regulated actin-binding domain which allows gelsolin to bind to actin subunits within a filament before serving.  相似文献   

Ran GTPase plays important roles in nucleocytoplasmic transport in interphase and in both spindle formation and nuclear envelope (NE) assembly during mitosis. The latter functions rely on the presence of high local concentrations of GTP-bound Ran near mitotic chromatin. RanGTP localization has been proposed to result from the association of Ran's GDP/GTP exchange factor, RCC1, with chromatin, but Ran is shown here to bind directly to chromatin in two modes, either dependent or independent of RCC1, and, where bound, to increase the affinity of chromatin for NE membranes. We propose that the Ran binding capacity of chromatin contributes to localized spindle and NE assembly.  相似文献   

The data obtained indicate that rimorphin (0.1 mg/kg), a specific kappa-agonist, evoked a significant inhibition of the immune response in CBA mice. Pretreatment of the animals with 8-OH-DPAT (0.1 mg/kg), a selective serotonin (5-HT) agonist, activating presynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors, or WAY-100635 (1.0 mg/kg), a selective 5-HT(1A) receptors blocker of postsynaptic 5-HTIA receptors, prevents kappa-opioid effect. The present data indicate that kappa-opioid-induced immunosuppression is due to the involvement of the 5-HT-ergic mechanisms that are modulated via pre- and postsynaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors.  相似文献   

This mini-review of focussed on the information available on the molecular mechanisms by which NO controls the function of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and thereby cell respiration. The reaction mechanisms are described as dissected in vitro and recently confirmed in cell cultures, whereby two reaction pathways have been identified, leading to accumulation of either the [a3(2+)NO]-nitrosyl or the [a3(3+)NO2-]-nitrite derivative of the enzyme. The experimental data and the theoretical computation analysis, supporting the hypothesis that one pathway prevails on the other depending on the electron flow level through the respiratory chain, are discussed. Finally, the patho-physiological implications of the reaction between NO and CcOX have been also outlined.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that the type II casein kinase of rat liver cytosol co-purified with a major 90 kDa substrate when subjected to gel filtration at low ionic strength. The identity of the 90 kDa substrate was unknown. We have verified this report and have shown that the 90 kDa substrate is recognized by a monoclonal antibody prepared against the 90 kDa heat shock protein. This ubiquitous phosphoprotein is known to increase in abundance in cells subjected to heat stress and has been shown to complex steroid receptors and certain retrovirus tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

The directionality of matrix deposition in vivo is governed by the ability of a cell to direct vesicularflow to a specific target site. Osteoblastic cells direct newly synthesized bone matrix proteins toward the bone surface. In this study, we dissect the molecular mechanisms underlying the polarized trafficking of matrix protein in osteoblasts. We demonstrate using TEM, immunocytochemistry, and cDNA analysis, the ability of osteoblastic cells in culture to form tight junction-like structures and report the expression of the tight junction associated proteins occludin and claudins 1-3 in these cells. We identify intercellular contact sites and the leading edge of migratory osteoblasts as major target sites of vesicular trafficking in osteoblasts. Proteins required for this process, rsec6, NSF, VAMP1, and syntaxin 4, as well as the bone matrix protein, osteopontin, localize to these sites. We demonstrate that osteoblasts in vivo possess VAMP1 and, furthermore, report the expression of two VAMP1 splice variants in these cells. In addition, osteoblasts express the NSF attachment protein alpha-SNAP and the t-SNARE SNAP23. Thus, cell-to-cell contact sites and the leading edge of migratory osteoblasts contain a unique complement of proteins required for SNARE mediated membrane fusion.  相似文献   

Ferredoxin has been effectively cross-linked to photosystem I complex by treatment of purified particles or thylakoids with N-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, a zero-length cross-linker which stabilizes protein-protein electrostatic interactions. Analysis of photosystem I polypeptide composition after such a treatment showed a specific decrease of the 20-kDa subunit and the appearance of a new component of about 42 kDa which was recognized by the anti-ferredoxin antibody. Cross-linking of ferredoxin to thylakoids allowed the membrane preparation to photoreduce cytochrome c without requiring exogenous ferredoxin, whereas photosystem I particles purified from treated thylakoids were inactivated in the NADP+ photoreduction activity. From these results, it can be inferred that the polypeptide of 20 kDa is the photosystem I subunit which interacts with ferredoxin during the photosynthetic electron transport.  相似文献   

Nuclei from tissues of many vertebrates contain a soluble 37 kd protein which binds with a high degree of specificity to oligonucleotides which contain the G rich strand of the telomeric terminal repeats, TTAGGG. In some tissues this is an abundant nuclear protein.  相似文献   

Finegoldia magna is a Gram‐positive anaerobic commensal of the human skin microbiota, but also known to act as an opportunistic pathogen. Two primary virulence factors of F. magna are the subtilisin‐like extracellular serine protease SufA and the adhesive protein FAF. This study examines the molecular mechanisms F. magna uses when colonizing or establishing an infection in the skin. FAF was found to be essential in the initial adherence of F. magna to human skin biopsies. In the upper layers of the epidermis FAF mediates adhesion through binding to galectin‐7 – a keratinocyte cell marker. Once the bacteria moved deeper into the skin to the basement membrane layer, SufA was found to degrade collagen IV which forms the backbone structure of the basement membrane. It also degraded collagen V, whereby F. magna could reach deeper dermal tissue sites. In the dermis, FAF interacts with collagen V and fibrillin, which presumably helps the bacteria to establish infection in this area. The findings of this study paint a clear picture of how F. magna interacts with human skin and explain how it is such a successful opportunistic pathogen in chronic wounds and ulcers.  相似文献   

Effects of the kappa-opioid receptor agonist U-50.488H (0.0, 0.6, 1.25, 2.5 mg/kg. s.c., 30 min) on behavior of the winner with repeated experience of victories and the losers with repeated experience of social defeat in 20 daily agonistic confrontations as well as the control mice were investigated in the tests estimating exploratory activity (open-field) and communication (partition test). Different effects of drug on behaviors of animals with different social story were shown in both tests. In the losers, all doses of U-50.488H had anxiolytic effect, increasing the communication in the partition test. In the winners, the drug induced an increase of aggressive motivation. The control mice were less sensitive to the treatment. In the open-field test, U-50.488H increased the locomotor and exploratory activity in high anxious losers. Winners significantly differed in their reaction to drug treatment in most behavioral forms in comparison with the controls and losers. It was concluded that kappa-opioid receptors are specifically involved into mechanisms of formation of aggressive or submissive types of behaviors under positive or negative social experience.  相似文献   

Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors by injecting (S)3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG) in nucleus accumbens (NAcc) increases motor activity by different mechanisms in control rats and in rats with chronic liver failure due to portacaval shunt. In control rats DHPG increases extracellular dopamine in NAcc and induces locomotion by activating the 'normal' circuit: NAcc-->ventral pallidum-->medial-dorsal thalamus-->prefrontal cortex, which is not activated in portacaval shunt rats. In these rats, DHPG activates an 'alternative' circuit: NAcc-->substantia nigra pars reticulata-->ventro-medial thalamus-->prefrontal cortex, which is not activated in control rats. The reasons by which liver failure leads to activation of this 'alternative' circuit remain unclear. The aim of this work was to assess whether hyperammonaemia could be responsible for the alterations found in chronic liver failure. We injected DHPG in NAcc of control or hyperammonaemic rats and analysed, by in vivo brain microdialysis, the neurochemical responses of the 'normal' and 'alternative' circuits. In hyperammonaemic rats DHPG injection in NAcc activates both the 'normal' and 'alternative' circuits. In hyperammonaemia, activation of the 'alternative' circuit and increased motor response following metabotropic glutamate receptors activation in NAcc seem due to an increase in extracellular glutamate which activates AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

Para-amino-clonidine (PAC) is an α-adrenergic agonist with extraordinarily high potency in some peripheral tissues. We have demonstrated the labeling of α-adrenergic binding sites in central and peripheral tissues with [3H]PAC and compared properties of this binding to those of [3H]clonidine. [3H]PAC binds saturably with a dissociation constant (KD) of about 0.9 nM to rat cerebral cortex membranes. It has about 2–3 times the affinity of [3H]clonidine for α-receptor binding sites. The greater affinity is attributable mainly to a slower dissociation of [3H]PAC than [3H]clonidine from binding sites. The relative and absolute potencies of various adrenergic agonists and antagonists in competing for [3H]PAC and [3H]clonidine binding are essentially the same. [3H]PAC can also be utilized to label α-adrenergic binding sites in the kidney and spleen where the relative potencies of PAC and clonidine are the same as in the brain.  相似文献   

POU domain proteins have been implicated in the regulation of a number of lineage-specific genes. Among the first POU domain proteins described were the immunoglobulin octamer-binding proteins Oct-1 and Oct-2. It was therefore of special interest when we identified a novel lymphoid POU domain protein in Southwestern (DNA-protein) screens of T-cell lambda gt11 libraries. This novel POU protein, TCF beta 1, binds in a sequence-specific manner to a critical motif in the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta enhancer. Sequence analysis revealed that TCF beta 1 represents a new class of POU domain proteins which are distantly related to other POU proteins. TCF beta 1 is encoded by multiple exons whose organization is distinct from that of other POU domain proteins. The expression of TCF beta 1 in a tissue-restricted manner and its ability to bind to multiple motifs in the TCR beta enhancer support a role in regulating TCR beta gene expression. The expression of TCF beta 1 in both B and T cells and the ability of recombinant TCF beta 1 to bind octamer and octamer-related motifs suggest that TCF beta 1 has additional roles in lymphoid cell function. The ability of TCF beta 1 to transactivate in a sequence-specific manner is consistent with a role for regulating lymphoid gene expression.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein is a native, unfolded protein that causes several neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease. We have now identified the first DNA aptamers against α-synuclein using native PAGE applied to the SELEX method. We call this aptamer “M5-15”; it is the α-synuclein-bound aptamer and was isolated after four cycles of screening. M5-15 is composed of three stem-loop structures that may play an important role in the binding to α-synuclein. Moreover, M5-15 specifically binds to the α-synuclein monomer and oligomer. We expect that this aptamer will become a useful tool in α-synuclein analysis and diagnosis.  相似文献   

Proliferin secreted by cultured cells binds to mannose 6-phosphate receptors   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Proliferin is a prolactin-related glycoprotein secreted by proliferating mouse cell lines and by mouse placenta. In an attempt to identify target sites for proliferin action, we looked for proliferin receptors in murine fetal and maternal tissues during pregnancy using proliferin purified from the conditioned medium of a constructed Chinese hamster ovary cell line carrying amplified copies of proliferin cDNA. Purified proliferin bound to membrane preparations from fetal or maternal liver and from placenta with a Kd of 1 to 2 nM. The amount of proliferin bound per microgram of membrane protein varied markedly during pregnancy; maximal binding to day 16 fetal liver membranes was approximately 25 times that to liver membranes from adult animals. Binding to fetal and maternal receptors was specifically and completely inhibited by mannose 6-phosphate, with half-maximal inhibition at 10 microM. Furthermore, non-glycosylated proliferin did not inhibit the binding of the glycosylated protein. A approximately 300 Kd proliferin receptor was purified from the liver of pregnant mice using a proliferin affinity column and elution with mannose 6-phosphate. This receptor reacted with antibodies directed against the rat cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. We conclude that 1) proliferin secreted by cultured cell binds to cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptors and therefore may be a lysosomal protein or targeted to lysosomes, and 2) the concentration or activity of mannose 6-phosphate receptors in murine fetal and maternal liver and in placenta is regulated during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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