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赵文  刘青  殷旭旺  魏杰 《生物学杂志》2012,29(6):111-113,96
探讨了水生生物学形态结构和分类的教学方法。认为现代教学技术手段对实现课程教学目标和取得良好效果具有重要意义,形态结构和分类学教学主要的教学方法是ppt图片法、教具模型法和动画模拟法。以硅藻细胞壁构造特点、藻类的有性生殖方式和金藻内生孢子形成过程、甲藻细胞壁构造等为例阐述了教具模型法和动画模拟法的教学实践效果。  相似文献   

一种野外采集和毒杀鞘翅目昆虫的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁宏斌 《昆虫知识》2004,41(1):88-89
介绍了一种野外采集毒杀鞘翅目昆虫的方法。在塑料瓶或玻璃瓶内放少许卫生纸 ,滴入乙酸乙酯使瓶内的卫生纸浸湿 ,采集到的甲虫放入瓶内毒死 ,再转移至 75 %的酒精内保存。用此方法处理的甲虫能长时间保持肢体柔软、干净 ,雄性个体的外生殖器很容易拉出 ,从而优于氰化钾毒瓶和酒精直接浸泡的毒杀方法。  相似文献   

五种槽缝叩甲超微形态结构的比较研究 (鞘翅目:叩甲科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过扫描电镜观察了槽缝叩甲属Agrypnus 5种的触角、前胸背板、中胸小盾片、鞘翅、前胸腹板、前胸侧板、中胸腹窝、跗节等部位的超微形态结构,提出了5种槽缝叩甲超微形态的区别特征,发现了槽缝叩甲体表鳞片毛上的纵脊数目和走向、中胸腹窝的结构与形状、体表刻点的形态等具有明显的种间差异,具有重要的分类学意义。讨论了硬结构昆虫扫描样品制备的程序,叩甲的叩头关节、触角槽、跗节槽的形成与功能,以及超微形态结构在叩甲分类上的价值等。  相似文献   

云南窗萤的形态学及其生物学特性(鞘翅目:萤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了云南窗萤卵到成虫不同发育阶段的形态学。根据野外观察和实验室饲养结果,记录了其生物学特性。卵、幼虫、蛹和雌成虫可发弱光,但雄成虫仅在受刺激时才发出更弱的光,云南窗萤可归属于昼行性萤火虫,而化学信号则是其雌雄在求偶时的主要识别方式。  相似文献   

为了科学施药、合理利用和保护自然天敌进行茶丽纹象甲Myllocerinus aurolineatus Voss和茶角胸叶甲Basilepta melanopus Lefevre的综合防治,用灰色系统分析法、生态位分析法和空间格局聚集强度指标分析方法对大别山区茶园2种主要害虫与其捕食性天敌在数量、时间、空间关系等进行分析。综合排序的结果表明:茶丽纹象甲的主要天敌是黑步甲、日本球腹蛛和鞍型花蟹蛛;茶角胸叶甲的主要天敌是草间小黑蛛、锥腹肖蛸和茶色新圆蛛。茶丽纹象甲的λ值小于2,聚集是由环境的影响所致,茶角胸叶甲的λ值大于2,聚集是由昆虫主动聚集或任何一种因素引起的。2种害虫的天敌λ值均小于2,其聚集是由于环境中的某些因子(包括害虫)引起的。  相似文献   

通过对中国芫菁科5族11属19种(亚种)后翅翅脉、翅关节和翅基部综合特征的比较形态学研究,归纳了族级特征,并用Hennig 86(1.5)软件对其后翅综合特征进行支序分析得出它们之间初步的进化关系,即栉芫菁族Nemognathini+(齿角芫菁族Cerocomini+(豆芫菁族Epicautini+(绿芫菁族Lyttini+斑芫菁族Mylabrini)))。  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能分类与价值评估探讨   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
王伟  陆健健 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1314-1316
生态系统服务功能及其价值评估研究是当前生态学研究的热点,对于促进生态系统可持续管理具有重要作用。目前,在生态系统服务功能分类及价值评估方面,还没有形成比较系统的理论;在服务价值的评估方面,国内相关研究多数套用现有的一般化计算公式对生态服务功能进行计算,缺少针对性和探索性。总结近年来笔者在这方面的研究得失,并综合前人的研究,将生态系统服务功能进行新的分类,提出“核心”服务功能、“理论”服务价值与“现实”服务价值的概念,并以温州三湿地生态系统服务功能及其价值评估研究作为实例,论证所提出的新概念。生态系统服务功能及价值评估研究的最终目的是为生态系统管理决策者提供信息,因此服务价值评估的意义不在于对每一项服务功能价值的精确估算,甚至不需要计算一个生态系统所有的服务功能价值,而应抓住一个或几个有计算依据的核心服务功能。提出理论服务价值概念的主要目的在于同现实服务价值的比较,量化某服务功能的退化程度,明确后续生态恢复和重建的主要目标,并可在一定程度上作为生态恢复的重要指标。  相似文献   

本文主要研究东亚飞蝗Locutsta migratoria manilansis(Meyen)消化道可视化模型三维重建方法.采用冰冻切片技术将冰冻包埋剂(OCT)包埋后的飞蝗成虫做连续切片,进行截面图像信息采集,建立数据集;通过Photoshop、Image-Pro Plus(IPP)软件对消化道截面图像进行分割、处理...  相似文献   

草原蝗虫形态特征与扩散能力之间关系的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
颜忠诚  陈永林 《生态学报》1998,18(2):171-175
利用内蒙古锡林河流域典型草原23种蝗虫的形态测量数据,对蝗虫的扩散能力进行了分析,结果表明,草原蝗虫的扩散能力与形态特征有密切的关系。  相似文献   

通过对核桃扁叶甲3个亚种(指名亚种Gastrolina depressa depressa Baly,淡足亚种G. depressa pallipes Chen和黑胸亚种G. depressa thoracica Baly)的比较形态学研究,结合生物学和生物地理学方面的资料,对其分类地位进行了探讨。从形态上来说,三者的上唇、下唇、后翅和爪的形态区别较小,但是触角、上颚、下颚和受精囊则存在着较大的区别,而且通过超微形态的比较,淡足亚种、黑胸亚种和指名亚种均存在着较为明显的形态区别。动物地理学研究表明,指名亚种和黑胸亚种在我国北纬25°~30°之间有地域重叠,目前仅在部分地区可以通过海拔来区分。但是对于淡足亚种而言,它的分布区与其他两个亚种有着一定的地理隔离,其间并没有重叠区的存在。因此从地理分布上而言,三者也存在着不同。通过上述讨论,本文将核桃扁叶甲三亚种恢复或提升为种,即核桃扁叶甲G. depressa Baly,黑胸扁叶甲G. thoracica Baly和淡足扁叶甲Gastrolina pallipes Chen, stat. Nov.。  相似文献   

遗传学教学内容立体化建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在探索遗传学教学新模式,加强学生素质教育。在引入遗传学史和科学方法论的前提下进行遗传学理论体系教学,辅以专业英语教学,注重实验教学,使遗传学教学内容立体化。最大程度激发学生的潜能,使知识转化为能力。  相似文献   

对叶甲亚科 3属 3种蛹的形态特征进行了详细描述 ,分别为小猿叶甲PhaedonbrassicaeBaly ,菜无缘叶甲ColaphellusbowringiiBaly和柳圆叶甲Plagioderaversicolor(Laicharting) ,其中菜无缘叶甲为首次描述。同时对蛹的形态特征在叶甲亚科系统演化方面的作用进行了一定的探讨  相似文献   

中国斑芫菁后翅形态比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉霞  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2007,50(4):429-434
选取中国斑芫菁属11个代表种,对比分析了它们的后翅形态特征; 以苹斑芫菁Mylabris calida Pallas, 1782为模式,探讨了斑芫菁属后翅的翅脉名称,并对其性状进行了描述。研究结果将斑芫菁属翅脉归纳为3种类型:1)南方型:东洋种,翅深褐色,各脉粗大,骨化程度高,皱褶多而明显;2)高原型:青藏高原特有种,翅乳白色,半透明,仅前缘和MP1+2形成明显的大翅室,余脉淡而不显,骨化程度低;3)北方型:为以上两种类型的中间过渡,古北种,翅褐色,各脉清晰,中度骨化。根据研究结果,初步探讨了斑芫菁属翅脉的形态进化。  相似文献   

Extreme sexually dimorphic phenotypes are frequently attributed to strong sexual selection but they can also arise as a consequence of different ecological demands. The evolutionary emergence of elongated rostra was a key event in the adaptive radiation of weevils. Exaggerated female rostra evolved in numerous weevil taxa, enabling females to bore long channels for egg deposition into various parts of host plants. The investigated ecological scenario involves three species of brentid weevils, all associated with the same host plant, Alcea rosea. The present study reveals that: (1) Rhopalapion longirostre bores egg channels into the buds, and the female rostrum is twice as long and its surface is smoother than in the male; (2) Alocentron curvirostre and Aspidapion validum live on the same host plant but use the stems for egg deposition; in these species, female rostra are not exaggerated; (3) the females of all three species possess a stronger mandible musculature than males; (4) the elongated female snout of R. longirostre is a response to the requirements of boring egg channels of maximal depth into the buds of the host plant; and (5) female muscle strength is an adaptation to boring into hard plant tissues, irrespective of rostrum length. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 642–660.  相似文献   

昆虫嗅觉神经的计算机三维重建   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于激光扫描共聚焦显微镜平台的计算机三维重建在昆虫嗅觉神经研究中发挥了重要作用。对经荧光标记的神经组织采集系列光学切片并进行三维重建,在双翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目、蜚蠊目昆虫中均有进展。触角叶是昆虫的初级嗅觉中心,触角叶的解剖学图谱是识别不同种和雌雄虫间嗅球体特定功能的先决条件。了解构成嗅觉传输途径的主要神经元的形态和空间关系是理解气味信息在中枢神经系统编码的基础。三维重建昆虫的嗅觉神经,对于探讨昆虫嗅觉在其寄主选择、觅食以及寻找配偶等行为中的作用具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

Neurofibromas are the most characteristic feature of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), a multisystemic disorder caused by aberrations in the neurofibromin gene (NF1). Despite significant progress over the last several years in understanding this disease, a suitable in vitro model to better mimic neurofibroma formation and growth has yet to be described. There is therefore a need to establish an in vitro, three dimensional model that allows the incorporation of multicellular lineages and the modulation of the cellular microenvironment—known to be important for cellular crosstalk and distribution of soluble factors—to study neurofibroma biology and morphogenesis. A self-assembly approach was used to generate tissue-engineered skins (TES) in which patient-derived spheroids made of NF1-associated Schwann cells and fibroblasts were seeded. We describe the first in vitro three dimensional neurofibroma model—directly derived from NF1 patients presenting with histopathological features—having an ECM protein expression profile quite similar to that of a native tumor. We observed efficient incorporation, proliferation, and migration of spheroids within NF1-TES over time. This biotechnological approach could provide a unique tool for precision medicine targeting NF1 and for assessing the tumorigenic properties of each NF1 gene mutation linked to tumor formation.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity is regarded as the major factor leading to the poor outcomes of glioblastoma (GBM) patients. However, conventional two‐dimensional (2D) analysis methods, such as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence, have limited capacity to reveal GBM spatial heterogeneity. Thus, we sought to develop an effective analysis strategy to increase the understanding of GBM spatial heterogeneity. Here, 2D and three‐dimensional (3D) analysis methods were compared for the examination of cell morphology, cell distribution and large intact structures, and both types of methods were employed to dissect GBM spatial heterogeneity. The results showed that 2D assays showed only cross‐sections of specimens but provided a full view. To visualize intact GBM specimens in 3D without sectioning, the optical tissue clearing methods CUBIC and iDISCO+ were used to clear opaque specimens so that they would become more transparent, after which the specimens were imaged with a two‐photon microscope. The 3D analysis methods showed specimens at a large spatial scale at cell‐level resolution and had overwhelming advantages in comparison to the 2D methods. Furthermore, in 3D, heterogeneity in terms of cell stemness, the microvasculature, and immune cell infiltration within GBM was comprehensively observed and analysed. Overall, we propose that 2D and 3D analysis methods should be combined to provide much greater detail to increase the understanding of GBM spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

We investigated the invagination structure of a chloroplast that surrounds organelles such as mitochondria and peroxisomes within a thin layer of chloroplast stroma, which is called a chloroplast pocket. In this study, chloroplast pockets were observed in rice plants subjected to salinity stress but not under moderate growth condition. They included cytosol, transparent structure, lipid bodies, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. We constructed the three‐dimensional architecture of chloroplast pockets by using serial images obtained by transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam‐scanning electron microscopy. Three types of chloroplast pockets were observed by transmission electron microscopy: Organelles were completely enclosed in a chloroplast pocket (enclosed type), a chloroplast pocket with a small gap in the middle part (gap type), and a chloroplast pocket with one side open (open type). Of the 70 pockets observed by serial imaging, 35 were enclosed type, and 21 and 14 were gap and open types, respectively. Mitochondria and peroxisomes were often in contact with the chloroplast pockets. Focused ion beam‐scanning electron microscopy revealed chloroplasts with a sheet structure partially surrounding peroxisomes. This fact suggests that chloroplasts might construct large sheet structures that would be related to the formation of chloroplast pockets.  相似文献   

锹甲的头部形态及常用分类特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锹甲的外部形态纷繁多样,头部形态尤其复杂并导致种类鉴定混乱,有必要对其深入研究。文章介绍锹甲的头部形态,并以代表性属种为例,比较与讨论上颚、上唇、下颚和下唇、复眼、触角等常用分类特征及其分类学意义。  相似文献   

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