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Summary Soil samples from several European countries; Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and Greece, contained rhizobial populations capable of forming an effective symbiosis with the cultivated pea cv. Rondo from the Netherlands. The range of variation among the European Rhizobium strains, as expressed on pea cv. Rondo, was not so large and almost the same variation could be found within the rhizobial population within each country. Superior Rhizobium strains for the Dutch pea were not restricted to soils from the Netherlands but were also found in those from Sweden and Italy.Soils from Turkey and Israel also contained Rhizobium strains capable of nodulating pea cv. Rondo. However, the genetic variation among these Middle East Rhizobium strains was much larger than that of the European strains. When tested on pea cv. Rondo the majority of the Middle East strains belonged to the medium or low effective classes and only a few strains were comparable with European Rhizobium strains.Dutch Rhizobium strains induced effective nodules on both the Dutch pea cv. Rondo and the Swedish cv. L 110. However, in association with a Turkish Rhizobium strain effective nodules were formed on pea cv. Rondo and ineffective nodules on cv. L 110.We suggest that the genetic uniformity of EuropeanR. leguminosarum strains is the result of selection and domestication of Rhizobium strains originally derived from the gene centres of the pea plant.  相似文献   

Summary Four cultivars ofTrifolium subterraneum were nodulated by five strains ofRhizobium leguminosarum; all combinations except one gave 100% nodulation. Rates of nodule formation and total nodule numbers were similar to those with an effectiveR. trifolii strain. The nodules were more commonly associated with lateral roots and were ineffective in nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

E. Jacobsen 《Plant and Soil》1984,82(3):427-438
Summary In pea (Pisum sativum L.), mutants could be induced, modified in the symbiotic interaction withRhizobium leguminosarum. Among 250 M2-families, two nodulation resistant mutants (K5 and K9) were obtained. In mutant K5 the nodulation resistance was monogenic recessive and not Rhizobium strain specific. Out of 220 M2-families one mutant nod3 was found which could form nodules at high nitrate concentrations (15 mM KNO3). This mutant nodulated abundantly with severalRhizobium strains, both in the absence and presence of nitrate. Probably as the result of a pleiotropic effect, its root morphology was also changed. Among 1800 M2-families, five nitrate reductase deficient mutants were obtained and one of them (mutant E1) was used to study the inhibitory effect of nitrate on nodulation and nitrogen fixation.The results of the present investigation show that pea mutants which are modified in their symbiosis withRhizobium leguminosarum, can readily be obtained. The significance of such mutants for fundamental studies of the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis and for applications in plant breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

T. A. Lie 《Plant and Soil》1984,82(3):415-425
Summary Using primitive and wild pea plants from Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, three host genes were detected, which confer resistance to nodulation by Rhizobium strains of cultivated peas from Europe. A dominant gene Sym 1 controls temperature-sensitive nodulation in pea cv. Iran. Another gene Sym 2 confers general resistance to a large number of European Rhizobium strains at all temperatures used. The degree of dominance of the latter gene is dependent on the Rhizobium strain used. A third gene Sym 4 is responsible for specific resistance to a single Rhizobium strain.  相似文献   

T. A. Lie 《Plant and Soil》1981,61(1-2):125-134
Summary Pisum sativum ecotype fulvum forms ineffective nodules with Rhizobium strains, isolated from effective nodules of the cultivated pea in Europe. Rhizobium strains isolated from nodules of fulvum peas in Israel are fully effective on this host plant, but in association with the cultivated pea they induce nodules of poor N2-fixing activity. The distribution of these fulvum-specific Rhizobium strains is restricted to regions where the fulvum pea occurs naturally. Rhizobium strains from other geographical regions induce mainly ineffective, or partially effective nodules on fulvum plants.A wide genetic variation, with regard to symbiotic response to a standard set of Rhizobium strains, was demonstrated in the fulvum plants collected in Israel. Based on variation in N2-fixation three groups of plants can be distinguished. These plants offer the possibility for the study of host-genetic control on symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

From an analysis of 481 Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae strains with 7 pea cultivars in pot and field experiments, we demonstrated that effective strains could be isolated from a rich medium-acid grey forest soil of the Oröl area (Central region of the European part of Russia) but not from a poor acid podzolic soil of the St. Petersburg area (North-West Russia). The proportion of the isolates significantly increasing N accumulation in pea plants (10.2%) is higher than that of strains increasing the shoot dry mass (4.6%) in the pot experiments. The mean values of the increase for N accumulation (33.8%) upon inoculation are also higher than for shoot mass (27.0%) in these experiments. N accumulation in the inoculated pea plants in the pot experiments was significantly correlated with seed yield and seed N accumulation in field experiments, while for shoot dry mass these correlations were either weak or not significant. Two-factor analysis of variance demonstrated that the contribution of plant cultivars to the variation of the major symbiotic efficiency parameters is higher (30.8–31.6%) and contributions of cultivar-strain specificity is lower (5.4–8.8%) than the contributions of strain genotypes (13.4–14.9%). We identified an ineffective R. leguminosarum bv. viceae strain 50 which can be used as a tester for assessing the nodulation competitiveness of the effective strains by an indirect method (analysis of dry mass and N accumulation in pea plants inoculated with the mixture of the tested effective strains and the tester strain). The relative competitive ability (RCA) determined by this method was 75.7–82.8% for strain 52 but only 10.5–13.8% for strain 250a; this difference was confirmed by a direct method (use of the streptomycin-resistant mutants). Results of screening of the diverse collection of 53 effective R. leguminosarum bv. viceae strains by the indirect method permits us to divide them into 3 groups (32 high-competitive, 10 medium-competitive and 11 low-competitive strains) but reveals no correlation between the competitiveness and symbiotic efficiency. N accumulation in the pea shoots is demonstrated to be a much more suitable criterion than the shoot mass for selection either of the highly-effective or of highly-competitive (by the indirect estimation) R. leguminosarum bv. viceae strains in the pot experiments.  相似文献   

Fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. strain 267 promotes growth of nodulated clover plants under gnotobiotic conditions. In the growth conditions (60 M FeCl3), the production of siderophores of the pseudobactin-pyoverdin group was repressed. Plant growth enhancement results from secretion of B vitamins by Pseudomonas sp. strain 267. This was proven by stimulation of clover growth by naturally auxotrophic strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and marker strains E. coli thi- and R. meliloti pan- in the presence of the supernatant of Pseudomonas sp. strain 267. The addition of vitamins to the plant medium increased symbiotic nitrogen fixation by the clover plants.  相似文献   

Summary In pea cv. Afghanistan a recessive gene sym 6 prevents the full expression of nitrogenase activity in root nodules, induced byRhizobium leguminosarum strain F 13. In contrast, nitrogenase activity is fully expressed in pea cv. Iran. A comparison of the reciprocal hybrids of these two plants showed that the size of the plant was determined by the mother plant (maternal effect). Therefore the shoot weight and the total amount of nitrogen fixed are not suitable as parameters for a genetic analysis. The % nitrogen of the shoot and the specific activity of the nodules per gram of nodules are more reliable, but for practical purposes the specific activity of the nodules expressed per gram of shoot tissue can be used.  相似文献   

The influence of growth rate and medium composition on exopolymer production byRhizobium leguminosarum was studied. When grown in medium containing 10g/l mannitol and 1g/l glutamic acid,Rhizobium leguminosarum biovartrifolii TA-1 synthesized up to 2.0g/l of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS), and up to 1.6g/l of capsular polysaccharide (CPS). Under non-growing cell conditions in medium without glutamic acid, CPS synthesis by strain TA-1 could proceed to 2.1g/l, while EPS-production remained relatively low (0.8g/l). Maximal CPS-yield was 2.9g CPS/l medium in a medium containing 20g/l mannitol and 2g/l glutamic acid. TheEPS-deficient strain R. leguminosarum RBL5515,exo4::Tn5 was able to produce CPS to similar levels as strain TA-1, but CPS-recovery was easier because of the low viscosity of the medium and growth of the cells in pellets. With strain TA-1 in nitrogen-limited continuous cultures with a constant biomass of 500mg cell protein/l, EPS was the most abundant polysaccharide present at every dilution rate D (between 0.12 and 0.02 h–1). The production rates were 50–100mg/g protein/h for EPS and 15–20mg/g protein/h for CPS. Only low amounts of cyclic -(1,2)-glucans were excreted (10–30 mg/l) over the entire range of growth rates.Abbreviations bv biovar - CPS capsular polysaccharide - EPS extracellular polysaccharide - HMr high molecular mass - LMr low molecular mass - YEMCR Yeast Extract-Mannitol-Congo Red agar  相似文献   

Summary This study was conducted to determine the effect of short term application of NH4NO3 on nodule function and to determine whether the rhizobial isolate used was a significant factor in this effect. Pea plants were inoculated with 10 differentRhizobium leguminosarum isolates and grown for 3 weeks in N-free medium before addition of 0, 1, 2 or 5 mM NH4NO3 for 2 to 7 days. Acetylene reduction and leghemoglobin content decreased with increasing exposure time to NH4NO3 and with increasing concentration of NH4NO3. NH 4 + and NO 3 depletion from the nutrient medium were assayed in plants exposed to 5 mM NH4NO3 and mean uptake rates were similar for each ion. There were significant differences among isolates in the rate of decrease of C2H2 reduction with increasing NH4NO3 concentration (C2H2 reduction responsiveness to NH4NO3) 4 and 7 days after addition of NH4NO3 but no differences after 2 days of exposure to NH4NO3. There were significant differences among isolates in NH 4 + depletion from the nutrient medium but these differences were not correlated with the differences observed in C2H2 reduction. Ranking of the isolates for C2H2 reduction responsiveness to NH4NO3 applied to plants with nodules was different from that obtained when NH4NO3 was applied at seeding. Isolates with varying sensitivity to NH4NO3 may be useful tools for determining the mechanisms responsible for inhibition of symbiotic N2 fixation by combined nitrogen. NRCC paper no. 25863.  相似文献   

The influence of soil nitrate availability, crop growth rate and phenology on the activity of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) during the growth cycle of pea (Pisum sativum cv. Baccara) was investigated in the field under adequate water availability, applying various levels of fertiliser N at the time of sowing. Nitrate availability in the ploughed layer of the soil was shown to inhibit both SNF initiation and activity. Contribution of SNF to total nitrogen uptake (%Ndfa) over the growth cycle could be predicted as a linear function of mineral N content of the ploughed layer at sowing. Nitrate inhibition of SNF was absolute when mineral N at sowing was over 380 kg N ha–1. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation was not initiated unless nitrate availability in the soil dropped below 56 kg N ha–1. However, SNF could no longer be initiated after the beginning of seed filling (BSF). Other linear relationships were established between instantaneous %Ndfa and instantaneous nitrate availability in the ploughed layer of the soil until BSF. Instantaneous %Ndfa decreased linearly with soil nitrate availability and was nil above 48 and 34 kg N ha–1 for the vegetative and reproductive stages, respectively, levels after which no SNF occurred. Moreover, SNF rate was shown to be closely related to the crop growth rate until BSF. The ratio of SNF rate over crop growth rate decreased linearly with thermal time. Maximum SNF rate was about 40 mg N m–2 degree-day–1, equivalent to 7 kg N ha–1, regardless of the N treatment. From BSF to the end of the growth cycle, the high N requirements of the crop were supported by both SNF and nitrate root absorption but, of the two sources, nitrate root absorption seemed to be less affected by the presence of reproductive organs. However, since soil nitrate availability was low at the end of the growth cycle, SNF was the main source of nitrogen acquisition. The onset of SNF decrease at the end of the growth cycle seemed to be first due to nodule age and then associated to the slowing of the crop growth rate.  相似文献   

Summary The size and symbiotic effectiveness, withVicia faba, ofRhizobium leguminosarum populations from five locations in southern Britain has been estimated. Population numbers varied from 4.54×103 to 1.69×105. Nitrogen fixing potential differed by up to 30%. The implications of the results for improving the productivity of field beans are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolution from root nodules has been reported to make N2 fixation by some legume-Rhizobium symbiotic systems inefficient. We have surveyed the extent of H2 evolution and estimated relative efficiencies of nodules of Austrian winter peas formed by 15 strains of R. leguminosarum. Their rates of H2 evolution in air were about 30% of the rates of H2 evolution under an atmosphere in which N2 was replaced by Ar. Relative efficiency values based on C2H2 reduction rates ranged from 0.55 to 0.80. With some of the strains, hydrogenase activities were demonstrated in intact nodules and in bacteroids, but the levels of activity were insufficient to recycle all the H2 evolved by the nitrogenase system. In both intact nodules and bacteroids the hydrogenase is less sensitive to O2 damage than the nitrogenase system, so H2 uptake capacity was observed in intact nodules by suppressing the nitrogenase-dependent H2 evolution with an atmosphere containing a high O2 concentration, and in bacteroids by using aerobically prepared bacteroid suspensions. The hydrogenase activity of both was dependent on O2 consumption. A K mfor H2 of near 4 M was determined in suspension of bacteroids from nodules formed by strains 128C53 and 128C56.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were performed to investigate the causes of low relative efficiency, RE, in legume root nodules. Nitrogen fixing activity and RE varied with time of incubation of nodules and with different temperatures and oxygen concentrations. The effects of nitrogen concentration and carbon dioxide concentration were also examined. In each case the RE was inversely related to nitrogen fixing activity; measured by acetylene reduction. Increasing the nitrogen concentration had no effect on either nitrogen fixing activity or RE. Experiments with isolated bacteroids gave higher RE values than the whole nodules from which they were isolated. All the results were consistent with hydrogen inhibition of nitrogenase within the nodule being the cause of low RE.  相似文献   

A Rhizobium trifolii symbiotic plasmid specific gene library was constructed and the physical organisation of regions homologous to nifHDK, nifA and nod genes was determined. These symbiotic gene regions were localised to u 25 kb region on the sym-plasmid, pPN1. In addition four copies of a reiterated sequence were identified on this plasmid, with one copy adjacent to nifH. No rearrangement of these reiterated sequences was observed between R. trifolii bacterial and bacteroid DNA. Analysis of a deletion derivative of pPN1 showed that these sequences were spread over a 110 kb region to the left of nifA.  相似文献   

Summary A number of examples is given demonstrating the co-existence of pea genotypes and their specific Rhizobium, strains isolated within the same region.R. leguminosarum strains compatible with the cultivated pea have a narrow symbiotic range and they are widely distributed in European soils. This is presumably due to the narrow genetic base of the cultivated pea and its wide-spread cultivation in European soils. Rhizobium strains capable of nodulating a primitive pea line from Afghanistan were only found in soils of the Middle East and Central Asia. A more restricted distribution of specific Rhizobium strains was found for fulvum peas from Israel. Rhizobium strains effective with the fulvum pea were found in Israeli soils. A good example of co-evolution due to geographical isolation was found in south Turkey. Here a pea line was found which can form an effective symbiosis with local Rhizobium strains but not with strains from other parts of Turkey.  相似文献   

Summary The potential of peanuts for symbiotic nitrogen fixation is considerable and under optimal edaphic and climatic conditions it reached 222 kg N2/ha, which was 58% of the nitrogen accumulated in the plants. The effect of the Rhizobium inoculation on crude protein accumulation in the yield (kg/ha) was 3–4 times greater than its effect on the yield of pods and hay. There was an inverse relationship between the protein and oil content in the kernels.Seasonal changes in nitrogenase activity in the nodules were determined by the acetylene reduction method during two growing seasons. Under favorable conditions the specific activity of the nitrogenase reached a very high level (up to 975 moles C2H2 g dry wt nod/h) and the total activity (moles C2H4/plant/h) was also high in spite of the relatively poor nodulation (weight and number). The high activity was drastically reduced (to 75 moles C2H4 g dry wt nod/h) due to exceptionally hot and dry weather, which occurred in the middle of the second half of the growing season. It appears that N2-fixation (nitrogenase activity) is more sensitive to these unfavorable conditions, than is nodule growth. Maximum nitrogenase activity was observed during the podfilling stage; until 50–60 days after planting, nitrogenase activity was very low.  相似文献   

Formate metabolism supported nitrogen-fixation activity in free-living cultures of Rhizobium japonicum. However, formate0dependent nitrogense activity was observed only in the presence of carbon sources such as glutamate, ribose or aspartate which by themselves were unable to support nitrogenase activity. Formate-dependent nitrogenase activity was not detected in the presence of carbon sources such as malate, gluconate or glycerol which by themselves supported nitrogenase activity. A mutant strain of R. japonicum was isolated that was unable to utilise formate and was shown to lack formate dehydrogenase activity. This mutant strain exhibited no formate-dependent nitrogenase activity. Both the wild-type and mutant strains nodulated soybean plants effectively and there were no significant differences in the plant dry weight or total nitrogen content of the respective plants. Furthermore pea bacteroids lacked formate dehydrogenase activity and exogenously added formate had no stimulatory effect on the endogenous oxygen uptake rate. The role of formate metabolism in symbiotic nitrogen fixation is discussed.Abbreviation FDH formate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines evidence which quantifies the relative importance of legume and Rhizobium genotypes as determinants of phenotypic variation in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. It demonstrates potentially large and unpredictable effects of the Rhizobium genotype. The likely importance of such effects on crop yield is considered. The information is then used to assess ways in which legume breeding programmes may be altered to encompass the effects of genetic variation in Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Twenty isolates of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae were isolated at random from one field and examined for symbiotic plasmid fragment length polymorphisms and for isoenzyme patterns. The latter are most probably chromosome markers. With one exception both methods separated the isolates into the same 13 different groups. The largest group was represented 7 times according to isoenzymes and 8 times according to RFLP. This fixed non-random association of plasmid and chromosomal genotypes is consistent with a clonal population structure; it indicates limited exchange of plasmids under natural conditions. Seventeen isolates of 11 groups were highly effective and 2 isolates in one group almost ineffective.  相似文献   

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