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In New Zealand, managing the threat of bovine tuberculosis (TB) to livestock includes population reduction of potentially infectious wildlife, primarily the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Population control is often targeted on forested buffer zones adjacent to farmland, in order to limit movements of possums across the buffer and reduce the risk of disease transmission to livestock. To assess the effectiveness of buffers in protecting livestock we analysed GPS telemetry data from possums located in untreated forest adjacent to buffers, and used these data to characterise patterns of movement that could lead to possums reaching farmland during the season when most dispersal occurs. Analyses of movement data showed that the direction of dispersal by sub-adult and adult possums and the extent of long exploratory movements were not biased toward forest buffers, even though these provided vacant habitat as suitable for possums as untreated forest. Instead, dispersal and exploratory movements were uncommon even for sub-adult possums and such events typically lasted <10 days. Dispersing possums settled predominantly in river valleys. A simulation model was developed for the 3-6-month dispersal season; it demonstrated a probability of <0.001 that an infected possum, originating from a low-density population with low disease prevalence in untreated forest, would move across 3 km of recently controlled forest buffer to reach farmland. Our results indicate short-term reduction in the risk of TB transmission from possums to livestock in New Zealand by the use of depopulated buffer zones, while acknowledging that the threat of disease spread from untreated forest is likely to increase over time as possum population density and, potentially, TB prevalence among those possums, increase in the buffer zone.  相似文献   

Invasive species are often favoured in fragmented, highly-modified, human-dominated landscapes such as urban areas. Because successful invasive urban adapters can occupy habitat that is quite different from that in their original range, effective management programmes for invasive species in urban areas require an understanding of distribution, habitat and resource requirements at a local scale that is tailored to the fine-scale heterogeneity typical of urban landscapes. The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is one of New Zealand’s most destructive invasive pest species. As brushtail possums traditionally occupy forest habitat, control in New Zealand has focussed on rural and forest habitats, and forest fragments in cities. However, as successful urban adapters, possums may be occupying a wider range of habitats. Here we use site occupancy methods to determine the distribution of brushtail possums across five distinguishable urban habitat types during summer, which is when possums have the greatest impacts on breeding birds. We collected data on possum presence/absence and habitat characteristics, including possible sources of supplementary food (fruit trees, vegetable gardens, compost heaps), and the availability of forest fragments from 150 survey locations. Predictive distribution models constructed using the programme PRESENCE revealed that while occupancy rates were highest in forest fragments, possums were still present across a large proportion of residential habitat with occupancy decreasing as housing density increased and green cover decreased. The presence of supplementary food sources was important in predicting possum occupancy, which may reflect the high nutritional value of these food types. Additionally, occupancy decreased as the proportion of forest fragment decreased, indicating the importance of forest fragments in determining possum distribution. Control operations to protect native birds from possum predation in cities should include well-vegetated residential areas; these modified habitats not only support possums but provide a source for reinvasion of fragments.  相似文献   

There is interest in large-scale and unbiased monitoring of biodiversity status and trend, but there are few published examples of such monitoring being implemented. The New Zealand Department of Conservation is implementing a monitoring program that involves sampling selected biota at the vertices of an 8-km grid superimposed over the 8.6 million hectares of public conservation land that it manages. The introduced brushtail possum (Trichosurus Vulpecula) is a major threat to some biota and is one taxon that they wish to monitor and report on. A pilot study revealed that the traditional method of monitoring possums using leg-hold traps set for two nights, termed the Trap Catch Index, was a constraint on the cost and logistical feasibility of the monitoring program. A phased implementation of the monitoring program was therefore conducted to collect data for evaluating the trade-off between possum occupancy–abundance estimates and the costs of sampling for one night rather than two nights. Reducing trapping effort from two nights to one night along four trap-lines reduced the estimated costs of monitoring by 5.8% due to savings in labour, food and allowances; it had a negligible effect on estimated national possum occupancy but resulted in slightly higher and less precise estimates of relative possum abundance. Monitoring possums for one night rather than two nights would provide an annual saving of NZ$72,400, with 271 fewer field days required for sampling. Possums occupied 60% (95% credible interval; 53–68) of sampling locations on New Zealand’s public conservation land, with a mean relative abundance (Trap Catch Index) of 2.7% (2.0–3.5). Possum occupancy and abundance were higher in forest than in non-forest habitats. Our case study illustrates the need to evaluate relationships between sampling design, cost, and occupancy–abundance estimates when designing and implementing large-scale occupancy–abundance monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Bio-dynamic control involves burning pest tissue or organs and spreading the ash on areas to be protected. In New Zealand, bio-dynamic methods have been suggested for repelling possums where they damage forests or spread disease. We assessed the repellent effects of five bio-dynamic tinctures. First we tested these materials on possums in pens and noted their effects on foraging behaviour, food consumption, and body weight. Then we monitored bait consumption from treated and untreated feeder stations in the field. Although an orthodox herbivore repellent significantly deterred possums, we detected no behavioural or repellent effects of the biodynamic tinctures in any of our trials. We are unable to recommend these tinctures for possum control.  相似文献   

We conducted a field trial to determine whether percutaneous challenge of wild brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) with virulent Mycobacterium bovis, the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB), resulted in subsequent transmission of M. bovis to other possums. We then used our results to make a preliminary first direct estimate of the ‘TB detection probability’ or transmission rate in wild possums. Seven free-living adult possums in the Rimutaka Forest Park, New Zealand, were captured, GPS-collared, experimentally challenged and then released. Possum populations surrounding the challenged individuals were examined for secondary cases 4–8 months post-challenge. Of 37 possums caught within the home ranges of the challenged individuals, one had confirmed TB. As no TB was detected in 355 other possums examined in this study, or 659 possums in a concurrent study in the immediate vicinity, we conclude that this represents the first documented case of onward transmission of M. bovis from an experimentally challenged possum in the wild. This pilot trial therefore gives some confidence that the new percutaneous challenge model for TB in possums can be used to obtain empirical estimates of TB detection probabilities. The calculated probability of onward transmission (‘detection’) here was just 0.027; however, with the possibility that further transmission events would have occurred from the one challenged possum removed from the trial before it had died, or if our trapping missed secondary cases, this value could be an underestimate. The implications of this low preliminary estimate are discussed.  相似文献   

Pest monitoring methods should provide unbiased accurate estimates of pest densities and locations, while also minimizing time‐in‐field and costs. Recent pest mammal monitoring studies have found that chew cards are more effective than conventional mammal monitoring methods, but little experimental work has been done to determine optimal experimental duration or quantify the risks of saturation by one species biasing detections of other species. Here, we used chew cards in three sites within Awarua wetland (Southland, New Zealand) to investigate the optimal amount of time required to detect targeted pest species (rats, possums and mice), and to examine the potential of rats and possums to bias detection rates of other species. We found depressed detections of possums and rats where a contraspecific had been detected on a card, which is consistent with previous studies of a similar duration on interspecies interference. This experiment is the first to analyse the rates at which species detections accrue over the course of a survey, and we found rat detections lagged behind possums for the first four nights. We modelled the effect of survey duration and relative rat abundance on the likelihood of further possum detections. Duration and rat abundance interacted, meaning there are trade‐offs to be considered with regard to duration: shorter durations may avoid the risk of saturation in areas of high pest density, but risk not sampling sparse or neophobic populations. Our data suggest that chew cards remain one of the most sensitive pest monitoring tools for rats and possums, compared to conventional methods such as tracking tunnels and wax tags. In areas of moderate pest densities, we suggest that a duration of five nights is optimal for detecting pests. However, in areas of high pest density the sensitivity of chew cards may render them unsuitable because of saturation and interspecies interference effects.  相似文献   

Because invasive species are often opportunistic and behaviourally flexible, they tend to be successful in urban landscapes, where they may use space differently than in their more traditional habitats. Consequently, control strategies developed for invasive pest species in non-urban areas may not succeed in an urban context. Using GPS tracking, we examined habitat use by an invasive pest, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) in residential New Zealand habitats; these habitats comprise a large proportion of the urban landscape and are currently not targeted for pest control. We predicted that home ranges of possums in residential areas would be larger than those in non-urban habitats due to lower densities of their primary food resource, plant material; that possums would prefer forest fragment habitat; and that they would avoid roads due to the mortality risk. Home range sizes estimated using mechanistic Brownian bridges and 100 % minimum convex polygons were smaller or similar in size to those recorded in rural and forest habitats. Resource utilization functions and the regression of utilization distribution probabilities against environmental variables showed that possums selected forest fragments primarily, followed by residential habitat characterised by large gardens with a degree of vegetative structural complexity. Roads were not avoided. Control operations should expand their scope to include residential areas containing mature, diverse vegetation rather than only focussing on forest fragments, a strategy that ignores biodiversity values in residential habitats, and is likely to be unsuccessful due to reinvasion potential from neighbouring residential areas.  相似文献   

Identifying characteristics of foraging activity is fundamental to understanding an animals’ lifestyle and foraging ecology. Despite its importance, monitoring the foraging activities of marine animals is difficult because direct observation is rarely possible. In this study, we use an animal-borne imaging system and three-dimensional data logger simultaneously to observe the foraging behaviour of large juvenile and adult sized loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in their natural environment. Video recordings showed that the turtles foraged on gelatinous prey while swimming in mid-water (i.e., defined as epipelagic water column deeper than 1 m in this study). By linking video and 3D data, we found that mid-water foraging events share the common feature of a marked deceleration phase associated with the capture and handling of the sluggish prey. Analysis of high-resolution 3D movements during mid-water foraging events, including presumptive events extracted from 3D data using deceleration in swim speed as a proxy for foraging (detection rate = 0.67), showed that turtles swam straight toward prey in 171 events (i.e., turning point absent) but made a single turn toward the prey an average of 5.7±6.0 m before reaching the prey in 229 events (i.e., turning point present). Foraging events with a turning point tended to occur during the daytime, suggesting that turtles primarily used visual cues to locate prey. In addition, an incident of a turtle encountering a plastic bag while swimming in mid-water was recorded. The fact that the turtle’s movements while approaching the plastic bag were analogous to those of a true foraging event, having a turning point and deceleration phase, also support the use of vision in mid-water foraging. Our study shows that integrated video and high-resolution 3D data analysis provides unique opportunities to understand foraging behaviours in the context of the sensory ecology involved in prey location.  相似文献   

It is not clear whether animals consistently change their home ranges in response to density reduction. This is important to understand for better management of pest species where sustained control is required. Our objective was to measure whether home ranges of Australian brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) change following density reduction, using global positioning system (GPS) tracking. We experimentally reduced the densities of 2 populations (1 high-density at 7 possums/ha and 1 low-density at 1.5 possums/ha) and did not manipulate another population. We then monitored home ranges of individual possums. The high-density manipulated population had a significant increase in home-range size and overlap within 5 weeks following reduction, whereas the other 2 populations did not. This research suggests that changes in possum home ranges following control are likely influenced by the initial density of the pest population. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

To minimize the impacts of introduced pests and to justify and prioritize pest control, managers need to know the relationship between pest density and damage. This relationship can be difficult to quantify because pest impacts can be highly variable. In New Zealand, introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) browse a wide range of native forest species. However, possum browse is extremely patchy making it difficult to quantify the relationship between density and damage, meaning the benefits of reducing possum densities are poorly understood. We quantified patterns of possum browse on kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa), a common canopy tree species, at 21 forest sites that were repeat‐measured over an 8‐year period in the North Island, New Zealand, during which time possum densities fluctuated widely. We fitted a multilevel statistical model in order to quantify the relationship between possum density and browse damage while simultaneously quantifying how browse varied among trees, sites and years. Higher possum densities were associated with greater browse damage, but browse was also patchily distributed among trees at the same site, and among sites and years for a given possum density. This heterogeneity meant there was no simple density damage relationship, with the relationship differing from tree to tree and among sites and years. Our results show that at most sites reductions in possum density would have little benefit in reducing the probability of heavy browse on kamahi trees, but at a few sites there would be substantial benefits. This approach provides insights into the pattern and potential causes of variability in possum impacts, and a quantitative basis for prioritizing sites for possum control.  相似文献   

Poisonous baits used for pest control in New Zealand commonly contain green dye and cinnamon oil to make them less attractive to birds. Research aimed at reducing the impact of poison based pest control on birds has shown that some birds are initially deterred from feeding on blue or, to a lesser extent, green coloured food and are attracted to yellow or red food. We determined whether colours that deter or attract birds affected the acceptance of non-toxic and toxic cereal baits by captive brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). Individual possums were offered, daily, a choice between a standard green dyed non-toxic cereal bait and either a blue dyed(17 possums) or yellow dyed non-toxic bait (16 possums) for 10 days. Following this, for the first group of 17 possums, 1080 toxin was added to either the green bait (9 possums) or blue bait (8 possums) and possums were offered the green versus blue choice again. Two additional groups that had not previously been fed cereal baits were also given a choice between blue and green baits, one of which was toxic. All possums offered non-toxic bait ate less on the first day of presentation than on subsequent days. There was no difference in acceptance of either blue or yellow coloured non-toxic bait compared to the standard green non- toxic bait on any days. Bait colour appeared to be unimportant in cereal bait choice and did not deter possums from eating any of the baits. The addition of toxin to baits did not significantly alter bait choice in any groups, although some individuals which had no previous experience with baits ate more toxic than non-toxic bait. These data suggest that adding a stronger bird deterring colour (i.e., blue) to poisonous baits is unlikely to adversely affect the acceptance of baits by possums.  相似文献   

Identifying the presence of bovine tuberculosis (TB; Mycobacterium bovis) in wildlife is crucial in guiding management aimed at eradicating the disease from New Zealand. Unfortunately, surveys of the principal wildlife host, the introduced brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), require large samples (> 95% of the population) before they can provide reasonable confidence that the disease is absent. In this study, we tested the feasibility of using a more wide-ranging species, feral pig (Sus scrofa), as an alternative sentinel capable of indicating TB presence. In January 2000, 17 pigs in four groups were released into a forested area with a low density of possums in which TB was known to be present. The pigs were radiotracked at 2 wk intervals from February to October 2000, and some of them were killed and necropsied at various intervals after release. Of the 15 pigs successfully recovered and necropsied, one killed 2 mo after release had no gross lesions typical of TB, and the only other pig killed at that time had greatly enlarged mandibular lymph nodes. The remainder were killed at longer intervals after release and all had gross lesions typical of TB. Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from all 15 pigs by mycobacterial culture. Home range sizes of pigs varied widely and increased with the length of time the pigs were in the forest, with minimum convex polygon range-size estimates averaging 10.7 km2 (range 4.7-20.3 km2) for the pigs killed after 6 mo. A 6 km radius around the kill site of each pig would have encompassed 95% of all of their previous locations at which they could have become infected. However, one pig shifted 35 km, highlighting the main limitation of using unmarked feral pigs as sentinels. This trial indicates use of resident and/or released free-ranging pigs is a feasible alternative to direct prevalence surveys of possums for detecting TB presence.  相似文献   

The importance of possums as competitors with livestock for pasture is sometimes used as justification for possum control. Unfortunately a confusion of wet and dry weight values of pasture and daily consumption by possums appears to have resulted in a significant overestimate of the economic costs of possums as pasture pests. A correctly estimated daily dry matter intake of pasture by possums is 0.0144 kg pasture dry matter per possum per day. For a possum density of 1 ha-1, this amounts to a reduction of about 1% of a stock unit ha-1 year-1. At higher possum densities, which often occur on farms adjacent to forest or scrub, losses would be correspondingly higher. A more direct way to measure possum impact on pasture production would be to use exclosures.  相似文献   

We have investigated the diversity of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci in the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula), an important marsupial pest species in New Zealand. Immunocontraceptive vaccines, a method of fertility control that employs the immune system to attack reproductive cells or proteins, are currently being researched as a means of population control for the possum. Variation has been observed in the immune response of individual possums to immunocontraceptives. If this variability is under genetic control, it could compromise vaccine efficacy through preferential selection of animals that fail to mount a significant immune response and remain fertile. The MHC is an important immune region for antigen presentation and as such may influence the response to immunocontraceptives. We used known marsupial MHC sequences to design polymerase chain reaction primers to screen for possum MHC loci. Alpha and beta chains from two class II families, DA and DB, were found in possums throughout New Zealand. Forty new class II MHC alleles were identified in the possum, and the levels of variability in the MHC of this marsupial appear to be comparable to those of eutherian species. Preliminary population surveys showed evidence of clustering/variability in the distribution of MHC alleles in geographically separate locations. The extensive variation demonstrated in possums reinforces the need for further research to assess the risk that such MHC variation poses for long-term immunocontraceptive vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

Habitat selection and spatial usage are important components of animal behavior influencing fitness and population dynamic. Understanding the animal–habitat relationship is crucial in ecology, particularly in developing strategies for wildlife management and conservation. As this relationship is governed by environmental features and intra‐ and interspecific interactions, habitat selection of a population may vary locally between its core and edges. This is particularly true for central place foragers such as gray and harbor seals, where, in the Northeast Atlantic, the availability of habitat and prey around colonies vary at local scale. Here, we study how foraging habitat selection may vary locally under the influence of physical habitat features. Using GPS/GSM tags deployed at different gray and harbor seals’ colonies, we investigated spatial patterns and foraging habitat selection by comparing trip characteristics and home‐range similarities and fitting GAMMs to seal foraging locations and environmental data. To highlight the importance of modeling habitat selection at local scale, we fitted individual models to colonies as well as a global model. The global model suffered from issues of homogenization, while colony models showed that foraging habitat selection differed markedly between regions for both species. Despite being capable of undertaking far‐ranging trips, both gray and harbor seals selected their foraging habitat depending on local availability, mainly based on distance from the last haul‐out and bathymetry. Distance from shore and tidal current also influenced habitat preferences. Results suggest that local conditions have a strong influence on population spatial ecology, highlighting the relevance of processes occurring at fine geographical scale consistent with management within regional units.  相似文献   

Studies of animal impulsivity generally find steep subjective devaluation, or discounting, of delayed rewards – often on the order of a 50% reduction in value in a few seconds. Because such steep discounting is highly disfavored in evolutionary models of time preference, we hypothesize that discounting tasks provide a poor measure of animals’ true time preferences. One prediction of this hypothesis is that estimates of time preferences based on these tasks will lack external validity, i.e. fail to predict time preferences in other contexts. We examined choices made by four rhesus monkeys in a computerized patch-leaving foraging task interleaved with a standard intertemporal choice task. Monkeys were significantly more patient in the foraging task than in the intertemporal choice task. Patch-leaving behavior was well fit by parameter-free optimal foraging equations but poorly fit by the hyperbolic discount parameter obtained from the intertemporal choice task. Day-to-day variation in time preferences across the two tasks was uncorrelated with each other. These data are consistent with the conjecture that seemingly impulsive behavior in animals is an artifact of their difficulty understanding the structure of intertemporal choice tasks, and support the idea that animals are more efficient rate maximizers in the multi-second range than intertemporal choice tasks would suggest.  相似文献   

Immunocontraceptive vaccines against zona pellucida (ZP) proteins are being developed for brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) management in New Zealand. Mapping of B cell epitopes on the ZP2 protein of possums was undertaken in this study to define the antigenic regions that may be crucial to sperm-egg binding. The amino acid sequence of the full-length possum ZP2 protein (712 amino acids) was used to synthesize a complete set of 71 (15-mer) biotinylated peptides with an offset of five amino acids. The peptides were used in a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to identify continuous epitopes recognized by antibodies in the sera of possums immunized with recombinant possum ZP2 (rZP2) constructs. Seventeen continuous epitopes were located on possum ZP2 protein. Comparisons of the peptide binding pattern of antibodies in individual sera with the fertility status of the same immunized possums revealed three significant infertility-relevant peptide epitopes (amino acids 111-125, 301-315, and 431-445). One of these (amino acids 431-445) bound to possum spermatozoa from the caudal epididymis. The implications of these findings for developing immunocontraceptive vaccines for possum control are discussed.  相似文献   

The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is one of the most abundant native marsupials in urban Australia, having successfully adapted to utilize anthropogenic resources. The habituation of possums to food and shelter available in human settlements has facilitated interaction with people, pets, and zoo animals, increasing the potential for transmission of zoonotic Cryptosporidium pathogens. This study sought to examine the identity and prevalence of Cryptosporidium species occurring in possums adapted to urban settings compared to possums inhabiting remote woodlands far from urban areas and to characterize the health of the host in response to oocyst shedding. Findings indicated that both populations were shedding oocysts of the same genotype (brushtail possum 1 [BTP1]) that were genetically and morphologically distinct from zoonotic species and genotypes and most closely related to Cryptosporidium species from marsupials. The urban population was shedding an additional five Cryptosporidium isolates that were genetically distinct from BTP1 and formed a sister clade with Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis. Possums that were shedding oocysts showed no evidence of pathogenic changes, including elevated levels of white blood cells, diminished body condition (body mass divided by skeletal body length), or reduced nutritional state, suggesting a stable host-parasite relationship typical of Cryptosporidium species that are adapted to the host. Overall, Cryptosporidium occurred with a higher prevalence in possums from urban habitat (11.3%) than in possums from woodland habitat (5.6%); however, the host-specific nature of the genotypes may limit spillover infection in the urban setting. This study determined that the coexistence of possums with sympatric populations of humans, pets, and zoo animals in the urban Australian environment is unlikely to present a threat to public health safety.  相似文献   

The presence of brodifacoum residues in possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) livers following routine possum control was investigated. Possums were poisoned in six nature reserves in the Wellington Region, New Zealand, using cereal baits containing 20 mg kg(-1) brodifacoum dispensed from bait stations. Thirty-five surviving possums, and five dead possums were sampled from the reserves following poisoning, and their livers analysed for the presence of brodifacoum. The majority (83%) of samples contained brodifacoum at concentrations ranging from 0.007 mg kg(-1) to 6.2 mg kg(-1). The presence of significant quantities of brodifacoum in possum carcasses following poisoning operations creates potential for secondary and tertiary poisoning of non-target species.  相似文献   

Introduced brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) are controlled over large parts of New Zealand to protect canopy trees. The condition of canopy trees is one of the cues used to trigger possum control, but selecting an indicator of canopy tree condition is difficult because many factors unrelated to possum browsing can affect canopy condition, and indices based on canopy scoring may not always quickly detect real changes in possum herbivory. We therefore investigated the usefulness of the percentage of fallen mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus) and kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) leaves browsed by possums (‘fallen-leaf browse’ or ‘FLB’) as a trigger for control aimed at protecting these tree species. We collected leaves falling from kamahi and mahoe trees every two months for two years at two study areas in the central North Island, one with initially high possum abundance (Oriuwaka) and the other with low possum abundance (Otupaka). We classified each of 92 384 leaves as either not-browsed, possum-browsed or insect-browsed. There was a strong and similar seasonal pattern in the mean number of fallen leaves per tree for both mahoe and kamahi at both study areas; fewest leaves fell in winter, and the most leaves fell in spring and early summer. Mahoe and kamahi FLB exhibited a similar seasonal pattern at both areas, being lowest in winter and highest in spring and early summer. FLB for both mahoe and kamahi declined following control of possums to low densities at Oriuwaka. The proportion of fallen mahoe and kamahi leaves browsed by possums was small compared with those browsed by insects or not browsed. We show that spring/early summer (i.e. September–December) is the best period for sampling FLB and that the mean FLB can be estimated with a CV of 20% if one trap is randomly placed under the canopy of each of 24 randomly located trees. However, CVs were much larger in other seasons and when possum abundance was low. We consider FLB to be a sensible trigger for initiating possum control when the objective of control is to protect canopy trees, but further work is needed to determine the relationships between possum abundance, FLB, canopy condition, and key tree demographic rates.  相似文献   

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